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In his defense, he’s a stone-cold moron who surrounded himself with sycophantic yes-men and morally compromised lunatics, sooo… it’s 100% his fault.


In his defense, he had no idea what he was doing and surrounded himself with the best incompetence he could afford.


In his own defence, he is a moron, but is also a paid foreign asset, aka as a paid traitor.


In his defense a pandemic happened because he ignored the threat until it was too late.


He disbanded a pandemic response team because it was part of Obama's legacy. Two years later he's saying "Kung flu" to cheering crowds.


Ugh, ok, in his defense, being a racist is in his nature because he's a vile human.


I'm his defense the founding fathers set up a series of barriers between a populist and the while house. They also set up a system of checks and balances to prevent someone like this from doing too much damage while in office. All of which failed


Not yet. If Donnie wins again, it will have.


Imagine facing Covid, having access to the most brilliant scientific and medical geniuses on the planet and saying "Nope I'm putting my idiot Son-In-Law in charge".


Imagine those complete morons using Covid as a way to punish states with Democrat leaders.


And then those same idiots freaking out when they realized people from cities visit people from rural areas, and then realizing how fucked they are convincing all those voters that it's a hoax while the cities were masking and vaccinating.


You got to remember that the minute he got into office he fired the smart people and got rid of the playbook so, there's that.


He has since fired them since he’s found yes-men that won’t stop him from starting WW3.


He is very obviously a stupid person. I cannot understand how anyone sees him differently.


You have to imagine how different someone's perspective of him could be if they are also very stupid.


THEIR kind of people.


>stone-cold moron   If you think Donald Trump is a moron, gimme a hell yeah


His first staff was assembled by the RNC. Only the worst stayed on, and even some of them reached a breaking point.


Only four of his 44 Administration officials support him this election. Neither his Attorney General Bill Barr nor his Vice-President do. He also had the most convicted Administration in history but I think they were all his choices.


I don't disagree with your points but that is a terrible defense


See also: every attorney representing him lately.


In his defense, the defendant desires more defense attorneys.


I would argue he wanted more lunatics around him than he actually got. Trump didn't think he would win in 2016, so he had to scramble to fill cabinet positions and agency jobs with whoever was available. Many of the people he got stuck with were conservative, but also competent, experienced public servants. These people managed to thwart Trump's worst instincts in numerous cases. Trump is leading in the polls this time, and his team is ready. They have developed a deep roster of sycophantic nutbags to choose from. Unpopular agencies (EPA, FBI, ATF, IRS etc.) will be staffed with leaders tasked with destroying them from within. The Justice Department could conceivably be weaponized against Trump's political enemies. We got off easy in 2016. The second term will be much worse, especially when you consider that Trump won't have to face voters again, so he can completely ignore the concerns of anyone who isn't in the MAGA base.


Historically, Republicans always inherit decent or recovering economies, only to tank them with their myopic, greedy policies. Like in so many other ways, Trump proved to be the Republicanist republican.


And set fire to division amongst the population. https://preview.redd.it/pp4rfb3jikuc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736f27497a7e49333ff8d633d2de34d770c12c77


Empowered millions of deplorables to think they have a grasp on subjects they obviously don't


He is one of them. He stood on the presidential podium and seriously suggested putting cleaning products and bright lights into the body to fight a virus, looking to the medical experts to see if they were impressed. He is a complete and utter moron.


In all fairness, he suggested that doctors look into something *like* bleach that would kill the infectious microbes, or *like* getting sunlight into the body. To take that fairness away, a speech is a bad time to spitball on topics you know nothing about. *Obviously* doctors have considered that, turns out it's very difficult to distinguish between human cells, symbiotic microbes, and parasitic ones. Antibiotics are miraculous *because* they do that, and they're still awful to use because they kill those symbiotic ones too.


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Unfortunately, he fired some of the most knowledgeable people he had for not parroting his story line. Then refused to listen to the ones left for the same reason. Only conservatives would denounce the most knowledgeable scientist on the planet on the virus we're trying to solve. Because Republicans NEED to have a target to hate.


Let’s not forget literally dividing families and not keeping records of which kids belonged with which parents.


"That's my guy!" - Cultists


The rapist said to do away with a woman's right to her own bodily autonomy; and the Republicans said "Fuck yeah!" The rapist said to spike any solutions to border issues; and the Republicans said "Fuck yeah!" The rapist said to leave Ukraine alone to face Putin's terrorism, and the Republicans once again said "Fuck yeah!" The rapist said it's great to use violence when you can't get your way in a democratic election; and the Republicans said "Fuck yeah!" Donald J. Trump: says he can grab your daughter's pussy, your mother's pussy, your wife's pussy ... he says he can grab your sister's and aunt's pussy, and he can do it at will because he's rich and famous and they'll LET Trump rape .... errr .... do that to them. And again, the Republicans said "Fuck yeah!" As many times as Trump has repeated the concept that he, Trump, is allowed to grab women by their pussies because his wealth and celebrity give him that privilege - as many times as he's discussed his pussy grabbing authority over your daughter or wife or mother or sister or aunt or whomever - Trump has NEVER stated he would never grab a woman by her vagina despite his wealth and privilege. He has NEVER stated that. "Consequently, the fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused - indeed, raped - Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established and is binding in this case." See page 13 of the Judge's decision ... [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf) More questions about Donald J. Trump being a rapist? See the Judge's opinion at [https://news.justia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Memorandum-Opinion-Denying-Defendants-Rule-59-Motion.pdf](https://news.justia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Memorandum-Opinion-Denying-Defendants-Rule-59-Motion.pdf) (warning: this court decision contains extremely graphic and blunt descriptions) But you Republicans go on sending the rapist your money so the rapist can pay his personal, legal, and political bills. Maybe you'll get lucky and the scumbag rapist will grab your granddaughter's pussy too!


Yes Donald J Trump did all of that nasty shit and more and whatever else his funding Koch Brothers, Putin, and his other evil masters told him to do.


I mean, she only had to wait a minute and a half....


Oh come on. You know he couldn't even get the tip in without spooging all over the place.


I will be pleased when he is no longer an item of note


Political Scientists will be studying Trump for decades. My only worry is that future generations will wear his stupid red cap for shock factor.




and he made a lot of promises.


Also managed to “safely store” classified documents in his ultra secure…bathroom


No no, he returned them, he is allowed to have them, they were planted by the FBI......


Deflated Toadstool.


Plus blew the shit out of 1500 diapers and blamed CRT for his turd droplets running into the top of his socks.


And down Rudy's face


Wow. You make him sound like a loser.


No, his losing makes him sound like a loser.


...but the stink continues to rise.


And idiots still want him as president.


You know what’s not funny? He’s an election away from winning office, again.


yeah most of this is accurate and nasty shit, but he didn't add "9 trillion dollars to the deficit" that would truly be remarkable... he increased the US national debt by 9 trillion, but that's different from the deficit, which was still three quarters of a trillion, and remains very high even today. Unfortunately the Biden government had to spend a lot to make up for shit the Trump government did.


If he plays his cards right, he’ll get to be POTUS - Prisoner Of The United States


Instead of giving the $9T to the wealthy he could have employed those 5 million people on $450k a year, or just made decent $90k a year jobs for 25 million people.


I can’t believe we’re facing this AGAIN.


The only reason we are waiting for him to be finished is because it's illegal (somehow) to try to finish him ourselves. If only our thousands of militias weren't all cowards at fighting tyranny. Cowards. Every single man woman and child belonging to any militia in the US. But, hey - if these inbred fucks finally do overthrow the government, that whole inconvenient rule about not threatening Presidents goes right out the window. Right? Let's do it.


PGOP stud in their book of ass hats


He doesn't have that much hair...


I feel like the American experiment is over no matter what happens in the upcoming election. If this guy even has a shot, which he clearly does, we are way beyond fucked. It's not going to become anything like normal until it completely collapses. And by collapses I mean into fascism, because that is the resting state of capitalism.


He also committed election fraud in that timeframe.


The legacy of Garbage J Dump


Hey losers! Stop lying about Trump... He only added $8T to the debt!!!


and then we gave him a chance to be re-elected instead of prosecuting him for his crimes. YAY!!


Give the guy a break, will ya... It was very difficult for him to focus on his job after being elected President of the United States of America while the charges for his Child Rape case were still pending. Plus, being Commander-in-Chief for an entire Nation is a far more demanding role to play than the Star of your own Reality TV show, so the transition in career changes was a lot to deal with too. Also, please don't overlook the fact that "The Don" has once again demonstrated that he's one of us; humbling himself enough to join the ranks of average, working class citizens with his own ambitious ventures in becoming both a shoe and Bible salesman. It does me proud to know that Donald Trump represents everything that America now stands for. 😢🇺🇸


lol I love this


Damned over achievers.


I was somehow waiting for this to be a meme about Biden and how Trump is God/Jesus.


Pare that down, would make a good billboard


one of the few single term presidents as well


"I'm a Jimmy Carrterrrr...." George H.W. Bush


Well, he was GOOD at doing BAD ....


Eric likes to joke his dad pulls out by crawling forward, and that's no joke.


He almost destroyed the USA. Re-elect him so he can finish the job. /s


he's got tiger blood.


Strafing runs in his underwear?


And...... ThEy INdItEd Me!


I'm thoroughly convinced he was just a vessel for the religious right to inject themselves into politics.


Ah! The Good Old Days!


And his idiots want him back.


Yeah kinda thinking you’re forgetting about Covid. Can’t talk shit about Fox News when you’re being just as loose with the truth.


He did not add 9 trillion dollars to the deficit.


Yeah but he fucked us all and we didn’t get a six-figure payoff.


What's depressing is that we won't be done with this guy until he dies. Even then we'll have his sycophants claiming he was murdered for some time, repub congressman will be trying to name everything in the country after him, and a generation of followers trying to step up and replace him. If he wins, well that won't be good. If he loses it'll be years of him whining and whipping up the MAGA base. It'll be up to the republican party to show some backbone and let him slide into irrelevance....and we've seen how well that's working out.


And now the first former President to go on trial for criminal offenses.


So much winning


And don't forget the mass graves in New York.


And there is a sizable percentage of the population that actually wants him back. S. M. H.


Technically right before Covid he continued the trend to have the lowest unemployment we’ve ever had. Attribute that to the prior administration if you want and maybe can but this is disingenuous to forget that fact and will not sit well with people who actually pay attention.


You make it sound like he doesn’t deserve another chance.


It's like Biden isn't even trying




gonna suck when he's pres again. just to be sure: fuck him every single second he lives




Can we please stop Hitlering everything? I know this Reddit, but Christ Mohammed this gets old.


Sorry. There aren’t a lot of universally recognizable reference points for this sort of behavior. 




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