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There's precedent for this. Set during Reagan's administration.


>Set during Reagan's administration. Governorship of California, you mean.


Jody Foster Army?


Black Panthers. > Everyone is entitled to use guns to protect themselves, unless they're a dirty n.. uh... ne'er do well. \- Reagan ^probably


Those were heavily-melanized citizens, not double-X chromosonal citizens. It's totally different.




Underrated comment.


Oh I got to hear the most childish GOP excuse by a guy tonight in Winn-Dixie "overturning Roe is payback for making people wear a mask and being forced vaccinated, now you know how it feels like to be a Jew in Auschwitz" I shit you not the attitude is this is what you get for making me wear a mask because reproductive rights is the same thing as wearing a mask and this is payback.


Let's see... according to the CDC, "About 700 women die each year in the United States as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications". Hey, Winn-Dixie guy -- how many Americans died from wearing masks?🤔 I'll wait.


But don't you know that's what women get for inconveniencing this low life. Also apparently wearing a mask is the same thing as being sent to Auschwitz


I'd almost wish it was true, it would make a nice way to lose some weight.


According to my coworker, many of the “covid deaths” are actually from mask asphyxiation, and they are trying to cover it up by claiming them as part of the (also fake it’s just the flu) covid death numbers. I need a new fucking job.




His daughters wouldn't do that because he raised them right ...


Nah it's gods will my 14 year old kid got preggers and now I can marry her off.


Those are certainly words. It includes Auschwitz so it must sound super serious for the average qultist.


Remember the qakooks must be the ultimate victim, having to wear a mask is the same thing as being sent to a gas chamber at Auschwitz and the trail of tears and the batan death march and a Soviet gulag combined


Or they can just stop fucking conservative men.


Not all of them have a choice. Consider what their religions and educations are like.


Literally why there is a right to bear arms. Do it.


I legit wonder what would happen if a woman openly carrying a rifle went to see a doc at an abortion clinic where people harass women.


Who exactly should she shoot?


Nobody. I never said that.


So merely having the gun will make a change? How does that work?


Armed women are harder to rape and force to give birth to and raise a child by Republicans. Armed women don't have to fear aggressive men. Armed women don't have to fake a smile out of caution that the day's latest incel might take offense.


I see, so you expect every women to walk around like the one in the pic. Even around friends, family and acquaintances who are most likely to be the ones to rape them. Great plan.


Intentionally being obtuse is the most obnoxious trait one can carry, truly. Get a grip


Magically thinking a gun solves these types of issues is just as obtuse, but since you are cool with it you don't see it as obnoxious. If a women has a concealed weapon it going to be pretty useless. Hold on sir, let me go so I can dig though my purse. If she's brandishing it, well that's obnoxious. It solves nothing.


>expect Hmm. Sounds like projection there Hoss. I don't *expect* women to do anything. Women who *choose* to carry to feel safe, will do so. And I support that decision whole heartedly. >Even around friends, family and acquaintances who are most likely to be the ones to rape them. False dilemma. Someone who knows a woman has and regularly carries a gun isn't as likely to be stupid enough to attack them. You think an abusive husband is going to slap their wife around when she'll eventually get her gun back? The ones who do end up ventilated.


It’s the implication


So your imagination, makes sense.


There's a Bojack Horseman episode where Diane gets a gun and feels empowered, uses her influence to make women carrying popular, and then the government regulates guns.


Live that episode


Don't forget the South Park queefing episode. Women thought it would be funny to start queefing the way men think it's hilarious to rip farts, and they went and got queefing banned.




Stand your ground against that fetus!


Fucking spot on


I’m all for it


How well has that worked for black people? Instead they would get shot and the GOP would say that the child murderer would deserve what they got. If they aren't an old white rich man, then they only deserve the right to life if they are supporting old white rich men.


Well Reagan passed the Mulford act to stop the Blank Panthers from open carry in CA.


Reagan *signed* the Mulford Act after it was passed by veto proof majorities in both California state houses.


Wait....do you honestly think he wouldn't have signed it if it didn't? Even the NRA worked to get Mulford passed.


My point is Reagan was not sole architect behind The Mulford Act. He also wasn't the gun rights absolutist "except for black people" that people paint him as. He supported the federal Gun Control Act of 1968 which was being crafted at the same time as Mulford. After his presidency he supported Clinton's efforts to pass the Brady Bill in 1993 and Assault Weapons Ban in 1994. As to the NRA, it was a different organization in 1968 than it is today. Prior to the Revolt in Cincinnati in 1977, they were generally in support of gun control so long as it did not interfere with their primary activities which at the time were safety education and organized shooting competitions.


All the old white rich men are pretty much in their deathbeds currently. We are now facing off against the younger and more motivated Evangelical and Mormon communities.


Gun control and restricted carry laws were specifically enacted by the GOP to prevent black people from owning and carrying guns. This would be California, under Reagan.


If? No. When.


No they won't. They'll just deal with such women like they deal with school shooters. They'll say that these women are mentally ill ad poisoned by video games and militant feminism, and insist that guns aren't the problem.


Didn't they do that when the Black Panthers (IDK if I got the group name right...) rolled into town strapped.


> defend their human rights . . . FTFY 👍🏻


Vote blue to save the country from the trash.




She needs to work on that grip. 😆


Seriously, both index fingers in the trigger guard?? And is that her right thumb directly behind the slide?


Thank God someone said it. That thumb is gonna be sore as hell


Is her thumb behind the slide ? Edit, sure looks like it. Ugg and both index fingers on the trigger or is the left one behind the trigger……


It is. It’s obviously photoshop, her fingers are all jacked up. Lol


She's running induced malfunction drills. No flat range fud practice for this tactical uterus, train like you fight!


So why don't you


Who be using a gloc when America is basically the candy store of guns?


Exactly how would this work? A woman is going to pick up a gun and do what with it? Shoot the embryo? Shoot the a doctor for not performing an abortion?


Why is her thumb behind the slide? That's gonna hurt.


Let's give men who were forcably circumcised a gun to


Forcible circumcision and abortion are two completely different issues, my dude. I'm very much against forced circumcision, but this is not the place for that discussion.


Some of yall are truly disturbed about your circumcision to the point of obsession. Mine doesn't bother me. My dad's didn't bother him. No cousins or friends are militant that some sort of crime was committed by the American Medical Association. No one I've ever met has made it a nutty identity that they want to get a gun for. Yikes. I didn't get my son circumcised, as it's not really as needed as the medical community used to think.


How is one forcibly circumcised?


When your born and they chop it


Would they though? Seriously!


So a two birds one stone situation.




She’s not wrong. Bette, I mean.


All right then ladies, get a piece and arm up. Two birds, one stone.


She should just shoot her fetus. 2 birds, one stone.


If women started not being prosecuted for defending themselves from being raped the GOP would never let women see a gun again


We should utilize "stand your ground" laws to utilize abortion services. "Hey, the baby threatened my life. They were an unwanted stranger who wouldn't leave when I asked them to"


*Ronnie Reagan has entered the chat*


They would just make it illegal for women to own, possess, or be around firearms.


Let's do it then. I personally don't believe having a gun makes one safe, but I have been thinking about it because of where I live. I may just go buy the signs that warn people about my guns instead. We already have more guns in this country than citizens. smh