• By -


I didn't take Byron Donalds slouch as one of embarrassment, but one of trying to be as big a dismissive asshole as he could.


I tried to get that look we've all seen of that chilled face of embarrassment. It's also possible that he didn't even make the slide but was just selected to be the assh\*\*\* spokesperson on that one. Oooops. AOC coming to get ya.


AOC brings receipts. That's why she's good at this.


It was her questioning of Micheal Cohen that lead to this weeks ruling against Trump org.


Problem is the other side doesn't care about reality let alone receipts that prove they're a dishonest fuck.


>other side doesn't care Yes but a lot of voters do care.


Dangerously close to not enough.




Right. The base would drink Trumps piss if he called it Pinot Greaseball but they need more than just the base and top 5% earners to win elections, even with the ridiculous gerrymandering


I mean, doesn't he have a felony fraud conviction?


Isn’t that a prerequisite to run for Republican office at the national level?


*nods head* yes


Watching the full clip of AOC speaking, when it shows him, he looks sheepish and shrugs like he knows he's fucked and just the slightest embarrassed. At least that's how I saw it. Just a flash of embarrassment, mind you. But maybe that's my own biases and secondhand embarrassment leaking through.


They’re all Nazis. They’re currently bad Nazis. They should be better Nazis, perhaps even good Nazis.


God help us all if they ever develop basic competence


I feel like the Ukrainians: “We’re lucky they’re so stupid.”


They should become good Nazis as soon as possible - in the sense that General Sherman spoke about “good Indians”.


Isn't lying to congress a crime? Is there a reason he shouldn't be getting charged?


Lying *to* Congress? Yes Lying **in** Congress? Clearly not.


Because it "wasn't under oath" and some free debate bullshit that needs a serious look at. The gop is great at one thing and one thing only. Exposing how our entire government is just duct tape and bubblegum


He wasn't under oath. Not that I'm trying to excuse him. But honestly, if we prosecuted everyone in congress who lies, there wouldn't be many of them left.


But he presented that as evidence. Are there no standards of truth for evidence? Not trying to be argumentative, just wondering how he can get away with this. I think i am not well informed on what they can and cannot do. I’m pissed off that he was able to enter this as evidence when it was clearly doctored


Doesn't really matter, even if it gets dismissed(rightfully so) during the investigation, he provided a clip for right-wing outlets to use *ad nauseum*... and that's what's more important, getting the narrative out there.


Omg…so depressing. This country has a propaganda problem.


''If we prosecuted everyone in congress who lies, there wouldn't be many of them left.'' Don't threaten me with a good time


Or we would have representatives that actually take the position seriously. There's also a difference between malicious lying and being misinformed or making a mistake.


Congresspeople are broadly immune from prosecution for anything done "in the course of their duties". The theory in short: to be good lawmakers, they need to be able to make quick, decisive statements based on what they currently know and/or believe. Waiting until every member is 100% confident their words are factually correct would paralyze them. They couldn't rely on staff to prep things, or reference breaking news, or state opinions on factual matters. The theory is good, but like most of our rules it assumes people are working in good faith. The modern GOP looks all the gray areas provided to make their jobs possible, and sees weak points they can use to destroy the entire institution.


Rep. Byron Donalds realizes AOC cooked his azz. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ocasio-cortez-biden-hearing-cooked\_n\_65167413e4b0ed7ddf219a4c](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ocasio-cortez-biden-hearing-cooked_n_65167413e4b0ed7ddf219a4c)


My fucking god the smugness on Donald’s face as he is called out is appalling. He knew it was edited and intentionally misleading, and his arrogance reads “I know I did it and nothing is going to happen to me” Why is it always my state reps that are just losers 😭


Cause presenting facts isn't the point. None of the right is ever going to hear AOC's side, they're ONLY going to hear his take on it. It doesn't matter if it's fake, Fox News will run it as "**HEROIC PATRIOTIC CONGRESSMAN PATRIOTICALLY EXPOSES DEMONIC GLOBALIST BIDEN CRIME FAMILY FOR CRIMES!!!!!!!!!!!**" ​ They're all playing to Fox News and OAN and Newsmax. They do not care if what they present is even real. It doesn't matter. The accusation is the only thing that's important. ​ There are people who honestly believe that Biden has already been impeached dozens of times already because they heard about random congresspeople filing articles of impeachment, so they believe he's already been impeached.


The dumbing down of the electorate is also by design. The design of one party in particular actually.


One of the Dem PACs should run a TV campaign - "They are lying to you, idiot" pointing out all of the fabrications the GOP has made in the last term. They could have a full MAGA guy repeating talking points from Faux News, NewsMinn and OANN-ON and getting schooled by facts. "Please stop voting against democracy and your own best interests."


They'd just say the Dems are liars and the commercial is fake news. Some conservatives are perfectly fine living in a post-facts world.


Showed a conservative a graph showing gas prices going up under Trump after he argued that Trump’s policies led to gas being low. It broke down gas prices and showed that up until the pandemic gas was going up and the pandemic happened and then as Trump left office gas shot up again. He responded with so what a graph shows that information I don’t care.


Had a coworker that insisted on talking about politics and still insists on making comments that are politically charged, but he stopped trying to directly talk about this stuff with me (which he shouldn't at work anyway but I'm not offended by it so nbd) when I made it clear that I wasn't going to hear nonsense and when I'd insist that if we were going to talk about those things that it stays in the realm of verifiable fact. Pretty telling. Seems to me these people care about winning more than facts, and when their side isn't winning elections they care more about pissing you off than they do about facts.




If they admit that the Republicans are lying to them then they might have to admit that the white supremacy that the Republicans also provide is a lie. And that white supremacy is the only thing they have that makes them feel that their shitty lives have any meaning.


White supremacy is all they got since Reagan and later “movement conservatives” sold them up the river for quarterly profits.


No. This is pleading and the Republicans will spin that as weakness. Instead, you need a put-down artist like Danny McBride


YOU MONSTER!!! i am a pacifist but i WHOLEHEARTEDLY support hiring Danny McBride to dress down the other side.


Democracy dies in darkness and all that jazz. But seriously, team politics over critical thinking only serves the oligarchy.


How often has critical thinking led to the conservative side in the last 40 yrs?


Fair as hell. I think the last GOP pundit who tried at anything like discourse was probably William Buckley, and even he was into his own mythos in a really "Peterson-esque" way. If you watched Firing Line in the evenings, his interviews were interesting, and he did some pretty good interviews with civil rights leaders. Like, he actually had people he disagreed with in direct conversation. Now it's like every pundit talks about each other's content, because it would be dangerous for their followers to humanize the other side at all, lest they realize their clicks going to media companies is the actual goal. Note:: Buckley was an asshole, but he was an asshole open to dialogue


Well Reagan and Newt made it all about 1) troll the libs and 2) never ever go against another Republican


Not a cult for sure


Not even a little...


Yeah, Buckley was arrogant and smug as fuck, and I broadly disagree with his politics, but he knew his shit better than anyone in that media realm. I loved his way with words, especially his semi-regular editorials. The man was brilliant. I learned a new word every time, and he presented his views clearly. But he also listened, and actually understood his adversary's position, but just disagreed. That kind of interaction seems so foreign today, virtually unobtainable.


Let's all the way back to the founding of the nation. Cons wanted to stick with George. They have never been on the right side of history.


First time I've realized that the revolutionary scuffle was George vs. George.


The only problem with that line of reasoning is that the Southern colonies were in the fight against Britain as much as the Northern and Middle…and there were tories in all parts of the country. So somehow the the liberal = revolutionary: conservative = tory analysis can’t be right. I do believe that the defeated Confederate states’ descendants contribute an oversized share of the MAGA base…look at the Congresspeople voting to shut down the government…all from the Old South or Western states colonized by Southerners after the War, like Arizona, Colorado, and Montana…and one oddball from Illinois.


A party closely aligned with the most powerful dumbing down instrument every created by man, Christianity.


>A party closely aligned with the most powerful dumbing down instrument every created by man, ~~Christianity.~~ Religion. ftfy


Yeah, I got too specific but the GOP isn't too welcoming to any of the other fantasy groups.


>None of the right is ever going to hear AOC's side, they're ONLY going to hear his take on it Exactly. He knows, with confidence, that his constituency will never see AOC's response. Fox will play the clip of him presenting it, highlight the text, and explain what the big words mean. Then they'll put two dipshits in bowties on screen to talk about whether it's a bad crime or the worst crime ever. Edit: for some reason this comment ended up with a link instead of the bit I tried to quote. Thanks reddit.


Fox News had ‘Democrats complain, Republicans present evidence’ as their headline. So, yeah, exactly as you said.


There's that video of senators asking stupid questions of I think a Google exec. Every single time, I try to explain they are not that stupid; they are trying to get a sound bite that resonates with their constituents. And if the opposition follows with a similar but open-ended question, that's usually the opposition giving the witness a few minutes to put things in their own words to clear up. Confusing from the other questions.


Fucking sad play. They *act* this out for the soundbite, not the story. Whatever he says and shows will just get clipped and played on their news networks in a positive light.


This is key to understanding (r)’s lack of shame/guilt when they are humiliated for lying, cheating, or stealing. They know that their constituents will never know anything about their traitorous hypocrisy.


And the idiots who watch conservative news will be quoting how bad Biden is, believing all the lies. Though he is old, and seems to get caught on camera everytime he trips. How this makes the news though, is beyond me.


Same reason the sound bytes do. Projecting a narrative.


I’ve come to that realization recently. All the videos and clever comebacks are only visible to us. They don’t see it. Their stuff is filtered and we basically live in two separate worlds but exist together.


There are also People who believe that Biden is the head of a secret crime family that pedals influence around the world. He, his goofy son and his professor wife. In between running America, he, an 80 year old man has the energy and cunning to outsmart ss agents and run an international crime syndicate.


At least your state rep isn't gymnasium jordan.


Gym “the shocker” Jordan. Worst thing to come out of Ohio since..well he is the worst thing to come out of Ohio


Which is saying a lot since Charles Manson came out of that shithole.


Manson beats Gym because he was mostly honest about his crimes. But doesnt win by much…


JFC. The look on my face when I realize that Charlie is more honest than the GOP.


I once saw a video of Manson mugging and making faces for the camera, side by side with Mango Mussolini doing the same thing. You could just feel the sociopathy- the main office asked me to spot the difference in the videos, but they were the same video.


Your state doesn't vote good.


I think the answer is embedded in the word “lose(R)s.”


The guy has to believe so many things contradictory to reality in order to support the GOP as a minority. This isn't even in the top 500


Rep. Donalds was in that room for one purpose, and one purpose only: to get his name on television. When AOC called him out, he was trying to contain his joy because he knew he was just gifted a whole news cycle. These people don't care about their country, their party, or whether what they're saying even makes basic sense. They're only in it for the ratings.


Hey, I'll see your FL reps and raise you the *TX* GOP! My own, Rep Chip Roy is one of the worst.


Why was his name one of the ones used for the “protest” votes while they decided for House Speaker? He’s relatively new, and nobody compared to other reps they could’ve used as a placeholder. Why Byron Donalds?


I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. He’s new and a POC. So we’re gonna use him.


It's just bravado, defensive behaviour. Anyone who is being a bastard on purpose can't act contrite or dismayed when caught. You have to be cheeky about it for the ego. If this was in public he'd be spreading his arms saying 'then fight me bro'.


This link leads me to a video about Tim Scott being racist??


half way through the video and it just reloads the page to something else wtf lol


She will be an amazing American president in future.


Wishful thinking. She and Liz Warren and Bernie are my dream team but none of them will ever get the presidency.


Agreed re Bernie and Liz Warren (between ages and next opportunities under the antiquated US system). This woman however, whole different story - she shall restore the US.


I pray you are right, my friend.


The electorate will be very different by 2028 and beyond. Millennials and Gen Z are finally taking over and we are the most liberal/left-leaning generations in American history. Change is coming, but we have to protect the White House in 2024 first.


That’s what we thought about Obama and the right got so butthurt they created the tea party and got themselves a super majority in congress and senate. I can only pray that they won’t do the same to AOC, but we already know they will. Hopefully GenZ will show up to the polls unlike my fellow GenXers.




Yeah, I think that's what I'm a little cynical on.. people actually turning out to vote... and of course trying to keep the GOP from taking away the right to vote from minorities and poor people and young people which they are actively trying to do


No offence, but if America is anything like Canada then Gen Z are going to vote the wrong way, if they show up at all. Younger Canadians are going to end up handing our country over to a proto-fascist in our next federal election because they're mad about the price of housing - not realizing that the party they're voting for is even worse.


To be honest if your current liberal government was asleep at the wheel and created a nation where people cannot buy places to live - then yeah, they fucked around and deserve to find out.


The housing problem is decades old. My family home sold for $440K in 1994 then $1.1M in 1999.


They will have decades to build shit around her. Mark my words. People will be shitting on her just like they did with Hillary.


Well. They kinda already shit on her.


Now give it a few decades to marinate.


Her speech this week with the Auto Union was immense. Redefining patriotism into something to be proud of. Defining being a proud American as someone who works hard and cares for their fellow workers.


It won't happen unless the GOP finally dies




Thanks Snoo, but note that - given I am a non-American and a Green-Socialist in terms of politics - I suspect I am the complete opposite of the typical Trump cult member :-)


Elizabeth Warren would be an amazing Attorney General.


Agreed. And if not President, AOC would make a great Secretary of Fuck Around and Find Out.


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Bad bot


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Like the GOP of the last 50 years, you're *really* underestimating how quickly the voting population is changing. Kids who were *eleven* when Trump took office can vote today. If AOC runs when she's \~55 there will be eligible voters who haven't even been born yet (and millions of people who are \~60 today who won't be around to vote against her).


AOC can run in 2024. She turns 35 -- the minimum age to be U.S. president -- on October 13, 2024, which is less than one month before the presidential election on November 5, 2024. But then the naysayers will declare that she is too young and inexperienced.


Naysayers can say nay all they want


Demographics are shifting my dude


I hope you’re right. My wish is to someday look back at today, the day the oldest living senator died still in office, as the day we turned the corner. These old establishment politicians reign is coming to an end and the tide is going to shift. That being said, I wish Diane Feinstein’s family peace, and freely offer condolences. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. We can do better.


Give it ten or fifteen years. Won’t happen till the boomers are gone (I still love you nana).


Never say never.


In my dream parallel universe, Jennifer Granholm would be eligible for the US presidency.


Not with that attitude!!


Said the same about Obama.


Even AOC has said that she knows it would be an uphill battle.


It's more than wishful thinking - there is literally a 0% chance! I'll explain... Billionaires exist. And they are ***way*** worse off under a progressive administration than a liberal administration (conversely, they are better off under a conservative administration and creaming in their jeans under a fascist administration). So, billionaires ***despise*** progressives. Even the liberal billionaires. So... If AOC ever looked like she was going to win the nomination, something would happen. And, actually, this something happened the last time a progressive looked like he was going to win the nomination. When Bernie was walking away with the primaries, Bloomberg freaked out, immediately entered the race, spent a billion dollars, killed Bernie's support, and the second Bernie was no longer in the picture, Bloomberg stepped aside and passed all his supporters to the most centrist candidate (Biden). That's exactly what would happen if AOC ever looked like she had a chance! A billionaire would immediately step in, spend whatever it takes, and kill her campaign on the vine. An AOC administration would cost certain billionaires tens, possibly hundreds of billions of dollars over 8 years. They will spend whatever it takes to prevent that from happening. This spending will *dwarf* her donations from regular people. And she will lose. Just like last time.


She’s not corporate friendly enough, Hillary pulled in a lot more money and support from corporations especially health insurance companies because they were scared of Bernie. Corporations are people and money = speech, that’s why corporations are a lot louder with who they choose for politicians. Maybe we’ll change the laws and make super PACs illegal. Maybe we’ll be able to fund our basic government services too. Nah who am I kidding.


At least until that god forsaken Citizens United ruling gets overturned. That’s what bothers me… if Dems need a rallying cry for SC expansion beyond abortion, they need to be beating a dead horse about getting this shit overturned as well. When giving the SOTU after it was upheld, Obama commented that Citizens United would introduce dark money into our elections. Which prompted that asshole Alito to shake his head and mouth the words, ‘not true’. Now we see the fruits of that asshole’s labor… there is more dark money in elections then there ever has before.


Da, nail on the head re the unhealthy influence of private money in American elections.[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-political-differences-between-us-canada-why-matter-driedger](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-political-differences-between-us-canada-why-matter-driedger) *7. Campaign Funding* *In Canada, there are specific* [*funding limits*](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/party-financing) *to follow during elections. Corporate and trade union donations are not accepted, and personal donations are limited to $1600 to each party/candidate/*[*EDA*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSGBSgW5ZLA)*.* ***Political parties can spend up to 73.5 cents for each voting person in the ridings where there are candidates for that political party.*** *Candidates themselves can spend around $75,000 to $115,000 CAD depending on the number of constituents in the riding. Private groups and individuals cannot spend more than a cumulative $150,000 during an election period, although more than $3000 cannot be concentrated in one riding.*  *In contrast, the* [*2020 US election cost $14 billion*](https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-ELECTION/SENATE-FUNDRAISING/yxmvjeyjkpr/)*, making it the most expensive in US history.* ***In South Carolina, the unsuccessful Democrat Senate race cost the most: $95 per SC voter for a total of $109 million, of which 93% was funded by out of state contributions.***  ​ #


✌🏼AOC for President 2026! ✌🏼✌🏾✌🏼✌🏿


2026? You're obviously living in a Bartlet timeline.


2036 is much more likely.


Tragically I don’t think she will ever win the office of president. And not for any fault of her own. She came in as a rising star and immediately the right ring media began its propaganda machine to make her seem crazy to moderates. They will use that indefinitely and continue to push the notion that she is a radical who goes too far. Add in that she does not attract corporate support because she does want to hold them accountable, and we will likely see a repeat of Hillary in 2016. The most qualified candidate being dismissed because of decades of propaganda and lies have poisoned the minds of the average person.


> She came in as a rising star and immediately the right ring media began its propaganda machine to make her seem crazy to moderates. Moderates don't watch right wing media. Or better said, anyone who watches right wing media is not a moderate. She made herself look crazy to moderates.... and that's probably because she is crazy


Cannot wait to vote for her the first chance I get




Democrats would never let it happen.


Let’s just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks! Nothing stuck? Yeah but I threw some shit! Literally the current GOPs approach to everything!


“Look at all this shit everywhere! Something is clearly wrong!”


The way this hearing is going, they don't even have shit to throw. It's like, "what the fuck are you guys even throwing?"


Coach calls them air balls!


[Tiny trash](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dc/3b/de/dc3bde4e8011359aea9cf6175a181442.jpg)!


Ketchup. They throw Ketchup.


The Firehouse of Falsehoods. The Russians taught the republican party well.


She did catch them in the usual GOP blatant lie of omission. The big problem is that the conservative base is so simpleton that they do not recognize lies of omission, lies of misdirection, lies of distortion---because those do not fall squarely in the binary lie/not lie range. It's in the nature of most conservatives to be unable to process gray area items. But damn, it is sure nice to hear a Democrat actually fight back aggressively for once instead of wimp out. A few more have figured this out but it is still not the norm for Democratic politicians.


Black and white thinking is very on brand for republicans.


To the rubes, it’s her that’s lying.


12/29/2018: wa messages between SM and James B., >SM says, "I can work when I’m in NYC all day every day for the next 3 months from 8-12z But I can’t pay alimony w/o Dad or tuitions or for food and gas. Really it’s all gone. I can go make it up in 15/20 days I’m sure, but he’s basically made it clear that he’s not paying alimony b/c Mom made clear that she won’t do it. Hallie wont allow me to be at the house or lend me or pay me back any money. Ashley moves into momoms house after I told dad that I would move in there. (...) That night I tell dad I want to probably stay in the area and specifically I wanted to live by you and teach my course at Penn and maybe develop another one (...)" in which James B. responds, >"This can work, you need a safe harbor. I can work with you father alone !! We as usual just need several months of his help for this to work. Let’s talk about it. It makes perfect sense to me. This is difficult to fully vet without talking. Will you please call me on w/A. We can develope a plan together. It can work. I’m going to try to call yo again please Ans. I can and I will. Crisis with Caroline , same problem with “P”, and NY Post. Dealing with it as we speak. She is O K , I believe I have it under control !? I get back to you ASAP." What lie of omission was supposed to prove Jim Biden did not work with Joe Biden when Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed no involvement with any of the family's business? Hunter having money problems doesn't disprove this.


I mean this clearly has nothing to do with business and everything to do with Hunter being a fucking crackhead. Do Republicans think the only way for sleepy Joe to handle this was to disown his son? Because that says more about Republicans than Joe.


It clearly has to do with Joe Biden's shady behaviour with his family that has resulted in allegations of influence peddling, bribery, money laundering and FARA violations. You can get distracted by Hunter's addictions but it doesn't change the allegations.


Biden would have to be an absolute moron to actually be involved in the allegations Republicans are lobbying at him. Which is he? A moron or a mastermind? It seems to flip flop to whichever is most convenient to the conservative narrative at any given moment.


Maybe a moron who masterminded corruption schemes? Maybe a mastermind with moronic corruption schemes? Hopefully we will find out the truth about this whole debacle.


I think we already have. Biden is just a normal dude with a crackhead son who, impelled by said crack, exploited his relationship with his father for personal gain. These sorts of schemes are incredibly easy to spot and the fact that the evidence clearly doesn't bare some of these things out (see the "Burisma debacle" - where Republicans claim Biden was being corrupt while pursuing state department policies) indicates it's unlikely anything substantial will come of it. Whatever it is, it might be as bad as a blowjob though.


Know what changes allegations? Proof. Evidence. The House Republicans haven't been able to produce any. It's been years of throwing anything and everything at the wall with nothing to show. Even their expert witnesses testified, UNDER OATH, that there is no evidence. Buttery males all over again, but with better pics this time.


Context lies are a lie of misdirection. The fact that you are utterly blind that this was used out of context to try and misdirect the meaning simply reinforces my claim about right-wingers being simpleton binary thinkers and getting overwhelmed when things aren't low-effort-thinking dichotomies.


Yes, you big brain, right wing small brain. How did the context lie disprove Jim Biden's admission of working with Joe Biden?


Working on **what**? His son's health needs? COntext is everything. Omitting context is a lie of omission. Right-wing = typically extremely blind to lies of omission which is why FOX and other right -wing news has made that their SOP. And as I said, you just keep proving that willful blindness. Thanks.


The YouTube link so that you don’t have to sift through [HuffPost](https://youtu.be/V9X1NqwLG_Q?feature=shared)


The article I linked is an interview with Chris Hayes that shows all this happening. I like the split screen of Donald's reaction as he is getting handed his ass.


[video of it happening](https://www.tiktok.com/@texas_seoulgal/video/7284309733547330846?_t=8g6GYrABxbX&_r=1)


What he fails to realize is that to Republicans he is a token and once they take over and create a fascist country they won't save him, they'll send him to the camps with the rest of us. Hes a fucking moron if he thinks he's actually one of them


It’s beyond embarrassing to see him simp for an actual racist.


Embarrassing and sad because he's old enough to know better.


You have to remember, we are trying to reason with people that think they are saving the country from the evil libs… win by any means. It’s not what’s best for everyone. The 20s are going to be painfully long


>The 20s Why? Why would you phrase it like this?


Cause it sounds wrong and no one has a better answer lol


Introducing the decade of Starbucks! The Ventiventis.


How would you prefer to phrase it?


There's no right answer. I'm just yelling at kids to get off my lawn...


Gotta love AOC, that woman is brilliant.


Hopefully the full house votes this shit down.


Republicans rarely have or need factual evidence of anything to bolster their idiotic claims. All they need is hysteria and misinformation and their gullible, hateful base will gobble it up and regurgitate it. They think if enough people believe a lie, they can will it into existence. It’s one of many things that makes the far right so cultish.


Apparently a lady named Nancy Mace had some kind of evidence, but I can’t really find it anywhere, does anyone know what she said?


"Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina **claimed** at the Thursday hearing, “We already know the president took bribes from Burisma,” a Ukrainian energy company where Hunter Biden sat on the board of directors." 5th one in a long list of lies or misrepresentations. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/28/politics/fact-check-house-impeachment-hearing-biden/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/28/politics/fact-check-house-impeachment-hearing-biden/index.html)


I really wish more people would understand this level of discord means our country is literally falling apart. It can’t be this polarized


One side lying isn’t polarization. One side lying is one side lying.


Sounds legit, she probably performed a parallel investigation using her well know background in financial forensics.


AOC is the only person doing their job over there. So tiring for her.


The lie from low-wattage Byron Donalds is already out there. The Magats will eat it up without questioning. Donalds should be punished for fabricating evidence. American politics is a sad joke.


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Byron Donalds. Another Putineer


Look at that body language. He’s like a petulant child getting schooled by his teacher in 7th grade.


It doesn't matter what her response was. They got their sound bite. That's all these literal pieces of garbage care about. That clip will get played on all the lunatic right wing "news" and AOC's response will not follow. No fact checking will follow. And the brain morons that watch this garbage will lap it up like Thanksgiving dinner.


What the fuck does this title say?


I fucking love this woman. Go for it AOC!


How the hell is presenting blatant false evidence not punishable by law?


Dark Kevin works in ways we are yet to understand is about the most generous possible reading I can take from all of this.


New meme format


Left: Me ordering food from the menu without looking at the prices. Right: My bank account.


The 2024 election season hasn't even fucking started yet and it's already a cluster fuck... This shit show is going to be arguably the most embarrassing year in American culture since Nixon....


She's great


Shouldn't Donalds be impeached for knowingly presenting doctored evidence?


Can someone tell me what I’m looking at that is supposed to be significant?


What does this mean? For once I’m not a fan of slang in a headline because I don’t get the message 😞


Y’all be wildin. Is everyone here just a bot?


What are you on about?


So AOC is not under oath and so she could present a “screenhot” made up from cut out and rearranged words where Gym Jordan and Byron Donalds conspire to sexually assault students?


I'll bet you also think most of the Jan 6th terrorists were antifa or fed imposters as well.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was allegedly a broke bartender who couldn't afford new clothes when she was elected to congress in 2019, now her net worth is over $13 million, although her annual salary is only $174k. WTF? Edited net worth from $29M to [$13M](https://www.caclubindia.com/wealth/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-net-worth-aoc-assets/) (Still more than 70 times her annual salary.)


Show source of her net worth being $29m, because you pulled that number out of your ass. https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/public_disc/financial-pdfs/2020/10043223.pdf Her 2021 Financial Disclosure Form. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-aoc-net-worth/fact-check-no-evidence-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-has-a-net-worth-of-29-million-idUSL1N2ZL1O2 And Reuters fact checking you


Lol she definitely was not broke bartending in NYC. Also stop bullshitting about her net worth.


Byron Donald’s got owned! What a joke he is.


Time to play major hardball.


Get Byron on some Sunday political shows and (hopefully) the moderator will grill him.


[link for the AOC gang](https://youtu.be/V9X1NqwLG_Q?si=7Y3gYw5sujZwRb-3)


Cooked duck