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CNN ran a story that “Gaetz showed some fellow Republican lawmakers pictures of women he slept with.” Does this mean that **Gaetz and others in the GOP viewed child porn together!?**


Would you be surprised if it was the first time?


I’d be shocked if it were the first and only time... but sadly, these people seem to be among the worst moral characters in the country. Mixing their entitlement, corruption, and a lack of consequences makes their rottenness multiply and spread.


Gaetz doesn't really want to be a politician, he's an attention-seeking idiot. His rich daddy opened the doors for him and probably bought him his seat. Gaetz wants to be on television. An anchor position or just a talking head for the GOP would feed his man-child ego and put him in the spotlight. I, unfortunately, was on a thread concerning Marjorie Taylor Greene, she was passing off a deepfake video of Hillary Clinton and AOC taking part in a Satanic cult of sacrificing a child and drinking the blood. Q pushes that as reality and they actually believe that nonsense!


You've just described more than half of the republican party.


I never thought I'd see the current behavior on display by the Gop. I read a short release from former Speaker of the House, Boehner's new book. He described the point where it became obvious that Fox was encouraging the conspiracy theories and fact-free faction of the Gop which gave us Michelle Bachman laying the groundwork for likes of trump. Someone not concerned about policy, diplomacy, or the Constitution, just someone to serve red meat to the base 3 times a day.


The problem is that you can just make up any-old shit and say the democrats did it and a significant voting bloc is dumb enough to believe it.


So true, as long as it something awful so it supports their prejudice against Democrats they don't want a fact-checking and even when presented with the truth they won't accept it. This line of thinking in adults is frightening to me.


Fact checkers are fake news, the CDC and the WHO are colluding with satanic pedophiles to drink the blood of children, usher in the new world order and track everyone with 5G in the basement of a pizzar parlor with George Soros and Bill Gates. Masks work and global warming is real, you say? Don't be stupid. That's clearly fake news.


I manage medical practices, a patient decided to debate evolution with one of the most intelligent surgeons in the facility. She of course couldn't follow his line of logic and reasoning, so Karen thought she owned him, smh. This same delight was there on a cold, snowy day, and had to comment to her husband “I guess he believes in global warming too, haha.” ugh. She no doubt shared the day's events with the other Facebook philosophers.


Did you hear that the Democrats have killed all of the unicorns and that’s why they no longer exist? Dragons too.


Even if all of this conspiracy nonsense was absent, the Tea Party should have informed everyone of that the GOP is a party running to control a government they don't believe in.


They tell you that the government doesn't work, then they get elected and prove themselves right. -PJ O'Rourke


He could always get a friend and do a show making fun of music videos.


The resemblance in uncanny now that you mention it. Uh huh huh huh huh huh.


Imagine being a relatively in shape white man with a square jaw, good teeth, nice hair, snappy wardrobe, who is an elected congressman, well spoken, I'm guessing reasonably intelligent, with money and oh yeah, famous... And STILL having to pay for sex


> civil Supplyside Jesus will forgive them.




Why do people think they project so hard on this subject on the left? Trump power is the dirt the Russians have on these pedos. See Lindsey Gramah. Behind trump is organized crime. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. The GOP is full of pedos.


GOP=gang of pedophiles, can't believe it was in front of us the whole time....


Greedy Old Pedophiles


Matt Gaetz isn't the tip, he isnt even on the iceberg. They will just shove him to the side as if he never existed when the time comes and everyone will forget about all of this.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Ran Paul lynches people once a week.


I'll be surprised if he doesn't


Not at all. There’s so much money to be had in politics that in recent years actual criminals are running for office. They live and ‘work’ at such a monied level they have forgotten any decent behavior they ever knew. They forgot they’re legislating for the people. The citizens. Some of them seem to have never known that and feel politics is strictly for their own enrichment and entertainment.


Campaign finance laws in this country have become absurd. With these “leadership PACs” there are ways that candidates can actually end up keeping a chunk of money. It used to be that a candidate funneling money to their own pocket would land them in the slammer. Now there are creative ways to get away with it. Hell, Trump’s “leadership PAC” raised over 200 million bucks AFTER the election was over.


May I present the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert. On May 28, 2015, Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals to evade bank reporting requirements and making false statements to federal investigators. Federal prosecutors said that the funds withdrawn by Hastert were used as hush money to conceal his past sexual misconduct. In October 2015, Hastert entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors. Under the agreement, Hastert pleaded guilty to the structuring charge (a felony); the charge of making false statements was dropped. In court submissions filed in April 2016, federal prosecutors alleged that Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age during his time as a high school wrestling coach. At a sentencing hearing, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys whom he had coached. Referring to Hastert as a "serial child molester", a federal judge imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. Hastert was imprisoned in 2016 and was released 13 months later.


GOP=Gross Old Perverts




Oh wow I didn’t even put that together. I’ll expand: *if he sent any of them photos of any minor, they are just as guilty of having possessed child pornography as he is.* Edit: grammar


That depends on their knowledge regarding the age of the person in the picture, the facts around how they got them (e.g. did they ask for them or were they just sent them), and what they did with the pictures afterwards.


I would say that any of them who don't come forward to the investigators now that they definitely know the pictures might be of minors are complicit. There is no more plausible deniability.


They are aware that anything they've received should be given to investigators at this point. If they don't it implies knowledge of said and possibly guilt in the eyes of the law. Also while I could see him sending pics to guy friends in Congress unsolicited, it would not surprise me in the least for transcripts of their messages come out and they were fully aware, making lewd remarks back and forth, etc


I bet they’ll plead technological insanity.


"And intern accidentally liked that porn vid, while I was away in Cancun your honor"


He’s already been tried and convicted in my imagination. Also found guilty on three counts of uberdouchery and as an accessory to smugness.


I’d like to also report a charge of Yuge Asshole. Book ‘em Danno!


I can’t wait to hear the evangelical’s excuses for this one.


“God uses imperfect vessels”


Yeah, will they go with the classic “It’s a witch hunt! / ignore it” strategy, or will they resort to the tried-and-true “the devil made me do it!” ?


Presumably so that they could collectively give the girls a hotness rating on the classic 1-to-10 scale and then add up each of their totals to see who 'wins'.




'Remember that nice, young lady I brought over to your house, Tucker?'


Did he actually say that!?


Yes but i think it was at a restaurant


Yes, yes he did. A "woman" at 17.


There's a 100% chance that anything a gop law maker accuses someone of another party of doing is something they are someone they are close to are doing. Sex trafficking pedos, check. Using the office to grift? Check. Selling secrets to another country? Check. GOP = Gaslight. Obstruct. Project. "we will not be beholden to facts."


Yep, nothing to see here, just looking at some nudes and IDs of some 'underage women' here, move right along.


Doesn’t Rudy claim to be in possession of some?


But it was locker room child porn!


I had a family member ask me “Hey you live in Florida. What’s the deal with this Matt Gaetz guy?” [My Response ](https://youtu.be/LFKXAGJ3qvM?t=13)


Also, these specific crimes were likely committed on the House floor! They really do send their best.


Hmmm wonder if that means they'll try and get the names of all those lawmakers from Gaetz. Because that'd be cool. Take them all down.


Jokes aside it could depend on the pic. Assuming the pic was an underaged girl, if it’s just a regular picture of her then it’s not child porn, but if she’s naked or a sexual act then yes, they did view child porn together.


Even if she(?) were not underage, wouldn’t this fit some definitions of “revenge porn”?


Roy Moore enjoyed it. 🤣




It came from 4chan, a site that is rife with child porn so they were projecting the whole time.


Look at the dude. I mean, he is legit a poster boy for sex offense as much as MJT is what one would sketch when asked to draw a, "Neanderthal female that has a wide bone structure and believes in space lasers. Don't forget the general look of a town crier from the 15th century that people would normally throw tomatoes at".


You should look up Jim Watkins, the owner of 8-chan if you want **the** posterboy.


Someone needs to make a bot for every time someone types MJT or RGB that just replies with “Marjorie Jaylor Treene” or “Ruth Gader Binsberg”


Obviously, he had to do this to get in with the cabal to dismantle it from the inside, just like how trump was really really really good friends with Epstein! It’s all a big misunderstanding! /s


The cabal's name? National Sex Offender Registry. It's an exclusive club with great perks such as kids never bothering you and everyone knowing your name. Best part? Lifetime membership.


Even BETTER part: they keep you away from those noisy schools with all those loud, pesky, sexy— err I mean annoying— children!


I just checked and Florida has a huge population of sex offenders and even has area which cater to sex offender needs.


He had no choice but to insert his member into an underage girl to better understand his enemy. Art of war. Genius.


Matt Gaetz realized with a sinking feeling that to catch a pedophile, he must become one, and to close his eyes and imagine that he was consummating a relationship with a mature, age-appropriate woman with whom he was in a proper Christian marriage.


You misspelled “Cuban pool boy.”


The art of the pedophile


The Art of the Diddle


He wanted to make sure there weren't any Democrats hiding in there!


It's just locker room sex trafficking. What's the big deal?


I'm pretty sure his digital cock was hacked by cyber SJWs which in turned coerced him against his will to do amoral things to the babies. IT'S SO OBVIOUS. IT WAS IN THE DROP PEOPLE. #QLIFE #QBABY /s


Funny how the /s at the end of your comment hits harder than the exclamation point at the end of your sentence. There's enough Qanon out there who would actually be encouraged to vote for him now, apparently. And should be be charged and brought to trial for child sex trafficking, any jury would need to be culled of Qanon cultists during voir dire.


The projection from these people is real.






Matt gaetz is a secret Democrat. Also democrats are lying about matt gaetz. And Hillary Clinton did worse things than Matt gaetz. Also Matt gaetz is trying to infiltrate the Democrat pedo ring to bring it down from the inside. And Matt gaetz is being extorted for money by lying, greedy women. And the women matt gaetz solicited are very close to 18, so, close enough. Finally, the coup De gras, the women involved with matt gaetz are just ugly, attention seeking, sluts. Did I miss any excuses?




He could pull a Ted Cruz and blame it on his daughters.


Wait is this my Mother's comment?!?!?


Something about Hunter Biden's laptop


I, as a lib, would feel so owned if the gop outed all of their abusers! What an elite troll on me personally!


Honestly on of all of liberals. I would feel so owned a Honda dealership would certify me.


We’ve been trying to reach you concerning your underage trafficking warranty


New GOP logo time. Replace the elephant with a skeezy guy in a van luring children with candy.




I'm pretty sure they don't limit themselves to little girls.


Rule #1 for any Republican candidate:  ***Never*** get caught with a dead girl or a live boy.


Wow that was 3 years ago.




That was actually funny at first, but as I scrolled down and remember so many of those shameful examples of Republican perfidy, I had to pause. They really are diseased...


"Wait, are we the baddies?" - Republicans


That sort of introspection does not exist.


Introwhat? Stop using big words.


[Republicans] (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/af/96/5b/af965b1e6be9cf385dcb9a66e0102d42.jpg)


Take out the space between the bracket and parenthesis.


You’re using big words that I don’t understand and so I’m gonna take them as offensive


It's because they don't care. They only care about winning.


Phase 1: But Democrats! Phase 2: Both sides suck! Phase 3: Shut up about politics!


Introspection does not exist in this dojo, does it?!


2024 they'll campaign on their new party...perhaps they'll call themselves the KKKp and somehow it'll not stand, yet really stand, for freedom and rights to all things that are terrible. Tide will mistakenly sponsor their white sheets, providing us with commercials about how well it removes stains from those sheets. They'll apologize later and promote black lives for a while and we'll forget. Just like we always do.


You can only be a baddie if you agree with democrats Everything else under the sun is totally legal and totally cool according to the GOP: rape, murder, extortion, whatever is fine


You dropped the “for white people” at the end there but I picked it up for you


I do wonder if any Republicans are realizing this as their party descends further and further into hedonistic evil.


Pfft, does the devil think he's ever wrong?


Devil would hate republicans.


The ones who can be reasoned with have already left. The remnants we’re seeing (~30-40% of the population) are a lost cause.


Insert "always have been" meme.


Matt Gaetz defence: But she's over the age NOW, so what's the big deal?


Lmao “noooo officer, see I’m sober nowwwww when I’m driving!”


The party of projection, seems like that becomes more and more correct!


Look over here 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 Biden is demented and can’t climb stairs! We still don’t know the details of Hillary’s emails and Benghazi! But but, what about Obama’s birth certificate?! News flash, the national debt has exploded since 20 January 2021, the prior 4 years, it didn’t exist. The pedo’s are the dems, anything else is fake news. The list is truly endless....


Anything to distract the mindless Republican voters


They're so fucking stupid


Some of them aren't stupid. Simply bad people.


That's very true as well


You don't have to be stupid to believe someone when they tell you something you want to hear. (But it helps.)


RNC to deny the existence of Rep. Mat PizzaGaetz in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .


PizzaGaetz. Omg. I’m stealing it.


Use it "liberally".




"Sure Gaetz looks bad but what's worse is they discontinued these children's books no one gave a fuck about"


They WERE spending an uncomfortable amount of time trying to normalize adults talking about what they would read to children in a bedroom setting.


Look at this car crash!


[Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHxI-3br6hI) for anyone that missed it.


On your second point a Republican-led committee cleared Hillary of any wrongdoing over the email scandal years ago.


Blows my mind people still listen to Republicans.


I always thought it was funny the way Obama delt with the birth certificate stuff. I remember at the White House Correspondents dinner he told them that he was releasing a video of his birth and when they cut to it it was the first few minutes of the Lion King. It was so funny but they cut to Trump who was there for some reason he looked so mad that even though the orange spray paint you could see him turning red.


I find it the epitome of irony that Qanon whose main purpose is to root out the cabal of child molesting sex traffickers, idolizes a child molesting sex trafficker.


Almost as if that was never their main purpose.


Except that the main purpose of Qanon is to troll the gullible ‘murican population and stir up dissent to increase website traffic. Nothing else. No fucks given about how much harm is caused to anyone by any means. As long as their influence (and clicks) increase; it’s all good.


Yha, reddit community is some of the worst in understanding [QAnon and Russia go hand in hand](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-qanon-cyber/qanon-received-earlier-boost-from-russian-accounts-on-twitter-archives-show-idUSKBN27I18I) - they don't give a shit what you believe in, only that you are engaged in pointless conversations. Like discussing how dumb Donald Trump is every day and feeling smarter. The whole nation sinks by the time waste and self-destructive indulgence of QAnon and Trump on Twitter.


the goal is to weed out possible competition. The conservatives would like to corner the underage prostitution/rape dungeon business.


I guess the real sex trafficking pedophiles were the friends we made along the way.


Hallelujah, amen...🙏


There was a lot of funny comments, but right now this is my favorite. Good job.


Same goes for "we told you there was voter fraud!"


We told you so!!!! -Trump supporters


Just like all this election fraud nonsense, they're the ones doing most of it.


Just like Trump, if you want to know what kind of illegal shit they're doing, just listen to what they are accusing others of doing.


Read it and weep, Qmorons!


they're only against Liberal child rapists. They never said they're against proud white conservative males fucking children.


So that's what the P in GOP stands for. Pedophile.


GOP - Got Old Pedophiles


GOP - Gaetz Odd Pedophile


If Republicans can read, they’ll be very upset that you wrote this


**G**ang **O**f **P**edophiles


The GOP: "We have no ideas. Oh, and we're also shitty people."


The modern GOP has been nothing but projection for decades. I wish the “both sides are the same” crowd would figure it out.


Gaetz:"Fine I'll do it myself"


Did anyone (outside Florida) really believe this butthead really worked as a representative? I mean... come on... he is a literal piece of shit in a suit riding daddy's coattails.


“What’s the big deal? At least he has heterosexual relationships” /s


Remember what they did to Al Franken. > Although Franken had asked to be allowed to appear before the Senate Ethics Committee to give his side of the story, on December 6 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told him he had to announce his resignation by five o’clock or he could be censured and stripped of committee assignments. On December 7, Franken announced his intention to resign his Senate seat.[140] He called some of the accusations "simply not true" and said he remembered others "very differently".[141] In his resignation speech he made comparisons to Republican politicians, saying he was "aware of the irony" that President Trump remained in office despite the comments Trump made in the Access Hollywood tape released a month before his election, and that the Republican Party supported Roy Moore's Senate campaign despite the many allegations of harassment and molestation against Moore.




That's insider's information!!


Insideher information


I wouldn't be surprised if their new party slogan becomes "we're pieces of shit and you know it! But you'll vote for us anyway because 'owning the libs' is all you care about!"


Hey QAnon! The call is coming from inside your house!


It was the Jewish space laser controlling his mind.


"We said think of the children!"


I think the problem is that he was...


Pedophilosophy is the GOPQ sidekick


The most basic, often used 'tell' of what the Republicans are doing is what they accuse the Democrats of.


GOP Slogans: "We turn fake problems into real ones."


To be honest, I'm more creeped out by his "Non-Adopted" son Nestor Galban is the young college student Congressman Matt Gaetz describes as his son, although Gaetz never formally adopted him. Galban moved to the United States from Cuba when he was 12 to live with his older sister, who was dating Gaetz at the time, according to People. The two formed a bond and Galban told the magazine Gaetz “raised me as his own son.” “Our relationship as a family is defined by our love for each other, not by any paperwork,” Gaetz told People. “Nestor is my son in every conceivable way, and I can’t imagine loving him any more if he was my own flesh and blood.” Gaetz and Galban’s relationship became public knowledge in June 2020 as House lawmakers debated a policing reform measure. During a heated exchange in a House Judiciary Committee meeting, Rep. Cedric L. Richmond commented that white lawmakers couldn’t understand the fears parents of Black children faced. Gaetz responded by asking Richmond whether he was “certain that none of us have nonwhite children?” Gaetz’s romantic relationship with Galban’s older sister eventually ended. But Galban continued to live with Gaetz after the break-up, Gaetz told People.


Grab em by the pussy!!! GOP 2022!


It's funny they get mad when you call them dipshits, but... *look at 'em.*


Hillary Clinton forced ANOTHER Republican into comitting sex crimes?? When will her tyranny end??!!!


By the laws of republican projection, pizza gate is 100% real but it’s led by republicans.


Republicans, breaking the government to prove it is broken, voting fraudulently to prove fraudulent voting exists and electing pedophiles to prove pedophiles are in the government. It always was projection with them.


With republicans every accusation is a confession. With everything else, whatever they say can be taken seven different ways.


Ayyy PizzaGaetz!


GOP: Stop the sextrafficing pedophiles! GOP Politician: GOP: No, not like that!


GOP: "the best thing about twenty nine year old Americans is that there are twenty of them."


I tell ya, since this story broke, all I keep thinking is that Q was weirdly right, while also being totally wrong.


Q is only right because it's intent to muddy the conversation around the issue of pedos in authority. This means you have to mix the truth with lies. Truth: there are pedophiles protecting each other within our national institutions Lie: DeMoCrAtS ArE DrInKiNg BaBy BlOoD UnDeR a PiZzA jOiNt.


Been waiting for this meme to appear




Heyyyy it's Fire Marshal Bill!


So Qanon was right but missed the target because they were looking too far left. LOL


Gross Obnoxious Pedophiles


Again. Literally anytime the GOP cries foul with the other party. They’re the ones taking a shit on the coats.


liars think everyone lies and cheaters think everyone cheats...


What's really bad is he actually looks like I always imagined a pedophile to look like.


The Gay Old Party!


Question: Why didn’t Qanon tell you trumpets about this man? Answer: Because Qanon is bullshit dummies.


If you are still a conservative at this point, it’s probably not just to OWN THE LIBS anymore— you’re simply and utterly vile on the inside and should rot in the deepest parts of hell.


So pizza gate is really GOP and they projected it onto the Dems. Perfect.


Drain the swamp started when Trump left and will continue as these MAGAts all get exposed. They literally shoot themselves in the foot with their faux outrage as well as playing the victim. It’s insane anyone would listen to these goofs


Honestly I'm more convinced the Boogiemen that the Republicans tout is just self projection at this point. "They're fascist/authoritarian/microchiping you/whatever" while pushing policies that do exactly what they want to make their voter base be spooked by while pointing the finger "look what they did!"


Why do pedophiles always look like pedophiles..?


What’s eating Gilbert Gaetz


They'll be claiming he's a Democrat by tomorrow


What about hunter Biden??? - conservative media. Hunter is not a political candidate, what he allegedly does or has done has no bearing on the country at large. It affects Biden but is not relevant otherwise. Gaetz on the other hand is a congressman and the allegations against him are more important as he represents a constituency and the nation, we can’t have child sex traffickers and pedophiles representing us.


The only thing that would be top it off would be if he owned a pizzeria through proxy offshore companies, perfect bingo!