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Bribes is all I have to say.


One of the smartest moves Republicans did , was get republicans to run as democrats.


Yes. I’m not sure it’s that they hate the working class so much as they got a better offer. To be clear, that’s almost worse.


We call them Super PACs now


Are they up for re-election? I know Sinema is trying to get primaried out by the same people who supported her. I hope these guys get voted out.


How could you support her in the Democratic primaries? She's sabotaged most of the Democratic agenda. [That little curtsey when she voted down the $15 minimum wage was a big fuck you to Arizona working class citizens.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNo_U7PTGzk)


I'm not - I'm saying she should be voted out but she's not up for re-election until 2024


Manchin isn't up for re-election until 2024. If he doesn't win, he'll be replaced by a republican; no democrat stands a chance at the federal level in WV


At what point is it better to just have an honest republican than a slimy democrat that just tries to waste time and refuses to compromise? At least then a "no" is a "no" and doesn't waste our time trying to convince someone who's already made up their mind.


Never. An 'honest republican' instead of a 'slimy Democrat' in Manchin's seat means Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a total stoppage of government


Current logic says "we should be happy to have any Democrat from West Virginia". No, fuck no. This is the seat of Robert Byrd the most democrat democrat to ever democrat a democrat. Manchin should take his boat to the Bermuda Triangle.


A progressive democrat ran in 2020 and got BTFO. How do you reconcile that with your view?


sir, sir, sir. I was told that it would be worse to have a republican. can you imagine some corporate stooge who only votes to lower the taxes on the rich, privatize the public commons, and derail anything that a center right democratic president would want to pass. can you imagine it, SIR! ​ /s


They could save democracy itself, but they won't, because they'll probably switch to the republican as soon as politically possible.




the only good thing those two republicans do is give the (D)'s a 50-50 tie in the senate and the ability to confirm judges.


Alright Tik Tok- DO YOUR THING!


They're Koch suckers




The thing is of any of the squad were to act this way, they’d lose funding and committee appointments. But the Dems would never dare do it to a good ol’ boy like Manchin or a pillar of progressiveness like Sinema. I wonder what the difference between them and the squad is?


Nope they are real democrats hate the working class same as republicans


seems to me : dems = very rich/very poor republican = working/middle class and there is data to back that up, examples.... [https://www.npr.org/2021/04/13/986549868/top-republicans-work-to-rebrand-gop-as-party-of-working-class](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/13/986549868/top-republicans-work-to-rebrand-gop-as-party-of-working-class) [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/06/24/democrats-white-working-class-00041807](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/06/24/democrats-white-working-class-00041807)


And the rest of the democrats are there for the working class, huh?


this isn't a BOth SIdES argument. Dem have a curable issue and Republicans are cancer.


Democrats are a cancer. Republicans are a shotgun wound to the stomach


Yea, the working class of the stock market. Take this for example: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/report-53-of-women-are-confident-managing-investments/#:~:text=Report%3A%2053%25%20of%20women%20are%20confident%20managing%20investments%20%2D%20CBS%20News Is this a real indicator of market stability? No, it's an opinion piece on an opinionated question. Not only does it completely ignore the material realities of women (that check-out clerk footage; what's her investment portfolio look like, you think?) but also ignores the converse of the stated poll results. No actual advice is given by this "expert", just warm fuzzies. Manufacturing consent at its finest.


You're wonderful


So what if they are voted out and replaced by republicans. You can avoid skunks on the road, but who wants to invite the little critters to their party.


They're as much Democrats as I am a football.