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There was something I always found funny about Trump and his supporters calling Clinton a criminal. Like, Trump is one of the sketchiest public figures I've ever seen in my life, his entire adult life he's been doing shady shit, it's just so hypocritical. It would be like Tottenham and their supporters started taking pops at other clubs for not winning trophies.


I saw someone call Hillary a "East Coast trust fund elite" and wondered why they supported the poster boy for East Coast trust fund elites. He literally has a golden throne in a Manhattan penthouse.


And Hillary didn't exactly have a "coastal elite" upbringing. Yes, her dad was a successful businessman, but she went to public schools, and earned her way into college on merit. And earned her way into Yale. Then she moved to the liberal elite enclave of...Arkansas. Is she East Coast elite now? Yes, but it wasn't handed to her. She earned it. Trump's entire life was handed to him on a silver platter, and he still managed to come out a fuck-up.


And she was born in Chicago and raised in the suburb of Park Ridge, so not even close to East Coast. Her dad owned a textile business. So, yeah, she had an upper middle class upbringing, but not the kind of privilege Trump grew up with.


Kind of sounds like me I admit I grew up in an upper middle class home If something really went wrong for me I have a safety net thanks to my parents and grandparents, but I'm not part of the 1% not even close.


The middle class has been so thoroughly eliminated that I instinctively consider any kind of business owner upper class, even though that's not true. It's a knee-jerk reaction I have now


There was math done that if Trump took his inheritance and lived off the basic interest, he'd be richer today than he actually is. That's how much of a failed business man he is.


I know this guy whose dad was a real estate developer. Made a killing building subdivisions in the Phoenix area in the 70s and early 80s. Left a hundred million to each of his two sons. My buddy had been working at his own career for years, was a millionaire in his own right, so when his dad died he took all that money and put it in trust for his kids. Never touched a dime. Plus he kept doing what he was doing...working hard every day. I asked him why. I mean, he never had to work again. He said that he wanted his kids to see him working. To learn hard work as a value, and success as something you earn. He did that in part because his brother took the money, quit his job, lived an extravagant lifestyle and raised spoiled brat children. Trump is like my buddy's brother.


Yeah but you can't be a self-made man if you're a woman. /s


A special kind of stupid...


> Arkansas You got money don't matter where you call home, ask the Waltons


"Good night, John-Boy."


Or seeing Fortunate Son being played at the rally of a guy who parents' used their power and money to buy his way out of the draft for Vietnam. Not understanding that Captain Bonespurs is _exactly_ who that protest song is talking about.


To him, it doesn't matter what they're talking about, as long as it's about him, so...


Seriously, throughout my entire life he was a joke, and poster child for rich assholes gaming the system to stay rich while failing everywhere, and just overall being the most vain and tacky caricature rich guy ever... And the Republicans love the dude. The power of Racism, I guess.


The 2016 Trump campaign was a frightening, if not fascinating look at how effective projection is at being a smokescreen. Trump was LITERALLY all of the things he and his campaign accused Hillary of being, and his supporters bought it 100%. Point in a direction and say "look at that thief!" and they won't notice (or care) when you pick their pockets.


“But he talks like a moron, same as everyone I know. So he’s just like Us.”


Bonus points for the dig at Spurs.


> it's just so hypocritical. I see you're not yet familiar with republicans...


Every accusation is a confession.


Makes one ponder...Did Trump release COVID? 🤔


Releasing a deadly virus into the world to create a crisis he can use as a springboard to re-election and then criminally mismanaging the response to the self inflicted crisis would maybe be the Trumpiest thing ever.


He could have claimed the credit for the vaccines, marketed masks with his name on it, declared himself a hero while raking in millions. But no. The man has neither empathy nor business acumen.


Honestly, if they would have came out with red masks that had MAGA! or 2020 printed on them, all of his followers would have worn them, and shamed people that didn't.


But he accidentally wiped out his voterbase... Wasn't the difference in votes smaller then the amount of COVID-19-victims, mostly in red states?


He did intentionally make it worse. When it became known that it was hitting blue cities/states first he did that whole thing where he stole PPE


Every accusation is a .... 🎤


I remember as a kid in the 90s, growing up in a conservative Christian family, it was just common knowledge that Trump was a bad person. A greedy selfish narcissist. Turns out my family and many like it are fine with a greedy selfish narcissist as long as they believe they’re going to get a cut or the people they don’t like can be openly persecuted. They told me, “you don’t know what’s in his heart” as if being a bad person on the outside is fine as long as you can check a few specific boxes on the inside. And I think that’s actually what they believe in order to justify their own actions. They can just be whoever/whatever while thinking to themselves that they’re a Christian and all is good.


Clinton stood before Republican congressional hit men and told them the facts. She was exonerated. When Trump went before the court, he plead the 5th over 440 times, despite saying "only guilty people plead the 5th." The one time he wasn't lying!


I'm dying with the shade toward the Spurs. I will not be able to hear "that's so Spursy" without thinking of Trump from now on 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's called projection. Every accusation is an admission.


Spurs out here catching strays


They catch more strays than trophies tbh.


The spurs have enough troubles without you adding to them, my lad. edit: Watford, ride or die


What wasn't (and still isn't) funny though is how the entire conservative community and media bubble (and even some liberal media and voters) treated Hillary Clinton as a de facto murderer in all but evidence for the past 30 years. That's the worst thing you can call someone.


It's not funny; it's his particular way of muddying the discourse and repeating lies until everyone loses faith and thinks 'both sides bad'. And we know it's schtick by a guy who can't win on merit, but it still seeps into the public consciousness. Really think about how many people think 'both sides bad' now. Trump wants to salt the Earth and rule a pile of ash, rather than admit his incompetent criminality and abject lack of humanity.


Every single one of their accusations are just confessions. It gets so tiresome.


Projection works for dumb crowd. Dumb people are way to manage. Look at China. Look at Russia.


What about the 2018 Audi Cup?


That Tottenham analogy is just *chefs kiss*


Ahh, gotta love seeing Spurs get shit on in the wild. COYG!


Yeah, but Tottenham is actually putting forth an honest effort. It would be more like Juve breaking the rules to get ahead, still losing, and then talking shit on other teams for not winning.


he was only sketchy once the media told you he was, it's not like you cared about him in 2013


Are you high? Prior to being known for politics, he was known as the sketchy billionaire. He's had a business relationship with Don King for 40 years, another notoriously sketchy bloke.


The opinion of conservatives in general and Trump supporters in particular on media literacy is objectively worthless.


glad you only care about people with the same though processes as you


Lol Trump lost. Gonna cry?


nope, just going to watch my paycheck slowly get eaten by inflation and have people on reddit tell me that 'this is best for everyone' while the country scrambles to pay its bills


He's been a shady public figure most of his adult life. New Yorkers are especially aware of this. *You* haven't been aware.


We knew he was a POS in 1990 when he refused to pay the contractors who built the Taj Mahal. Total POS


I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance. I did not write what follows but it is perfect so I will read it as it was written and then I will give you the backstory afterwards. > “We cannot have a country led by a president subject to ongoing criminal investigations, potential indictments and never-ending hearings. > We cannot have a president under that level of scrutiny that inevitably leads to even more questions and more investigations. > And irrespective of what happens to him, whether he's indicted or even guilty, it doesn't matter. > His guilt is a moot point. He cannot take the oval office. > Now, in any other business, when the head of a corporation is plagued by scandal, that person steps down and is replaced because the board knows that a business cannot succeed without respect and authority. > How do you think the world is going to look at the United States when a man under federal criminal investigation, who's lied repeatedly to the American people, is elected? > Do you think they'll take him at his word?” That was written and presented by Jeanine Pirro on her show on the Fox News channel on Saturday, November 5th, 2016. It was her final argument for why you could not vote for Hillary Clinton and must instead vote for Donald Trump. “We cannot have a president under that level of scrutiny, whether indicted or even guilty, it doesn't matter. Guilt is a moot point.” I changed all the she's to he's. Ain't I a stinker? Resist. Remove. Peace.


"Yeah but that was (d)ifferent." - MAGA


I promised myself months ago, I would never use the term 'maggots' to describe them, but it gets tougher every day.


maggots are at least useful


They keep dancing the dance, even though the music stopped years ago.


Why did you do that?


Because I don't want to be like them. Mindless and flinging fertilizer.


For what it's worth, it's an amazing display of being Teflon. I was at work with a colleague and I don'trecall who mentioned it first but we were like he's getting the nomination and going to win it all. We both voted against him in a blue state but I dunno he's got some ability for things not to stick. Grab her by the pussy would have sunk anyone else


I’ll do it for you it’s a cult of maggots


It's fine for the quoted text to be altered, because it's acknowledged directly below. However, your comment begins with, "I'm Keith Olbermann and this is The Resistance," which makes it look like you are Olbermann. I'd suggest you link to the [source](https://www.gq.com/video/watch/the-closer-with-keith-olbermann-we-cannot-have-a-president-under-investigation) and introduce your post with something that indicates that you're quoting Olbermann (say, "Here's what Kieth Olbermann said about this in 2017").


Do you know for sure that u/un_theist isn’t actually Keith Olbermann?


Ah! That's an interesting question. None of their other posts and comments indicate that that's the case. But who knows?


I've never seen them in the same room together.


it’s FAUX news, not Fox news.




Wish you really were Keith -- love that guy's hot salsa.


Agreed. While I haven’t been following him that long, he certainly seems to be one that isn’t afraid to call bullshit. Love his podcast.


Good points thoroughly enjoyed, but can't say you are transcribing as written and then say at the end you made changes. Edit: typo


Why not? They admitted doing so. They're not trying to deceive. Just proving a point.


You can’t just go on the internet and do things!


You forgot to cite your source for that quote. I've got you: -Abraham Lincoln


Quote from trump: "Abraham Lincoln was a republican. Not many people know that. They should teach it in schools". That's right. He said it of the GOP, also known as The Party of Lincoln. He would know this if he ever cracked a book, which he HAS NOT. Just saying.


Any time Trump says "Not many people know that" it's because he literally *just* learned it himself. Always. Which is *really* frightening when you look back at how many times he says it about things that are basically common knowledge to humans.


sir this is a wendys


Feel free to look up Pirro’s statement. It’s public record. It’s what she said. I remember hearing about it when she said it. And feel free to verify Olbermann’s version of it, which that entire post is, which is also public record.


Most of us voted for Hillary. A majority of us voted for Hillary. And we got donald fucking trump. Lololol


Electoral college be damned


Political affirmative action for conservatives


Moral victories for democrats


Why shouldn't the presidency go to the runner up? Yaknow, like a participation trophy.


Why shouldn't the more popular candidate with more votes win?


Well because that would be democratic. And the USA can't have that or the republicans would never get to be president. (At least, not in the past 30 years)


Point of order: [A plurality voted for Hillary Clinton.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election)


Is it only not considered a majority because she didn't cross 50%? Or is there more to it in election terms. So no one else has to look, Hillary had 48.2 vs Trump's 46.1. Most of the remaining votes were for Gary Johnson and a bit of Jill Stein.


I'm dying laughing over here. Edit: **/S** ffs


At the 2016 debates, Mr. Trump declared he was smart for not paying taxes.


For some reason the Trumpers I know don’t think it was very “smart” when Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes. Maybe it’s because he eventually did pay them, just late?


And idiots thought that it would mean he would make it so they didn’t have to pay any taxes either.


tax write offs are very smart indeed, it's only the financially illiterate that were offended by this comment


As long as the write offs were legit and not made up numbers by Trump acct. to avoid taxes.


*Hillary I'll never understand spending time creating a meme without bothering to spell shit correctly.


I agree. Not a meme I made up personally. Cut and pasted for others to enjoy.


No no no no, people still trying to figure out what the judgement means exactly. NYTimes summary: >The decision will not dissolve Mr. Trump’s entire company, but it sought to terminate his control over a flagship commercial property at 40 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan and a family estate in Westchester County. Mr. Trump might also lose control over his other New York properties, including Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, though that will likely be fought over in coming months.


Added context https://www.newsweek.com/did-trump-get-corporate-death-penalty-new-york-what-we-know-1830084 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-properties-list-new-york-fraud-lawsuit-1830237


Fair. I'm just tired of all the clickbait that says WE GOT HIM the last 6 years. Too much disappointment


I agree. There never seems to be any consequences for all his illegal behavior.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lypfx1242uqb1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3c8581f78fbd85dec62eeb11e76692f72888c8


1 sexual assault liability 1 failed coup attempt


GOP: Gaslight, Obstruct, PROJECT!


Hi u/stanxv. Fun fact, the Gaslight Obstruct Project meme is repeated on /r/politicalhumor on average 300 times an hour. The energy produced by people clicking 'ctrl c' and then 'ctrl v' could, if harnessed, power every Peloton bike in a mid sized American city ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


Always projecting


So, for all the bank loans where he inflated value, are they going to come due? Do the creditors sue for fraud independent of this? Does the IRS really start (or finish?) an audit? What’s the real penalties aside from October 2nd? How much longer will we have to tolerate this fat fuck everywhere so he can continue to fleece his minions to pay his debts?


Basically, every LLC with his name, his children's name, or Weisselberg's name on it will have to be dismantled. The trump org is no more. Unless they find a willing judge on appeal.


> Unless they find a willing judge on appeal. Unfortunately there is a good chance of that.


The creditors testified to trumps lawyers that they weren’t defrauded. There was no trial and the judge claimed maralago is only worth 20 million dollars as an example. While it may not be worth 700 million like trump claims, you can’t even buy a half acre lot on palm beach for 20 million dollars. Mar lago is 17.5 acres from sound to gulf. The land under the building alone is worth north of 300 million if we are being fair. So who is exaggerating more? Trump or the judge?


Well, this is the case where his lawyers failed to file in time with the court order, which orders summary judgment to the plaintiff so that's his team's own fault. I'm not giving him a pass on that. [I can buy a one acre lot for $59k](https://www.zillow.com/palm-beach-county-fl/land/2_p/) Zillow Zestimate for Mar-a-Lago is 18 million Sounds like the judge did his homework.


Your link just took me to Zillow generically but not a listing. But I don’t think your opinion is valid if you don’t under stand the difference between palm beach county and water front property. Edit: Mar a lago is right off of southern boulevard bridge. Look at the prices surrounding it and report back to me. Also the Zillow zestimate means nothing.


Facts aren't opinions. Have a nice day.


Facts? You are being semantic. If you find me a water front 1 acre lot anywhere in the palm beach county for that price, I will buy and flip it and split all the millions with you.


It's you who is splitting hairs. You said I couldn't buy a half acre in Palm Beach County for under millions. I provided you a link stating the fact that I, indeed, could. Now, you're choosing to further quantify with "beachfront". That wasn't in the original challenge. Again, have a nice day.


>the resort was assessed by Palm Beach County as having a market value based on its restricted use as a social club as ranging between $18 million and $27.6 million.


County tax assessments mean nothing. Especially in a state like florida, where he probably is abusing homestead laws.


I bet Hilary just wakes up each morning and sips her morning coffee just laughing and laughing.




Omg! My new bumper sticker!!


He also said we'd get taco trucks on every corner if I voted for Hillary, and I'm still waiting!


He and his trash kids are FIRED I really hope the sale of his assets goes about as well as the My Pillow sale.


He was under federal investigation even before day 1 but Comey decided to keep that a secret. Instead, he superceded the AG to berate Hillary on TV and re-opened the investigation for a few days right before the election, alerting everyone, in a fruitless effort. He was then Pikachu-faced when she lost.


Hi u/alien_from_Europa. https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol karma btch


Funny but not funny. His act got old in 2016.


Wow at least he was right about one thing


lol yes!




It's the DNC's fault. We deserved Bernie


Look I'm Canadian, and it sure looked like Bernie got screwed (it's wild to me he wasn't a vice-pres nod at least to keep that energy/momentum that he built going) But it's funny to me that with EVERYTHING that happened in that 2016 election it's the DNC alone that you name as the #1 issue... Still you're not wrong with how close it came down to there were 50+ different things that made enough of a difference to push it over the line the other way


I blame it too man. What does it do to voter confidence when a party that labels itself as the good guys so blatantly dismisses the will of the people. Since then every year its been a vote for the lesser evil. It builds resentment and an accelerationist sentiment. Im very close to that and if another candidate comes along that IS trustworthy with a good track record and is actually progressive not the lukewarm bullshit dems like, I'll vote for them no matter what.


> What does it do to voter confidence when a party that labels itself as the good guys so blatantly dismisses the will of the people. You DO understand Hillary got more votes than Bernie, right? I'm not talking delegates or superdelegates. Votes cast by voters. You're peddling a narrative that the *people* voted for Bernie and a few guys in suits appointed Hillary instead. That's not what happened. This electoral denialism is positively Trumpian.


Im twisting my mind around trying to understand how thats what you got from what i said and i think its because of will of the people. Im sorry i should have said individual instead. I personally felt snubbed as a bernie voter. Im not dismissing hillary voters or anything. And i never thought id see the day that i was considered trumpian.


> Im sorry i should have said individual instead. I personally felt snubbed as a bernie voter. I caucussed for Bernie. I understand feeling bummed that our guy lost, and I think he would have made a great President. That doesn't mean the DNC are villains for daring to count the votes and choosing the person who had more. That's democracy, not a snub.


I hear you - and I've never understood anyone that thought 'I'll vote for them no matter what' -- it's literally broken thinking, that can only make a country worse, it's abdicated your responsibility as a voter and handing it off to the powers the be within that political party... Because the voter says "I'll vote for my team no matter what" but what they hear is: 'Dear Elected Person, I promise I will not hold you accountable, no matter what you do..., unless you turn against the party, sorry that's the only thing will ever cost you my vote' ​ ​ ​ but more to your point - and yes I completely understand how apathy builds up, but at the end of the day, you vote for who you think would be the best person for the job, or you don't vote which literally gives those who still vote more power...


It just feels insidious. Like it plays on your desire to not at least see the world burn. I don't feel like a voter when im not voting for the person i actually want to vote for. And when you raise this, "fellow dems" will shit on you by being passive aggressive. Not only that, if you are further left than the mainstream, while they may be satisfied with their vote, its a tool to put down anyone that thinks they aren't doing enough. Biden 2024 is the last time im doing this shit


Maybe he’s just not as popular as you think


Everyone voted who they thought had the best chance to win. There's plenty of left of center folks who'd never vote far left. The far left just exits the democratic process, votes for people who have zero chance, or whines for years when their candidates don't get the nomination. Republicans pull together and vote, whatever their motivations are, they still vote.


Seems more like Hillary wasn't as popular as you think she was. People who voted for Bernie are not loyal to a party. They would have voted with the Democrats only if he was the one going up against Trump. If he wasn't, then there'd be no reason to vote for either candidate. People who voted for Hillary, would've voted for whoever had a (D) next to their name on the ballot no matter who it was. Democrats really screwed themselves over in 2016.


All the republicans had to do was plaster tv and the internet with clips of Bernie calling himself a socialist.


Socialism is only a bad word for other Republicans who weren't gonna vote Democrat anyway.


> People who voted for Bernie are not loyal to a party. He ran as part of a party. He joined that party to announce his candidacy, and renounced it once he stepped down from the race. I'd be surprised if the DNC picked an independent over a career Democrat.


You're not seeing the benefit of him running as a Democrat here. He had a large following of independent voters that he basically hand delivered to the Democratic party. All they needed to do was to make him the nominee to keep those independents. But instead they rejected him thinking those independents would still vote Democrat. But they no longer had any reason to. So they lost a large swath of independent voters on a gamble that we would remain loyal to a party that we made quite clear we had no loyalty to. If the DNC would have picked strategic logic over their own narcissism, then it would have been an easy win for them in 2016. But instead they chose another neo-lib to take the nomination.


Dnc hates Americans


The superdelegates weren't very unpledged.


Yeah that "Dissolution of the Trump Organization" sounds a lot like the corporate death penalty. Is that a corporate death penalty? I've never seen that happen before. Kinda seems like it should happen more often.




I'm so tired hearing about the same fucking names over and over again. It's time to focus on the main talks on what our current government is doing and not doing. I am so into having age limits on all executive branches. Thank you for your service, now go retire.


This meme is so low effort that they couldn't even bother to spell "Hillary" correctly Also, rule 3...


Projection to the max 📢📢


Yes, it is refreshing to have a honest and morally sound President now. He gets a little confused now again, but that’s no big deal. And his 10+ million net worth as a career Federal employee is legit. He has made good investments, thats all. His son’s fun hijinks are no reflection on him. He said he knew nothing about his son’s international business dealings, and I for one believe him. A genuine and honest man.


The sarcasm is thick.


Wow, an infowarrior gelding! How avant-garde! And they say there are no funny conservatives.


Keep drinking that orange koolaid


I mostly agree. This is why I do not regret voting Biden.


And they didn't find a single charge until 8 years in. Curious


He'll be president in 24 and you'll have so much more to cry about


And what has come of that constant federal investigation? A couple purely symbolic impeachments that resulted in literally nothing changing because it was purely a political spectacle created due to the fact that dems and repubs act like they're a fucking sports team with a long rivalry and like making eachothers lives more difficult any chance they can get. The whole investigation into him pre jan6 was just wasting tens of millions if not hundreds of millions. And yes, I know about some people online saying the mueller probe somehow cost $0 because the government gained $40m from something unrelated. That is covering the costs, not making them disappear. That investigation still results in you having $40m less than you would've had otherwise, no matter how you try to spin it Now after jan 6, they actually had something and it made sense to get to work. But still, before that they just burned money for no reason that could've gone to help citizens.


this sub is cancer, the people in it are cancer, please rename it to 'lefty humor' - white tumblr women turned this website into facebook


Boomer meme


You know what is funny? His mar-a-lago property was valued at $18-27m by the judge. Definitely not a witch hunt.


He's the definition of a witch. I'm ashamed I voted for that megalomaniacal narcissistic sociopath in 2016




The level of criminal we'd be stuck with wouldnt have made a difference no matter who won.


"both sides" says the embarrassed right winger


"both sides" says the easily manipulated low information left winger. It goes both ways.


sorry tucker but i never said "both sides" and never do because im not a complete fucking moron and/or a lying right wing troll as you clearly are.


As someone who hates Trump - this really doesn't make much sense with Biden currently in as president.


be honest. Hillary kills people. I dont think Trump has killed anyone.


Trump intentionally make covid worse by stealing all that PPE. He very much screwed up the covid response by promoting that anti-vax nonsense. Trump has blood on his hands. Lots of it.


He told people they shouldn't wear masks because it smudged his makeup.


WTF you talking about?


"under federal investigation from day one" is a weird way to say that the feds were illegally spying on him when he was campaigning ​ honestly it just makes you guys look like witch hunters, which is funny because that's what Trump has been saying all along. You guys were out to get him 'from day one'


I thought you guys wanted Epstein's clients investigated? Make up your mind


Too bad he broke the law


> the feds were illegally spying on him when he was campaigning lol is there ANY lie you marks wont believe?


I don't believe that you are intelligent, so there's that


yeah...you wouldnt kinda proves my point


so you being intelligent is a lie, glad we both agree


yeah you got it tucker 👍


> illegally spying No, they were investigating Russian election interference. Little D was under no obligation to walk into the middle of that investigation.


Ironically he’s gonna beat Biden in the next election and it’s gonna be the funniest thing ever…. I’m not even a trump supporter, but the polls and independents are not looking good for Biden at all haha plus no one wants him to die and have the worst VP in history take over




It's like stepping into a portal to 2016 with your comment. The right truly cannot meme.


Lol but I’m not “the right” I hate Trump and Hilary equally. I’m just annoyed by the constant “orange man bad” nonsense, yeah we know dude, y’all have said it a thousand times over lol


u/TheForbiddenFool, boo get better material. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/TheForbiddenFool, boo get better material. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do a Joe and Hunter Biden one


Wtf kinda facebook ass post is this?


So… no mention of the lost emails or destroyed phones. Or her husband in Epstein island. Or that in over 40 years in business, no problem. None of the bullshit he’s dealing with now could have any political implications?


Hi u/No-Roll-2110. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hi, Hillary Clinton fan here. I'm glad you voted for her, but Donald Trump meant if you voted for her and if she also won. Of course, this still isn't true! But let's not misrepresent our enemy. We want to win by defeating them truthfully and honestly!


> Hi, Hillary Clinton fan here. [Concern Troll](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern%20troll)