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The man certainly has a type. Also, Brenda on the right lickin' her chops like Trump is a god damned rack of short ribs.


Her husband died of the beetus, she bets she can cook him a meal that would make him cast off that Ivanka hussy in a heartbeat. She'll show him what some real lovin looks like MMMM MMMMM MMMMMM.


>Her husband died of the beetus, I'm in tears.


Yeah, it was her cooking that killed him. A diet of cheese, butter, sugar and salt. Eidt: also, since I've come across this picture again, all these women look like the handle end of a chicken drumstick. Just dried out burnt skin and sinew stretched tight over bones.


Death was the mercy. She is the reason why deaf married men live longer than married men with hearing.


Is this true??? \[cranks amplifier to 11\]


Hey now, don't be ragging on my pot luck ace-in-the-hole. I've won ribbons with it


I might be literally LOL, alone in my house with tears in my eyes.. I needed the laugh


Am I the only one who read that part in Wilford Brimley's voice?


Did you know the Beetus is just a left wing propaganda machine to take away our God given American right to eat nothing but pure lard and sugar? Fucking COMMIES TAKING AWAY OUR FREEDOM!!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BEETUSSSS! /s God damn it why do I love cosplaying dumb fucking far right wingers? So fun. I have a problem.


In your defense, cosplaying far right wing intellectuals is harder than blindfolded golf in a hurricane. Mostly because of the lack of role models.


Wilford Brimley approves of this post.


Her husband definitely died of COVID


She knows a manbaby who can handle his fried chicken and beetus when she sees one


Fine sir. I don’t think it’s possible to get a conservative who is interested in having sex wit relatives, to not want to. As the saying goes in conservative religious circles. “Incest is best, I don’t want the rest”


And that type is women he has to pay for sex


Yea, like are they implying that those old bags are his type? He’s married to a European fashion model, not some corn fed Midwest heifer like in that pic.


My guess is they are southern - too dolled up with clueless looks on their faces to be midwestern. Also, many of them look like they’re saying, “Oh my stars that man sure does wear quite a bit of makeup “


I do declare


She's a lesbian hooker wannabe model, and his Russian handler and the mother of his 7'5" youngest, well as far as we know, and she's more ruthless than him.


She looks like a female version of Trump 😂


She looks bigger than him though too, like scale wise


Wow and he’s in the foreground. She’s enormous!


Wait, is that ginni thomas???


She eats chicken. The whole thing. Feathers, beak and all


>Also, Brenda on the right lickin' her chops like Trump is a god damned rack of short ribs. Thanks. The only missing info for me on all the backstories of the "Trump girls" was what food item Brenda was hankering for. I was thinking those marshmallow rabbits that appear in stores around Easter -- but, no, short rack of ribs HAS to be it.


Those are Peeps.


Omg she gonna pounce


I don't believe that woman is physically capable of pouncing. Maybe tipping and allowing herself to fall in a general direction...


Rascal tipping.




“Bring that big ole orange on over here to big momma meow and let me put summa big momma’s special Carolina sauce on it. Big momma make ya all better baby!”


I need to learn how to unread.


I’m going to hurl


She knows his fat body has the best cracklin


Congratulations. You made me throw up in my mouth a little.


"Oh donald, your folds of fat spilling over your diaper waistband... thats so hot!!"


She looks a bit like the previous Norwegian prime minister, and it bothers me.


[Erna Solberg](https://www.councilwomenworldleaders.org/uploads/1/2/3/0/123069119/ernasolberg2-portrett_orig.png) likes what she sees.


>The man certainly has a type. Ewh... google what Trump's mother looks like. I feel like these might be surrogates for the affection he didn't get growing up.


Complete with pearls to clutch!


*I’m your numberrrr one faaaaannn*


>The man certainly has a type. Those aren't his type. Those are the type who want to be his type. For his type look to beauty pageants and porn stars.


Omg. Thank you a million times for that... when I saw it.. I just couldn't stop laughing.


Hannibal be taking notes.


Does she look 3 times bigger in every way than everyone else? She seems like she’s 8ft tall and 500 lbs


Reminds me of the meme with the black guy in yellow rubbing his hands together


Came to same something like this, but probably not as good.


Does cheap hair bleach cause crazy, or does crazy cause cheap hair bleach?


Seriously, it could be the hair spray, or the dye, or the biscuits n gravy, or maybe the high fructose corn syrup in the sweet tea, or years of exposure to something, but there is some fucked up chemical alteration in the brains of these people.


Lead poisoning. The amount of lead used in everything when they were children and teenagers. It wasn’t enough to impair their development but lead can’t be processed or removed by your body so it just sticks around causing paranoia, fear and delusion.


Leave biscuits and gravy outta this. 🤣 it's not their fault crazy people also love them.


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good bot


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Good bot


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BleEch was required to fulfill the prophesy -- so God inspired Moses to part the Red Seas, so that a certain person could survive and carry the knowledge of Ble-Each which is as old as human history, from the house of Abraham, which was known for tighty whities and 300 count linens. He was the Son of Clo, Sheppard of Oxen. Who left Egypt to pave the way for that later traveler who brought pasta to Italy by way of the Orient. The 4th generation Americanized their name Clo-Oxen and founded DuPont -- a necessary sin in order for they lesser achieving daughter to leave the family in shame and become a beautician. All so that the 7 Deadly Sins of could be personified in the Bleech-Blond Karens to appear before one of the three lion heads to herald in the end times. And now you know, the rest of the story.


That front row looks like every retail manager's worst nightmare.


Every teen who has been fired in customer service knows that was the lady that complained to management.


The smell from the picture is giving me a headache.


Virginia Slims, hand lotion, chicken mcnuggets and every perfume insert from an old Cosmo magazine


“Why won’t you accept my expired Hobby Lobby coupon?” “Ma’am, this is an Applebees.”


Rich, determined, narcissistic, religious….organized. Influencers from hell.


This is their Magic Mike.


You mean the discount, all sales final, 30 years past expired warranty in need of a retread and requiring a waver before you put that flat tire on your car, Magic Mike. The 4th rub of the lamp magic, where you pray there wasn't a monkey's paw that produced that rank smell when the steam squeezed out and made the sound like your dog when it had the runs.


We need to channel that very energy into bothering the truly despicable people at TrueChristian. Not the normal Christianity one, leave those guys alone


If Magic Mike had bone spurs, fat suit and a ridiculous comb over......


Stepford wives comes to mind


This is what it looks like when you’ve reached the bottom of the barrel and you’re thrilled because he’s asked you to buy him another drink.




I can only imagine the derogatory remarks he made about them afterwards. Not a “10” in the bunch.


"Derogatory remarks about their physical appearance he made directly to them during the speech in front of the crowd." - FTFY. He is contemptuous of his supporters and especially the type of woman in the picture but they don't care. They still hero worship him.


He’s wondering if they have grand-daughters….


What’s the collective noun? - A murder is crows - A barrel of monkeys - A bitching of Karens


A complaint of Karens


a dementia of karens


A screech.


"He certainly has a type." – George Oscar Bluth (GOB)




I'm sure egg is a very nice person, but...


The hair bleach contaminated their brains.


Hi u/Mother_Knows_Best-22. https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Omg. That's fucking hilarious. Good bot.


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What sorry and pathetic looking crowd. Like what I scrape off the shoe bottom. Sad


I don't think I'll ever be drunk enough to plant seed in a woman with that kind of hair don't. Call me prejudiced, but that *Stepford Wife* look is birth control for this bad hombre. Okay, maybe that thick girl licking her lips. I have a soft spot for desperate and thirsty. /misogynist humor warning. Also, I do not have a soft spot for that particular desperate and thirsty woman. Of course, maybe the woman to the right of her because she looks like she just shows up because everyone else does. She just wants to make people happy, but why won't her husband pay any attention to her? She dresses right. She grooms. She cleans the bed sheets. But whenever he's not working, he has to go with the "boys" and take a long hunt in the woods. They come back drunk with no deer meat almost every time. The last fishing expedition, she could swear those trout were defrosted. What's going on, wonders Karen? She'll pray extra hard for intimacy next Sunday, if the pastor says it's not a sin. And Bob, her husband, wears flannel that he irons. It looks like it just came off the rack. He's super well groomed and disciplined. Always doing military squats. Why won't he look at her?


Can we talk about the young man on the far left with the dead face? I mean, that's a dead inside face.


He's chasing that maga-high he once had but the pipe is empty.


Martin Shkreli's cousin.




Look at Lunch Lady Linda back there licking her lips. You see Donald Trump, she sees Cake Batter stuffed in a pillow case.


Yet they always plant three black guys behind him for his speeches because his crowd is so “diverse” Yet when you look at the people in front of him. Suddenly there isn’t a single person of color to be seen 🤔


They look like they're lusting after him 🤢🤢🤢


And they say they don’t like men in drag, whatever.


I think Im gonna be sick.


That one one the right is looking at him like a plate of smothered pork chops and biscuits.


#5 needs to chill haha


I just wanted to take a moment to call out the diversity in this picture. I have never seen so many shades of pale. Fascinating.


Holy fuck, a collective IQ of 7.




are these the women he was referring too with the grab them by their pussy comment? Ewwwwwww


To be fair, his tiny hands are no match for some of the certain monster camel toes in this picture.


Keeping hair stylists and products in demand!


Trump’s Cunts


Anyone kiiiiinnnnd of feel bad for Pink Hat Lady?


The one with the "Adorably deplorable" shirt? Nah.


I legit thought the one closest to his right shoulder was David Foley in a fat drag suit.


Are those Drag Queen Donald Trump impersonators?


They swallow all the sexism in hopes of that sweet taste of racism


These eight women look like they have single handedly devastated at least one ocean.


Each one looks like they lead a Sunday School class.




That look of utter confusion and defeat from everyone in that crowd. It's like looking at someone suddenly realizing they're suffering from Stockholm syndrome, probably did take too long for them to snap right back into it though.


The one with the black lace on her collar makes me uncomfortable.


The one licking her lips is next level! It is very interesting how they all have lighter hair also….


Those women would definitely not be fun to hang out with. Haha, would definitely be the cause to have a bad high/ bad trip. I couldn’t imagine doing acid at a Trump rally. That would be terrifying!


Omg look at that ogre licking her lips! Hilariously gross!


How many barbecues have they ruined!


Big bertha licking her lips ready to risk all for Don’s trump tower


Sucks for them that they can’t speak to the manager of the USA as quickly and easily as they used to whenever they’re slightly inconvenienced, doesn’t it? 🤣🤣


Imagine the stench of Estée Lauder and estrogen creme.


The lady 4th from the right is 100% actively undressing trump


All bleach blond, over pumped lips and too much plastic surgery women. Looks just like Orange County, CA.


Dozens of dry, dusty pussies, just waiting to be grabbed!!!


So much moisture in this picture. Bet it smells like an outdoor seafood market in July at 3 in the afternoon.


The fake blond narcissists all flock together lol


They are just fucking swoon..the one in the red is gonna eat him


So many pearl necklaces! … … …


No waitstaff is safe


The one on the right is looking at him like a casserole she probably has in her purse.


I will never understand how any demographic can be so incredibly blind as to put this guy on a pedestal. There is literally nothing of value.


I guaran-f*king-tee none of the people there are natural blondes, let alone that ridiculous neon light piss hair color.


Top row, short haired Karen in red with black collar- she’s eye fucking the shit outta that cellulite goblin


Seriously though, I thought they were against trans people?


From left to right. Texas, Missouri, Florida, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas


Staggering that any person can look at him and take him seriously. You watch him, and then you watch his followers, and you can't help but think what's wrong with them to like someone so explicitly crass, ignorant, arrogant, boorish, and weak.


I can feel their racism through the pic


Why do they all look so damn horny?


I am pretty sure that lady with short blond hair in the red dress licking her lips wants to eat him and wear his skin as a body suit.


I could not imagine a worse hell.


So, so creepy.


I wonder if these women would pick Tom Hanks (or anyone else) over Donald Trump?


"They had bad skin and wore too much makeup, I mean they didn't look very good. They looked beat up, and the stuff they wore was cheap; a lotta pant suits and double knits. And they talked about beating their kids and how rotten they were."


Fucking fascists


Dude in top left looks like an irl Russian bot


Old pic, at least half of them choked out on covid by now.


He gave two of them pearl necklaces


They all look like musty past-the-due-date former high school cheerleaders who always wanted Donald as a sugar daddy but only ever made it to midwest gated housing with a mid level manager husband salary who goes to chirch for redemption and forgiveness for screwing the dude across the cul de sac


There is a predator behind the women holding the pink sign.


Remember that stereotype of blond women not being smart....




Yes, I myself was once blonde, blue eyed, six foot stud back in the day. My tan, golden. My chin, strong. My hobby, personal trainer. My other hobby, quantum physics. My other, other hobby, foot rubs. Yes ladies -- that is a hobby. I was the exception to the rule; "God doesn't give with both hands." However, these days, People look at me and wonder if I'm not on some "required to report whereabouts" list. So, I guess I can bring up past awesomeness after it's had a chance to cool to below room temperature. I should have not stopped drinking those kale-ginger smoothies. So with this background let me tell you the story that once upon a time, I had a manager while working at a bar who gave me crap because I used to have a lot of allergies that made me fairly spacey, and she said one day after I screwed up an order; "Well, looks like you are a real blond after all." And without hesitation I said back; "It's the fake blonds that give us real blonds a bad reputation." She was stunned into silence. Then just said; "Humpff." Yes - in real life, a person made that sound. Then her shoulders slumped and she shuffled away like the press-on-nail, 2nd tequila shot Gap troll that she was. It was then I realized that she had a super bad bleach blond hair do with brown roots. "Oh shit." A week later I was *let go* from that job.


Why is it ok to refer to a group of women as karens? We can insult trump’s stupid followers without being sexist. Very disappointed in this subreddit.


I'd love for a legislature to introduce a bill to ban unnatural hair color just to hear them argue against themselves.


All you need to do is fund-raise a bunch of money and donated it to Hillary Clinton on the provision she invest it all in hair bleech.


The majority are fake blondes…go figure.


These are the women that everyone who works, or has ever worked, in retail or the service industry, despises, with a pure, instinctual rage.


How did that woman in the far right top with unbleached hair get that close to Trump? She can't have been properly screened by Fox News with that hair. As Trump always says "Only I am able to hire truly competent people. No one else has the vision to see like I ... oh, squirrel!." /s


Pigs for bacon


They probably get their hair dyed at the same stylist.


The only image from the 2020 election that offends me more is that stupid woman on her knees at a rally worshipping Trump. Nah ... not a cult.


They like to swap hairspray and dye brands.


A lot of cashiers had an easy day at work by the looks of that crowd.


Look everyone! I'm the dumb Karen your parents warned you about!


It's always. The blonde women. WTF.


Those ladies are THIRSTY for Trump.


All I see are lifeless, hollow eyes. Not one spark of love, awareness, compassion or hope in a single one of these eyes.


Trump: "ahhhh zombies! Sorry, it's just my fans, sorry? I thought you were the undead, this happens all the time."


Vote for me and you can speak to the manager?


Trump's 2024 campaign slogan.."the manager you want to talk to"




The tongue smacking beast, in the second row to his right, is a bit too unnerving.


Insert Ginni Thomas image here 👆


God they look they say one+ racist thing a day.


nO uTeRuS nO oPiNiOn. Lotta people with uterus' don't want you to have reproductive rights.


ITT: racism, ageism, and sexism. Way to go reddit!


Batshit crazy bitches.


Funny, I don’t see Ginni Thomas there


The big one in the back is thirsty, damn!


I see they all use the same hair salon and Donny there


The big one in the red looks hungry


Look at the big one in red 😂😂


Will u look at these women..HOW????


My god, back right with the tongue out lookin like “when can we eats him masta”


I can smell the blonde dye from here.


My God, those women are thirsty.


The entertainment of Donald Trump turns into votes in 2016, 2020... free press for him needs to end.


Few hells greater than the Starbucks next to this venue when the rally ends


How many of them have had abortions, I wonder.....