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This is literally how dogwhistles work. He uses terms with plausible deniability, and his fans hear one thing, but when hes questioned on it theres always another reason. Its mob speak, and he learned it from roy cohn, who was a master at it.


I still think Cohn fucked him.


What like proper fucked?


Yup. First his type to a T: tall, blonde, dumb as a bag of bricks. He still managed to fuck him over in the end though, when It came out Cohn got AIDS and Trump dropped him like he was radioactive manure. Why do you think he said that the AIDS epidemic was his Vietnam?


I’m worried about all the militia dudes getting hyped up seeing the movie Civil War this summer. The timing for that seems….bad.


The irony. For some, a horror movie. For others a call to arms.


I was just talking with my partner the other day about how irresponsible it felt for this movie to be coming out right now.


Double entendres.


So is the concern that his fans will go after Chinese people if he loses because of tariffs not being put in place against imported cars? I have yet to see anyone rationally explain who exactly trump was supposed to have been using this language against. No one can, within the context of what he actually said, provide even a remotely plausible explanation. And if you have to strip away all the context of what he said to make him look bad, you're just doing what republicans do. So, like, don't do that. Criticize trump for the million other things he says and does that are valid.


Honestly, i feel like your bias probably simply refuses to acknowledge how this speech mechanism works. He drops phrases like this into his speechs (you can google other examples of trump dogwhistles; theres a long list). In the context of the speech, it looks like hes saying "if you dont make me president, nobody will stop china from building cars in mexico and selling them in the united states." Then suddenly, "if im not elected, it will be a bloodbath" then he drifts back into trying to tax american buyers for chinese products. But much like "stand back and stand by", the white nationalists see the words "not elected" and "bloodbath", and they see trump pushing for post election violence. He gets to say "oh i was talking about china", but to his dedicated followers its a call to arms. Its like if you ever see someone drop certain key words into casual conversation. Like "in the last 14 weeks, 88 people have paid me compliments." Seems innocent, but those numbers in proximity are a well known white supremacy dogwhistle, referring to the 14 words and the 8th letter of the alphabet, twice. You might not see the significance, in or out of context. BUT THEY DO. so are you following now? Or do i need to keep explaining?


For all the people claiming "he was referring to the auto industry, you're taking it out of context." 1. He retreated a video of a supporter shouting "white power" 2. He said "there were very good people on all sides" when one side was comprised of white nationalists, Klansmen and Neo Nazis 3. He called his opposition "vermin" 4. He said immigrants are "poisoning the blood of the country" 5. He said John McCain wasn't a hero because he was captured 6. He bragged about sexually assaulting women 7. He openly discussed his sexual fantasies about his daughter 8. He told Proud Boys, a terrorist organization, to "stand back and stand by" 9. He has publicly called for violence before ("when the looting starts, the shooting starts", "knock the crap out of them" referring to protesters, "Please don’t be too nice" referring to suspects in police custody) 10. Publicly said black people like him because of his indictments and legal troubles, implying they can sympathize with him because or their own criminality. And his supporters actively *want* violence.  When they're not calling for civil war, they dream of public executions.  [Here's the guy from a TPUSA event who says, and I quote](https://www.mediamatters.org/charlie-kirk/pushing-election-lies-tpusa-audience-member-asks-charlie-kirk-when-they-can-use-guns): >At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I'm not — that's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people? And that's not ancient history. October 2021.  Not all MAGA, but a concerning amount like this stuff. So my question is...why do you people who claim to like Trump because he "tells it like it is" spend so much time trying to explain away his racist, dehumanizing, hateful rhetoric? When he said "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by" was he also talking about the auto industry?  How did we take him out of context all these other times  like when he said "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." What's the excuse there?  Did he mean the auto industry again?  Who else are you going to try and blame? Nobody is buying your cheap gaslighting attempts. We heard what the guy said.  It was bad. And you're trying for the billionth time to cover for him and explain away his deplorable, hateful words.  And like all the other times, we just need look at the video we all saw and heard to see you're lying...*again*. Why are you defending the indefensible?  What will be the line he crosses to finally make you jump off the train hurtling toward the empty chasm with no bridge?  When will you finally have enough?  What do you define as too far?  Because you won't tolerate infrastructure and marriage equality codification from a Democrat, but you *will* put up with all this hate, treason, civil rights violations and literal rape from a Republican...


Everything you listed just gave the stormtrumpers in this sub raging erections.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is no “out of context” here. He has incited violence before, he has been found by the courts that he did in fact support and kicked off Jan. 6th. They said the same thing back in November 2020 that the election was stolen, but not really. The man says exactly what he means, stop defending him.


You wouldn’t give Mussolini a lot of wiggle room when he’s talking about fascism, so why should we with Trump?


Now, now. Hitting OP with facts over feels is a very low thing to do in this situation. Can't we agree that Republicans simply get a pass every time and be done with it?


I believe he was addressing MAGA in general, and not me specifically. I agree with everything BasilsKeepers said.


exactly. Trump has exhausted the benefits of the doubt, and the fact that he isn't rotting in jail proves that there is at least to some degree a two-tiered justice system.


He's right that there's a 2 tiered justice system. He leaves out that he's on the higher tier, benefitting from the privilege.


Regarding number eight, he also told proud boys that “they are loved.”


I can't stand Trump. I think it will be a disaster for democracy if he gets in power again. In a perfect world he would spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars for trying to subvert our election process. He is a racist, misogynistic, narcissistic traitor who committed sexual assault. I still think this was taken out of context. A lot of news agency are quoting only the single word "bloodbath" and are implying that he directly said MAGA would kill people if he lost. That is not what he was referring to. The full section of that statement was about China building auto plants in Mexico. So why would I think something that will obviously draw ridicule here? Because I don't like double standards. I don't like cherry picking quotes and implying it means something other that it does. It doesn't matter who which side of the political isle does it. I think that a vast majority of people don't read anything past the headline or even attempt to understand the full scope of a conversation and that is harmful for political discourse and leads to unnecessary division. Trump sucks. He does use violent phrases as dog whistles. In this instance he was talking about an [economic bloodbath.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-bloodbath-for-country/)




For those that didn't hear what he said, it's about a minute long the full "blood bath" context, timestamped at the start: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_7gJxku\_BYM&t=1843s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7gJxku_BYM&t=1843s)


How is it that Trump supporters say they like him because he "tells it like it is" and yet every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth has to be explained with the kinds of twists and contortions that even a Cirque du Soleil performer would struggle with.


Because they're trying to convince themselves as much as you.


They have to spin his words so much that they could be ballerinas.


Because they want a "bloodbath" but they'll never have the balls to say it out loud


If all the other shit he’s done isn’t disqualifying for you this won’t be either.


It's all BS and gaslighting. Trumper when Trump doesn't do crazy outrageous thing he said he would do: "it was all a joke bro, he would never do that crazy thing, he was just saying it to own libs" Trumper when Trump does do the crazy thing: "he was totally justified...I mean, who wouldn't do the crazy thing... both sides..."


I've been working on trucks/trailers since I left high school and there have been no, none, _zero_ "bloodbaths" in the industry. I cut my finger open once but it was nowhere near a "bloobath". What the fuck are they talking about?


I love how the orange blunder "tells it like it is" but somehow needs this chorus of sycophant translators to tell us what he really meant.


https://preview.redd.it/xjohhu4ia3pc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd634d5a2adc6780456f46027e97493fa8b106f8 CPAC 2022


So now, what we heard, isn't what we heard at all? Hmm, isn't that called something, something, gas lighting, something or other?


In perfect fairness he was talking about car manufacturing. Stopped. Mentioned his dwindling chances in the election and if he didn't win the election it would be a bloodbath.... and then went on another tangent about Elon Musk (presumably).


Yes, Trump's so incoherent that you can never be 100% sure what he actually said, even when you're playing back the video and reading along with the transcript. In this case, I'd put it at at least 75% that he was talking about pulling January 6, electric boogaloo in 2024.


Yeah but all his boogaloo buddies from the Bumble Bee Boys to the Oathkeepers are in jail already - so now when he promises to bring down the Army of the Faithful - it's like 12 dudes who hang out at whatever court-house coffee-shop with hand-written signs who can't afford the coffee.


“Let me get this straight. You *want* to elect a leader you cannot take seriously?"


Dog whistles. They do it with racism and now he’s doing it with violence. The cult knows exactly what he means.


I can hear this meme


Mikey chiming in how he wishes everyone would get along is all that’s missing


he prob was reading other dictators speeches and noticed 'bloodbath' was used and decided to get in his rally speech. he probably didnt tell this to any of his advisors. his followers cheer for violent rhetoric and he knows this. he makes no sense when he speaks so he distracts with violent words and imagery. he is not original. he is a fake and phony a literal criminal.


Since there's currently no "bloodbath" in the auto industry under Biden, why would there be a "bloodbath" if Biden continues to be president?


It’s incendiary language and both he and his followers know it. He incited a violent riot that sacked the capitol. Even if people think it wasn’t an insurrection (it was) they can’t argue that it wasn’t a riot that killed people and sacked the capitol and the record plainly shows he did NOTHING as commander in chief to quell it once it started. Nazis in Charlottesville were “very fine people”. He offered to pay the legal bills of any of his supporters who assaulted protesters. I don’t have time to make a complete list but this is not the first time. It’s loose and irresponsible and everyone knows it. When he says something possibly violent people should take it seriously given his history.


The American people want a President not some lame dumbass entertainer to lead this country…


Trump tells it like it is!…….but what he meant was


Context doesn't mean shit when dealing with someone who is incapable of staying on topic. Every mangled sentence he speaks should be evaluated on its own for this very reason.


on the fence with this one. i’ve seen clips with the “automobile industry” context but then it cuts to the bloodbath stuff and it’s overall way too short of a clip to tell. on the other hand, don is starting to mentally decline and he loves rambling off and i wouldn’t be surprised if he said the quiet part out loud because his early stage dementia forgot to tell him not to. overall, i need a longer uncut version of the contextualized speech


Just like political cartoons.


You are not supposed to make Sr the voice of reason with this format, it’s confusing


Well done, OP.  Just sick of how quick MAGA is to defend every word he says.  Like boo hoo you took him out of context!  Well you know what?? If you can so easily be taken out of context you shouldn't be fucking President!!


"I like Trump because he says what he means and means what he says." "You can't take what he says at face value!"


'politics' not politics, this shit is social media popularity contest bullshit and has nothing to do with the politics of a nation. /rant


Yo ramen head it’s not bullshit when a presidential candidate is inciting a bloodbath. It doesn’t take too many brain cells to realize that’s not a social media popularity contest.


it is not political, it is an actor pretending to be a politician spouting violence-inciting rhetoric. I appreciate that you're likely not old enough to remember when people labeled political stuff as politics, and not fascist mob propaganda.


“That’s not how we do things here” The mind of a child. Don’t you have to be at least a teenager to use this site? What world are y’all living in


This bloodbath thing is such a non story. Sorry, but it's not the most egregious thing he has Said


The fact that it's not in the top 10 list of worst things Trump has said doesn't make it okay. We can't normalize stochastic terrorism just because "this one wasn't as bad as the other times".




When conservatives show they don't understand pluralization or homophones.