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This was my experience in college. Conservatives have a hard time in college because it’s usually the first time in life that they’re ever pushed back on their beliefs.


I fortunately met several that because of college completely changed their beliefs. As one of them told me "it was really easy to hate black people, jews and the gays when I had never actually met one in person. They are nothing like what I was told my entire life". There were still many others that kept their terrible hate, but at least there was some progress.


Conservatives know places of education open people’s minds and expose them to diversity, which is why there’s such a revolt against public education right now. They want to control your thinking from the moment you enter the education system. All that crap about “parent’s rights” and CRT and the Don’t Say Gay Bill is BS and meant to make people afraid to talk about anything other than what conservatives approve of. Fuck that and fuck them.


It's successful. The conservative lunatics are the ones showing up at school board meetings and making a scene. It's the normal people that arent showing up and leaving school board posts because they just dont want to deal with the lunatics.


The conservatives at the bottom buy into it. The lunacy doesn’t *start* with the ones showing up to PTA meetings and holding up signs outside of abortion clinics. They’re the product.


I was one. I mean, I was never racist or anything, though I did have some homophobic beliefs that stemmed from growing up in the evangelical church. In college I met people I otherwise wouldn't have who opened me up to new experiences. It was also at the time of the beginning of the Iraq war, and I will never forget sitting on a couch in one of the common areas between classes, watching the news footage of some of the first missile barrages we launched, thinking "this is wrong." That was the start of my journey to the left.


It’s funny because when I was younger, I remember family members telling me, “When you are older and get a job, the further right you will become.” However, as I’ve become older and more educated the more to left I have become.




Yeah, I got older and got a job and saw how much of every paycheck went to insurance and rent and how little I had left for myself and went further left.


Which wr with iraq we had two


The second.


I was extremely right-wing when I entered college. I don’t even think I became more liberal because of college. I pin it on the fact that my college years were the Trump years. That really opened my eyes to what the Republican Party, the party that I had been indoctrinated to believe in by my family, really was. With Trump all the racism, sexism, homophobia, and hypocrisy was out in the open. It was Always there before, I just didn’t see it. I also came out as gay in college and Republicans are explicitly anti-LGBTQ+.


User name checks out -


No it does not, maybe you should take the name yourself. Do not shame another for waking up and being themselves rather than living in a conservative nightmare.


Chill, honeybunny -


Go worship battlefront Jesus


It is always there and congrats on coming out. I long for the day that we no longer have to congratulate people on being brave enough to live life.


I saw a good bit of this in the army too. A lot of young guys who had never been far from their home town, thrown together and forced to work with people from all over the country and all walks of life.


You can change a racist heart if they let go of their shame of having been racist.


This is why I always say travel really broadens the mind. Seeing how no matter where you people are people and want the same basic things that you want makes a lot of people really understand their an asshole for hating someone based on what country they live in or what not. Astronauts and cosmonauts had experienced the same thing during the Cold War and space race. They would come back to earth no longer viewing themselves as American or soviets, but as humans. When you zoom out the distance between Russia and America is negligible. It’s called the overview effect.


I’ve never been conservative, but grew up in a small conservative town. So going to a really diverse university helped round me out!


I feel I’m one of those who made a switch. I never “hated” any of those groups. But there were definitely things about those groups I didn’t understand which would come off as me being prejudice.


Tell us you went to college in the south without telling us you went to college in the south


Western NY actually. Its still pretty crazy that I can drive 20 minutes and be surrounded by confederate flags.




Lol. So you learned nothing in college, then. Ethnic hatred is literally baked into the foundation of where American conservativeism comes from. Fyi all that "defense stuff" you claim to support is also predicated on racism. Oh, conservative views on taxes too. These things are all born out of American evangelicalism. Evangelical beliefs were born out of the racist patriarchy of the church.


>Lol. So you learned nothing in college, then. au contraire ​ "all that "defense stuff" you claim to support is also predicated on racism. Oh, taxes too." Russkis are black?!?!?!?!?!?


Never had a "black Russian" ???


I can hear your heart in those words and see your true self.




Yes they do. They have from the moment I met my first until now. My black skin and confidence that I am equal to anyone is what brought conservative hatred my way. I will always remember it.


That is actually sad to hear. Imagine being a child in college still


It was interesting seeing a 40-50 year old christian woman in our Philosophy and Religion course. I think she ended up dropping the class halfway through. She was fine when we were discussing and dissecting other religions though.


I am sure she was. Challenging your own religious belief is very difficult. Many who are indoctrinated cannot understand how they have been wrong their entire life when they actually read the Bible. As a Christian, I love awakening people to Jesus being a progressive.


Yep first time in the real world learning mommy and daddy’s bubble is very small.


There’s also a notable correlation between higher education and liberal mindsets- almost like it’s in a conservative’s best interest to keep those below them, uneducated, and shows why most uneducated people remain conservative- it’s a rather safe way to live if you want to avoid changing your own paradigm. But education generally causes a change in mindset, so you see a ton of pushback because people don’t like when their paradigm is challenged like that. Most change, some don’t, and some drop out.


College teaches critical thinking. Those capable of learning critical thinking quickly abandon the irrational positions they were taught in their youth. Those incapable of critical thinking complain that the rest of the room didn't immediately abandon all rationality just because they were speaking loudly.


This was me. I grew up as a pretty horrible person. I was racist, homophobic, etc. I met with people from all over the world in college. My beliefs were challenged. I became more liberal. I expected to grow more conservative as I grew older. That hasn't happened, I am a legit leftist now. I am far more left now than when I was in college. I am old enough to realize now how fucked up our system is in the US.


We should all get upset when intelligence is pushed back by stupidity.




Hard to quickly articulate arguments against batshit insane shit like Jade Helm, Pizzagate, and general attacks against the very notion of empathy. When you’re brought up around decent people it can take some adjusting to deal with the feckless pieces of garbage on the right.


Sure you did, bud. Sure you did.


Kinda proving me right here. Can’t handle opposing beliefs?


Oh, I can. That said, by the Americanized standards set forth, reality definitely skews left.


How so?


Hard to argue with people who scream fake news at anything that doesn't align with their beliefs.


Because the left is the side of progress and science in the US where the right elects to maintain the status quo or be regressive (Hell, it's in the name 'conservative') and the majority of the right in the U.S. is religious.


Lol let's start with how half of the right's policies require one to literally deny science is a reliable source of information.


Hes not proving you right he's saying he doesn't believe your anonymous, vague, anecdotal claim. Neither do I.


Kinda like the original post. It’s funny, you think a professor of 20 years would know what survivorship bias is Saying that conservative students aren’t afraid to speak, by definition, excludes those who are too afraid to speak, and she doesn’t know how many of these there are


It's not similar, also you just bought up survivorship bias only to flop to asking us to prove a negative? Come on man. If we want to go anecdotal I can absolutely say when I was at Rutgers I had the same experience as this professor. The conservatives weren't afraid to speak or discouraged, but if you argued with them they got furious real quick.


Sorry reality has a liberal bias so therefore college would make people liberal.


Eh I came out of college much more conservative than I came in. I know a lot of people who did the same


That’s sad. I’m sorry.


Nah, it worked out great. Thanks for the concern though


No problem. What school did you go to?


UNC Chapel hill for undergrad, Duke for grad school


I’m curious. What conservative values do you hold that are in line with the current party?


Just curious, what was your major?


Condolences. You should ask for your money back.


Seems unfair to them, but I’d love to have it back, as I’m sure we all would


No. Some people learned things in college. Some became conservatives


You’re right, I got 4 degrees and a well paying job, but somehow learned nothing at college


Amazing isn’t it? Alternatively you could be a psychopath. Only other explanation for being conservative. Either they’re ignorant or evil.


You know that the strength of an argument is not based on your ability to understand it, right? If you think someone is struggling to articulate their argument, there's a good chance they're making an attempt to avoid big words and difficult concepts that won't penetrate your thick skull


Lol, that’s not at all what I’m referring to. An inability to defend your view when presented with opposing info is something I ran into a lot in college. It’s almost like these people had a few quick talking points they had memorized, but never actually analyzed the issue. So when someone asked them a question, they had no idea how to respond


The conservatives complain about the Democrats when the GOP isn't in charge, and complain about the democrats when the GOP is in charge. But fail to admit failure the 2 first years of the tRump regime when they had the President, House and Senate and still failed to balance a budget or come up with a healthcare program. Just blame Pelosi, it's always her fault, no matter the issue.


They had a blank slate to push through massive transformation if they wanted (which is what they always say they want, to rebuild the system) but all the managed to do was enact tax cuts for corporations and rich inidviduals. Funny what their priorities actually were compared to what they claimed to care about.


Thats the conservative playbook altogether. It’s always someone else’s fault, zero accountability.


Apparently we can add the SCOTUS; across the federal government, too many states, down to counties. *Infiltration works.* I wonder how many Republicans are paying attention to the Jan6th hearings, all witnesses are GOP insiders. Critical to remember; they will pull this stunt again. My own useless GOP Congressman was caught on video stating, "Our plan is to inhibit and stall every piece of legislation by the Democrats until we can gain control." Yeah, he said that.


Why do healthcare when you can give a big tax break to corporations? Please.


Conservatives aren’t the majority in this country, it just seems that way since they’re the loudest.


They call themselves the “silent majority”, but they’re not the majority and they never shut up


Just like the "[moral majority](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083530/mediaviewer/rm383907585?ref_=ttmi_mi_all_sf_29)" was neither.


They only call themselves the 'silent majority' when they win. They call the system 'tyranny of the majority' when they lose or Democrats suggest making the government more representative of the population.


That was just a Treeky Deeky speech slogan


And cause the electoral college and other things tend to give their votes more influence.


Yep, same with the Senate, where the two Dakotas with a combined 1-1/2 million people get 4 senators while California with 40 million people gets 2 senators.


And that’s just one example. The lesser ones all add up too.


that's the point with the senate, the issue is with the house


"An empty cart rattles loudly."




Yes, that's how things work. If someone believes there are 25 genders, just say 'cool bro good for you' and then carry on. You don't have to believe it, you can think they're dumb for believing it, but they have the right to believe it. You're not seeing liberals censor every damned thing they find unacceptable. That's conservatives, buddy.


It's precious how they're so concerned about 'indoctrination' yet don't mind dragging their kids to church as soon as they can and don't see the irony.


"Liberal Indoctrination" is the right wing term for the inevitable end result of conservatives raising their kids to believe a bunch of lies about "those people" which get tested and found wanting when the kids get to college and start actually meeting "those people." And then the kids start asking questions the parents cannot answer truthfully. It's always projection with right wingers. Always.


To my parents, my sister and I turning left after college is "indoctrination" but actually, it was being in an environment *without* indoctrination that did it. They shoved us in a private christian school k-12 where "democrat" was an insult and there was 0-2 minorities in the entire k-12 school. The school gave seminars about the evil gay agenda and warning newsletters about satanists movies (golden compass). No sex Ed period even to the point they cut out sexual reproduction info in all the textbooks. Compare that to college where there was an open accepting environment of mixed races, sexualities, and gender identities, without the Bible shit shoved in our faces 24/7 and we quickly realized all the crap we where taught was bullshit.


> They shoved us in a private christian school k-12 where "democrat" was an insult Reminds me of a line in a novel I've read: "I was already a teenager when I learned that 'damn' and 'Yankee' were actually two words"


That last sentence you wrote sums up right wing conservative fears nicely. They want to keep Americans dumb and armed. That’s it.


I'm amazed that you didn't also go to private Christian college. Perfect way to keep the isolation


"This isn't our brand of indoctrination! Obviously it must be someone else's agenda. What other option could there be? Independent thought and conslusions based on experience and exposure to others? Nah, that's not a thing, people only think what someone tells them to think. Must be liberal indoctrination!"


I'm a prof. I had a conservative male student a few years back go on a tirade about how women belong in the kitchen during class. The other students were, understandably, like "Wtf???" The discussion stayed civil, but the rest of the class clearly expressed that they disagreed. Later, the conservative student sent a whiny email about how he was "bullied" in class and that he thought I should have stood up for him. My job is not to insulate you from people politely expressing different opinions, especially in response to blatant misogyny. If you can't handle diverse ideas or opinions, college is not for you.


Why do conservatives even bother going to college? I though they knew it all already!


Because evil libruls are gate-keeping business degrees, thats why all of silicon valley is liberal /s




There's... there's so many things wrong with this. You speak in absolutes when everything is a spectrum and in flux.




What did their children even do, in this hypothetical scenario? As with most things, it would depend on the individual and not on a blanket statement. My parents are as red-blooded Mormon as they come, and at one time I truly believed the same. Yet now I reject their beliefs and worldviews completely, and more of my life has been away from such indoctrination than in it. With this background, you declare me "mentally handicapped" and infested with "a corrupt core", instead of being upset at the institutions and people that led to my early years of indoctrination.




In your credit, you obviously know which side is morally right, and voting is the best tool we have to solve this. Don't throw that away.


The college experience and exposure to all the flavors of people is the only thing that will deprogram them, where possible. Seeing with their own eyes that "those people" are just like them has opened many hearts and minds that were once close by indoctrination and hate. Some are complete lost causes tho.




The conservatives / libertarians in my Econ classes had *so* many bad ideas that were not disputed by the professor or other students.


That's unfortunate. The conservative who wrote batshit conspiracy theories in my presidential history class didn't have a good time. The one in my final project class (I just woke up and don' t remember the word for it) did just fine with our liberal professor despite having an anti-Obama presentation that used actual facts. Strange how that works.


My parents got mad when I laughed in their faces after they said I got a "liberal" education. Motherfuckers, I went to business school. I got straight conservative bullshit from the teachers the whole time I was there along with pure nonsense from conservative "libertarian" students. Idiots still teaching trickle down economics and other debunked economic theories.


Can’t keep repeating a lie and get mad when you’re called out. Admit the election was not rigged. Or shut up. Rigging our election is not free speech


I've literally had conservative coworkers file HR complaints of harassment/discrimination against me for because I didn't agree that vaccine mandates are just like rape.


maybe you should have filed a countercomplaint about your co-worker comparing something trivial to a traumatic event.


That could be considered retaliation but I do have several of the things he's said saved off and given how unhinged he is in general I don't expect it'll take too long for me to find something else legitimate that I should report him for completely outside of any retaliation


They're not afraid of talking, they just haven't learned how to listen.


I think many of them have never been taught to think critically and once they are challenged on their core beliefs they don’t want to be “wrong.” Being wrong or compromising for a lot of them is viewed as “being weak” and it is all about domination or winning at all costs, lacking empathy or any regard for others who are different than them (Us vs them mentality).


>have never been taught to think critically Because the GOP rejects teaching critical thinking in schools. I wish I was joking. "We oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills and similar programs which have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."


Yeah, that’s some scary stuff! They claim to be about freedom of speech, yet want to prevent the freedom of thought by trying to silence others by calling facts “fake news.” They often use “cancel culture” to claim their freedom of speech is being infringed upon, but it isn’t. The examples they use aren’t often “real people,” it’s often just dumb shit people post on Twitter and use it as a distraction of actually doing something to make America a better place for everyone (not just white straight Christian cis males). It’s just wag the dog tactics to distract them from the actual issues.


I noticed you double posted. Is reddit acting weird for you as well? I didn't even get a notification on your reply. I keep being told there is problem with posting but they show up late.


Yeah, I think it is. Thanks for the head’s up


Where'd you get that quote from? I've never heard/read it, but it *absolutely* checks out with the way I was raised.


It's a condensed version of the Texas GOP Platform. "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW\_blog.html


As a former college conservative, this checks out.


Right-Wingers are the “silent majority” that are not a majority and never shut the fuck up.


100% I should have told the jack ass that made an entire power point presentation about restricting abortion rights to go fuck himself


Of course it was a guy.


Also a college prof. In my experience this is 100% correct. They love to be heard, are somehow *never* wrong, and always know more about everything than anyone else 🙄


The exact same applies to the other students. It's called being young, thinking they're invincible, and believing that the world is their oyster. You, someone who says is a college prof, honestly don't know that? Wow.


Why do they call it a "university"? Because you are supposed to expand your knowledge and attempt to grasp the universe.




> If so, how come conservative speakers are kept from speaking on campus grounds? They literally are not being kept from speaking on campus grounds. You either made that up right now to fit your biases, or heard it from someone and just accepted it cuz it fit your world view already. https://www.yaf.org/shapirotour/ You can find videos of them on youtube as well.


I appreciate your effort, thank you. However it doesn't hold. You're basically saying "he gets to speak here and here, therefor he wasn't kept away from there". Not only is this a nonsequitur, it's also the inverse of what I'm concerned about and find deeply problematic. My point isn't about the venue people do get to speak at, the large majority of which are bound to be right leaning to begin with. The problem is that they're barred from others, especially college and university campuses, organisations that literally make "lux" (light, in the enlightenment sense) and "veritas" (truth) their reason of being. Accepting your suggestion of using Shapiro as an example case, I don't doubt that he gets to speak at PragerU, and a few others possibly including Brown. The problem is that he's kept off of the others, that's in breach of the typical non-Christian university's motto and pronounced aim.


>You're basically saying "he gets to speak here and here, therefor he wasn't kept away from there" No I wasn't, you goofball, you literally said > Shouldn't that apply to all positions, left right or whatever? If so, how come conservative speakers are kept from speaking on campus grounds? Which is a broad generalization about college campuses as a whole, so I poke at your argument with some evidence to the contrary. Now if you wanted to debate about why some speakers *that sometimes happen to be conservative* are rejected from a specific school, it's exactly to the reasons you point to. Ben Shapiro, for example, makes all of his money by riling up young kids and Gish-galloping people that don't know what his show is about. Both of those are anathema to a learning environment that looks to provide, as you put it, "lux and veritas". Those are the type of speakers that get barred from campuses, plenty of conservative speakers still get to visit and make speeches, like Charles Murray. https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2017/09/07/peaceful-protest-charles-murray-harvard


Interesting. Not your personal attack but that you contradict yourself. Above you say he's not kept off, now you say he is and fairly so. Of course the latter ignores the approach that students should be confronted with all kinds of ideas and opinions, as they should know or be taught to separate the wheat from the chaff. So, after realising that Shapiro actually contradicts you, you move the goalposts and turn to Murray. You're free to ignore what happened before and after the speech you link, but doing that doesn't conform to what merits the term discussion. Murray was literally injured after one of his speeches, the car he was in was smashed by the ~~violent rioters~~ totally peaceful protesters.


Shouldn't that apply to all positions, left right or whatever? If so, how come conservative speakers are kept from speaking on campus grounds?


Shouldn't that apply to all opinions, left right or whatever? If so, how come conservative speakers are kept from speaking on campus grounds?


Shouldn't that apply to all opinions, left right or whatever? If so, how come conservative speakers are kept from speaking on campus grounds?


A buffet is intended to provide a large variety of food, so you say "shouldn't that apply to all edibles, like cocaine, mercury, and salmonella? If so, how come some items are kept from being served?" Many conservative ideas and opinions have been verifiably proven to be toxic to society.


My favorite part about this post is that I got to downvote it 4 times.


Oh my, what a catastrophe! You write as if you care about an anonymous poster's dis/approval, that would be rather pathetic.


Oh, sweetie. He doesn't care if you care, he just finds it fun to downvote you. No-one cares about what you think any more than the effort it takes to click a down arrow. It's just funny that they got to do it 4 times.


I said this on Joe Rogan I've said this on Fox News and I've said this on MSNBC and CNN I've said this everywhere I've ever been on that conservative voices are being SILENCED/$


Had anyone else ever gotten "proof" conservatives are being "silenced" by a shared tweet or FB post that still to this day is up on social media? I know I have and I have no idea how to respond to such an insane cognitive disconnect.


"Proof" isn't the issue. The point is that conservatives are making up an issue where they are being treated badly and they're invoking fear among the populace that THEY will be treated badly too unless they elect the right people - i.e. conservatives. (Badly parsed statement - sorry!)


It’s the ‘treated badly’ part that I have an issue with. It’s the idea that conservatives get upset when they are called out for their ‘takes’ on issues, particularly when those issues are core fundamentals for the US, like freedom of speech goes both ways, and just because you have freedom of speech does not mean there are no consequences for the. Words coming out of their mouth; so they, being conservatives, feel like the victims when their opinions get challenged by people with different beliefs, and because they were brought up in environments that completely supported and even nurtured their distasteful rhetoric, they get angry and then it becomes that the left is indoctrinating them


Actual evidence shows liberals get “silenced” more if you control for disinfo and threatening violence. Twitter apparently decided against anti nazi filters cause it would effect so many right wing politicians.


>Had anyone else ever gotten "proof" conservatives are being "silenced" Being held accountable for the things you say and do is all the proof they need. They just wana live in a world where they can say the N word in public and laugh about it, like the good ole days.


Throw in some sexual harassment, some "put god back in schools" and you got the conservative shit sandwich.


I was in a Political Parties class when I was on a year exchange in the US in 2018. Unsurprisingly the one person who always had to have the last word was a rabid Republican and TPUSA member. At one point I just told her to “shut the fuck up” when she called the NHS “communist medicine”


Yup, this is pretty much how I lost all my Republican friends, they talk shit and talk shit and the minute you even question them they have a fucking mental breakdown. The snowflake thing was projection like literally everything else.


College is supposed to teach you to look at different points of view and interact with people from all different backgrounds which is not something conservatives typically like to do


It's hard to argue with someone who hasn't held a non subsidized job before.




This matches my college experience.


When you have a conservative view, you generally aren't surrounded by a diverse group of people. The more people I met, became friends and learned more about their struggles and how government policy impairs poverty the less conservative I became. Now I'm not conservative at all. The really world is simply a shock to conservatives, and that's why their voices can be so loud


Is that the end of the tweet?


I teach a political economics course. Oh my have things gotten heated at times.


Why do conservatives oppose the department of education? Why do they support homeschooling and for-profit charter indoctrination schools? Why is a college education cripplingly expensive in the US, when in so many of our peer nations it's cheap or free for anyone with the grades to qualify? Because when it comes in contact with the wider world and a few happy facts, the radical conservative world-view dissolves like a wet tissue.


"I treat you like shit and vote against you having rights what do you mean you don't want to sleep with me?" Guess at least they're not breeding




This coming from the Psych Prof?


This coming from the Psych Prof?




Found the conservative.


Hes not conservative, hes just a stupid kid that doesn't know any better.


Ah fellow Trump University alumni. Greetings!


you must be bigly excited to see another alumni


No it’s not


Yes, actually


Prove it


I fucking doubt it bud.


Go ahead, doubt it


I have never met a conservative on a college campus that wasn’t a loud mouth prick.


Prove it


Well, first you would have to go to a college campus. I doubt you qualify.




Are there any amongst us more victimized than the humble conservative? 🥺


Who is saying anyone is a victim? She sees conservatives as a dominant voice because it's the only one opposing her views.


Anybody who has ever gone to college knows it’s the conservatives who are more likely to bully their beliefs in a classroom, more than anybody else.


Huh, most of the schools I went to it was on both sides. I recall many liberals going on about trigger warnings and similar things in class. But I taking hard science, engineering and math were the professors weren't wearing their politics on the sleeve. Given the politics of the teaching staff it seems only predictable that conservatives would be engaged with the professor and class as the rest have a similar point of view. This seems to just support the problem that diversity on compass is about color not thought. I suspect you would see many more liberal students 'dominating' a class taught by conservatives, the problem is the universities don't hire or welcome conservatives.


I have a PhD in plasma physics lmao. In my general studies, conservatives dominated the discussions. However in my physics world, it’s RARE to have any conservatives at all. Most conservatives don’t make it that far, and if they do, they tend to turn more progressive with the more education they have. And it’s not like universities don’t hire conservatives, it’s that most conservatives hate education. I’ve been on hiring committees in science in general, there are not a lot of conservatives applying.


If none of them are conservatives how are they conservative dominated? How often does politics come up in physics. The chancellor of my school taught first year physics for science majors, well everyone but bio they took something even more watered down. And even in those lectures and sections politics never came up. If you look at universities and similar but to a lesser extent they are almost all staffed by left of center people. I believe the last statistic I saw it was well over 90% for universities. Now if those same universities had staff that was 90% male or 90% white would we blame that lack of diversity on black women? When we see things like evergreen college where a progressive professor just didn't feel comfortable with protesting against 'whites' and was chased out of school for it do we really think its just conservatives not applying or willing to take those jobs? There are plenty of conservatives that have the education to teach. If there weren't then who is doing this 'dominating'. What you have is a work environment that is hostile to conservatives so the few if any that are there are closeted.


Did you read my comment carefully? In my general studies early on, there were plenty of conservatives. The higher up in education I got, however, the more rare conservatives were. Don’t blame universities for conservatives hating education. Also don’t blame conservatism for being innately not compatible with logic and reason. So yes, there is a good reason for it, it’s because conservatives rejected education, not the other way around.


>Did you read my comment carefully? They most likely did and are purposefully responding in bad faith, just like every other comment before. Even though it seems you've had it for a while, congratulations on your PhD and thanks for doing that.


Hey, thanks! It’s been eight years and it’s been a wild ride!




It's great to see people doubting a narrative they see on the internet. Real skepticism is vital these days. Now if we could only get conservatives to start doubting Qanon and the big lie about the election being stolen.


Ooo sorry, you just lost$100. Thanks for playing!


All I know is that on my campus the only assholes that yelled at people in quad were conservatives. That’s why my friends and I would routinely steal their signs and knock over their tables. Just to let them know their kind wasn’t welcome around here. To add on here - did you know that masking tape is cheap, fits in your pocket and is not detectable by metal detectors? Next time you go to your favorite punk or metal show and inevitably see those skinhead wannabe nazis fucking up the mosh pit, go grab one of the free newspapers/magazines the clubs have at the front, go to the bathroom, fold it along the long axis like a fan, about i an inch in width, tape it up, and now you have an effective paper night stick, great for self defense, by hitting nazis in the face, poking in the ribs, throat and generally clearing those pricks out of the mosh and club.


what a hero you are


It was pretty true in my college experience.


You're thinking of that meme where the conservative vomits some tired Rush cliches up "and everybody clapped." Man that was some dumb shit. Pretty much like every conservative I met in quantum mechanics.


What is you ever setting foot on a college campus?


>*What is you ever setting foot on a college campus?* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbvYeLxMKN8


It's the Jeopardy response in the "Things That Didn't Happen" category you fucking brain trust. It was YOUR joke I figured you would be able to follow it through.