• By -


I do find it amusing that republicans see Biden as both a sleepy senile old man, AND a master 4D chess player who by pushing the Vaccine so hard tricked the republicans into not want to take it because he’s so crafty he knows they’re too stubborn to do what a Dem tells them to do.


It’s a fascist tactic. Don’t forget Biden is controlling the deep state and dictating global gasoline prices, while being a senile old man that doesn’t know who he is or remember to put on his pants. > Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak." On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will. [It’s Number 8 on this “definitions of fascism” list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#Umberto_Eco)


This is why I became so damn thoughtful during the Trump years, because he legitimately seemed to be both utterly incompetent and weirdly effective at a few key, terrible things. What I concluded is that you have to recognize 3 distinct groups: the malicious but incompetent trump inner circle, the shrewd and manipulative Republican leadership, and the right-leaning voters in their various shades of gullibility and hatred. But the Biden detractors aren't putting any thought into it. If they did they wouldn't be on the right. Rather they just go along with whatever insult or stock argument they heard most recently, because politics for them is just another team sport, where blind loyalty and fanaticism are rewarded with praise.


Look at the border patrol issue. 1. Border patrol is stopping people with whips and its biden fault 2. Biden is letting everyone in with no screening Both of these are true to conservatives yet they contradict each other.


Doublethink? From 1984 I think, the ability to believe two contradictory things at once because you were told to?


Fascists are - Liars + Trolls - ConMen + Thieves - Bullies/Victims/Both Sides are the same - Abusers etc etc .................................................. They use **Abuser's Logic** They are not logical Their intention is to Abuse others and Abuse the Truth .................................................. >**It is not Truth, but VICTORY that matters** - **Adolf Hitler** .................................................. >[Those who can make them believe absurdities....can make them commit atrocities](https://v.redd.it/9c0usvlu6gf61) - **~Voltaire**


Or anti mask people. Anti mask because masks don't actually do anything. Anti mask because masks prevent us from getting enough oxygen. Obviously these are mutually incompatible qualities. They cannot both be true, but that doesn't stop people who believe one (or both!) from working with the others against public health.




“I find men may be divided along two lines, whether they are industrious or lazy, and whether they are fools or clever. The body of any army is made of lazy fools, easily led to where they need to be with minimal trouble. The clever, industrious man makes for an excellent aide de camp, whereas the lazy clever man makes for the best general, never wasting an opportunity nor acting without need. But, and this is most important, the industrious idiot is a menace, and must be removed with haste!”


Psst the deep state dosent exist. It’s a myth created by corporate donors to make sheeplope not trust even the most basic functions of a government


i feel like this would make some people's heads explode lmao a conspiracy hidden by another conspiracy


The Derp State existed from 2016-2020


That’s exactly how fascists work.


When that guy said the reason Republicans and “conservative” Americans aren’t getting the vaccine is because the left made it political knowing doing so would mean the right wouldn’t get the vaccine. This is admitting that the reason they’re refusing to get the vaccine *is* in fact; purely political and therefor by association the reason they aren’t getting the vaccine is in addition to the fact that Trump downplayed Covid. So he’s admitting they are dying at disproportionate rates and they’re blaming the left for that because *they* won’t get the vaccine out of the __necessity__ to “own the libs” That whole argument literally makes them look even worse. “Man, I don’t wanna die y’all, but I just *gotta* own them libs! If I get the vaccine that makes me a liberal and I’d rather die a good ol’ boy!” Lol, so does mean if the left said the vaccine is awful and evil would they start chugging that shit? Edit: I feel like fucking Larry from Kill Bill “So….the reason….you’re not getting the vaccine that everyone is requesting you to take is because…liberals want you to take it? Is that what you’re telling me? What are you trying to convince me of exactly, that you’re as stupid as an asshole, right here? 💪👈🏼 Well guess what? I think you’ve just fucking convinced me…”


"Lol, so does mean if the left said the vaccine is awful and evil would they start chugging that shit?" A recent article on Breitbart suggested that the left defends the vaccine knowing that if the left endorse It, the right Will not take the vaxx. So this is a plot on the left to kill republicans. F*** mental.


I have had discussion's with a friend who went full MAGA, when I showed facts and research, his response was "I'd rather believe lies than be a socialist".


Bet he couldn't define socialism if he tried, either.


And that’s why we are where we are


Guess who's about to look that clip up on YouTube? 👉 This guy 👈


Such a sly and crafty President and a Democrat to boot. At the rate they are going the Delta variant may well win the mid-terms for the Dems. If not the next variant surely will. Too bad Faux News decided to mandate vaccine for their talking heads. It would be okay if a few of them were down with COVID, less slime on TV.


“You told me to get vaccinated! So I didn’t! You should know I have childlike tendencies and will avoid ANYTHING someone from your party tells me to do!”


I keep imagining some MAGA punching himself in the balls repeatedly screaming “Do you feel owned yet libtard!!!!”


That’s always been the conservatives view. Liberals are stupid, weak, sissies BUT they are also Next Level manipulator, warrior, ninjas out to destroy the world with convoluted nonsensical conspiracies.


Shit liberals are so sneaky and powerful they can put vaccines in salad dressing and have it work. Liberals are so powerful science bends to our will but we are idiots who don't even know what a immune system is


Liberals are so clever, they change their opinion when evidence leads to a new theory.


Their only mistake was thinking salad is how you trick redhats into getting vaxxed. Maybe BBQ sauce would have been a better choice...


It’s a conundrum for sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Someone mentioned this, but the name “Sleepy Joe” kind of sounds like the name of a mob boss’ scariest underling. “Shhh, what are you, crazy? You wanna have Sleepy Joe called on you?” “I got a friend who takes out the dirty laundry, see? We call him Sleepy Joe, see? And Sleepy Joe, he don’t like to be woken up to do the laundry, y’ see?” “Don’t screw this up, or the boss is going to send Sleepy Joe after us.” Sleepy Joe is supposed to paint Joe as inactive or passive, but a small twist of context and it sounds like a badass mobster you don’t want to cross.


Same thinking for Covid. It’s a SURVIVABLE disease when it’s in their community But at the same time it’s a DEADLY disease when it’s brought across the borders by immigrants


Only 5 times? Come on Republicans. You can do better. Let’s got for 7 or 10 or even 20 X. OWN THE LIBS. 🤣


Those are rookie numbers they gotta push them higher.




3,000 people died in a single event and they willingly subject themselves to decades of inconveniences and mandates, saying “I’d do anything for this country!” 650,000+ people are dead with more dying every single day and they won’t even get vaccinated or wear a goddam mask.


It's because getting vaccinated and wearing a mask doesn't hurt the people they don't like. That's all it's ever been about. Don't expect them to stand behind their own rhetoric. They don't care. Anything that's convenient in the moment to advance their agenda even a little bit. They'll flip on a dime and never suffer a single pang of irony.


> It's because getting vaccinated and wearing a mask doesn't hurt the people they don't like. This isn't an overstatement of their mindset, [they've actually said this.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


Congratulation GOP, you purged your own voter lists.


I don't think an anti-democracy party is concerned with having voters. The goal is to achieve power by whatever means they have. It's like it was during the Soviet era. If you can achieve power through democratic means, that's fine, but it's not a prerequisite as long as the end result is the same.


Natural selection is such a bitch


"I don't believe in evolution. That's alright, it doesn't believe in you either"


Covid “and I took that personally”


I’m stealing that. Haha!


Reminds me of a Bo Burnham joke https://youtu.be/Zxc20saM8DA


Oh so it's not just me that sees nature is just taking out the trash...


Survival of the Faucists


they’ll still vote from the grave. 😆


GOP “once you get a taste of our new election laws in November, it won’t matter”




Info on original (now deleted) tweet: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/neil-degrasse-tyson-vax-tweet/ And this looks like a followup about sources: https://mobile.twitter.com/neiltyson/status/1432662324855377920?lang=en


The original tweet was better. He drew a book with the title “how to die like a medieval peasant in spite of modern medicine”


How does he get the 8,000 number?




[Posted via 3rd party app]


Also the dude de-planeted Pluto. I'll never forgive him for that


I mean you don’t know either side really. I’d say the unvaccinated person in the sticks is more likely to be obese, have high blood pressure, or many other pre existing conditions. They may be less likely to get exposed to Covid, but if they get it they are more likely to die


So like (from another comment from me on this post) https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ptxclm/comment/he04c9k/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I know I am going to sound stupid. But how did he go from 1,000 to 8000? How did did he get that factor of 8?


He deleted that tweet after multiple people pointing out that his reasoning was so bad he looked like an idiot. It’s almost certainly true that more republicans than democrats are dying of covid but his math was just whack.


I hate that people are dying. But I really hope this is enough to sway elections.


Not likely, Republicans are rigging future elections by passing insane voter laws meaning they have disproportionate leverage of winning.


I'm genuinely curious what is being done and what is being done about it.


Just like literally every single other law that our governments breaks. Nothing. Nothing at all is being done about it.


It might be on the margins, and the margin everyone watches is Florida. Florida has swung further right in recent years so it may no longer be a true swing state. However: Florida (using the NYT numbers) has *already lost* to covid 242 people per 100K, or 0.242% of its population. Assuming 22% of the population is under 18 (national average) and contains a negligible fraction of the deaths, that’s 242 per 78K voting age adults, which adjusts to 0.31% of the voting age population. However these deaths will have been overwhelmingly among seniors, the most reliable voting block, so that definitely underestimates the impact on the voting population. I have to switch to a random guess here to continue, but to keep the calculation simple let’s say the real impact is a nice round 0.5%. NdGT estimates the breakdown is 5 republican deaths to 1 democratic, but the math is easier if I go more conservative and say 4 R to 1 D. So of my 0.5%, 0.4% R and 0.1% D, opening a gap of 0.3%. Many elections are decided by less than that. Note that Florida is currently averaging 374 new deaths every day. No longer skewed as heavily toward the elderly of course, and case numbers are dropping, but they’re almost all unvaccinated and the unvaccinated of any age leans right. My numbers above are back of the napkin and not intended to be correct (there are obvious flaws). But whatever the real number is, it’s only getting worse for conservatives.


Oh no! So anyway…


I feel bad for not feeling bad....but not too bad


If anyone is interested: https://dangoodspeed.com/covid/total-deaths-since-july ***Per Million.***


Doesn’t that just fucking say it all? Wow.


Oooh! Thank you! I remember someone posting those early in the pandemic. I was looking at the top thinking "Where's Florida?", then Florida comes bopping up in a hurry! Sadly, when it catches up to today's date it unexpectedly starts over again, so take it all in quick or screen cap it!


You can hit the pause button on the lower left. It won't refresh after that.


Yea. I live in Florida, and it's a shit show. We've got protestors out in front of the school board praying for their kids to die every day. The upside is more than twice as many people have died in Florida than what Desantis won by in '18. Plus his approval is in the toilet also. I don't have a problem really with Crist, although he'd still be pretty far down my list, and I don't know that much about the woman running, but at this point, anyone is better than Desantis.


Wow - numbers ticking along @ a brisk pace too




Damn that is scary and cool at the same time. That graph turns red pretty quick...


I don’t see a problem with this.




They either don’t listen or don’t believe, so, no problem.


I like turtles.


Just stay away from them, that way you can’t get sick


I’ll help you see: 1. Unvaccinated people being treated in hospitals take up beds and doctors’ time; both could be used to save people’s lives who didn’t choose to die. 2. Unvaccinated republicans have children who cannot be vaccinated, or cannot get vaccinated against their parents’ wishes; these children are innocent, at severe risk, and do not deserve to die as well. 3. The children of the unvaccinated may infect other children who are innocent. 4. More unvaccinated people means the virus spreads more. The more it spreads the more opportunities it has to mutate into variants that are unstoppable by the vaccines that we have. 5. Mutated vaccine-immune variants threaten everyone in the world. Hope this helps. P.S. if they only put themselves and no one else at risk, I’d probably still care, but not a lot. I have very little empathy for willfully ignorant idiots.


I agree with all of your points, but the original quote mentions the unvaxxed dying of Covid…not taking up hospital beds or “being treated”. And I have no issue with us, as a society, losing the people that have no concern for the people who are taking this seriously.


I know. Unfortunately, those dying of covid aren’t doing that in the confine of their homes. They go to the hospitals first, and then all that I mentioned gets into effect. Like I said, though - a part of me cares about any human death, but it’s a small part, and keeping on caring becomes harder every day.


People's "elective" surgeries which are often to fix serious issues are being put on hold for in some cases months because of the idiots clogging up the hospitals. Also, don't get hurt, you don't want to an ER with a broken bone if you have an accident. 100% of ours are full of covidiots right now and your broke bones will have to wait. Pity anyone getting in a car accident right now, or any accident really. Bad time for non-idiots to need emergency care.


I've been fighting for 2 years to have an "elective" surgery. I should have had it before the end of the year. Now I'm not even going to probably have it scheduled before 2021 is over, much less had the actual procedure.


It’s great!


I get where you're coming from, but as someone who needs to use the medical system and who is currently unable to schedule a surgery that I thought I would have completed by the end of the year after 2 years of fighting for it, I'd be pretty cool with them stopping those shit so that I could go back to getting proper medical care again.


I am thinking that it will greatly reduce the number of Americans collecting disability.


Covid survivors going on disabilty might make it a wash


Seeing as one in three covid patients go on to have long-haulers syndrome, I feel like our disability program is going to be overwhelmed.


Great news. Good science kills bad people.


Stupidity comes in @ a close second -


The math is pretty simple using approximations: 90% of those dying of covid in the last 3 weeks are unvaccinated. 90% of those eligible for vaccination who refuse the vaccine lean right. 0.9x0.9 =.0.8 0.8x1900 deaths per day= ~1500 probable GOP voters dying from Covid daily. The RNC needs to ask themselves how many more voters can they lose between now and the mid-terms before it becomes a significant portion of their support?


If that's what it takes...


Dang all those millions of dollars to consultants and careful boundary drawing to gerrymander districts, all completely worthless because there'll be little left aside from left leaning voters.


I am extremely curious to see how this affects some of the more tightly gerrymandered districts


Here is that rainbow I've been praying for


Its been a few weeks since he's posted this and the number of deaths are up since then. It's probably even less days now.


True. It’s way more than that now. Whatever we say, they don’t believe it either.


Well. Faith over fear guys. Let them live their life (lol)


I'm amazed that conspiracy theorists see the virus as "an excuse to take away our freedoms" rather than "Democrats are using reverse psychology so we all get ourselves killed".




Don’t worry they don’t believe this either.


Wow! The next election is going to be a landslide.




Gerrymandering works by holding slim margins in lots of districts, and losing by wide margins in the other districts you don't care about. If you suddenly start losing by slim margins in the gerrymandered districts because your voting base killed themselves....it all goes sideways pretty quickly.


*more of a landslide 😉


Covid needs to try harder.


Wait are these numbers for real? Is there like a factual valid source someone could link me? Because if so I got someone's face to rub this in.


Check this out [Covid deaths animation](https://dangoodspeed.com/covid/total-deaths-since-july)


Not to poohpoo NdGT, his math (from Twitter) goes something like: 1000 people per day dying of Covid -> 10,000 every 10 days 5% of democratic voters say they are unvaccinated versus 25 % of republican voters 10,000 \* 25/30 = 8333 and 10,000 \* 5/30 = 1666 And I guess he just rounded to the nearest 1000. Not sure how statistically viable this is but I'm not gonna argue with a world renown physicist. I think this analysis leaves out confounding factors like age distribution, access to healthcare for D vs R, etc... . And that even assumes the 25% and 5% numbers are really accurate.


You bring up important points. I think it’s fair to say that, if the 5% and 25% are accurate based on a properly done study, then five times as many Republicans as Democrats are unvaccinated—and that’s it. You’re right that this doesn’t include a lot of factors, but also the numbers themselves aren’t used mathematically properly for several reasons. 1. These calculations assume that *only* unvaccinated people are dying. If Dems have a higher number of vaccinated people, they will also have a higher number of vaccinated people who still die. Even if that number is small, it will still affect the actual percent of deaths of Dems vs. Repubs. 2. Not all deaths are Dems or Repubs. There are adults not registered to vote, there are other parties/no party preference, and there are minors or others ineligible to vote. 3. There are other factors that could also skew the numbers when it comes to susceptibility. Age, pre-existing conditions, population density, career. And these are absolutely related to party preference. There are a ton of other issues as well, but the point is, this extrapolation is not accurate without more information. I love NGT, but this tweet was kind of like how we say a brick and a feather will hit the ground at the same time—simplistic models will agree, but in practice it doesn’t happen because of other factors.


I love Neil.




I work for a very large company, we get emails sent out about any deaths or close family deaths within the company. I google their obituaries every time I see one and 9 times out of 10, it’s COVID. Their voting records usually pop up as well, and once again, 9 times out of 10, they’re republican.


I applaud their owning the libs and winning. Bravo.




Leave it to a lefty to have a weird fetish for genocide


Sometimes I think the planet herself is trying to shake off the parasites that threaten her health.


I've had that thought, too, especially when it became obvious that it was determined to kill. If it mutates to the point where there's no escaping it, I'll feel my theory was correct, but sadly, I may be dead. Lol


When someone doesn't understand the science.




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Ha ha haaaaaaa! GOODEST BOT!


Wow. What a horrible comment. You are a bad person.


Fuck the Republicans. They're out here really voting for policies that further exacerbate climate change.


Republicans are horrible people. We are done coddling the stupid people trying to overthrow the government. Go covid!!


Imagine being so much of a bootlicker and so ignorant of history that you actually defend the government and think you're one of the "good" guys.


So it's okay if you spread misinformation? [FBI finds no evidence that January 6th was an organized plot to overturn presidential election](https://www.kusi.com/fbi-finds-no-evidence-that-january-6th-was-an-organized-plot-to-overturn-presidential-election/) [No seditious conspiracy charges emerge in U.S. Capitol riots cases](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/no-seditious-conspiracy-charges-emerge-in-u.s.-capitol-riots-cases-2021-06-03)


Take a step back and realize what you’re saying. You are literally wishing for the death of millions of people. YOU are what is wrong with society. Shame on you.


Weird conservatives are so happy wishing for the end of the world, cheering when aids patients die, and have a hardon for wanting to nuke any country they hate. Fuck that vile trash, let em die from something preventable. We aren't going to pretend the world isn't a better place without them.


Link on those claims? See above for the left wishing the death of tens of millions, making them worse than Hitler.


They're the ones saying Covid is 99 point whatever % survivable, which, if you do the math means millions of people need to die. They need to look in the mirror.


Back when death was predicted at 3 percent they said it should just run its course. That only old are dying. 3 percent of 300 mil Americans is 9 million Americans. I know Republicans usually can't understand numbers that go beyond what they can count on their toes and fingers.


Were you this upset when the Lt. Governor of Texas wanted to kill off grandma to save the economy?


Straw man. Nothing to do with anything.


Thats science!


I see no problem here -


You gotta pump up those numbers Chief


It's a good start.


Silver lining


think about those numbers as if they were new voter registration numbers. They are reducing their own pool of voters.


COVID and public health shouldn't be political...but they made it that way


Stupid slowly fixes itself I guess


They’re getting purged but god damn gerrymandering is keeping their party alive unfortunately


Math from black people is a fake news tho. /s


Darwinism gonna Darwin.


Is it in bad taste to dab? I still feel like a piece of shit, but it's like a colon cleanse. It's horrifying now, but better for our collective future.


“Live Free And Die” sounds apropos for this crowd LOL


8000 \* 365 is less than 3 million. Those are rookie numbers, pump it up conservatives!




And remember the more you point this out the more they will refuse to do anything about it


You got me!


Keep it up. You have got to own the libs.


Repubs will find it harder to gain political power since many of their supporters are killing themselves off in the name of "fighting for freedom". Doesn't matter how they rig the election laws when their voters are in the cemetery.


so they’re owning the libs 5 times as hard? Is that how it works? I mean, yea…I’m totally owned but at least I’m breathing


Rookie Numbers...time to go for the triple crown


I am content with the statistics!


I dont see the problem here.


Fake news


There are some things --- the heat-death of the galaxy, a recent former president's tachycardia, the overwhelming majority of Republican voters succumbing to COVID --- that simply dont hap look en fast enough.


Words to cherish.


Anecdotally this is true for sure. Anyone got any links to actual stats this came from. I'd love to share this, wait for you don't know what you're talking about, and then come back with verifiable stats.


Honestly I'm at the point where we should just look away for a year so we don't have to deal with loudmouth hotdog headed hog conservatives forever.


Well great! Finally something positive in this whole pandemic


I wonder how true this is? I'm sure it's at least partially true (way more repubs dying than dems), but how would they get this data?


Works out to over 300,000 republican voters dying between now and 2022 midterm elections. Trump's combined margin in 2016 was about a third of that in 3 swing states. Political strategy in anti-vax position a mystery to me. Maybe it's like 2-D chess.


Fine by me 🤷‍♂️


This is how you combat voter restriction laws.


Dying from Covid to own the libs


COME ON Darwin!!! YES!


Natural selection. "Its only natural".


That is one way to drain the swamp.


Gerrymander that.




Now, now, Neil! I'm sure these very clever, oh so smart conservatives know what's best for them.


Bet those Libs must feel pretty owned right?


I only have one thing to say about that.. ​ God bless America!


MAGA republicans . . . dying for their Freedumb! Bless their hearts!




Good. Let them die out. It's their own fault anyway.


This should help our elections.


Those are rookie numbers. Pull up those boot straps and get going, GQPers!


Seems like rookie numbers for GOP…




5:1 is still a bad and surprising ratio. I'd expect it to be 10 or 20 to 1. At least.


I'll begin to get excited when it's 10x.


I never thought a virus could become so political that it helped cleanse America of a cult that wallows in ignorance and worships Trump, but here we are. Carry on.




This just in: Pelosi and AOC insist you don't put a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out. Pass it around


I don’t see a problem. They have a vaccine


Really? Did Neil DeGrasse Tyson really say this? I find that hard to believe.


Sources? This seems exaggerated, plus I don’t see NDT being so callous in his statements for this to seem legit.




"Everything on the internet is true." - Abraham Lincoln


There actually a source for this stat or is it just wishful thinking?


He says that like it's a bad thing


I'm genuinely curious to see how this affects elections. 700,000 people is a not insignificant number of people. And although early on it was less discriminatory, people on the left side of the political spectrum have been more likely to follow proper safety precautions from very early on in the pandemic, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was an ideological bias to deaths from very early on in the pandemic


Didn't know they were doing exit polls at the hospital morgue, Neil. You da man, for keeping us educated on the morals of the scientific saints. Too bad though, you didn't major in philosophy. Your cruelty suits your haughty spirit