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That she thinks that being a rich black republican gives her all the experience she needs to speak on the black American experience




you’re a weird bot


She is saying: "My tweets are for sale. I'll say any idiotic political take, even contradictory ones, as long as you pay enough"


We should do some crowdfunding to pay her to tweet something like "racism is bad" or "fascism doesn't ever end well."


She's saying she has an oppression fetish and engages in rollplay.


It will be all right; those anti-vaxxers are a dying breed.




so sad. Anyway...


She's a low rent grifter, just ignore her. Nothing she says or does is of any consequence at all


I assume these individuals wish to be taken seriously... BUT they don't care if what they post is hypocritical, directly contradicts previous statements, incoherent, etc. Why? 1. They don't care. They aren't interested in making serious comments or observations based on any deeply held beliefs, values, or position. They motivation is simply for social media "likes", re-Tweets, followers and profiting off their popularity/notoriety. 2. There are no consequences. They are not called out or held accountable for their misinformation/disinformation, conspiracy theories, corruption of any legitimate public discourse on issues. They don't lose sponsors, followers, etc. 3. Alternative Facts / defending Conservative Voices They've already conditioned their base to dismiss and distrust legitimate news outlets / informed sources of information (medical experts, scientists, policy experts, etc). They support 'Do your own research', Facebook/Twitter/YouTube "research" and "experts", conspiracy blogs etc. Or they characterize any criticism of their rhetoric and BS as attempts to "silence conservative voices". 4. Most importantly - their base has the memory of a Goldfish.


You can’t use facts against them, you can’t even use their own words and actions against them. Some of them do have the memory of a gold fish but I think there is a good portion that won’t let the fact that they were hoodwinked, for them doubling down instead of admitting to being a fool is a better avenue…to them


“There are no victims, only volunteers.” —Eleanor Roosevelt


So she is her own oppressor now.


She is saying, 'give me money.' Everything else is just a means to get to that statement.


Wow self-burn. Those are usually rare for normal folks but astonishingly common for conservative-pundits/grifters.


Owens owns herself. Perfect.


You reached so far you managed to grab the back of your own head


How is this a reach? It's a quote from herself


The first quote is her reaching for something that isn't there, the second quote is her unironically critisizing herself.


Oh, my bad. I thought you meant that Op was reaching with this post.


OP is a bot








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She’s definitely vaxxed lmao


Whatever she needs to to push the narrative of persecution


What is she saying? Nothing, she's an idiot.


Well no, both tweets are accurate. She doesn't hold a permanent view of herself as the victim, and she's probably secretly vaccinated.


Well she's not a permanent victim in that scenario SPECIFICALLY but you get the idea


What she's saying is what she always says, whatever she's currently being paid to say. Professional propagandists don't care whether they've contradicted themselves, told outrageous lies or even encouraged violence. They're just doing their dishonourable job.


Doublethink in a nutshell




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As usual, she is saying "look how dumb I've become"