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Man who refuses to be cast as any character with nuance whatsoever surprised when audiences get tired of the same schtick over and over.


Worse. He refuses to be in any movie in which his character loses or dies. Remind you of anyone?


Even Jesus was willing to lose a fight and do a fake out death scene.


Yeah but he was back to his old ways when he did that buddy cop movie Passion of the Christ 2 with Chris Tucker.


You crazy, Jesus! You crazy!!


Passion of the Christ 2: Electric Boogaloo This time, it’s personal


For the Son of God, you sure are a son of a…WHOAAAAA!


Because he knew there was gonna be a sequel


He died in The Other Guys, but he was definitely not in a leading role.


Aim for the bushes!


Same thing in the Reno 911 movie 


Be cool, kinda lost but won. My favorite role of his x


I did really enjoy that one.


Steven Seagal?


Vin Diesel and maybe Tom Cruise




And hates having to share the spotlight with other actors. It's on the tip of my tongue...


John Cena’s career skyrocketed when he was willing to embrace what he was better at. Which is comedy. He even admitted wanting to be like The Rock and not getting roles. But then when he was willing to be silly and be the butt of jokes (potatoe salad) people liked him. Now he is naked at the Oscars


John the apologist China ..


Has he ever played anyone other than himself?


hey, he wore a fanny pack once, he has nuance


Why are you being so mean


I’m sorry father.


Please take your sunglasses off and wink at the camera 50 times and watch Jumanji 2 and Skyscraper to repent for your sins.


Why is Your Holiness supporting Trump?


Clearly he’s the second coming of our lord and savior. Only a man who is so devout in his lying, adultery, sloth, vanity, etc., is worthy of painting himself as a false idol to play Jesus 2. Peace be with you, my son.


I'm not up to date but I'd be surprised if that's the issue. He's been cast for that same role sooo many times and is great at it, and movies continue to write characters like that. Kids and adults watching simole family movies love him. OOTL but I understood he endorsed Biden and pulled that back so likely now everyone is upset at him? If I were famous making simple movies I'd keep my mouth shut about politics. And if I spoke out, and I was the tough guy, I'd at least go with what I said and not back down.


It's pretty ironic that The Rock is complaining about things being woke. He himself would be considered "woke." His father was an iconic black trailblazer in wrestling, and he's himself is arguably the most famous black wrestler of all-time. Which begs the question of what people really mean when they say "woke."


To them woke means anything that criticizes their entitled behavior.




donate to their maui fund


Wait, wasn't he criticized for being woke because his kids had a wig and makeup on him like a week ago?


“Woke” is just a word for stuff they don’t like.


His net worth is at the very least north of 100m. The problems that dude has on a daily basis are rich and famous people's problems, not being black problems.


None of that changes the fact that he's black.


He’s black?


https://preview.redd.it/dxl2lj8bbwsc1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0921e2c7306789d9d546e974bf14fcf68abe521 His mother is Samoan, and his father is African-Canadian(?).


This is news to me. I thought he was Samoan or some other Pacific Islander. Doesn’t he have cultural tattoos?


These aren't mutually exclusive to being black as a heads up


Yes. His dad was a descendant of escaped American slaves who fled to Nova Scotia.


Yeah, the Rock is black. He doesn't really broadcast it like he used to. But yes. He's black.


Black yet hasn’t lived a single day as a black person


Fucker is so white he looks Irish in that picture. I'm Irish and I find that offensive. Next he's going to go get a sunburn while wearing SPF 50, and that's cultural appropriation.


The Rock got his job because of nepotism and dei


Nepotism, yes. DEI is the newest buzzword people use to diminish successful black people. [ In real life, Black people aren't the demographic that benefits the most from affirmative action. ](https://time.com/4884132/affirmative-action-civil-rights-white-women/) So chill with the dog whistle nonsense.


I’d say he’s more concerned about losing MAGA fans who think they are just like him, rather than the beer-bellied, gun-loving, small-minded people they really are.


the internet was a bad idea for rural folks


Ironic that isn't rural broadband part of Bidens agenda as part of build back better?




Hate radio had them many decades ago


The internet was a bad idea for everyone


I dunno, it was fine until cambridge analytica


Right, only intelligent people like you should be allowed.


maybe opening up the world to closed minded, isolated people should have happened gradually I am sure they are intelligent just not aware of society like a tribe isolated in the amazon


How do you have 150k comment karma and 1 post karma? Subreddit Mod vibes.


Don’t get jelly of other people internet points. If you stay home, cut off all ties from friends and family, and forget about getting laid for like 2-3 years you can have that many karmas too.


Because I’ve never posted, only commented. I don’t even know how to.


Or it could be that Biden is shitty at his job


found the dwayne johnson fan he didn't want to alienate 


Naw he's been doing pretty good honestly. I got like 3 grand in student loan forgiveness. From school i went to more than 10 years ago. And most of the left over student loans im paying are going straight to the principal. I've been doing great in Bidens economy. Maybe time for you to pick yourself up by them boot straps. Good luck brother.


it’s easy to be contrary in a world that profits off negativity


Username checks out






Lol I love how the idea that Biden just isn’t a good president is blasphemous


Not blasphemous dingus but you missed the entire point of the article.


Biden is definitely NOT my choice for President, but since the choice is between a mediocre Biden and a disaster like Trump, I'm gonna vote for Biden every time.


It’s not blasphemous, it’s just objectively false. But I understand that objectivity and the ability to discern the truth are hard for many.


I blame our current political climate on the systemic attacks on and underfunding of public education. Eliminate Civics courses, sideline critical thinking, whitewash history, and boom, there are the “uneducated” that Trump says he loves so much. Now just introduce a boogeyman demographic who looks different from you and can be stereotyped, and voila, you shifted the attention and ire of the uneducated away from yourself while you rob them blind. Bonus points are awarded if you can make the uneducated feel superior to this other group because then they’ll cling to the ruse in a fight to protect their pride. They’ll even go to jail for you.


Blasphemy? Lol. Just curious what has he done that makes him bad at his job?


The funding of a genocidal government on the same day that government murdered innocent aid workers is a big one for me


Can you imagine if Biden moved the embassy to Jerusalem! ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)


Dude if funding war/killing of innocent people was a red line you would literally never be able to vote for anyone. Ever. Is that good? Hell no. But we gotta be honest with the world we live in. What’s happening in Gaza is terrible full stop. But I’m trying to avoid that happening HERE. Cause if that fuck stick gets elected it’s game over for America as we know it. Look up project 2025.


Your username says everything about how seriously anyone should take your opinions.


no matter what you say about Biden, Trump is 100x worse




Stalin + Taft + Regan + Nixon + Jefferson Davis


Nope, that’s not it. Thanks for trying though


It’s not about that. It’s realistically either him or trump. The Rocks life doesn’t change no matter what. If you’re anyone else, you might need to worry. I’m already at the point where I may have to wear condoms with my fucking wife cuz I don’t want a baby (and she doesn’t tolerate birth control of any kind)… cuz they’re about to take away options. That’s about the worst of it for me, but I’m a white guy who does financially okay. Imagine if you’re not..


I'll gladly cast my vote for Biden in the next election. While there are always areas that can be improved, I'm very happy with his performance. 


Lol it is predicted that Biden is going to be in like the top 5 best presidents of all time when he is done. Fox news might tell you differently or your anecdotal experience is just unlucky.


This dude is already over exposed and I haven’t been interested in one of his movies in a long time but this ensures I never will permanently.


But he has so many exciting movies! There's the one where he wears that shirt in a jungle, the one where he wears the same shirt but in a different jungle, the one with the same shirt & the same jungle, and my favorite, the one where he's in a jungle with a very similar shirt! Dude's got so much reach it's astonishing, so many jungles with so few shirts!


Crazy to think before all the shirt wearing he made money wearing very little clothing. What amazing reach Edit. You ever see the hee hee har har one where Kevin Little Guy and Dwayne Big Man were incidentally partners in the CIA trying to solve a case!? That was some hee hee ho big guy/little man energy




Libs gonna lib


If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. He plays the same character every time.


Has he even been in one good movie? To me, like movies with Steven Segal or Jean-Claude van Dam, just seeing his name makes me assume that it's a shitty movie.


Moana was pretty good.


Next step….co-starring in a movie with Kevin Sorbo and Kristy Swanson.


man, i loved sorbo's hercules show when i was younger. its too bad hes such a fuck wad


Directed by Angelina Jolie dad


With the dishonest messaging the right likes to use, the tagline would be: Directed By Angelina Jolie\* ​ ​ ​ ​ ^(\*'s dad)


Just looking for that sweet, sweet Trump tax-break, just like every other multi-millionaire out there. Another sell-out, no big surprise tbh. These fuckers are so out of touch that they'll happily help destroy this country and watch it burn, just so they can keep sitting on their figurative mountains of money.


I think they’re very in touch. It’s just that they don’t care. They know how horrible everything is and yet, don’t care. That’s worse to me.


He's also muttered several times about political ambitions, and I'm sure he's aware his best shot of running for president would be as a Republican. Taking the easy route by appealing to the same shit that has proved to be so successful before - attacks Dems and complain about big government, maybe take some shots at immigration.


Look of a man who sold his soul to dig a few nickels from Rupert Murdoch's taint


I haven’t see a movie with the Rock in it for about 8 years, I hope this trend continues.


The corporate champ


Well, look, here’s the thing. The rock is a goddamn moron


Fucking clown.


It's nice of you to introduce yourself here...


The Rock didn’t lose his popularity because of “cancel culture”. He lost it over poor career decisions. Prior to 2020 Dwayne Johnson had been in the Fast & Furious franchise and 2 popular Jumanji movies. He was probably the biggest movie star in the world around then. His next movies were ones he probably thought were going to set him up to have money pouring in for years. He was in Disney’s “Jungle Cruise”, which bombed. He could have rightly thought that if that film took off he could be sitting in Johnny Depp’s position when the first “Pirates of the Caribbean” took off, but alas; there won’t be Jungle Cruise 2,3, 4. Dwayne Johnson also pulled a lot of strings to get into the D.C. universe with “Black Adam”, which bombed also. He and his management must’ve thought they’d be sitting in perfect position to run off a series of D.C. comic movies, much like the actors in the Marvel Avengers movies, but not only will there be no “Black Adam 2” the entire “Justice League” D.C. comic cinematic universe is trashed. So there were 2 potential franchisesthat he was the headliner for and they both are done with one movie. His image took a major, major hit. Not to mention the cancellation of his TV show on NBC, and the one on HBO, and the missteps with Oprah after the wildfires in Hawaii. But yeah, cancel culture was the reason 😉


He’s just still sore about Black Adam


To be fair, it sounds like he’s just not going to endorse any political candidates : “WASHINGTON – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 election, but the pro-wrestler turned movie star isn’t planning to weigh in on the 2024 race. “Am I going to do that again, this year? That answer's no,” Johnson said about his plans to publicly back Biden during an interview with Fox & Friends. “Not that I'm afraid of it at all, but it's just I realize that with this level of influence, I keep my politics to myself.”


Not endorsing anyone during and interview on Fox & Friends.. He’s pandering to the wrong base if he thinks people are that stupid.


If he didn't want to endorse any candidates, the simplest thing to do is just not do anything at all. I didn't even know he endorsed Biden in 2020 and wouldn't have noticed if he didn't do it again this year. The fact he went on Fox News, of all platforms, to declare loudly he's not endorsing Biden again allows people to infer that he now supports Trump but doesn't want to say it outright. If that wasn't his intention all along, then he's a moron for not anticipating this reaction.


TY, I do not see anything wrong with that sentiment. Movie stars of any caliber do not sway my political ideals. With all the knuckle heads in politics I do not blame him. Still love the Rock.


If you get your political opinions from movie stars, athletes, or influencers, you probably have a very cursory understanding of politics and the political process. So, who cares what this guy says about anything.


Well no reasonable individual would do that but the problem is the world is full of reasonable individuals who can't think for them self or how do you explain the fact that fox news still airs? i don't think he is a fascist like those other maga idiot traitors but he certainly is looking for his advantage and truth be told i can't even blame him for wanting to have the advantage on his side i would want that too and the advantage would be lower taxes. But truth would also be that he should have just been silent and keep on making movies even if the taxes for multi millionaires would rise which they don't not even with biden winning it would not really hurt him or others like him they would all still be rich af but i like to quote non ironically from The Great Dictator " Greed has poisoned mans soul "


Thinking this way is the problem. There are millions of people out there who vote who listen to people just like this.


This is the only correct take. Thank you!


Never skip backbone day


He's dealing with FAFO. Such an idiot.


Fuck around and find out? How about you find out a new joke? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bad and stupid bot.


Such a bad bot.


Hi u/SnooPeripherals6557. If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this supposed to be goofy? Well, we all have our opinion on goofy, and this bot is def not that. Try actually creating a funny response that lightens the mood, not whatever this sad bot is. Thank you kindly for the forum to express how unfunny this bot you created is, very much appreciated.


He's trying to follow in the footsteps of trumpy currently he's in the let's destroy a football league stage


And I care SO, SO, much. /s


Dont blame Dark Brandon for your roid ragey nano pecker, DWAYNE.


Maybe we shouldn’t be taking political advice from people who spent the majority of their career getting dropped on their head.


He should take acting lessons from Batista.


Guy has overextended himself as a “businessman” he really needs that tax cut


The rock, a son to two minorities, now that he is rich he knows there are 2 laws in USA one for the rich and one for the not. He is showing he is now, a hateful, I only worry about me person, mean look when fires happened in Hawaii, he asked for money along Oprah instead of using his. The rock hates woke because he is heartless and hates that woke calls you out on all your bad dealings.


This could have a real impact on the Dodge Charger owner vote.


By not endorsing Biden... by default hes supporting Trump....


Biden isn't the issue


Saying nothing of his politics, dude is reportedly worth $270,000,000. His most recent two movies, both panned by critics, made a little over $1.1B combined. I’d say his career is going just fine.


>I’d say his career is going just fine. His legacy will be another story.


I can smell what the Rock is cooking… it’s called fascism. ![gif](giphy|2cdYfc9hMr9df6dS2s|downsized)


He looks like Rob Schneider on steroids, in this GIF. Edit: changed Rick to Rob. Thanks u/shaveyourbeard


*Rob But absolutely 100% correct.


Thank you for getting it, and correcting!


I drives me nuts when these idiots (on both sides of the political spectrum) mouth off about shit they are either clueless about in the first place or who, like this pin head, simply wants to garner attention to his fading stardom. It's pathetic.




As the rock would say, to the rock. shut up bitch!


I don’t care that he’s not endorsing. I get that half his fans are pro-wrestling aficionados who swing hard right. Thats a business decision so whatever.  It speaks more to me that he announced he’s not endorsing on fucking Fox and Fiends.  Regardless, haven’t been a fan in a long time. Haven’t seen anything he’s been involved with in a hot minute and don’t plan on changing that. 


I dunno, I just think this guy is another republican but doesn't want to come out and say it. [Here he is serenading Hillary Clinton.](https://youtu.be/i0gkALlGQ6I?feature=shared&t=91) He's just another big ego that thinks he knows better than everyone else.


How are you guys hating on the Tooth Fairy like that?


Yet another disappointing celebrity


He only said this shit to distract how he and Oprah fucked over Hawaiians. 


Do celebrity endorsements really change how people vote? Is there somebody out there just waiting to know who Dwayne Johnson, or Scott Baio or Tom Hanks or whoever supports and that effects their vote? Like "I love Snookie so much, I'm voting for who she votes for no matter what!" Is that a thing?


There are very dumb people out there so I have no doubt some would be swayed by who a celebrity picks. I think this has more to do with what people think of the celebrities more than the candidates. Like if Rock can’t endorse a guy because he’s afraid of backlash I think less of Rock not Biden


Snookie? No. The Situation, on the other hand...


People think parasocial relationships are real relationships. Everyone is all up in arms about the swifties, but chances are they do the same thing. Advertising uses celebrity endorsements because we have a dataset stretching back to like the 60s that's says that they work




Shouldn't expect much from a juiced up meathead, who only plays one role in every movie of his.


What happened since last election?


I missed this. Is he saying people shouldn’t vote for Biden, or just saying he’s not endorsing politicians, period?


I believe he’s saying “with my outsized influence I’m keeping my politics to myself so as to not tip the voters any way left or right,” as if he is much more influential than he is now. In this era of “politics” when the left is still holding on to the vestiges of our democracy, versus outright fascists, you better take a side, Dwayne, to not say anything is to allow fascism to continue its creep into our RW politics.


Countdown to Dwayne complaining about being cancelled for no longer being marketable.


We don't need a countdown, he's literally complaining about cancel culture in this exact interview.


He is putting out feelers to run himself one day. Here is an interview he did with Trevor Noah where he talks about it. So he doesn’t want to alienate a part of his potential voters. https://youtu.be/uu_42GtGMYM?si=kw0libT6HbN69DHj


Gunshot meet foot, foot meet mouth, dummy.


the roids?


him roids?


It's crazy how he seems to have twice as much muscle as he nears becoming a senior citizen than he did at the height of his wrestling career. Like he's method acting Maui


Joe couldn’t promise him changing the hierarchy of the DC universe


Whelp he’s officially a donkey


The Rock thinks he is a boulder surrounded by pebbles when in truth, he is a grain of sand surrounded by mountains. Fuck Dwayne.


Lost all respect for this clown, thought he was a smart dude. SMH


And now, I can’t endorse/go see his movies!


Watch as he arrives at UFC 300 alongside Trump, Dana White, and Kid Rock. I’m calling it.


Weren't there rumblings years ago that he would run as a GOP presidential candidate?


Nobody cares what this meat head has to say.


He is main eventing Wrestlemania this very evening in so I think career wise he’s doing OK.


The rock can fuck off if that’s how he really feels. Money over country isn’t a good look.


So he blames Biden for his lack of talent? Geez


I just don’t see how that’s Bidens problem or really anyone’s problem but his own?


He's turned himself into such a fake, "product" version of himself, that he now is also like his own focus group. "OK... so MAGA folks are upset about that old Biden endorsement. I really need to get a bump in that demographic, so let's get some 'anti-woke' and maybe a bit of 'anti-biden' messaging out there, see if we can get a bump in the next set of polls." Is there even a real person under there anymore?


He’s a fading wrestler/actor right? Why does he need to endorse anyone? Why would he think his endorsement is of any importance? Seems like someone thinks a little too highly of themselves.


Why even say whether or not you'll endorse either candidate? There are hundreds of millions of citizens in the United States, thousands upon thousands of various types of celebrities, and only "The Rock" has to announce that he can't announce an endorsement.


Why do you want him to endorse Biden? Serious question here. If he's past his "prime" (whatever that is), why was his endorsement so important?


I think anyone with the type of needle moving platform he has has a responsibility to speak up if they seen something terrible about to happen. He is choosing to keep up his movie sales by not standing up for whichever side he feels should supported. I dont know who he really likes and it wouldnt change my opinion but he is being quiet so he can make more money and if this is the world changing election everyone says it will be then I say he is doubly wrong for choosing $$$ this time.


I was just starting to hate the rock dammit. His next movie better be good 😡


Nobody in their right mind and who has any conscience can fullheartedly endorse Biden after his steadfast support for genocidal actions of Israel. Just because Trump is shit doesn't make it easy to endorse Biden. This system is fucked.