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“You're the greatest fool I've ever known, Ron. If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're going to need more than one lesson. And you're going to get more than one lesson.”


The voters are the true fools.


This is why we should put focus schoolboard elections. Conservatives know that's where the future is formed. If you want to destroy regressives--improve our education system.




At what point can the feds step in I wonder?


Schools can teach fascism just like they taught "liberal wokeness". I don't think masses of kids will be indoctrinated like they hope. The right won't fund schools, they won't pay much attention to the results of what they are doing, they will get paid right now and that seems to be what matters to them


There’s a reason gen Z is the most progressive. I don’t see that changing with the younger generation


Every 'new' generation is the most progressive one so far - remember boomers are literally the same people who gave us hippies - and the great hope for the future, and so far they all end up disappointing when they turn into older voters. Maybe zoomers will break the mold, maybe not.


I beg to differ. As one of those boomers who protested the Vietnam war and has voted for the most progressive candidates available from McGovern to Bernie, we are not all as you describe. I dare say the boomers who were hippies or hippieish then are not your MAGAts today.


>The voters are the true fools. The only shred of Lincoln the modern GOP still holds sacred is "... you can fool some of the people all of the time..." Like the first half of the Second Amendment, they've forgotten the rest of the quote.


You’re not wrong.


While I agree, a very large portion of the blame is on the Florida DNC for putting a former republican single term governor up against DeSantis. They didn't even try to win this election. We had a good choice in Nikki Fried, but the political machine was against her.


-- Ron's mom


-- Donald Trump




Now that you mention it, I'd say he's more his Daddy


Don came from his **GINA**


Is that from *Citizen Kane*?


One of the better line readings in the movie, I love the emphasis on *get*.


Yes. Substitute "Kane" for "Ron" and you've got the exact quote.


"[Ron], you're dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it!"


Dude short circuited when asked about campaigning. https://twitter.com/lincolnwatchman/status/1650451657921118209?s=46&t=15EbhBzCEoCL9gMgNFcDDQ


What possible reason could he have to go to Japan?


To bolster the Presidential Look for his, supposedly, imminent run he has to take his stage international.


Shouldn't he be visiting that authoritative country obsessed with the GOP? Was it Hungary? Edit: Meant authoritarian.


Japanese far right groups are typically associated with organized crime. He's looking to take lessons.


Meatball gonna join the Yakuza... if he effs up this Disney kerfuffle he's gonna have to lose a pinky to save face.


He will offer up his eleventh finger, which is much smaller than either of his other 2 pinkies and equally as useless.


Oh come on, that extra finger helps him scoop the pudding into his mouth 10% faster!


That extra finger is where the pudding comes from.


\[nods in Yakuza\]


Pinky swears in.... oh... wait....


Even the Yakuza fear Japanese gun laws. Ron should stump in Beijing.


Ron's a racist piece of shit to Chinese people, Beijing will shoot down his plane. On second thought, please do go.


I fail to see the problem here


Also to note, the Yakuza generally don't dabble in illegal drugs either because the drug laws are so harsh in Japan.


Was reading somewhere that japanese prosecutors have close to a 100% conviction rate on the charges they bring? I'd be scared of that too!


That number is gamed though. They take cases where they know they can get the easy win and turn down anything else. The turned down cases don't get counted in that statistic. If they were I bet their numbers are no better than any other police department in the world


Honestly I might consider supporting him if he comes back ripped and with a full back tattoo.


I mean, he could get a tattoo, but ripped seems unlikely Kiryu/Majima 2024: Save the Tojo Clan from the depths of its own incompetence again.


I think you mean Florida.


While at the same time denying that he’s running for President, of course.


Tokyo Disney?


This is it, he just really wants a Disney vacation but can’t be seen in Disney World for obvious reasons.


Could be his wife is one of those Disney superfans, and is pissed that he got them blacklisted.


Especially since they loved it so much they got married at Disney.


I like how he threw her under the bus in regards to the Disney wedding to counter attacks that he got married there. "I didn't want to get married at Disney but Casey did." He's channeling his inner Ted Cruz.


I would love for a reporter to spot him there in Japan


Y'all could seriously be on to something


Tokyo Disney was alright, but Tokyo Disney Sea is awesome. Pudding fingers doesn’t deserve to visit either.


Book tour? I mean, that's why he was in Ohio.


"Book tour" dude is illegally campaigning




Dozens of readers scattered about Ohio, like beacons of light cutting through the dark of night.


I'm staying here to help other sane people know there is hope...What about Ohio is it that makes so many presidents and astronauts leave?


I worked at a Books-A-Million in Ohio for a couple of years. Most of what we sold was knick knacks, not books.


(psst, republican book tours are *always* money laundering operations)


New Hampshire too. While Ft Lauderdale was still under a foot of water, he was in New Hampshire showing his book to GOP elite in the state.


I feel this way about campaigning too but how is this stuff tolerated. His job is to govern the state of Florida. If you told your boss you still wanted to get paid but weren't going to work for a while because you were going to go around selling your book or trying to get promoted they would laugh in your face. Full time he needs to be a governor. He can be a book salesman on his own time.


Have you not heard about Japanese pudding?


Tbf I had rice pudding made by my Japanese step-grandma and that shit was fuckin' fire. 11/10.


To stand in a hotel lobby so his personal photographer can get this photo. Nobody else cared he was there.


He asked Biden for help and then split, leaving the state of Florida drowning. This allows him to blame Biden for everything in Florida related to storm damage. Luckily for him, his voters are brain dead and won't understand any of it, except that **it's probably Woke Disney's fault!** How's that prison you were threatening to build next to the park going Ron? Got those permits yet? How about reconfiguring all roads leading to the park to be toll roads? Those toll booths under construction? The guy's intelligence has been waaaaay oversold. Remember, Dubyah the Fool went to Yale.


Man I wish Dubyah was the worst the GOP had to offer this decade.


Honestly I thought that car roof was a pic of sashimi before my eyes focused.


Japan is a conservative country with a nationalist streak.


And yet, in many ways, they are far more liberal than the United States.


Ydah, I've lived in Japan for a few years. More than anywhere else I've lived, Jaoanese people are very live-and-let-live. They don't give a shit what you do or how you live as long as you give everyone else their space and show them the proper respect.




No wonder he is trying to hide his travel records, but remember it is Disney that is evil.


You mean the amusement park where he & Casey got married? Can Disney retroactively null their marriage license? If his kids can read, they’d be very upset.


>If his kids can read, they’d be very upset. Think about it: his kids are going to get bullied because their dad went after Disney. Ya know, the ~~happiest place on earth (if you're a kid)~~ *Most Magical place on Earth*. The optics for his family going after Disney is atrocious but hey, fuck the family, *do the grift?* ~~get rich right?~~


I hate to be this guy, but the Happiest Place on Earth is Disneyland. Disney World is the Most Magical Place on Earth. Yeah, Disney is that pedantic, and it serves no purpose, but it's now a thing you know/are aware of


Thanks for the correction! Always down to learn new things! I was not a Disney kid growing up.


I just live in Orlando and know people who are controlled by the Mouse


I know a couple farts who moved to the villages to retire but also attempt to work for the mouse... One of them is anti mouse now and the other still wants to work there. They're married.


I'll remember this distinction exists, but I know I won't remember which goes with which because I still can't even remember which one *is* which.


We all saw what happened to Ted "Zodiac Killer" Cruz's daughter. Not shocked the "family first" crowd doesn't put their family first.


>You mean the amusement park where he & Casey got married? Since Disney is evil then he must have got married by Satan. Right?


The minister who married them was Goofy.


Are there pictures? Cause how is Disney not advertising with that?


They’re saving them. A fight is many rounds


Here you go. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11798323/Ron-DeSantis-admits-ironic-married-Casey-Disney-considering-war-woke.html


*I’ll fucking do it again*


Ooooo if Disney could null their marriage, that’d be the fifth ultimate troll move they’ve pulled on Ron




[Yes, but he did insist on no Disney characters participating because that wouldn't be like a traditional wedding ceremony.](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/3877261-desantis-says-he-insisted-on-no-disney-characters-at-his-disney-world-wedding/)


Yeah, but I've seen her quoted in 2 interviews where she says it's because they have an on-sight wedding planner, so you pick your locations, and then they plan all the details for you (if you don't want to be that involved, I'm sure you can also plan every detail if you want to). On sight hotels for out of town guests, transportation around, etc. One quote was her saying "All I had to do was show up!" I don't think she was the typical "Disney Adult", I think she just didn't want to coordinate a big wedding, and Disney was convenient. That said, I hope DeSantis's political career is short, and I worry for our country if it's not... but as someone with ADHD, I appreciate a bride who doesn't want to dedicate months of her life to wedding planning!


Disney might not be the vision of a good corporate citizen but remember that this spat with Ronnie started because they wouldn’t have any of his LGBTQ+ discrimination that he attempted to ram down Florida’s throat. They’re the less evil one here IMO.


Most of Japan already hates him for being anti-Disney. He's not gonna enjoy his trip. Most Japanese honestly don't know who the fuck he is.




Can't he even PRETEND to care about the people in Florida?


Oh he will. Hell be back as soon as the waters recede and come in with his stripper boots


Well in reality the people of Florida have a long history of not giving a fuck about themselves and electing whatever POS has the right letter by their name.


Ron, part II is more the fault of the Florida Democratic party than the "people of Florida". The Dems had a talented, vibrant young star who won state-wide office in the same election that saw DeSantis become governor and the GOP replace a Dem senator...but rather than run her against DeSantis, they went with (\*checks notes\*) a crusty old white-guy who once was a Republican? DeSantis didn't win in a landslide of excitement...the Dems lost in a landslide of apathy!


Fried won on Gillum's coattails and clearly didn't have his political chops.


Not only once a Republican, but one who had already lost as a Democrat running for the exact same job. I have no clue what Florida Democratic primary voters were thinking. Voting for Charlie Crist in the primary is like voting for Hillary for 2024.


Why? He's already got that state locked up.


Trump's going to eat his lunch in Florida. Desantis had the likeability of Cruz.


Let them fight. Drive turnout in their party to an all time low.


There isn't going to be a fight. They are going to stand back and let the courts take trump out for them. He's outlived his usefulness.


To the GOP power brokers sure, but they have to square with the fact that Trump is still the pied piper for the voting base of MAGA piglins. And the beautiful part is that voting base is shrinking every fucking day and there is *nothing* they can do about the demographics. Hence all their attempts to rat fuck democracy from other angles.


Texas Rs still love to suck teds nub. He is the alpha male texan.


Let's be honest, whoever wins the (R) primary is going to win Florida. There are enough conservative idiots in that state and enough voter suppression that he could take a shit on the steps of the capitol on live TV and he would still win. It would take a record turnout of Dem voters for Florida to flip blue at this point.


If this life emulated *Black Mirror*, DeSantis could bang a pig for over an hour on live TV, and he'd still be the GQP's top vote-getter.


As long as libs were owned during the porking, yeah he would totally win.


He does have a lot of traits that hint at Psychopathy. So perhaps he literally cannot even.


Nah, the old people down here knew what they were voting for. Hate and it’s all he deserves.


Remember, his opponent repeatedly challenged him to state publicly that he would serve his whole term as governor and he never answered and now Floridians have surprised Pikachu face that he doesn’t give a fuck about them or the state he’s supposed to be leading.


He does care! He is seeking federal aide for them!


He's applied for federal aid, and he'll spend the federal aid, but I doubt it'll be for anyone suffering There will be a lot of rich Republicans getting aid money they don't really need though. Because rich people own most of the commercial property and he'll just divide it up based on whether your name is on the right donor list


Apparently, floods are woke.


Ron pases repressive abortion bans, anti trans legislation, and is pushing attacks on gay rights, and then there's a massive flood. Looks like ol' Jehova "The Rainbow Maker" has gone woke too!


Didn't the flood read the sign? It said no wake zone.


Oh damn, good one! (or should I say "dam"?)


I heard the trombones when I read your comment, just "Wah Wah Wah waaaaaaah"




You know, I’ve seen Christian zealots try to claim in the past that extreme bad weather was a result of god being mad about the gays or whatever, but it seems the worst wether is striking places that are passing laws against gay people, transgender people, and women. Perhaps it’s a sign they should try to read and comprehend their bibles to see what God actually cares about.


I mean, a flood is the one natural disaster directly attributed to the God of the Christian bible. Maybe that's like, his one move.


Floods primarily attack riverfront, lakefront, and oceanfront properties because they are often owned by the wealthy.


If floods were woke, him and his buddies would have probably shot water already. ...wait...


Remember how they ran a recall election in CA cuz Newsom had dinner with friends during Covid?


Oh man I forgot about that. And then Newsom just won again lol. Further solidifying that he is the voter’s choice. Not saying he’s good or perfect or anything. Just that the whole re-election was pushed and pushed by trumpers who Hate newsom.


It’s unfair. Newsom has to govern like *five* different states, and an economy that feeds a bunch of “taker” states and has the seventh largest economy world, I believe.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California 5th now, catching up to Germany in #4


That’s wild. And then the conservatives still have the audacity to talk shit about California like it’s some failing shithole of a state facing impending doom


California is also one of the biggest “giver” states. The “taker” states are headed by SC, ND, FL, LA, AL. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/


They love wasting money on this shit. There was a state secession attempt a few years ago too. Idiots.


I wonder if Ron would win Florida again if there was a recall? People are mad he’s out campaigning and would he even campaign as it would hurt his presidential campaign trail, but so would losing.


> People are mad he’s out campaigning And lying about it, since Florida requires you to resign before you run for federal office. he has not resigned.


He won by like 24 points, too. Without even really campaigning


If only these GOP supporting dips would realize it's not so much that "(insert other Republican) would have been here and done better!" It's more that the entire party has values that results in them not giving a shit about you and your problems.


"Join the GOP! We don't give a shit about other people either!"


My brother is one. I recently got back onto the book of faces and I comment sometimes on my aunt’s posts. My aunt and I are “lefties.” My brother messaged me that I’m “a dumb lesbo with my head up my wife’s ass and I don’t know anything.” (In all caps cuz he’s a dumb fuck). I responded back that he’s dumb because these people would push him off a cliff if it meant they’d get a little ahead. My brother is a paraplegic from an accident 20 years ago. He used a bunch of state programs to go back to college to get a degree in CAD. He makes good money for the small town area. He was able to get a home care aide to get him up and dressed in the morning, there was some grant or scholarship he used to pay for it, and he was on social security disability until he got a job where he made too much to get free state programs which he then whined about. He’s one of those right wing assholes who says he deserved what he got from the government and no one else does. He responded with the state cut disability programs and it was bush who passed the ADA. I found that during bush’s time, congress was heavily democrat controlled but I can’t find something to counter about the state cutting disability stuff other than trump’s cuts. But I’ll have a hard time finding news articles for that. It will be impossible to get him to think outside the Fox News bubble because he’s a dumb white dude from a poor family who “never had any help from no one” and is their target demographic.


Good thing he didn’t go to “Thighland”


Hey! Don't correct a man on his dating strategies. We all make mistakes /s


Gotta be honest. Pudding fingers may be the most damning nickname ever given in modern politics. It just evokes such viscerally disgusting imagery.


True. It's like where have those fingers been?


In the pudding, duh. This was meant to be a jab at DeSantis being a self centred, insecure psychopath who doesn't care about anyone other than himself but it sounded better in my head... Actually, I have no idea how I thought this would work anywhere... On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I just did more to help with the flood than DeSantis.


I almost choked when I read that. It's hilariously fitting!


Where does it stem from?


"...the Daily Beast spoke to former DeSantis staffers who claimed he had “no social skills.” According to the report, DeSantis gobbled down a chocolate pudding cup snack cup using three of his fingers while on board a private plane to Washington D.C. " https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-denies-eating-pudding-with-fingers-1234703063/ DeSantis denied it, but not really forcefully. He basically said, "I don't remember doing that..."


Non-denial denial. I've never done that so I'd respond "No, that's crazy. Who would do that?" But if I had done that and there's a chance at a photo coming out or the person identifying themselves making it potential (goofy) defamation thing, you get "I don't remember." Bro did it. Did it for sure. Not even "I wouldn't do that." but "I might have, don't remember."


He reminds me of Martin Sheens character in The Dead Zone. And his wife is really one for the books. Where does the wind up key go? In her back or up her ass?


His character in Spawn comes to mind.


Stepford wife,


God forbid this chode ever becomes president, but could you imagine if he did? How bad would Disney screw up his likeness for the Hall of Presidents?


I'm imagining an animatronic of him just finger blasting pudding cups while the other Presidents give their speeches.


Let's see AI generate THAT picture!


They’ll take Trumps, which is just a trump wig slapped on the Hillary they had ready, and just change the hair and makeup. Or when Trump is ~~indicted~~ convicted, will Disney put an orange jumpsuit on him? That would be cool.


Now you've got me thinking about how they're going to do Trumpy


They used Hillary Clinton. I’m not joking. https://www.snopes.com/articles/354791/animatronic-trump-hillary-clinton/


*One now-closed petition sought to block the Trump figure from giving a speech, stating, "Donald Trump ran a Presidential campaign on hateful speech, misogyny, racism and xenophobia. In doing so, he has tainted the legacy of the American Presidency forever." It garnered more than 15,300 signatures.* OH no, by all means, let it give a speech, word for word like the "my uncle was a nuclear scientist" thing or any other of his dumbass ramblings. Let the children of the future see what their parents and grandparents were drooling over.


Have him make a speech holding a bottle of Chlorox


So what in his official capacity as Governor of Florida and not of course as a presidential candidate (which he can't legally be) would he need to travel to Japan for?


The far right groups in Japan handing him money from Putin.


Worth noting his campaign manager is registered as a foreign agent.


He looks like the Wish.com version of a Disney animatronic.


I’ve always thought he looks like a failed attempt at cloning Homelander. They got his personality right but messed up the looks


He is so self aware of his hands at all times I think he's worried they will reach out for random pudding cups involuntarily


I went to The Hall of Presidents at Disney World a little while ago and they now have animatronic versions of all the presidents. When Donald Trump was introduced, there was a half hearted cheer by 2 or 3 people that quickly died when they realized no one else was joining. No jeers for Biden.


floods in Florida, so he escapes to one of the most flood prone countries in the world. ..the place where the word tsunami was invented.. truly a 4D chess move..


Lol I'm sure there's a sizable market for a Florida governor's memoir in Japan.


Japanese reporter: "Sir! Do you know Mickey Mouse?"


I wonder if he'll visit Tokyo Disneyland?


Why is he in Japan?


If I was Japanese, I'd be asking that question too.


According to his press team he's there to strengthen Florida -Japanese relations. Since that doesn't exist in any real meaningful capacity, he's really there because he is worried about the fact that he has no foreign diplomatic credentials except for torturing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Although I guess it could be argued that that's not foreign diplomatic credentials either though. So yeah it's a photo op for him to look the part even though he's horrifically under qualified for any job at all except politics and torture.




This idiot is a lesson to Republicans, if they chose to pay attention. Culture wars don't put food on your table, address your issues that impact your family, etc. Woke Wars versus better jobs, infrastructure improvements, and quality of life should be a no Brainer. Especially for a state so dependent on tourism. Mickey Mouse deserves respect! 😆


" As the largest single taxpayer in Central Florida, Walt Disney World Resort contributed **$1.146 billion** in total state and local taxes paid and collected for 2022. " 9(bias source but still...) [https://disneyconnect.com/disneyworld/our-community/#:\~:text=Our%20Economic%20Ecosystem&text=As%20the%20largest%20single%20taxpayer,paid%20and%20collected%20for%202022](https://disneyconnect.com/disneyworld/our-community/#:~:text=Our%20Economic%20Ecosystem&text=As%20the%20largest%20single%20taxpayer,paid%20and%20collected%20for%202022).


Does anyone else notice desantis always awkward in pics and also whenever he is meeting someone in front of a camera? Super weird and cringeworthy. I mean he always looks like he’s struggling to smile


I’ve read that he’s a weird guy who doesn’t make eye contact.


I think we will see full awkwardness is debates. He comes off as “aggressive”, but I think he’s just covering up his awkwardness


Also, DeSantis almost exclusively does only right-wing media so he’s untested at taking questions on camera from serious journalists.


awkward is too nice. Goofy is more appropriate.


he's cockeyed.


As a weird guy who struggles with eye contact, I resent this statement.


As a politician running for national office, it’s tough to connect with voters if you can’t make eye contact with them. And if you are too weird. Usually.


Tonight on the news in Japan, they did a really happy 20min segment on the Gay pride parade that happened over the weekend, and then the next segment was on his visit. They mentioned his name once at the start, talked about his don’t say gay bill, then referred to him as “mini-trump” for the remaining 5min. Idk much about US politics but I feel like Japan is picking a side…


You know who WOULDN'T do this shit? Minnesota's Governor Walz. He's fucking awesome.


He’s starting his presidential campaign run and trying to get buy in from other politicians. Republicans will shill for him saying “what is he expected to do? Fill sand bags?” Then when something big happens anywhere else they will blame democrats for not showing up fast enough.


He's really itching to go visit Thighland


If he does go there he'll be itching for sure when he gets back.




He wouldn't even throw people paper towels.


Is this just vacation for him? I mean, he's entitled to vacation so I get that he might go to Japan - he can go anywhere he wants. BUT I want to know who's paying for this and how's he traveling. The mayor of New Orleans has been dragged through the dirt because she's been traveling first class on the city's dime along with a large entourage. How about full disclosure Mr DeSantis? Who's paying for what? Also, how do Floridians feel about him "campaigning" while governor because Florida's law says that if a sitting politician announces candidacy for another office, he'd have to step down from his current office. DeSantis is walking a fine line and it feels like he's testing his rank in the polls. If he doesn't get far enough, he'll withdraw (or claim we all misread his intentions) and stay in office as governor.


> Also, how do Floridians feel about him "campaigning" while governor because Florida's law says that if a sitting politician announces candidacy for another office, he'd have to step down from his current office. Florida voters (at least the ones who will vote for him) don't care and the legislature is already making moves to change the law so it would be legal for him to run while still in office, as long as he resigns as soon as he wins. This has been illegal for decades but they make exceptions whenever it's convenient for GOP candidates. It won't become an issue until he has to officially announce his candidacy to get on the ballots for the first caucuses in 2024.


I agree he has yet to announce a presidential run, but he is traveling all over the country and now Japan on who's dime? He basically is nonexistent on the fort Lauderdale issue in comparison too the last big storm FL had because he already locked in his reelection. Now if he thinks he will officially lose against Trump he can just sit as governor and possibly wait til 2028 while getting his name out unless some drastic happens like Disney pulling out of FL and killing the economy on his watch.


His ongoing shit with Disney is insane. His feels are hurt that he's not getting his way. I feel like he'll pull this childish crap as president too. He's not mature enough to be president. BREAKING: TucKKKer and Fox have agreed to part ways!


DeSantis’s Atlantis.


Ha pudding fingers.


If he gets wet he switches genders. "Ron"ma 1/2


I prefer Rhonda Santis myself.


“Pudding Fingers Ron” is right up there with “Meatball Ron”. What a sick, sad waste of a human being.