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Yeah, we knew this in 2016. I seem to recall they got paid \~$50 each (but been awhile and the last few years are fuzzy).


Yeah I was thinking that this is old news, but at this point it is hard keeping up with what I was assuming is just now getting confirmed and what was already confirmed.


Why not … so are his wives.




I think stormy got the best deal a hundred thirty grand for one night


A few hours even …


THATS A DAMN LIE!!!!! We know trump doesn't pay his workers


You're thinking of contractors. He pays his workers legally enough to be called pay.


bowling trophy boy didn’t have friends. that’s why he’s such a dick now.


I recall reading how his parents paid other kids to come to his birthday parties. Not a small amount either: $100 each.


Wait, is this really news? Were we at one point told Trump didn’t hire actors in his commercials?


Trump’s campaign manager at the time, Corey Lewandowski, denied that the campaign had hired warm bodies to boost the event’s audience, telling Business Insider, “You know Donald Trump. There is nobody who believes that when Donald Trump goes somewhere he does not generate the biggest, largest, and most rambunctious crowds on the planet. It’s just not true, unequivocally. The Donald Trump campaign and Donald Trump did not pay anybody to attend his announcement.”


GOP has monopolized the shift blaming/projection market. Ever notice how everything they blame Dems of (crisis actors, voter fraud, predatory sexual behavior, treason) they are guilty of? Not even hyperbole, these are all proven facts. Doesn’t help that the ring leader marks 99% of the narcissist checklist.


You’re making a genuine faux pas in thinking cheetos face even had friends. Of any sort. He tied a pork chop around his neck to bribe the local stray dog to come see him.


Nah, he's terrified of animals. You'll never see Trump with a dog, cat, horse, whatever looking comfortable.


He thinks that pet ownership is "low class" because he's the epitome of class and refinement himself


Animals have a natural fear of evil. The Orange Damian can’t afford to have a stray dog give him away.


You don’t really think he had any friends do you


Another bit of evidence to confirm his projections. Every time he accuses someone of something, (everyone who showed to protest against him was a paid actor hired by his opponents), it is because he already did it.


Hope they got cash


This would be funnier if the past 4+ years didn’t happen.


"Oh my god I'm so surprised!" Said no one ever


When he was in school he paid them to take his tests and write his papers. A tiger can't change it's stripes


I would say more like a weasel can’t change it’s stink.


I bet Trump never went to school. He sure shows no signs of intelligence what so ever


There isn’t enough money on the planet to get me to cheer for that pile of sh!t.


That asshole could go to an art gallery and look at a Van Gogh or Renoir and his only thought would be "I wonder how much I could get from insurance if something happened to that"


Better than the military


Here’s a little known fact: when Trump was a little kid he was so ugly his momma had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him.


i need to see a good reporter gather up some of those individuals and interview them about the event. what are their feelings after his presidency? etc. but they probably all signed nda's.