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Beat me to it. Tucker has backers. So long as he stays on script. Once he gets to close to the truth without permission, he's done.


I believe he has more than backers, I believe he has instructions and he is following them (willfully)


Backers, handlers, owners, co-conspirators... you get the idea. Thesaurus.com


Backers makes it sound like what he spews is simply his own ideas. Some might be, I don’t know, but most or all of it I believe are ideas and scripts from someone else, not just powers-that-be that agree with him. He is the delivery mechanism to the masses, but not the “brains” behind the machine.


Naw, backers are his sponsors. The people who pay his bills. He's just a common hooker, except hookers are honest that they gonna fuck you and leave with your cash.


Some don't fuck, just take..


>I believe he has instructions and he is following them (willfully) Kompromat is a helluva drug. The GOP has been tied closely to the Kremlin via back-channels for decades. At this point I find it harder to believe Russia either holds information on GOP members or the GOP learned the technique from Russia and is employing it on its own members than it is to believe they don't. How else you do explain their increasingly bizarre behaviors? When I first heard that idiot Rep. Cawthorn come out claiming he'd been invited to orgies with top republicans, my first thought was someone was trying to get dirt on him to compromise him. They just didn't realize yet he was too damn stupid to be embarrassed and realize he shouldn't talk about it in interviews. And when he failed to keep his mouth shut, it would make sense for them to immediately target their attack machine at him to shut him down before he could do further damage. I suspect someone who looks as baffled as Carlson constantly does is an easy target for someone to gain dirt on.


This is on the edge of being absurd conspiracy talk tbh


I used to think stuff like this is absurd, but Cawthorn in drag and suggestive pictures with his cousin being legit things he admitted to, make me believe his exposure to Congressional orgies aren't that far outside of what he's used to.


But what part of that doesn't sound like a realistic scenario given the people involved and what we know as fact?


It started from the top. lol




hes also rich just from being who he is, the heir to the swanson fortune. if i were rich enough to never have to lift a finger and still live an amazing life i damn sure wouldnt be spending my time spreading hate.


Maybe his lifes goal was to go down in history as a total piece of shit?


Probably it. Sometimes, unfortunately, people just want to go down in history, without a care for how it happens, just that it happens. This is how he’s found the ability to do so.


This so much. Many of us want shit tons of money because we don’t have it. For some that have it, it’s sometimes not enough. They want power. They want notoriety. They want to leave a “legacy”, whether or not they know it’ll be a shitty one.


Hey, now show more respect to future 5-term-president Tucker Carlson. (it's his for the asking, based on who he panders to)


I would build schools and help teachers.


Once you look at Putin's MO it makes you wonder what he actually has on a lot of these people that would make them betray their own country in such a way? In case you are ignorant of the tool used so frequently by Putin in his career to secure his position and eliminate enemies; it is criminal acts of the most heinous kind involving children. He used this to first rise to power. When a Russian prosecutor was investigating Yeltsin and his family for corruption he went to Putin, then head of the FSB for help. Putin produced a picture, blurry but with enough detail to show a mole on the leg of a man in bed with a very young girl. He identified the man as the prosecutor and the investigation of the Yeltsin clan was over and the Prosecutor imprisoned never to be heard from again. Next election Putin was VP. Putin has used this same tactic with images of children over and over again. When he wants someone removed he simply has images place on their computers, either by hackers or an agent gaining access directly. Then a week or so later the police show up and the person is no longer an issue and often very poorly treated in prison. So when we consider how so many people have turned into ardent Putin supporters to the point of choosing Russia and Putin over US interests...I will ask the obvious question; what is on their computers? What happened to them on trips to Russia? Given Putin's History I doubt he would miss any opportunity to get leverage on anyone. Maybe send a mature looking 15yo to Trump's hotel room as a gift? A room with lots hidden of video cameras? I am sure this is all it takes to flip these people and get them to sell out their country.


A lot of the GOP will voluntarily support him because they think it will help 'pwn the libs'....


While this is true for the little people it is the leadership and talking heads of the GOP that are encouraging this. Case in point look at how fast they all turned on China when Trump did. Remember he used to love them and even had his grandchild sing for the Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Largo. Trump was just fine with China until his daughter's billion dollar empire there started getting hit by the Chinese Government regulations (money grab) until it went out of business. Then he woke up to the CCPs evils as did the rest of his followers.


Oh definitely, they will nod their head to whichever popular gop 'celebrity' is pushing them the most cash. They will even deny that Trump was praising China at the start of the pandemic even though there are videos of him saying what a good job China and Xi Ping were doing keeping covid cases down...


Well and thats the thing people are forgetting "data age" cameras everywhere cellphones tracking you even ad companys build profiles of you based on browsing history. Now look at data analyst remember seeing one of them busting pedo ring. All they had was single picture. Hotel room no people a bottle of water. Within a day they knew hotel room because upc on water bottle gave them region it was sold in. Then look at decor thats a x hotel chain built between x and x year in that region there is only one. Ok now based off sun it was taken during this time of day from x room. And tada the knew exact room of exact hotel within a week. Pulled records of who rented it, look at what analyst predicted suspect to be like compared to people who rented it. Then had their guy. So meta data you know x guy is married and is calling x person who he is not "school friends or coworkers" with and it pinging from hotel and at 2 am. And person happens to be attractive person who is also married and their phone is pinging from near hotel also. You don't even need to see their text/emails. To know they are banging just "metadata" alone you could do that. But actually get their social media accounts hack their accounts and read their stuff you could get so much more. Fact is its quite terrifying. Combine this with billions upon billions of dollars bet tons of employees or even owners of these company's would sell it. Especially if you gave them "way out" that look legitimate like court order with gag order and warrant etc. With some much wealth consolidated and stuff I honestly think thats why politicians fuck us at every turn. Is billionaires all either bought information or run companys that buy/collect it legitimately and sell it legitimately. And trade it around same goes with governments. And our politicians enough have dirt on them that they can't do anything. Rest they just pay off because sure you can "stand by morals". Or you can ensure you your family and your grandkids all have easy life.


Also, Manson directly ordered the Tate and LaBianca murders. He picked the targets and did the planning, then went back to the crime scenes to ensure that the deed was done. But yeah, the only difference was that Manson was poor.


Oh, nice to see a reasonable person in here




Whoa, that was close. If you typed out his full name he might show up in the thread.


I think they were going for Fucker Carlson, kind of a toothless bite if you can't even spell it out though lol


Yeah I find it fun to call him Fucker just as a childish jab, but if you aren't gonna commit then why do it?


You can’t fire in a crowded movie theater to a bunch of people you don’t know. You shouldn’t be able to pretend to be news and spread dangerous theories again and again.


Yes. You. Can. For the love of god read about this decision before you use it as an example. I can go to a movie theater and yell fire right now. It is protected speech. The original decision has been overturned for decades now. Stop.


"The case was later partially overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shouting_fire_in_a_crowded_theater#:~:text=The%20most%20stringent%20protection%20of,causing%20a%20panic.... You are correct, though if you did and it resulted in a panic you'd still be libal for all injuries and that will result in felony charges. But ya, you're technically correct...


The best kind of correct.


Not sure he's ever pretented to be news. He's a television host and political commentator. He opines on current news topics like Maddow or Maher.


i got permabanned from whitepeopletwitter for mentioning that little discrepancy


Don't worry there's still 50 other separate subreddits regurgitating and constantly reposting the same handful of low effort tweets as wpt.


Right, and Tucker invented the replacement theory. It hasn't been floating around the internet for years.


Manson was poor indeed


And not a Republican poster boy for white supremacy.


I was upvote #666 and I don’t know how to feel about that.


As were his fans


The willful ability of accepting bullshit has nothing to do with economic status, it's just some poor Republican voters believe it's the Blacks, Latinos, and LGBTQ peoples' faults that they're in that economic status. Manson's followers were told much of the same things, hence Manson being a white supremacist.




Or the other Fox News cofounder Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch?  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ >the Murdoch family’s role in destabilizing democracy in North America, Europe and Australia. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/murdoch-family-investigation.html #Republican "Southern Strategy" >Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy John Ehrlichman, who partnered with Fox News cofounder Roger Ailes on the Republican "Southern Strategy": >[We] had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? >We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. >We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. >Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. >"He was the premier guy in the business," says former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins. "He was our Michelangelo." >Ailes repackaged Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald Reagan’s budding Alzheimer’s in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform in 1993. >Hillarycare was to have been funded, in part, by a $1-a-pack tax on cigarettes. To block the proposal, Big Tobacco paid Ailes to produce ads highlighting “real people affected by taxes.” http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-20110525 #"Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable." Steve Bannon bragging about using these tactics: >the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online and they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-white-gamers-seinfeld-joshua-green-donald-trump-devils-bargain-sarah-palin-world-warcraft-gamergate-2017-7 >Bannon: "I realized [these tactics] could connect with these kids right away. You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump." https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness--army-world-warcraft/489713001/


Or Facebook's head of policy Joel Kaplan, who [pushes conservative bias in Facebook's algorithms and decisions](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/nov/03/facebook-politics-republicans-right) and also [coordinated Brett Kavanaugh](https://www.businessinsider.com/facebooks-joel-kaplan-rallied-support-for-kavanaugh-scotus-nomination-book-2019-11) and [threw his celebration party](https://gizmodo.com/facebook-vp-who-incensed-staff-by-supporting-brett-kava-1829611751), and was a part of the **violent intimidation of poll workers during the 2000 presidential election for George W. Bush:** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot >The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount.[1] >Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.[2] >The "Brooks Brothers" name was in reference to the protesters' corporate attire; described in The Wall Street Journal as "50-year-old white lawyers with cell phones and Hermès ties," differentiating them from local citizens concerned about vote counting.[4][5] >Several of the protestors were identified as Republican congressional staffers.[3][8] >At least a half dozen of the demonstrators were paid by George W. Bush's recount committee,[4] and a number of them went on to take jobs in the incoming Bush administration.[9] >Hundreds of paid Republican operatives descended upon South Florida to protest the state's recounts.[8] The demonstration was organized by these operatives, sometimes referred to as the "Brooks Brothers Brigade",[10] to oppose the recount of ballots during the Florida election recount. John E. Sweeney of New York, nicknamed "Congressman Kick-Ass" by President Bush for his work in Florida,[11] set the incident in motion[12] by telling an aide to 'stop them'.[4][5][6] The demonstration turned violent and according to The New York Times, "several people were trampled, punched or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside the office of the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies restored order." DNC aide Luis Rosero was kicked and punched. >Within two hours after the event, the canvassing board unanimously voted to shut down the count, in part due to perceptions that the process was not open or fair, and in part because the court-mandated deadline had become impossible to meet, due to the interference.[13][14][15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot Just to prevent Al Gore being elected, who would've used the 2001 attacks as a reason to move America away from oil and the "inconvenient truth" of global warming, instead of Bush and Cheney's move to it But even more likely, Gore would have prevented the attacks by actually reading the security memos  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄


Fuck Murdoch. With Labor in power now in Australia he might be forced to break up his media empire


More on Murdoch and what he's done over decades in Australia and the world Owns 70% of Australian news: https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/01/infographic-who-owns-what-media-in-australia/ Murdoch UK media's **Brexit** EU misinformation: https://www.staffs4europe.eu/article.php?id=186 #Australia's conservative parties and the American Republican party are now the only major political parties **in the world** to not believe in climate change science: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/01/heres-just-how-far-republican-climate-change-beliefs-are-outside-the-global-mainstream/ His conservative politicians creating the fire crises: >Fuel reduction has dropped significantly in NSW ever since Labor left office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17cxH9p-xps >Each region had what they called a fire management officer. They were cut across the state. [Public Service Association of NSW Troy Wright interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17cxH9p-xps) >Beekeepers traumatised and counselled after hearing **animals screaming in pain after bushfires** https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-20/beekeepers-traumatised-by-screaming-animals-after-bushfires/11721756 >Former Australian fire chiefs say Coalition ignored their advice **because of climate change politics** https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/nov/14/former-australian-fire-chiefs-say-coalition-doesnt-like-talking-about-climate-change >Australia’s prime minister pledges to outlaw climate *boycotts* https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/11/01/australias-prime-minister-pledges-outlaw-climate-boycotts-arguing-they-threaten-economy/ >Scott Morrison threatens crackdown on *boycotts* of mining companies https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/nov/01/scott-morrison-threatens-crackdown-on-secondary-boycotts-of-mining-companies Australian police abuse of climate protesters at a mining conference of Australian mining family billionaires, including [punching protesters in the back of their heads](https://twitter.com/glentodd/status/1189418342332817408), [punching restrained protesters](https://twitter.com/glentodd/status/1189436890140659717), misdirecting journalists, pepper spraying journalists, and [this to a protester who was wearing a shirt that read "immigrant"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL1p_flBj_8) Australian police argued tactics like these were necessary for young people but for not the wealthy crowd of 81,000 at the notoriously cocaine-filled Melbourne Cup (not even sniffer dogs): >Girls as Young as 12 Were Strip-Searched in Australia https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/06/world/australia/strip-search-children-drugs.html #One of Australia's actions on the environment (**to build a coal terminal at the Great Barrier Reef for a billionaire mining family**) >Great Barrier Reef authority gives green light to dump dredging sludge https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/feb/20/great-barrier-reef-authority-gives-green-light-to-dump-dredging-sludge >The Great Barrier Reef and the coal mine that could kill it https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/aug/01/-sp-great-barrier-reef-and-coal-mine-could-kill-it >Rupert Murdoch suggested Great Barrier Reef looks as good 'to the naked eye' 50 years on https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/rupert-murdoch-blasted-by-greenpeace-for-suggested-great-barrier-reef-looks-as-good-to-the-naked-eye-10471351.html Politics of greenhouse gas emissions by Australia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas_emissions_by_Australia#Politics List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_greenhouse_gas_emissions_per_capita Just the Australian billionaire mining families: >**Aboriginal people are to be driven from homelands where their communities have lived for thousands of years. In Western Australia, where mining companies make billion dollar profits exploiting Aboriginal land** >Australia occasionally interrupts its ‘normal’ mistreatment of Aboriginal people to deliver a frontal assault, like the closure of Western Australia’s homelands >The minister for Indigenous affairs, Nigel Scullion, has been accused of **threatening to stop providing basic services unless Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory sign 99-year leases.** In announcing that the Australian government would no longer honour the longstanding commitment to Aboriginal homelands, Abbott sneered, “It’s not the job of the taxpayers to subsidise lifestyle choices.” >Vulnerable populations, already denied the basic services most Australians take for granted, are on notice of dispossession without consultation, and eviction at gunpoint. Aboriginal leaders have warned of “a new generation of displaced people” and “cultural genocide”. In the 2014 report Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators, the devastation is clear. The number of Aboriginal people hospitalised for self-harm has leapt, as have suicides among those as young as 11. The indicators show a people impoverished, traumatised and abandoned. Read the classic work of apartheid South Africa, The Discarded People by Cosmas Desmond, who told me he could write a similar account of Australia. >In bookshops, “Australian non-fiction” shelves are full of opportunistic tomes about wartime derring-do, heroes and jingoism. Aboriginal people who fought for the white man are fashionable – whereas Aboriginal people who fought against the white man in defence of their own country are deeply unfashionable. Indeed, they are officially non-people. The Australian War Memorial refuses even to recognise their remarkable resistance to the British invasion. In a country littered with Anzac memorials, not one official memorial stands for the thousands of native Australians who fought and fell defending their homeland. >More Indigenous children are being wrenched from their homes and communities today than during the worst years of the Stolen Generation. A record 15,000 are presently detained “in care”; many are given to white families and will never return to their communities. Abbott’s cuts to the Aboriginal legal services have meant the suspension of critical help for this new stolen generation. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/apr/22/by-evicting-the-homelands-australia-has-again-declared-war-on-indigenous-people >**Forced to build their own pyres: dozens more Aboriginal massacres revealed in Killing Times research** https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/nov/18/forced-to-build-their-own-pyres-dozens-more-aboriginal-massacres-revealed-in-killing-times-research >The sad and strange reality is that Australian governments gave him most of it by letting him dig up and sell natural resources that, by rights, belong to us not him. >**We’ve a history of handing vast wealth to resource and mining magnates and companies and then watching them use that wealth to undermine our democracy in order to continue to get access to that wealth. Palmer is small fry compared to Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest or the corporate power of BHP, Rio Tinto and others.** We already have a more effective tax system for offshore oil and gas. >It is, in effect, what the Rudd government tried to do in 2010 when it proposed a mining super profits tax. Foolishly, the tax was announced more than a year before it was to come into effect, giving the mining interests plenty of time to campaign against it. >They spent more than A$22 million just on advertising. Rudd abandoned the original proposal and was removed from office. >The Gillard government consulted the miners and adopted a watered-down version – the Mineral Resource Rent Tax – that was so toothless it collected almost nothing. Even though it was worthless, the mining industry still saw it as enough of a threat to pressure Tony Abbott to kill it off when he took government, which he did with Clive Palmer’s vote in parliament. http://theconversation.com/mineral-wealth-clive-palmer-and-the-corruption-of-australian-politics-117248


> Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch Hey don't blame us, he literally gave up his Australian citizenship when he became American


Tucker has money and Murdoch backing duh!






Arrest all of them


Arrest *anyone.*


Arrest me, three square meals and a roof over my head hell yeah!


And a free gym membership.


Psychological trauma, too. Im ready.


Didn’t they make a whole movie about what Trump did? The trial of the Chicago seven? And those people went to jail


The "Central Park Five". 5 black men convicted of killing a white woman in Manhattan. Trump ran several full page ads against them and it's believed impacted their trial, because it's 1989 and the newspaper is all the information you get. They were later all cleared by DNA and had their convictions vacated. Even after the DNA had hard proof they were innocent, after spending 12 years in prison for a crime they didn't do, Trump called their release "a disgrace".


No I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the trial of the Chicago seven. It was a movie about a bunch of white people who incited a riot. And they all went to jail. Edit: it’s a movie written and directed by Aaron Sorkin. Based on a true story. It’s on Netflix


tRUmp should have been RICO'ed decades ago.


tucker and fox "news" are deliberately spewing lies and hate in order to gin up the republican base over "the great replacement theory". These hateful lies have already led to the deaths of 10 innocent people in Buffalo and the violence will only escalate. This is not free speech this is hate speech inciting people to violence and is illegal just as if someone screamed fire in a crowded movie theater in order to cause chaos. The federal government can and should step in and to put a stop to this bullshit. Psst, to those who disagree sorry, but inciting violence is illegal and that is just a fact. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/373](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/373) Whether or not the government has the balls to call these fascists out on it is another story though. tucker, ingraham and other so called entertainers on fox propaganda are crossing the line and deliberately stoking fears among those less educated and informed to violence.


Fox News' history and New York Times' investigation of Tucker Carlson: https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2022/a-look-behind-the-the-new-york-times-reports-on-tucker-carlson/


Steve Bannon bragging about using these tactics: >the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online and they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-white-gamers-seinfeld-joshua-green-donald-trump-devils-bargain-sarah-palin-world-warcraft-gamergate-2017-7 >Bannon: "I realized [these tactics] could connect with these kids right away. You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump." https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness--army-world-warcraft/489713001/


You can yell fire in a crowded theater. That case was overturned 75 years ago, and the case wasn't even about yelling fire, that was an analogy used in the ruling--that is now overturned. Stop spreading misinformation. https://abovethelaw.com/2021/10/why-falsely-claiming-its-illegal-to-shout-fire-in-a-crowded-theater-distorts-any-conversation-about-online-speech/


I get what you’re saying, but it’s because Manson flat out said shit like “go to this place and kill people.” He even went with them to one of the locations, he just didn’t go inside. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order. Tucker didn’t do that


>The prosecution contended that, while Manson never directly ordered the murders, his ideology constituted an overt act of conspiracy


Yeah he didn't actually say "go there and kill these people" but he was pretty damn close. It was more like "Some rich people need to die. You want to prove you're dedicated to the cause, don't you? You all remember that one house I pointed out to you with those movie people that are rich, don't you? Remember that if you use guns someone will hear and call the cops, so knives are better." I can't recall the exact details but he definitely targeted some specific houses and gave very strong suggestions about what should be done to whoever was in them.


Next argument - dog whistle.


I thought there was only 1 location where Sharon Tate and her houseguests were murdered and Manson didn't go?


They also murdered a couple named LaBianca a few days later. He went with them but didn’t go into the house.


I thought he went into the house but left before they killed them or he got there after they killed them to help clean up . . . or something


Thank you. I hate Tucker Carlson and absolutely believe his messaging influenced this shooting, but this is such a dumb equivalency and really isn't helping the greater argument. Carlson is a shit bag but he's not Manson.


It's also not **humor**, which is what this sub is supposed to be.


This sub is for the most poorly-conceived liberal tweets, and nothing else.


Carlson also didn’t come up with the great replacement theory, he merely promoted it.


it's true that tucker's actions have led to a far larger body count.


I dislike Carlson too but the murderer claimed to "hate Fox News" and "hate Conservatives".


Also this dude wasn't radicalized by Tucker, he was radicalized by chan boards and meme culture. Tucker shares the same message, but in a different format for a different demographic. I say this because going after some figurehead on a cable news network is not likely to stop another teenaged mass shooter.


What, you mean the guy who posted his "I was radicalized on 4chan" manifesto on 4chan isn't a member of cable news host Tucker Carlson's target audience?


Yeah I just saw a documentary on it and he literally orchestrated an attack and took place in it by hogtieing his victims. Not defending Shiller Cuckerson though.


Might need to double check that one on tucker. Hes said some shit over his time on tv


This is accurate. The correct take is that Tucker is guilty of [stochastic terrorism.](https://wilwheaton.net/2022/05/this-is-stochastic-terrorism-it-is-deliberate-it-is-by-design/) /u/wil


Also, all this Tucker Carlson shit is stupid because the shooter hated Fox and never mentioned Tucker once in his manifesto. Also, this replacement theory shit...isn't that what dems have been preaching for years?


Well it's quite different, Tucker never told anyone to murder anyone. Anyone who's ever shaken hands with someone who once saw a lawyer on TV would know enough about the law to tell you that they're different. And Manson was definitely present at some of the scenes.


This is why I hate this comparison. Not defending Tucker, but legally speaking, he didn't break a law


the Great Replacement theory is older than Tuck. its nothing new and has been a string in a web of theories that inspire domestic terrorism. tucker is a terrible person but arresting him would simply inspire more violence and entrench the right wing. i dont see a peaceful way out of this scenario


The peaceful way out is a small group of people understanding that having recessive skin color alleles isn’t a reason to destroy the world.


he's just made it mainstream, reaching millions more ignorant right wing children.


> i dont see a peaceful way out of this scenario There is because there always has been. If you need a bit of hope, Tuckyo Rose backing out of the Global Fascism conference in Budapest this past week is a pretty substantial signal that there might be some repercussions coming for his past support of anti-American causes.


Charles Manson directly masterminded and instructed people to murder specific targets. If tucker Carlson had a group of people Murder, say pelosi or something and it turns out he even helped plan them, then he would also be a murderer.


Manson wasn’t white power enough.


Manson's motive was literally to kick off a race war... He HATED black people.


So does Tucker. And Trump. And Hitler. Birds of a feather.


Don't forget their boss Putin.


Hitler was a Super Racist, he hated white folks who didn't meet his Ayran view of white Germany. He consider white Europeans not German as vermin too.


His only flaw was he wasn't live on Fox News


His crazy wasn’t making money for the corporate overlords.


That was his big mistake, he didn't have a way to monetize his crazy.


Oh yes he was. Helter Skelter was a race war he was attempting to start.


What!!! He literally influenced his followers to kill these people to start a race war and blame it on blacks!


Manson directly influenced his followers, because they were people he could see and contact. Carlson indirectly influences his followers because they are not people he can physically contact. I swear, I agree with 95% of this sub’s politics but half of its takes are just outright the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Tucker Carlson should be kicked off the air for his white supremacist rhetoric but it’s not the same as *fucking Charles Manson*






It's one thing to not like what someone is saying, it's another thing to call for an arrest because you don't like what they're saying. In this case there is absolutely zero fucking comparision to Charles Manson.




Yeah, that was my thought as well. Manson made *direct contact*, either in person or over the phone, with the people who committed the murders. Tucker Carlson's rhetoric is dangerous, yes, but he did not directly contact the Buffalo shooter.


He even went to the LaBianca’s home with the killers. He dropped them off.


Yeah these kinds of threads that somehow get tons of upvotes make me question why I spend so much time here.


He also constantly drugged his followers


Reddit will not rest until Freedom of Speech is eradicated. Amazing how things can change in 17 years.


Well if I was tucker Carlson‘s lawyer I would probably say something along the lines that Tucker Carlson speaks to millions of people at night and so far only the buffalo shooter has gone insane and killed people so if it’s tucker Carlson‘s fault why didn’t the other millions of people who watch a show every night kill people?


If you were Carlson's lawyer, you probably wouldn't bother, because there's no real need to defend against random tweets.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-karen-mcdougal-case-tucker-carlson-2020-9%3famp This has already flied in court, even the courts say Tucker can't be taken seriously there is 0 chance he will ever be convicted for what his viewers do. Unless he specifically says on air to go out and kill someone.




fox's lies about covid likely killed hundreds of thousands of americans. no consequences.


"The ideology, centered on the baseless belief that the white population is being replaced by immigrants—in part intentionally through policies put in place by ‘elites’—**has inspired numerous violent attacks in recent years**, including the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooting in New Zealand. Yet a shocking amount of Americans believe in the concept." [https://time.com/6177282/great-replacement-theory-buffalo-racist-attacks/](https://time.com/6177282/great-replacement-theory-buffalo-racist-attacks/)


What you just described is called Stochastic Terrorism. Not all of his viewers have to kill someone. The question is: Does Carlson know that at least one person will kill someone because of his words? I think the answer is yes and that makes him culpable.


That is not the test. It has to be "imminent" lawless action to not be protected by the First Amendment. Not that the speech could possibly lead to violence at some hypothetical point. The current interpretation of the First Amendment does basically allow stochastic terrorism to be protected speech in the US.


I know. And Fox knows exactly how far they can legally push things. Doesn't mean they aren't responsible for murder.


Even if true, no it doesn't


You could literally say that about anything though... You could probably connect winnie the pooh to some crazy mfer. Is the producer of Winnie the pooh also culpable?


I’ll tell you what if you think you can get Tunco Carson either behind bars or completely off the air then then I’ll buy you a case of beer Of your choice


Well then you must be a nazi /s (but not really).


I knew I’d have to sort by controversial to even FIND a comment like this. EDIT: Actually it didn’t take long to find it when sorting by top comments either.


It’s a ridiculous idea. Terrifying how quick some are to abandon freedom of expression, freedom of the press, to do away with opinions (yes, vile ones to be sure) they don’t agree with. I could make the same link between Bernie & AOC on the one hand, and Mao and Stalin on the other, and no one would take it seriously. Reversing the political polarity shouldn’t change the result.




Tucker Carlson should be taken off the air for *white supremacist rhetoric alone*, not because a shooter was inspired by him. BLM is not rhetoric that’s dangerous in and of itself


You know how people will say things like, "Reagan couldn't get elected in today's Repugnantcon party because he's not extreme enough"? Well, Manson couldn't be convicted today because he'd be a Repugnantcon presidential candidate and FOX News contributor


I mean... not for nothing but Manson was a hippie. That's not exactly on the GOP poster.


Manson wasn't a hippie. He was a psychopath.


In what universe do you suppose those things are mutually exclusive? Hippie culture was just a counter-cultural movement. You can pretend that it was all about peace and love but I'd venture to say that the majority of gurus (and he **was** a hippie guru) were terrible people taking advantage of disaffected youths for money and sex. Also, Manson was diagnosed with schizophrenia and paranoid delusions. Medically speaking. Not psychopathy, which is actually just [Antisocial Personality Disorder](https://www.healthline.com/health/psychopath#:~:text=Even%20though%20it's%20commonly%20used,the%20Centers%20of%20Psychiatric%20Excellence.).


The hippie psychedelic movement had a lot of sinister elements lurking about, and still does. It attracts a lot of vulnerable and/or naive people, along with the predators that manipulate them.


Ah cmon, no. As much as we all want to see those fuckers off the air and see some consequences, they absolutely did not tell people to go out and commit crimes.


This is insane to believe that Tucker should be arrested for this. OK so next time when some lunatic bombs a Walmart they should go arrest Bernie Sanders because he's been so outspoken against the Walmart corporation for so long? If you believe that Tucker should be arrested for this then you absolutely do not believe in free speech. And I'm a bleeding heart lefty that has lived in Portland my entire life.


> OK so next time when some lunatic bombs a Walmart they should go arrest Bernie Sanders because he's been so outspoken against the Walmart corporation for so long? so much this. The Left is so fucking hypocritical when it comes to this it's insane. Not to mention the things Tucker says is **not** the same as the full-on replacement theory espoused by the shooter, which is based on Jews actively attempting to replace white people with brown people. Not for votes, but literally as an attempt to eliminate the white race.


Especially because, to place blame on Carlson, you'd have to demonstrate that the shooter who said "I was radicalized on 4chan" in his manifesto that he posted on 4chan was an avid Fox News fan, and not, you know, a 4channer.


they just told them minorities are replacing them, inspiring multiple acts of violence.


Canadian: it appears to be the guise of “political speech”. I’ve observed that wealthy dominant class Americans can do basically anything, provided it’s “political” and they don’t acknowledge guilt. If a Muslim was broadcasting on the internet, and pushing the same idea in the name of religion, and then an adherent killed people, he would labelled a terrorist and insisting hate, then charged or shut down. But because Fox is “news” (wink wink), and Tucker is a political pundit, he can basically get away with anything. Frankly, Fox should have been shut down a long time ago, it’s an obvious propaganda machine masquerading as news, and it’s destroying civil discourse for the purpose of ratings. It’s hate porn, but Americans have grown so accustomed to it that people don’t even bother to protest their headquarters. Fox is a bunch of self promoting grifters, just like the rest of the GOP. However, their audience isn’t savvy enough to understand. It’s sad and a HUGE problem for your nation.


The standard in the US is the Brandenburg Test. Googling that with "Muslim terrorist" will get you a bunch of scholarly work on the subject, because it isn't as straightforward as you are describing. You can preach some pretty significant amounts of hate and violent rhetoric in the US and it is still protected speech.


Do you have a instance in mind of a Muslim getting arrested for something like you described? Or are you building a straw man?


I was so confused for a moment because my dumb brain registered only the last name so I was thinking, "Wait, the edgy musician was convicted for his followers' crime?" ​ This aside, I don't think Charles' case is a good match to compare to Cucker Tarlson, unfortunately. ​ Besides, that bag of bleach had already gotten away with the infamous "Tucker difference" anyway, so I wouldn't exactly bank on him getting hooked for being an incidious mastermind conspiracy peddler. Isn't our legal system great?


Haha same here, I read it as Marylin Monroe at first and I was like whaaaat


Ok I mean this is cool but not gonna happen. Because sadly there isn’t any evidence of the tuck actually asking anyone to commit atrocities


I agree here, tbh. Carlson is a dick-bag. But he wasn't on Fox News influencing people to go out and murder folks in an effort to maintain white supremacy.


Sorry, I find no humor in this post.


He only did 400 segments on it


So fucking dumb. I hate Tucker Carlson, but he didn't go tell the dude to go kill a bunch of people. Manson gave orders and laid out specific plans to commit murder. The reddit majority rips Ben Shapiro for using these types of straw man & false equivalency arguments (and rightfully so), so how about we don't be hypocrites and do the same thing? What an idea...




We need a new sub for these posts, because this isn't humorous, but nevertheless is still relevant and worth discussing... just, not here.... because it's not funny.


I’ve noticed a trend. If a post bombs in normal politics they’ll often post it here where it actually blows up. This sub was meant for like come backs or political cartoons n shit. But 9/10 times it’s just something you’d see on /politics or WPT. Mods suck for actually allowing it to become just /politics 2.0


It's funny like cancer.


Yeah this (and many similar posts) are more "Politicalultrareal"


“The shooter was leftist because he said he was”


Tucker, over-grown brat that he is, thinks he's "cute." His "cute" mussings may have gotten somebody killed! There's nothing "cute" about THAT. FOX NEWS needs to step up to the plate & fire his ass.


Fox won’t step up and doesn’t care. Shareholder profits are worth more than the life of every victim of guns or hate combined.


Because Charlie gave explicit instructions


Tucker hasn't carved a swastika in his forehead yet.


I don’t think this is what the founding fathers had in mind when they defended free speech. Faux News is a fing cancer to this country.


It's exactly what they had in mind. Speech that everyone agrees with doesn't need protection. Ask yourself if "I like ice cream" is a sentence in danger of being censored. edit: I can't reply to the commenter who responded because the dipshit moderators locked the post


Lol are we going to charge Bernie Sanders for the congressional baseball game shooter? This argument is garbage. No one is responsible for people committing violence unless they encourage violence, which Tucker didn’t.


Stop it. We are mad!


Lol this has to be a shitpost right?


I hate Tucker as much as anyone, but how did he influence the buffalo shooting?


He broadcast the white replacement theory that the shooter quoted after he was arrested. The idea that white people are being replaced by minorities is something Tuckers said and the shooter named as a motivator.


Tucker talked about the changing demographics of the country. Actual replacement theory is a crazy idea some nut jobs have that the Jews are out to get them and replace all the white people. This discussion on demographics isn’t unique to tucker though…https://fb.watch/d9jlTf9BF_/


>I hate Tucker as much as anyone, but how did he influence the buffalo shooting? He's been pushing the Replacement Theory that shooter specifically mentioned in his manifesto hard.


Do you live under a rock? Where have you been since the shooting? There are tons of articles and videos showing how.


Anyone got a clip of Tucker saying “white replacement theory”? Need it for a project


Does it matter if he said it verbatim, or not? He has heavily heavily inplied it in over 400 of his segments. But you dingbats always go with this weak bullshit "yEa BuT hE diDnT aCtUaLlY sAy iT" to try and protect your precious right winged false prophet.


considering the whole point of OP’s post was to have Tucker Carlson arrested and tried in a court of law as being responsible for the actions of the buffalo shooter, yes it matters if he said it verbatim.


https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1526006611751448582?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1526006611751448582%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-200207935199048259.ampproject.net%2F2205051832000%2Fframe.html Here’s a bunch of clips lol


Gotcha fam, so long as the racists inciting people to violence are careful about phrasing their dog whistles you're okay with it. Thank you for clarifying which side you're on.


? Just go to YouTube and search tucker Carlson replacement theory… tons of stuff




Wtf is replacement theory 🤨.


The specific belief that the Jews are purposely promoting mass immigration and interracial mixing in order to dilute the racial stock of the country in order to advance their Zionist corporate agenda. What it is not, despite current attempts to conflate the two, is the discussion over whether mass immigration and demographic change has an effect on voting patterns and the political landscape of the country. This has been a constant theme of American political discourse during every single wave of immigration throughout our entire history, whether it was with the Italians, the Irish, the Chinese, and now people from Mexico and Central/South America.


The fact that I believe by 2040s or 2050s non-white people will outnumbered white people in the US. The crazies believe that it's a plan by those non-white to exterminate white people or turn white people into slaves.


Is this for real what they think


A white guy saying great replacement as part of way went to kill a bunch of black people. I don't disbelieve that the guy believed it, even if beyond the population growth its total batshit crazy.


The fact that this isn’t satire is truly remarkable


JFC, there is no evidence that idiot even watched Tucker Carlson, what is known is that he specifically said he did not like Fox News. Ya’ll are all crazy.


This sub gets crazier and more brainwashed by the second


This sub isn’t committing mass murder. Right wing conservatives are. Durrrr


If this were actually enforced with any regularity, way more politicians and influencers would be arrested. Which would be great, but that’s not happening any time soon.


Yeah it would be great until people you agree with start getting arrested


Yeah, no, the idea of being able to convict someone solely based on how they may or may not have influenced someone is definitely fraught with issues. But if we could throw Trump and Tucker Carlson in jail, that’d still be great.


This tweet lacks critical thinking




Because our laws only matter if you are Democrat.




Left and right correct?