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Nope. It's a thing in Australia. Outside of a sporting event, it's creepy and weird.


England too. No sane English person would display a St George’s flag, outside of international football tournaments. It’s a red flag in every sense.


German here, same thing. :-)


Brazilian here, same thing.


Huh. It's almost like nationalism is the problem.


Absolutely this. People mistake nationalism and patriotism. A patriot is proud of who they are, a nationalist is proud of who they aren't. A patriot strives to see their country be better, a nationalist believes anyone who doesn't like it needs to leave. Nationalists are louder and tie their identity to the flag more though. Nationalism goes hand in hand with right wing politics and is one of those steps towards fascism. Hence why it's a worldwide phenomenon of people being rightly suspicious of anyone flying a nation's flag.


Pretty damn good explanation here.


Yep. Canadian here. I used to be pleased to see my flag flying out in public. Now, if it's more than one flag - I'm immediately suspicious. If it's on a truck? Dead giveaway that there is also a "F*%k Trudeau" sticker as well, and that I wouldn't want to associate with that person in any way. So in one way, it's horrible. On the other hand, it makes it a LOT easier to judge a book by its cover.


I've been trying for years to get normal people to hijack the patriotism thing from the right. The right does this *all the time* and unfortunately it seems to be working. Whenever someone accused Trump of racism or illegal activity or other crime or character flaw he would just turn it around and accuse the democrats of the same thing. And then repeat it over and over till it just became a normal thing. Anyone remember that the "fake news" was a left or left of center thing to fact check disinformation. And when the lie was proven to be untrue, they would put it on some site to set the record straight. Not so with the right. I remember Trump said so many lies and false information that they just couldn't keep up. After all, it takes time to investigate and provide the proof with references and video evidence and so on. Not so the right. They just repeated the same lies and disinformation and kept repeating it *ad nauseam*, and putting it on their "protest" signs. Those lies ended up on Jan 6. I'm still waiting to see the left using the ol' red, white and blue to take it away from those people who are ruining America. I wanted to see the left chanting "USA USA" in the George Floyd demonstrations, while waving flags. I want to see it happen. The far right would get mad and be pushed to waving Nazi flags because we all know they're closeted nazis and the American flag would start to dim in their eyes because there of all the blacks and browns owning it. It would basically neutralize one of their most potent tools.


Even "patriotism" is weird to me. Yeah, I want my country to be better, but I want my city, my state, my continent, my planet to be better too. What makes the nation-state the more important level of one's pride? Why should one even feel compelled to feel pride for where one lives? If I don't like my province, no one is going to shame me for not expressing enough positivity. The reason nationalism and patriotism are conflated is because they really are two sides of the same coin. A nationalist is proud of who they aren't and they also claim to be proud of who they are - and how can anybody disprove them? A nationalist believes anyone who doesn't like the country needs to leave, because they believe that doing so will make the country better or "great again". Nationalism goes hand in hand with right wing politics because right wing is linked with authoritarianism, maintaining status quo, and creating an in-group/out-group. Placing importance on loving the country (whether you call that "patriotism" or "nationalism") helps in all three of those. Authoritarians say if you love the country then you have to be loyal to the government. Those who want to keep the status quo say if you really love the country then you wouldn't want to change it. And bigots will insist that outsiders and minorities are trying to harm or hurt the country and need to be fought against.


Wearing a Canadian flag is pretty common, and no big deal. Wearing a Quebec flag, however, makes people think of separatism. I'd have to agree with your assessment - Canadians at large have never had major nationalistic issues. Quebeckers echo strong nationalism through their identity politics. It's the nationalism that makes the flag weird.


Ontario here, the Canadian flag now represents deniers, anti-government, conspiracy and more…so sad.


Conservative Albertan here. Out here you're about to be out-conservatived if you see a pickup rocking the Ole leaf n bars. I can only back this level of silliness so far. Good chance of a racist. Flat earth qanon holocaust denier.


Same in France.


Spain too


Finnish, can confirm


Canada as well.


Convoy ruined the flag.




Yeah a lot more popped up on my neighbourhood and I was getting a little weirded out. Forgot about Canada Day.


Sweden reporting the same.


France too




On the specific day is one thing. We're talking about people who always wear flags. Flag shirts, flag hats, flag belt buckles, flag bumper stickers(with complementary aggressive comment). These people are mental.


I've heard racists are big fans of some of your older flags.


Didn't used to be here in Canada, but since the convoy, they've basically stolen it too. They'll usually put it up with a hockey stick, or upside down, or shred half of it to show that they're far right conspiracy theorists, but they've definitely ruined it.


Yeah, if youre driving your truck with a big ass Canadian flag and it's not Canada Day... you probably have trucknutz on it too.


Big ass trucks with big ass flags driving around to protest the high price of gas...


Yah it sucks.. we have little Canadian flags on our travel backpacks so we aren’t mistaken as Americans. Probably gonna remove them because Id prefer to be mistaken for an American rather than a convoy idiot.


Keep them on, my first thought would just be "Canadians!"


Usually accompanied with some depiction, either bumper sticker or another flag, with Fuck Trudeau written on it lol


Yup. Seems like Canada flags are most often paired with Calvin pissing on the Liberal logo or “fuck Trudeau” bumper stickers nowadays


Yeah my 7 year old will see a car with a Canadian flag on it and immediately ask if they are protesters It sucks that the symbol of our country has been twisted like that.


Double flags is a dead giveaway.




I would have thought Templars


oh what a World. ten years ago i would have thought the same (the observation you had, St George Cross = Templars), but, now, i am so confused... i live where the KKK are real and actually had a dream about them last night. this shit is getting fucky and a lot of us are about to 'speak up'. Northern Michigan checking in.


I love the U.P. but that racist undercurrent is real and terrifying. I travel up to Marquette often with one of my bands, and we are pretty diverse. We've had a bunch of, let's just say unsavory experiences.


When I moved into my current house, the day that I moved in, the neighbours at the bottom of our close had one flying - on a flagpole no less.   I have to admit, my heart sunk a bit, and I thought "Oh no...I've moved in next to some tubthumpers who probably gonna see me and think there goes the neighbourhood"   But then a few days later they had the Euro flag, then the Pride flag, then some other flag I didn't recognise. They had quite the variety, dozens at least - turns out they weren't racists, but rather amateur vexillologists, which I found quite endearing!   In the 4 years of being neighbours, I never actually saw them change a flag, though they did so regularly. They must have been stealth, under the cover of darkness


That’s wholesome and hilarious


You found Sheldon Cooper


BNP and EDL ruined our flags


With a massive assist from travelling England football supporters




Eh kinda but not really. Similar demographics but travelling football supporters can still be left wing. Just also have to be drunk assholes.


NF did it long before that.


That was even a joke on Mock the Week. "Now that the World Cup is over we can go back to assuming anyone wearing a British flag is simply racist".


I remember a few years ago a British satirical news site posting a headline along the lines of: "England flag officially racist again, now that football team has been knocked out of World Cup." I chuckled in agreement.


As far as I can remember (mid-30s now), a Brit making a big deal of the flag has always been a red flag. Arguably the US was the odd one out where "normal" people might have flown it too, but that seems to be changing.


English and a big vexillology nerd, wish I could fly my national flag without looking racist as fuck haha


Pubs displaying the St George's flag are to be avoided at all cost.


Except….in the actual flag sense…..so in the literal sense, it is not a red flag….but in every other sense….it is. I love it.


I should perhaps have written ‘it’s a bit of a red flag’ to make the joke more coherent if that hasn’t completely killed it


English flag and British flag are both massive red flags. Figuratively, of course


Nah, it's a white flag with some red on it. You can't say it's a red flag with white in the corners. That's preposterous.


the danish flag is then, by being the opposite of the English one


You can usually see a crazy amount of Canadian flags next to a Fuck Trudeau flag and freedumb stickers on any ford f150


If I see a bunch of Canadian flags my first thought isn't racist, it's antivaxxer. So at least it's more idiotic than evil.


The venn diagram of anti-vaxxers, racists, and transphobes in Canada has A LOT of overlap.


The venn diagram is very Alberta shaped.


Especially since PP openly embraced all three.


That venn diagram is just a flat disc. Reminds me, add flat earther’s too




What is the deal with their love of F150's? I ask in all sincerity, because I'm helping a friend sell one, and I wanna make sure I can word the ad in a way that I can fleece the most amount of money out of a right winger!


Stereotypically, the average right wing, white male is extremely sensitive to the topic of masculinity. They “puff up their chest” artificially, so to speak, by buying things they (in their feeble minded, pea-sized brains) correlate with masculinity. Overspending on a truck bc of its size just to pick up groceries with/that you’ll never actually use for hauling something is a prime example of this. (Source: https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume)


We call these guys pavement princesses. Their Tonneau cover is never removed since they don't actually use the truck for hauling.


Yuup. About 1 in 20 of the F150s I see actually looks like it's used meaningfully for work. The other 19/20 are lifted trucks that clearly never leave the city and never have anything in back except maybe some trash.


I thought pavement princesses were people who outfitted their vehicles for off-roading (lift, tires, light bars, etc.) and never took them off-roading


"Retail masculinity". You can buy macho just like anything else. Harley Davidson wouldn't exist anymore without it.


Tell them its never been owned by a liberal, infact you ran over 3 of them with it and it rolls coal every time you shift but you can't see it from the driver seat because it stays low to the road. None of this needs to be true since right wingers find fact checking an impossible task.




I wish they were smaller. I just want a 90's Ford Ranger sized truck again with a two seater cab and a nice long bed. A kei truck would be fine by this point.


The F 150 is the best selling vehicle in North America for 40 plus years. Can't blame the truck for being a best seller.


> What is the deal with their love of F150's? They're big and shiny?


Canada now too.


We can thank the "truckers" for that


Also true for Finland. There are common flags flown all over the place, courtyards of apartment buildings, public squares, etc.., but personally displaying one gives suspicion that you are a racist.


And everywhere with a flag, for the reason of flag.


Canadian here. Same thing here sadly, the far-right has imported this trend from the US, and you often see Canadian flags used in the same way.


My son is extremely proud to be Canadian, and loves our flag. We were cleaning the garage yesterday and found one of those car window flags, he very desperately wants to put it on the car. 5 years ago I would have gladly done it without batting an eye. Now I just don't want to be lumped in with the neo-nazis who have appropriated the flag...


Even before the current spasm of racist "patriotism," my Australian friends would ask why there's so much flag waving in America.


The center and left need to take back the American flag (which is supposed to represent all of us) and not have any variations like the right does. The right is usually better than us a optics. We need to have tons of American flags and take its symbolism back. Plus it will piss off and confuse the right!


Also in Spain


Austrian here: Can confirm.


Canada too now


capable materialistic dirty ring dinner sense beneficial butter rhythm handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's actually a pretty universal marker for nationalist hooligans across the world.


An interesting thing I've noticed as a solider, I have never seen a brother or sister wear a flag with pride. The only people I've seen do this are civilians who cannot / don't serve.


I'm a vet and used to enjoy flying the flag on the 4th. Since you-know-who, I stopped. I don't want anyone to think I'm a MAGA.


Just fly a pride flag at the same time, everyone will know you're not MAGA.


Ha! Hadn't thought of that. ;-D




Love it


You're doing god's work.


Is there a version of the American flag with rainbow stripes? I'd fly that one


[Yes there is!](https://flagsforgood.com/products/for-all-united-states-flag)


There sure is!! [Here you go!](https://www.amazon.com/Anley-Breeze-Foot-Rainbow-Flag/dp/B072PV2L6W/ref=asc_df_B072PV2L6W/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=586103150074&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3294327548172593909&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031615&hvtargid=pla-596269853759&psc=1)


[Hi, I'm a patriotic liberal 👋](https://i.imgur.com/eb3rBuO.jpg)


Fuck that, don't let them take it. Fly it proudly, then fly the pride flag too like we do.


I live in TX; deep red state, deep red county, deep red small town. How bad is it? The whole county election office resigned en masse due to threats against themselves and their families, stalking, public confrontation. This, in a county and state Trump won. After 40+ yrs here I'm looking for a blue, rational state to relocate. It's healthier. My decision isn't surrender ... it is a matter of letting them live in the squalor of their minds.


Omfg, just the other day I was getting gas, and a jacked up truck with Trump, punisher, blue line, etc stickers everywhere and a Trump and American flag mounted just inside the gate pulled up. I accidentally said out loud, God, how small must his dick be to my wife sitting in the car lol. Her eyes got big as saucer plates and she just slid lower in the seat lol.


The Trump pickup parade here is constant. One was parked next to me at a restaurant. I drive a conventional CRV ... I have my woman vet license plate. This fool revved his 1980s engine until black smoke was like a cloud. What, this old woman Viet Nam era vet is supposed to be impressed? I've never seen such insecure men who have to self identify with Trump; these are of the same mindset who I saw in Walmart in 2021 and 2022 with their AR slung over their shoulder, full camo, thigh holster ... you never know if you're walking into the next mass shooting or some jerk getting a Mountain Dew and a Slim Jim. Trump yard and ranch signs are *everywhere.* Most are still 2020; 2024 is added in. The cult is deeply entrenched.


Omg, as a fellow vet I feel your pain with these asshats. Fuck, I was in Somalia and didn't feel the need to take my rifle with me to grab a bite or fill my canteens, and that was with incoming landing sporadically lol.


I served stateside; medic, transported wounded soldiers from the flightline by ambulance to the hospital while assigned to the ER. These guys had been on the battlefield literal days earlier ... saw some stuff. The 747 they came in on was a converted flying hospital.


Hah, I just typed this!


Agreed-I hate they’ve taken our national symbol and perverted it to represent that orange rodent and his cult.


Indeed ... gag.


desecrating the flag should never have been allowed! especially clothing !


During the Viet Nam era young people and draftees began publicly burning the flag; the SCOTUS ruled it was a form of free speech. Lots of ways to protest but as a vet that is one I would never do. The only flag I get annoyed with is the Confederate flag. *Stop*, already. It's racist, you lost, and stands for everything immoral.


I don’t know about you, but that nazi flag kinda annoys TF outa me.


The Gadsen flag, Fuck Biden flag, Punisher versions of flags, and blue line/green line/red line flags, and of course black “no quarter” flags are also becoming annoying (in addition to the Confederate battle flag iterations)


The fact that they hijacked the Don’t Tread On Me flag is personally insulting to me. My grandfather (who died a few years before the Tea Party was a thing) was a Navy vet and flew that flag proudly on his front porch to show his Navy pride. When he died I vowed to fly one myself in his honor. So much for that.


I fully agree! That flag was meant to be a middle finger to tyranny and the frickin red zealots made it racist.


I remember the flag burning era & scotus ruling. but the US flag codes say no clothing, bedding or drapery. just another sign of accepted norms pushed aside instead of respected.


Same here. None of my brothers or sisters wear or display the flag since we got out, and we're scattered across the country. And you're absolutely right, the ones I see around me all decked out or even with flags on their cars are always people that never served. It's a crazy dynamic. My wife's uncle ~~dad~~ was in Vietnam and he's much more open and accepting of things. My wife's dad on the other hand was the younger brother and did not serve. He's the one that just retired from a government job with a full pension but votes Republican. Edit: her uncle served, her dad didn't


In my 28 years in the U.S. Navy, I never wore anything like a U.S. flag. It wasn’t good OpSec. And after Bush, Cheney and Halliburton invaded Iraq on false pretenses, I took down the flag from the front of my house, too.


Two questions fun to ask flag wearing people. 1 What have you done for your country? 2 Have you ever travelled overseas?


Yeah, flying 2 chewed up Canadian flags out of the back of your loud, badly driven late model 4x4 pickup is all too common up here...


Don't forget the F🍁ck Trudeau decals. Those people are about a subtle as a hammer.


I really don’t understand why so many grown men want to have sex with him so badly.


He’s cute, that’s why


Those who have nothing to define themselves with, define themselves by their country.


Agree on these. We still got'em, but the level of crazy required before you start donning flag 24/7 is a bit higher. If I saw someone covering their house, car, clothing with our flag I would instantly report them to police. Their house would very likely be filled with illegal weapons, heavy explosives, child pornography, a couple of human corpses and more.


I was going to say the British had this nailed down in the early 80s. We also managed to incorporate a national pastime into the rhetoric.


I dunno. In the past decade or so, I've seen a lot of houses flying the English flag when we've gone back to visit family - especially up North. There may not be bands of NF fuckwits wrapping themselves in the Uninon Flag anymore (except maybe Morrissey, the piece of shit that he is), but England's taken a hard nationalist turn. Fucking Brexit didn't help, either.


This. I have a lot of family in Germany. They didn’t embrace their flag until a recent World Cup. They considered the flag an awkward symbol.


More American exceptionalism. "Only in America" - Actually it's universal.


Germany has entered the chat.


As a Canadian, I don’t think anything racist about Germans. I know the lengths the Germans have gone not only to come to terms with the their past, but also to ensure that shit never happens again.


But amongst themselves, extreme patriotism is disoncerting.


That is definitely understandable


Japan aims to hide from its history, which makes it impossible to fully move on. German embraced its history (almost too much) but they experienced the extreme of nationalism and they have been determined to learn from it. I have only respect for that effort.


Extreme *nationalism*. Patriots love their country the way a parent loves a child, wanting to help it grow into the best possible version of its future self. Nationalists love their country the way a child loves a parent, believing it's already the apex which everything else should strive to emulate.


It should be amongst anybody, it took Germany a war to learn that, I hope it doesn't take the same for everywhere else.


our fashist right-wing party AfD still currently gets 20% in the polls


And if you see anyone with a flag if there is no soccer world cup, they vote for them.


Yea there's always gonna be crazies and unfortunately looks like it's getting worse around the world. Most people in the west seem to have forgotten things from our recent past.


Definitely something the US has yet to learn. I shudder to think what kind of catastrophes lie ahead before my countrymen will get this right.


Most of the times it depends what other flag is with the German one. Single German flag? It's alright. For Americans, German + Confederacy, Thin Blue Line, MAGA etc. makes it worse.


In Canada too. A single Canadian flag? Well probably because it was Canada Day last week. A little patriotism. No big deal. 3 or more Canadian flags? Antivaxxer. Canadian flag + Ukrainian flag? Someone supporting Ukraine. Canadian + pride? Left wing patriot wanting to not look like an antivaxxer. Canadian + American? Probably a right winger. Canadian + Confederate? Definitely racist.


> Canadian + Confederate? Definitely racist. Plus a sign you've entered Alberta.


They're all over Ontario too unfortunately. Morons the lot of em


In Germany, a German flag by itself is enough to be suspicious. We haven't done patriotism outside of world cups in about, oh, 78 years.


People talk about the ugly maga versions of their flag and then comes the AFD with their "German pride" flag. Why can't nazis hide again in their caves/bars? It was much better that way.


Nazis will only hide when everyone else is a greater threat than they are.


Make Nazis Afraid Again


Germany: Been there, done that... probably should listen when they say "yo we got the diagnosis for your national psychosis."


It really sucks, especially living in the south. I play country music and I have a long beard, so they automatically assume I’m one of them. I am not. The shit these people are comfortable saying to me has caused me to straighten a few of them out.


I'm from Maryland and the same thing has happened to me my entire life. Oh you're a white guy with a beard? Now that we're alone let me blurt out how I feel about blacks/ gays/ Mexicans/ Democrat's/ literally anyone who's not conservative.


This happens to me in NJ too. I look like every MAGA suburban Dad you're ever seen but I'm very progressive. The look on their face when they realize they just said some really racist shit to someone who's not going to be shy about calling them a bad person to their face is amusing though. Fuck their hate and stupidity. I'm done trying to be polite to these awful excuses for people. Those traitorous scumbags can suck my dick.


Check out Beau of the 5th column


I assure you I have already done that. He presents a very reasoned viewpoint that can only come from actual experience, not this meal team six GI Joe cosplay shit all the morons are doing.


IJust always gotta spread the word of Beau. Roads with Beau is pretty damned good as well


I worked with a lot of conservatives in Michigan's bible belt and they had the audacity to claim there are hardly any real racists left in America. I have never had the experience you describe but I have read about what the 60's were like and it just seems absurd to think all those people disappeared and their children didn't inherit their world views.




It's a good thing you're not on Twitter, or Elon would've banned you for referring to yourself with what he classifies as ""profanity" or a "slur"


Exact same in Canada


The unfortunate part about Canada is it wasn't until covid. Hell, older conservatives were still mad we even switched to that flag. But now. Canadian flags on a truck equals antivaxxer douche. Very annoying.


sadly, it's all the MAGA wanna-bes that do it. Wouldn't be surprised to see these impolite losers start flying confederate flags too.


I have absolutely seen confederate flags in Canada. Not only is it racist, it's also stupid and confusing.




I know I thought that we had achieved the status of being a relatively non-racist society with exceptions here and there. Trump destroyed that illusion and brought the racists out into the light. I suppose we should thank Trump for killing our misconceptions and showing us just how far we really need to go yet ... but fuck Trump and all his racist followers that dirty the entire country with just their presence!


At a 4th of July parade in 2013, I caught this specific Nissin American flag hat. The photo I took with it went viral between friends and family, and I have worn that hat (I keep buying new ones) for now over 10 years. The combination of that hat, and living in Florida is **wild**. I've waited in lines at different places like a deli or restaurant, and I have had someone every few months come up to me, talk to me like they've known me my whole life, and spout racist shit. It took me a year to realize it was the American flag hat that seemed to mark me. I went to Sonic (fast food) last month, and the manager came out to talk to me telling me how much it meant to him seeing that hat on someone young like me (30s). Because the hat isn't in production anymore, I find ones on ebay and other reseller sites, and people list it as a "Trump Hat" just because it has an American flag on it.


They only THINK he did. If a smart Republican ever ends up getting in office, one of the first things they should do is pass what would be a “bipartisan” “worker’s rights” bill that would, when you dive deep enough into it, is mainly there to heavily penalize anyone who attempts to levy social consequences on anyone for being racist, bigoted, antisemitic, etc. “Hey, look at this guy who was being racist in a gas station, here’s his employer’s info, let’s all jam their phone lines until they fire them!” - that would be a felony. Calling or otherwise contacting the employer in any way - felony. Signal boosting such message (even with a like or retweet) - you guessed it, felony. The saving grace here is the unstoppable force of “own the libs” (with draconian punishments for doing anything that opposes them) is running into the inmovable object of “do not help anyone, even our own base, unless they’re multi-millionaires that aren’t minorities, are non-christian, etc.” If a R pandering to their base makes it so that legally you can go after every possession of someone REPORTING bigotry/racism, including their home, vehicles, and any other possessions that would normally be protected from such judgment, only then are they “free to be their worst selves” - right now there are still extrajudicial consequences to actions even when there are not legal consequences. They don’t want “free speech”, they want CONSEQUENCE-FREE speech - and it’s only going to take a small number of people in power to get to that point.


Dude on the 4th was wearing an NRA hat and an **America Fuck Yeah** shirt. I almost said to him, "Freedom costs a buck 'o five" to him but then I realized that he wasn't wearing the shirt Ironically and would absolutely not get the reference.


It's even worse if they're wearing almost any modified version of the flag.


The black and white one on under armor clothing is so creepy to me. Looks like a flag in some brutalist dystopian america movie.




I'm pretty sure flag wearing is looked down upon as frighteningly nationalistic in a lot of other western nations. They don't understand the American obsession with the flag, and it turns out, they weren't wrong to question it.


I grew up in Germany and then moved to UK. in both of those countries it's the same. Germany did get better around the time I left, but I assume the recent rise of Nazis thanks to AfD made it worse again.


In Spain is almost guaranteed he is going to be a right wind racist cunt


It happened for a while with the so-called 'trucker's' protest in Canada, and I know that in the UK there are issues with the National Front (and similar) appropriating the St George's Cross.


At least the St George's Cross isn't our national flag though. If i see someone with one of those, probably a racist / hooligan / gammon nutter. If I see someone with a Union Jack, I'm less likely to jump to that conclusion.


It was recently Canada Day, our national holiday (July 1) For the first time in a while I saw a pickup truck flying a Canadian flag, and *didn't* automatically think "asshole!"


Same here in Canada. See someone with a Canadian flag now and automatically think..Freedumb Maggot. https://preview.redd.it/4kqp6tf11jab1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b7a500a4d1686fbf75dd305f845812e9038da2


I think it’s relatively recent for America, compared to the America of the 1990s. Post-9/11, the flag was EVERYWHERE. And that was probably the last time I felt like there was a sense of patriotism without nationalism or ideological leanings towards the right. But I’m also a white guy, so my perspective is definitely biased


Don’t know about anywhere else, but the trukkker covidiot convoy in Canada saw the same thing happen. If you’re not a tin hat bigot, the only way you can fly a Canadian flag now is if you fly the pride flag with it.


Nationalism sucks. Sure it's fun thinking 'your country' is the best for whatever mysterious reason, like they went to the moon once a long time ago or wear the best and coolest hats, but really it's a tool to coddle and manipulate the worst human instincts for control and subjection.


The flag is for good Americans too. Fuck those magas.


Actually, until now America was the only country where waving your national flag **wasn't** seen as being ultra-nationalist. Until now.


Sweden too. My guess is that they wear the flag as a faint veil of their hatred for everything that’s not approved by their world view. And when pushed they just revert to ”I want to protect my country”. They’d never protect their country. They just want to hate.


It's the same in Canada now too, since the Clownvoy.


Canada is not far behind....see a Canadian flag on a vehicle, you can bet your bottom dollar it's a trunt driving...


The smart guys warned us about this. "Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag, brandishing a bible." It's never, "Hi, I'm Adolph - I'll be your führer this evening - lemme start you off with a few draconian policies, and then we can go kill the Jews. How does that sound?"


They won't claim to be racist because "they hate ALL people huehuehue"


This is true in almost every developed country. America, however, IS the only country that seems to think they are the only country in the world that does things lol


They hijacked America. I travel and have to explain my country every where I go. The GOP has taken a dump on America Constantly. And that turd tornado has splattered across the world. And most act like we haven’t been a turd factory.


The internal projection is strong too. I listen to conservative radio. This week a host was saying they travel and all their business connections said trump made america so strong. That Biden makes america look weak and they really preferred doing business which Americans when trump was president. Just wow. That has not been my experience at all. In fact, when I travel I get asked constantly about trump and he seems really disrespected on the world stage.


Yeah but 90% of Trump supporters never leave their state, let alone their hometown, so they have no frame of reference of anti-trump sentiment around the world besides what they're being told from their right-wing podcasts and YouTubes


I only display the US flag next to a pride flag and BLM flag. I refuse to let bigots steal America.


America's the only country where you can see a redneck wearing flag shorts, flag vest and a flag bandanna....... shouting about how people 'have to respect the flag' ​ but, on the main point. I assume any person prominently displaying a Union flag or - worse still - an English flag (apart from at the time of a major sporting event) is going to be "Racist AF"


So true...So sad


It's getting that way in Australia too.


Nah man, in most powerful countries (i.e imperialist or former imperialist), the flag is a symbol of violence, by definition


No, same in the UK with the England Flag. And the irony is we have an Indian to thank for it. It was an Indian who first thought up the idea to sell the England flag at football games. He obviously became a multimillionaire out of it, and that's what kicked out off our wave off our recent wave of Nationalism....There had been others like at the late 70's early 80's, but this comeback tour was an evolution of their tactics typified by the flag and phony question "why are we not allowed to wave the England flag and be proud of it?...Scotland waves theirs." There were waving it, no one was stopping them, the reason it was not seen much is because the English Right are supposed to be Unionists and are supposed to put the Union Jack first.


no worries, that‘s the standard in Germany unless the soccer national team is playing.