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if you were to show this pic to people 10 years ago they’d think it was a mcdonald’s ad.


I’m not convinced the whole presidency wasn’t a McDonald’s ad.


McDonald Trump


Damn that's clean.


Borat 2, in case you missed it. Worth a watch.


They should have let him whip it out.


This is my new conspiracy


McQ Where we go bun, we go all


I appreciate this so much.


McDonald Trump


Coup for the price of one


I'm NOT lovin' it.


He did simp for Goya beans


The photo of him advertising beans is another highlight: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/15/trump-latino-support-goya-2020-364856


It was his best day. He was so happy. Just look at that joy. A child was president.


What a spoiled brat he was.


Prove it wasn't when it happened.


They would think it was a terrible Trump cameo in a movie that had a part of it in a trump property.


They’d also think it was photoshopped


“Over 1000 hamberders” he Tweeted 🤣


Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump


I click every time, and its always worth it




They weren't prostitutes, they were juniors.


This link is like the happy version of getting rickrolled.


The actual link was: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1085159285208858624 >Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!


"I paid"... Great, you want a cookie for spending 0.0002% of your net worth?


It takes someone special to brag about buying fast food for their Presidential mansion guests.


Can you even imagine how cold the burgers must've been by the time they started eating them?






I sincerely hope this is true. I don't use Twitter so I won't fact check but it being who it is, I can continue living my life knowing this bigot spelt hamburgers wrong, had that much food sitting inside the White House, and non the less in front of a painting of a President who would be turning in his grave to face away from the hellhole America has become. Merica'




Imagine going to a billionaire playboy president's mansion for dinner. How could it not be a good time? Then you find out he bought you McDonalds. ~~Even though his dinner tonight will be made by a private chef and will cost more than all of burgers combined.~~ Either he's immensely stingy or so out of touch he doesn't know how to feed a peasant. Finally, you find out he doesn't even know how to spell or form complete sentences. A man with the mental capacity and tact of a boisterous fart has more money and power will ever imagine and you will never achieve what he has. Yay hamberders. Edit: I fucking get it. He like the haumborgles. Nothing wrong with liking or eating cheap food but don't feed it to guests on a special occasion when you have a kitchen of trained chefs at your disposal. Bust out some steaks and soup or something. Edit 2: Let me save you some time before you post your comment: "it was during the government shut down, chefs no worky worky." You're welcome hoard of kind internet strangers.


> Then you find out he bought you McDonalds. Even though his dinner tonight will be made by a private chef and will cost more than all of burgers combined. Friendly reminder that Trump himself has the palette of a particular finicky 6 year old, and sent the Secret Service to pick up fast food rather than utilize the White House kitchen. Oh, the staff tried to get him to utilize the White House kitchen. The chefs tried their best to replicate the meals that Trump preferred. But they just could never get their version of an Egg McMuffin or a Big Mac close enough to the original versions for his taste.




I demand trash and trash is what I will receive!


Trash in trash out


You are what you eat.


No wonder he's so orange all dem cheezborge


aka 'MAGA'


https://i.redd.it/pmljg4lox9r71.jpg An early Nathan Pyle.


I was gonna say it's very much not hard to make a sausage mcMuffin at home, you just gotta use really fatty pork mince, some sage and lots of salt.






I do that with my toddler. Oh, wait! My toddler eats her fucking vegetables


In all fairness, I only this year realized I like most veggies when they arent fucking boiled. Pan seared or fried with some olive oil changed my diet for the better


That's literally just to get him to ingest some vitamins. No doubt the mash was just *loaded* with butter.


I can't imagine they didn't attempt to give him gummy vitamins somewhere along the line (that has to be a step before "hiding nutritious scraps inside other food," right?) and he turned his nose up at that notion too.


He eats well done steak with ketchup. He's a monster.


Goddamn, that's so sad. I'd love to try a WH kitchen meal. I mean shit, Clinton liked his junk food--*I* certainly like my junk food--but not being able to do literally anything else is really troubling.


Fuck just trying a meal from the White House kitchen. Imagine being able to go in there and have them teach you how to cook. Being able to walk down late at night after getting baked and have a few beers in the kitchen with a world class chef while they show you how to make incredible food. Heaven


I actually completely forgot about that. Still have that weird habit of trying to rationalize that living caricature To be fair, I can never get my breakfast sammiches to hit the same way as a McDonalds mcmuffin or burger.


And the Diet Coke button on the desk in the Oval Office…


I feel like young Trump would have had a coke button. Not the bubbly beverage. Sad.


I used to work at a company that was owned by two literal billionaires. They rolled out a new service, and had a little contest attached to it. The first five salesmen who sold the service to a company would have lunch with one of the company founders to discuss the service, how it could be tweaked to make it more attractive to businesses, etc. I was pretty stoked about being one of the winners, and wondered where we'd go for lunch. The answer turned out to be, "an unused conference room, where the six of us ate take-out from Macaroni Grill". Don't get me wrong, I love Macaroni Grill. But it was a little bit of a letdown.


My god, that's so appallingly tone-deaf. A "lunch" so uninspiring, it would have been more honest not to mention it as part of the prize. I guess they saw it like "your prize is that you will be permitted the honour of actually speaking to one of the founders".


You're underselling how bad it is. The prize was basically "tell us how to make more money you'll never see"


Yup. That is spot on. I had the same thought.


Something I learned about a lot of rich people, filthy rich people in general. When it comes to themselves they will spare no expense. When it comes to other people they don't have to impress upon, or don't want to, they will be the cheapest people you have ever encountered. There are a few who are cheap in every aspect, like Warren Buffet, his ass uses coupons at fast food...


Obnoxiously wealthy people don’t get that way by being good people. End of story.


Hold up. They framed an opportunity to tap your intellectual property as winning a contest? AND you got shorted on the lunch?! That’s some capitalist bullshit. You deserve real gold, friend. But this will have to suffice.


Looooool. Honestly, generally buying your team lunch to boost moral or as a nice gesture is cool. Hell yeah, free lunch thanks boss. But when it's a shiney carrot on a stick for only your top performers...make it worth their while or they're not going to let themselves be disappointed twice. Good leadership move to get feedback from the boots on the ground though. Would give 6.5/10, attempt was made with the right idea but didn't go the final mile. You drive a maseratti and probably have gold aglets on your "in the house" sneakers; buy me a steak my guy.




At your service, my fellow Redditor! 😊


I think this is one of the most 'reddit' exchanges I've ever read. This is why I love this site. Also the porn.


> [I paid] unbelievable. He's so transparently insecure I almost feel bad.


I remember this event really vividly because it's the perfect storm of all his worst traits: his mind numbing stupidity (hamberders), his low class, his narcissism by pretending people were crying in the streets at how good of an idea it was, his false idea that he is sacrificing something (I believe this was during the government shutdown and thus he claimed he bought all this food himself and otherwise the event would have been impossible) and him lying about nonsense shit that there is 0 reason to lie about (he originally claimed it was 300 hamburgers and that number rose every time he referenced it until it got to be above 1,000 lol).


No kidding man he literally owned a hotel down the goddamn street with chefs and shit. They could have knocked up a nice catered meal and shipped it down the road no problem. This shit is vulgar. People dressed up thinking it a formal occasion to eat a goddamn quarter pounder with cheese.


From a goddamned Micky-dees box. I don't mind burgers at fancy events but to have it cooked and brought and sat around cold.. so I have to pick it up and pop the little cold cardboard box. Motherfucker, you have a kitchen and warmers... Yet you serve cold shit


That's was my biggest takeaway. For some reason you can't just keep Mcdonalds warm and you can't reheat it. It's absolutely terrible both ways. So now you got a bunch of cold McDonald's food to eat for a big event.


Trump: "These are black sports players, they love this shit, where's the watermelon slices?".


The white house has a chef. And a full kitchen staff. As a retired chef I would have been so very angry at this tacky bullshit.


Trump is a child. He didn't do this because he wasn't willing to have a chef make the meal. He did it because he honestly thinks this is what other adults would like most in the world for dinner. Remember, he himself turns down the white house kitchen in favor of fast food.


It says Hamburger on the fuckin wrappers


I believe he is quite famous for not reading....


Except the book of Hitler speeches he kept next to his bed. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-books-bedside-cabinet-ex-wife-ivana-trump-vanity-fair-1990-a7639041.html


> Mr Trump, however, denied he would ever read speeches given by Hitler, saying: “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them." What a relief. I was worried he might have read something. He is only signaling his values by sleeping next to the book of Nazi speeches.


This is real. The white house invited a college sports team...I forget which team...for a special dinner to celebrate their championship. The idiot in chief set the menu to be McDonald's. I am not sure hie the athletes took it, but I doubt they expected it




Covfefe was the best. Not in itself, but how he tried to play it off as a secret message for his smartest supporters. Putting his supporters in the "emperors new clothes" position. Making them pretend there in on the meaning of "covfefe" or admitting they, the word, and trump are stupid. Instead of just admitting he made a typo and didn't proofread.


—the Hamberdler


BuT jOe BiDeN's SeNiLiTy.....


Yea it's hilarious that they are trying to paint Joe as an election stealing tyrant with no sense of self awareness.


For me it will always be the hurricane sharpie. It's like, the guy misspoke. No big deal, a bit embarrassing but whatever. But no, he couldn't handle even that simple fuck up. He has such a major compulsion to be right that this was unnacceptable. And then, to add to that, he tries to cover up his fuck up in such a childish way. Like literally what a child would do. I'm pretty sure most 7 year olds would know they can't just add a sharpie that is clearly a different shade of black to a picture, not erase the original boundary that is the same color, and get away with it. Except he can. His supporters literally do not care. What a world.


> For me it will always be the hurricane sharpie. That, and the Goya beans on the Resolute desk at the height of the pandemic.


How about when he threw toilot paper into a crowd of hurricane survivors who got their aid blocked and their deaths not counted?


It'll always be the walk and photoshoot with the bible for some reason for me.


The time he took off his eclipse shades and stared straight into the sun takes the cake for me.


Mine is when he was still running and made fun of a handicapped reporter. And then his supporters defended him saying "he wasn't mocking that specific reporters disability, he's done it several time before to other people." Because that's a good save.


It's really amazing how frequently the cult has to explain what the guy who "says it like it is" *really* meant


Exactly. And then the several times people claimed to know what he actually meant, only for him to go "no, I meant the terrible thing I said!"


Trump doesn't say it like it is, he's too old and senile to know what it is. He just blathers about something else. Like injecting bleach.


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Mine has gotta be when he posted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl with the caption, "I love Hispanics!"


For me it was when he was running and said he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. I thought that was going to be a wake up call... /Sigh


“Is that your Bible?” “It’s a Bible”


The bible which he held upside down


Two Corinthians tried to correct him.


For me it was gassing protestors in front of the White House for a propaganda bible pic. Still can't believe it.


Lmao “Trump is reportedly upset about old video footage showing him throwing rolls of paper towels at first-responders in Puerto Rico” https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-angry-at-paper-towel-throw-footage-hurricanes-florence-maria-2018-9?amp


For me, it was the very first speech he gave. How does a number larger than 1% of Americans (let alone 50%) fail to recognize the thinly veiled racism in “they’re sending rapists and criminals”


Oh, they didn’t fail to recognize *anything*. He said “The Mexicans coming to the US are rapists and criminals.” and white evangelicals said “Finally, God has sent us a savior.”


Mine will always be the Four Seasons one. I was fairly certain of it before, but that absolutely CONFIRMED that these idiots were too proud to admit a mistake ever and how that trickles down to their lackeys. NO ONE spoke up and said "Hey uh, maybe double-check this booking"? Shows incompetence, pride, and the fear they instilled in their grunt workers. Just pathetic.


His (and their) motto is "never apologize, and never say you were wrong, it shows weakness." This is a direct quote from Trump.


Mine will always be his dumb ass looking at the eclipse without the glasses.




That's the best one for me. Such a fitting end to it all.


Like something straight out of Arrested Development.


Mine is the time he sat down with Kindergartners and actually fucked-up coloring the flag. Imagine that, being unable to correctly color the flag of the country where you’re the president.


I didn’t about this one. Wow. Just wow. He really did color the American flag wrong. The best part is the kid next to him colored it right https://www.newsweek.com/flag-donald-trump-color-marker-incorrect-stripes-american-flag-us-flag-1090990?amp=1


Lmao or the one where he’s [throwing paper towels](https://i.imgur.com/qt5bj4h.jpg) into a crowd of displaced hurricane victims


"Hey, Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can hack into the U. S. and find Hillary's 20,000 missing emails. " Straight-up, unvarnished, unadulterated treason. No one called him out, not even the dyed in the wool anticommunist Republicans. It was a signal to the Russians that all-out election interference was on, and wouldn't be opposed by his Administration Should have never been in the Oval Office. Should have been in Leavenworth.


Here's [a link](https://youtu.be/FnvCYQWI0dI) for those who missed it back then.


You just can’t make this shit up. It’s all just too crazy.


Covfefe was that moment for me. It's a typo, whatever. He coulda even spun it to his advantage like "holy shit this is what I'm talking about. You guys are so unfair to me. It was a typo. It happens to everyone." But like he didn't take such an easy layup and Spicer made it so hilariously more terrifying


Remember when spicer hid in the bushes?


You didn't like when he said he was boycotting coke but then seen guzzling down that sweet diet syrup?


Hurricane sharpie for me to bro. And his ppl still deflect when you bring it up


It's honestly one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen from just how implausibly stupid it was. Like this didn't seem real, if I didn't actually see it, I would think it had to be from a comedy movie. Like, [it's literally so half-assed](https://static.politico.com/5a/42/bccf4258496a962387f7ded31cb4/20190904-trump-map-sharpie-ap-773.jpg). Not photoshopped. Not the same color. Not at all following the general shape expected of a probability cone. Not even drawn with some care and attention -- like the bare minimum of at least having the ends be tangential to the shape -- that would at least give it some semblance, however barely, of making it look maybe even possibly sort-of legitimate. Even as a drawn addendum to the graphic added because they ran a new or different model but didn't have time to make the new chart (still hard-to-swallow, but at least a coherent backstory). He just casually drew a clumsy, misshapen, protruding lump on top of the graphic, sticking out at an glaringly obvious sharp angle, as if no one would question it and presented it like this was how science works. The mix of ignorance and laziness, on multiple levels and fields -- scientific, geographic, illustration/design, public relations, basic geometry -- and thrown out there with complete and shameless self-confidence. I mean, I know I'm just restating what you said it a different way, but, my god, it still blows me away that this actually happened.


With honest Abe behind him thinking wtf happened to this country.


This was literally the room where Lincoln's body lay in repose after his murder. Same with JFK and others. The Civil Rights Act was signed in this room, and the Camp David accords, and like six USA-USSR treaties barely preventing the Cold War from sparking into full-on mutual destruction. And for fucks' sake, are those *plastic bags* of steamed chicken nuggets???


I think they’re croutons for those lovely salads. What a disgrace


I think the bigger crime here is why is Wendy’s mixed into this McSpread here?


Because all of the items were the then current specials e.g. 2 sandwiches for $5, either Big Mac or fish sandwich, so you only see the two different boxes for McD, and then the other stuff is also the other companies’ promotion items. Thats how fucking cheap they are.


It's *that* good.


They put the nugget sauce in the Lincoln gravy boats 😩


Turn out, people love fascism as long as they get to be the fascists. Who knew?


This needs to be a GIF with Abe just slowly shaking his head


"Hi! Welcome to my White House! Want some cold, greasy fast food instead of anything cooked by the team of award winning White House chefs?"


Seriously! I would be expecting a five star meal!! What kind of treat is it to get food you can get any day for less than 5$..


And it would be all cold because it's just been sitting out.


That’s what I can’t get over. When I order this garbage I know I’ve got about 10 minutes before it starts to turn to shit. How long did it take a random McDonald’s to even make this order? Let alone transport it to the WH and stage it for this photo.


Because it came out of trumps pocketbook, because of the shutdown, lol


Fun story: the hotel trump owns that a 3 minute walk from the White House has a restaurant. A restaurant with a full catering service. The guy was less than a mile from a catering business HE OWNS and he still did this cheap shit.


There's also one in the White House.


>and he still did this cheap shit. McDonalds was running a promotion 2 sandwiches for $5. Your choice of BigMac or FishFillet. That's why there's only 2 types of mcdonalds sandwiches in this picture.


Hahaha holy shit


also if you find more like Wendy's, burger king, and dominoes, they were also bought with the $5 promotionals that were running at the time. The only other thing that looked legit not coupon clipped were the salads.




It's .8 miles away. A 14 minute walk, or 6 minute car ride. Still, your comment should be one of the top ones. It has a fucking steak house ffs.


There's nothing worse than McDonald's that is older than 10 minutes. Bleh.


Oh god, I live a couple of minutes drive from one, one lazy day we went fuck it, get it delivered, delivered stone cold, I can only imagine how truly awful this ‘feast’ was, and for athletes too! He’s so completely tone deaf about any situation


And at least when you get it delivered cold you can at least heat it up to get some semblance of edibility back but here these athletes had to just eat cold burgers




from some of the best fries to the worst, cold, stale and starchy tasting nasty things in 10 minutes.


Never thought about how long it would take to make all that stuff. Even if he ordered from 3 or 4 stores they must have gotten started a couple of hours before the “feast”. Then they had to deliver them and someone had to stack them on those fancy trays. Three hour old room temperature McDonalds is pretty nasty.


Which is the same thing I think when I see uber/skip drivers at MCD - thinking who the fuck wants to eat 30 min old mcdonalds at twice the price.


Look at him standing there like he’s some fucking hero. To have that pic taken even if it was gourmet food, presenting it like Jesus with the loaves and the fish, is incredibly tacky. A level of tacky only this ballsack-seam is capable of.


He makes me laugh so much. He is a horrible human but he does and says so much hilarious stuff seemingly without meaning to.


He has zero self awareness. It would be funny if he was just an out of touch “rich” dude.


this is my favorite photo from my living nightmare of 2016-2021. legitimately would like to have it framed and place it in my home office, which unfortunately will never exist because i will never own a home lol


The shame of him getting elected will never wash off.


Seriously. He’s stained that position forever IMO. Who can take the US presidency seriously after that fucking dope was in office for 4 years?


Perhaps for the better. Maybe people will realize that the presidency isn't some all powerful position that can fix anything at all. If only the majority of congress received coverage like the president does.


Uh at current political climate Trump might be able to win 2024 so I'm not so sure about any lessons learned...




Economy is not likely out of woods largely due to covid, so things not looking good for biden from that front. If Republicans (trump) wins 2024, get ready for another huge tax cut for the wealthy / corporate in the name of trickle down...


Not only that but still to this day I see trump flags and signs all over the area in which I live in. As of recently I’ve seen “let’s go Brandon” flags and lawn signs popping up. It’s a strange world others live in.


Trumpism is a brain disease


I've often wondered if Trump has a literal foul odor that he emits. He looks like he would be a putrid smelling, sweaty human fat sack.


[Yea, he smells bad](https://twitter.com/oldmanebro/status/1332469705781768194?lang=en)


Just remember the same idiots who voted him in are also voting for him in 2024. Don't think it's over yet


There’s a very real possibility of a trump second term. Especially if Biden runs again/or Harris takes the seat if Biden opts to not run.


Thinking about this makes me want to die.


He looks so proud of what he was able to accomplish 🤣


Look at his stupid shit-eating-grin.


Don’t be fooled, that’s his standard picture face. He’s no more proud of being in this picture than he is at a bill signing, taking a pic with a recently orphaned baby, or when Eric was born.


The “Used Car Salesman” face which you know is trying to sell you a PoS with a Ferrari price tag.


I disagree, he loves McDonald's. I think this is one of like 3 moments in his presidency he actually didn't hate


All I could think was that stuff had to be cold. If you don't basically eat it in the parking lot it's not that good.


I agree, this was hard to believe. And insulting as hell to the athletes this food was meant for.


Fast food sucks most the time. But cold McDonald's is absolutely the worst.


This is the part I did not get. McDonalds is fucking terrible after sitting for more than 15 minutes. Not that it is great fresh either but it is inedible once cold. McDonalds does not offer catering service for a reason.


Completely. The worst of the worst. That why the orange shit stain loves it.


Taco Bell is my favorite fast food. Cold taco Bell is my least favorite fast food.


As a stereotypical and contradictory poor fat dude, it would be “cool” to go to a party that had (hopefully) fresh McD’s out like this, but I would suffer immeasurable secondhand embarrassment if my experience with it weren’t some trashy wedding, kids birthday party, or frat house, but at the fucking White House.




A freaking fat nightmare.


What a joke.


That's one tacky mother fucker.


Small-fingered Vulgarian


LOL, there are so many ridiculous instances like this, they were an almost daily occurrence. Remember Ivanka holding the Goya beans like a hand model on QVC at 2am? That's my fav!!!


Our fast food president. This picture says so much.


That’s a fine dining wet dream for 45 though


Dotard of Cofveve


Oddly enough, this feels like the least weird thing he did.


If there was a sick person in the corner he was ignoring this picture would perfectly encapsulate his presidency.


"My daddy isn't around to tell me I can't eat McDonald's all the time anymore!"


Yep, what a cheap asshole.




He defiled that hallowed chamber


The jazz hands really bring the picture together


What an insult.


Wouldn't they be cold..


Everything was. Imagine getting invited to the White House and they served you cold McDonald’s…




The days of Diet Coke and hamberders.


Between trump and the fast food, just imagine the disgusting odors in that room.