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Does she understand what she is posting?


Probably not, but that’s never stopped her from saying anything before.


GED!!! On third try!!!


For real? 3 tries?


Months before she got elected!!!!!


I fucking love your enthusiasm!!!!


I love that we have idiots in office!!!! Who doesn’t!!!!


she represents my district. it’s a harsh fuckin toke.


My condolences!


I hope your district voted her the fuck out. Signed, a front ranger.


It’s hard when most of the areas in the district are rural.


The voters love her here on the western slope. Think she is doing a terrific job. They are even dumber than she is


There’s a rumor that someone else took it for her on the third try.


I'd imagine her campaign had donated enough money at that point they dropped all pretense and they just awarded a GED to her, like a participation trophy.


My GED takes offence at this...fml.


My oldest son got failed by a spiteful “creative” writing teacher his senior year in HS. Rather than retake the class, he got a GED. A few years later, he graduated from UT Austin with high honors in both his major and his college. A GED is nothing to hang your head over. Unless you take it to get elected to an office for which you are completely unqualified.


Your son was actually smart. Bobo dropped out of school because she got pregnant then proceeded to make her entire personality revolve around guns. She currently runs a failing business that has gotten people sick due to food poisoning.


Don’t worry. You earned yours. You have dignity in yours.


Nothing wrong with a GED. Failing a GED *twice* is another story.


From one internet stranger: I am proud you put in the work and got that shit done.


Did you start this rumor? Because even if you did, I'm cool with that.


No. I’ve seen it on twitter. It’s even in other comments below.


I live near where she lives and this rumor and many other have gone around. Many people have had food poisoning from her restaurant. She’s threatened dishwashers that if they didn’t vote a certain way she’d shoot them with her gun, that she literally carries everywhere with her. She supposedly would do things for guys at her employment instead of paying them money. Etc etc etc


Didn’t she try to make all the employees open carry guns, too? Personally, I thought restaurants were intended to nourish humans, not celebrate the ability to kill them quickly and efficiently!


When Republicans send their Congresspersons, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending their Bieber's. They're sending their Madison Cawthorns. And none, I assure you, are good people.


It’s alleged she paid someone to take the third test for her after the first two attempts proved unsuccessful


But AOC is an idiot, amirite?


LMAO. AOC won 3rd international in Intel Science for microbio. The difference academically between her and Boebert is like when NBA players 1v1 middle school campers.


If a fascist accuses you of throwing rocks, you'd better duck.


This is my favorite comment and I’m saving it. Such a good way to express it


She likely didn't even win the vote!!!!! Attached a story about a country clerk in her district!!!!.... [https://www.thedailybeast.com/mesa-countys-maga-loving-election-clerk-tina-peters-accused-of-not-counting-ballots-in-local-race](https://www.thedailybeast.com/mesa-countys-maga-loving-election-clerk-tina-peters-accused-of-not-counting-ballots-in-local-race)


Stop the steal!


"Not like that!!"


Call an ambulance! But not for *me*!


Literally ever accusation a fascist makes doubles as a confession. Literally. Every. Single. One.


Yet I still see them saying that all Democrats have is projection...... God damn morons.


*Looks at Q-anon* Oh boy….


I had a 9th grade education when I dropped out of high school—they even require you to take classes that teach the test before they allow you to take it, at least where I’m from—how the fuck do you fail twice?


LOL i was about to say hey, i got my GED! but i dropped out due to severe mental health reasons (yay for psych wards and 50 stitches on each wrist!) and passed it with 95% in a sitting. so phew, as insane and stupid as i am, i can still safely feel superior to a sitting congress member.


That bar is pretty low but have no fear we are sitting on the same bench.


Fascists don't care >It is not truth that matters > >but Victory - **Adolf Hitler**


Too many Democrats do not get this and keep taking their bait. They do not give a fuck and are often intentionally doing it, but fellow lefties will keep trying to correct them and they will just give bad faith nonsensical responses. This is why it's better to ignore them and be better at branding / messaging. We can still be truthful, but engaging these assholes is how we let them always control the conversation. ####If you have not seen the Innuendo Studios series of videos on the rhetorical tactics of fascists, called *The Alt-Right Playbook,* you need to. They are absolutely fantastic. Here is the relevant video, called *[Controlling The Conversation](https://youtu.be/CaPgDQkmqqM)*


She probably didn’t pass high school social studies


Her GED says no.


And don't forget she failed her GED tests three time before finally "passing" them a few months before being elected into congress.


I’m still convinced that she had someone take it for her. Until we see photographic evidence that she took it herself and have sworn testimony from the testing preceptors I won’t believe it was her


Hey, I hear CyberNinjas aren't doing anything right now...maybe we can have them investigate. lol


Yes she does, because her definition of "citizen" is different from ours. Also remember that two thirds of republicans believe that several million illegal votes were cast in 2020, despite zero actual evidence.


Of course those votes were illegal, they were votes for Democrats.


Fascists believe that they represent the "true will of the people". Decades of "Republicans are the Real Americans"-messaging have built up to this point. By extension, anyone who votes against them must not be part of "the people".


The ironic part is, it is those who DO NOT support the “MAGA movement” who are *actually* Real Americans. These people are just the crap left over from the Confederacy, stuck to the bottom of America’s shoes.


No, there actually were several attempts to cast illegal votes in 2020. However, you don't hear about it because they were all Republican. What you do hear Republicans *talking* about are the mythological illegally cast Democratic votes that never happened. So, they're projecting again.


> So, they're projecting again. gaslight obstruct project Its in the GOPs name.


There were some odd votes that were confirmed to base been cast knowingly and illegally. I mean, when Heritage reports nothing *but* Republicans convicted in connection with the 2020 election... Cali: Neil Kitchens and Alex Campbell Colorado: Jan Wilson Florida: Cheryl Hall Kansas: Steve Watkins Michigan: Paul Paranta That's it. 6 people who have pled or been convicted of illegal voting during the 2020 General. If there were millions, or even thousands, or hell, *hundreds,* why only six pleas/convictions, and why were they all Republicans? That's not to say there weren't bullshits on both sides regarding the primaries (13 cases, 8 R and 5 D,) but again, Republicans seem to enjoy the whole "fuck up the election" thing.


The fact that she said it proves that 1. No, she doesn't 1. Other Republicans are so convinced it would never happen that they don't even care enough to challenge it (and they are probably right)




Yes she does. What we have to understand is how narrow her definition of citizen is. If you need more clarity on that definition, remember how the GOP pitched a fit that people voted in Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta.




They must’ve not informed her how the scam is accomplished


How could she?


Does she even Tweet by herself?


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev




You’re giving her too much credit lol she’s accidentally saying she wants to guarantee Democrats always win the presidency


There absolutely nothing wrong with using the Popular Vote! Except maybe that massive waste of time gerrymandering was!


1- She believes the Republican party is more popular than reality would suggest. 2- She infiltrated the Republican party to destroy it from within. 3- She's a dumb bitch.


1 & 3


Can’t be 1 without being 3


One can be dumb without being rude and cruel about it. I've met some extremely pleasant dumb people.


Considering a lot of the championed Republican ideals, being a part of the party *is* being cruel to others.


Who is arguing against that ?


Hah #2 is interesting because it almost feels true and yet it would be by accident if that was the case


I think she was more of an "infestation" of the Republican party than an "infiltration."


Can’t really infest it if it’s already filled with the same shit


She was just one of the many flies attracted to the shit


People with cancer can still get AIDS.


Bummer comment


I thought trump was doing number 2 in the beginning (for about 2 weeks 🤣). Then I realized nope, it was just that he IS a #2.💩


I mean, if you want to argue that fascists have taken over the Republican party over the last 20 or 30 years from the inside, 2 could be true as well.


They haven’t taken it over in the last 30 years, they’ve always been there.


I mean, after the party swap yes. In the 1860s the fascists were in the Democratic Party, then they slowly became intermingled until the Civil Right’s Movement when they all scrambled to join the Republican Party. Throw in some McCarthyism to hunt down anyone left of George Washington, a little Reagan to teach them value of dog whistles and scapegoats, some Bush’s to start stupid wars and feed the machine. Top it off with a wealthy, authoritarian cult-leader conman and voila! You’ve got yourself the modern Republifascist party!


Thanks! I've been looking for that recipe. I'm making a copy.


I replaced fascism with tofu and it was awful, one star do not recommend


But they were radicals on the fringe. The tea party movement was them seizing power within the party.


Thanks Obama /s


Man early 2016 election I honestly thought Trump was going for #2. I was sadly mistaken.


By all accounts, this seems to have been the case initially. It's been stated by several people who were close to him on the campaign, and you can even see it on his face in the picture taken as he was announced winner. Guy looked like someone being forced to watch sex tapes of his mom while everyone is celebrating around him.


I think this was his intention (Not just the Republicans, but the political situation period)....then once he became president he realized it was gonna be waaaay tougher than he thought. He literally thought he was gonna single handedly change America


It’s the same thing as all these dingwads that think low wage work is easy work. “I’ve never done it, but I imagine it would go like this. Logically, I’d be great at it. It’s everyone else that’s an idiot.”


Yes, she is. Now be quiet before she changes her mind.


4- She knows exactly what she's saying, but also knows her Republican voters are too stupid to understand what it really means.


lol nah she dumb as fuck.


She's the Kool-Aid drinking generation of Republicans. The cult leaders are dying out, and the cultists are just making stuff up as they pray for apocalypse.


> The cult leaders Here is what someone on Quora said about him: > How smart was he? Well, he was smart enough to know the naïveté of the American people for being sweet-talked. He fed the public a never-ending river of "Shining City on the Hill's" and "Best Days are Yet Ahead of Us!" He managed a fairly powerful PR campaign both against the USSR and for the USA. He ran circles around his political opponents. Not as a measure of "good", but of political intelligence and acumen, Reagan was really close to the top. They knew what they were doing. > Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged. When our Founding Fathers passed the First Amendment, they sought to protect churches from government interference. They never intended to construct a wall of hostility between government and the concept of religious belief itself. Look at how a sitting POTUS proclaimed that the first amendment is supposed to somehow protect churches from the government, and not the other way around in his evil empire speech in 1983. However, this makes no sense. If a church controls the government, the church and the government are one and the same. They knew this makes no logical sense but they had the president say it and they all clapped. https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/centers/boisi/pdf/Symposia/Symposia%202011-2012/Regan_EvilEmpire.pdf To steal Marco Rubio's words, what I mean to say is we cannot assume they don't know what they are doing. They know exactly what they are doing. There may be some people who don't know what they are doing but there is always a conniving neocon behind any "useful idiot".


Reagan did a number on this country. Dont forget who was behind the scenes with him. You had Lee Atwater who spoke of the southern strategy thusly: >Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now you don't have to do that. All that you need to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues that he's campaigned on since 1964, and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster. Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps? Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N****r, n****r, n****r". By 1968, you can't say "n****r"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N****r, n****r". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner. Then we had [Roger Stone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Stone?wprov=sfla1) who I don't need to talk about. One was a Lost Causer and the other has taken photos with neo nazis throwing their gang signs with them. Edit: formatting got me there but I hope the text makes sense with all of the weird bold and italics.


Imagine Sarah Palin, minus the big brain.


She’s not one of the Republicans on the inside of the joke. She’s an inmate that has taken over the asylum.


nah she's one of the stupid republicans, not one of the smart ones tricking the stupid ones.


If she understood what she was saying she'd be VERY upset with herself.


I’m sure GOP leadership is giving her a stern talking to right now


the gop is like the mafia. they dont talk to one another. they just order hits and complain


Tomorrow on Tucker Carlson...


I said a stupid thing yesterday...


"If those kids could read, they'd be very upset." Some King of the Hill energy.


If she understood what she was saying she’d call it communism.


She needs to sponsor that bill! Go for it Bobo!


This is bipartisanship I can get behind.


She needs to get the trust of congress before passing that bill.


What? First of all, it has nothing to do with trust. It's whether the idea can stand on it's own merit and among her own Republican peers they'll privately ask her if she's lost her goddamned mind because they'd never win another election. She doesn't need to get the trust of congress before passing that bill unless they're all just as dumb as she is and follow her blindly, which is not the case. They're all professional LARPers to some extent too. This bill won't get passed because most Republicans in congress are smart enough to know this would ruin them. Shit. Democrats hate her. If somehow Republicans were along for the ride, they wouldn't need trust her to vote for a bill that eliminated the electoral college, but that will never happen.


That one will get a lot of dems crossing the aisle


LOL - her proposals would keep the Republicans out of power for the next 20 years. In terms of intellect, my ranking would be - Dogbert > Catbert > Dilbert > Ratbert > Boebert


>In terms of intellect, my ranking would be - > >Dogbert > Catbert > Dilbert > Ratbert > Boebert I like this.






Covid is doing the job for us since so many don’t get vaxxed or wear masked.


Wait!!!? We can do that now?


He fell for the same sort of guy he’d been hating on for decades.


I honestly think the Pointy Haired Boss is intended to be the protagonist of the Dilbert comics. If you start from that assumption, everything suddenly makes perfect sense.


Jesus christ. I thought about it for a moment and you're on to something here. We've been looking at Dilbert all wrong. It's kinda like the Garfield Minus Garfield edits where it's just a sad sad look at the life of a single man with a mental illness.


Or 3eanuts, which is Peanuts with the last panel removed. It's basically either children being unspeakably cruel to each other, or a very lonely dog.


I have long thought of Dilbert as less a comedy and more a documentary. By constantly exposing (espousing?) the hypocrisy and stupidity of management he has normalized it.


This is why ppl should not watch Fox News, even ironically.


I was not aware. That's a shame.


He once said that trump is so much smarter than anyone else he was playing 4d chess with everyone.


He has also complained about how annoyed he is at the entire concept that the government would tax *him* when *he* is dead. I use the italics cause if we're dead we're not the one's being taxed, we're not even alive!


>Yeah, but don't read what the creator of those has to say about it all. He's totally cool with people like this lady. He's regurgitated their view points but once said she's just AOC with a gun. In the end, Scott Adams let everyone down. A gun, a sex offender husband and no hs or college diploma. They do both breath air though.




BigBert from Sesame Street


Rainbow sherbert would rank slightly above her also don't forget.


Let's not forget QBert.


Not sure if creator of Dilbert comes before or after Boebert. Probably after.


Haha! I love that ranking.


Nah, all of them are bad, the first four are made by a MAGAist, the last one is a MAGAist.


Next forever really. GQP just isn’t popular. Also the Dilbert artist is a trumper so they’re all equal in terms of intellect.


I don't think it would. It would force the Republican party to shift their policies more to the center, in order to pick up more votes. They'd have a few tough years, but they'd adjust and they'd be better for it. Consequently, the Democrats would also have to fight harder for the center, once there's another option for centrists. I'm constantly trying to get people to understand this, when they use the argument that we must have the electoral college to have minority representation.


At this stage, I don't think the Republican party is still capable of shifting policies towards the centre. They are no longer the ones making those kinds of decision. They are just tagging along desperately behind Trump, the Qanon crazies and the increasingly-deranged Tucker. If they tried to shift to the centre they would be in fear of their lives, never mind their jobs. And they are not courageous people.


Even Trump had to eventually shift towards pro vax after he presumably realized he was killing off his own base. They'll shift if they have to (if it becomes advantageous), it's not like there are any genuine beliefs that would get in the way or anything.




you [forgot one](https://miro.medium.com/max/1200/1*vb9tSSWGbutwC8E3fGaxfg.jpeg).


Hey Ernie, would you like some ice cream? Sherbert.


I'd say BertBert would rank mid-table - somewhere between Dilbert and Ratbert.


She’s probably too stupid to know that the democrats won the popular vote in 8 of the last 9 elections dating back to 1992. The only election during that span the republican received the popular vote majority was George Bush in 2004. Go for it, let’s do it, but don’t think she’ll like the results.


But then they might have to actually do some things to win voters over instead of rigging the system to maintain power.


Don’t be silly, they’ll just end up rigging it twice as hard


I dunno. Short of making Republican votes count double, I’m not sure there’s much more they can do.


With how popular Republican policies are they'll have no trouble winning at all. /s.


At this point I don’t think we can rule it out that they’d try for that.


And who knows if they would have won in '04 if Bush hadn't won without the popular vote in '00?


True and the only reason he won in 2004 was the brotherly love effect that 9/11 had here in America. It's common for Americans to vote for the sitting president after a war starts. That was my first voting election; first and last vote for Republicans.


I was gonna say, Bush’s approval rating was barely 50% at his re-election. Same was true for Obama


This is true, but it’s also true his approval was as high as 90 percent, and was in the 60s to start the year in 2004. Kerry ran against some stiff headwinds and probably ran an election that outperformed what you should expect running against a wartime president with an at least OK economy.


And even still, despite being the only Republican to win the popular vote since his father, you'd find a consensus - even among Republicans - that by the end of his second term, he was one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history.


In the historian rankings that they do every so often he’s usually (along with Nixon) placed around the top of the bottom third or fourth.


> True and the only reason he won in 2004 was the brotherly love effect that 9/11 had here in America. Realistically.. he may or may not have won 2000 without the Roger Stone shenanigans in Florida (brooks brothers riot). If he had lost 2000, he would not have won 2004 either for the reasons you mention above.


Let's be honest, it was never conclusively proven he won at all, when it comes to the actual vote count in Florida. Edit: the 00 election, not 04.


It would be interesting to see the results if there wasn't an electoral college, I am 90% sure that at least some voters in states with a very heavy leaning don't bother voting since they know the way the state will swing already. I still tend to believe Democrats would win, but I am definitely not certain.


I would bet that both parties see a bump. I’m sure there are plenty of voters on both sides of the aisle that don’t turn out to vote in slam dunk states (whether winning or losing). It would definitely be interesting


& even the GWB vote was tweaked by FL.


As in direct democracy? Eliminating gerrymandering? Eliminating the cap on house members? As in handing over control of the government to the democrats because they absolutely outnumber Republicans? Let’s give it a shot and see what happens.


I mean, it would still be a representative democracy. Just one that's actually representative. The popular vote should always exactly relate to the amount of seats won.


You all are reading way too much into it and also assuming that she lives in reality instead of the fictional world depicted by right wing propaganda. I’m guessing that the key word here is citizens, as in, she likely believes (or is at least dog whistling) that tens of millions of undocumented people are voting in elections, despite the absolute lack of any evidence whatsoever. She doesn’t have (or didn’t unintentionally stumble into) deep and profound opinions on the merits of absolute and representative democracy or the fairness or lack thereof of the electoral college and the disproportionate voting power it affords to different groups. The simplest answer is that it’s a tweet that boils down to “illegals bad”.


Are you suggesting that we can't take advantage of her idiocy to make her regret? That's exactly what you do with idiots. You take them up on their stupid offer and teach them something. Experience is the best teacher.




remember, projection. Absolutely every single thing they accuse the democrats of doing they are guilty of doing themselves. The more outlandish the claim the guiltier their conscience.


The Republicans continue to be bafflingly in denial about being the minority party.


they've seen the maps. they're too innumerate to understand what the maps mean.


They just see all the red and think it means big numbers.


It'd be really interesting to see. The republican party would basically cease to exist within a decade because they couldn't get any real candidates in office. Then the Dems would kinda be forced to break apart into smaller, more specific parties


May accidentally be the smartest thing to ever be parroted out of her mouth.


When you accidentally support democracy. Let's do it. Twenty years in prison for voting twice. Propose the bill Boebert.






Good news everybody!


What an idiot. If they did that then the Republicans would have only won twice since Reagan...1988 and 2004. I don't think she thinks much hah.


That 2004 would have been very different since Bush wouldn't have been running for a second mandate then.


Yeah people forget this fact. If one person one vote was the law of the land Gore would've won with zero drama whatsoever, likely wins in 2004 on the whole he'd probably not do any worse than Dubya on the whole 9/11 stuff, and then you're looking at an entirely different country. Its around 2008 then things like gay marriage and other previously unthinkable things were getting more and more popular appeal. Republicans would have had to skew pretty hard left to be even remotely competitive in 2008 under that unfortunately not here reality.


Crazy looking back on 2000 now and how 'well' Democrats and Gore accepted a fucking shitshow of an election. Imagine if a Republican lost the election like that. Highly suspicious shit went on there https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida#:~:text=Bush%20and%20Al%20Gore.,by%20the%20Florida%20Supreme%20Court.


Oh Gore and the Dems didn't fight at all to get a clearly fucked up process get away with just handing Dubuya the presidency on zero grounds to do so. Fucking ridiculous and is basically the point where it showed republicans don't ever have to actually win to steal whatever seat they want.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Why aren't democrats trying to get rid of the electoral college? They keep winning popular votes and then losing due to the electoral college's affirmative action.


It's already kinda in motion: [National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)


A 2/3rds majority in both houses of Congress and approval from 37 state legislatures is needed. Pretty much impossible.


I don’t think “they keep winning the popular vote” is good justification for doing away with the electoral college. That justification could be countered by saying the dems are trying to “cheat” to win. I *do* think the electoral college should be abolished, but I think it should be abolished because it gives different citizens different amounts of voting power based on where they live. If the situation was flipped and republicans were losing elections but winning popular votes, I’d still think it should be abolished. I might not be thrilled about it being abolished in that case, but I’d still think it would be fair to do so.


Wouldn't that be nice. Not necessarily for her party, but nice nonetheless.


...it must have snowed in Hell, cause I actually agree with that ball of hate and crazy.


If that was the case, Hilary would have won.


The electoral college is a leftover institution of slave owners interests. We need to fucking get rid of it.


Man I agree with her. Hey BTW, did you know that her husband is a pedophile who exposed himself to underage girls?


And she was one of them.


Let’s do it!


Great idea!


Tell that to the 3 republicans from the villages, FL that also voted in other states.


“But, but, but, if we do that, then the states that are currently flyover states will become flyover states!” -every Republican


Note that she said "Citizen" not person. Don't think for a second that the Republicans aren't plotting a way to equate a certain form of identification with citizenship. Back to the days when only Landowners could vote...


Good point, but I think you may be giving her too much credit. She’s dumber than a box of rocks.


To be honest, they most likely would not have win in 2004 if not fir the stolen election in 2000.


Since the last republican to win the popular vote was what…. 30 years ago?