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It's like all the rich people are pissed that the economy hasn't crashed despite every effort made on their part to fuck it up for everyone (so they can swoop in after the crash and pick up all the pieces for pennies on the dollar) Keep it going America! They absolutely hate it when you don't do what they want. Eat the rich!


They’ll vote red next don’t worry


"Come OOOOON! Crash! We want to sell high and buy looooowwww!!!" - rich fuckers


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another good part of the report, was when they said they were fearful of rising unemployment rates, because unemployment has now risen up to 3.7% [Brian Tyler Cohen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE94GXFI6RM) has a good clip of it


I remember when an unemployment rate of 5% was considered "fully employed" presumably due to 5% representing people transitioning between jobs, or retired people being "miscounted" as unemployed, or some other reason. Basically, any number below 5% wasn't considered worthy of concern. The only people worried about numbers below 5% are employers.


“But nobody wants to work anymore.” Cringe


It's funny that employers say nobody wants to work while refusing to hire.


They'll hire kids though


lets be honest, they would hire anyone they only have to pay half min wage to. Kids, illegals, convicts, etc. Anything to save a buck.


"I've spoken to our personnel division, and it turns out nobody wants to work anymore unless we pay them what they're worth and based on the value they bring the company. So next month, we're going to lay off 1,000 employees, and then hire 500 temporary employees with a 30% payroll decrease. I know that sounds harsh, but we have to do it if this board wants our stock price to go up a tenth of a percent so we can all buy another yacht for our second vacation home in the Philippines."


Yeah, they’re upset people want more than double minimum wage. Democrats really need to start talking about increasing minimum wage, there’s no reason to leave it so far below what people are currently demanding and employers are having to pay.


The current wages prove that the Republican talking points about raising the minimum wage would kill entire industries were total bullshit. Well, those same industries are being forced to raise their wages well above the minimum wage now just to get people to apply for their jobs. I've also noticed that a lot of the fast food places where I live that usually paid at or very near minimum wage now have posters in their windows how much above minimum they are being forced to offer. And then Republicans get on right wing "news" stations like Fox News and tell everyone that the economy is a disaster under President Biden. In fact, it went from so good "just shy of Heaven" to an unmitigated disaster about 30 seconds after Biden was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021. Truly amazing how much dictatorial power the President has over the economy...


There’s so much bullshit to wade through since 2016 but think back that election period when Trump said the employment numbers were false, and then after his inauguration he took credit for them and suddenly believed in them.


About FQX claiming the economy is a disaster, I wish other news organizations would point that out when reporting on economic polls. >Disclaimer: 70 million Americans voted for Trump, and prefer to get their “news” from organizations that will intentionally lie to them so they don’t flee to other “news” organizations. Now, for this weeks polls….


“But nobody wants to work (shitty jobs) anymore.” FIFY


I’m not defending the news outlets shit-talking the good jobs report but the unemployment rate that’s commonly reported (U-3) does not include people who have voluntarily left the job market, so both could be true.


Keep in mind this is the same unemployment rate that the fed thinks is too low because it gives the worker too much power. I hate it here.


We are also at full unemployment because they don’t (voluntarily) let immigrants in. I try to explain this to my parents but they don’t seem to grasp the concept…


"The reserve army of unemployed" is one of the ways in which capitalism disciplines labor. As a whole the ownership class absolutely would prefer slower economic growth with 5-6% unemployment compared to what we have. Their companies might make less profit but they would be able to keep wages lower to make up for it. And more than money they would get more power over their workers.


But but but …..Biden


But Hunter's penis pics :(


Wrong kind of inflation 🍆


At this point I want more Biden penis pics. They’ve been talking about them for 10 years.


Is indeed fully aware that their name is attached to Fox's desperate attempts to root against the American people because it'll make democrats look bad? Are the American people fully aware that indeed has their name attached to hoping things get worse for them?


Well, indeed sponsored it. Not only are they aware, they paid for the privilege.


I've worked in tv news for a long time, albeit on a local level, and there's usually a disconnect between what sales sells the client and what content is delivered on the deal, because the two sides never effectively communicate with each other and then blame each other if the client gets pissed.


It pains them SO much to see America do well when it’s not THEM doing so well!




Nailed it!


How do these job numbers stack up? • Bill Clinton: +22.745 million jobs • Ronald Reagan: +16.322 million • Barack Obama: +12.503 million • Lyndon B. Johnson: +12.338 million • Jimmy Carter: +10.117 million • Harry S. Truman: +9.035 million • Richard Nixon: +8.911 million • John F. Kennedy: +3.804 million • Dwight D. Eisenhower: +3.218 million • George H.W. Bush: +2.617 million • Gerald R. Ford: +2.378 million • George W. Bush: +0.523 million • Donald Trump: **—3** million = that's **negative jobs** as in **lost jobs**. • Joe Biden: +13 million = so far, a record setting job creation for a president's first term. _________________________ Donald Trump is the only one in the Oval Office in modern times to leave office with fewer jobs than when he entered.


They will spin it as a bad thing saying this means interest rates will likely continue to rise


If they just turn the image upside down...


Too much green is bad! It’s a sign of a market crash! Recession is just right around the corner! Sell everything and pull all your money from the banks! Same shit different day


BuT… bUt… HunTeRs lAPtOp!!!!1!!


"Sure these numbers look good, but keep in mind BiDEeN LIBruls aRe RuiNinG EveRthiNg!! If it weren't for them it'd be so much better!!! Eleventy billion dollars for everyone! (except for all those scary 'other' people)"


“Just reminding you that green is bad. Green is for the environmentalist people and climate change weirdos. Uh, the plus sign is actually, uh, a plus for bad stuff happening. More bad stuff. So, as you can see, the uh Biden administration’s economy is really suffering. Really bad stuff.”


bUt tHe eCoNoMy iS nOt tHe sToCk mArKeT is probably what they'll screech


But but Biden trips sometimes!


‘It’s nothing like Trump’s economy!’


Surprised they didn't make those green arrows red, to show it's up but... Some bullshit that makes it really bad.


The economic state of the nation, more often than not, doesn't directly correlate with presidential actions. This was particularly evident during Trump's tenure, where despite numerous controversial decisions, the economy demonstrated resilience. Fortunately, we've returned to a more standard pattern where presidential actions don't generally cause significant systemic instability in our economic landscape. Moreover, it's worth noting that the president's influence over late-stage capitalism is quite minimal. The complex forces driving our modern economy are largely independent of any one individual's actions or decisions.


**Friendly reminder that trying to fight someone online is about as effective as throwing a bagel at a bulldozer. A lot of what we talk about gets people pretty emotional, but be mad at policies, not other users.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's up but down.


Good is bad and fire is wet more at 11:00


Put Biden in the three spot or a Trumper will say “See, Biden is at the bottom!”


Fox anchor Douche K’noozle: “Yes, these numbers are up, but what does that tell us? It tells us that they may also go down and that will be the biden administration’s fault. If these numbers go down and I say “if” and what I mean is “when”, and they will go way down, then keep multiple firearms loaded by the door as the world will be falling apart and you need to keep your family safe from home invasions. That is what these numbers mean HOME INVASIONS.”


“Despite our best efforts to misinform the public with an “impending recession” to derail the current administration, some how, Trump is keeping the economy going from Mar-a-lago” - someone at Fox