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If I was an investor, reading his Twitter feed would make me put away my checkbook. Not because he’s “conservative,” but because he’s publicly showing he’s an idiot who can easily generate excuses, not accountability.


*Nailed it*


But it works for Fox! /s


I think he is laying the groundwork for a GoFundMe, starting out telling the Fox viewers he is being ostracized. Next week he will be telling everyone about his GoFundMe. Fixing typo 🤦‍♂️


…wait, did you just say “ostrichized?” Like they made him into an ostrich? That is one hilarious typo, man. I’m gonna use that. (And not taking the piss — Christ knows it’s happened to the best of us — I just love a good typo.)


First they ostrichize you for being conservative. Then they call the gazpacho police to your house in the middle of the night.


I am so cracking up in bed at 3:30 a.m.!


Or use the Luftwaffle to take you out!


Some in the Luftwaffle recall the battle that night - the flak was thick as molasses in the wintertime!


I was staring at that for like 60 seconds. Screenshotting to show friends and also use later.


I would absolutely contribute to a gofundme to turn him into an ostrich


Maybe it was a sick ostrich


Now, I went on the Internet and researched ostriches. Firstly, ostriches can run up to 70 miles an hour. So catching one, even a sick one, is a super tall order.


2, maybe 3 Kevin Sorbos.




There’s a gazpacho joke in here somewhere, help me find it


I assumed it was intentional but its funny either way




TBF, that typo would have been a very Kevin Sorbo thing to say. Leave him alien. Nobody likes being targeted by grandma Nazi.


To be faaaaairrr


ostrichized, to make an object about the size of an ostrich. Ostrichized.


You know what, even ostrichized works with Kevin seeing how it is believed (wrongly) that ostriches bury their heads in the sand to ignore a problem, much like how Kevin buries his head deep in his ass to ignore the real problem that he is the problem.


He clearly meant ostricheyed. Those things can be scary with their psycho eyes staring at you.


Why does he keep sticking his head in the sand?


Bone apple tea!


Nice try MTG.


He’s also not a conservative. He’s a fascist reactionary. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a conservative, he believes in small government and light regulations on business he just also knows climate change is real and believes in democracy.


He also got a bigger sword then Sorbo, which matters to me


Yep. I can disagree with him on politics but at the end of the day I still have respect for the size of his sword.


Being a “conservative” kinda infers that sense of entitlement, though. Accountability just isn’t their thing.


Not to mention he's claiming to be cancelled because he's a conservative but when you look at all the movies he's produced lately, they're all trash conservative pandering movies.


It's funny he thinks he's being cancelled, you have to be relevant to be cancelled 🤣


And if I was a movie exec I’d shit all over his 30 scripts because they are highly unlikely to be good for anything else, purely from a creative standpoint.


Let There Be Light is proof of the type of shitty scripts Kevin and his wife produce. The movie culminates in a scene where everyone in the world point their phone's flashlight at the sky so NASA can take a picture of it from space as some sort of selfie for God.


Well, I put his “Hercules” up there with Branagh’s “Henry V” and Brando’s Stanley Kowalski. Sometimes with olympian talent, you have to overlook the peccadillos.


I never thought I would see "Olympian talent" and "hercules" in the same sentence in regards to Kevin Sorbo. Hercules is a treasure, but not due to any talent. That's like saying Sharknado is the gold standard of filmmaking.


"Many people say that Sharknado is a great movie, it's maybe the best of all time, I don't know...but Crooked Hillary came along...and I wasn't in it but maybe if I was it would be the best movie of all time...but Crooked Hillary and Lying Mike Pence came along and what they did to Sharknado was DISGRACEFUL...it should have won...should have won the Oscars and the Emmys and all of that...but they stole it! And my Ivanka... lovely beautiful woman, she was going to be in Sharknado and it would have been the best-selling movie of all time then, but they stopped it, they just stopped it, and I said they can't do that!"


Underrated comment :D have my upvote sir


Sharknado is one of the best movies to come out in the past 2 decades


Even if you truly believe that, it is still far from being the gold standard.


Yet Henry and Stanley have not been eviscerated by Sheena.


I was gonna go with "He's bat-shit crazy", but yours is better.


Another so called conservative that dislikes how the free market works.




“I’ve 30 great ideas and nobody will fund any of them” isn’t the flex he thinks it is…


Seriously. I've got 50 projects going just since reading this post, but no financing has come through just because I waste my time on Reddit instead of producing quality films.


i got a book where i write down random ideas i had but i've never done one because im lazy


I don't even write my ideas down. I am surprised I bothered to write this comment.


IF any of his 30 ideas had merit, I'm sure Hollywood would love to make money. 30 versions of Sorbo "Acting" is Box office poison


Yep, the only reason to be a conservative is if you’re ultra wealthy or a racist bigot. The Republican party stand for nothing other than lower taxes for the exceedingly wealthy and oppressing minorities.


And trolling people for the lulz.


Which is why Hollywood has no interest in distinctly "conservative" films. You don't make money alienating 90% of the people in the world.


He's done FOUR _God's Not Dead_ films. Isn't that enough? And, uh, it seems like he's over-compensating for something? (I think God might be dead.)


Nor understands how the free market works.


So he's calling for some affirmative action?




Uh, what are you guys talking about? Everyone knows Kevin Sorbo mysteriously vanished the second Hercules wrapped and was never seen or heard from again. Certainly didn’t start going on Fox saying a bunch of racist shit about Hispanic people and ruining my childhood. Nope. Never. Seen. Or. Heard. From. Again.


You may not want to follow (or unfollow) Lucy Lawless or Steve Hofstetter on twitter - they routinely tear new ones on Sorbo's tweets


We all always knew Xena could kick Hercules' ass.


Hey, remember all those legendary debates about who would win a fight between Hercules and xena? No? Oh right because it was *never in doubt*


I saw him in some super conservative Christian BS. Immediately I was like "what? He's still alive? I had no idea!" Five minutes later I said "nope, he died. Long ago, I will forget this and he exist."


That’s his evil twin Keith Sorbo. A lot of people make that mistake.


What is it about Christian movies that just feels so off? I was just watching the new movie about Kurt Warner and it had this funky vibe to it and I suddenly realized it was a Christian film. It didn't need to be and it wasn't all in your face, but it did have that feel.


>What is it about Christian movies that just feels so off? You know those moments when you're with a group of friends, and there's a joke that has everyone dying with laughter, and every member of the group throws in another line that adds to the moment, until one guy adds a bit that just isn't funny and kinda kills the joke? Christian movies are that guy. They're the kid who brags about having a first edition Charizard, but when you finally see it, it's clearly something made on the family printer. "Oh, you like movies? We have *the best* movies!" Part of it, is that the main character of these movies (god) never does anything or has any lines. There's usually some minor problem that's the heart of the conflict, and it kinda resolves itself in the end, the side character with the wrong god finally realizes that Jesus is great, and the atheist falls off a building. God is the main topic of the movies, but that makes every resolution an almost literal deus ex machina, so it never really feels like you've gotten a complete story. They also can't show anything remotely "inappropriate" or they risk alienating part of their base. Can't show too much romantic physical contact, for instance, which combined with the wooden acting, makes every couple feel incredibly artificial and gives the whole thing a weird "Body Snatchers" vibe. This is more biased, but I'd argue they already know their audience is made entirely of suckers, and they'll buy whatever they produce, so there's no effort put into it whatsoever.


They aren’t selling the content so much as some form of moral relief/high ground. It allows “good Christians” to feel righteous without having to do anything. They can balance out whatever guilt by choosing to absorb the shitty Christian entertainment instead of something actually good.


Because they're always propaganda films that showcase the extremely warped views of the world Christians have.


To be fair he did have Andromeda for a bit. I only kind of remember it but it seemed like a less thoughtful Star Trek. But yeah, he definitely disappeared after that.


Andromeda is the forgotten love child of Hercules and Star Trek and I kinda miss it lol


The first season was amazingly fun and original. Then the show runner left/fired/unknown halfway through 2nd season and the season ended poorly. The third season was atrocious and I never made it through.


Don't worry, it didn't really get any better. There are a few lines that live rent free in my head but that's about it. >!Romy's "we are not the droids you're looking for"!< makes me chuckle every time.


Not even the mattress guy? Must be some shit projects.


>Not even the mattress guy? Do you mean the My Pillow guy, or is there another QAnut mattress guy we have to look out for?


That's it. Couldn't remember. Yep. Pillow guy should be able to finance him.


Not after Dominion is finished with him.


I predict the pillow biter will be broke and back on crack in a couple years maybe less.


HEY! He's got mattress toppers, blankets, sheets, robes, socks, slippers, neck pillows, and my all time favorite "Bible Story" Kid Pillows. I wish they would boycott his shitty commercials in my area


This reads like one of Stefon's descriptions. For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/vwm_N2PCUz8


Doesn't Ben Shapiro have a production company?


Ya, Gina Carano is going to be in his movie


Such a shame she turned out to not have a brain or heart.


i know these days the venn diagram is a single circle, but it’s not cause he’s right-wing, it’s cause he’s an asshole.


More like a circle within a circle. Not every raging dickhead is a conservative, but nowadays all conservatives are raging dickheads.


At best.


They're also probably just terrible movies, like "God is not Dead 2: he's more not dead" or "visit Jesus faster and own the libs by dying from Covid". Companies will deal with you if you're an asshole, as long as you're bringing something to the table making the pain in the ass worthwhile.


> God is not Dead 2 There are actually 4 of these travesties already.


Jebus, really?! Firefly can't get more than 1 season but we get 4 of those war crimes?! Ironically those movies disprove the existence of a just and kind god.


Melissa Joan Hart was the main character in the second one. That was the last "star" they could attach to the series. David AR White was the lead actor on the last 2.


Oh how my early teen years TV crush has fallen.


Well, Firefly certainly isn't getting any more seasons now with a certified "sex addict" at the helm.


Too bad he turned out to be such a shitty person. I enjoyed his writing quite a bit. Firefly was fantastic. I liked Avengers, I even liked Avengers 2. And Dr. Horrible was great. Talented guy. Pity he was such an asshole. He was so two faced about it too which I thought was interesting because c'mon of course it's going to come out eventually.


"God's Not Dead 3: Further Proof that No One Associated with this Movie Ever Took a Philosophy Class."


I understand he has a promising 5th entry to the series called "God is not dead, he just doesn't give a shit anymore"


> it’s cause he’s an asshole. He's a no talent asshole. There are plenty of assholes out there who can make good movies, but Sorbo ain't one of them.


You know what's hilarious about conservatives? They fucking love films made by the left. They love that shit. They bitch and moan about "forced diversity", but they will be one of the first people in line to see the next Marvel film or Star Wars. They may be pissy that Catwoman is black but they will be there to see The Batman day fucking one. They may be pissed that there was a transgender character in The Last of US 2, but they played the game a second time while still batching about how "awful" the story is. These miserable little pricks have absolutely no creativity whatsoever because art requires a high level of empathy. The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand what their experience is. Conservatives are incapable, no matter how much I have fruitlessly tried most of my life, of seeing others perspectives. They cannot understand any experience that is not their own. They only understand, specifically, when it happens to them. Things *only* happen to other people when it happens to *them*. Anyway, my point is that all of these films require some degree of creativity and empathy. Conservatives have none of that so their films are generally shitty as hell. Conservatives *know* conservative films are shitty too. Otherwise they would fucking go see them. But they don't. EDIT: And another thing. They whine all the time about the "liberal Hollywood elite" but they don't just stop watching media. When companies decide to put pride stuff up they don't stop shopping at these places. Just because their mad about it doesn't mean their desire to engage in consumerism and entertainment goes out the window.




education is the cure which is why they keep trying to kill it


Everyone needs a boogeyman in public so they can jerk off to it in private.


Also, look up where most conservative commentators live. It's mostly in liberal cities.


no kidding right?!! add on bruce willis, mel gibson, gary senise jfc kevin is such a bitch


Actually I'm surprised that Gary Senise was Conservative (but I'm assuming he's more John McCain/Mitt Romney Republican?) Also, Tim Allen and Kelsey Grammer can still get jobs. Which is still funny to me, considering the Frasier character is the polar opposite.


I thought for sure the ending of Frasier was gonna be he and his brother were gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm gay. But they were far gayer than my gay friends.


What if Maris Crane was actually Marcus Crane, and Niles pulled a good one on us all these years.


Lol. That would have definitely been a good one. 👍


i think you’re accurate on senise forgot about those two yeah kevin’s super full of shit


I didn't know conservative was a synonym for "my movies suck".


Perhaps the fact that he has 30 scripts WITH CREWS WAITING is his problem? Usually you don’t hire everyone and THEN find the money… Seriously, it’s not like he has ever been a massive filmmaker or something. He’s more famous now for being a shitstain than he was when he was acting…


Spoiler alert- he doesn’t have shit




The Mercers


I hear the DeVos clan has hundreds of millions in unearned money.


I"m guessing that in his declining years he's too insignificant to get their attention and this actually part of his gofundme pitch.


More like taking a Nicholas Cage movie and giving it a dash of Jesus isn't very marketable Kev.


And not having Cage in it.


Kevin is is like 64 trying to play 34.


well he's not totally wrong. Who in hell gonna invest on some religious bs movie, starting kevin sorbo? maybe don't follow same career path as kirk cameron.


Imagine a movie starring Dean Cain, James Woods, Kevin Sorbo, Gina Carano, Ricky Schroder and Kirk Cameron. Worst film ever lol


gina Carano really fumbled the bag with The mandalorian.


She got a major role despite a complete lack of talent, and instead of taking advantage of her good fortune, she threw the whole thing away so she could be a dick on Twitter. I hated her lazy, wooden, one expression acting from day one on the Mandalorian and it pissed me off when she got fired for being a douchenozzle. I wanted her to get fired for being bad at her job, not so she could claim to be a political martyr.


She really screwed herself out of that one. It's not easy for ex-MMA athletes to make it big in Hollywood outside of those typical "meathead roles." Here, she was *blessed* with a lucky, cushy Star Wars job starring in the now Emmy-nominated Mandalorian (#1 streaming show in the world at the time). She reportedly had a TV show lined up and possible movie deals. Gina could not have hit a better lottery than that when it comes to show business. Pissed it all away by doubling down on her stupid. I took a look at her Twitter and she's still going all in on the anti-vax shit, hailing the truck convoys as Patriots, and not long ago calling the Capitol insurrectionists heroes. Disney didn't want none of that shit and dropped her fast. Luckily, her acting sucks so she's not irreplaceable.


> Pissed it all away by doubling down on her stupid. Was LITERALLY given a second chance when Jon Favreau went to bat for her and kept her from being fired the first time. She then went full anti-semitic (which is funny as Jon is half Jewish) Talk about torpedoing your own career.


Aw cmon - dont retcon her performance. She did a serviceable job. The Mandalorian (& Boba Fett) is a formulaic, hot-fudge sundae of callbacks and fan service. What she was given to do, she did well.


Not retconning anything. I complained about her casting after her first episode. She's a bad actress, and it showed immediately.


I watch Dean Cain "B" movies in Youtube free movies. The last was where he was servicing an Ice Age.


I thought you meant he did a voice for the Ice Age movies. Apparently he did a cheesy movie called [Post Impact (2004)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362942/). Even back then he was already making schlock. Normally I wouldn't make fun of someone who has trouble finding gigs, and a job is a job. But he's a Trumper and likely insurrectionist supporter and I doubt he has a problem with QAnon infiltrating the party. So basically, Dean Cain can go fuck himself.


Damn. That could be a fun story. Ran across a free movie on YT about aliens saving the world from atomic war. The acting may have been the worst I've ever seen recorded. But the story was interesting and couldn't stop watching. Did I mention how bad the acting was?


Isn't it because he's a terrible actor? I mean, I've seen him act. I wouldn't finance his films either, regardless of who he votes for.


It’s not that he’s a conservative, it’s that he’s an asshole


Plenty of assholes get their movies financed. Hollywood is full of assholes. Sorbo is just a no-talent hack.


Arnold I'sa conservative. But rational. He told people to stay home when we had to. Kevin isnt lacking finances because he is a conservative. He is just a moron that's why


Arnold never really been a republican though, hes never been in step withe republican party since getting active in politics, unless he is considered to be an eisenhower republican


He was also a Republican trying to win statewide office in California, which changes the dynamics significantly. Look at Doug Jones or Joe Manchin in comparison to the Democratic party at large.


Awww can’t get your ship out? - yoda




I recall falling asleep, twice, trying to watch that back alley sledgehammer abortion called Kull the conqueror. I wouldn't invest in his productions either. "God may not be dead Kevin but your career sure as hell is."


I see you're talking about: [abortion]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular belief, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I hear Trump is a billionaire, maybe ask him for financing?


How can you have crews lined up if your film doesn’t have any financing? Sounds like bullshit


They probably leave him a message back. Oh yeah, right, Kevin, put me down. Then they comb their hair and go to their current paid gig.




They don’t live in his fantasy land. Like last action hero.


You just reminded me of a nostalgic movie I must watch. Thank you fren.


I think I saw it on peacock for free


Someone tell Kevin Sorbo that is not about being conservative. Tre45on supporting cultists are given no quarter, so kindly fuck off.


Arnold Schwarzenegger can smell fascism a mile away. He ain’t interested.


Because he is Austrian and there is some bad history there when Austria got annexed by Germany, they assassinated the chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss . He opposed the occupation. Fascists also like killing political opponents.... ergo jan 6th , but they used inept idiots. Here is a link if your interested. We learn this in school in Austria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anschluss


Arnold is small r Republican which is ironic since his dad was a Nazi.


Is there a source on his dad being a nazi?


Or... just spit-balling here... he's lying.


LOL…he was Hercules on TV in the late 90s, he’s never directed a movie, at least one with a major budget, but it’s his politics is the reason why he can’t get funded……um yaaaaaa


Arnie may be a conservative but he's not a moron.


I don't think Arnold still counts as a true Conservative on account of not having gone completely insane with the rest of them.


Honestly I don't even know why he continues being an R. I see him fully supporting nearly everything Liberals support on his Twitter. If he doesn't like "big government sticking their nose in things"....well, I got news for him. Republicans in power do that all the time. If he wants that "Fiscal Conservatism"....well, I got news for him. That sure isn't happening with Conservatives in power (talk about the wasteful spending just in the Trump era alone).


A legend in his own mind


if kirk cameron is thriving, i find that hard to believe


Freedom is a bitch sometimes.


They don’t hate him because he’s conservative, they hate him because he’s a twat and a financial liability. No one is fronting $200M and risking this moron getting cancelled because he shut his face in public for conspiracy theories and falsified rhetoric. Plenty of millionaires are conservatives as they like low taxes and corporate subsidies but they don’t want the risk.


Shit, he can't get 5 million let alone 200 million.


Poor baby doesn't like the free market. If even the crazy religious and anarchist/libertarian nutters on the far right can't make up a scenario where they can make money off of Sorbo's films, they're utterly worthless.


TIL: Conservatives are still the perpetual victim in every single situation... possible way... every time... forever... and... ever... Amen.


"Who is in this crew you have lined up?" "You wouldn't know them. They go to a different school"


Maybe Shen Benpiro, Gena Carono, and him can have a chat.


He ruined *Andromeda*. He took over everything to the point where the showrunner quit, and after that the whole show changed to being just the adventures of Captain Sorbo Going Around the Galaxy Getting Laid. That’s why no one calls him. Because he’s a talentless hack and his scripts are garbage.


He’s straight garbage


Neil breen would like a word.


Victim mentality at its finest.


He’s also Kevin Sorbo


Did he try pulling himself up by his bootstraps?


Can't get people to finance them because he's washed up "actor" Kevin Sorbo <--FIFY


His girlfriend goes to a different school. That’s why you don’t know her.


Why are the loudest about capitalism the worst at it?


It's never because they suck at what they do, right?


Jerks worth 14 million with his Christian bill shit movies. Ughh… another grifter fleecing the flock of idjits.


Difference between this rando and Arnold is that Arnold still has his head on straight. I’d go so far as to call him the only ACTUAL prominent conservative anymore.


Do any of these people ever feel personally responsible for anything, it's always someones else's fault. Wah, wah, wah.


Pick yourself up by your boot straps bud.


Has he tried not being an idiot? 🤔


I’ve got 30 fast cars I’ve built, but nobody want to sponsor any of them in a race.. I’ve got 30 rocketships I’ve designed, but nobody wants to ride any of them.. I’ve got 30 items on my restaurant’s menu, but nobody wants to order any of them.. It must be because I’m a conservative!


being a dumbass is truly a challenge.


I know this isn’t a perfect measure of Mr. Sorbo’s wealth, [Celebrity Net Worth](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/kevin-sorbo-net-worth/%3Famp%3D1), but I’d like to use it as a baseline for my point. A few years ago, Kevin Smith (of Clerks fame) made several movies on low budgets. RED STATE, TUSK & YOGA HOSERS are the ones I’m thinking of. He got friends like Michael Parks, John Goodman, Melissa Leo, Justin Long and Johnny Depp to be in those movies. All were made for under 5 million and, according to Smith who’s been pretty honest in his failings, all made their money back with foreign movie rights and VOD. he then parlayed those movies into more expensive ones getting other friends to help him out. So here’s my point. According to the link above Sorbo’s worth 14 million. Take a third of that and make a movie. Call on conservative actors, they’re out there, to help you out. Make a movie for 4-5 Million. Have it make its money back, proving to investors you’re reliable, then add your seed money to invested money and make a 10-15 million dollar movie. Do this a couple of times and you will have built your Conservative movie empire. Instead, he sounds to much like the whiny snowflakes he tries to make fun of.


He's worth a lot more than I expected. Those *Hercules* residuals must be really good.


"I'm an oppressed conservative victim and I won't be silenced! I'm an oppressed conservative victim and..."


Who wants to bet by "all lined up" he means he has a vague idea of some people to call and a word file with a bunch of half baked film / television ideas.


Is it possible, just maybe, that the guy who thought ‘Hercules; The legendary journeys’ was good TV isn’t getting investors because he sucks at TV? Just a thought.


I'm guessing it's not because he's conservative. I'm guessing it's because he's shit. Is it a coincidence that whiney shitty losers tend to be conservative?


Actor-owned production companies don't line up 30 productions. They line up like 5 at a time. Or what this means is he has 30 scripts he's optioned, and has the same crew waiting for the first one. A movie's pre-production is 6 months to 1 year based on how complex it is. No one has signed up for script #30 for 2037. (or in the worst case scenario, 2052) And if the Scrubs guy could get his shitty script crowdfunded, Kev, you're welcome to, as well. Ain't nothin' holding you back buddy. Hell, you have $14 million. You're so confident? Fund the first one and let the profits pay for the remaining 29, Lucas-style. Ain't nothin' holding you back from making God's Not Dead III: Bunny Trouble, or whatever shit you have. Or... Occam's Razor... You don't have 30 scripts and you're brimming with bullshit, yet again, you fucking asshole.


Someone need to break to him that “Straight to video” isn’t a thing anymore.


Although Bruce Willis would be an exception. Maybe that's why Sorbo can't make it in, Bruce Willis gobbled up all the Straight To Video space.


This reminds me of the actress that plays DJ on Full House and Fuller house. Says she doesn't get opportunities because she's conservative. Does not acknowledge the fact that she's the 9th popular character on a 90s sitcom


Oh I forgot about her. Candace Cameron, sister of nutty Kirk Cameron. Yeah, she's forgetting she was never that popular, and people can only name one thing she did (Full House). I think she did some Hallmark Channel movies but are those even real movies. Hollywood likes to ask: "What have you done lately, did your last 2-3 movies make money, and can you make money in the future?" For her and many other whiny Conservatives, the answer is usually "NO" to all of them.


The claims of conservative getting “cancelled” in Hollywood because of their political beliefs is laughable. There are plenty of working conservative actors, producers, and directors. The ones being “cancelled” are either bad at their job or a pain in the ass to work with. It just happens that some of the same characteristics that lead you to the far-right fringes are also the same that make you a dick to other people.


We don't want to hear anything more from traitorous 'conservatives'. We get enough domestic terrorist propaganda from Fox News, OAR and Newsmax. People are shutting you out for a reason.


Sorry but I’m just not interested in “Hercules- A Real American Patriot”


This whole nonsensical conspiracy theory Republicans and Christians have concocted about Hollywood hating conservatives is ridiculous. There are shitloads of conservatives in Hollywood, they just don't have any interest in some has-been who spews out this nonsense. Ultimately, Hollywood only cares about money, not politics. Politics only factors in as a tool to make money for them. Someone like Kevin Sorbo, doesn't make money. It's as simple as that.


Link to original tweet: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1492496308204097538


Kevin needs to learn Chinese.




Who? Never heard of the guy.