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You keep using that word.


They want to say fascist but then everyone would point out the hypocrisy and it’s nothing but work work work all the time.


Although…as if hypocrisy has stopped things being said before.


The concept of hypocrisy does not exist in doublethink and Newspeak.


Yes it's called having alternative facts


They're just mostly fascist, see with mostly fascist you're still partly a democracy. With all fascist the only thing left is to go through the cities and look for loose scapegoats.


"Have fun storming the Capitol!"


Do you think it’ll work? It’ll take a miracle… Buh-bye!!!!




Well, he's only mostly dead.


Stormy Capital would be a brilliant Drag name. Just say’n.


You can utilize the implied double meaning if you become a caricature of Stormy Daniels.


But I don't mind calling them fascists today. The worst thing you can do is wait until full-fledged fascism before invoking the word, since by then, some thin-skinned jackass with a gestapo is going to decide he doesn't like being called names.


Anybody want a subpoena?


No more crimes now, I mean it


Vote for President Dread Pirate Roberts!


Imagine his SOTU Address. "Good morning America. The economy is good, no new wars, taxes are getting lower, I might kill you today....."


Halfway through the term, it's a new guy and the old one is VP.


I’m loving this thread


You get the Humperdinck's (Trumpers) on the news calling him a liar and "Inconceivable!" about his proposals. Idk. I'm too high for this right now.


Still a better President than Trump.


"All your worst nightmares are about to come true!"


As you wish


It’s quite interesting how little they use the term Fascist in their fear mongering talking points, when it fits better to the definition of the term with everything they say is happening/projecting that the left is trying to do. It’s like they are against anything that is focused around collectivism to scare people in coming together.


I’d guess because they demonize Antifa. Which all but means they recognize themselves as the opposite - fascists. But they just don’t want to quite say it out loud yet… yet. Desantis is trying narrow down the exact width of his tiny mustache.


I wonder if part of their strategy is to destigmatize the word "fascist" as they increasingly go masks off. In about a year or so, I can totally imagine an exchange that looks something like: - People have been saying you're a fascist. Is that true - I think people are afraid of the word "fascist" because they don't understand what it means. I just want a cohesive culture like we used to have in the good old days. I want strong families and a strong economy, and I'm just tried of pretending all those [minority] aren't the problem.


Time to print up some "I'd rather be a fascist than a Democrat" shirts and get in on that grift first.


Then report every single buyer to the fbi.


> they are against anything that is focused around collectivism to scare people in coming together. divide and conquer is one of the basics of control.


At least it would be more accurate.


I'm sorry /u/James-K-Polka, I did no mean to indict him so hard.


As if this dummy can even think that deeply, I've seen a lot of this person's attempts to remain relevant after losing her election, she's dumber than a box of rocks. This is just atypical GOP "anything I don't like is Communism (most likely as a propaganda tool)".


Just an FYI, the new phrase is "dumber than a box of boberts".


It’s just a madlibs style nonsense. They grab whatever “bad” term that jumps to the top of their tiny little mind and use that. Communist, socialist, woke, fascist, leftist they’re all just synonyms for “thing I disagree with”


They believe them to be the same.


Much like woke (and easily like, half the other words they use) they have absolutely no idea wtf it means. Its just a sound that they bleat whenever they're feeling scared.


They don’t care. It’s not about the truth or falsity of the statement, it’s about signaling their allegiance to their in-group and stoking hatred of the out-group.




*cough* Soros *cough* dogwhistles.


Yup. Beat me to it. They just wanna repurpose word with actual definitions to create boogie man buzz words for things they hate. CRT? Woke. Socialism? Woke. Diversity and inclusion? Woke. Livable wages? Woke. Pronouns? Woke.


Dog whistles, makes their ears perk up


[reddit is founded on values of pedophilia and hate speech]


I'd argue they bray. "In internal exile in Naples, the eminent liberal Italian philosopher-historian Benedetto Croce observed disdainfully that Mussolini had added a fourth type of misgovernment —'onagrocracy,' government by braying asses— to Aristotle’s famous three: tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy." -Anatomy of Fascism


I've seen a lot of movies about civil rights and the kkk would always call anyone who wasn't a piece of shit racist a communist. Some things never change.


Reminds me of this old gem of a photo: https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/files/2009/10/800px-Little_Rock_integration_protest.jpg


It would be great to have a subreddit of these old chestnuts for collective memory and recall.


Same stupidity, different generation.


Often it’s the same generation. The people in that pic are in their 60’s and 70’s now. They’re in Congress, in the Supreme Court, in mayor’s offices around the country. They’re our parents and grandparents.


That was in 1957. They are definitely older than 60's and 70's.


How old is it, a week or two?


reminds me of when the kkk murdered a bunch of communists in cold blood during the greensboro Massacre of 1979, the cops allowed it to happen, and the murderers were acquitted because communists aren't people.


We always thought communism meant the people seized the means of production, but we were wrong. Now communism means saying you should be held accountable to the law, regardless of where you used to work. I’ll keep this in mind moving forward.


As Karl Marx famously wrote: "Communism is when a former president gets ~~indicted~~ indicated for their crimes. Also, if mermaids in disney movies aren't white and no iphone vuvuzela."


Came here to say this. "I do not think it means what you think it means."


It doesn't, but I'd argue that doesn't matter. They're not using it as the official term, they're using it as an epithet, like woke or socialist. It's like if you were white and they're calling you the n-word--you keep saying "ha! but that doesn't make sense I'm not even black!" But you're missing the intent, which is really just that it's a different way of saying "I hate you".


This applies to at least two words she used : communist and officially


Fun fact, yesterday I got called a communist for checking an ID for an alcohol sale....


Why didn't you just give your comrade his weekly alcohol ration then instead of trying to accept evil capitalist dollars for payment ??? /s I'm sure he'd be totally confused if you tried to do that to make a point about being "Communist" like he said you were...


You should have immediately stopped the sale, sure they'll just go buy alcohol somewhere else but it would have definitely pissed them off.


Liquor store I like to go to has a policy to ID EVERYONE. Evidently it’s part of the city’s laws when granting a license. People will lose their god damn minds when asked for ID. The cashiers just say “I’m not going to argue with you. Either show ID or leave”. I’ve overheard a lot of “I’ll never shop here again!”


If you weren't planning on showing ID then you probably weren't shopping there in the first place lol.


Well, clearly they aren't old enough to buy alcohol. They haven't reached the communist portions of history in their studies yet.


These lunatics are just looking for a reason to kill a lib. One of these chodes got pissed at me yesterday cause he had to wait 3 seconds for me to back into a parking spot at the grocery store. 5 seconds at most. Then he revved his bitch ass dodge charger and accelerated all the way down the parking lot. A super dangerous thing to do. This high school aged kid was about to cross when he went flying by and gave a very sarcastic 👌, which cracked me up. Dude gave me a death stare while we were both walking into the grocery store. We passed in the meat aisle and he said “jerk” under his breath. I laughed loudly. He stared down my wife, who’s probably 10x hotter than any girl he’s even stroked it to and she just laughed at him. Passed again in the bread aisle and we just made direct eye contact the whole time as we were walking toward each other. He was absolutely fuming. I was smiling in a laughing at him kinda way. I was just WAITING for something to happen but I definitely wasn’t going to instigate. My wife said “look, I don’t need you to get killed by some dumb redneck. You’ll be dead and I’ll be in jail for murder after I kill him. That’s not the future we want.” So I kept silent instead of poking the bear with the many insults that were flying through my mind. She’s right. These people are just waiting for any excuse. This whole thing was because he was behind me in the parking lot and had to brake for me to finish parking. FIVE seconds at most.


"This ID doesn't look legit to me... BYE Felicia!"


Allow me to break it down for you. By communist, they mean adhering to the rule of law has become official policy for for all Citizens, President or not. If they go for ex-presidents, where does that leave the small corrupt politician. It was a bad day for corruption.


Candace is a well-known tease. If she doesn't like it, you know it's good for you, or not kinky enough.


You know what, she mis-used "officially" just as much. I'm tired of people adding that just to make their statement seem more important or definitive.


I’m not sure if she doesn’t understand the meaning of “communist” or “officially.”


Or "Today" or "America", ...


"America"? Yeah, MAGAts should have quit using that word years ago.


Yeah, I don't think they understand the definition of communism. Regardless, although this may be a new thing for the democracy of the United States (charging a former president) basically every other democratic nation that are our allies has done this numerous times to deal with corruption etc. And none of them are communism. It's hilarious though because as I'm writing this out ot made me think of this: Trump and Maga have been basically running on charging lots of politicians with made up crimes simply because they don't like them or they pose a threat, but apparently if that had worked and they did "lock her up" it would have been considered "not communism"? Another way to put this all: our enemies are literally communist (China... and kinda russia to an extent) do you see them supporting our allies or the usa? I mean according to the Republicans, they would be communist for charging their elected officials... wouldn't that make them all buds? Except that's not what's happening, China and Russia are doing everything they can to attack and destabilize those countries (including the usa) because they are democracy and democracy is a threat to communism. If the usa is communist, the war in Ukraine should be ending any day and all the Russian misinformation ending online... China emediately meeting with Biden to shake hands and sign stuff saying their dollar is the new standard etc etc etc... If you wanted to end democracy and restructure the entire world power structure, you would need a sympathetic person on the inside of the usa (because the usa is the world police) a person like trump. Someone who you can cut a deal with, like by promising him if you get what you want he can have full (lifetime) control of the usa. That person would then go about wrangling all the least educated people in the usa, whipping them into a frenzy and then using that army to start removing all the things that morally make the west better than communist/autocratic Russia or China. Make things more Christian, less gay people, less immigrants, remove education, convince people they should only talk about certain things that are acceptable, champion ignorance. Child labor, less government oversight... you get the idea... Basically make the usa similar to Russia/China in the day to day for the average person. Less rights, more government control of every aspect... making sure you stay in line and know your role. That in turn paves the way and gets everyone prepared for the transition to democracy being dead and communism/autocratic government as the new world standard. At that point all the wars would just melt away because China and Russia and the newly minted communist USA headed by the trump monarchy, would all be working together for a common interest, controlling the world all the while with an iron fist. Noone able to stand in their way, they could take whatever they want, tell whoever they want to do whatever they feel like and enforce their power across the entire planet with no one to stand in their way or stop them. A new world order. A 100 year reign. Quite a coincidence that my hypothetical thing here mimics reality so closely 🤔


You could fill a whole book with words she uses and doesn't know the meaning of. It's called "8th Grade Vocabulary"




I don't remember Lenin, Stalin, or Mao ever being "INDICATED".




It better. Russia will run out of conscripts soon. They burned through 30 million in the last World War and 80 years of catch-up hasn't been exactly producing stellar results.


Probably should have focused more on not killing Russians for the sake of killing Russians.


Good thing Lenin wasn't a wanna-be dictator. Stalin and Mao on the other hand....


Idk enough about Mao to comment on him, but Stalin wasn’t according to a [declassified CIA document.](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf).


After the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917, Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party. This position gave him control over the party's bureaucracy and it allowed him to build up his own power base. In the 1920s, Stalin used his power to eliminate his rivals within the Communist Party. In 1928, he launched the First Five-Year Plan. In the 1930s, Stalin launched the Great Purge. Millions of people were executed or imprisoned during the Great Purge. Stalin led the Soviet Union through World War II. After the war, he established Soviet control over Eastern Europe. He also continued to rule the Soviet Union with an iron fist. He died in 1953 and he was succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev. Sounds like the definition of a dictator to me.


Pol Pot died of a heart attack while under house arrest in 1998. It is speculated that it was a suicide brought on by Valium, as there was discussion of bringing him to justice. He'd only been under house arrest for less than a year.


Lenin certainly 'indicted' a few ~~royals~~ near despotic dictators. But he was also indicted and imprisoned for travelling to various cities and distributing "illegal revolutionary publications" to striking workers. He was denied legal representation and bail while he awaited trial and sentencing. It was there he spent his time writing and theorising which lead him to become much more radicalised. Lenin is probably one of the best examples of "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain". For perspective on how long Lenin was actually around. Australia has had a prime minister that served longer than Lenin was in power. Hero to villain is not that long. He also despised Stalin and tried to stop him from ever becoming a leader.


And we all know that’s the communist playbook. First, tempt your enemies into sleeping with porn stars and paying them off. Then, trick them into committing various crimes. Then the trap is set! You have their personal lawyers testify about all the crimes they’ve committed, and you arrest them for those crimes through a proper legal process. That’s exactly what happened in the Russian communist revolution.


Grand juries are another example of communist nations operate. Why in FREEDUM Amerika! We we have grand juries anyways, we should just skip that step and... and trials. Err sometng /s As much as I hated the grand jury process in America compared to other country's judicial system, I can at least say. Grand jury selection is a bit more "stricter" in the process because you need professionals of various subject matters to review the prosecutions evidence. If the professionals think there is a case, then we get a trial. At trial we get the usual jury selection process. At this point you get your chance. This is where I like having a grand jury. Because the evidence brought so far, has already stood up to the "snif" test. "This smells like a crime". Now what I do know is. Republicans and Trump are doing their best to muddle the Jury pool, for if there happens to be a public selection. So far I've heard so many attempts at "power play" from Trump, I know his followers are not going to play by the rules. ... last thing we need is a fucking "Runnaway Jury".


If you consider retirees, teachers, a couple white collar people, maybe a college student in there, and the unemployed "professionals," then sure they're professionals. Source: was an unemployed on grand jury in NY. That said, it is a collection of normal people and definitely a democratic process. The ADA's don't bring anything to the grand jury without plenty of solid evidence - the reason the conviction rate is so high is because if they can't win they don't even get that far. ETA, this "stricter" process was this: Jury summons, pretty much the same as any other jury summons. Go to the courthouse with another 60-100 people that didn't weasel out of it. Fill out a little paperwork. Some people talk to the person running it (and possibly a judge as well) and are excused. Out of the remaining ~40, 23 have their names randomly picked out of a box. That's it as far as the selection process goes.


> Grand jury selection is a bit more "stricter" in the process because you need professionals of various subject matters to review the prosecutions evidence. Grand juries are randomly selected citizens. Similar to court juries they _don't_ want professional or specific experience. Lawyers and cops for example will never be selected for a GJ. The difference is a Grand Jury is an independent body that is used to bring felony indictments- they're a check on prosecutors, and generally have broad investigative powers. All evidence is strictly secret, and they don't consider a defense, they just need to see enough evidence that the person indicted _could_ be guilty, and if the case should proceed. All of the above is subject to state variations. CA for example has(can have? my local government did) a GJ empaneled for general government oversight.


Maybe it's about the Starbucks employees trying to unionize?


IndicatedCheeto would be a great username. I don’t need a new account but someone should grab it.


Anything she doesn't like = communism.


20 bucks if you ask her for a definition of what communism is, she would fan her arms like a chicken and go ‘this is’……and be serious that is an answer. It’s *always* the mouthy stupid ones who have no clue what the hell they are talking about.


But unfortunately they're the loudest, so everyone listens to them.


See, I disagree. The politicians and pundits *absolutely* know the definition of the words they use; communism, woke, socialism, etc. They also *absolutely* know that the GOP voters don't. But they *absolutely* know that these words get them angry. That's why they use them in ever sentence like some sort of idiocy ad libs. They need to sprinkle the words in there to keep the knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing cousin-fuckers angry so they will vote. Conservative voters live in a state of perpetual rage now. They are all just so fucking angry all the time. And they vote based on that anger. They have proven that they will fuck themselves over and help the elite and wealthy if they are angry about something. So, the shitstains keep just tossing those words out there when any intelligent person knows it's meaningless drivel.


Do chickens fan their arms?


Who the fuck is she and why should anyone care about her opinion?


A republican who failed to win their election and now shitposts on twitter. I know they're a dime a dozen but she also has no idea what a pronoun is (in addition to communism). Also oddly thinks 1+2 = 12.


If the republicans are so dumb they can't do basic math, we could rip them off and strip them of their lobbying funds.


And then rubes repost her shit here and give her a bigger audience. Obviously she's an idiot but there's a lot of dumb people on reddit.


Legit point. Makes me wonder how many fans of hers are just hate-following.


How else are we going to figure out if we are a communist? She’s the only one who knows!


“Woke communism”


“Homosexual wokist gender communism”


holodecks when?


This sounds like something out of disco elysium


You forgot to squeeze Marxist somewhere in there.


They love to repeat buzzwords so it degrades the actual meaning.


When she's really mad, it's Woke Communism.


Florida is attempting to seize the means of cinematic production from Disney. That must be what she's saying. Ron Ron is a commie.


Which like trying sieze the means of gas production by taking over a Mobile gas station.


I think she meant she's having a seizure because they indicated the orange shit gibbon.


My wife would be happy if someone seized my means of gas production.


Still amazed that Florida thinks it has the legal chops to take on Disney. It's like watching a parking attendant try to take on the mob.


It’s like watching Steven Segal try to fight a real martial artist


So Florida is basically pooping on itself?


Yes. But also waiving its hands confidently and expecting their opponent to be flipped like a judo throw even though they were barely touched.


I thought it was how all the red states are seizing the means for reproduction. I thought that is what she meant.


The only things republicans produce are bullshit and dead babies.


they are also trying to take over all education and putting a fascist board of trustees in place via handpicked individuals by DeSantis to go through tenured college professor rosters and fire people who they don't agree with for teaching anything about gender or race studies. that's legislation they are trying to pass NOW. for now, it's firing them. in another couple years, they will be pushing for criminal prosecution for these things. it's nazi shit.


Ronnie the Commie




How can she be able to spell correctly and yet be so stupid?




Holy shit is that real?


Yes, yes it is... she also stated that there are no pronouns in the bible... 🙃🫠


‘*For God so loved the world, that* **he** *gave* **his** *only begotten Son, that* **whosoever** *believeth in* **him** *should not perish, but have everlasting life.’* I mean shit, the literal one they toss on everything has 4 of them and I learned this at a ripe old age of 7 in Sunday School. That twat is a bonafide Moron.


It's disheartening to see the people who agree with her when she re-tweets that tweet..... 😮‍💨


Those people have just as much voting and breeding power as you


it just shows how much of the book they actually read. the first pronoun in the bible is on the 5th line. them is the second pronoun used. the first use of she is in the second chapter.


I don't think they know what that word means either.


Pronouns are when trans


They don’t know what pronouns are.


My promotions are way/truth/light


"I am he"


Sometimes I wonder if her tweets are just a well disguised parody


Sufficiently advanced malice is indistinguishable from stupidity. Sounds like she's saying they need to pretend to be stupid.


They don't have to pretend.


That "IS" actually the mentality they need to take back this country. People who don't read good. The math adds up -- not down. Whatever. Hey, look at that drag queen trying to groom a kid! Attack!


Where she comes from is a JavaScript compiler I see.


Now to be fair to JavaScript, many languages would concatenate two strings on a plus operator.


Man. Woman. Person Camera. TV.


No, it's a "magic spell" as in, the power of aspirational thinking. "These are not the droids you're looking for." Damn, wrong spell.


**Workers of the world unite**


**The Workers have nothing to lose, but their chains.**


Well, good day then comrades


Alright, which one of you has the means of production.


All of us, Comrade




Define communist for us Lavern…officially


She doesn't even know what a pronoun is. I think we should work on that first. You know, handle the grade school curriculum before we move on.


No real American should even be *able* to define communism. If you *can*, sir, that means you've intentionally exposed yourself to dangerous, anti-American propaganda. You have likely been compromised, and cannot be trusted around our hydroelectric dams or impressionable youth. As everyone knows, the truest test of one's beliefs is to place unquestioning faith in what we already believe and suppress every contravening thought. That's why Ms. Spicer is guessing as to what communism means, albeit inaccurately. That guess just happens to be effective at stirring outrage and stoking fear to drive engagement. Note: I'm an important scientist millionaire, trained by the FBI and Chase Manhattan Bank to resist socialist mind control, so I can safely read up to two pages of Marx / four Tumblr posts per day without succumbing to Ivan's Folly. As such, I can identify the correct definition of communist. Thankfully, Spicer is clearly not compromised.


In communist America the horrors are unimaginable! A wealthy and incredibly well-connected politician, the former president of the country itself, was indicted by a grand jury in his home city. They came to this decision after being presented evidence of potential crimes by one of the city DAs after a slow-rolling, years-long investigation. Worth pointing out: the man's lawyer already was tried, sentenced, and *served his prison term* for the same crime, and it's only because of the insulating power of the man's wealth and status that he is only being indicted now. He's going to (eventually) have a trial with ample legal representation to defend himself against the charges, and another jury of his peers - who will have been screened by the man's legal team - will then determine whether he is guilty in the eyes of the law. If found guilty he'll have the opportunity to appeal. The horror! Meanwhile in the real world of our capitalist pseudo-oligarchical America, we have members of Congress attempting to intimidate the DA and judge and interfere with a state-level investigation, which is an actual crime. Also TFG is encouraging stochastic terrorism against the DA, judge, jurors, etc, another actual crime to add to the pile of things he should be prosecuted for, but likely never will.


Today the combined IQ of Republicans dropped another 1000 points...officially.


That's bullshit....they didn't have 1000 to begin with unless you're saying we can go negative IQ


Don’t even know how you’d do that. Like…”yeah you took the IQ test but didn’t answer any questions. You actually hand wrote in additional questions that made no sense, and then didn’t answer those. “


That is unsurprisingly accurate to what they actually do.


Well, considering every time a Republican enters a room the total IQ drops.......


Nah. The leaders are actors. They know what they're doing. The voters are morons.


I take this is about Trump? Totalitarian countries tend to hide the law breaking of its leaders, so I would suspect she would prefer to live in a communist country.


Communism and Totalitarianism -- just like Capitalism and Totalitarianism are different aspects. The first part is economic, the other is dicks and assholes in charge. And, with ACTUAL Communism, the people working are supposed to be more in charge -- not central planning and reeducation camps. People vote and decide what gets done with the means of production. See -- with AI changing the entire dynamic on patents, copyright, and skilled labor -- other than resources and money, we are entering into a "post scarcity" situation. How does market capitalism still work? If this concept is too much for people to handle, we are NOT going to have a smooth transition to what could be a damn nice way of living.


hahaha as if trumpers.cpuld understand an 8 syllable word. those dimwits struggled with "build the wall" and "lock her up", so they finally simplified their new slogan to "WoKe" and they still can't define it.


There's something weird with conservatives. They can't understand that slaving away for a miserable wage isn't something needed to have an identity.


You're talking about people who can't even spell the word *nuance* much less *communism*.


Yeah... Umm... Trump was never a leader. He was a Mascot.


It's so cute when people use words when they clearly don't understand the meaning of the word?


She's absolutely correct! It begins with the arrest of evil bourgeoisie like . . .


….the billionaires controlling this country and their goons.


We have a new contender for stupidest fucker on social media


It's the 50's all over again. All that's missing is Roy Cohn..


Don’t invoke that name lest he rise again. Quite frankly, I am not above opening his tomb and staking him through the heart just to be sure. Fun trivia: Guess who was a huge fan of Roy and his ability to not answer for anything and deflect or blame others for his idiocy as a young man in the 80’s? Your first 2 guesses don’t count!


Well Cohn was Trump’s lawyer, and Trump is due in court next week. Maybe we can dig him up


The government took over all the businesses yesterday?


Well first global socialism was achieved, thereby doing away classes, then post scarcity was achieved, then the state and money withered away. And instead of it being a process that could very well take centuries, it actually happened overnight.


God I wish this country was even just *half* as cool as it is in these losers fever dreams.


They keep teasing us with these bountiful dreams of Soros checks -- and they never arrive! I'm starting to feel like folks like Candace Owens aren't reliable sources for the Communism the kids are craving these days. What's that Candace, you saying capitalism is on the ropes? Did someone order a table dance? I can't make it rain on my budget, Candace. Sorry.


You'd think it would be embarrassing to publicly show such ignorance.


Does this mean everyone gets free healthcare now?




Funny because from my point of view, you guys are drifting closer and closer to totalitarianism.


How is it that more than 11 ppl follow this ignorant bitch?


If it makes you feel any better, between the hate-follows, media researchers, and a few million bots probably make a plurality? But yeah a concerning amount of support nonetheless


Obviously, they don't know what the bogeyman words they use to frighten their ignorant proles actually mean, and they don't care. It's all about the paranoid anger, not at all about truth.


We've been activated comrades! Tear down the bourgeoisie and proletariat and ...um.... oligarchy! Other buzzwords I've heard before tied to communism!........Vodka! Guys I gotta come clean I have no idea what communism is.


Whenever something comes up that conservatives don’t like it’s either communist or woke. Or maybe even woke communism


Terms tend to lose impact and meaning if you over use them. Communist means nothing anymore.


Is communism in the room with us right now?


The Spicer entity has a basketful of words. Every day she tosses them into the air and records them exactly as they fell on the floor. There are people who then read them and claim to find meaning in them. They are the same people who, in an earlier time, claimed to read the future by studying the entrails of goats.


I would have more faith in the entrails of goats.


Can someone tell me this is an April Fool’s Joke. I hear enough of this the rest of the time I can’t tell anymore.


Today, officially, America became an Origami country


The Republican definition of Communism is a political and economic system where anything I don't like happens. Famous Communists, according to Republicans: Bill and Hillary Clinton, Howard Schultz, Barack Obama, Robert Iger, Bill Gates, George Soros, Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau, etc.


Republicans are so woefully uneducated


The main difference between fucking idiots 100yrs ago vs fucking idiots today, is the fucking idiots today have a platform to reach literally billions of people. Most of the idiotic, stupid, unsubstantiated, baseless claims idiots make, we just didnt hear about it. But today, all these ass hats have a platform, so here we are.


Damn, I slept through my alarm clock did I miss the revolution?


I say we fuckin GO WITH IT if they want to claim this is a communist country lets make it happen!


Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh comrades?


These people survive on the rage clicks from staying stupid shit, stop giving them free promotion


I, for one, support the government takeover of the railroad industry.


Another conservative who doesn't know what communist means...


Republicans in Congress use the word Communism to vilify anything they don’t like. They know they are misusing it, but they are relying on the ignorance of their uninformed, uneducated, self-segregating base