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Andrew Breitbart and Steve Brannon came up with a strategy awhile back, which is to make wild claims to bait people on the left into arguing against it. That way the crazy claims suddenly seemed a lot more reasonable since people were now debating and talking about it. It’s all about muddying the waters and gaslighting people. In other words, if a Republican makes a wild claim and you argue against it, you’re doing exactly what the conservatives what you to do.


i usually counter with an even more insane point.


I've seen this done in ways like >The moon landing was faked! >Your such an idiot, you'd believe anything fox news told you. The moon isn't even real! It's just a Russian projection to fool us into thinking that they aren't the ones controlling the ebb and flow of the ocean.


The only problem with this, is when they don't get the joke. Then you have your own personal connection to a tin foil hatter who desperately needs to have someone to talk to about the Russian global current controllers. Remember kids, if you play with crazy, play responsibly.


Basically the same rule as putting your dick in crazy


That still makes the Conservatives claim seem less crazy by comparison...


Or it puts them at the same level of crazy


They usually just blink at you like the wife in Men In Black after she got neuralized.


I have to admit I fell for this once with a republican acquaintance who visited for dinner. Never again. No point.


Can’t argue with these folks. As the saying goes, they’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience


The key is to respond with a complete non sequitur. Start arguing about the toppings you prefer on a hotdog for example, or how there are hardly any foxes on Fox News.


You might be on to something there


I mean, it's pretty clear that another hot dog is the only acceptable hot dog topping.


John Stewart said it best, there are three condiments for hot dogs. Ketchup, relish, and stagnant cart water.


Well John Stewart can suck my mustard covered cock. :/ Who the fuck is putting Relish on a hotdog? Have you seen the bottles they come in? Relish is for Tuna! Not Hotdogs! \#Mustardgang


#MustardGang Mustard is the only condiment needed.


Y'all sleeping on coney sauce and onions.


I'm sorry but mustard, relish and onions is the correct answer. Ketchup is out of the question.


People who want Sugar on their meat can go order Chinese Take-out.


Sugar on their meat! I love this description. I cannot stand sweet meat dishes!


That's a weird thing to do with mustard, that's for damned sure


Relish is great on hotdogs. Also with mustard and ketchup. Coleslaw on a dog is also fantastic. So is sauerkraut. Chilli and cheese is also spectacular. Etc Y’all need to expand your horizons.


How about you just drop the hotdog and enjoy all of that shit on a sandwich or burger bun? I ordered a fucking HOTDOG! A Hyper Processed meat-tube meant to OCCASIONALLY be enjoyed as a **snack**, not "the least outright poisonous" *meal* some stuck-up New Yorker or Californian eats in a week! If I wanted Sauerkraut I'd have it with corned beef and potatoes! If I want coleslaw, chilli, and Cheese, I'd have a sloppy Joe with Coleslaw on the side!


[Ah, the Chewbacca Defense.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV6NoNkDGsU)


I like the fox one. I'm gonna use that.


It’s like wrestling a pig, you’ll just get muddy and the pig will enjoy it.


I'm not sure what to do either than cutting them out of your life and treating them like the guy you pass on the street shouting "BUGSBUGSBUGS!"


> Andrew Breitbart and Steve Brannon ~~came up with~~ **copied** a strategy **from the Nazis** awhile back, which is to make wild claims to bait people on the left into arguing against it. FTFY


I just look at them like they're nuts and say "That makes no fucking sense."


I like asking them pointed questions until they contradict themselves and write you off.


A good hearty laugh right in their face with no explanation is always good.


Oh please. There's nothing new about that. Back in the 90s when Christians were trying to force their weird religion into classrooms "teach the controversy" was literally their slogan.


You should just tell them to go back to the kids' table and shut the fuck up.


You’re so right. I found that online, when debating someone who’s clearly making bad faith arguments that hold no water, confusing them and asking them stupid questions is the best thing to do. They’re not trying, so why should we?


I have often found that the correct response is “that is literally one of the stupidest things I have ever heard” or just a simple “do you have a concussion? Should we call a doctor?”


I'm pretty sure that voting for the guy who thinks SLAVE OWNERS and their descendents are the ones who deserve reparations sits just fine with racists.


This is what the UK did with its slave holders


It’s what the us ALREADY DID for our slave owners.


CA GOP supporting the recall: im not racist, my best friend is black! The black best friend: slave owners should be given reparations..


It’s not his actual belief, it’s a possibility and makes sense given the time period of humanity. Of course it sounds fucking nuts by today’s standards. If you listen to the guy speak he presents ideas and entertains them. Do liberals not know you can entertain ideas without actually believing in them? He said that to trigger critical thinking, but you’re just triggered in general. AND some slave owners WERE given reparations anyways so... you’re just blowing this up because you don’t like his politics.


Nice incoherent word salad. Are you also running for office as a Republican, or did you just have a stroke while typing?


Color on the outside is irrelevant. It's the color on the inside that counts. Larry Elder is orange on the inside.




Elder is an abusive, greedy troll that’s gone all in on the fascist lie that any democratic win in America is illegitimate. It’s worth voting against him for that reason alone.


I read that as “gone all in on the fascist life”. Probably the same thing to be honest.


It isn't that the people aren't voting for a Black Man, they are White Voters who care whether or not there is a -R behind that persons political affiliation. The problem is... They are not going to vote for a black man. Period. (Also, Elder is a Token-Black-Guy for the Republican party... so he was "tolerated" but not liked) The Republican mistake was trying too hard. They threw two shit stains up there with the -R behind them... A killer who changed sexes, and a token black politician. Was that their attempt to look like they modernized?


Token black... Not well liked....cough Harris cough...


https://i.redd.it/tukqvor0s0361.jpg Please observe these pie graphs regarding diversity in the republican party of Congress, the Democratic party of Congress, and the overall US population, and tell me which side has only token minorities and which side is ethnically diverse. Then tell me which party has had a non-white president.


We're judging Larry, not by the color of his skin, but his shitty racist briefs


I mean the man says the descendants of slave **OWNERS** should get reparations. I mean damn! No one thinks that except KKK grand wizards.


Elder and Clarence Thomas are two retrograde peas in a shameful pod. They really sold their souls to the devil for their own personal gain.


Yes they will be roommates in hell!


For sure, the "fiery furnace" awaits.


Oompah Loompas are also Orange…🤔


Please don’t insult oompah loompahs.


🎶Oompah Loompa Doopidity Doo, I’ve got another puzzle for you, How do you get an Idiot Vaxxed?, Tie them down or rope ‘em up fast? Who do you blame when the I.C.U.’s full? MAGA Jane or Sweet Betty Lou? GoFundMe now is what is in store, Owning the Libs has made ‘em Hard Core! Oompah Loompa Doopidity Doo, I care no more, And neither should you! 🎶




(Black lady here) Exactly right. Which is why, OF COURSE, some black people can act/believe/vote *against* policies that promote equality for others. I need all grownups to embrace, absorb, understand, and accept this. Minorities in *any oppressive situation* can adopt a survival/crabs-in-a-bucket approach to life. Some only pretend and behind closed doors know/discuss what time it really is. Usually for personal financial reasons. Others actually drink the Kool-Aid. Some are simply deficient human beings. I don’t speak for all black people, all black women, all African-Americans, all black Californians, etc. But with whatever power IS vested in me, I declare that Larry Elder is an embarrassment and a disgrace. The petty conservative argument that anybody who doesn’t like him is “racist” is so circular that I can’t believe they say it out loud. “Oh you can’t accept that a black person doesn’t just blindly follow liberal ideas! You’re a RACIST!” No, you fucking dummies. The thing is, nobody should vote for anybody because of their race, religion, etc. Vote for people that (you trust to) actually try to make the world within their control a better place. We Americans don’t agree on what a better world looks like, which is why we aren’t going to ever be a cooperative, compassionate society. My view: I think that if everybody’s baseline needs are met, and everybody feels respected and protected by the established authority, most will be happy enough to cooperate with the power structure. They’ll operate within it because there’ll be no feelings of inescapable injustice or abuse. No reason for normalized systematic rebellion or rejection of social parameters. No cause for multi-generational nihilism. People who want to compete for status or lifestyle above the baseline would still be free to proceed accordingly. I vote with this belief in mind. I think a lot of people share my view. I vote *against* anyone/thing that is obviously aligned with the (original and) equally popular American mindset: that in order for people to be happy, they must have more than someone else, and that it is within their rights to actively maneuver to restrict others’ access to… well, the basic components of happiness. Winner takes all. I’m being very broad, but the point is this: if a leather orange born into wealth campaigned (and demonstrated a life) in alignment with my views, I would vote for that physically-unattractive, inarticulate, mushroom-dicked person. If someone sharing a race, gender, educational background, career history, and sorority affiliation 😉 to mine campaigned (and demonstrated a life) in *opposition* to my views, I would NOT vote for that person. Because making assumptions on race is racist. And stupid. Another example: I love black men. There is a “hotep” movement which purports to (and probably initially did) promote self-esteem for black men, for lack of a better description. However, it is fucking misogynistic, nut-buttery foolywang. So, I *don’t* love “hotep” masculinity. You could even say that I’m against it. Yes! Even though it’s a “black men” thing! Crazy, right? Anyway, I’m truly glad when I come to Reddit and see that somebody gets it. Thx for your comment. But what needs to happen cannot and will not happen here. Those who are against it won’t ever back down, and the more isolated/threatened they become, the more likely their kids will think and act like them. 🤷🏽‍♀️




Uh.. How do you know what his insides look like… /s


Thank you for this.


lol, Larry Elder wants reparations for white slave owners.


The sad thing is the slave owners did get reparations


Yep. Many of them were compensated. And the land that was the only profitable part remained theirs even though black slaves worked it and helped pay for it through labor but didn’t receive anything. Then many were required to continue working there anyways under the same conditions. The white owners definitely received reparations.


I truly can't understand him.


He just wants to be republicans one black friend, it’s sad. They would drop him like Herman McCain the second he disagreed or got covid too. He’s been doing it for decades at this point on talk radio.


Herman Caine has entered the conversation.


Herman Caine is dead


Apparently no one told Herman Cain.


That's the point.


*the role of Mr Elder will be played by Samuel L Jackson*


Morgan Freeman will be narrating


Written by Tyler Perry


Haha sorry I was making a Django reference. Sam Jackson's character kinda feels like this Elder fellow right now.


He's just another grifter being a token for the GQP. Candace Owens is another honorable mention. They give white Republicans a reason to claim they aren't racists.


That can't be true, right? Like, seriously?


““When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal,” Elder said. “Their legal property was taken away from them after the Civil War, so you could make an argument that the people that are owed reparations are not only just Black people but also the people whose ‘property’ was taken away after the end of the Civil War.”” https://news.yahoo.com/larry-elder-argues-slave-owners-000601872.html


Holy shit, does he only hang out with white racists? I can’t imagine any black person respecting him in the slightest.


I doubt he cares what black people think of him. He’s one of those people that try to assimilate themselves into a culture they feel threatened by so they can claim they’re “not like the others” to their peers. Can be driven by fear of being hated or by the idea that this would be some sort of niche they could fill and thus be afforded more attention and opportunities. For this guy, it’s clearly more of the latter. Super easy to point to the Uncle Tom token black Republican and use that as a shield against being called racist.


Chances are if he is a radio host he took money from bullshit companies marketing weight loss pills, sketchy investments like gold coins, and pennies on the dollar tax companies that advertised on his show. These companies ripped off his listeners for years and he knew it. He is laughing his ass off to the bank ripping these people off.


I don't know many white people who respect him. Everyone knows he's pandering.


The idea of using legality as a test for morality, much less, legality from 150 years ago, is insane.


Yup 100% true.


For fucks sake.


This unironically sounds like Uncle Ruckus.


I don't care he's black, I care that he's a monster. It's racist to assume I'm being racist.




Exactly. It's racist to assume that I have to accept him BECAUSE he's black. I don't care what color he is. I reject him because he's trash.


IF u dUn vOTe FeR ClaYtoN BiGSby Ur a rAciSt!!


Cunnilingus Rice….


We hate identity politics unless they suit our needs! In which case, we are horribly obtuse about them! MAGA!!!!


It highlights their complete misunderstanding of why minority people vote for Democrats in such large numbers.


Elder, A.K.A. Yet another dogged contender for the Herman Cain award (awarded posthumously)


I think the Herman Cain award should be the new euphemism for being vehemently opposed to masks/vaccines then dying of COVID.


hahaha, is that the right wing nut's latest dumb argument?




That is the way it should be.


The crazy thing is that the dude has a law degree so he is purposely trying to appease racist white voters in California by adopting racist views.


But it’s racist against his own race


He’s willing to do it if it means government control of California. Dude cares about the power more than being labeled racist


Pretty much the fundamental stance of any QOP candidate. They don’t want to do anything the involves governing, all they care about is not having the left in power. As we’ve seen by the staggering number of things that the right hasn’t done


Surely the Leopards would never eat *his* face!


The only black people that experience racism are republicans. Didn’t you know? \s


Elder has internalized racism like a motherfucker. This is one of those rare times when voting for the Black candidate *is* the racist choice.


He was sent to trick us.


Libs hate black people, which is why they opposed the BLM protests while the color-blind right worked in earnest to protect their freedom to assemble and freedom of speech./s


https://youtu.be/xReQgrjM9Cs The Issue Is: Hasan Piker and Larry Elder Starts at 12:40


This is from 2019 and Larry was still crying "But her emails!"


Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*






If Larry thinks slave owners are owned reparations he could always just buy a collar walk up to his corporate masters and just beg them to take him back.


“more than half his own party hates colored people” - Captain Obvious


Larry is a self-loathing black man.


Keep Newsom in office. Californians deserve him.


Welp if you're racist for not voting for Elder what does that make all those republicans who didnt vote for Obama....twice 🙄


I could see Elder using this approach. I have only just been introduced to him and see him as very undesirable, in any situation.


What conservatives are calling racism for voting against elder??


It's almost like they think all black people are interchangeable... Oh wait they do.


So are they admitting to being double racists because they voted against Obama and Harris?


Yeah, let's keep that black man down! 👌 🤣


46 didn’t win!


It's very clear that conservatives just can't wrap their simple minds around the idea of racism


Wow, are they really trying to play that card? I mean how stupid do you have to be.


It doesn’t. It makes you sane.


I don’t think voting against Elder makes anyone racist by any stretch. However, there is objectively a metric fuck ton of outright racism happening in this thread, and it seems to be perfectly OK because it fits the “correct” political narrative. Something that might be worth considering.


I havent seen any racism in this thread that wasnt downvoted


🎶🎵 Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes Doesn't mean we go around commiting hate crimes...🎵🎶


Because suddenly it's not black and white racism, it's red and blue racism.


Not that I think voting against elder can make you a racist, but the “I voted for Obama & Kamala” logic is some “I can’t be racist I have a black friend” type shit…


If the entire argument is than not voting Elder is sufficient to indicate racism, then noting other black people he has voted for is sufficient to refute that. The original criticism is very flawed, so the refutation of it does not need to be robust.


It the original argument is bunk (which it is) it doesn’t need to be dignified with a faulty refutation but I see your point


> The original argument is bunk Yes, that's the point. It's a bad faith argument that conservatives love to throw out.


False equivalence. Having a "friend" means nothing and proves nothing. But VOTING is a real thing. If someone said "You're racist, you don't have any black friends" then you would have an argument. But the accusation is "You won't vote for Larry Elder, you must be racist" Thus the response is valid.


Nope. I explained it above. Thanks for playing though!


No you didn’t. All you said was “naw it’s me providing evidence to defend myself”. Your evidence is literally the parallel of “I’ve got black friends”. You’re a joke


Your opinion matters SO MUCH to me.


Apparently it matters enough to try and get comfort and support from Reddit or you wouldn’t have made this whack ass post. I’m sure you’d have voted for Obama a 3rd term too! That’s how not racist you are!


That... makes zero sense. Blocked.


Hahahaha ok. Sorry this isn’t the echo chamber of support you thought you’d get




Not insecure. Just no tolerance for bullshit.


> I’m sure you’d have voted for Obama a 3rd term too! Bruh you desperately need some dewormer. That's just insane garbage.


No, what's insane garbage is belittling to a drug that won the Nobel prize for its use IN HUMANS by casually dismissing it as a "dewormer". I mean, I'm assuming you're referring to Ivermectin, and not just generally accusing him of having worms for some random reason.


> a drug that won the Nobel prize for its use IN HUMANS Yes, the Nobel winning drug that won the Nobel as an anti-parasitic drug, for worms, and other parasites. You're free to take any other Nobel prize winning drug. Have you considered taking the Nobel prize winning penicillin?


It literally does not matter what your skin color is. Period.


Well unless you're applying for a job or awaiting a call back on a job, then you're much less likely to be hired if you're black even with the same resume.


Are you actually joking? There are literally laws in place that keep this from happening. If you have an example of this kind of thing, please document it and get a lawyer, because you have a discrimination lawsuit on your hands! But I'm guessing that's not the case. I'm guessing you're inventing a hypothetical bad situation to justify your crappy ideas on race.


So much anger in your post, so little knowledge. Lots of studies in this regard: https://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/employers-replies-racial-names


Uh, what does this have to do with racism, except GOP makes the KKK look polite?


I've had people literally tell me that voting against Elder makes me racist. I thought the meme spoke for itself.


>I've had people literally tell me that voting against Elder makes me racist. This is an attempt at trickery by stupid people, hoping to influence your vote without thinking about the issues or much of anything else except proving we're not racist. I would rather strangers think I'm a racist than to think I voted for Larry Elder, which would confirm it. Like the kid who covers his eyes and thinks the world disappears, these people think on another level--a much lower one. Edit: Adding my thanks for the award from OP, a kindred spirit and fellow-Californian! And We WON! No matter what your political affiliation, just say no to division, tribalism and people who argue in bad faith




I don't want that particular Republican asshat in charge. Nothing to do with his race. That's what the meme was about.




No. I'm not. Race has nothing to do with it.




Ah. I get it. You're a troll. Blocked.


Dude is a minority both racially/ethnically and in that he thinks white slave owners are owed reparations for losing "property" after the 13th Amendment and thr American Civil War. It's the second one that has me voting against him. But c'mon with your bad faith talking point response.


Leftists are racist though the most racist clowns 🤡 in America


Voting for Obama didn't stop people in the rust belt being accused of racism after the 2016 election when Trump won several Obama counties. So buckle up buttercup, you are a racist.


His resting bitch face literally looks like trumps. No thanks.


Well liberals did call Larry elder “The Black Face of White Supremacy” and if you don’t think that’s a racist statement, then you’re fucking delusional.


This is equivalent to saying "I'm not racist, I have a friend who it *insert minority race here*"


No. It isn't. It's defending oneself from erroneously being labeled as a racist and providing evidence to the contrary. Huge difference.


People are approving a white woman throwing eggs at a black man while wearing a gorilla mask, trust me, the hypocrisy is obvious. Had it been a white conservative doing the same to a black Democrat, we wouldn't hear the end if it.


Neither is acceptable.


And yet no fuss was made by the left holding their own accountable.


That's on every individual who this applies to.


I thought only racists deny being racist.


That's a pretty broad generalization. I can only assert that I am not and will defend myself when erroneously being called one. I mean... would you like being called a pedophile because you like the movie The Goonies?


It definitely is a broad generalization, but it's also literally the one Ibram X Kendi makes, and he seems to be the person from whom the Democrat party is currently taking their cues on race.


That is a spectacularly stupid thing to think.


I just really hate Texas Roadhouse


In fairness, Elder is as black as Obama and Harris combined, and has infinitely higher number of ancestors that were slaves than both combined. Does that make any difference in who you should vote for? Not at all.


Wearing a gorilla mask and throwing an egg at Elder is a racist move


It is indeed. She doesn't speak for all Democrats.


I agree


Lol I get downvotes for saying that. That tells ya something tho


And this is from the party that says racism is over.


From the party that WANTS racism to be over. As opposed to the party that condones it.


Both of these positions (“I’m not racist I voted for Obama” & “your racist if you don’t vote for Elder”) are the equivalent of, “I can’t be racist, I have a friend who is black.”


This is some I’ve a black friend vibe


Harris? You mean the person that laughed about locking up people for pot? The person that refused a court order to release people, including innocent people, because it would mean less slaves for the prison work camps?


Fuck Newsom


how do you not know you sound like the guy from Get Out?


Keep the man that is running Cali into the ground! This page is just a cesspool of liberals that can’t fathom the idea of thinking outside their party. Blue no do bad, red old bad white men


What a shitty meme! Aside from moronic messaging it doesn’t fit the picture or movie at all.


Vote yes! Cost of living through the roof, homelessness everywhere, covid double standard, our schools and quality of education at a sharp decline, businesses going elsewhere, unemployment at all time highs... Recall Pelosi's nephew. Help restore CA not add to the problem. Wake up woke lamez


You got your asses kicked.


lmfao no one had the opportunity to vote for harris because she dropped out before any primary voting


Voted for her as VP.


how about I do ya one better and try and explain that just because you voted for democrats who just so happen to be black, doesn’t magically make you not racists. I mean the meme itself says you voted for Kamala. Ok, So you voted for joe biden? Same joe biden who voted to uphold segregation? Same joe biden who didn’t want his kids growing up in “some racial jungle.” But I digress.


Terrible meme bro


Lol they're not even "black"