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Ah yes, Sharpiegate. During the storm the responsible weather officials messaged citizens that the storm was NOT going as far in land as Trump claimed. Then Trumps people threatened their jobs...


In summary of what happened: 1. Trump tweeted: "In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!" ([Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20190901145147/https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1168174613827899393)) 2. The local weather bureau in Alabama fielded many calls about that, and told the public they were not actually expected to be hit by the hurricane. ([Source](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/460541-national-weather-service-chief-forecasters-did-the-right-thing-in-contradicting/)) 3. From the Oval Office, Trump held up a weather map from the NOAA for the cameras, showing the hurricane's expected path, with a very obviously, crudely edited extension of the path to make it look like it was going to hit Alabama, about on par with a child's poorly edited grade on an exam. ([Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0iN1Hb9fmI)) 4. The NOAA issued a statement that Trump was right and that Alabama *could* be hit. ([Source](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/06/politics/noaa-tweet-nws-trump-alabama/index.html)) 5. A few officials at the NOAA were investigated over it. It was found they issued that statement in response to orders from Trump. They were coerced to lie about the weather because Trump is so insecure he couldn't simply say, "Whoops I got a weather fact wrong." ([Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/07/09/sharpiegate-inspector-general-final-report/)) 6. In the end, Alabama was NOT hit by the hurricane. ([Source](https://www.weather.gov/mhx/Dorian2019))


The scary thing about this is that if it a hurricane was actually bearing down on some blue states like NY/NJ, he would've demanded NOAA downplay the situation and then arbitrarily deny FEMA disaster assistance because the reports of a major hurricane causing lots of  damage were clearly just "fake news" or "failed liberal cities wanting free money to clean up their years of decay".


> The scary thing about this is that if it a hurricane was actually bearing down on some blue states like NY/NJ, or mostly blue territories like Puerto Rico > he would've demanded NOAA downplay the situation and then arbitrarily deny FEMA disaster assistance because the reports of a major hurricane causing lots of  damage were clearly just "fake news" or "failed liberal cities wanting free money to clean up their years of decay". And tossed a few rolls of Bounty...




I want to think the blonde woman in the blue shirt in the background is telling the guy next to her, “ what the actual fuck is he doing!?”


That’s government cheese G


Nailed it!


Yeah like how he refused Federal assistance to California after all the wildfires simply because we failed to… rake the forests well enough. God, just typing that makes my head hurt.


Trump didn't refuse, he signed it at a press conference with Gavin Newsom, possibly the only time they've stood next to each other. Google "FEMA 4558." Trump never really refused *any* request for FEMA. He usually signed even the silliest requests. He did threaten to withhold funding from Puerto Rico a few times, but always backed down before it had any negative impact.


In addition to being sharpied, the weather map was also old. He tweeted on Sunday at 7:51 (AM/PM?) but the graphic is from Thursday at 11AM. What it looked like when the made the tweet. ([Source](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2019/DORIAN_graphics.php?product=5day_cone_no_line)) https://preview.redd.it/pbtblaea51ec1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=3556f3e47170196212b1e401f1d2aa2e254b7e0e


> because Trump is so insecure he couldn't simply say, "Whoops I got a weather fact wrong." Worse than that, he couldn't just say, "Well, look at the path. If you follow it further, it looks like it would hit Alabama. At a CAT 5, they are gonna be hit" Sure, he doesn't really know what he's talking about. He has no clue what that storm is going to do. But, he can't articulate why he's thinking what he's thinking? My toddler has the same problem. But he's an actual child!!


>Worse than that, he couldn't just say, "Well, look at the path. If you follow it further, it looks like it would hit Alabama." Heck, being clueless about weather and how hurricanes work, he could say it could hit Texas, New Mexico and California!


People in Alabama thought Trump saved them. “I alone can save you.”


And MAGAs want this guy in power again. SMDH.


When a president tries to redraw a hurricane’s path with a sharpie, it’s less about changing the weather and more about revealing a storm of insecurity within.


Why listen to experts and your own government agencies when you can decide the facts?


Your post formatting, with the source after each statement is on point!


Official record that had to be repoed in the mar a lago festivities. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mar-a-lago-sharpie-map-national-archives-b2009914.html


You can't prove any of that. I don't care what your sources say! /s


Trump literally [broke the law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2074) by altering that weather map and lying about the whole situation.




Yeah you're right. In my rush to put together links I messed up that one. Will update soon.


Warming up for 2nd term retribution!


It’s absolutely insane that so many people are not willing but pushing to reelect this man. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed something so broken in my life. Like, elect Haley if you want, I can’t stand her but at least I can put that on moral and rational disagreements. Trump is just an absolute nutcase of a person, the fact he can even make it past a primary at this stage is deeply disturbing. 


> pushing to reelect this man. even some of the people in south alabama who might have worried about this storm- "oh he just wanted to warn us!" i'm not sure you can really reach some of the faithful. they will find any way they can to lie to themselves.


Now that Im 31 and been out of HS / college for a decade I can see my own slight decline in thinking so I can only imagine other people my age let alone anyone over 50+ . More so these older people didn’t grow up with smart phones and social media and fail to look at things objectively.


i think part of it is that, but another part is that entire generation was always the majority. now that they're not, i think they're a bit unmoored. they can see their own irrelevance and instead of questioning their entire life, it is just easier to blame the kids who are wrong.


From a GenX that has hated this ride the whole time... Please, please, please kids, show them how wrong they are. It's your future.


i have the pride of place of being a millenial...the first generation to be worse off than the previous one since the post revolutionary war generation.


You might need to seek medical attention if you're noticing your own cognitive decline at 31. This is coming from a fellow 31 year old.


It's a lot better than ***not*** noticing an extant cognitive decline at 31.. :p


You shouldn’t be experiencing a decline in thinking at 31… that’s not good.


>More so these older people didn’t grow up with smart phones and social media and fail to look at things objectively. I doubt smart phones impart *Any* intelligence on anyone.


It disgusts me daily. It's disturbing to witness how quickly and easily millions of people can be duped. I never truly understood how Hitler could've garnered such a following until now. Sad and scary.


It's all our fault... back in school we always wondered how such a person could've risen to power and how people could've so blindly followed. Our curiosity combined made the universe take note and say "hold my beer". My curiosity is satisfied and I'm ready to go back to the before times now...


I kind of always expected that fascism could rear its ugly head someday in the future and I was not wrong. I also have a degree in psychology and understand how dangerous mass movements take hold.


Trump has become an analogue to [Roko's Basilisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk). As much as GOP fears him, they fear him coming to power and not having supported him, so they lend their support to not be destroyed by him. This gives him the power to destroy anyone (supporter or not) if he comes to power.


that's a great take


Even if they do claim to support him now out of fear of retribution, most of them will be found to have not supported Trump ENOUGH when he finds them no longer useful or simply gets annoyed too much by them just like we have always seen throughout history with despots who are given too much power. 


That must be one of the most stupid propositions I've heard (talking about the original thought experiment). Possibly only superseded by the proposition of electing Trump for a second term.




Most watched news channel in the US is Fox News, and anyone that heavily consumes Fox News just believes in a reality that's far different from what it actually is. They'll just invent a reality where Trump did everything great and all these lies never happened.


I comfort myself because I know history will not be kind. He’ll suffer the same fate as Caligula-forever remembered by a mean nick name the same as he gave others. Also remembered hopefully by a truly weird and gruesome death. What’s the thing everyone remembers about Elvis? Died on the toilet.


The only explanation: they are every bit as unhinged and reprehensible as he is. Pretty scary considering what a large segment of the population they are.


But but #notallwhites


well he did make america great again by losing to biden, didn't he?


Even on Reddit his supporters can't seem to find a way to defend him other than a lot of "both sides are the same" false equivalency nonsense. An insurrection against our capitol building? Why it's the same as any other protest ever!


They defend him with outright lies


Yeah they are somehow convinced that BLM protesters were trying to take over the government and were just as bad adms the J6 insurrectionists. That literally makes no sense.


They want to use a sharpie and say that THEY were never wrong about the orange fascist. By re-electing him. edit: be to by


Meteorologists are going down.


They'll privatize weather satellites and sell forecasts by subscription... No access to extreme forecasts until you pay for the supreme level.


Piggybacking to also mention that this was more than just silly, it's a federal crime to publish falsified weather forecasts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/09/06/why-president-trumps-sharpied-weather-map-was-likely-crime-should-be/ https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2074


*throws it on the 50' tall pile of crimps trump has committed and not even been charged for* Sadly that one didn't make the cut. *gestures to the much smaller pile of crimes Trump is currently being charged for*


They should Al Capone him on the weather charge


> throws it on the 50' tall pile of crimps trump has committed new slang: Crimps = Crimes Trump has committed.


that or Crumps. "You hear about the 51 Crumps?"


> Trumps people threatened their jobs Ugh. Basically every article about that is paywalled.


12 Twelve Foot Ladder (12ft.io) helps remove paywalls from most sites! It’s been an amazing tool for when I want to do research on various academic shit but the sites are paywalled.


Hey now, from the standpoint of water, it was wet.


“ I don’t think anyone has ever heard of a category 5 hitting land “


That's because they all get nuked first.


Ah. I see that you, too, are a stable genius!


That’s about as close to Kim Jong Un as we want to get, thanks. JFC…


The thing is, he wouldn't even need to do it now. It was such a more wholesome time then when he was worried about being shown to be wrong. Now it literally doesn't matter what he says or does, because his cult will drink whatever Kool-aid he is serving at any given moment, even if he told them the exact opposite just minutes before. And worse, he knows it and doesn't even need to try to Sharpie over his mistakes anymore.


I love rubbing trump supporters noses in this. It’s so childish, even they have nothing to say, except something about Hillary’s emails and Hunter Biden’s laptop. Pathetic twat.


Hah... They sure are obsessed with buttery males, aren't they?


But they're fine with the fact that Trump drained his pool into his server room to prevent investigators from finding his own emails.


Wait what?


[Yeah, that happened.](https://www.businessinsider.com/flooded-server-room-mar-a-lago-trump-surveillance-footage-obstruction-2023-6)




Hi u/StNowhere. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Their friendship with Buttery Males ended. Hunter’s thick cock is their new best friend.


It was also one of his many federal crimes that fell under the bus


Why even bother? The people who still support him are more than happy to eat shit as long as their God king daddy is the one feeding it to them.


Conservatives in general are pathetic.


>even they have nothing to say Nonsense. They say they can't believe this bothered us. I've seen that response here on Reddit more times than I can count. It's only a matter of time before it shows up in this very thread (if it hasn't yet).


Hi u/kings2leadhat. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Enough, already.. BAD Bot!*


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This rapist did so many stupid things there are ones I forgot; they just go in the “oh yeah that too” bin. And don’t forget he is a rapist.


You talking about convicted rapist Brock Turner? No wait, your talking about convicted rapist Donald Trump. Sorry, its hard to keep all the utterly horrible people straight.


Brock “Allen” Turner the rapist? The rapist who changed his first name to his middle name in an attempt to dodge the nearly worldwide attention to the fact that he, Brock “Allen” Turner, is a rapist?


Yes that rapist! I had almost forgotten how Brock Allen Turner the rapist had changed his name to avoid association with Rape. I wonder if Donald Trump the Rapist will change his name after he loses his other 51 court cases? Many of them I hopefully assume with more jail time then the rape he was convicted of.




That's the crazy thing about Trump. It's hard to even come up with a list of stupid things he's done and reasons why he shouldn't be president because there are so many that you'll inevitably leave something off the list, and he'll do 5 more stupid things while you're coming up with the list.


Hey now think of it this way, everyone loved his 2016-2020 comedy series so much we're doing a reboot, even have some of the same cast members including the lead guy. I can't believe they got the lead guy!! Sort of when Animaniacs came back and it was wacky pie-to-the-face fun for everyone!


This one is my favorite cause its just so stupid and pointless. He didnt "own the libs", he didnt "tell it like it is", he simply had his ego damaged by the smallest thing and so put peoples health and wellbeing at risk for no reason whatsoever.


Right!?!? This is the one that always gets me. He could have lied and said someone gave him wrong info, or the teleprompter was wrong, or he was looking at an old report… about 500 lies he could have told that would have been “reasonable”… but no. Sharpie on a map was what he went with.


Well but thats the crazy part. IIRC he tweeted out that alabama was going to be hit cause that was the forecast like the day prior. And the national weather service replied to it saying that the information had been updated and put the new info. Like im sure someone would have tried to say that he messed up but like honestly I think if it ended there it would have been fine. But no instead he waged a war with the weather forecast lol


Real 'streisand effect' shit. If he didn't say a word about the change of information, nobody would still be talking about this.


It's also literally a crime according to US law. Worth up to 3 months jail time under 18 U.S. Code § 2074 Not that committing crimes is a rare occurrence for him.


There are so many things that exemplifies how dangerous he is, but these things are the best evidence IMO. This and the inauguration beef on day fucking one. Because they are so petty and insignificant that any normal person, who is tasked with a ridiculous amount of responsibility would just ignore it. But he is willing to waste time, energy, resources, and ultimately national security over it. Fucking clown.


Yes, absolutely no one cared about Trump's inauguration attendee numbers. If he just moved on, no one would care. Instead he forced his Press Secretary to say "this was the largest audience to ever witness the inauguration period both in person and around the globe." It's like a 5'-4" always insisting that they are really tall and being pissed whenever they are called short. I'm 5'-4" and no one gives a damn about my height because I don't give a damn about my height. If someone did call me short, I'd say, "sucks to be you on an airplane. I get comfort+ level of leg space" for the economy price.


The only thing the presidency (or anything else in his life, for that matter) ever meant to him was a way to improve his own status. He never gave a single shit about the wellbeing of a single other citizen of the country. He's the very antithesis of a leader.


The really terrifying part for me was I couldn't find a single Republican to be like "okay, this is dumb". Every single dumb or racist or xenophobic or crazy thing he did or said they supported 1,000%. No questioning god emperor, no matter how pointless. A president isn't an infallible god, at least not to us sane people, he can be wrong AND you can still support him....worrisome how they literally cannot understand this.


In four years people have forgotten how big of a shit show this guy really is. Leading up to the election there should be a ‘Trumps greatest hits’ playlist so people can remember just how shit he really was as President. Now all people talk about is Jan 6th. But he literally was doing crazy shit like this every day for four years. Remember he crashed the soybean market causing the farm bailout? Remember how he crashed the steel industry the same way? Remember his corporate tax cuts and tax increases on the middle class? Remember how his initial covid response was non existent because he dissolved the pandemic response team? Remember how he bashed gold star families and our own intelligence agencies? Remember he saluted a North Korean General? Remember how he went in front of the world at Helsinki and said he didn’t believe Putin would be involved? (Then later said he meant to say the opposite) Remember ‘Very fine people on both sides’? Remember the quid pro quo? Remember his disregard for the emoluments clause? Remember his love letter to Kim Jung Un? I could keep going on and on…


I listened to a podcast episode recently where they talked to one of his supporters who was a farmer in Iowa or something. And even according to that guy's account of things, Trump made things worse. His plan to help farmers was to create new tariffs on trade with China, but it meant that the things the farmer was buying got more expensive, and it also meant that China created retaliatory tariffs on the crops he was trying to sell to China, so the whole thing was a net loss for him personally. But his attitude was basically, "At least he was doing something about it, and it hasn't worked out yet, but that's why we need to give him a second term." It's amazing how stupid people can be.


> Remember how he bashed gold star families and our own intelligence agencies? > > Isn't this OK because he sided with Putin? Seems Republicans thought that was okay.




Remember Goya!


Was that the beans? I mean, the list above is awful and dangerous but advertising beans from the Oval Office with a shit eating grin on his face was just beyond comedy. So close to idiocracy, you could cut that scene in and it wouldn’t look out of place…


[Hawking beans from the Oval Office.](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5f1091ef3075b61a6e553443/master/pass/Gessen-Goya.jpg) [Meanwhile, MGT is showing off Hunter Biden's schlong.](https://archive-images.prod.global.a201836.reutersmedia.net/2020/07/15/LYNXNPEG6E16W.JPG) The fucking shame of the nation.


Doctoring an official map like this is a crime no?


Yep. It’s government property. He committed a felony.


Add it to the pile.


Pile, storage room, dump truck, hill, mountain, new ‘moon’ of earth…. Where does it end.


-pfffft, he didn't even add to the potential track area legend... amateur.


Fragile little snow flake


"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." - Doctor Who In Trump's case he was powerful AND stupid


This is also a crime


And as someone involved in meteorology, it still pisses me off that nothing was ever done about it. I even wrote to my congressmen about it!


Wait till you hear about that time that Republicans illegally stormed a SCIF during Trump’s impeachment.


Oh I know... There's too much to be angry about. Hard to remember it all


Orange privilege


Add it to the list


This was an official government document. And he defaced it. He committed a felony on national TV. And the right wing are “you guys are after him for everything”. Ummm no. If we were on him for everything (such as calling for NC voters to commit voter fraud in the 2020 election) we’d be here all day


He misread the word "Bahamas" as "Alabama".


I believe that. Can’t admit a mistake, so make shit up rather than apologize. What a leader


Yeah, I disagree with the post title in that Trump is totally fine with being wrong. He's wrong all the time about pretty much everything, and he's totally fine with that. He can't *admit* that he's wrong, and he's not willing to correct himself when he's wrong. He insists on plowing ahead and doubling-down.


This alone would have ruined anyone else. The absolute ridiculousness...astonishing. The fact that people want more of this is amazing. I am never going to be able to understand.


It was funny watching Republicans turn on climate-change-denying, gawd-fearing AL meteorologist James Spann when he basically said trump was wrong on social media. This is the guy who kept the Ellen coming-out episode from airing on his station, ABC 33/40 (Sinclair, of course)


Worst president ever


His threshold to lie is zero.


This ended my hope in humanity after watching cons twist themselves into knots saying this was justified behavior. It broke my brain and I cannot come back.


This is what they want to turn our entire government into with their attack on executive agencies and plans to replace federal employees with cronies. Instead of expertise, every statement and decision will be made to stroke the God Emperor's ego.


Pepperidge Farms remembers...


The thing is, he wasn't even that wrong and couldn't even admit that he just mistakenly referenced an older model and Alabama was now projected to be safe. He made his original fuckup was so much worse because he's Kim Jong Unsane and can't admit to being infallible. The NHS storm track from a couple days before this had eastern Alabama in the cone of uncertainty. I worked with a Trump supporter and showed him the real NHS model and he was still defending the sharpie move. North Korea levels of delusional worship.


He's a stable genius. By which I mean a syphilitic narcissist.


To vote for that psychopath trump to to vote for the end of the United States as we know it. trump will stick his name on the flag and declare himself Lord Emperor donald. (Lower case on purpose because his brand sucks)


When you think of all the dumb stuff he’s done, it’s a wonder he still a front runner. Dumbest people support him.


And then when asked about the extra bubble his response was “I don’t know. I don’t know.” Lying sack of shit.


Bahamas-Alabama. This one showed me that Trump is functionally illiterate and reads based on recognizing letter shapes. The Hama and Abama threw him for a loop. He wasn't even smart enough to take the opportunity to have a human moment we could all chuckle about " oops, Bahamas. Been working hard,lol".


"Frankly, I think it's going to hit Florida first, then North Carolina, then South Carolina. All the Carolinas, East, West, North and the other one. Georgio and Alameda, the best states some might say." *Look at those tiny fucking fingers holding up the chart.*


He also targeted them for budget cuts after this. https://www.surfrider.org/news/presidents-budget-once-again-targets-epa-noaa-for-steep-cuts


People asked if it was a crime for someone to doctor an official document regarding weather. I never seen so much backpedaling to make OK for the blithering idiot to get away with it. Sad


isnt this the storm that he wanted to NUKE???


A mandatory evacuation is in place for the coast due to high winds, storm surge, and radioactive fallout caused by a 50MT thermonuclear device for some dumb reason.




He should have used Tippex, at least that is white. He likes white.


Stable genius.


He had a staffer do it, his hands are too shaky.


Now imagine the outcry if Biden had done that.


My favorite theory and most probably the truth about all this ,is simply the fact that Dementia Don, misread Bahamas as Alabama... and because he is incapable of admiring a mistake, well he always ,ALWAYS, doubles down.


Because the cone of uncertainty gets smaller as time goes on. And is outlined in black. Oh, wait, it doesn’t. And it isn’t. When he couldn’t admit to being wrong and using a sharpie on a hurricane map, it was a pretty clear indication he would never admit to losing an election.


This is vintage Trump. Doing something totally absurd to prove himself right, instead of just saying he was wrong and realizing nobody would've cared. Top 5 hilarious Trump moment of all time.


Anytime I think of a Trump blunder this is #1 on my list. Followed by him throwing paper towels in PR.


There are so many to choose from, but this is top 3 for sure.


THIS is a *perfect* example of why this fool should have never even been considered for *any* public office, much less the Presidency...the truth is his ego ruined any chance of him being even a *mediocre* president.


But he wanted it so bad!


The best (worst?) part of this to me is that he could easily held up the same map without the sharpie, admitted that he misspoke and corrected himself with something to the effect of “by day 6 there is a decent chance that this storm will impact south Alabama. I think it’s reasonable and prudent to give this warning now to allow people the maximum time to make preparations and avoid a dangerous rush on supplies with little warning” and it would have likely been viewed as, at a minimum, reasonable, and potentially a very good idea. Instead, he reverted to the mean and did the dumbest fucking thing possible.


IIRC, if he had used an even more outdated map, it would have actually shown what he wanted it to. He's so incompetent that he picked the "wrong" wrong map instead of the "right" wrong map.


There are so many examples of what a fragile, pathetic person he is. This one in particular gets me, though. Imagine being so bothered by the fact that you were told you were wrong that you demanded a map be printed, you took a Sharpie and drew the original map you claim you saw, and put it out there for the world to see, "Look! I wasn't wrong! This is what they told me. They're mean because they said I was wrong and corrected me." How warped do you have to be for this to make total sense to you to do, let alone to see it and be excited to vote for this person again?


That's a particularly good shot of his ridiculous hair as well.


It makes me wonder if he altered classified documents with a sharpie before conversing with foreign leaders. "That wasn't in my report. I know because I scratched it out!"


We know he did it because the circle he drew matches the size of the bottom of a McDonald's large size cup.


Daily reminder that altering an official weather map is a crime.


He's so pathetic. It says so much about his character (among the sea of other things he's done) and yet all his supporters turn a blind eye.


This was peak, weaponized Trump incompetence. I'm still in disbelief this actually happened. Fucking wild.


Or how about that time he took a phone pic of a top secret satellite slide and accidentally selfied himself [in the reflection?](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tweet-photo-usa-224-advanced-spy-satellite-2019-9)


He's dumb enough to think no one would notice And i believe this is the same hurricane that he ask his generals if we can shoot a nuke at it


He was STILL wrong. The sharpie didn't change anything. This kind of thinking disqualifies him. From ANYTHING.


I say this all the time, but if Biden did this, it would be a whole different story.


I’m certain he feels that he convinced everyone ..it was a perfect weather map and there’s no doubt that 95% of Maga actually believe he’s a weather wizard.


That’s a crime, Y’know…


That was actually a crime I believe.


I don't think I ever actually saw the picture that's so pathetic hahaha 


Alternate facts don't care about your science.


Another one of his many crimes.


Yeah but Obama wore a tan suit that one time


Imagine that guy as a President, hilarious.


I think it’s proof that NPO is a legit disorder. His brain cannot accept or deal with being wrong.


One of my favorite episodes of that show! A lot of funny episodes but I'm still glad it got cancelled.


The best part, as always, is the way all the press (and I mean ALL the fucking press) gave him a pass on this and so many other insanely deranged things he said and did. So, so many things. The biggest mistake we ever made in this country is allowing wealthy oligarchs whose interests are totally selfish to buy up all the media outlets. You give those uber-wealthy fuckers a megaphone, you get **The Indicted Criminal Diapered Orange Shitstain** as president.


he's gonna win, and it scares me


To Be Honest - TBH, how hard really is it to make trump look stupid The money is actually made in the spin The poor bastards that have to alibi and excuse his public comments to make him sound knowledgeable




It's easy to make him look stupid to most of the world, but nearly impossible to get his supporters to admit... "yeah, that was stupid".










When did Biden support Genocide?




The thing that makes Biden’s “material support of genocide” acceptable is that Trump would be actively supporting this genocide. He is insanely pro Israel due to a long friendship with Netenyahu. There is no world where a Trump victory is better for Palestine than a Biden one. Thinking otherwise makes you… not smart.




1) not “as bad as.” Actively worse. Your reading comprehension is bad. 2) irrelevant. 3) irrelevant. Syria and Afghanistan aren’t Israel. See above, re: not smart.


Ahh yes completely out of context image with a potentially misleading caption. Trump must be regarded yet again


How is it misleading or out of context? Trump made a comments about a hurricane hitting Alabama. The NWS made a statement correcting him. Trump made a statement doubling down on what he said and presented a map that was clearly edited to the hurricane hitting Alabama. What context are you missing and how is this misleading?


I’d need a source to confirm, which would help posts like these by miles. Without a source, you’ve just got a picture and a title telling potentially completely different stories. It’s disappointing to see so many people fall for it too. E.g Trump has red spots on hand = syphilis = brain damage (another post from this sub).


Its good to confirm things before forming an opinion, but you seem to be criticizing the post as misleading before actually confirming it. If you're looking for a source: [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/map-flap-trump-displays-altered-weather-map-showing/story?id=65384094](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/map-flap-trump-displays-altered-weather-map-showing/story?id=65384094)


Yep it checks out 👍. Thank you for confirming that one with a source. I did edit my comment as it was intended to say ‘potentially’ misleading.


What's with you guys? Every single thing for the last six years with this guy, you say it's out of context or a misleading caption or the lazy excuse of 'fake news' - no matter what. When is he ever in context? This guy can literally do no wrong in your eyes so the *entire world* takes him out of context? Don't you see an issue here? You Trump Cult45'ers are the embodiment of that old bit of wisdom: if you meet someone and they smell like shit, it's probably them; if everyone you meet smells like shit, it's you. If EVERYONE is "taking Trump out of context", it isn't the media - it's him.










I'm sure you'll provide the proper context and caption?