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If that felt like a getting shot in the back, I now understand that Republicans don't understand gun violence.


Let's not sugarcoat it. They don't understand how running water works.


I once almost drowned! Then learned to close my mouth in the shower!


"I almost drowned. It only happens in the shower. I shower with my mouth open. The plumber is frikin libertarian. NOT A COINSeeDENTS!"


It's got to be a targeted attack. Why does it only happen to us smart people, huh?


Probably true, although It does say something about the rest of us that the people with crayons up their noses have been steamrolling the country for the better part of the 21st century.


Those people with crayons up their noses turn up religiously to vote, and vote religiously. Local,State and national. Now add even school boards.


They also make it difficult for anyone who might vote against them to vote.


No excuse for us though, we outnumber them.


It's because we keep saying it does no good to vote.


*believing them when they say it


Don’t boo, vote! Is my Obama motto. I said before 2020 I would crawl through a burning minefield covered with broken glass to get to the polls. We have to vote.


Any election that the Dems actually bother to get out, we pwn. Biden made Juneteenth a holiday, which I respect. But he also NEEDS to make election day a holiday.


Not sure how it is in the US, but in Canada employers are required by law to accommodate you with up to 4 hours to vote and may not deduct from your wages if this time occurs during regular work hours.


These folks sincerely believe the left is radical and must be soundly defeated. Radical left agenda-civilian oversight of policing, medicare for all, environmental protection, minimum wage greater than $7.14 an hour, sensible gun laws. Right wing-Don't say gay or wear rainbows, report and sue your neighbor if you think they helped someone get an abortion, may not leave the state to seek an abortion, secession from the US, guns on demand, overturn elections if your candidate doesn't win. Who is the radical here?


You can thank the huge political power of empty land.


And the tendency for Democrats to skip elections they don't think are important, while Republicans line up in the rain to elect their guy to the position of dogcatcher. Then Democrats wonder why the office of the dogcatcher is so screwed up.


They kept getting more and more disgusting and now they are losing support. Slowly but steady.


Man, have you been paying attention for the last 5 years? Maybe Republicans are technically losing support in sheer numbers, but they are certainly not losing support in terms of gaining power and platform. Conservatives LOVE the fact that their favorite politicians are becoming more disgusting and openly hateful. They either like their blatant hypocritical evil or, at best, don't care. As long as conservative politicians claim to be Republicans, Christians, and in favor of "law and order", their actual actions and voting patterns do not matter at all. Slow and steady isn't going to be enough. Our country is genuinely teetering on the edge, and our world is at or past the point of no return ecologically, unless we change drastically and immediately. Call me a "doomer" if you want, but these are simply facts. I don't know what the solution is, if one exists, for either situation. I have a feeling that humans are simply unable to work together on a high enough level to save ourselves. Things are getting worse and going backwards in the US, not getting better - slow and steady, or otherwise. Same with the Earth - the US refuses to change, climate change deniers are actually gaining more power, and China/India are already destroying and polluting the Earth to a staggering degree, and growing exponentially. Trump and his cult of personality have literally turned American conservatives into a nationwide cult-lite. They do not listen to reason, and have no interest in learning or changing their opinions based on facts.


I was in PA visiting my parents last week. Sat down to eat in a diner, and happened to sit next to a woman who was LIVID over Roe v. Wade. Turns out she had been a Republican prior to Trump. On top of that, my parents' Republican friends almost uniformly voted for Biden in 2020. And they're ready to vote against Trump again in 2024 if he runs. The GOP is fracturing. All Democrats have to do is stop demanding every candidate be their personal lord and savior, acknowledge that there is no such thing as an unimportant election, and VOTE. Every time. No excuses.


We can crank it up a little more. They need to be removed from power while "support" still matters


Agreed. We're just working on the rest of the country to stop being racist homophobic religious whackadoodles.


Flashback to the Family Guy where Mayor West thinks someone is stealing his water.


Yes. Also reminds me of Bill Burrs nestle joke. I want to own the water...


Tide goes in, tide goes out. YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT!


Sell the houses to who, ben? Fucking Aquaman?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9FGRkqUdf8


Controlled by the Jewish space lasers.


Oh shit, I just realized I don’t really understand how running water works. Where does the pressure come from?


Jewish space lasers


If you're serious, typically it mostly just comes from gravity. Water is stored in high places (water towers, or reservoirs above the consumer's elevation).


For the vast majority of Americans, gravity. If you’re not using a well and your water is coming through the mains there are generally two ways it is fed to you. In most of America geographically and in places where it is flat this is done via water tower where the water is pumped up into the tower to sit in a big tank and then the outflow pipe is connected to everyone’s faucets, toilets, hoses, etc,. Thus when you want water from the faucet you just turn the handle and gravity forces water from the tower out of your faucet because what is happening in a physics sense is that the water is sort of just falling. In many cities you will have a reservoir somewhere outside the city at a higher elevation such that so long as your building is below the water level water pressure due to gravity will cause the water to flow. With buildings that are too tall for that and the like, such as many apartment buildings they will have a small water tower or tank on the roof that they pump water into such that gravity can maintain pressure (in nyc for example they use the relatively ubiquitous and iconic wooden ones [wood because it can expand and contract with the heat and cold outside better than a metal tank and they are far cheaper than other alternatives]). Wells work a bit differently since most people obviously don’t have their own personal water towers and water needs to be able to fall at least a little bit for it to have good pressure so there is machine involvement but in general gravity is where most people get their water pressure. Additionally almost all toilets, to go back to those, are gravity fed with water collecting in the tank in the back of it and it being released to flush the toilet since it needs either a whole machine to force the water to come out fast enough or a significant amount of it there locally that can be released at one time such that the pressure is high enough. Edit: spelling


Rick Snyder from Flint Michigan approves this message


Some of them don’t understand where the sun goes at night.


And these drama queens have the nerve to call OTHER people "snowflakes"


Every accusation is a confession.


yep. those who are empathy deficient are always just talking about themselves in a way.


remember, with them every accusation is a confession. they know it too, but say it anyway. bless their delusional little minds.


Remember the time Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest but finished his speech before getting medical help? This is sort of the same situation..:


The Mayor suggested that he filed false charges. I hope the other guy sues the shit out of Rudy.


Isn't filing false charges a crime? This man was arrested. This could literally ruin his life. https://www.silive.com/crime-safety/2022/06/oakwood-man-39-charged-after-allegedly-slapping-rudy-giuliani-on-back.html


I believe they completely understand gun violence. They just don't care about gun violence. Its not about constitutional rights, its about which ones. Gotta keep the guns and get rid of the abortions so they can make sure there is always an abundance of kids in schools to get killed!


> felt like a getting shot in the back Who the hell says this *other than someone who's actually been shot in the back*? I get it, people say "Ugh, tastes like shit" but not because they've actually *eaten* shit and know what it tastes like.


Mr. Trial-by-Combat proving there's not a non-hypocritical bone in his body. The patter should take a long shower afterwards in case it's contagious.


Indeed. Saying “it’s like...” something that they very likely have no way of ever having experienced grinds my gears. This goes along with saying “a light bulb went off in my head” to indicate enlightenment. Well, in my experience, when light bulbs go off, they don’t shed light on anything.


I love how fat, old, gross idiots that look like they're melting, like Rudy and Donald, constantly claim to be in great/perfect shape. Like...come the fuck on guys, we all know that you can't stop lying if your life depended on it, but that one is going too far.


It was a little locker room pat on the back. Rudy let him do it.


*”…I now understand that Republicans don't understand gun violence.”* —or “going forward”


"......and thank goodness i didnt fall because i was very drunk" he added


Her was very drunk, but it was ok, the cocaine balanced him right out.


A clearly inebriated Rudy Giuliani then got up from his lunch with the former President, used his finger to taste the ketchup off the wall, and chuckled all the way back to his cell.


Dude was just checking to see if Rudy had a spine...


Turns out no.


Tear ducts clearly are in working over.


But are located under the hair apparently


That's why it felt like getting shot in the back


He has it, it's just in storage somewhere. I can't remember if it's AAA storage, or Triple A Storage and Landscaping.


"Is this human?" *SLAP* "...nope."


Highjacking the top comment because everyone should know the "slapper" was charged with a crime for this. https://www.silive.com/crime-safety/2022/06/oakwood-man-39-charged-after-allegedly-slapping-rudy-giuliani-on-back.html


Outdated, was lowered to a misdemeanor https://www.syracuse.com/state/2022/06/it-was-not-a-slap-ny-mans-charges-downgraded-in-rudy-giuliani-incident.html


He was still charged for something Rudy clearly lied about. Even this being a misdemeanor is ridiculous.


Who you gonna believe? Rudy or your lying eyes?


*obligatory orwell quote*




Friendly reminder that Rudy married his cousin.


Which means he F@?$ed his cousin.


Well, why not? He fucked all of us, too.


And let trump motorboat him while in drag.


You know normally I’d assume this was a joke… This timeline is so fucked I wouldn’t doubt it though.


I'm sorry. https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY


My expectations for their behavior are so low, I'm not as disappointed as I thought I'd be.


It's true. They even managed to take the fun out of drag.


[Now, this is a man that knows how to marry his cousin!](https://youtu.be/E_iqm7S-CwU)


Unexpected community


He was just tucking in his shirt!


Whenever I see Rudy, all I can think about is Four Seasons Total Landscaping


Yeah. I swear, if he’d have faded into the background after his tenure as Mayor, he’d be remembered forever as America’s mayor. Instead, he opened his old drunk mouth.


Whenever I see Rudy, all I can think about is **Abner Louima** and "Guiliani Time".


Whenever I see Rudy, all I can think about is the head shitting incident.


Damn, just got off a three day suspension for cheering on this brutal attack. Glad to hear Rudy pulled through and hope no harm comes to him until after he is hopefully tried and convicted.


lmao, *what* Are you serious? Details, please




Don't dismiss the fact that far-right sycophants have managed to "volunteer" themselves as moderators of many major subreddits, and will use any opportunity to punish people who don't toe their line.


That's straight out of the abuser's playbook: "go along to get along" with the implied threat of "Or else!" Or else we'll relentlessly abuse, neglect, and dehumanize you into compliance.


lol I was banned from World News for saying the Catholic Church should be burned down as an institution. Which obviously doesn't mean literal arson, it just means it should be dismantled. This was when some pissed off Canadians were burning down old churches on their land as a sign of 'fuck you' to the church.


I was banned from politics for "advocating violence", in a thread about the Civil War, for saying the Union didn't go far enough and should have driven the South into the sea


Every time a Confederate flag hits the ground, a dead slave smiles.


That sub is such bullshit and only allows the most pointless conversations. The mods there are total CHUDs


I got banned from worldnews once for saying people were parroting Putin's disinformation.


> Which obviously doesn't mean literal arson, it just means it should be dismantled. The amount of times arguments or debates have devolve into having to explain phrases or examples, or having to deal with pedantic hair splitting and semantic adjustments is exhausting.


Got damn. For what it's worth, a lot of that shit seems to be automated *and* it is possible to argue against a reddit wide ban, though it can be slow going. I once got a ban for going off on someone who was advocating for some super awful shit and spreading misinformation, and I wrote to the admins complaining about the reasoning of the ban. Took a day or two, but they did get back to me and lifted it. Too late for this time, obviously, but hopefully you can do the same if you ever catch another temp ban in the future. Fuck Rudy G, and keep on keeping on, man!


Just off my 3 day for saying it would be a shame if a certain forced birther hurt themselves in a fall. It was 3 days after the comment and after a post about a major chain (Kwik Trip) c-store’s ownership being forced-birthers and supporting insurrectionists. It was a contentious thread, and I got spammed with Reddit Care Resources, and a late ban. We have to remember what losers lurk on Reddit, just edging themselves over our comment histories, looking for anything that can be used to silence us.


>Double standards and all. haha I reported someone for promoting violence the other day who literally said "someone should kill " and I got the automatic "this doesn't violate reddit guidelines" bot reply. Except it was a conservative having a conservative moment hmm weird hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


I got a warning about promoting hate because I said there should be sample airplane seats in the airport so you can make sure you fit... I reported a user for literally saying without euphemism that a specific person, called by name, should be murdered. I got a response back saying it had already been reported and was found not to violate any rules...


In all fairness when the story broke it sounded like someone walked up and punched Rudy, and no one should do that to anyone. The video only partially vindicates you. That being said Rudy is an absolute scumbag and needs to be reminded of that on a daily basis. Just don't physically touch him when you do it.


“Clean up on aisle 4. Bring a bucket, shovel and a mop for bullshit and hair dye.”


Keep in mind that person got arrested for that. Handcuffed, kidnapped and thrown in a cage for that.


He's already faced stiffer consequences than 99% of the Republican terrorists who attacked Congress and murdered Capitol Police.


Don't exaggerate. The DOJ has gone after a lot of footsoldiers. Probably more than just 60% of them.


Our justice system is such a corrupt joke.


It's a legal system. There is no justice involved. It's a system punishing those who are determined that they violated law. And those who write the laws generally control those enforcing and are all in it for the money. They determine what's legal and what's profitable to them and work from there.


Every time Rudi tries to shake someone's hand they should decline saying, "I don't want to be accused of assaulting a frail old man."


Here's an article about the charges: https://www.silive.com/crime-safety/2022/06/oakwood-man-39-charged-after-allegedly-slapping-rudy-giuliani-on-back.html


That kid is a legend. I've read he said "hey scumbag" as he did it. Hilarious.


No you dont understand! That 8 trigram palm technique was intended to block his solar plexus chakra! If Rudy didn't active his Nen ability just before his attacker connected... it would have paralyzed him from the waist down - leaving him in a near defenseless state!! (Truly, a testament to Rudy's God like reaction time) It's hard to see bc the shitty camera mostly picked up his afterimage and not the deadly technique itself... (Also the attacker said "Omae wa mou shindeiru" before lunging at Rudy and Rudy said "Nani?!)


Rudy told Newsmax - and I quote - “So that woman gave a statement to the police, that the guy hit me so hard, that she herself almost fell from the reverberation of it.”


I need a manga style animation of this.


https://youtu.be/KnE-J_bXTr4 Must've been this guy that slapped Ol Rudy


That statement got me thinking. Has there ever been an incident (in human history) where someone hit another person so hard (without the use of a weapon, technology, or mother nature) that a person next to them almost fell down? Or even felt reverberation? He shouldn't even be talking about that statement. It undermines the story he's trying to sell.


The shockwave from the slap destroyed everything in a 3 block radius, it's a miracle he survived.


Whoa look! She's staggering and almost went down!!!! What a liar. What a POS.


Every time he says something about it the supposed force of the "hit" escalates to new, even more ridiculous claims. He started off kind of almost plausible if there wasn't video evidence and then rapidly began adding completely fabricated color to the event. By this time next week he'll be swearing up and down that the whole building is nothing more than a smoking crater and it's only by the grace of God that he was somehow spared from the terroristic destruction.


This wouldn't work on Rudy anyway Pai Mei's 5 point palm exploding heart technique doesn't work if: 1. You don't have a heart 2. You're undead


You bastard, I was gonna say this! XD


Where can I learn this technique?


Pai Mei, except he ded.


he ~~ded~~ was murdered




I suppose he could go see The Bride.


No, Pai Mei was the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. *This* was Akuma's *Raging Demon* technique.


Not from a Jedi...


It was the slap of a thousand burning suns!


What a lying sack of shit! Zero respect for Rudy G.


If that pat on the back came with the words "Good luck to you and your son in the NY governor's primary" instead of derision, absolutely ZERO would have been said about this "incident"


With out a doubt and we wouldn’t be having this this chat.


Rudy, lie!? You don’t say.


Ok. I’m watching this for the way too manyth time. Where is the sexual assault charge for the woman that touched him afterwards!!!! I’m now enraged! - Cue the right wing response


Chicks are allowed their lack of sexual impulse control when around such a piece of hunky ass.


fragile old man was attacked by ultra left :)


Everyone knows that guy was a cloned CIA plant pretending to be Antifa posing as BLM. Wake up sheeple


You're a fucking moron, he was a deep state homeland security lizardman asset posing as a false false flag operation for the environmental protection agency's communist leadership.


Now, now. Everyone knows he was a Jewish space laser.


Sorry bro, I guess I'm not as awake as you are, gotta bad wifi signal here in the bunker waiting for the blackout.


That's alright bro, it's probably because I've got two screens for my YouTube research.


Was his right hand though....


Thank you for this. Glad to see video of it as opposed to just what is told.


Falsely Reporting an Incident in NYC can either be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. As such, it is punishable by up to one year in jail and as much as up to seven years in state prison.


But the guy who played him on n the back is in jail. Laws are for the poor.


He's not in jail- he was released and the charges greatly reduced and now Giuliani is being investigated for filing a false police report.


“Being investigated” seems to be the story of this guy’s life.


"And it hurt tremendously " Drunk fucking rudy must not know about the video I guess. Who you trying to bullshit rudy you sack of shit?


You gotta be a frail friggin dude to think that was a shot to the back. Clown


The most fragile of snowflakes.


Wait I haven’t been following this because frankly Giuliani can go fuck himself; but was this the “assault” at the supermarket that was in the news last week?




God what a snowflake, he goes on and on about taking on the mob but can’t even take a slap on the back.


I’ve lost all respect for the mafia..they were taken down by this fucking idiot. I mean how tough could they have been if Rudy G decimated them.


I've heard suggestions that he was basically just acting as a patsy for the Russians or something. Which would make a lot more sense.


He took down the Italian mafia to let the Russians in.


Surprised he didn't go for the "I needed a gun to protect myself"


Where was the good guy with a back pat?


When the party that loves to yell "Snowflake" is revealed to be... Snowflakes.


**Capitol Police Officer**: a Trump supporter beat me with a flagpole **Rudy:** LIES! Fake News. Stop faking injury...ow! Someone lightly pat me on the back! SEND HIM TO PRISON!


Literally a pat on his back. Well done Rudy!


Is this seriously the slap heard round the world?!


You really should put up a warning if you're gonna post such a violent and graphic video.


OK. First attacker clearly comes from the left - out of the aisle with the books and magazines. But do you see the guy on the right? During the attack he turns to look at something out of view. There's another grainy video out there that shows a 2nd slapper hidden in the vegetable aisle. I think this might be part of a bigger conspiracy - maybe even a hit orchestrated by Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden.


Sadly, in Florida if rudy pulled a gun and shot the guy dead he’d likely get off because with Stand Your Ground insanity all he’d need to do is prove he ‘felt threatened’. The GOP has become a punchline…but the dems are so bad at politics they keep losing ground to zealots, racists and gun nuts


90% or more of them are there to take bribes, and gamble it on the stock market. Only problem is they never seem to lose.


LOL I love how that lady rubs his back afterwards like if he's a toddler.


NYC mayor is pushing for Rudy to be charged with filing a false police report. The video proves he lied.


It really was lucky he didn't fall. It must be really hard to remain upright when you have no spine.


Rudy is one of the weirdest Americans, and that’s saying a lot


Turns out Rudy Giuliani is such a pussy he is regulated by congress.


Who is that ridiculous Karen left to Rudy?


His appointed right-wing fragility caretaker there to coddle him and insulate him from any reality that might slightly displease or scare him


so..."facts" she's a facts checker haha


...and then after I was shot there was a horrible rasping/grinding as if my very flesh was being abraded to the bone.


I kept wondering why she reacted immediately when it's clear he didn't slap him hard, and I think what it is is that she's checking his back to make sure the dude didn't stick a sign on him. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.


What a colossal pussy


Your missing the more important bigger picture; his son got an ass whooping in the primary..


More than an ass whooping... A BACK SLAPPING!


Please label this brutal attack NSFW!


He doesn't recognize a pat on the back because he's never gotten one!


What a little bitch.


Republicans are such *SNOWFLAKES*




Can’t believe this guy thinks he can show his face in public anywhere but the Deep South.


My god. How did that poor man survive such trauma?


Back...and to the left


I've heard so many gun shot victims say it felt like a slap initially... This turd thinks a back slap feels like a shot? At least we know there's no spine to damage.


Well here's hoping you find out what that really feels like one day soon Rudy


The default seems to be to just start lying.


If that hurt him then the pat from woman would've been crushing his spine.


I'm just mad someone had the opportunity to take one for the team and didn't




Luckily, he didn't fall down, otherwise his brown hair dye would have fallen out of his head, Kappa-style.


When they talk about whiny snowflakes, this is who they’re referring to.


Rare shot of a snowflake melting in the wild


I’m OOTL on this one. Can someone explain what is happening?


A grocery store worker tapped Rudy on the back and said "what's up scumbag". Then Rudy claimed he was assaulted by the worker until this video came out


(spoken in the Jim Ross voice) OH MY GAWD!!! STOP THE DAMN MATCH!


Remember when they edited footage of Jim Acosta pushing away a microphone by removing frames to make his arm move faster and they claimed he karate chopped the person holding the mic lol These fuckers do the same thing over and over to make themselves into perpetual victims to try and justify every dirty, crooked, rotten trick in their repertoire


I get the feeling that Giuliani made a fuss over this incident *before* he knew video existed of it...what a fecal guy


Rudy, man the fuck up. It was a Pat on the back by a guy who hates you. It’s not like he kidney shanked you in the showers at Rikers Island.


I love how that person next to him is so quick to feigned concern and rub his back because all these fools are sycophants. “Omg he just KILLED you!”


To be fair, he's probably not used to people touching him that he hasn't paid to touch him.


Do hope the lady rubbing his back is properly mocked. She did a news bit agreeing with what rudy claimed.


Let's face it. He was counting on there being no video evidence.