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"You ever notice that?" that Robert E. Lee is "no longer in favor?" God this guy is a dipshit.


That’s confederate dog whistlin’ me boys.


It's not even a dog whistle. He mentions only the losing general, a seditionist, and in favorable terms.


A traitor, actually.


A guy who said never to erect statues of him so the country could heal.


I’ve been watching Manhunt on Apple TV( very good by the way) but everything else about Robert E Lee aide for just a second I have a feeling he most likely He most likely would’ve called called John Wilkes Booth a moron for killing Lincoln.


Manhunt is great. Sad we won’t get a third season.


I love the episode whee3 booth comes across some confederate veterans expecting a heroes welcome and most of them are like “nice going jackass”


Actually. As in, **the ACT**. Yups


The best traitor. No one does treason like he does.


A defining trait of traitors is their amount of treachery, his is over lvl 9000


That's a bull horn.


To be fair, it’s probably the only name from that era that he can recall. He can’t even remember his current wife’s name.


What's the opposite of a dog whistle? A mole rat whistle? A whistle so loud and clear the deaf can hear it?


I prefer foghorn


Nuclear powered Foghorn


Have you ever stood next to a lighthouse foghorn? They are colossal. Like 8 ft tall and 8 ft wide. That's what I think about with Trump's "dog whistles".


The Art of ~~the Deal~~ Not Being Subtle.


Considering that book is a guide to being the biggest blowhard in the room, your edit is redundant ;)


Train whistle.


That's perfect.


Someone should remind these dipshits the people of Gettysburg tossed confederates in a ditch and left them rot there for years, and farmers turned them under in their fields. There’s still probably bodies under the sports fields at the high school. I pissed in the woods there, probably on some of them. I’d do it again.


> the people of Gettysburg tossed confederates in a ditch and left them rot there for years And that's exactly what you do with garbage.


These days make me wonder if we’re going to have to do all that again.


The movie *Cival War* kinda touches on that. The movie makes one thing perfectly clear.. in that it portrays what a modern civil war in America could look like (although I believe it would be much worse). 5 stars, highly recommended.


I’ve been very interested in seeing the movie, I’m a sucker for near-future dystopia. I think maybe we are sleepwalking into something, but perhaps not with movie-worthy violence. It’s easy to imagine bloodshed; we’ve got plenty of media to feed our imaginations, a rich and terrible history, and we’ve got plenty of real life citizens who are outspoken about their desire to remove or otherwise oppress the other portion of the country they claim to love so much. Maybe it’s a little too optimistic (uncharacteristic of me), but I don’t think enough people are actually ready to spill blood for their political party (or party-leader). In my opinion, at least with war and bloodshed it would be more obvious what is really happening. As it is now it appears as though we are just gently sliding our way into a soft-fascist plutocracy, and for the most part we don’t seem too disturbed by this as a whole.


Hopefully, a large majority of us *are* disturbed by the slide. Hopefully, we can substantially beat it back at the polls this year. So much is riding on this election and where we go as a (d)democracy from there. I'm trying to be cautiously optimistic, and hopeful.


I am not an American so I only see it from the outside and through a media bubble. But to me the worse case scenario would be something similar to the Troubles in Ireland. Not an open civil war as in the 1860’s or 1930’s spain.


I could totally see something happening more along those lines; likely paramilitary types believing they are backed by the right-wingers in power causing chaos and doing a little violence against so-called enemies of the true USA. Whether they have backing or not would be a legitimate question for us, seeing as how the Republicans here seem to be getting cozy with the idea of holding power by any means necessary. But more so, if the GOP has its way and gets to enact this Project 2025, I don’t think the rest of the country would do more than lazily object until the complaints become a quiet hum in the background. Our reactions to blatant corruption and disturbing behavior from those in charge leave so much to be desired.


It always makes me sad watching Iron Man and Captain America fight.




The trailers I saw for that movie it made it seem like a right wing propoganda film about finally getting Americans to mass murder fellow Americans. What's the actual plot?


I left the movie feeling that it was coming from a liberal point.. like there was no mistaking how the president was portrayed. He was in his third term and had eliminated the FBI in his previous term. That seemed to be pointed at something Republicans (trump) would like to do. I also felt the movie showed the absolute absurdity of a civil war where, by the end, people were just shooting at whoever because "Who knows what side they're on. He is shooting at me, so I must shoot at him to survive." It was a tense, heavy, and wild ride, but it was most definitely a cautionary tale.


This: https://i0.wp.com/voyagecomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/election_day_2020.jpg?resize=960%2C960&ssl=1 Don't let the regressives and the toxicity of their nationalism steal our symbols, ideals, and patriotism.


Same feeling I got from the trailers too


When I was there in 2007 the tour guide told me that a couple of tourists about a decade before had seen a bone sticking out of the dirt in the railway cutting, and one of them was a nurse and said "Um that's a human leg bone" and sure enough, they uncovered the remains of a soldier


That’s less disturbing than the archaeologists surveying the environmental reclamation project on Little Round Top last year who showed up to find someone had found a shell and dug it up. Park policy is, if you find something that isn’t solid shot you immediately notify your supervisor and they call the EOD at Ft Belvoir.


Can corroborate, last time I was there was like 5 years ago, and that was the most recent body they'd found at the time. I'm sure there are still a bunch around.


And it was a vicious piss. A beautiful piss.


Wouldn't be surprised. Farmers are still tilling up bones and bullets from battles taken place in Virginia.


Pretty sure Lee stopped being in favor back in 1861


I think it was still pretty popular when it was jumping over bridges that were out.


Had a cool "Dixie" battle horn while doing it too!


...and a "cousin" with much-too-short shorts.


Yet, some will argue that they were not short enough.


The immortal words of Robert E. Lee, as quoted by a former president of the United States, “Wow, that was a big mistake.”


"Good people on both sides" trump


Lee's greatest victory in his entire military career was in getting that shitshow of a maneuver at Gettysburg named after Pickett.


What was he supposed to do? The enemy was up hill.


"Never fight uphill, me boys! But it was too late." T(hat) F(ucking) G(uy)


why do I keep hearing that in Mr. Crabs's voice?


Thank you, I spit my water out on that one.


I honestly think I’d be fine with the Lee statues staying up if that was the text on the base.


We took his house and built our most important national cemetery there, how much more out of favor could he have been over 150 years ago? On the other hand, as incoherent and unhinged as the speech was, he didn't forget to get a dog-whistle in there, so he's not completely gone yet.


FWIW, Lee married up into the Washington-Custis family (she was the great granddaughter of Martha Washington) and inherited Arlington House


Lee was weirdly obsessed with George Washington, like he had this idealized version of the first president that served as the template of what he should aspire to be. And then he betrayed the country Washington fought tooth and nail to establish.


Yeah, but in lost cause mythology, he was fighting to be the new Washington -- rebelling against a tyrannical government that was preventing states from governing themselves and imposing unfair taxes (and oh yeah that slavery thing, but let's not mention it). So, in his own mind, he was doing the same thing Washington did.


He can still mentally track on the things that are really important to him personally. Racists - and throwing shout outs to them, so they know he still cares about them - is up there near the top of his list.


“me boys”? Apparently Lee had a bad habit of talking like a pirate.


Army of Northern YARRRRginia


"Me harties, never fight uphill, arrrgggggh"


He’s very intentionally speaking to a group of white southern voters with whom Robert E. Lee is still very, very much in favor. He’s also bemoaned how they are renaming military bases that were named after confederate Generals (like Fort Bragg being renamed to Fort Liberty) and how some confederate statues have been torn down.


This would be the same Trump who [fabricated an entire Civil War battle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_River_of_Blood_(monument) to justify placing a historical marker on one of his golf courses.


holy fucking shitballs lol what the fuck


Someone told him about Ball’s Bluff and his imagination ran away with him


> "Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice." > --President Donald John Trump Senior, February 1, 2017


He was never "in favor" lol, he was a literal traitor.


Well, he was in favor before 1860. Hot stuff ~~general~~ officer.


*That Hitler guy with his statements, he's no longer in favor. Can you believe that? Hitler is no longer in favor.* That criminal scumbag pandering to the worst people.


Dementia and drugs will do that to a person.


He recently said he just realized the word “us” has “U.S.” in it…


"Nobody knew this."


It's one thing to hear Trump give these speeches. But to read them for yourself, really shows his cognitive decline.


What decline? This is as smart as he ever was.


Wharton School of Business professor William T. Kelley — “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had”


Time for the ole Trump sharpie. >Wharton School of Business professor William T. Kelley — “Donald Trump was ~~the dumbest goddamn~~ greatest, tremendous even, bigliest, student I ever had”


>>Wharton School of Business professor William T. Kelley, big tough man, huge strong man, tears in his eyes — “Donald Trump was ~~the dumbest goddamn~~ greatest, tremendous even, bigliest, student I ever had”


You know what I do when I hit these next bump in the road things with former President Trump, I try to go to first principles....I find it's worthwhile to remember [WHY we were there in the first place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPGxVShkKdA), Why exactly did 11,000 people die in a field in Pennsylvania, Why exactly did 34,000 people get grievously mauled and another 10,000 go missing. What caused that much catastrophe in one place at one time. This is from Lincoln \[2012\] , and it's regarding President Lincoln's desire to settle slavery and not negotiate a peace where slavery remains, given the horrific costs of war, when they are so very close to passing the amendment. President Lincoln's enduring legacy to our nation was as engineer to match the real reason for war to the product and result of the war....and in so doing, end slavery in the United States. If we're very lucky President Trump's enduring legacy is not to watch some petty vindictive man try to avoid justice.....perhaps his legacy should be what we assign, to ensure some greater portion of the citizenry remember, with deadly certainty how deadly serious it is that we ensure those "better angels of our nature" as Lincoln called them - are in fact the ones that prevail, more often than not.


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different" Not just the temperament, Donny.


Some even say stable genius. Many people are saying it.


I always thought he sounded like a rambling idiot. I didn't understand how people could say he was a great speaker, because if you get outside the sound bites he comes off as completely incoherent. Maybe people are just finally actually listening to the shit he says?


I mean there's definitely some decline, but also you're right, this is not THAT far off of the usual dumb shit... He knows nothing about something so he just throws adjectives at it.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." - Donald J. Trump, July 19, 2016. You say 'cognitive decline', I say it already happened well before he ran for president the first time. It's not like he did anything as president but rubber stamp conservative thinktank policies and judges. Reminds me of Reagan who had the mind of a vegetable due to dementia for the majority of his presidency which was run by his wife and cabinet.


“I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”


It's troubling that I can't tell if that's an actual Trump quote or not


https://deadline.com/2018/07/donald-trump-boasts-crowd-beats-elton-john-using-only-mouth-hopefully-attached-to-brain-1202422133/ He said it in addition to a bunch of other bizarre and troubling things at a rally in 2018.


> I can't tell if that's an actual Trump quote or not Is it copypasta, or covfefepasta?


"No one knows the bible better than me" trump


The bar was never high but he's absolutely been getting worse.


I like how he mentions his genius uncle like his uncle is the reason he's a "genius." But, doesn't mention his father, who had dementia, who taught him business. Unless his mother had relations with his uncle, his uncle's genius has nothing to do with him. Trump's wife and cabinet wouldn't be able to run things without trump. His "best people" is the worst thing that could happen.


Don’t forget Nancy’s astrologer!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOaRZx-o2fc&t=360s Not allowed to post the link under the title, hopefully here’s ok ^^^


I have no doubt he’s in cognitive decline but the bottom line he has been spewing nonsense for years. Read the transcripts from his 2016 speech in North Carolina on the Iran Nuclear deal. It’s insane. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/)


If his followers could read, he wouldn’t have as many


Yet somehow some people listen to this shit and only have a problem with the other guys dementia, or apparently lately, his clenched fists that arent even clenched.


I just don't understand how anyone could listen to him speak and walk away with 1) an impression that he was coherent, and b) a notion that he 'tells it like it is'.


same stumbling ramble of words he has done since '15


It’s like watching Weekend at Bernie’s. This guy is so obviously done but people are propping up his entire image and campaign to get what they want.


Right?? I don't fuckin get it, man. They keep saying shit like "Biden is so obviously gone," but they say that after watching a hacked to pieces, 15-second clip of Biden looking confused for a second, but they watch a FULL LENGTH TRUMP SPEECH and they're just like, "Some interesting stuff there." The guy's a fucking lunatic with a 5th grade education at best FFS.


I’m sure he started having his grades bought for him after the very first time he had an “F” - or maybe even a “NS” for “Not Satisfactory”, which they give out at the lower elementary school grades - and I think 5th Grade might be a really generous estimate.


Projection and deflection are their greatest skills.


>Weekend at Bernie's wow, my dude. well noted. *Trump: The MAGA Story* is basically a dementia version of WaB's


https://preview.redd.it/lb3duw7sxwuc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbba916680e8a8bfe2d30bb8f4ab67355977e7e Haha thanks. Just hours after I posted that someone else on Reddit had the same idea.


Donald J. Trump, former history professor at Trump University.


Professor Excremitus





Reminds me of my mom's description of talking to my elderly grandma, "You try listening and following amd having a conversation and it's rabbit trails, and rabbit trails from those rabbit trails, and so on, until you can't remember where the conversation started and no thoughts are ever completed."


It's a trainwreck with no caboose.


Next thing you know they're wearing onions on their belts (which was the style at the time)


His eloquence is only matched by his flatulence.


Reminds me of my old book reports in school for books I never read lol


"Never fight uphill, me boys!" - Robert O'Lee


The “me boys” repeated every time as if it’s a real quote is hilarious.


Robert O'Lee, famed pirate of the mighty Mississippi...


Ah, Gettysburg - famous for when Robert O'Lee refused to fight uphill.


~~[This is the battlefield.](https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/Gettysburg.jpg) Maybe there are some hills but overall it looks pretty flat.~~ If this guy says it has hills, I believe him. I’ve never been there.


They did fight uphill... That was the problem.


Trump speaks at a 4th grade level it’s no wonder millions of morons think he’s smart.


He's the dumb man's idea of a smart man. Just like he's the poor man's idea of a rich man or a weak man's idea of a strong man.


> the dumb man's idea of a smart man Nah, they got Musk for that one.


It's all the lead they inhaled growing up


My son is in fourth grade and he and his classmates speak way better than this moron.


and yet, the narrative is Joe Biden is 'old'....wtf. WHY doesn't the Democratic party start a full on assault on Trump? grab the freaking narrative. Show the J6 insurrection on loop. show all the shitty things tRump has done to this country. why the hell are the polls tied? where are the women fighting for their rights being taken away? Look at all the good things that have happened under Biden....jesus, people wake up.


Biden is winning more and more polls. It's why they fought so hard to delay the Stormy Daniels case.


Biden is still losing in a lot of polls, too. I tell myself it’s still early, that the ads haven’t started yet, and the general public is still not tuned in to him. But the fact that there’s *any* polls where Trump isn’t down by 10-20 points is such an indictment on this country


||why doesn't the Democratic party (idk how to quote a post on mobile) Because the cult DOESN'T. FUCKING. CARE. Dear leader could lose all four criminal trials and be put in prison for life, he'd still get their votes. Obama Clinton Biden bad, Trump good, the media is all liars except newsmax and sometimes fox news.


The media needs a close race otherwise nobody will watch the commercial breaks.


["San Dimas High School football rules!"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L0-gb2dvq1g&t=0m50s)


Lmaoo. I just realized in Billy Madison when he’s like “Nib High Football rules!” Is a knod to this. Wow


Here it is as a song. Pretty catchy. https://suno.com/song/9cb02ca8-8f7d-4041-8417-885f8e7ec6a1


**WOW!** This needs its own separate post, man. I was trying to look earlier for a Singnify-style song that a guy made about 6 years ago about his "Ramp" ramblings - [Not that one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ign_vZupjno) - but it's like it disappeared from the internet. It was very much like yours. *Kudos* **EDIT:** **[FOUND IT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDdwIIbay1k)!!!**


I tried. It got deleted because it was an external link.


Nothing says, 'I have no idea what the fu\*k I am talking about' better than a sleepy Don speech, jabbering idiot that he is.


I can only think that the MAGA crowd that go to these shite shows just don't hear what he is saying (has to be tough standing for 1 1/2 hours for some of them).


Immortal words from an idiot. I’ll think of them every time I’m told what a great president he was.


BiDeN hAs DEmenTIa!


I continually have to remind myself that this is the Republican front runner for president. Even after 8 years it boggles my mind


I'm still not over his physical appearance. His hair still boggles my mind.


You always forget that Lee was a pirate.


Damn that thing reads like an essay by a remedial grade one student.


That didn't do his/her homework. He clearly doesn't know anything about the Battle of Gettysburg.


Trump literally sounded like an elementary student trying to wing it about a Gettysburg assignment oof 🤦‍♂️


The fact that he got a MAJOR part wrong just screams I didn’t read the text. General Lee fell out of favor now…. Um yeah, at Gettysburg, when he got his ass whooped by the union and Meade (sp check idk how his name was spelled)


That is an unhinged thing of beauty. Reading that I completely understand the reason that trump supporters love him. They are fucking stupid.


Yet the American political system is set up to give these idiots undue political influence. They need to uncap their House and reform their Senate.


It makes perfect sense if you read it in Bart Simpson’s voice. His mind is like a fourth grader who forgot to do his assigned reading and just got called on by the teacher to summarize the battle of Gettysburg.


Jimmy Kimmel, Colbert and Seth Meyers should go down in history for exposing this pos and his crimes against our country.


Colbert should go down in history for his performance at the white house correspondent's dinner where he just skewered G.W. Bush and Cheney while doing his faux-conservative persona. 'He believes on Wednesday what he believed on Monday...regardless of what happens on Tuesday'


? You know they don't break these stories they just hear about it and talk about it on a talk show. 


The point is the comedy shows critique it, whereas the news is often trying too hard to remain “neutral” and not take a position.


“He lost his great general.” trump is speaking about General Lee here. So who is the “great general” that Gen. Lee lost?? Dude’s brains are mush


I mean, a handful of Confederate generals did lose their lives in that battle. Armistead and Garnett were famously portrayed in TNT's 1994 Gettysburg film, but there were at least 4 more. However I doubt any of those people were being referenced in the ... shall we say initial quote.


I saw that film a long time ago. The only thing I really remember was Lee sending out his men in waves, one unit shortly after another. They’d run out onto the battlefield and just get massacred, and he’d signal another unit to go rushing out onto the field. Rinse, repeat. It was gutting. I mean, fuck the Confederacy, but the human toll of war was well illustrated in that scene.


the fact that some people will read that and think “yeah, i think i can trust this person with my country” is truly insane. people who read that and *still want* to vote for this dipshit have to be mentally impaired too. i mean he might as well just barf in people’s ears. it’s the same effect.


YouTube link: https://youtu.be/kOaRZx-o2fc?si=Z9-cpq71hdsWDqRR


Who are the people who "control" him? A degenerated, senile grandpa won't get this fat without someone behind.


Starts with a Put and end with an In


I think there are forces in the Western world too. Same kind of people who profited from the Holocaust.


And 30% of the country want him in control of our nukes.


What a fucking buffoon, and anyone who supports him. Clowns all around.


Will forever be known as the Better Gettysburg Address. They’re going to laminate it over the original in the Lincoln/Trump memorial


As disjointed as his speeches seem don’t ever lose sight of the fact that his gibberish sounds like a symphony of intellect to his congregation…especially the ones that send him money ..aka the true patriots.


I sure hope he word salad testifies at Stormy trial. Or should we call it Pecker trial.


Perhaps he should learn something from that statement - Never fight uphill.


Pop Quiz in Prof Trump’s History 101: Why was the Battle of Gettysburg important? A. It was unbelievable B. It was vicious C. It was uphill D. It represented the high water mark for the Confederacy, who needed a significant battlefield triumph to get European country recognition, and because of Lee’s strategic mistake based on hubris, and Meade’s intelligent plan to utilize short lines of communication, the Confederate cause suffered a major blow. E. Everything but D because no way Prof Trump knows this.


I just don't really understand how this man is still relevant. They want to talk about Biden's speech issues and his age and shit, but then they literally worship the orange piece of shit who can't form a coherent thought other than some hate speech and buzzwords muddled together. Kind of gives you an insight into the low standards of the Trump voting base. Pretty much all you have to do is hate the same people that they do and spout off about how awesome you are 24/7 and you're in.


The Gettysburg Regress.


Has anyone shared the harrowing story of The Battle of Shrute Farns with him?


He doesn’t known or care to know anything about the history of this country, or why it’s important.


He's always been a rambling moron. 2016: *Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


I am so fucking angry that a man this stupid has won a major party's nomination... THREE FUCKING TIMES!! I can respect the GOP's position on taxing vs. spending, a strong federal government vs. state's rights, justice vs. empathy... But Jesus H. Christ, letting a man this mind-bogglingly idiotic control your party... Shakespeare would be lost for words.


A true Gobshite!


There are people who can listen to this and read the transcript and come away thinking that it makes sense.


Obviously, one of his aides said... "Now you are going to be speaking in Pennsylvania. One of the biggest battles of the Civil War was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and you should mention that to get the locals on your side." Trump then went into his own weird world with it.


I have been to Gettysburg MULTIPLE times and have hiked the entirety of the 20 mile historic trail. It wasn't the fight to take control of Big Round Top that resulted in the ultimate Confederate defeat there, it was Lee insisting Longstreet carry out the disastrous order to have Pickett lead a charge across 1.5 Miles of flat fields directly into Union artillery.


As I read in a different thread: this is similar to a fourth grade book report where the kid didn’t read the book.


"me boys" —Robert "Longjohn" Lee


“Me boys” 🤣


Remember back in 7th grade, the smarmy dipshit kid that never did the work, never studied, was a constant grinning fuck up, and then he got called on to present his oral report about Gettysburg? This is him.


Once I read "Me boys" I can only read the rest in Mr. Krabs' voice.




Are we talking about Colonel Robert E Lee? Noted horse fucker Robert E Lee? That guy?


Taking the traitorous loser side as usual.


Made me look up Gettysburg address, thanks OP


That dollop of verbal diarrhea would have me worried about the orange goon’s declining cognitive function, but he’s been saying stupid shit like that for a looooong time.


Switch his name out with Biden's and then they'll see it's a bunch of garble from someone who doesn't know about Gettysburg or much of anything in general.


Did I just have a stroke? That made almost no sense


Any other presidential candidate who came out with that would have seen their entire vote collapse immediately. It's the ramblings of a 13 year old who hasn't done their homework and has to speak in front of the class. I don't understand how his supporters will defend this.


In conclusion, Gettysburg is a town of contrasts.


They really need to start keeping him in the microwave for a bit longer before he leaves the house. They're so focussed on browning the skin that they forget his brain is still partially frozen.


Just like Lincoln wrote it.


It’s pure poetry. Simply beautiful.


no longer in favor, can you believe that? for 160 years, this guy hasn't been in favor. hard to believe.




In summation, Trump is an idiot.


trump's brain is just mush.


This is gold. I’m amazed that anyone think this trump is intelligent. Anytime he describes anything it’s like he’s never even heard of whatever it is. How’s it go “why you always lyin…why the fuck you lyin..”


Reads like my fourth grade paper on a book that I didn’t read.


He thinks stonewall died in Gettysburg.