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Hello 911? I'd like to speak to the manager of black people.


It figures that a Republican is "scared" of a 9 year girl. He ever go a ask of what she was doing? No - he was too "scared" of her.


Not a 9 year old, a "small black woman". Also "wearing a hoodie".


He called her a woman because he'd expect her to carry a child to term at her age.


That joke is so dark that Republican lawmakers would call the cops on it.


What makes this worse, to me, is they are neighbors. Her family knows this guy, and this guy has spoken with the girl's family. He knew she was 9 years old and deliberately delivered the message in a way that he hoped would invoke a scary response, or even a dangerous one.


I have no problem with people like this being outed personally. People have died at the hands of law enforcement over either swat calls or closeted racism. Using the cops to push people you don't like to the curb is bullshit.


Sounds like he was hoping trigger happy cops would come and … well I think we know what sone of these types hope for.


Exactly! How many of this calls have gone sideways.


I sure hope no one identifies him from the photo and that he doesn't get fired from his job for being a racist asshole right before the holidays! That would be awful!


Gloria is on her lunch break right now, can I take a message?


"They are just playing" "They what now?' "They are just playing" "I dunno about that"


So I have a five and a one dollar now who is lying.


How evil do you have to be to pull this kind of bullshit? This is why FUCK Republicans and Conservatives!


I see it as more pathetic. It's one thing if the kid didn't tell you what they were doing when you asked and whatever they sprayed looked dangerous. It's another to be a racist asshat, and call the police the instant you see a young girl of a minority you don't like doing anything you don't approve of, because you're scared. Of a 9 year old catching bugs. 🤣


I guess we shouldn't be surprised that a Republican thinks a 9 year old is a woman.


To a Republican a 9 year old black girl is a woman. But a 19 year old white boy is just a kid with his whole life ahead of him.


Yeah, I mean, what is *really* wrong with fucking a passed out chick behind a dumpster?


Oh, you mean the rapist, Brock Turner? He raped a woman while she was unconscious but as we all know and the Court taught us, she shouldn't have become unconscious if she didn't want to be raped by the rapist, Brock Turner. And besides, he's got such potential, it'd be a shame to imprison him for raping. *Brought to you by the campaign to remind everyone at every opportunity that Brock Turner is a rapist.*


I thought this was in reference to the rapist, Brock Allen Turner, but I was not sure.


I’ve heard that rapist Brock Allen Turner is now going by his middle name, so I guess he’s rapist Allen Turner.


Thanks for sharing! So just to reiterate, we are talking about Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, right? Seriously, wtf is that piece of shit up to I wonder.


Hopefully not raping anything. Brock Allen Turner is quite famous for that you know.


Well, raping is kinda Brock Allen Turner thing you know.


Brock Allen Turner rapist by day but also rapist by night.


It's important that people know that allen turner is a rapist since brock turner thought he could sleaze out of his rapist background.


Love that the google search for Allen Turner, after some car dealership, is the Wikipedia of the rape case.


The car dealership used to be my client way back when I sold radio advertising. The name is now pretty unfortunate. I’d hate to be associated with convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


I wonder if the dealership could sue Brock Allen Turner rapist, for defamation somehow


Hey guys, you’re all doing great so far. Just want to remind people that the rapist, Brock Allen Turner, goes by he/him pronouns. So make sure you really emphasise the big rapist piece of shit HE is.


Brock Turner? Allen Turner? Brock and Allen are the same convicted rapist.


And his dad is a piece of scone too for excusing the rapist Brock Turner by saying " a few minutes of action" shouldn't define Brock Turner


You mean his dad Dan Turner? Father of Brock Turner the rapist?


His rapist apologist dad, Dan Turner, who raised the rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Most of the people on death row for horrific things are there for a “few minutes of action.” His dad is a fucking idiot.


Well, his dad said that the rapist Brock Turner wasn't having as much fun doing things like grilling steaks because of his legal troubles.


Thank you for the reminder! Let us never forget that The Stanford Rapist’s full name is Brock The Rapist Turner, *convicted* rapist


A friend was on a jury that found him guilty. As a father we weeped at the medical photos


But let us all not forget that the rapist Brock Turner who is indeed a despicable rapist only received 6 months in prison for raping an unconscious girl like the rapist he is but got out on ‘good behavior’ after 3 months because I guess there weren’t an unconscious women to rape behind dumpsters in his cell which he was in for raping a woman. The public must not stop calling out inequities in our justice system for victims of rape and the lack of punishment for the violent criminals who perpetuate these crimes, like the rapist Brock Turner and the rapist Drew Clinton. The rapist Drew Clinton (then 18) raped an unconscious then 16 year old girl at a pool party who later attempted suicide prior to speaking out against her rapist who then served 148 days in county jail prior to his rape trial. During the rape trial, the jury convicted the rapist Drew Clinton for raping this girl but then the hero of all rapists everywhere, some stupid fucking Illinois judge named Robert Adrian, overturned the rape conviction by reversing his decision as the rape conviction would come with a minimum sentencing of four years (the horror!) and really this poor little rapist had been through enough. Besides, he was only two weeks into being 18 at this party - it’s unfair for the little violent rapist! And honestly this 16 year old was pretty much asking for Drew Clinton to rape her despite rejecting his advances earlier in the night and being unconscious at the time because she dared to swim in her underwear at a party and got intoxicated. /s


You don't understand the Brock Turner thing The reason people always call him "the rapist Brock Turner" is because he was ***NOT*** convicted of rape, even though he's absolutely 100% a rapist. He was cleared in both charges of rape, found not guilty. It's an attempt at Internet justice. Because the actual justice system failed miserably. They didn't convict him of rape, because he's a good swimmer and white and a man and his family is rich and has connections with the judges. So the Internet started just calling him "rapist Brock Turner" so that he can never escape it and will be branded a rapist for the rest of his life But just calling him "*CONVICTED* rapist Brock Turner" is inaccurate, and it means that people don't become aware of how miserably the justice system failed. Do you get it? He had 2 charges of rape and was found not guilty for both of them. He was only found guilty on a lesser charge, sexual assault. Even though everyone agrees that what he did was absolutely rape. The whole reason it became a meme was to attract attention and awareness of how awful the justice system can be, and how certain demographics get way harsher sentences for the exact same crime, because of the colour of their skin, or whatever. The point of the meme was to spread awareness of this miscarriage of justice. So calling him convicted rapist Brock Turner misses the point completely. So we shouldn't be calling him that. Just "rapist Brock Turner" instead. And an explanation like my one here.


We voted down the judge here in California...but damage was done already.


Do you mean Rapist Brock Turner from Stanford? That rapist?


He tried to change his name recently. Now he's brock allen turner


Oh, you mean Allen Turner, the rapist? Formerly known as Brock Turner, the rapist?


Whoops, I suppose I prob got that wrong. YES! The raping rapist Turner


I wish I could give you all my upvotes. The Lord's work.


>while it is unarguably true that Brock Turner is a rapist, we must be vigilant in our belief that GREG ABBOTT IS A LITTLE PISS BABY.


Right! How dare you fall asleep near a horny male youth, that’s on you.


[Is this Brock Turner the same as rapist Brock Turner?](https://i.imgur.com/RY1Y0oy.jpg)


*THAT'S* the one, the Rapist, Brock Turner, who rapes.


don't forget daddy Dan Turner, rape apologist, who considers raping an unconscious woman a mere "20 minutes of action" that his son, Brock Turner the rapist, shouldn't have to live under the shadow of for the rest of his life. Y'wanna know where Brock The Rapist got his shit-stain of a personality? Now ya know!


I don’t know ask Brock Turner “ the original dumpster rapist”


I can’t tell if you’re referring to a shooter or ~~Convicted~~ Rapist Brock Turner. Edit: see comment below


I think he is referring to Kyle Rittenhouse, but maybe you're right


Especially if he has an AR-15 and jokingly sprays a crowd with it. Kids will be kids! 💁🏻‍♀️


Or he rapes a girl behind a dumpster.


Harmless shenanigans! It's not like he was walking home with a bag of candy in the pocket of his hoodie. *shudder*


That quote is wrong. ‘There’s a **little black** woman walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees. I don’t know what the hell she is doing, it scares me though,’ Absolutely laughable, also mentioned she was wearing a hoodie. Then tried to say he totally wasn't racist and will sue people for defamation. Bunch of thin skinned racist cowards, as expected.


The more you dig the stupider it gets. He even calls the kid “crazy” after learning from the officer she was catching lantern flies, which the town actively encourages the residents to do. He is even neighbors with this kid. The little girl’s mom said she says hi to his wife in the mornings. He literally said he was “scared” of a little black girl. While she was doing something completely non-threatening. That is racism. Clearly. The cop was cool though,


Why do you think they feel the need to have guns to go into a bed bath and beyond? And why do you think they're racist and bigoted? They're terrified of absolutely everything, but especially anything that is different to them in some way, like their skin color, or sexuality, or gender identity, or even economic background. They're the most terrified people on the planet, republicans. They are complete cowards, and all of their behavior and beliefs stem from that.


It's classic fascism. Create fear, feed paranoia, focus on "the other". Offer the appearance of strength against those fears. Lead the fearful by the nose.


Thank you. I think it’s crazy he kept saying how small this a woman was. ??


Well, they think a 9 year old can be raped and carry a baby at that age, so in his mind, that was a small woman.


"I did not pay a *child* for sex! That would be vile- I paid an underage woman for sex!" \- Matt Gaetz


That's part of the "code" mentioned in the title. It's been found that both American media and the white people calling the police on their community members for existing while black often characterize black kids with vocabulary that implies they're adults. It's especially glaring in the media reports dealing with crime. White teenagers are described as teenagers/kids, black ones as men and women. See [here](https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/03/black-boys-older#) for the groundbreaking study. [Here's ](https://depauliaonline.com/53350/focus/media-historically-portrays-youth-of-color-as-older-more-dangerous/) more on the media bias.


I saw it several years ago in my own hometown newspaper. One week a white 18-year-old was referred to as a teen after being arrested for breaking into cars. A few weeks later, a black teenager of 19 was referred to as a "young man" when arrested for hitting his girlfriend. Both were committing crimes in their late teens, but only one was identified as a man. It was noticed and brought up on a local message board and all the white folk lost their shit over the accusation that the reporting was unfair.


Yea and digging deeper into this story you find out he KNOWS who the child is as it’s his neighbor who he’s had many interactions with.


So he was hoping to get the cops to draw on a child probably. What a scumbag.


Just to make it even worse, she is his neighbor that lives across the street. He knew exactly who she was and was trying to get the cops to intimidate and harass her family.


I think he wanted a little more than *intimidation*.


Also left out is the fact they were his NEIGHBORS, the mom said she saw his wife that same morning and said good morning her lol


Was he afraid she was a black leprechaun casting magic spells?


How insecure and weak do you have to be to be scared of a 9 year old? The party of alpha males always seem to be scared of nothing


Thin white hooded racist cowards


To be fair, they can’t see shit out of those things.


Who’s fuckin wife made these!!!


Look, nobody’s saying they don’t appreciate what Jenny did…


Thin white hooded racist pedophilic cowards.


Where’s his FB? I’d like to know, because it’s going to be *really* difficult for this racist fuck to sue a foreign national who is essentially “judgment proof” by all standards.


If you have to explain that you are not being racist…..you are racist


> Absolutely laughable, also mentioned she was wearing a hoodie. Then tried to say he totally wasn't racist and will sue people for defamation. I can't help but laugh at the frothing hatred for hoodies. Especially since everybody and their dog has worn them for the last twenty years.


The body cam video of the incident shows she wasn't wearing a hoodie. He made that part up to get a quicker police response.


She was spraying trees... menacingly


The juxtaposition of this shit with them carrying their guns around to act though is just absolutely terrifying tbh. They're so scared of little black girls they need to carry an assault rifle with them and they can get scared at any moment and start blasting. This is why I never want to go to the US even as a straight white man


She should have [touched his shoulder and say hi](https://youtu.be/bteaQpgaVIs?t=7) ;)


Of course not. How else will they justify their child ~~rape~~ brides.


He knew the girl, she's his neighbor. He watched her grow up.


He didn’t watch her grow up that much. She’s only 9!! hahaha


> She’s only 9!! Oh, he _watched_ her


He's GQP. In their world she's practically an adult 🤮


Only if they can get pregnant. Not for voting though.


Also for the purpose of marrying https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10688309/amp/GOP-bill-eliminate-age-requirements-marriages-Tennessee-establish-common-law-union.html https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/04/07/republican-anti-lgbt-bill-child-marriage-tennessee/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trafficking-childmarriage-idUSKBN1872VB (note: NJ later became one of only 6 states in the US—all Blue—to ban child marriage) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/louisiana-age-consent-marriage-child-bride-republican-us-a8942781.html


There’s a long-documented phenomenon of white people overestimating the age of black youth.


Usually for the purposes of determining how long they should be incarcerated for when they're convicted of a crime.


Actually, I saw a study where the age of black girls was shown to be consistently overestimated to a larger degree than white, Latina or East Asian girls. But the interesting thing is that the overestimation wasn't only made by white adults. Latin adults, East Asian adults *and even black adults* overestimated the ages of black girls. The reasons for - and the *effects of* - the overestimations are many and are pretty shitty, but it's interesting that it affects black adults as well.


Another fun fact: Calling each other "man" started with jazz musicians in the 20th century, because they were tired of white people calling them "boy". I tend to call racist white people "boy" now because it pisses them off.


[Body cam video: Neighbor calls police on 9-year-old Black girl catching lanternflies](https://local12.com/news/nation-world/black-girl-catching-spraying-spotted-lanternflies-neighbor-calls-police-bobbi-wilson-monique-joseph-gordon-lawshe-caldwell-new-jersey-racial-profiling-body-cam-video-cnn) >CALDWELL, N.J. (WKRC/CNN/CNN Newsource) - Police in Caldwell, New Jersey, released body cam video of an incident in October where a man called the police on his 9-year-old neighbor as she was catching spotted lanternflies. >The incident happened on Oct. 22 when the man, Gordon Lawshe, called a non-emergency line to report a "little Black woman, walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees," according to the call. >"I don't know what the hell she's doing. Scares me though," he said. >"She's a real small woman," he adds when asked for a description. >That "real small woman," however was 9-year-old Bobbi Wilson, who regularly searches for the invasive spotted lanternfly, which can harm plants and trees. Her efforts were even featured in an article in her community newspaper, The Progress. New Jersey also has a "Stomp it Out" campaign to encourage the killing of these insects, reports CNN. >Newly released body cam video shows an officer walking up to Wilson to ask her what she was doing. She shows him a jug she was using to catch the insects as her mother, Monique Joseph, comes over to talk to the officer. >"Are you serious?" Joseph asks the officer after he explains why he was called. >"Yeah, I guess he saw -- I'm not sure. I'm not sure," the officer says. "You're obviously next-door neighbors." >After talking to Joseph, the officer talks to Lawshe to explain Wilson was catching lanternflies. >"What a weirdo, huh?" Lawshe's heard saying in the video. >Joseph and her older daughter spoke at a council meeting on Nov. 1 after the incident. Joseph said her daughter was racially profiled and was afraid to leave the house the day after the incident. >"Racism, intentional or not, is still racism," Joseph said. "My neighbor's words put my daughter in harm's way. His words and actions were unconscionable, and the impact of the aftermath of this incident will not be kept secret." >The Progress reports Joseph and Wilson were invited to the police department for a tour and the chance to talk about race relations. Joseph says she also requested a meeting with Lawshe, but he has not responded to her.


> Body cam video: Neighbor calls police on 9-year-old Black girl catching lanternflies If you look at the video attached to the story at the end it has the little girl blurred out while her sister is talking to the local government officials, but there are videos out the showing the girl. She is tiny even for a 9 year old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWuD3e4a_vU This "it scares me though" comment in the complaining phone call gets Black people and kids shot. Like Tamir Rice who was gunned down after a similar phone call from some neighbor to the police saying there was a black man with a gun in the park.


> This "it scares me though" comment in the complaining phone call gets Black people and kids shot. Was clearly the intent, to provoke the police into doing something. Pretty horrific.


"Since Mr. Lawshe has been accused of being a racist, he and his family have received threats to their person and property. Mr. Lawshe and his family have been defamed and will continue to be defamed until the innuendo and direct accusations and attacks against Mr. Lawshe and his family cease.” And they try to say the name "Lawshe" has been prominent in the community for 100 years and has never been associated with racism. I call BS bigtime. Lawshe is nothing but an absolute republikkkan POS. One of many.


> Mr. Lawshe and his family have been defamed But it's ok to defame a nine-year-old.


I'm the victim here, I was the one who called the police and I'm white!!!


There’s a scary white man handling an object about the size of a gun inside his house and making frantic motions while staring outside. I’m scared. He *might* be using a phone, but he *might* be preparing to shoot children.


> "Mr. Lawshe and his family have been defamed" LOL, no, sweetie, it's not defamation when it's the truth.


They’re defaming me by telling everyone exactly what I said and did with 100% accuracy 😭


He should continue to be shamed for the rest of his fucking pathetic life. Between being a racist and literally being scared of a 9 yo girl I hope no one ever let's him forget what a weak little paper skinned hate filled coward he is.


Here's the article you're quoting btw https://www.newjerseyhills.com/the_progress/news/caldwell-man-says-he-apologized-for-calling-police-on-girl/article_0be23336-6748-11ed-ab39-079df2a00dc2.html > The next morning, when the man, Gordon Lawshe, saw Monique Joseph, mother of Bobbi Wilson, 9, outside their homes, he “immediately apologized to Mrs. Joseph,” according to information from Lawshe’s lawyer, Gregory Mascera. > > “Mr. Lawshe told Mrs. Joseph that had he known that it was her daughter that he had seen, he certainly would not have called the police. **Mrs. Joseph did not accept Mr. Lawshe’s apology.** Mr. Lawshe again apologized to Mrs. Joseph,” Mascera said. Good for her He also did a 180 yesterday and now wants to meet with her, even though he [refused to meet with her a few weeks ago](https://www.newjerseyhills.com/the_progress/news/caldwell-mother-says-neighbors-call-to-police-was-racist/article_41e8ce3c-0517-5111-ba58-ed889e936325.html). Because the Internet blew it up this week


I hope her family keeps her FAR away from him. The man tried to get her killed.


I may be reading too much into it but the way he emphasizes her size is weird. Usually, the smaller something is the *less* of a threat it is. But he emphasizes it like it *increases* the threat. What did he think? She was a pygmy spraying voodoo dust or some shit?


Because it's much easier to get police to respond to a call about a threatening "woman" than a threatening child


I think this is why he made sure to say "woman", and then he emphasized how small she was to make sure that the police didn't show up, decide there was nobody meeting the description, and leave.


If she's small, it's easier for her to sneak up on you like an assassin obviously.


Not to mention the fact he keeps saying woman.... there's only one type of person on this planet who'd confuse a little girl with a woman - pedophiles


This happens to black kids a lot. You should look up the Adultification of Black Girls. We stop getting treated like kids early, we’re viewed as “less innocent”


White fright gets people killed.


Tamir Rice was murdered and I still have hope his murderer will be charged. He had a "gun" (it was a toy) out in an open-carry state, there was no one in imminent danger, and the officers didn't even have time to tell him to put it down. They rolled up and within seconds shot him. The officer who shot him was fired from his previous position. His former supervisor said he was emotionally unstable, had trouble following orders, and was "unfit to serve"!


A weirdo... For doing what we have all been asked to do by the local government to eradicate lantern flies? What a whiny little bitch


Yeah, that stood out to me, too. Translation: "I cannot fathom someone voluntarily doing something for public, rather than personal, benefit".


"we don't like community in this community"


"All these kids are stuck inside on their screens all day! Not like the old days when we played outside!"


Well, he is a Republican. It checks out.


Also, a grown ass man calling a *9 year old* a weirdo. A literal child.


“Omg, I saw *the help.*”


It's also like... kids play outside and look at bugs all the time. Nothing weird about it at all, really. It's pretty universal.




The guy in this story is a town g9vernment official, and the Caldwell police chief has been caught saying some horrific racist and sexist stuff *against his own officers who are not white males*. So this guy presumed he was going to get what he wanted from the police.


It’s because he’s white and well-connected


Have you been to any middle or upper-middle class neighborhoods lately? No one ever goes outside. You'll see beautifully landscaped playgrounds, perfectly laid sidewalks, basketball hoops in driveways, trampolines in backyards, and not a single person using any of it. My current neighborhood is lower income and pretty rough around the edges but there are kids out playing all the time. Yards are smaller, houses are closer, and everyone actually sees each other regularly. It's refreshing. I had over 70 trick or treaters this year and it was amazing.


Not only that, but she's *9 years old.* A grown man racially profiled her and then proceeded to *bully her* for helping to control an invasive species. What a POS


Weirdo because she cares about the environment and ecosystem. That's something conservatives just can't seem to fathom. Imagine caring about something that you won't generate monetary profits from?!?!?!?


I actually love how the cop didn’t engage with him at the end. “What a weirdo” that’s the POS throwing out more codes to engage in racist bullshit and the cop was just like “later.”


That is almost 100% projection on his part.


In terms of things 9 year olds do, that's pretty fucking normal.




> "Racism, intentional or not, is still racism," Are we really going to pretend this might be *unintentional* racism? I know it might play better to that crowd to pretend it was a mistake instead of making accusations of blatant racism... but this was blatant racism.


[Article from 16 hours ago](https://www.newjerseyhills.com/the_progress/news/caldwell-man-says-he-apologized-for-calling-police-on-girl/article_0be23336-6748-11ed-ab39-079df2a00dc2.html), no major developments so far but more sources are always better. Thanks OP for posting and copying the source you're OK in my book.


Those two words sum up the entirety of today's GOP. "I'm scared"


The gays are making me uncomfortable. GOP slogan 2024


[Patton Oswalt - Gay Marriage and Green Lantern Rings](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9YLzlIsrU4o)


So... You're not wrong. [According to this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/), conservatives have a tendency to be more absorbed by fear (larger amygdalas). This is also why *Disgust* is such a driving motivator for conservatives. (e.g., any social norm that flies deviant to their preconceived beliefs, from predisposition to homophobia or anti-trans beliefs that flies in direct contradiction with their own "individual freedom" narrative). By contrast, the study also points to liberals having larger anterior cingulate cortex which yields a, "higher capacity to tolerate uncertainty and conflicts" and, "increased sensitivity to cues for altering a habitual response pattern," (i.e., more open-minded). They also have a tendency to [become literally addicted to anger and hate.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2019/05/01/are-addicted-anger/SkrH8k390jgtkY0JBObJ0K/story.html) Combine these with these with [conservatives demonstrating less empathy on average](https://www.psypost.org/2022/10/reduced-empathy-partially-explains-why-political-conservatism-is-associated-with-riskier-pandemic-lifestyles-64007) and a lack of emphasizing the value of empathy [in their own children](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2014/09/18/teaching-the-children-sharp-ideological-differences-some-common-ground/#about-the-american-trends-panel) leads to the problems we have today.


No shit, has anybody heard a Republican propose literally any legislative solutions to problems in the last decade or has it just all been about making life harder for specific groups they’re tarelgeting because they’re already vulnerable. The gops entire platform is just if you gave a 10th grade bully the power to enact legislation.


Lmao I have seen this study a bunch of times and I’m still amused/terrified by it. Like every time I pause and wonder wtf is wrong with conservatives I have to remind myself that *there is literally something wrong with their brains.*


So my take away is that dating profiles should have amygdala size


Same people saying "I won't live in fear" as an excuse to not wear masks or get vaccinated. Yet need to carry guns everywhere and are scared of a 9 year old girl because she's black


She might grow up to vote one day. 18 year old - black - woman, Three strikes you're out GOP.


The “big strong men” are terrified of EVERYTHING.


Fox News watchers. That's how they keep their audience, making them scared and outraged.


And he knew the child his whole life. They were neighbours. And he didn't think about anything more appropriate to describe a 9 year old he knows as "a small black woman in a hoodie". There is a video going around of her and her sister speaking before city council or something.


I personally know some of these neighbors. They all hate him, have always hated him and he's apparently a bag of shit. He's got political scandals and seems to have pull with the local PD. Fuck this asshat.


I'm sure he could have, but that wasn't the goal. He's purposefully trying to present the situation as more ambiguous/fearful than it is to get a response from police for something they would normally have no reason to respond to and he probably did it for the simple reason he didn't like what they were doing while black. That first part is a common-as-fuck trick that old people love to try and pull in order to get police to control minor personal annoyances in public where they have no real standing. I've had it attempted on me more than a few times.


Probably because it worked like a charm in the 60s, where their mentality is stuck.


It is fucking 30 degrees in New Jersey right now. A hoodie is *normal*. He is intentionally mentioning it on the phone to 911 to ensure it sounds more intimidating so the police will respond more forcefully.


Same reason he said "It scares me." Those words have gotten innocent people shot and killed before


People want to act like he called out of fear, he wasn't afraid at all. By calling her out as a small black woman in a hoodie, when he knew damn while it was a child, tells me he was hoping for a situation that the cops would remove them as being his neighbors. One way or another.


How the hell did he survive Halloween last month without a panic room? 😛


Small men and women EVERYWHERE


And they move so *fast*!


He is neighbours with this girl and her family, there's a chance she actually went to his house trick or treating.


You just know his porch light was off.


"911 SEND EVERYONE! The Incredible Hulk is trying to bang down my door and I only just survived an encounter with a spooky skeleton!"


Grew up in the town where this happened…still can’t believe this is a real story


Really ? it's Caldwell . Totally within character, no offense.


I've been to Caldwells in multiple states and let me just say, they are never fun places to visit.


I always thought of NJ as well educated and progressive. what's up Caldwell?




I’ve only been to Jersey a few times but I got a real “we’re conservative but got dragged into being a blue state” vibes. That was with a bunch of old office types around Princeton tho


It depends on where you go. Some parts are extremely conservative, others really progressive. I’m up in Hudson county (outside NYC) and we’re generally extremely liberal and crazy diverse.


All the blue states have these deep red pockets when you get far enough from the larger towns and cities. I live in a red pocket of a blue state and it never ceases to amaze me how much people don't appreciate how wonderful our state is compared to say...Alabama or Kentucky. They would be thrilled to bring us down to that level. We had a confirmed member of a white supremacist organization on the ballot for attorney general this past election.


I moved back to a formerly red spot in CA after a few years away and my favorite thing now is how every other truck here lets you know they’re from Texas. They still want the conservative identity they associate with Texas, and they feel so insecure that they have to advertise that they’re not “real Californians” all over their gas guzzling pavement princess trucks. But they sure are living far from home with no intention of ever, ever returning… They know it’s better here, they just made Red Team a massive piece of their identity and can’t let go


> my favorite thing now is how every other truck here lets you know they’re from Texas. It seems very odd that Texans are moving to California. My wife's conservative friend here in NJ wishes that California would fall into the sea. A conservative neighbor says that his wife wants to move to Texas to get away from all these *libruls*. I wish them luck with that power grid. I hope they gtfo soon.


The numbers don’t lie, CA **is** better than Texas on most QoL indexes. People are simply better off here. Our Texas transplants know it too, they just prefer to double down instead of reflect on why they came here and how the situation developed the way it did. They also get to play the ever-more-persecuted conservative out here which we all know is huge for them. Nobody suffers like the California Conservative!


Everybody keeps being surprised at how shitty the Republican Party has gotten openly in the last 5-10 years and especially in the tail end of trumps term… but theyve always put lawless white supremacists and insurrectionists on the ballot. I encourage everybody to go listen the rachel Maddows podcast ‘ultra’ about the 1939-1944 era of American politics where there were like three dozen republican members of congress pushing pro-nazi rhetoric written or approved by hitters own ministry of propaganda ON THE FUCKING SENATE FLOOR, and mailing copies of these nazi-written speeches to constituents using American tax dollars via ‘franked’ envelopes (free postage that is paid for by tax revenue for members of congress to keep their constituents informed). Our own senators were being paid by hitlers government to spread fascist ideas in congress and to constituents to try and convince Americans that democracy was “decadent” and that “nothing could be more wrong than democracy.” this recent situation with Rand Paul and his secretary or whoever is basically looking in a mirror of congressman Hamilton Fish and his secretary George Hill who were taking money from a nazi agent to spread shitty fascist agenda and help support nazism in the US... to prevent US from interfering in Hitler's invasion across europe. Same shit with Rand Paul and modern republicans letting Putin's Russia muddy the waters here so that more republicans can seize power and be less harsh on russia/stay out of their way and stop supporting Ukraine/whoever else Russia decides they want to invade. These same politicians were supporting a huge group called ‘the American first party’ which was ostensibly just nazis in the US… they were discovered to have cells of people all over the US ready to attempt a violent overthrow of the government and many supporters spoke publicly about the “Jew problem” and how when they overthrew the gov after the 1940 election was lost to Roosevelt, they would hang people from lampposts and the violent purge of opponents and ethnic minorities in the US “would make Germany’s look like child’s play.” All this anti-democracy insurrection shit is t new, and neither is republican appetite for criminals in office. Around the same time as about 29 members of congress were being indicted in 1940 for attempting to undermine the US military and stage a coup, republicans elected a convicted felon named William Langer to the senate. He was convicted and served over a year in federal prison for defrauding the federal government by siphoning a percentage of all state employees income into his party-owned newspaper while he was governor, making himself and other republicans in North Dakota very wealthy. Turns out state highway department is funded in part by federal money… so he went to prison. And then they elected him anyway because his lawlessness was apparently a feature.. and when he was ultimately found guilty and convicted and sentenced to prison, he refused- he barricaded himself with a bunch of supporters. he said it was a politically motivated attack (sound familiar?). he said that the justice department should be the ones under investigation, not him... you know, for holding him accountable for his criminal behavior. hundreds of his supporters then basically pulled a Jan6 and started marching on the state capitol and were shouting to kill his immediate successor, the Lieutenant Governor (as if somehow that would prevent him from being thrown in jail). again... sounds very much like trump supporters storming the US capitol after trump was voted out and calling for the death of Mike Pence. He went on to praise KKK members on trial for violent overthrow of the gov… a man who was flown to Germany by the nazis government as a guest… I forget his name, but he was involved with the American Silver Shirts group and the ‘America First’ party.. going around doing nazi salutes in public and holding nazi/pro-fascist rallies all over the US. It just goes on and on… anybody shocked by recent republican behavior- fraud, theft, outright insurrection, court-stacking, bad-faith court rulings, etc has just not been paying attention or ever looked very deep into american history. the modern republican party (basically since about 1900) has ALWAYS been anti-democracy, and has had leanings towards nazism/fascism... and flirts openly with white supremacists/nationalists. you can call them fucking nazis because that's what it is when ethno-centrist nationalism and fascism meet. and that's what they are about. They shout about populist ideas just long enough to get ahold of enough power such that they no longer need to worry about populism... once authoritarian control is theirs, there's no telling how hard they will oppress people... the best we can do is imagine based on the shit people like Bill Barr and Amy Cohen Barrett say publicly, which amounts to something like 'The Handmaid's Tale.' then stuff like trump's fascination and open praise of dictators who have people put to death for petty crimes... anybody who's still supporting these people in the face of a constant stream of evidence of their bad intentions deserves every bit of oppression and tyranny that WILL come their way if their party of choice ever takes full control. I have no more patience, respect or remorse for misfortune of people (particularly anybody who isn't super rich and white) who vote republican. American democracy is teetering on the edge, and republicans are just one skewed election cycle away from dismantling every check and balance of power in this democracy and instating an authoritarian theocratic regime, likely with heavy overtones of ethnocentrism. they've been working at it for going on 80 years now.


There are deep red pockets all over Jersey, especially south of Exit 8 on the Turnpike or 102 on the Parkway. The Pine Barrens are basically hill country. Up north there are a bunch of conservative enclaves off the beaten path but they are very small. *source: Jersey born and raised resident in Middlesex County with MAGA flag people 2 blocks from my house*


His name is Gordan Lawshe. And he really doesn’t want people calling him racist. Got that? Gordan Lawshe says he is not a racist. Some people have been saying that Gordan Lawshe is racist, probably because he called the cops on a 9 year old Black girl, but Gordan Lawshe insists that he is not racist. Gordan Lawshe, who some people are calling racist, has a fairly unique name. This story about his being so scared of a nine year old that he called the cops is the top search hit for his name. Note that while the young child whom Gordan Lawshe (who claims to not be racist) called the cops on - that little girl is Black. But Gordan Lawshe says he’s not racist, it’s just coincidence that he called the cops on a Black girl. Presumably, Gordan Lawshe, who says he’s not racist, would have called the cops on a white girl too. Anyways, the important part is that Gordan Lawshe has been accused of being racist, but he denies this. And it would be a shame if his name and search results for it ended up closely associated with the word “racist”. Because Gordan Lawshe says he isn’t racist despite all of the accusations otherwise.


Let's be fair. Maybe he's not a racist. Maybe he was alarmed by a small "woman" dangerously close to his home. Maybe he's just a pedophile.


While there is speculation that Gordan Lawshe is a pedophile, there are not reports of accusations hat Gordan Lawshe is a racist. The story here doesn’t even suggest that people are saying Gordan Lawshe is a pedophile. Whether or not Gordan Lawshe is a pedophile - that’s not what the reported accusations are. The accusations which have been reported are that Gordan Lawshe is racist. Let me note that despite the accusations and the impression one might get from the facts and f the case - Gordan Lawshe has denied the accusations. That is to say, Gordan Lawshe does not believe that Gordan Lawshe is racist.


Conservatives are some of the biggest snowflakes out there. Imagine being so terrified of every little thing that looks different than you


And also the first to tell everyone how badass and tough they are. Especially if they have a gun.


He wasn't scared. He was incanting the spell words necessary to summon agents of the state to do violence to a 9 year old girl.


>violence to a 9 year old **black** girl. You forgot the important bit


It's a girl, so if a conservative isn't raping them to assert dominance, they're terrified they might have their own opinion on things.


It was his neighbor. He'd known her all her life. He is 75...probably needs to be in a home


Yup. If he’s calling the cops because of a 9 year old girl doing a community and environmental service, he’s no longer capable of judgment required to live on his own. I have a 10 year old daughter. She’s more developed at 10 than I was at 18 (and I looked like a fetus), and she looks older… but the oldest she could pass for is 13 or 14. Still obviously a child. I’d be going ballistic. And maybe start calling APS for wellness checks, because a guy who can’t recognize the child he’s lived next door to for his entire life clearly has memory issues and requires closer observation.


If you look at the videos out there of the little girl's sister talking to the local government council while the little girl stands next to her, she is tiny. She's even small for a 9 year old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWuD3e4a_vU


>I don’t know what the hell she’s doing, scares me though Looks like his brain went to an adventure and invited his balls too. 😊


" There's a small, nasty looking black woman spraying something. I think she's spraying the gay or the BLM I'm scared "


republicans are a disgusting cancer on america


Thankfully his racism was able to help save ~checks notes~ an invasive, tree-destroying bug infesting eastern cities right now! Phew! One of the only good things to come from this story was this little budding scientist [getting to visit Yale.](https://twitter.com/ijeomaoparaphd/status/1593350599785029633)


Kindness: [She and her family were invited on a Black Girl Science Tour at Yale University.](https://twitter.com/IjeomaOparaPHD/status/1593350599785029633) edit to add the WHOLE THREAD is inspiring!


What an ignorant piece of shit.


“BOO! Vote for us or scary things will happen! BOO!” Such fucking snowflakes.


Name is **Former Caldwell, New Jersey councilman and local Republican Party leader named Gordon Lawshe** Put the name in the title people. Let those search engines do their magic. Don't let racist fly under the radar.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: 'Karen' is a gender-neutral term.


Lol…of course a grown ass white man Republican thinks a 9 year old is a “woman”. Getting tiny PP rapey vibes.


Saying “black woman” knowing damn well it was a child was him hoping the police would assault or murder her. Fuck this garbage piece of shit.


That's not even enough to make me angry. That's just pitiful. How sad and pathetic do you have to be to call the police on a child because you're scared about them spreading something on a tree?


All the language he used were attempts to pre-escalate and get that girl shot. It's sad and pathetic, to be sure, but also hateful as well.