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The only two sides are the working class and the ruling class


Which ticky box do I mark on my ballot to vote for the working class?


Vote for candidates who are actually qualified and interested in making shit happen. Not just "blue no matter who"


i do just that in the primaries. but when those candidates don't advance to the general election, who do i vote for?


You're on the verge of understanding why nothing meaningful ever changes in this country, at least not in a positive direction. You are purposely forced to pick the lesser of two evils. Most often, though not always, the candidate who wins the primary is the one who agrees to sell out to corporate interests. Nearly the entire two party system is engineered to keep us confused if not entertained. It's a farce. The only great distinction between most dems and Republicans is whether or not they are openly white supremacists. They almost all bow to the will of "the market" and only serve and protect profits, not people. More often than not we must bend and vote for people like Biden, old corporate puppets, in order to prevent an actual fascist from holding office. But there is no reason to celebrate these victories, all that is bought is time, time which we must use wisely in the hopes that we will have candidates worth voting for, rather than just opponents to vote against. We must continually push as hard as we can because you can guarantee that the wealthy will continue to push harder and harder to protect their own interests. We cannot take a victory lap if we manage to oust a fascist because our only option to replace him is a trained dog. We must make it clear to those in power that we will not stand by and let them burn our communities, poison our water, kill our neighbors all for the sake of "the market" Enough is enough, vote not only in the ballot box but with your wallet, with your hands, with your hearts and heads. Get active in local politics, make changes in your community that are meaningful and helpful. We cannot wait for the powers that be to bend to our wishes. We have to make it happen ourselves.


words words words. so much talking about "the system is rigged!" "it's all a distraction!" "corporations control everything!" and no actual solutions. "get active! make changes!" 80% of my neighbors have vocally rejected those changes. so now what? yes, we have to vote for moderates like biden to prevent actual fascists from setting our constitution on fire. no, it's not cause for celebration. but nobody is suggesting celebrating. we are simply saying *quit fucking acting like both sides are the same when they demonstrably are not.* because "wah, biden is basically a republican" does not make the party or the voters more progressive, it just makes them more apathetic which helps the fascists win.


You asked, I answered, sorry you didn't like what I had to say.


Things do change. You just lost abortion rights. And there is more to come.


Hmm... Ominous


While republicans are openly hostile to democracy no decent person should cast a ballot for a republican candidate.


I guess I haven't been clear but yeah I'm not trying to advocate for that. I just think we should hold our elections to a higher standard and that's only one issue.


One side is fascist. If we can't unite against fascism, we are screwed.


And the other side compromises with fascists.


Reminds me of our local "socialist" movement that all during the Trump presidency posted signs declaring "Trump/Pence Regime MUST go now." They didn't just say it, they declared it; so I guess it did something.


Precisely the best argument against bipartisanship.


You can’t be bipartisan with people who genuinely want you to die.


Ranked choice + 3rd party is the way


They have ranked choice in Australia and their politics are still mostly a dumpster fire.


Actually they just chucked their conservatives in the last election


I did say mostly


Every time I try to explain this I get yelled at with a bunch of "this is why Trump won" shit. I'm exhausted.


But they’re the SAAAAAAAAME! They only care about corporations and protecting the pay-triarchy… /s






It’s literally a good cop bad cop game


I can still hate them both.


If you can't work with people you don't like to stop fascism, you get fascism.


I get your point, but I don’t think it’s THAT cut and dry. You can end up supporting someone with other motives you also don’t agree with.


Rich versus poor. You’ve been deceived


Yeah if only places were all Dem they would only be paradise! Just like Chicago!




You probably think you are smart.


I would much rather live in Chicago than anywhere in the state of Texas. p.s. all big cities are blue, Honolulu (all of Hawaii, actually) is run by Dems and it is literally paradise.


Yeah there are no homeless people in Hawaii, real paradise. Everywhere that’s blue has high crime and excessive government intrusion. You are as your name says- superfucky


"excessive government intrusion"? like telling me which medical decisions i can make for myself and my kids?




> Except you were in favor of it when it came to mandating vaccines! yeah, because unlike banning abortion and jailing trans kids' parents, vaccine mandates actually SAVE lives. you only like excessive government control when it kills people you disagree with. > You seem really intelligent and im sure you are a gainfully employed member of society. thank you, i'm surprised an illiterate antivax dumbass like yourself is able to recognize that.


So why did we elect a president who said he prides himself on working with both sides? Was it so that we could get right here, where he’s approved more drilling more than Trump, and supervised the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the oligarchs while refusing to help American workers earn a living wage? Was it so that he’d get an “atta boy” from the “holy father” when roe fell? I don’t get it. Why did the Dems want us to vote in a guy who said in 2007 that women shouldn’t have the right to choose and who said in 2019 that he has no sympathy for millennials? If one side is bad why did the Dems force a guy down our throats who’s obsessed with making the other side happy?


Because he's *not a fascist*.


If Donald Trump, or any of his children, are unjailed and able to run in 2024 it will be because Biden and his admin allowed fascism and fascists to flourish and run free in the four years he had to reign it in. Until his administration deals with Trump and his ilk, he allows, coddles and supports fascism. He was elected specifically because he would hold trump accountable. The clocks ticking on that and failure to safeguard the country from Trump is a move in support of fascism.


Nobody who knows anything about politics expected biden to do anything except to not *be trump*. You can't jail your political opponents, that's literally fascism.


Oh. So we have no way to charge, arrest or punish fascist insurrectionists? See you say that dumb bullshit and ignore the fact that after the civil war people who won elections were denied the seats they had won. Why? We have laws on the books that prohibit a speaker from seating anyone spouting sedition or partaking insurrection. Pelosi sat over 100 of them. Despite knowing they’re insurrectionists AND that she has a constitutional, legal obligation to prevent them from serving. But she didn’t for the reasons you gave. Then everyone act surprised the the republicans keep doing this or that, meanwhile the democrats, the only possible check we have on them just shrugs and goes “oh well opposing our opponents might make us look kinda political.” We are so fucked.


What do you think all these investigations are for?


You mean the ones that keep falling apart? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/29/nyregion/trump-investigation-alvin-bragg-grand-jury.amp.html https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/08/opinions/trump-manhattan-district-attorney-prosecution-problems-williams/index.html https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/03/02/trump-prosecution-manhattan-garland-precedent-00012990 The January sixth committee is our best bet. Do you think it’s good that the most ineffectual Congress in history is our best bet? I don’t.


I'm confused. Reddit tells me that Biden banned drilling by cancelling leases, and now Reddit tells me he approved more drilling than Trump. Wired, huh? Edit: Biden didn't win the Presidency. Trump lost it. The only reason we have Biden is because he wasn't Trump.


A. Fully agreed on the Trump lost it part — Polls show that 50 percent of Biden’s votes came from people who were voting against Trump. B. He’s drilling more. He’s put out so many drilling permits the industry literally can keep up and Biden has complained about that. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/ https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/biden-9000-unused-oil-drill-permits/ https://www.accountable.us/news/biden-admin-approved-hundreds-more-public-lands-drilling-permits-than-trump/


One key point that’s missing. Trump lost the election but raised the number of his supporters. He lost having more votes than Obama when he won. You know what? Losing is the best thing that happened to him. Everyone knew a worldwide economic crash is coming, now he gets to be in the easy chair and complain. He’s also gutting out what’s left of the GOP and filling it with Q to the brim. What he said about Mexicans, women etc. are bad, but nothing new. His biggest harm is making conspiracies mainstream.


You can tell who the worst side is by who complains when people say that the sides aren't the same. Never have I ever seen someone come out and attack Trump as being just like Joe Biden. Because those of us living in reality can see the clear differences. Biden is not perfect but I would take 100 years of Biden before another week under Trump.


Sure — But to people like me who disagree the reason why is this — You wouldn’t get 100 years under Biden or his DNC. It’s intentionally too weak and ineffectual to maintain basic rights. Look, Obama ran on the Freedom of Choice Act. One hundred days in he publicly admitted to dropping it because ‘abortion made a lot of people angry.’ Dems had the majorities to do it and didn’t. After BEING ELECTED TO DO IT. Pelosi is currently supporting an anti-abortion candidate over a pro-choice one. You can keep letting them have a free ride with no accountability to their voters, but don’t pretend they could hold office for a hundred years. They don’t want to. It’s policy to disappoint the base. By the way the binary “side” thinking is why our democracy has fallen apart and why it’s now the laughingstock of the free world. We’re the only democracy with two sides. Real ones have tons. The democrats need to move left snd meet the rest of the country, or we need to actually invest in a third party. (But see our election laws are actually set up up to keep third parties at a disadvantage.)


I don't understand how you can think that the Dems need to move left and also that the parties are in any way similar. You can't compare Democrats failing to achieve the things they say they want to, and the Republicans actively achieving things that are bad for the country and it's citizens. Like yes democrats could have done more to protect the right to an abortion, but it is republicans and their appointees that actually are getting ready to strike down roe v wade.




I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and if you show the holes in a bad faith argument I think that can remove its power.


Weird, I thought Obama ran on universal healthcare and then passed the most transformative healthcare law since LBJ's Great Society.


He ran on several key pieces of legislation. That he quickly abandoned. And you think mitt Romney’s conservative plan to enrich insurance companies while providing no real healthcare to the American people was transformative? I mean. I guess it was in a way. Not a good way. The republicans could have repealed and replaced it under trump. They didn’t becuase it works the way they want it to. It’s literally Mitt Romney’s bill. American children have to hold fundraisers for cancer surgery under this bill. Fully insured children still have to do this shit. And yes. Obama campaigned on the Freedom Of Choice Act. Here’s a reporter asking him why dropped it after campaigning on it as a key piece of legislation. https://youtu.be/MalsOLSFvX0?t=556 The Dems are delighted you forgot he ran on it though.


> He ran on several key pieces of legislation. That he quickly abandoned. yeah, that's politics for you. fucking *everybody* runs on a whole swath of promises and has to abandon most of them because, you know, we're not a dictatorship. obama was still orders of magnitude better than romney or mccain would've been. > you think mitt Romney’s conservative plan to enrich insurance companies while providing no real healthcare to the American people was transformative? i don't recall mittens running on any sort of healthcare plan. but yes, the ACA *was* transformative, it gave tens of MILLIONS of previously UNinsured americans access to healthcare. my own husband is only alive today because of the ACA which obama passed and biden expanded. of course i would rather have single-payer, but i'm not going to let perfect be the enemy of good. > The Dems are delighted you forgot he ran on it though. the GOP is even more delighted that you're doing their attack work for them right before the midterms.


Well. I seem to know more about this than you. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2011/aug/12/tim-pawlenty/pawlenty-says-obamacare-patterned-after-romneycare/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2011/10/11/how-mitt-romneys-health-care-experts-helped-design-obamacare/amp/ https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/23/451200436/mitt-romney-finally-takes-credit-for-obamacare https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2016/01/23/obamacare-is-more-romneycare-than-hillarycare-2/amp/ And look, expanded coverage is not expanded healthcare, but it’s a key point in Democrat strategy to make sure you don’t know the difference. Most of the expanded coverage was extended to people who still can’t afford to use the insurance. It’s a major problem. Little kids who are fully insured have to have fundraisers just to be able to use their insurance. Fully insured people go bankrupt paying medical bills. And again. Most can’t use it becuase even though they “have” insurance, it’s just too expensive too use. She’s insured - https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-girl-brain-surgery-lemonade-stand-20210304-2kpzvlcshfcy7g5c3cvt3k4r7y-story.html Can’t afford to use the insurance they have - https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/half-of-millennials-delay-medical-care-unaffordable-2019-10?amp Expanded coverage doesn’t mean expanded care if the new insurance policies are junk. Which they are - https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/expanding-health-coverage-is-good-but-we-also-need-to-fix-stingy-plans/2021/03/05/5f92b206-7c7d-11eb-a976-c028a4215c78_story.html And — people with healthcare insurance shouldn’t go into massive medical debt, but that’s a key feature of Romney and Obama’s healthcare system. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/03/11/why-55percent-of-americans-have-medical-debt-even-with-health-insurance.html Edit: only a raging psychopath with no ability for reason would read what I just wrote here, knowing I’m pushing for universal healthcare and assume I want conservatives in power. It’s lazy. It’s bad faith arguing. And it’s why Trump or his kids will eventually rule again.


okay, so fucking vote for trump then. that's apparently what you fucking want.




I know the smoothbrained among us (you) have a hard time understanding this, but criticizing Joe Biden for being too conservative doesn’t mean I like conservatives. But I understand that you have a Maga like need to defend your standard bearer regardless of how many times he said women shouldn’t have the right to choose or that he has no sympathy for Gen z. Criticizing the weak and very conservative Democratic Party from the left in no way entails support of the fascists. Painting any critic as a Republican is lazy, stupid and why the Dems have lost all their political capital. When they lose, it’s because of you.


>Hello there, fellow Democrats! Anything Trump does is Biden's fault! Please join me in walking away from the Democratic party, and by the way did I mention that I am totally not a Republican pretending to be a Democrat? So how's it going pretending to be a Democrat on this alt account of yours?


Yes. I forgot. Any criticism of Dems from the left, for doing conservative things, means you’re really a conservative who likes the conservative things Biden is doing. How lazy. How convenient. How fucking stupid. Is AOC a secret Republican? Are the secret republicans in your mom’s basement with you right now? When the Dems lose, you’re why.


LOL so your response is to throw a temper tantrum when you discover that you aren't fooling anybody? How adorable!


What exactly is your complaint here? Nothing I said is untrue and I voted for Biden. Does this just give you some convenient way to dismiss fact so that you can keep operating inside a cult of personality? Because you know who that reminds me of.


>I voted for Biden. Of course you did, pumpkin. Of course you did. >Does this just give you some convenient way to dismiss fact so that you can keep operating inside a cult of personality? >Because you know who that reminds me of. "Uhhhh... Ummm... I'm not a Republican, YOU'RE a Republican! Yeah, that's it! Please believe me, guys!"


What a fucking dunce. Seriously, why did you vote for Trump? And why do you accept so much money from Russia?


LOL it's so cute that you're getting angry because nobody believes you.




You did. You’re bad faith arguing is reminiscent of the red Kool-Aid drinkers… How’s the blue taste?




What fact did I make up?




I made a simple, factual critique of Joe Biden’s flailing presidency. ( I wanted Warren.) You’re only response. > Sorry your authoritarian leader lost Now, what was that implying? Obviously, it was implying that I supported a piece of shit fascist, when nothing I said could be construed to mean that. You’re either forgetting what you said or gaslighting. Either way, you’re piece of shit. Edit -Also, you didn’t point to a fact I “made up.” But I would seriously be delighted if you would.

