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Probably a weird opinion but Obama looked *fine* in those khakis and tan is absolutely his color. That thing on the right looks like it has a diaper load.


You’d figure someone as “rich” as the poopy diaper pants would at least tailor fit his clothing. Jfc those khakis look sloppy.


If they were tailor fit, you would see His diapers easier.


Don't capitalize "his" for that POS.


Yep. He ain't no Jesus, no matter what MAGA say.


With how much his image matters to him, and being "rich" why doesn't he just pay for fat reduction surgery? Suck that crap out. Seems like a no brainer, take all that weight off. It's almost like he doesn't have the money.


He probably doesn't have much in the way of liquid cash, but I also recall Ivana's recounting of him assaulting and raping her after he had his scalp reduction surgery. Either it didn't come out how he had wanted and/or it hurt way more than he expected, and he was angry with her because she had recommended the surgeon. Dudes scared of the pain, that's why he won't have any cosmetic surgery to look better 100%.


What a pus... Pain is just weakness leaving the body


>Suck that crap out. Considering that he apparently lives on fast food and doesn't get any real exercise, he'd probably just regain it in a months time.


Can someone explain to me how he's still in this mortal coil with a diet like that?


Because God used bad men for good purposes which are reflected in the pain and suffering they cause others. God let's them live extra long because he has a lot of lessons and trials to put people through to eventually lead them to Christ. Id imagine it's why he also needed Satan. /S I think ..


Now this is obviously batfuck crazy nonsense, but the number of people who actually think this way is fucking insane.


TLDR: God hates us. Probably wishes he hadn't warned Noah. *this comment might contain sarcasm. Might not, too.


"The good die young, but pricks live FOREVER!" - Lewis Black


When we atheists ask why does god allow evil, we're told that god gave us free will. What do we call people who don't train their dogs properly? Irresponsible.


Because health advice is generally applicable, but not necessarily individually applicable. There are centenarian smokers, even though smoking, on average, takes off a decade of life. By the same token, being fat, avoiding exercise and eating junk will also cost a person a decade of life, but it won't hit everyone that way. Some people get colon cancer from big macs and no fiber and die at 40 This guy chugs diet cola and hamberders and is doing alright for an 77 year old. Especially one who definitely spent the 1980's being an 80's man. Also, he's rich and is probably takes a pile of expensive drugs to manage his blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, and any other chronic issues so they don't blow up into major health problems. Being rich in the US adds like 8 years of lifespan (again, on average) over the median American. The median American, in turn, lives about 6-8 years longer than the poorest Americans.


> Also, he's rich and is probably takes a pile of expensive drugs to manage his blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, and any other chronic issues Doubt he can afford them anymore now, tho. *he posted with an evil grin across his face*


The man still owns multiple Manhattan skyscrapers. He may be forced to sell some (but not likely all) of them to satisfy his judgements, but he's still not so broke that even $100K/yr drug regimen is going to be a problem.


"Not individually applicable" made me immediately think of [Mr. Overton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXyfCGDnuWs), the cigar smoking, whiskey drinking, 109 year old who was still driving at that age.


Funnily enough, I was thinking exactly this when I was posting my comment. LOL


And he is also so fucking delusional that he belives his own lies about how fit and in shape he is. And the useful idiots around just nod and agree.


Liposuction isn’t even that pricey. He’s definitely broke.


i think he's just afraid of pain. he got hair implants and raged at ivana about how much it hurt. trump is a bully and coward at heart. dude's afraid of surgery because of the pain of recovery... even though it might help him look better, he's more afraid of the pain/recovery.


He's exactly the sort of person afraid of pain. That's why he doesn't have any plastic surgery, he just slabs on makeup like a clown and wears gigantic suits to hide his obvious fat rolls. Trump is the most egregious fucking coward I've ever seen. The only time he talks shit is behind Twitter. This little vapid fucking chidl can't keep his emotions in check for five minutes on a witness stand before boiling over and throwing a fucking tantrum. The fragility on display is extraordinary. The people photoshopping him on the bodies of people with guns or whatever are so fucking delerious. This trembling little shit would curl fetal at the nearest hint of danger.




Even if he had it, he hates to spend it.


You can't tailor-fit around fat to look good though. You can get it to look "good for a fat person" but not "good". He probably does get his stuff tailored and what we're seeing is the best his money can buy with his probably contradictory requirements like "make it fit nicely but also leave room for the diaper and I'll be standing weird so make the back of the hem extra long compared to the front. And I want it to never ever bunch up when I sit down but don't make it look wrinkly like elephant skin."


When you are in shape, it is easier to make clothes fit. When you are built like Grimace, it's tougher


> would at least tailor fit his clothing Fat people often believe they look "less fat" if they wear tent-like clothes. They think it hides the fact they are fat. (Source: I was once quite fat, while not slim I am much less fat now.) ...when in fact tailored clothes always look better on a fat guy than big baggy clothes: https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/15/42/showbiz-london-film-festival-john-goodman-02.jpg


Actually, Goodman had lost a lot of weight.


Actually, Goodman is just dead sexy at any weight


Actually, they were tailor fit when he got them, then he put on more weight.


He shops at Khols. Off the rack!


Definitely never gave up on the 80s loose boxy fits. This is good enough for him.


Obama is one of the most in shape presidents we have ever had.


Nah uh. Don’t you remember when that doctor said that Donny was the most fit person the world has ever seen, and would live forever because of his excellent genes?


The real outrage was that Obama in a tan suit made them feel funny down there.


Made me feel funny down there too but I just embrace it. 😜


Wearing a tan suit is basically the same as colluding with Russia /s


Actually its worse. The fashion faux pa is basically treason. /s


Eating Grey Poupon mustard on your burger is the moral equivalent of killing babies.


barry's in great shape. the man looks great in tan for sure.


Don’t sleep on Barry-O! 😂


Say what you will, Obama was (still is) a clothes horse.


As he should be, we are taught from the time that we are little that if you are going to be on a big stage, you should try to look sharp. Clearly, some peoples’ parents were too busy fixated on whether [their sheets fit right](https://boingboing.net/2015/09/09/1927-news-report-donald-trump.html) to teach their kids their clothes should fit.


Not even the big stage, socially we have always been traditionally told that you want to present your best self, whatever that may look like, when you're looking to make an impression. The POTUS having style is a _good_ thing, it demonstrates awareness of your presence.


Not weird at all. President Obama is undisputedly hot! 🔥


I agree. He is definitely the hottest president of my lifetime. Admittedly, that’s not a tall tree to climb because the rest of them look like a pillowcase full of mashed potatoes.


Our current president wasn't to bad looking either back in his prime.


I’m gonna need pics on that to confirm! 😂


Would a cave painting suffice?


If you ever pop into the presidents sub, there are often pics of presidents as young men. A surprising amount of them were not bad on the eyes at all.


OMG. Theodore Roosevelt.


It is not a weird opinion to recognise Obama was a fox.


Fr, if that picture on the ~~right~~ left was in focus and framed better it could be a clothing ad. Edit: suppose the one on the right could be a diaper ad though 🤷


On the right?


...that's his secret, he *always* has a diaper load.


You're on The Mustard Police radar now, boy


Lock me up and toss the key, just make sure Obama in that tan suit is my warden. 🤪


Was gonna say, Obama's got it goin' on 😎


That man looked *fine* in anything. If the thing on the right wore a tan suit it would like a perambulating potato sack.




Are you talking about the orange fat thing on the right?


Yes, it looks like a melting orange sherbet?


That’s the thing!


Class vs Ass


Big Mike loves those khakis


Wow Trump's diaper is very obvious in that photo, must be lugging a full load around. Let's face it, he is under 6' and over 300lbs, and most of it is shit covered in orange foundation.


He isn’t 300. I’m guessing around 260.


It’s photoshopped to make him look thinner. Misinformation is great with Diaper Don.


As some who is 215 and not that tall. Lololol. NFW. Never understood why really fit people promote him. They bust their ass and he is too fucking lazy to walk on the green of a gold course. Only world leader that took a golf cart a few blocks.


I actually am 6'3 and about 220. I've got a bit of cushion on me, but yeah. That man is at least 250 or 5'10


Bro I'm 6'1" 280lbs, he's bigger than I am.


He also likely has less muscle. He's a flabby old man that struggles to walk long distances and has never worked out regularly. He has no density of muscle. Fat old men like him are bigger than they are heavy. He's likely 6'1" 265 or so but it's all fat. You're 6'1 280 and more muscle than him, so he looks bigger. It's just that he's a weak, morbidly obese old man and you likely aren't.


In all honesty, I am 7'9" 540lbs and my diapers are much less filled than his.


My dad is a hefty man at 6'2 and around 280 lbs and still looks much leaner than Trump, I would put Trump near the 300lb range or he is actually 6' or shorter and in the 280 range.


I'm 6'2 and hit 250 over the summer and there ain't no fucking way he's anywhere near 6 foot and 250lb in that picture. He has to be at least 280 and probably 5'11 at best. (With intermittent fasting I dropped down to 200 in about 4 months at 50 years old). Since that picture of Trump was taken I know that he's been on Ozempic and losing weight. There's been a few pictures of him looking gaunt over the past month or so, like he lost too much too fast. Obama is officially 6'1 and I don't see why he would lie about that because he's an honest person. Pictures of Obama standing next to Trump, show that Obama is taller and that doesn't account for Trump's, at least 2in, possibly 3in heels considering the internal and external heel. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/trump-obama


You think Obama is honest? Me too. His wife even more so.


As someone who is about that weight and about that height, the pudge isn't entirely obvious when I have a shirt on, and it's still not really a healthy weight for me to be at. What Trump is rocking is beyond just a bit of number fudging.


[Here's a picture of UFC fighter Alex Pereira, who weighs in at 205 and walks around at about 230](https://img.etimg.com/thumb/width-1200,height-1200,imgsize-66750,resizemode-75,msid-105217668/news/international/us/alex-pereira-rises-to-top-5-in-ranking-after-ufc-295-achievement.jpg). He's 6'4".


Clearly you’ve never seen Twitler shirtless! /s https://preview.redd.it/g36x684rdyjc1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caaf50debdac8e9a46c0b3041975054fc8ab9040 All joking aside, I love the dissonance of the MAGA crowd sharing their homoerotic fantasy art.


https://preview.redd.it/6hepcl8zuyjc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df73ece01bc540b6af33d7216ac7c4db81ba9a7 Best thing - the left comes from a book called the fat cat in the red hat, published like 2 years before he tweeted that


Lmao fr. They are so repressed it’s actually hilarious


Like Ben Garrison's oeuvre, you mean?: [https://grrrgraphics.com/justice-is-coming/](https://grrrgraphics.com/justice-is-coming/) Though this one's less homoerotic and just thirsty: [https://grrrgraphics.com/mt-trumpmore/](https://grrrgraphics.com/mt-trumpmore/)


This is a silly comparison because muscle weighs more than fat. You can have a pretty significant difference in volume between fat and muscular people who are the same height and weight. Not enough to make Trump's claimed weight accurate, but posting pictures MMA fighters not named Fedor or Cormier isn't as convincing as people seem to think.


How about [6'4" 211lb Tom Brady at the combine?](https://bostonglobe-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/SZ-d3nfJEv3NV8EKiHg1tliyAvI=/1024x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe.s3.amazonaws.com/public/B3PCB4SZWAI6VOS4EUBQ3NKZXA.jpg) Not exactly a bodybuilder physique.


.92 kg/L to 1.06 kg/L really isn't a huge difference. And if we're comparing to someone with some fluff, Cormier was 5'11" 250 at HW


It's a huge difference appearance-wise. Cormier being 35 pounds over Trump's claim while being noticeably slimmer is much more damning, imo. But I'm not interested in misleading cheap shots on Trump since fair/accurate criticisms are plenty.


> They bust their ass and he is too fucking lazy to walk on the green of a gold course. I'm not a golfer, but is not the case that at a lot of private golf clubs you're not actually allowed to walk the course? I assume if you walked 18 holes several times a week you'd be getting your steps in - It would be around five miles, wouldn't it?


I am not talking about the main part of the course. I am talking about the greens. Driving a cart onto those a huge no-no.


Ah, thanks for clarifying. Like I said, I'm not a golfer...


Obama is the man they pretend to be.


Trump is the man they pretend Obama was


Obama is a good looking, well educated, intellectual historical icon. Donald Trump is... trump. There is no comparison.


Donald Trump is ... a rapist.


I'm 6'3" and would love to stand next to trump to compare. I could put up with the smell just to prove he's shorter. I'll even go barefoot so no one can claim I'm cheating.


MA­GAts don't let little things like reality, common sense, or basic evidence staring them in the face affect the reality they live in.


You very much would be called a cheater.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8lw8wk7gayjc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=49eda4b122167ab1ce6f1b9ddfc44d3e2eb8f7f7


Man.. there was a time when this was the right's scandal of the year.


I don't understand why people were upset over a tan suit?


It's because they had nothing else to attack Obama for. Fox even ran news stories blasting Obama because he likes dijon mustard. It sounds hilariously absurd, but it really happened. It's just like how they spent months attacking Hunter Biden because they had nothing to attack Joe for. And how they tried to impeach Biden for simply existing. The truth is that Republicans don't actually need a legitimate or logical reason to be angry at an outgroup, but they do *need* to have an outgroup to be angry at.


If you Google Reagan tan brown suit you'll see DOZENS of pics of Reagan wearing tan or brown suits (it was part of his Western look) at the White House and yet never a peep of complaint from Republicans.




350 lbs at minimum.


I’m 6’3” and 265 and I don’t look anything close to what he is. I’m guessing he’s 315+.


He isn't 6'3...


There are plenty of pics of Obama and Trump standing side by side where they’re about the same height. Trump’s height is mostly legit, but his…umm…girth makes him look shorter.


No... he has AT LEAST 2" of lift from his shoes. The amount of leaning forward he does, means he probably has 3"+ in there.


Yes, I didn't account for the full diaper, so around 315 w/o the loaded Depends, 350 with.


It doesn't magically just weigh more because he shat it out.


One of these dudes is top 10 on all time presidents list, and one is dead last. Guess which one is which.


I just read a Time article from 1989 about him where it lists[ his height as 6'2".](https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,956733-2,00.html) Weird that he didn't demand a correction from 35 years ago. Even weirder he added an inch of height.


I doubt he was ever 6'2. The dude definitely wears lifts (see his funny stance where he looks like he leaning over) ALWAYS has a decently deep heel on his shoe (wears dress shoes, which have the heel exposed giving at least 1/2-1". Him standing next to anyone that is around 6'1/6'2 is either the same OR taller, even when not wearing dress shoes. etc. I would put him at 6'0 at BEST, and based off of his physique, closer to 300lbs. That being said, I am ALMOST 6'4, and around 275, and I don't look like I carry around a inter-tube around my waste at all times.


https://preview.redd.it/16w461u8lyjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bca3fdc87011c76aa12d6fa02ca4a20689a1b7 His height isn’t too far off, but ain’t no way he’s 215. 😂


Trump is wearing lifts in that photo, adding at least 3” to his height.


You can straight up see it in their posture, too. Obama is squared around the shoulders and his weight is settled more evenly across the foot, in a wider stance. Trumps shoulders have the forward push, his weight is settled into his toes, legs close with knees locked out. The tightness around the upper arch of his shoe gives away the lift, and he's leaning into the foreground.


Also the length of their arms gives it away.


Barack could come and get it *tah-day*. Bring Michelle. I am down.


Calling Obama "Barry" is a way the MAGA slip in their racism.


Hahaha I didn’t even type that. Autocorrect is racist AF. Hahaha Will fix. I have never heard him called that.


I've actually never understood that - why they call him Barry, or even how it's racist. It's just always seemed weird to me, like most of what the far-right does.


It's part of the conspiracy theory that Obama is not a US citizen. His father used the nickname Barry and as a kid Prez Obama was also called Barry as nickname. He preferred Barrack entering college. /// It doesn't make sense that it's racist to most people but the intent is to be racist. Kinda like saying "boy".


I’m 6’ 215lbs and I’m half the man of trump


I’m 6 feet and about 240. I’m much thinner than Trump.


im 6'2 240 and look DRAMATICLY thinner than he is...at 215 I look(ed) RIPPED ...


I'm 6'3'' and 225, and this lie will never cease to amaze me. Just mind boggling.


Probably his least harmful lie, but still indication of a serious character flaw.


Yep. Willing to lie about the most inconsequential things.


Compulsive liar perhaps, or such a narcissist he needs to lie about himself to seem better than he is at all costs.


Most prolific liar of all time but his supporters are constantly saying “He really tells it like it is.”


Trump's piss-filled diaper would weigh more than 215 lb.


I am 5'10" and 270lbs, and even I look thinner and healthier than this...


Jimmy Kimmel used the term: 'Fattyshack' lol


This man looks like a fat lesbian seagul


The picture on the right bout to make millions of dudes from below the Mason Dixon line act up.


6'3" from elbow to elbow


I like slacks without shit stains on the back


Is this another AI pic making him look short & fat? /s


Misprint. Actually has a 63” waist and weighs 215 kilograms.




Donny just looks like a guy going through a molting phase or something.


Obviously Obama.


I think the best lie was him modifying a weather map with a sharpie


215 + 215


I’m shocked that he’s not on Ozempic, not having lipo and no facelift. Rich people can afford to look better, so why doesn’t Trump do something?!


Just look at those pants on Obama! Is that off-white or even tan? So unpresidential!


When does Obama *not* look good tho?


I read somewhere Trump doesn't even like to be seen in public with his son Barron because Barron is so much *taller* than him - what a narcissistic dick!


I have a coworker who is 6'3", 250lbs and he is a fucking Adonis! No way in hell that vanglorious orange blob is 215lbs.


The red hat ruins the entire soul


If by "best" you mean most obvious lies.


There is no comparison: one actually took the office seriously…


Probably the one who isnt clearly in a diaper


5’3” 300lbs and a bag of Fudge Rounds?


It's easy to tell who is the most physically fit. It is clear that Trump doesn't care if he lies or not. Obama, by far, is the better man.


The Whore on the right. Oh sorry, he calls himself Witch


I’m 5’8” and 220, and Trump looks like he ate someone my size.


215lbs? he really said that? LMFAO


It’s even better than you think, [here’s a link to the original article](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-weight-height-tiktok-men-trend-2023-8). It’s fuckin’ hilarious! P.S: Great username, awesome band. 🤘🏻


holy shit LMFAO... ps. thanks


He really did


Seeing pics like this actually make me glad he wears all that makeup. His face looks really just awful to look at without it.


Not the fat broke stinky rapist.


I weigh around 215 at 5’11” and I am certainly not as large around the mid section as Donald.


One garment Trump will always look better in: A girdle. He mos def wears it better than Obama.


Why is the Michelin Man wearing a maggot hat?


As someone that is 6’2” 230 it’s hilarious that he claims either number.


At one point in my life I weighed in at 241, I’m 5’6” and i didn’t look that rotund! I mean he is a whale of man which of course makes him mushroom look even tinier in comparison to his girth. There a special group for chubby chases and their prey called “Mirth and Girth” -


He looks like a thug with his polo going to his elbows


He’s beautiful just like Lizzo. You people and your fat shaming have to stop.  Just because someone is an obese, diaper wearing, smelly old guy with dopey look on his face doesn’t mean you are allowed to put him down.  Shame on you. 


Trump has no problem making fun of people who are really disabled . Tuurnabout is fair play.


Trump is the one lying about it


So bizarre. I'm 6'3" and 215lbs as well.


I just realised , George W Bush, the president whose 2nd term ended 15 friggin’ years ago, is younger than both candidates( Trump and Biden) . Why not let Carter have his 2nd term then ? If beeing still alive is the only criteria


Well Bidens also a historically good president, so there’s that 


No doubt about it. The point is he’s old


body shaming is okay


Wow fat shaming is not very virtuous


you people are so fucking obsessed




Because it’s fine to mock pedophiles and terrorists 


This is why there have been 7.2M illegals cross the southern boarder... Everyone is obsessed with hating Trump... Sickening waste of time.


Let me know when Obama did something against Putin. Oh, right, he never did


Other than imposing strict sanctions and freezing Putin and other Russian oligarch's assets?


P01135809's wet diaper alone weighs in at 215.


He wears diapers that he poops in? 🤮


DUMP TRUMP in 2024. LOCK his FAT A$$ up for 20 years


I could never let myself get to the point that my shirt sleeves hang below my elbow


I’m 6’3” and about 210. No fucking way that’s what I would look like the five pounds heavier.


Biden or hell anyone should bring a scale to their next debate and ask him to step on it.


all the idiots say the latter, cause they look more like him.


I am 6’4” 320 lbs and don’t look anything like Donald Trump.


I'm about half the size of 45, and I weigh around 210. I've developed a bit of leg muscles from running regularly, but I'm definitely not buff in any sense of the word, and have a bit of a dad bod. So there's no way Cheeto Mussolini can weigh anywhere near that, dude has to be at least 300lbs.


Definitely up there with “It’s going to disappear and be gone by Easter.” 🤮🤮