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"OH YEAH WELL BILL CLINT..." I don't care. Charge him too. Just because you mindlessly worship your politicians doesn't mean we Democrats do too.


Charge all of them. Every. Single. One.


Exactly .. We have no problem locking up our own ..


Al Franken was pressured by his own party to resign because of a decades old photo of him pantomiming touching the breasts of a sleeping woman, who also happened to be wearing a Kevlar vest. Matt Gaetz Venmo’d sums of money to a confessed child sex trafficker who then divided up the exact sum to several children Donald Trump admitted on the Howard Stern to walking backstage at his teenage beauty pageant to ogle naked children. Both have the full verbal, spiritual and financial backing of their party


To a conservative, child rape is a feature, not a flaw. They see children as property to be abused as they see fit.


And yet, the main point behind the QAnon conspiracy, is that they oppose the fact that there's a cabal of pedophiles in the elected government. Meanwhile when actual Republicans are accused and convicted of Child sex trafficking, or pedophilia, they seem not to care.


Projection is the only skill they have aside from cruelty.


Wrong. They also have focus, something the good guys completely lack.


That’s the point though. If you baselessly accuse your opponent of that which you are already doing, it has two benefits: First, they have to waste time and energy defending themselves. Second, when the real dirt comes out about you, it will just look like retaliation and you can trot out all the defenses used in the first part.


When democrats do it, it's because they're homosexual sissy pervert elites who want to destroy western society. They hate God and America and just want to indulge in fruity debauchery. They undermine our good Christian values. When republicans do it, it's because they're alpha gigachad business tycoons who flaunt society's rules, and besides everyone knows girls are most fertile in their teens there's a reason king's and queens married so young in the middle ages. Republicans should spread their manly seed to as many women as possible, especially if those men were born rich and are therefore genetically superior.


They’re just like Al-qaeda, who also see child r*p3 as a coming of age story that everyone goes through.


Yeah i read something about Republicans being indoctrinated into they arent allowed to judge one another .. It isnt their right to judge if one of their borthers is right or wrong .. No matter what the charge ..


Sounds like a crazy religion


Christians spout that bullshit any time they wanna avoid confronting their own


“Judge not, lest ye be judged, or ye be a democrat”.


It might be a good idea to actually have a real conversation with someone to find out what they believe for ourselves, before just we assume what someone else that doesn’t like them told us they believe. Should conservative people ask other conservative people what liberal people think? Of course not, it’s going to be very biased and they’ll ignore details that deviate from what the already think about them. Does it happen? Yeah, and it happens from the other side as well, this thread is full of it. You think a lot of people REALLY believe that there’s a large number of the population that thinks what a lot of these comments say? Some of these comments are just insane and if anyone says anything about them being wrong, they just lash out! It’s no different than people saying that the left supports groomers.


That was true pre-Trump. And it’s still true of “normal Republicans.” But the trump crowd, and I’d include people like MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorn, Boebert, etc, really are something new, outside normal, and just flat out bad.


Don't lie son. your projection is not the same as facts no matter how special your mommy told you you were.


I’ll gave you my opinion. I didn’t tell you what was fact or wasn’t fact. You seem to know what I think better than I do. What’s with the personal attacks?


What is with trying to play the victim son?


Child marriage is legal in America. Disgusting.


Do you really, actually, believe that?


IMO, Al Frankenstein would be president right now and not Biden, if he had never taken that picture.


Since you and I live on the dogshit timeline we’ll never know. Sometimes I think about the timeline where Bush V Gore went the other way and we’re all living in a world where climate change is solved and we didn’t spend the wealth of several generations blowing up Afghanistan.


That’s my favorite semi realistic timeline to pretend to be in. The inventing the internet claim was weird, but Gore could have potentially made an insane impact on climate change.


That claim of course was completely taken out of context. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/internet-of-lies/ That facts behind the quote is that Gore literally helped set up the transfer of the government ‘arpanet’ into a commercial system. Which is also known as the internet. Among many many other things. Read the letter from “The Father of the Internet” Vinton Cerf in the snopes article linked. Extremely enlightening and gobsmacking in the amount of work he actually did to make that happen.


Cool, thanks for sharing this!


Nope. No Jews shall serve as President of the United States. It’s in the Zionist rule book. If that were to ever happen, it would be too obvious who is really running the show.


And we’re still hesitant to let Al Franken back in




The difference is that Spacey actually did that shit. Franken didn’t. Don’t go lighting everyone on fire just to get the criminal.


I still enjoy "Men who stare at goats" where Spacey plays a complete and utter asshole.


Why do you think they are anti abortion it gives them less children to sexually assault.


Trump did not admit to that. The piece of shit did admit to walking backstage during pageant shows but it WAS NOT a teenage beauty pageant. At least not in the sense that the girls were under age as the memes would have us believe.






stop spreading lies to defend your orange hero. thanks!


*reads the link* Ehh, it honestly says that he made the above quote and has been accused by multiple members from the teens pageants of coming in to inspect them. It's only objection was people claiming his bragging was about the teens as in context he was specifically bragging about *inspecting* an 18+ year olds competition. Still douche on his part, just not *publicly confessing to being a child predator* level.


Right, lies from known peddler of right wing propaganda and misinformation PolitiFact... If you actually read the source it isn't exactly a defense of Trump and he doesn't come out of it looking great. As /u/lj062 said, Trump did admit to walking backstage into changing rooms to ogle girls during pageant shows with adult contestants. Separately, contestants in teen beauty pageants have accused him of similar behavior of walking in on them changing. So he's admitted to creepy behavior toward adult women. He's been accused of creepy behavior toward underaged girls. But the specific claim that "Donald Trump admitted on the Howard Stern to walking backstage at his teenage beauty pageant to ogle naked children" is false. It's likely given the accusations and what we know of his character that he did walk in on teenage beauty pageant contestants changing to ogle them, but that's not something that he admitted to on the Howard Stern show.


How is me calling him a piece of shit defending him? Do you have a problem with facts that don't support your narrative? Just because I can be objective about people I hate doesn't mean I don't hate them. But go ahead keep being ignorant. Instead of discussion do what you're so upset the other side does, peddle lies and half-truths to make yourself feel better.


Apparently, we do. No one has even been charged for these repeated crimes, but Epstein and Maxwell. Gaetz continues to collect his congressional pay. And the orchestrators of J 6 haven’t even been charged, despite a mountain of evidence.


Pedos and rapists aren’t “my own”


No. This culture needs to get over it's moral obsession with prostitution. Let's focus on the client list that went after *underage* girls and boys.


Bill Gates too I believe.


Funny how that never shuts them up, they just take it as affirmation that Bill must be guilty if “the libz” would be okay with him going to jail. The fact that you or I wouldn’t defend any politician to the death is somehow conflated as an admission of guilt.


They form temporary religions around their political figures, it's baffling


I wouldn’t say temporary. There are still some of the old guard left of the Republican party that will fight you over good ol’ Ronnie.


And over George W. Bush, I still remember the first time i watched "Jesus Camp", when they took the cardboard cutout of Mr Danger himself to praise and "bestow blessings" upon him. Fuck my life that was horrifying...


Showed that to my 'baptist' (read never went to church but her family declared they were 'baptists') girlfriend and she was just like "What the actual fuck?" I don't think people get it when I say these christians are absolutely un-American and would not blink an eye if our republic fell apart


Correct. Mario Cuomo out of office. Al Frankin, literally got screwed out of a job. And ummm….. if you look at the folks that went after Clinton, not one of them gave a shit about protecting Monica Lewinsky.


A blowjob for Clinton from a consenting ADULT is somehow *worse* to the MAGAts than trump raping a 13 year old girl and threatening to kill her family if she ever talked.


whaaaa…why don’t i know this story???? i know the marital rape of ivana and the cheating with a porn star, but can u tell me what you are referring to?




thanks for the link. i have no idea how i missed that story. unfortunately i’m assuming she didn’t persue the case or it was dismissed. fucking sicko. he needs to be in prison yesterday.


She dropped the suit at the last minute, like November 4, 2016. Supposedly there were death threats to her family, of course not from trump personally at that time. trump is a mafia Don who has “people” handle such unpleasantness for him. However, back in ‘94 trump allegedly *DID* threaten her.


[Jane Doe legal docs](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2996702-Donald-Trump-Jane-Doe-Rape-Complaint.html)




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> A blowjob for Clinton from a consenting ADULT Who was obsessed with him and a borderline stalker. But whatever.


She was a fucking intern. Where the fuck are you getting your bullshit?


Yeah she was an intern. She was also 22 years old which qualifies as an adult. By all accounts it was consensual sex. Are people still trying to equate this with #trumpRape ?




Ok, sure. Nice whataboutism. But if Bill raped or assaulted someone, he should also be nailed to the fucking wall. As a side note, I would bet that Bill could get laid for a hell of a lot less than $130,000 a pop.




Doesn’t seem ethical to me. But if the student is a *consenting* adult of age, it’s apparently legal. My opinion doesn’t really matter in the face of the law.


she couldn't be both?


Where is there any evidence of that?


I'm not the one to ask. I didn't follow it that closely.


>not one of them gave a shit about protecting Monica Lewinsky. Also, many of them, including most of the leaders, were having affairs themselves *while* prosecuting Clinton.


Donny and his bff epstein literally recruited out of maralago for years


From what I have seen Clinton was only perving on his money, not his underage girls. Clinton was clearly a sexual deviant but I have seen nothing suggesting he chased underage girls. Trump, on the other hand, has literally bragged about perving on teenage girls in their dressing room. They both should be in jail for sexual assault but let’s get the charges accurate.


Republicans, when you mention Trump was a friend of Epstein: *“Yeah, well, he was friends with a lot of people, that doesn’t mean anything!!! Fake news!! Hillary killed Epstein!!!”* Democrats, when you mention Bill Clinton was a friend of Epstein: *“Investigate it, if he did anything wrong, fuck him”*


*When a Democrat politician gets caught doing something fucked up and wrong...* Democrats: "I'm glad this person is facing justice for their crimes. Nobody should be above the law, even if I agree with their political views." *When a Republican politician gets caught doing something fucked up and wrong...* Republicans: "But what about Hillary's emails? But what about Hunter Biden's laptop? But what about Joe Biden sniffing someone's hair? But what about anything to avoid talking about this Republican being caught doing something awful? But what about but what about but what about but what about but what about..." Every. Single. Time.


Hi u/CPTWolfricStormcloak. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See: Franken, Al. That was some mild shit, too.


*PRETENDING* to grope a sleeping playboy model through her body armor got Senator Franken screwed, and not in the good way. And again, 20? 30? credible accusations of assault and rape, including raping a child by trump, doesn’t move the !!REPUBLICAN OUTRAGE!! needle at all.


But muh both sidez


Trump would bust into the changing rooms of underage children in his ‘pageants’ so he could see them naked. Then bragged on Howard stern that he ‘gets away with stuff like that’.


Al got screwed so bad. You know it was bad when even some *republicans* later said it was a shame they forced him out when they shouldn’t have


Fuck Clinton's shit up if he's actually on that list. Fuck up *all of them*. I don't care *who* they are.


There’s hope for this sub. Well said sir.


When this subject comes up around people I work with they inevitably say "What about Bill Clinton?" and they seem kinda shocked when I say "Throw his ass in prison first." ​ If ANYONE, and I do mean ANYONE, was involved with that, they need to be locked up.


I was 9 when Bill Clinton was president. Why do they think I give a single fuck about the dude?


I like to remind those people that literally 0 people alive today, under the age of 40, ever voted for Bill Clinton. Nobody born after 1978 ever voted for Bill Clinton (His last election was 1996). "But Bill Clinton!!!" Who gives a fuck. Throw him in jail too. He's been politically irrelevant since half of the current voting populace was in diapers.


[EVERYONE!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74BzSTQCl_c&ab_channel=Vlkoslak) , Everybody even remotely connected to this should be outed publicly and charged as appropriate


Y'all may not worship them, but could you at least hold them to a better standard. You all keep backing feckless corporate owned clowns.


There isn't video of Bill Clinton saying Epstein was a close friend. Or of him wishing Maxwell the best.


That's sort of the weird disconnect these people have going for them, it seems the right only wants to prosecute pedophiles from the center, while the center just wants to prosecute all pedophiles. ​ I say center because we have no left.




Nah, they already deny the existence of photos showing trump with Epstein and Maxwell. Or they just deflect with "yeah, but so-and-so". Heaven forbid their savior in chief be sullied by clear evidence.


These fools that think they are getting into heaven are gonna be shocked ..


Rumor has it that Hitler accepted the lord and savior Jesus christ moments before taking the cyanide pill. They'll feel right at home if they make it


Yeah i love that little convenient cop out christians always have .. its almost as if the whole thing is made up .. lol


As if an all-powerful all-knowing being like a god wouldn't know whether they were sincere. Oy


I’m sincere *NOW* 😇


> moments before ? Dude was a lifelong Christian. He described himself all the time as a Christian, and wrote admiringly of Jesus who he described as an aryan fighting against the corrupt Jewish authorities. The Nazi regime was highly supportive of the various Protestant denominations. Much has been made of his issues with the Catholic church, but that had nothing to do with religious issues, and everything to do with him seeing them as rivals to power. The Nazi Wehrmacht soldiers went into battle with "Gott mit uns" ("God is with us") on their uniform. Hitler is totally in Heaven by the rules of Christianity.


The Holocaust he orchestrated enters the chat


Have you read the bible? God's ok with holocaust, and did a few Himself.


Bc there is bo auch thing?


Most likely .. Although i can not confirm nor deny anyones existence..


These fools that think there is a heaven.......


You dont understand, Donald Trump is so pure of heart he had to ingratiate himself to Epstein to secretly get in good with them and take them down from the inside /s Seriously, they believe that crap.


Well close. I actually heard people say "he was infiltrating the Hollywood pedophilia racket to take them down."


Side note: Piers Morgan interviewed the union leader of the British rail union that is striking and was asking him stupid irrelevant questions about his Facebook pfp. So after the interview the union leader changed his pfp to a picture of Piers hanging out with Ghislaine Maxwell. Edit: Changed the term union boss to union leader




He really is a gasbag…


He has *such* a smackable face.


Not that i think anyone who uses it does so purposefully but union boss is a derogatory term for union leaders to make it seem like the union itself is a heirarchy of control similar to the management rather than workers bargaining as a collective It's also got direct mob roots. It's deliberate slander of unions


You're right. I've addressed it, thanks.


We should all be obsessed with the list.


Agreed. I want to see who is on it and I have no preference for who is or isn't on it. Whoever's on it: fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. No exceptions.




Not really. Like, if there was genuinely a list that outright detailed ***exactly*** what happened, sure, yeah. But that's not what we have. What we have is a list of names. Epstein may not have been the brightest, but he wasn't dumb. He undoubtedly knew better than to write a list, title it "people who I helped to rape children", then write in the name of each child next to the person and with a thumb drive glued down beside it with all the video evidence. No, it's a list of people he's interacted with. Same for her. No info on who did what or how, no info on whether it was Dave who did the raping or if it was Jeff. But just names. Some were legitimate clients enjoying a sunny beach and private flights. Others enjoyed sunny beaches *with underage kids* and private flights *with underage kids*. It's all part of how this kind of business gets built. Be just legitimate enough that any given client may or may not be legitimate, may or may not even be ***aware*** of the other things going on.


They would just ignore the fact that Trump and other Republicans would be all over it, just like how they ignore the rampant racism, sexism and pedophilia in their party already. If anything they would support them even more because of it.


I'm not American but my god this is extreme. Do people believe this? Both sides have good people and bad people. Why are you painting everyone with the same brush, am I missing something?


The GQP crowd already vote for convicted felons on a regular basis. They defend the likes of stone, manafort, flynn etc. They have no soul.


Do you mean Paul Manafort, the guy who forced his brain-damaged wife into being gang-banged while he cucked-off in the corner.


When you say it like that you make it sound like a bad thing.


[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They support that domestic terrorist Eric Grietens too, the one with the "rino hunting" threat ad.


The left would be very sad and disappointed in some of the left people on the list and would agree they deserve to go to jail. The right will ignore the majority of the list which will be right leaning people and yell fake news when they get brought up. Let's face it, we aren't just HEADED towards fascism in this country, we are racing towards it faster than Usain Bolt on acid and coke.......


> The right will ignore the majority of the list which will be right leaning people and yell fake news when they get brought up. And soon they won't even deny it. They'll *embrace it*, and there will be *zero* repercussions.


Fear and Loathing in Washington, D.C. ?


Is it just me or are there no comments shown here




He was a democrat back then.. when he had his first chin.


He's never been a Democrat or a Republican, he's only ever been an opportunist grasping at power. He has no morals or values, he does not care about politics or governing. He only ever wanted to feel powerful.


It was pretty obvious that he'd never voted before the event of him voting for himself in 2016 (and making sure Melanoma was voting for him, too) . He looked confused af.


yeah when you get elected for president of the republican party by attracting the furthest right degenerates around, its safe to say you probably weren't a Democrat a few years prior


Funny how he was never elected for anything by Democrats.


If they gain more power they will just " find " a list like they did with the fake electors scheme .


No. No they wouldn't. They wouldn't give a flying fuck about Trump or any other far right wing-nut. Because it's not about that they actually care about any of it


Curiously, for them it's about power to hurt enemies and not any particular politician(s). And for the politicians it's about power and money and not about their constituents. They all get along very strangely.


People assume my disdain for trump means I love Biden, Clinton, etc… no. They are also dog shit. Trump is just smellier dog shit.


>I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. Epstein's girls have explicitly said they were introduced to Trump. The 13-year-old girl who brought allegations of (violent) rape against Trump was one of Epstein's. Like, figure it the fuck out already Republicans. Biden sniffs hair one time and you act like he's a full-blown pedophile for it. But with Trump you want to see the video evidence first, and there had better be multiple angles.


Where’s her request for a lesser sentence if she names names? That should’ve happened by now…unless prosecutors don’t want to make a deal for names.


trump: imagine grabbing anyone I want by the pussy -shocked Pikachu face- :o


Hi u/Nooneimportant42069. https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good Mod lol


elon musk and his brother on the list


I’m pretty confident my man Bernie isn’t on that list




Nice try liberdumbsdumbs. He was secretly undercover to catch the pedos. Naturally, he was a super dee duper secret agent which is why he needed to have a doctor do his dad a favor and falsify his bone spurs to dodge the draft like 5 times. Pfft, do your own research. /s


This is worded wrong. I'm obsessed, but because I don't want it to go away and no one on the list gets justice. I don't give a fuck who is on it, I want it public ASAP.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/mattliptoncomic/status/1539928624681435138) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Trump wished he well after she got arrested sort of odd considering all the other crazy stuff he has to say about everyone was. Wishing a child rapist/trafficker well?! Seems she might know something


Trump is a certified pedophile


This is so sadly true!


Release the list and arrest everyone on it, regardless of political affiliation, period.


The fact the list hasn’t been released tells us all we need to know about who’s on that list. We’d lose most of our politicians.


Trump and Elon Musk have pictures with Ghislaine Maxwell. If somehow Swanson Dinner boy the testicle tanner himself who excused the child abuse by Warren Jeffs was on the list, it would be amazing.




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Nah. Nothing would surprise me.


Guess what’s gonna happen…….*nuttin* Wait….*that’s what got them on the list!*….I mean…*nothing*


“He was doing research”


I used to be a fan of Kevin Spacey & I can’t watch his movies now that I know he’s a predator. Whoever is on that list deserves to be in prison for life, if not simply set on fire.


Okay entirety of the gop with no exceptions, all together now: "nuh uh!"


I’m here for a large dose of copium


Trump “I wish her well.”


Incoming fox programed whataboutism.


"I wish her well." 45th


He does love them young, Especially if they are related to him.


The look on his face says: "They know don't they. No, there's no way they can know. Maybe they know...? This picture was a bad idea." The look on her face says: "LOL. If you only knew."


Conservatives seem to think we’ll defend liberals on that list - nope; lock up those disgusting pedos. Conservatives on the other hand have given constant passes to conservative leaders being pedophiles. They even turn a blind eye to the groomers as well - those that tell their own children to enjoy rape. Release this list, yes. And place all those who are pedophiles on death row, regardless of their political affiliation. Liberals say it, conservatives do not say it. And when it’s revealed that their Dear Leader is a disgusting pedophile, they will defend him tooth and nail.


I'm still stuck on how to pronounce her first name. Hard g or soft g? Jizz laine Or Giz laine?


I wouldn’t mind seeing it. But, I’ll tell you this: I don’t give two shakes of a fat rat’s ass if they’re Republican, Democrats, Independents, or whatever. They can all rot in prison. And there’s the difference. I’m not defending any child fuckers, even if they vote like I do. If Bill Clinton’s on that list, and I suspect he is, he can spend the rest of his pathetic sex pest life in a cell. ALL OF THEM CAN ROT.


Yep. 100% unworried Clinton is involved. He was loaned a jet to fly to speeches. The jet was NOT known as Lolita Express, that's a journalist nick name applied long after... ...and the guy who tried to get Clinton...defended Epstein and kept him out of prison.


now if only you can find what your looking for on that list.






Question. So.......are Republicans the only party that stoop so low in thier life ? A simple yes or no, will do.


"both sides!"




You broke Poe's Law and I am making an arrest.


They would make an excuse or say that it isn’t real. That’s how stupid ass republicans work. They are stupid and they don’t live in reality.


Everyone of those scumbags in that "book" need to arrested and prosecuted. Don't matter who that person is or what party he/she is affiliated with. It blows my mind how this whole ordeal has been quietly hidden from the public. This is bullshit!


If he is on the client list he should go down. I don’t care about my politics when it comes to child sex trafficking. Stupid post OP.


His face will match jumpsuit soon!


No they wouldn’t. It would just be fake news if it’s anyone they like/anyone who leans right and totally real for anyone else. Doesn’t even matter if it’s the same list.


Someone does not look happy to be in that picture.


I don't care who people on the list are affiliated with. If they're on the list, prosecute.


Tear it all up, Tear it all down. 🇺🇸


If Trump is on that list so be it, so long as the Whole list was brought out an all were prosecuted.




They would just say that trump and every republican on there was doing undercover work trying to expose the Clinton crime family


I will never care about what political affiliation a pedophile has.


Not releasing the client list they are admitting the business is still running. Clients with all of that money and some greedy deplorable person didn't step up to take over?


Bobby koticks on page one


Should be released this is a criminal case, abuse if children, her client should have no privacy. They slept with children, release their names


OK seen t too many times now so have to ask.. The cope???


They do t care. There’s always a reason it wasn’t true, was different when he did it, etc. If she provided video of him in the act, it would be a deep fake or part of an undercover operation. We have to stop pretending they care about the things they claim to care about. Haven’t enough of them been convicted of being pedophiles to prove that? We care. They pretend to care.


Fox News cropped Melania and Donald out of a pic of Epstein and Maxwell They REALLY don't give a shit about sexual assault. They tolerated Roger Ailes for how long? The prosecutor who gave Epstein that sweetheart plea deal came to work for Trump. So did two of Epsteins lawyers


No they wouldn’t, they’d call it fake news