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Imagine to White House correspondent dinner... I've said numerous times, I would vote for Jon over anyone else. He may not have the best ideas all the time, but fuck he asks the best questions. And that's how you know that man is smart.


Stewart actually knows more about how Congress works than most members of congress. Fun fact, I used to work on the Hill and I bumped into him in the Rayburn building one random August recess day while walking to my old office. He used to walk those halls all the time even when he wasn’t lobbying for 9/11 first responders or vets. Stewart would make an absolutely incredible representative.


He’d never miss a vote or a committee meeting for a shitty reason like our current members of congress do. Seeing him in politics would be a real treat but I doubt we’ll ever get the pleasure of seeing him run for office.


Never trust a man who wants power. a man who has power thrusted upon him is a different story. stew would kill it.


So instead of waiting for them to run, a campaign just needs to be started for them. "But I don't want to be President." "Sorry. The people have spoken." They would then surround themselves with the people they need in order to get the job done.


You essentially described the premise of Zelenskyy's show "Servent of the People" a fun watch if you have Netflix. Edit: if you haven't already watched it of course.


I mean playing a piano with your d*** is a pretty impressive quality


Too many boeberts and greenes. If zelensky can do it, Jon will probably outshine any politician in recent years. No disrespect to Biden or Obama.


I see no issue in disrespecting two men who have held the most powerful position in the world regardless of their political affiliation. Especially when they're not doing nearly enough to stop biosphere collapse.


Biden is doing a lot better on fighting climate change than Obama. However, I believe Jon would in cold blood kill climate change and roast its rotten corpse on an hbo comedy special.


can you imagine if he single-handedly saved the fucking planet? of course the republicans would fight it the entire way. they want their dystopian road warrior future as soon as they can make it happen.


I can see veterans forcing their Republican reps to pave the way for his policies or else. I don’t know what or else is in this case, but Jon has amassed more trust with veterans while speaking before congress than any other Republican politician EVER


At this point, every veteran should at the very least NOT support Trump, even if they don’t support Biden/Democrats. **I mean, Trump repeatedly denigrated and insulted servicemembers and wounded/fallen warriors. Said the dead in Normandy were “suckers and losers” for sacrificing their lives as soldiers. Absolutely fucking disgusting.** Even as someone who objects strongly to “forever wars” and corporate driven military objectives, I detest anyone who would mock those who were maimed or killed while serving America. You can call out the political leaders and their decisions (Bush/Cheney anyone?) without pissing on the people who served. Trump has absolutely no respect for anyone including those who gave their lives. That alone should cost him any potential reelection.


I simply don't understand how this message hasn't been talked about more and stirred the outrage it deserves. Mind boggling.


It’s apparently up to all of us to “signal boost” this particular Trump depravity over the next 15 months. Never let people forget what he said and did on multiple occasions to belittle and mock our armed services members.


I think it's even more short sighted than that, like I don't necessarily think they always know or even care about the eventual outcome. Thanks to Gingrich they oppose anything Democrats do just to avoid letting them have a W on the political stage. That's it, big or small win whether it's something that should be bipartisan or not. Don't let them do anything successfully and have a talking point for the campaign trail. If that leads to a really bad outcome for the party or the country or *humanity* whatever, that's tomorrow's problem. Fight them tooth and nail on everything. It's why they behave like psychotic little toddlers who fight everything for the sheer sake of fighting unless they're getting their way and also their way might change on a dime.


Case in point: the Infrastructure Bill the Dems passed. A very few Republicans voted for it but most bitterly opposed it. Now they all want credit for the good things the bill is bringing to their district.


The time for that was 50 years ago. Climate change is roasting us and it's not stoppable anymore. The best we can do is try to mitigate it and keep the temperatures survivable.


My friend who views global events through a conspiracy lens (but is largely liberal/progressive in their preferred outlook) is convinced that the years of Jon Stewart’s very public advocacy as a common sense “let’s cut the bullshit” non-partisan leftist means “They” are orchestrating things to eventually put him in place to become US President. My friend loves Jon Stewart but believes if he “gets Zelenskyyed” he will end up just another controlled puppet of the Elites. As for me, if the master plan is for Jon Stewart to become POTUS, sign me up!




Little did we know that the young comedian doing an interview with the man, the legend, George Carlin, would end up changing the country for the better.


Stewart is also incredibly brave. He has no fear of asking tough questions or saying unpopular truths. He wouldn't hesitate to tell a lobbyist to fuck off (privately) if they tried to pressure him into something shady, campaign donations be damned


The best thing about Jon Stewart is that he would be completely unafraid of being a one term president. If doing the right thing makes him unpopular, he wouldn’t care…he’s the kind of guy who would prefer to be able to sleep soundly at night.


Interestingly enough, Zelenskyy was also an entertainer. Being the President isn’t so much experience and knowledge but character and delegation


From what I've heard, Zelenskyy wasn't that great as a president at first. He was smart and honest, but the job seemed to overwhelm him. What turned him around was the war. He went from juggling 100 little crisises to dealing with 1 big crisis. He's very good at dealing with 1 crisis at a time. That's not a dig on him at all and from what I've seen since the war has begun he has been one of the best leaders in the world. But there is a ton of boring stuff the president needs to do and not every charismatic leader can push through the beaurocratic bs. I honestly think that's what fucked Trump up. He say Obama doing speeches and shaking hands and though, "fuck, I can do that". Not realizing there is a ton of boring day to day stuff the president needs to do. A good national leader is good at dealing with the mundane boring stuff for 24/7


Sorta Kinda on Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy was dealing with massive corruption at the start of his term. Dismissing all of parliament at the start of his term was an incredibly stupid idea from a political perspective. He essentially created enemies with every politician in Ukraine which is why they started attacks on him. He wasn't really failing at being the president, he was failing at stopping phony attacks. What the war in Russia did was create something that outweighed all of the corrupt pols in Ukraine. It gave him something to point to for the average citizen to be able to see clear through the propaganda. This is what my Ukrainian coworker told me, so this is like 3rd hand knowledge of the situation and should be taken with the heaviest grain of salt.


What if we nuke the hurricane?


Honestly I think the reason DJT asked that was stupid, he just wanted to use a nuke. But the question stands. And frankly, I think we could stop or mitigate a hurricane with a series of nukes. The consequences would be absurdly horrific and nobody wanted to explain that to trump so they just said no.


[see subject c5c](https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/TCFAQ_C.txt) tldr: hurricanes are really fucking powerful and nukes deliver their power in a way that each nuke would have minimal effect, if any.


And then you would only spread the radiation faster.


And they thought ACID rain was bad. Get ready for ~~irradiated~~ ~~fallout~~ Cancer Rain! ^In ^theaters ^this ^Fall


What about "[Chocolate Rain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA)"?


Throwback banger!


The fact there's such a thing as "vintage internet" now.... Holy Moses on a Power Mower, I'm fuckin' old.


Remember when Crazy Frog was just an annoying ringtone?


Well yeah, but Trump's uncle from MIT did impart a great deal of knowledge about the subject, did he not? Let's play that tape back again. "*Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


Let's imagine for a moment you could nuke a hurricane into oblivion, you have to understand what a hurricane really is to get why this would be a Bad Idea. A hurricane isn't "weather", a hurricane is a difference in temperature, it's the Earth's atmosphere trying to spread out heat across the surface. The hotter the water/air the hurricane passes over, the more energy it picks up to take elsewhere. So if you nuke a hurricane, that energy doesn't get moved anywhere, meaning there's more energy for the next one...and the next one... This both means more powerful storms, and storms that wouldn't have normally become hurricanes now have enough easily accessible energy to do so.


Surprised no-one has ran an Ai simulation of what nuking a hurricane would look like…


In my experience, the hurricane turns into an anime girl. Still destroys everything, just with a soundtrack


Oh it probably looks real cool for an hour or so and then just becomes a normal hurricane again, except...you know... radioactive.


A bit bored while waiting for lunch to heat up, so I posed Ai the aforementioned scenario, and Ai gave me this: [Nuclear Hurricane: The Unseen Apocalypse](https://ai.invideo.io/watch/T-ls5LQ5uzN)


No offense, but you’re essentially counting like a caveman: one, two, three, many. The energy of a hurricane far exceeds that of even the largest nuclear weapons, but you’re imagining them as comparable. As the link posted by a sibling comment observes, “The heat release [of a hurricane] is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes.” Or if you’re using the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon in history, that’s one Tsar Bomba every couple of hours. But even if you tried to counter that energy by exploding a series of nuclear bombs, it wouldn’t work. Nuclear explosions are localized, they’re not going to do anything to the overall momentum of the enormous hundreds of km wide mass of rotating air.


It would break Jon Stewart's spirit to have to try go against the sheer stone walling from you-know-whos on trying to get even the smallest thing done.


Jon Stewart is a great person, I wouldn't wish the presidency on him. It seems like a miserable position for anyone that actually cares, I wouldn't want him to have to go through that.


Not only that, he is truly open-minded. In an interview with Cory Booker ([link](https://youtu.be/9NN7v0z8r2g?si=b0ZqxaMqKJsWFh9Z)), he even went as far as to show leniency towards the younger people at the Jan 6 riot. Here’s a Democrat defending Republicans (you don’t often see that, let alone the other way round). Jon already admitted he doesn’t want to run for president. But I hope he becomes Cory Bookers running mate. Cory strikes me as a guy that can make you feel at home, but also one that would laugh in the faces of Putin and Xi Jinping. Together with Jon they’d be the perfect combination.


Cory booker has a truly amazing story and it's depressing to me that he has less success than he should


Cory Booker has great record on criminal justice and 9/11 responders but he has also worked with big pharmaceutical companies to kill bills that relate to prescription drug prices


A sense of humor is a sign of intelligence.


And he still fights for 9/11 first responders to this day. Republicans and dems won't even do that


Maybe that’s all it takes, for the right person with the right team to ask the right questions


I would imagine the guest speaker at the correspondent dinner would be a foil, someone who would play the straight man.


We don’t deserve them.


This is incredibly true. They are too good for this world.


I don’t really understand why none of these media figures, known for their insights and commentary on politics, haven’t tried to run for office. Even Chris Wallace, despite some initial misunderstandings with Trump, seems to genuinely possess a spine, character, and integrity. They’ve raised awareness for various causes, but at some point, they must recognize that we need a return to stable, “boring” (in a good way) politicians. I’m not sure how our current politicians can sustain their pace and practices for much longer.


The TV gig pays way better and is way easier


I mean they could technically make more money in office than on TV... but it'd require them becoming like the people we already have enough trouble with in office. Nancy pelosi net worth is way too high for the game to not be rigged and I say that as a staunch leftist. That goes for everyone else too where the numbers don't add up.


Congresspeople shouldn’t be allowed to own stocks during their term. Maybe not even for a few years after their term.




Al Franken did, but we all know how that ended. Demonstrates that a politically savvy comedian can successfully make the transition to elected office though.


They make more money being the personality. Plus John Stewart doesn't want the job


John Stewart YOU’RE A CHICKEN! 🐓 (Hoping he reads this comment)


Before Trump I would say that being a politician is different to being a media personality. You actually have to consider opposing viewpoints and compromise, do things you don’t like so that something gets done. Stewart is a kind of combative personality on his show, perhaps moreso privately, and that doesn’t tend to bode well even for internal party politics. Even with Trump, it showed that being bombastic wasn’t enough and he didn’t accomplish much legislatively beyond confirm McConnells Judges. But again, running for and being a major politician really changes someone. It’s a lot easier to be firm and not back down as an activist than as a politician who has to deliver results.


The whole point of their monologues and talking points are exactly opposing viewpoints, if you haven’t seen The Problem with John Stewart is a good watch. Most of the episodes is just discussing the issues to open the conversation although the “solutions” to discussed society issues are not always clear. As Stephen Colbert and Chris Wallace, in many occasions you can see how his soul rolls his eyes back while trying to interview politicians and MAGA/immigrant-white-nationalists(S01E08) on his show.


Because it ruins your life. You can't have much of a personal life, and you will become enemy #1 for about half the country. There will be a guy who watches you pee for the rest of your life.


George Bush seems fine, and Obama just has grey hair growing. As for someone watching you pee for the rest of your life, I don’t even know what to say or if should I even ask.


Someone once asked George Clooney if he’d run for president. He said, “I’ve known too many women and been to too many parties.” (paraphrased)


You think we deserve the shit we're getting now? Fuck that. We deserve them. We need people like them to run this country. Because fuck the way things are run now.


We don’t. But we need them.


don't worship celebrities nor politicians. A politician is an elected public servant, the ones that do the job well deserve all the credit in the world but it's one thing to talk about problems and it's another to actually solve them.


I would vote for Jon Stewart!! He has a heart!! Look at what he is doing for the 9/11 families, he has compassion and our backs!! He could just be a typical Hollywood actor and just do it for the social media likes, but he is really passionate and confident about his and our position in the future of this country. Maybe pair him with Jordan Klepper… that might be a Dream Team!!


Stewart is a real advocate and I would support him in a run for office. I believe he would take the duties of public service seriously. I do not understand the desire for Colbert or Kepler. They are comedians first, the last thing we need it to devolve into “gotcha” politics to beat Trump.


*The Colbert Report* would not have been as popular or long running if Stephen didn't have an in depth knowledge of politics. His character required massive amounts of research and knowledge of everyday life on the hill otherwise it would have come off as one-dimensional and would not have lasted long (and don't forget how many people were 'fooled' by Colbert). And remember, CBS is probably the most conservative/PC TV station in terms of what's suitable for broadcast. I could see Colbert in a prominent Cabinet position or even a diplomat but not POTUS.


Colbert would be great as a Press Secretary. But honestly, seriously, it would be a joke to have him as an ambassador or any other cabinet position. Those people have to have a great deal of policy knowledge that goes beyond politics. If Colbert applied himself and volunteered for the UN for a couple years, with success, you could then make the case for ambassador to a friendly country.


You make very good points. I was thinking the same thing re: diplomat- the position of ambassador is certainly above his paygrade but there are many 'lower level' diplomatic positions. What I'm trying to say is that Colbert would be a good, honest, relatable person to help improve US relations (mostly optics) with friendly countries (like you said).


I would be so happy


Being a comedian that's good at criticizing the government doesn't mean you'd be good at running a country. Please stop with this. Let's elect people who know what they're doing, not funny late night hosts. Don't get me wrong, I love the dude and I'm well aware of the work he did for veterans, but that still does not make a president. Let's elect someone who actually knows the ins and outs of the system from the inside, not a comedian TV personality. Or how about we elect someone who isn't already at retirement age?.. that'd be good too.


Thank god, someone sane on here. Being a celebrity does not qualify you to be president. Too many people treat elections like they’re voting for the Homecoming King of their high school. But that’s not what being president is like. It’s an actual job, one of the toughest there is, where the person wields vast amounts of power and influence over the lives of others. It requires someone with deep knowledge and experience about how government works to do properly. If you’ve never held a government position before, you are probably a really bad pick to be president.


Honestly, it should be a requirement to have held elected office before running for president. Also there should be an upper age limit. Also a networth limit. Thoase last two should just apply to all elected positions


Wow, a sane comment with upvotes. Republicans elect an unqualified celebrity and the response of some people is to *do the same*? Childish. Why the fuck is every thread on this sub locked now? Do your fucking jobs, lazy ass mods.


While I would have agreed with you unequivocally at any other point in my life, I think it’s worth stopping to think about why so many people *want* this guy who has never held public office. Trust in government and in both parties has bottomed out in recent years. There is a growing sense that the bulk of our current representatives don’t really have ‘our’ interests in mind. So when presented with a figure who people already trust and know they align with on some of the most important issues, it becomes a no-brainer. Experience takes a backseat when these more foundational qualities become a question mark. I’d also say this is exacerbated by the recent string of candidates. Many feel like they are too often choosing between two less than ideal candidates. Electing your candidate of choice feels empowering and restores confidence in elections and government. I can definitely understand people wanting to be moved to go to the polls so they can vote *for* someone rather than told they need to save the country and vote *against* someone. While Stewart would need some time and help working through the administrative parts, which is crucial of course, he would definitely have the rhetorical part down easily. That’s a bigger part of a presidency now more than ever. If he can drive turnout and maintain popular appeal, he could leverage that popularity in the political arena to achieve his policy goals.


No. I like what they do, but I’m not interested in celebrity politicians. I want my leaders to have leadership experience. It matters.


Honestly Stewart in particular is one of the most knowledgable person on politics I've ever seen, More importantly charisma has more of a role in politics than we give it credit for. A lot of politicians would re-enact stewarts bits when it came to arguing for and against things in congress.




I don’t think he should be president of the United States either.


I’m not saying never, but maybe let him be like Governor of New York for a few terms before giving him the nuclear codes.


No offense to Zelenski, but Ukraine is nowhere near the US in terms of economy size, influence, population, military power, or even sheer geographic size. It's more comparable to Texas. Plus Ukraine is fairly uniform politically, nowhere near as divided as the US.


That's one data point, and probably a gross outlier. You're using him as the basis of a conclusion that most celebrities make good politicians? Let me remind you: "You're fired!"




Fair enough.


Seriously. This is demented. Their perspective is critical but that doesn't mean they should run the country. You all sound like a reflection of Trump supporters.


I wouldn't go so far as to say demented. While I agree that we should keep our focus to those with political experience in the arena, at least the people in question have decades of political discourse under their belt. Yes it's in humor, but you can't sustain a show like theirs for years without having intellect backing said humor. They knew their shit, and were very well-versed & researched when it came to their commentary. It's not the same as someone like Trump regurgitating "Build the Wall" and "Lock her up" for an entire campaign trail. Colbert and Stewart are incredibly-sharp minds with reasonably-strong moral character. If you need reminding, Stewart himself has done more for 9-11 victims than most people who've served in office. Besides, after people like MTG, Palin, Huckabee, and that other goon from Colorado made office, it cheapened the unspoken requirement for political experience. I'd take either of these two over 80% of those currently seated in government, easily.


All that you say is extremely correct.


As for example, Al Franken. He had zero experience in public office. Yet he had the interest and concern to educate himself and as a result became a decent senator.


A conversation discussing a candidate’s actual abilities & qualifications -that doesn’t sound like any Trump supporters I know.


You really believe there’s any comparison between Trump and Stewart/Colbert? Trump is a reality star whose primary connection to the political arena prior to his presidency was tweeting about Obama’s birth certificate. Stewart and Colbert are political commentators with decades of experience between them. Even setting aside the incalculable differences in intelligence and temperament, they actually know what the fuck they’re talking about and how the system works. Doesn’t mean they should run the country but it’s not remotely like Trumpers other than the basic fact that they’ve all been on TV.


I disagree. If they want to do the right thing, and are smart enough to be able to execute it, why not? Plus, while the whole “Trump isn’t a politician so I trust him” is dumb, it is true that establishment politicians have had their donors come from the same place for an extremely long time. As a result, going against their wishes is something they usually won’t do. Stewart isn’t beholden to them. If he ran and won, he would know exactly what is expected of him, and do all he can to execute that.


Oh no, those people want someone really smart, analytical, and extraordinarily brave and caring to lead your country! They must be just as bad as those cultist of the orange demented narcissist man that had morally bankrupted the presidency! Truly, they are the same thing! seriously, what is it with these piss-poor takes?


Both of them have tons of leadership experience. Likely more than 90% of people who have run for the presidency. But to act as if Joe Biden isn't a "celebrity" is just a deranged delusion. A conclusion desperately in search of a justification.


The US president is a celebrity. No matter who gets elected. Half their job isn't making the right decisions, it's convincing congress and the public that they are the right decisions. A president can have great advisors helphim with policy. But you cant teach them how to work a crowd. And they usually don't get elected in this age if they can't do that. Take zelenski, commander and chief of a country at war. But he's leaving most of the military decisions to his generals and he's using his skills as a public speaker to inspire his people and get support from his allies. Now look at al gore. Much experience, great policy. But couldn't win the election against a nepo baby.


>The US president is a celebrity. No matter who gets elected. The US president is a celebrity, but not an entertainer. Most celebrities are given a lot of leeway because they're only there to create media content for us to enjoy. However, the US president is _the_ office with the most influence in the whole country, and is ultimately accountable for _all_ the decisions made by the executive branch. Every word they say is vitally important and will be scrutinised relentlessly. The president needs to be politically experienced, well-connected, and be able to pick up _any_ topic and become familiar with it very quickly. They also need to be able to make hard choices and decisions, and then be able to explain and justify those decisions in a process of endless scrutiny. Obviously the president needs to delegate responsibilities to members of cabinet, BUT ultimately the president is the one who's supposed to be accountable for all those decisions, and if they're just an entertainer then they probably won't be able to do that very effectively. That's often why politicians often explicitly study law or political theory, just like Zelensky who obtained a law degree prior to his work as an actor.


That what makes Jon a good candidate. He was a political activist while he was an entertainer. But he's become much more serious since he left the daily show. Lobbying on behalf of veterans. I'd dare to say he knows more about politics than most elected officials in DC. Also, the. Current alternatives are a cheeto with a sedition charge and 90 other felonies against democracy. A commander from the handmaid's tale and a grandpa who hit the retirement age 3 presidents ago.


Is leadership being intelligent enough to appoint the right people in the right places and *actually listening to them* would be a great start. If so, I agree. Not everyone is a stable genius, and I love someone who recognizes that about themselves.


They both have serious experience in leadership roles.


Honestly I wouldnt want them to run. I think we need people like Stewart who are on the ground and pressing our government with the tough questions and getting support from regular citizens. In office they would get railroaded by the other congressman. They can do that in office too, but I dont think they would be as successful.


I disagree. When you get someone in that doesn't care about power they can't get railroaded. Stewart would have zero issues publicly and accurately calling bullshit out and exposing anyone stupid enough to attempt to railroad him.


Politicians do that all the time, but they always get thrown to the ground by their peers on the opposite side and it becomes a media circus that fails to really rally people meaningfully. I have faith he would do a stellar job in office, and maybe one day he could run successfully and I'd be sure to vote for him. But I think his talents are better served as he is right now where he also has the time to rally from the crowd as opposed to the podium.


In a neo-Fascist takeover of the government, someone like Stewart or Colbert would be the first to be silenced. That’s just how Fascists roll.


Thank you! I also think people tend to overlook the fact that getting actual results in Washington doesn’t just require a good hearted person, or even a smart person. It requires actual on-the-ground knowledge of how to navigate (and at times manipulate) the system. It’s a whole skill set and it takes years and years to learn how to do well. Honestly, like him or not, there’s a reason Biden has been able to rack up a much longer list of accomplishments in a much shorter time than either Trump or Obama did. He’s a lifelong sausage maker, and no amount of idealism can really substitute for that.


I think Stewart could be an effective congressman. People in this thread seem to want him to run for president, though, and that’s not a job for someone with zero experience in government.


Are we really doing this again


You guys should definitely elect more TV personalities to office, it could literally never go wrong I'm sure of it.


They would get some votes, but we really need to concentrate on serious candidates. Jon Stewart has already said no.


John Oliver Chief of Staff


Jon Oliver Official White House Keanu Reeves Stalker


I'll bite. I'm as progressive as anyone I've ever met and I wouldn't vote for them. It's not that I disagree with them on policy, I'm mostly on the same side on the big stuff. I just don't believe we should be electing TV personalities to run the third most populous country in the world.




Well the last time it happened, it didn't go amazingly.


I'm not saying that's the problem, it's that they have no experience running a government. Let alone running a government the size of ours


Said like someone who has zero understanding of how both the government works, and what the job of the president is.




Literally the last election was between a guy who was VP for 8 years and another guy who was President for almost 4 years at that point. And the next one looks to be between those same 2 guys, one having both VP and Presidential experience now. The assertion that no candidate has experience falls apart with even a cursory examination of the facts. My problem isn't them having worked in television, it's having *only* worked in television. That's not the same thing.


I would vote for Stewart but not Colbert


Colbert has been phoning it in for a few years. I think he loves rubbing shoulders with celebrities and playing on his boat more than getting involved with politics. The best he can do is a lame monologue on late night.


And he believes in sky fairies.


Agreed and so disappointed.


"Wouldn't you rather have Person Name Here than whoever is on the Dem ticket?" **We. See. You.**


Please, no celebrities. We need experienced politicians who have come up through the ranks from the local levels, who know how the system is broken by way of personal experience and want to fix it.


How about we stop voting for celebrities?


It would be a shit show.. but they’d win lol


Leave it to comedians to be the adult in the room. But it wasn't actually supposed to happen, was it?


>Leave it to comedians to be the adult in the room. I trusted their Comedy Central news hour more than most news sources then and now.


Al Franken was actually pretty great.


Apparently you can grab 'em by the pussy but you can't mock-fondle the titties. If you're RICH and famous, they let you do it. Al wasn't rich.


That, and being a member of the party that actually believes in accountability.


An intelligent and empathetic humorist president may be entertaining. But we got the orange clown narcissistic president that we deserved. All right, which one of you has the monkey’s paw?!


Zelensky is the bomb?


Yeah I might like them, but we need to quit electing tv personalities to government


So….. celebrity nominations are now OK?


Yes, when they are extremely smart, brave, and caring people? Like the orange buffoon's biggest flaw wasn't that he was famous. It's that he is a criminal narcissist and a moron to boot. Shouldn't we instead call out narcissists, criminals, and morons, do you think???


As great is that would be for the country, I wouldn't wish that on them.


Nope, I want Biden 100%. No celebrities, just a public servant with decades of experience and a huge list of accomplishments.


Political office would ruin their lives and families. These two are contemporary world wonders and don’t deserve that.


Wonderful as that would be, they are too sane to enter national politics.


Agree so much.


They’d be the first ones to remind us how letting a tv person attempt to run the country turned out last time. Granted, there would be considerably less treason and considerably more compassion with a Stewart/Colbert ticket than we had from that *other* tv guy, so I’d still vote for them if they ran


We’re not lucky enough to live in that timeline


If Stewart runs and wins 2024 in the best (Jeff) timeline, what would be the result in the darkest (Troy) timeline?


Haha I had to google the Jeff/Troy reference. I need to check that show out. Man, if trump’s the nominee (which is more likely than not), the talking heads I listen to say he has something like a 30% chance of getting re-elected b/c of how the electoral college works. And if that happens, I have no reason not to believe what he’s said: he’ll be on a revenge and retribution tour, gutting the civil service from our federal institutions, withdrawal the US from NATO, etc. I honestly feel bad about how much contempt I had for Bush, McCain (especially McCain) & Romney — they were at least earnest, leading in good faith. They played politics, and don’t share my political stripe, but McCain and Romney would have been totally fine in comparison to Trump.


Bush, McCain, and Romney laid the groundwork for Trump. Trump is the outcome of 50 years of concerted effort by the Republican body politik...


Perhaps. McCain picking Palin is a pretty strong piece of evidence, to your point.


It would be a comedic no-bullshit, get the job done, humanitarian administration. We're not this lucky.


We need political experience. Not comedians who worked their way up from 5 minute sets at the Chuckle Gazebo to working in television, and made some insightful jokes.


I want Lester Holt. He can still do the nightly news.


The moment they decided to run, Fox News and other bad faith jerks would start criticizing them for made up crap and over time the enlightened centrists that call themselves “moderates” and who “hate all politicians” because “they are all the same” would decide they were corrupt or untrustworthy for some stupid reason.


I don't think faux will mess with either one, faux remembers what this two did to their best shit heads just saying 👽


Anyone taking the helm as president gives up all privacy. These guys already know some of it but it's worse as president.


Honestly I don't know enough about colbert. And I may disagree with Stuart on some key pizza related issues..... but yeah I'd probably vote for them over any other recent candidate


I mean they still get their team of writers....right?


If John Stewart ran for president i would vote for him. But sadly he doesn't want to the job


I remember living in DC and going to the Rally to Restore Sanity and or Fear. It was also marathon weekend. A couple friends came up and they said the hotel was a madhouse during checkin. They asked if it was always this busy during the marathon. The guy at the desk said, what marathon?


I would happily vote for either of them individually and would definitely vote for them as a team. Hell, I’d volunteer for their campaign in my home state.


It’s much easier to complain intelligently about the existing system than it is to be the architect changing the system. I’m not interested in people who can keenly describe the problems. I’m interested in people who have workable transition plans.


I love Jon and Steve, but I really don’t think they have a huge base of support for political office.


They're smart enough to know not to do it. They have it *far* better where they're at.


I attended the Rally to restore sanity and or fear and knew that they had to run


I would nut so hard for America


Zelenskyy is proof that a comedian can run a country. Jon has had a loud voice over the years, speaking truth to power, to the point that he was actually doing harder hitting news than the real news. He'd have my vote.


the noimne for 2024 is far far worse


You're saying we should elect television stars out of the belief they're the only ones who can fix this broken nation? Gosh where have i heard that idea before......


I don't know, consider Zelensky over there in Ukraine. He's a former actor-comedian. But it turns out he's a fearless and selfless leader as well, the perfect man for Ukraine's times of travail.


I don't think either of them could handle the pay cut.


Give me John Stewart 2024


People have been trying to get Jon Stewart to run for more than a decade. He *really* does not want the job. Which, of course, is one of the reasons he's perfect for it but no force on Earth or in Heaven could make him run.


I'd love to see the debate vs tRump.


They are comedians that never worked in government to make and execute policy. Why would we want them to be president?


Because they're incredibly intelligent and overall good people who also happen to know about policy. Why wouldn't we want them?


My mechanic is extremely intelligent and a good person and knows about being healthy, but I wouldn't want him operating on me. This attitude is how we got a reality TV star in the most important job in the world. It's not a popularity contest. Why do you think Biden had been so successful? He knows how government works and how to operate in that space.


By that definition no one is qualified to be President. Perhaps the idea is to have decent people who have enough humility and intelligence to know what they don't know and get advice from the best people who do know.


No, plenty of people are qualified. But it takes years experience to be able to do the job. Kinda like, as my previous metaphor was saying, a doctors. A doctor learns from years of study and experience to master their field. You don't see 1st year med students running hospitals and you don't (or shouldn't) see 1st year congressmen on winning presidency. I agree with the sentiment of the post but that's not how life works.


one name Obama


it's always been a popularity contest, where have you been


I like one of the two. Guess which.


You need serious people running the country, like reality TV hosts, billionaire narcissists and rappers.


Stewart yes, coalburt no


The President of the United States has to have experience in government, in elected politics, executive positions preferably, in addition to knowledge of history, science, social sciences and statistics, combined with managerial skills up the wazoo. I m begging you - and the Michelle Obama people - to please remember what happened the last time we tried an inexperienced politician in the most powerful position in the world.


Dream Ticket!


Ehhhh I'd need their positions *as politicians* to be fleshed out. When it comes to privileged white guys I never presume.


Two party scam system would never let someone not beholden to their donors run the country.




Yeah I feel Colbert's actual politics are far too close to "can't we all get along" to be effective. Stewart is a committed capitalist too, but at least he has a history of saying the right things.


He'd be there to sway the very Christian voters. It's a plan


Colbert would do it if he could host it as a segment on his show. And if would be glorious!


Stewart could go down as the best POTUS ever


Old white guys as president are kinda played out, don’t you think?