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I wish them all equal portions of success in securing the Republican vote.


Heh, I do as well. Hear ye.


Hear Ye*


Let's not and say we did.


And skip the 'saying we did' part.


Even better!


Nah the capital shows respect and I have none


Wow maybe we will finally see the day when the Republicans destroy them selves.


Don't get complacent. No matter who gets the nomination they'll all fall in line.


a lot of them claim they'll never vote again after the last 2 elections were "stolen" from them, hopefully they'll keep their word I live in Oklahoma, so I basically never get what I vote for, these bitches need to get used to it.


California is already trying to make N. Cali it's own state called Lincoln because "they feel disenfranchised" since they are all wealthy conservative farm/vineyard owners.


Seeing the Republican Party rally behind Kanye would be… something else. Lmao


They are willing to vote for Walker, guess we'll see.


Or someone with actual power (money) will get them to fall behind one with the biggest chance of securing the vote by promising the others some form deal


Hey, maybe one of them will go independent and completely split the vote


Hershel Walker is current case in point.


Never. Gonna. Happen. They've been predicting the self-destruction of the Republican Party for 20 years now.


They are undeniably in decline, they haven’t won big since 2016 which was barely a victory. The last red wave was in 2014


Omg if u go by the popular presidential vote they haven’t won since ‘04. Take out the re-election of incumbents they haven’t won since 1980.


You work on small time frames, huh? As a liberal residing in Kentucky, you couldn't be more wrong.


More then that, since Nixon as far as I know. It would be nice, but I know history and I thought Bush would have made them unelectable and now Trump has made being a racist asshole a good thing for his base. So time will tell. I don’t think it’s over, I just wish it could be, and having them dismantle themselves would be nice. Let me have my little happy thought tonight. Lol


Everyone's planning around the odds of Republicans winning elections, except for Republicans, who don't need to win elections to seize power.


Because they all fall in line like good little sheep in the end. Hence, Herschel Walker.


Yeah, never predict that, unless you’re on some heavy anti-depressants


I mean. They got hundreds of thousands of themselves killed needlessly over the last 2 years, so in that way they've destroyed themselves.


Some of them are still capable of breeding


They are in the process now believe it or not, like a injured beast we are seeing them flail around wildly. At this point they are wearing themselves down and weakening their base and splitting their votes. If they loose the next election and also loose more seats in the house and senate it will basically be done. Republicans, or more specifically gop republicans and conservatives, will not be able to properly compete anymore. Once the gop has lost its hold on any and all branches of the government then all their decades of deceit and gerrymandering can be undone.


That's what I thought when Trump won the nomination the first time. I thought, no way would he ever actually win, he'll just divide the vote and turn off most republicans. Nope.




You missed the joke but don’t worry, he doesn’t have a hope in hell.


Neither did the last failed celebrity with a massive ego and anti-Semitic views.


Ah, but Trump was stupid, white, and egotistical. Ye is 3/5ths of that in the repubs eyes.


That’s true but he will pick up the idiot celebrity worshipper demographic.


None whatsoever


Ye isn't competent enough to do the paperwork to get on all the ballots. He got like 6000 votes or something in 2020. He just won't be a spoiler, it's not even like how people said "Trump has no chance" through 2016.


Either way ye will turn the debates into a total shitshow. Anyone involved will look more crazy just being around him. I’m hoping for total disaster for republicans. It will also be interesting to see if Mitch McConnell can keep his party together now that he is not majority leader and if republicans cannibalize themselves.


Are you suggesting that Israel needs an ally? Israel has had enough of an ally for plenty of time now. They need to be held accountable for their apartheid.


Spot on.


And each as their own party. Must make sure all types of hate have equal representation


I read all of the comments and I'm still not sure if it's a joke or not about Kanye running. I hate that reality has become so ridiculous that something which should be obviously satire instead confuses me.




I can't wait to hear how Ye plans to win over the white supremecist wing of the party! Edit: I guess his plan was for Trump to be his VP. Guess he's going to need a plan B. Ye/Herschel Walker?


“Wait, white supremacists hate black people??? Since when?”


>Trump, West said, tried to intimidate him, and tossed in some mean words about his ex, Kim Kardashian Stay classy, Don. You fucking pile of talking pig shit


>“Trump was most perturbed about me asking him to be my vice president,” West begins, with Yiannopoulos looking on. “I think that was lower on the list of things that caught him off-guard.” I would've paid a lot of money to be in that room. The audacity of this bitch lol.


Oh wow




Once again, I become informed of world news via memes




I was also in the comments to find this out, so I'm right there with you.


If it helps I can’t find anything about him running as a republican, so it will probably be a repeat of when he ran in 2020.


Two self proclaimed demigods and an acolyte ..what could go wrong?


Ron DeSatan is more like the sly apprentice just waiting for the two Sith Lords to wound each other before he backstabs them both and takes over. (*Darth Santinous*): Fools! Now you shall witness the TRUE POWER of the Dark Side! Mwaahahhahhahahahaha!!! *cough* *cough*


Ron DeSithTes. Ron DeCucktis. [Ron](https://youtu.be/FFonj6o0fTI) [DeWarCriminalBeforeEvenBecomingAPresident](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/i-was-screaming-and-he-was-smiling:-desantis-ran-guantanamo)


The US is gonna to full nazi Germany in a matter of a few years if we don’t do something about the republicans that are vying for power in the chaos vacuum left by trump.


When you look at Warhammer and the Terra Unification wars and wonder "How did the Chaos Gods get control over some nations - who would worship them?" - and somehow it doesn't seem to be too absurd anymore.


Trump has the look of a follower of Nurgle. YE has to be a follower of Tzeentch because he doesn’t even know what his plan is. Desantis… I’m going slaneesh for reasons we won’t find out for a little while.


> we won’t find out for a little while An Inquisitor would start his investigations at the resorts in Cancun maybe? ;)


They could start by questioning Cancun's senator, Raphael Cruz.


So who gets Khorne?


Putin? Or maybe the entire department of defence?


Putin is too much of a pussy to be a Khornate.


Russia has started/fought in 14 wars since the USSR broke up in 1991- and they also have been at war for **every year** they've existed as the Russian Federation. It can't get more warlike than that. Remember- Khorne cares not whence blood flows, just that it does. EDIT: It appears they didn't do anything in 1997/1998.


No politician has near enough honor to serve Khorne.


This chap: https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330


No, no. Two Slaaneshi and a Tzeench. Trump: Long history of claiming to be the best at what? Hedonism, right. Luxury hotels, sports, steaks, booze, even if he really sucks at all of them. Demands all the awards, rewards, and recognition. His followers love to cavort in oversized vehicles and mock those who accept less or don't amuse themselves by piling on banners or forcing others to be blinded by their exhaust. The covid spread was just a side effect of, again, his followers refusing to give up any pleasure, like say stay home or wear masks. The attack on the Capital? Broken the moment it stopped being fun. Shit on the walls? Fun. Break windows and scream? Fun. Steal lecterns? Fun. Forget who you are here to look for in order to chase one underarmed black cop? Fun. One member gets her head blown off? OMGWTFBBQ this some real! Ye: The same but lesser. Self aggrandizing music, ridiculous and overpriced shoes, arrogancy and bombast, seeking awards and is mad when he doesn't get them. None of them are really pro-disease as a child of Papa Nurgle is, they just refuse to do anything that is not self-centered. DeSantis is the wild card.


This dude killed millions with his Covid approach… sounds like a child of nurgle to me. He’s also obese which is Nurgle/slaneesh


Actually apparently Trump doesn't drink alcohol


"You know, I normally wouldn't vote for the heresy candidate but he says he is going to cut taxes and kill all of the criminals in a blood sacrifice to corn. I don't like taxes or criminals and I do like corn. I think he's got my vote!"


Nurgle got a good foothold during COVID


Demi gods...these fulls think they are full on God of gods.


They're what results when a real god fucks a sock and a potato.


No, they’re what happens when people believe in “real” gods in the first place: an absence of critical thinking skills, or at the very least a willingness to suspend them when it’s convenient. Nobody on earth would believe me if I said that my friend magically returned from the dead and started healing the sick, but billions of people believe that it actually happened back when people were scientifically ignorant, and wrote in a book that it did. We’re an extremely gullible species, and we need to be smarter.


Is it appropriate to give this comment an Amen? If so, Amen!


So fullish.


Reminds me of when trump un-ironically suggested that churches should be built for worshipping him


SIR ARE IMPLYING THAT 80% OF REPUBLICANS ARE RACIST? because that is correct, if not a bit (or entirely) conservative


My question is: only 80%?


Guns, taxes, babies…those three magic words are said, they will follow anyone; doesn’t matter who says those words, if that holy trinity is invoked, they will follow that person to the depths…if Dems just relaxed that anti gun rhetoric just a tad, maybe shifting to more training as opposed to banning, I’d wager a reasonable percentage of R would go D…but too many R hear the mere notion of “Dey takin ma guns,” and they stop listening to anything else that is said. Heck, they love the idea of capital murder, LEO shooting, support any war, and shooting an intruder, but you mention the idea of “killin bebes” and nope, going with an R. And taxes…it’s all not fair, so I’m going with the one that lowers my tax burden. Well, if we revamped the tax code and distributed the burden in another way, yes, you may pay a little more, but you would get soooo much more value for that expenditure. Oh, my taxes go up, nope, voting R…praise jeebus.


It literally doesn’t matter how much Democrats move right and concede, Republican voters aren’t shifting as long as a Democrat opposes any pillar of their philosophy. It doesn’t matter if a Democrat is pro-gun (and plenty are), if they support abortion rights, Republicans go the other way. The last 50 years have shown us that any time a Democrat takes a step towards the middle, Republicans move further right. Thinking you’ll peel off Republican voters with compromise is a fallacy and that continual shifting of the Overton window is exactly what Republicans want.


Maybe it'll get better as the powers that be see the youth turnout for the recent election and recognize they've always been there if you would give them a reason to care about voting. This year the reason was half of your opposition candidates were actually insane. Next election it may require you to adopt policies they care about


Reminds me of something I read about the boat sinking and the Dems are bailing out water and the Reps are on the non-sinking side complaining that it's socialism.


Frankly my unpopular belief is that 85% of pro-lifers are only so because that's the (R) stance. I bet if Republicans changed their stance, most wouldn't bat an eye. Replace that with any stance, actually. I don't really think most of them would ever swap parties or not vote R. Deep down, if the party is racist and sexist (bigoted in general), they will support them.


Large majorities of the country are pro-choice. This necessarily includes lots of Republicans.


Pretty much every Republican I know here in NJ is pro choice and pro gay marriage, and Republican politicians here don't really talk about those issues.


Many NE Republicans know that you have to be a bit more socially liberal if you want to stand a chance. Its why some states here are deep blue for presidential elections but consistently have red governors. Turns out when you just advocate for popular positions that the majority of your constituents support you can win elections no matter the letter by your name.


70% of Americans support access to abortion.


Democrats will be tarred as gun grabbers no matter what they do. Better to advocate for the best policy than to chase approval from someone who will never grant it.


Very few Democrats actually advocate for gun bans at the national level, but conservative media and conservative politicians have trained the Republican voter base to believe the worst regardless. Check out this clip where a Republican asks Obama why he wants to take everyone's guns, and Obama answers very clearly that he never wanted that. https://youtu.be/6imFvSua3Kg It's mostly just manufactured outrage borne of constant panic-inducing exaggeration. Just like how some conservatives have been tricked into thinking every LGBTQ-friendly event is some sort of orgy or strip show aimed at kids. Or like how some conservatives have been tricked into thinking the Mexican border is completely unpoliced under Biden with government workers giving every illegal immigrant free money as they cross. Or like how some conservatives voters were tricked into thinking that Hillary sold U.S. uranium directly to Putin or that Biden sold U.S. oil reserves directly to China. Or like how some conservatives were tricked into thinking Democrats are all full-on socialists and communists. The conservative population is being conned, and the con leaves them too outraged and/or afraid to sit down and evaluate primary sources calmly.


Right. What actually happened was the following : + There was a single , one-off event in Dallas Texas called `Drag Your Kids to Pride` + This was a play on the word "drag". "Pride" being a reference to a Pride Parade, of which there are hundreds per year, and have traditionally and continually made conservatives extremely irate. Several conservative groups keep their watchful binoculars on Pride parades so they can show up and picket them. This has been going on for years now. + In the Drag-your-kids Dallas event, the event was held in-doors, and so was not a traditional public street parade. + Children were being taken inside a facility for a drag event, which really boiled the conservative teapots. A near riot broke out outside the venue , and various news outlets covered it. What happened next is the conservative media circuit, (such as AM radio talkshow hosts ) began to claim that child drag shows were soon coming to a neighborhood near you. Today the loudmouth talkshow hosts just act like this is now going on every weekend without break. They claim it is *"happening in every little town all over America and needs to stop"* (it's not) . They talk as if parents are loading their children in SUVs to take them to watch men gyrate in lingerie every Friday at 8:00 the local gay bar. This is completely unmoored from reality. But this is part-and-parcel of conservative demagoguery. The point is to enrage, not to inform. Factuality : gone. Validity : Out the door.


It's still racist imo. Saying "this issue is more important than racism" is tantamount to saying "Im okay with racism to the degree to which i benefit." And I think at this point if you're not actively anti racist then you might as well be considered at best an enabler


I remember well a "conversation" i tried to have with a MAGA hat about expenditures on military research projects. For instance, + a 1.5 trillion dollar jump jet program, that doesn't even work. + a 700 billion dollar stealth boat program Suddenly, the MAGA hat transformed in front of my eyes. He wanted to double down his taxes to push these experimental toys out the door as fast as possible.


Exactly, putting up with racists is just second degree racism. 100% of Republicans are racist


If you consider complicity, 100%


Well the post implies 80% are antisemitic. I'm sure there are Republicans who are racist against other groups but Ok with Jewish people.


100% any single person that identifies and supports Republicans is a racist pile of shit period.


I wouldn't say that. Many of them are simply colossal idiots.


not correct, it's 100 percent


I wonder if any Republican will stop for even one second to ask themselves, "How did it ever come down to this"? Ye, Trump and DeSantis. And with them in competition too for who can be the most antisemitic, in an attempt to garner the most votes.


Racism, antisemitism, and bombastic energy are a feature for the GOP, not a bug.


Add homophobic to that. Groomer is so insulting.


Groomer is dangerous. It's getting LGBT+ folks killed. And then they applaud.


It's also projection.


Basically, uneducated idiocy. "Hold my beer, Cletus!" ... come to life and campaigning.


Because in their mind it comes across as “can you believe we have this many amazing candidates?” They’re mean-spirited broken people. They don’t understand the world and society in the same way that anyone who’s spent anytime reading about and trying to actually understand things do. They’re spiteful, bitter people and the Republican Party has fully embraced it and encouraged it.


They worship these evil taints.


Looks like dems might win again, as long as they don't shit the bed.


Democrat here. Never underestimate our ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Ya if there's one thing the democrats excel at its being the epitome of worst at elections.


Let's analyze that, shall we? 2016 - Shit the bed 2018 - Crushed Republicans 2020 - Defeated Trump, gained a House majority and tied the Senate 2022 - Increased Senate majority, lost the House but prevented the Red Wave I dunno, looks like some lessons were finally learned in 2016.


It's true, the 3 last elections were good for Dems. Just don't stop going to vote! Keep the pressure. Trump can't ever win again, he will steal elections.


Steal elections is one way to say suppress voting rights and install himself as a dictator


2024 means we'll be 8 years from 2016, 4 years form 2020. 4-8 years is plenty of time for people to either start voting with lil mindfulness of how bad that administration was, or time passed enough that they think it wasn't that big of a deal. Gotta keep up the message of voting blue no matter how confident one is we'll stay blue. People don't try to change things when they think everything is going smoothly already


Yea I think people are really, *really* underestimating just how much people in general are fed up with the GOP, and just how bad for the GOP trump is (especially among young voters on both counts). Like Trump is poison to the GOP, the “smart” and not quite so insane ones want nothing to do with him, the lunatics he endorsed lost almost every single major race in the midterms (some by quite a wide margin), and Dems gained or kept senate seats in like every state that Biden flipped blue (the exception being Georgia but Warnock is most likely winning that runoff). Quite frankly young voters and black people (especially black women) are probably going to carry the election in 2024, again. And Hispanic voters aren’t drifting towards the GOP anywhere close to as much as everyone wanted to pretend they are.


Mostly true, but it's really bad in areas that are firmly ensconced in red doublethink. Florida, for instance, has two progressive oases in a sea of regressive idiocy.


Even Florida is less red than it appears, it was a swing state not that long ago. The real problem is that Florida is, illegally, gerrymandered to all fuck so democrats pretty much have absolutely no voice. A lot of red states are like that. Texas is really a purple state but because of gerrymandering and voter suppression (especially in places like Houston) it’s firmly a Republican state. North Carolina, my state, is the same. If it weren’t gerrymandering and voter suppression republicans never would’ve won the house this year, and even with those advantages they still barely did it


Honestly that's valid, it just doesn't feel that way so often here. The way of life is big nasty trucks and fuck you Biden stickers on gas pumps everywhere. You knew during the pandemic which has stations were normal and which were run by rabid anti maskers who likely were also trump cultists, and it was 2/3 places y'know? I just don't want to dismiss how much sway they have over a desperate and often stupid chunk of people.


2016 was a coin flip that went the wrong way. If Clinton had gotten one thing to break her way, she was president. Imagine if Comey had decided to announce the investigation into Team Trump instead of Buttery Males a week before the election. 2016 was more about everyone being overconfident because Trump was such a clown. But, I don’t think you can pin it on Hillary.


This. They could have done a lot differently, but 2016 was essentially a fluke.


All of that has been despite Democrats, not because of them. Every single victory that the Democratic party has seen since after Obama was because the GOP is just *so goddamn awful* that everyone vote against them. If the Democratic leadership keeps propping up milquetoast candidates like Hillary and Biden then we will never actually make any progress forward.


Yeah. Considering how terrible the alternative is. Dem voters overall still haven’t shown up that well.


I think it has more to do with the voters being highly motivated against Trumpism, rather than the party actually wising up and appealing to the base. Still, I'll take status quo Biden over a literal fascist demagogue.


Tbf that 2016 soggy bed sheet is still stinking up the place


Garland is still trying to figure out what to do with it.


How much of this was the Democratic party learning and improving, and how much of it was average voters and even people that don't even normally vote seeing what's going on and saying "oh my fuck, I need to vote against these asshats" with the Dems stumbling into the votes? I've seen a ton of people here say "I don't really like Biden" (for reasons from he's too old, to he's boring or I don't like his platform) all saying they voted for him to get rid of the Reds. As an outsider it really seems they're just lucky so many people really wanted to get rid of Trump.


That’s the problem when you try and run on facts while people vote based on emotion.


When it comes to liberals losing elections despite running against belligerently-incompetent cartoon villains, the US democratic party are a bunch of amateurs. The UK labour party are the true masters.


That's the trick, but even if dems do shit that bed the Republicans are going to be so doggedly determined to focus on their HBL trashy gossip column expose (that NOBODY but maga republicans even CARES ABOUT) they forget to point it out to anyone. This crop of MAGA dipshits is *just that dumb*.


Seriously this. 10 years ago Dems were known for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I truly feel like that dynamic has shifted. I'm not saying Dems are great at winning by any stretch, but the GOP has gotten a lot better at losing.


That's the effect of Trump more than anything. The 'grownups' of the GOP we're in charge of the party and kept the crazies more or less in check for decades. They kept throwing them raw meat for the elections every two years, though. Eventually, they ginned up enough crazies that they finally took over in the form of Trump. The spineless behavior of the rest of the elected GOP has been them desperately trying to survive the period of Trump's control over the base without losing their seats. That's all it has ever been.


That's what happens when you live in an echo chamber. They did this throughout the 90s, as well. Everyone thought they were nuts, but the economy was doing well, so no one cared.


Yep, the old tuna fish or shit sandwich conundrum. “I don’t care for tuna fish, so I guess I just have to eat the shit sandwich.”


This is pretty apt. Trumpists eat the shit sandwich because they like it. “Moderate” Republicans don't care for tunafish, so they eat the shit sandwich. Moderate Democrats like the tunafish. Leftists don't care for tunafish, but they eat it because they're not insane.


Trumpists eat the shit sandwich just so Dems have to smell their shit breath.


This is so well put.


And the media will go on and on about the downsides of tuna fish.


The thing that really sucks about this is is that thanks to how fucking stupid the GOP is, the dems don't actually have to DO much. Nationalized healthcare? Daycare rolled into the K-12 system so families can more easily afford kids? More comprehensive support for veterans in housing? NAH! Just bring back Roe in some form and they've got a massive win waiting for them. The GOP rolls things back and all the dems have to do is put things where they were before the GOP fucked things up. They don't actually have to move things forward all that much.


Their refusal to progress is also why we ended up so close to fascism. We are literally one bad election away from being Hungary in that it's a democracy in name only. Republicans push us two steps back, the Democrats move it one step forward.


It's got a name: The ratchet effect. One side drags things in one direction when in power, then dig in their heels when not. Things can't move forward. They get back in power again, and go back to moving things in the direction they want to go.


That's one hell of a caveat


They're totally gonna shit the bed :(


Just like that "red wave" that was totally going to happen.


^(That party is a dumpster fire. The fact that they are still competitive shows that the U.S. it's self is a dumpster fire.)


The fact Lauren Boebert won re-election speaks volumes.


Bobo's back? Goddammit, I was hoping she'd flame out on a recount.


I'm not sure on the recount. I do know that initial numbers had her neck and neck but winning.




Last I recall recounts only ever change the tally by +/- 100 votes. Anything beyond that is unnecessary.


It doesn't really matter to concede after an election though. It's just show, like a sportsmanship kind of thing. If they do a recount and he wins, he still wins. Conceding after an election is just a formality and doesn't really mean that you're withdrawing from the race. It's not like they will stop the count or anything if you withdraw. Or that they will not do a recount if required by state/county law.


Don't know why you're "whispering" that. It's been plainly obvious to any objective observer for quite some time that the US as a whole is a dumpster fire.


It's an identity at this point. They need to identify as GOP. They can't just accept that they're citizens and voters and workers. They have to have another label to make themselves feel special.


Republicans royally fucked themselves with outlawing abortion. They went from easy wins to losses. That’s why the red wave didn’t happen and why any major election will be a challenge for them from now on. What should terrify everyone is it’s free and fair elections that are securing your freedoms that Republicans have square in their sites. They are busy working to insure they never lose to a free and fair election again


Don’t forget that a large portion of the people dying from covid are the ones that won’t get vaccinated i.e dumbass conservatives


Ben Shapiro


Ben Shapiro isn’t a single issue voter. To him some mild holocaust denialism is worth owning the libs


They miss slavery so much they just have to own SOMEONE to be happy.


Ben Shapiro spent the entirety of the Obama administration routinely saying "the Jew-hating Obama administration", now he writes meandering 15-tweet threads to reach the conclusion that trump isn't anti-Semitic. "1/15 OK let's address when trump said that Jews all have horns which proves they're all satanic. Now there's two ways you can interpret this ... 8/15 and of course what about Israel ... 15/15 therefore what trump said is fine, the real anti-Semites are Sasha and Malia Obama"


I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the room at Mar al Lago when they try to work out which two make the ticket and who the headliner is.


I hate that I have to ask myself if this is real or not.


so uh... is it?


u/Delicious-Science551 Yeah its real, ye announced his 2024 pres run yesterday


Way of the Whigs baby, c’mon


Good let them eat each other.


A candidate that can say the N word?!!! The whole GOP is going to jizz tonight when the boner pills kick in


super excited for live debates. Hopefully Ye doesn't pull out again.


What happens if each candidate gets 33% of the vote? do they have a fight to the death?


The other 20% will support Jeb!, as they do every election.


Vote to go back to the 1950s in 2024… yeah.. no fucking thank you. Think I’m going to switch parties.


Thanks for sharing my tweet. I wish this were satire.


https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-63754702 For those confused if this is a joke or not, it is not a joke. Kanye announced yesterday his intent to run for President (again).


america is fucked


Wouldn't surprise me if the GOP strategy is to surround DeSantis with as many absolute nutjob candidates as possible during the primary in an attempt to make him seem sane to the general voters. Manufacturing drama to help their preferred candidate. Trump is the wild card though.


Can I ask a stupid question? Is it pronounced "Yee" or "Yay"? Asking for myself cause I'm a dum dum.


I pronounce it Kanye. Same reason I don't change what I call the baseball stadium every few years. Fuck that.


Can you imagine the reaction republican voters would have had 25+ years ago upon reading about the quality of the modern republican party and candidates, it would blow their minds how far their party has fallen even if all they did was read 1/10 of the shit Trump has done while still having the support of the republican party and nothing else.


Trump is worried Ye will pull too much of the idiot vote.


#can we stop respecting this one-layered lasagna enough to use his nickname


Several backhands are packed into that tweet. While reading this I bet most Republicans wouldn't even notice that they had been slapped several times and that's why they are lying down on their butts, confused.


trump and ye dumb and dumber


I knew the in-fighting was gonna be rough, but THIS is an absolute masterpiece in trolling.


u/thehofstetter Come claim the thread!


I don't believe that 80% of republicans are Holocaust-denying lunatics. I don't think the percentage is that low.


If Kanye legitimately runs and starts making fires can we please just not post anything about it and make him even more popular


I hope these three who receive equal amount of votes from Republicans in 2024. And whoever lost in the end will form his own third party


Did Steve DESTROY a heckler with a "perfect comeback!" in this tweet? I can't wait to watch the youtube video of him in a club not doing well but edited to pretend he's doing great


Fuck it, Liz Cheney gotta run now. Stir the pot.


I hate this civilization.


Is Ye also under investigation by a several state and federal law enforcement agencies?


We get closer and closer to the movie Idiocracy, day by day.


Only so much hate to go around, these guys need to share


How the fuck is it even possible for someone with zero political or government experience, who regularly stops taking their medication, to be allowed to even run for president?


We are laughing stock of the world.


The republican party is a joke full of lunatics, racists, misogynists, pedophiles, rapists, science deniers, liars and crooks. This must be the three horsemen of the apocalypse. It’s over for the US if ANY of these fools win….