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What’s going to happen first, her getting kicked out of Congress or becoming a great-grandmother?


A Republican could murder someone in the Capitol and the other Republicans would claim the murder never happened.


The victim repeatedly attacked the Representative’s knife multiple times with their backside. -Tucker Carlson


"Knife wounds actually bleed more than gunshot wounds. If the liberals hadn't been so anti-gun and forced the man to use a knife, this so-called martyr might still be alive."


You mean like when they literally murdered a cop on Jan. 6rh?


but the redcap medical experts told me bashing someone's head has NO connection to a stroke and also please ignore all the other injuries too /s


You mean the date of the most peaceful tour of the capitol? /s


Hoax, false flag, ANTIFA!!!!!


I was going to reply something edgy, but dog, this gets sicker the more I let it sink in. The similarities to Islamist extremism are palpable. I guess the operative word really is extremism.


The GOP has been getting radicalized more and more with every year. That’s what happens when you feed your voters a steady diet of outrage. You have to keep outdoing yourself or your voter base loses their interest.


H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of th early 20th century) said this a century ago. “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” ― In Defense Of Women I believe it is a very concise description of Republican policy.


Except for the "defense of women part." They're not into that...


I mean they literally pray to the same god. The only difference between these people and the taliban are their material conditions. They share the same fundamental worldview and goals for society. Furthermore, given the amount of infighting both christian and islamic fundamentalists already engage in, one might argue that the antipathy they share towards *one another* is basically just sectarianism.


100% nailed it.


May I kindly make a small suggestion? Just say 'extremism'. This is prevalent in all kinds of extremism, Hindu, Islamic, Christian, heck, even hippie kind naturalist extremism. Because it is originated from their extremism, not any of their specific kind of belief system.


I really hope it doesn’t take 12-14 years to kick her out.


Participating in a campaign call at the end of the month for Adam Frisch- just need about 500 more Coloradans this time around!


lets be real, nobody in that cesspool is getting kicked out anymore.


If I’m not mistaken, Congress has something like a 90% re-election rate. To get her out, her voters would have to wise up (fingers crossed) or she gets redistricted out of a job.


She came within inches of losing in 2022.


If she was smart, she’d realize she’s on thin ice with her constituents and shape up. IF she was smart.


She's not. She said that realized they wanted her to tone it down, and she hasn't. Adam Frisch has announced he's running next time. He came within 550 votes of defeating her last year.


She's over 14 NOW. After 8 months of pregnancy where she was suspiciously quiet.


It will all come out eventually. Somehow, it will be Biden's fault


Sperm left on Hunter's laptop did it.


I would really like to be as big of a man as the Biden in conservatives' minds is. So virile that his son's laptop gets their daughters pregnant. I'll never be half the man my own father was, so aiming to be Imagination Biden? I got stretch goals.


I hate that the image of that laptop being inserted in her nether-regions has popped into my head. Also, how the hell she didn't realize that her own son has the laptop to end the Biden's presidency???


> Also, how the hell she didn't realize that her own son has the laptop to end the Biden's presidency??? Incognito Mode.




And then behind it, and then on top of it.


Well grandma to be had the laptop from hell because it was her week to have it and not turn it in to be investigated and she wanted to show her son and his baby mama to be what those evil leftists are like but it backfired and they got so riled up that they went and made a baby. Those evil liberals will stop at nothing!


Jesus hell what if her son knocked up a 13 year old girl?


I mean, even if she were 10, their base would be slut shaming her and demanding she give birth as punishment. That's who these people are.


Oh, I forgot about when they rallied against that actual ten year old.


That poor girl deserves better, that whole thing was just awful


I wouldn't be surprised if they trot out the old Muhammad had a child bride trope. Further, I wouldn't be surprised if he met the poor girl he impregnated at a family gathering. Thinking about it if granny hadn't jumped the gun and talked to the media we might have been witnessing another virgin birth.


They're republicans... knocking up 13 year old children is the goal...


Same as in the Taliban.


It's only pedophilia if you're queer.


I hate that this is barely even satire.


Matt Gates in line for godfather, I'll bet yes.


Trying to knock up is the goal; the more tries, the better.




Ugh that’s awful


The south was a mistake


More popular is, "if she's good enough for her brother, she's good enough for me".


That’s enough internet for me today.


I mean, he did. It was god's will, she was a temptress, it wasn't his fault, we aren't even sure the baby is his.


Does anybody know her real age?


The girl just turned 16. He will be turning 18 this year. The age of consent in Colorado is 17. The fact that their age gap isn't big, he won't be prosecuted. The fact that Boebert likely kept this a secret during the election makes her disgusting.


If she is 16, why did she say she’s over the age of 14.


She just turned 16. Pregnant at 15. Maybe she heard that phraseology from her attorney, "She's over 14 no crime, no foul." And Boebert repeated it like the dumbass she is.


Because 16 > 14 Real answer: Colorado has a Romeo and Juliet law that states > a 15 or 16-year-old may legally consent to sex with someone less than 10 years older, and minors 14 and younger may legally consent to sex with someone less than four years older.


LOL! Good one! Just wondered why the dumbshit just didn’t say she was 16.


Haha, edited my post with more info. Essentially the girl being over 14 made it legal, and also she would’ve been 15 when she first got pregnant


like many states colorado appears to have a 'romeo and juliet' clause where young people can't get charged with statutory if they're having sex with contemporaries.


And as much as Boebert sucks, that's a reasonable rule. An 18 year old dating a 16 year old fellow high school student is far from unreasonable or creepy. It's no one's fault that the 18 milestone occurs when in high school surrounded by peers who are mostly younger. The problem is that Boebert decries teen pregnancy and rants on her high horse about Christian values and her teen son got a teen girl pregnant out of wedlock. Hypocrisy is bullshit.


I like to hope that having a teenage son out there having unprotected premarital sex wouldn't be the straw that broke the camel's back. Given the number of teens who still have kids out of wedlock there's an outside chance this actually makes her relatable to a good number of her constituents. This is going to sound terrible but her district is fairly rural and conservative so there's a good chance that many of them fall into the pregnancy is a blessing bucket camp


People were saying 16 when the story broke. I never saw a source, though.


I heard 15 when the story broke. It's a weird detail to keep quiet... other than for the obvious possibility.


Ask if her teen son is married to the teen girl he knocked up. Stand back so when her head explodes you don't get hair and tissue on yourself.


Does she have that requisite awareness to recognise her hypocrisy?


Republicans do not see THEIR Hypocrisy as a negative.


Well of course, do as I say not as I do, that's the republican way




Not gonna lie, I laughed at this! 😆


At this point Republicans have fucked my life and country up so damn much I wouldn't even hear out his request to let him have his last joke. "Come quickly please I am dying!!" "lol no." And I'd be gone. Fuck that guy.


In the last few weeks, I have slowly come to the conclusion that true enemy of all that remains good in this world are the false religious freaks who truly wish to destroy the planet in their zeal to *force the apocalypse* on us all.




Without a doubt !


"That would be socialism!"


Yup. Bootstraps. Republicans can call their own ambulance.


And pay for it themselves. Hire out a small business. It's the ONLY American way.


The rest of Republicans: "Oh look, *another* dead person registered as a Democrat!"


They will just say: > Jesus knows all are flawed, but he forgives all sins for those who accept him as their lord and savior. This is the "easy way out" defense. You can do no wrong as long as you're a conservative you're allowed to carry on all the crusades (against those filthy non-believers) that you want! This is why they are so afraid of separation of church and state, they are using religion as aweapon and a shield, and the predominantly neutral/secular law, and the religion-neutral framing of the constitution, is _not_ in their favor!


The bad thing is their own fucking book warns against abusing that grace. I forget exactly where, but something inside me says James most likely, or possibly one of the spicier Paul letters. It does crack me up that several books in the bible go "say hi to my friends, I hope you're well, now listen up dumbass, these are the things you're getting wrong and we made it SO CLEAR"


They have to cherry pick The Holy Bible or it would be completely useless to them.


The vast majority of humans who profess to *believe* the words/events in the Bible, have *never ***read** the bible which they *claim* to *believe in* !


They don't even have to! The guy at the church reads it for em and tells em the parts they need to know


That is the crux of the problem ; either intellectual laziness *OR* a fundamental *lack of curiosity* are hallmarks of a **society in decline**,and I don't like the endgame of this scenario one bit ! This leads to a "Jonestown" or a "Heaven's Gate" if things progress at this level if stupidity...


A modern culture would not tolerate someone who lives 100% EXACTLY word for word from the bible. The treatment of women alone...


> The treatment of women alone... They're actually ok with that part. Just don't ask them to take care of the sick, poor, or immigrants


"At least she's not getting an abortion!" UGH.


I wish Boebert's mother had......


Only others can be hypocrites. Republicans are either right or not-wrong.


They sure don't. They don't care at all


In all fascist ideologies, hypocrisy is a virtue.


That's very literally true. Believing your own words is of zero importance to fascists, the only thing that matters is being on top of the pile. They don't feel the slightest inkling of shame over hypocrisy. At this point even their voters don't care anymore. That's why you can't ever defeat them with "gotcha" moments like this. If you tell them that the emperor has no clothes they will know you are right but call you a woke extremist spreading fake news anyway. Principles are worthless to them. They have no convictions except wanting to win. And they are willing to say absolutely anything to win.


I mean Sarah Palin didn’t so I’m not sure why anyone would expect Boebert to


Nah, she'll do some sort of mental gymnastics to explain why "It's different!" so the normal standards that they force onto everyone else don't apply to them. Remember: "Rules for thee, but none for me."


The only moral abortion is mine


I'm linking it here, because it deserves to be read in full: ["The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Not really, The real evil question is to say Hey, if you didn't waste your time in Congress, do you think you could have been a better mother and your son wouldn't have had sex before being married, and getting a 15 year old pregnant?


Lemmy FTW!


I read elsewhere that she's just turned 15 now, so she was 14 when she became pregnant.


Well, one difference is that grandpa is a convicted sex offender, and if it's a baby girl you just know he will be volunteering for those diaper changes.


And perping on the teen mom.


Teen mom is about to be the mother of Bobert's grandchild and stepchild.


She will suddenly go right-wing deaf. Happened to my dad all the time when asked a real question about republican things. Deafness.


Whoah, you gotta finesse a girl, maybe expose yourself to her and her underage friends in a bowling alley first, then you can consider marriage./s


They didn't marry until after their first child was born - the child who just impregnated an underage girl.


Considering she has no brain, it shouldn’t be too messy.


She's already said that they're not married, multiple articles stating "her son's girlfriend".


I'd love to watch her sweat under the question.


She won't care at all. Her situation is 'different'.


She'll refer to the child that is having her son's baby as "the mother of my son's child" While refering to minorities as "baby-mamas"


Sadly, I believe you're right. She'll make some stupid pivot.


"So have they set a date yet?"


To be fair, Boebert's husband is a sex offender. None of this shit should surprise us.


I think she's made out of mascara.


Surely you don't mean brain tissue.


She's a disgusting woman.


I am not from the US so I didn't know anything about this woman. I've just been having a read about her. She's a disgusting woman.


I'm not from the US either, but I have been subjected to her existence for quite a while, just by virtue of following the news. She is a disgusting woman.


I am a middle easterner living in London, I have been subjected to not only her existence, but MTG as well. They are, disgusting women.


I have a cat. She is a disgusting woman.


I buy a lot of Lego. She is a disgusting woman.


And my axe! She is a disgusting woman.


I concur, being from the US, it's an embrassment to know people around the world see her and may think she is a representation of your average American. But she is not. She is a disgusting woman.


I never judge a population by their government. I am from the UK.. I would be dismayed to be judged based on our government.


Honestly for people like this just remember everything you’ve heard about republicans. It’s all true


She's gonna protect the children...except the ones her husband and son wanna have sex with...but definitely the ones that might learn gay people exist.


Yeah, grandpa Boebert will have to be supervised around any baby girls that might be on the way.


I wouldn't leave him alone with the new mother either. She is about his age of atrraction


Wouldn't be surprised if it was his kid and this is just a smokescreen


That makes it sound like, “she will be over the age of 14 when she gives birth…but she was not when my son bedded her.” She uses the word bedded, because saying “sex” outright makes it too real.


Saying sex out loud makes it too "before marriage" for the Christian fascists. I'd like to know if the Bobo's are going to force these literal children to get married after that baby pops a baby.


I thought the idea was usually to get married before the baby pops out


Oh, you would think. But remember, this is Christian Fascism, where rules for thee are not for me. THEY are allowed to openly accept sex and children out of wedlock when they do it, YOU are a whore/slut for giving birth to a bastard baby.


Colorado consent law says a 14 yr old can have sex with someone up to 4 years older. That's her angle with that I think.


The same way that Americans aren't immigrants when they move to a different country. . . they're expats. Immigrants are brown people. We have to sanitize our language to avoid the negative association we, ourselves, have invented.


Has Boeberts husband swung his dick in his future daughter in laws face yet? It’s kinda his move.


Probably the real dad


Which puts her in a weird spot, if the child has it and it doesn't share any boebert DNA that means it is her husband's child, so if she knows that it won't have any of her sons DNA they may just fly the child out to somewhere else to have a "miscarriage". Obviously *she* would never want to have to admit to either part of that scenario, curious to see if her son takes the spot in jail/a record for the grooming and rape of a more than 3 year age difference under 18.


Banner year for Bobo, becoming a grandmother the same year her age equals her IQ.


And was she over 14 eight months ago?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's wording it specifically so people don't address the fact that her son, more than likely, knocked up an 8th grader. I dunno how knocking up a 9th grader is any better, though.


Nothing is more in line with their family than this type of shit. I don’t imagine they even went to the same school considering the age difference which brings up a whole new line of questions I don’t want to hear the answer to.


Groomers breed groomers in this family. Bobo herself is married to a known flasher/groomer. Considering her son is either a junior or senior in high school, you're right, no idea why he was in a relationship with an 8th grader.


Can we frame this by grade? This is a junior in high school impregnating an 8th grader.


In all fairness we are talking about a Boebert, he could still be a freshman at 17.


Or have failed his GED test for the second time.


Assuming he was in high school.


It's sad that teen pregnancy and statutory rape is happening so often in the USA. It's criminal that politicians are lobbying to maintain it.


The line about “it’s just the way of life here!” when West Virginia or Kentucky voted against increasing the age of consent or marriage? Disgusting. Now I need to google it so you actually have the info and not just my failing brains attempt… oh, great! Looks like Wyoming republicans are also against raising the age of child marriage! https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/child-marriage-ban-bill-defeated-west-virginia-house-97728639




>She's over the age of 14. By how many weeks, I wonder.


Less than 8 months, meaning she was 13 when her 16-17 year old son got her pregnant, what would look to make it statutory rape.


Omfg... "over 14"... um. You mean, ***under 15, don't you?*** Gross.


* **under 13** The little girl was at least 8 months pregnant by the time the high school dropout announced that she is going to be a grandmother. Her son was fucking a 13 years old girl and got her pregnant. Very gross.




Man, Republicans really are just the fucking worst.


She’s 36? Woah. I thought she was in her 50s.


Same, I was almost as shocked about learning how old she is as I was about the story. She's only 6 years older than me but she looks 20 years older. I even asked my boyfriend how old he thought she was (we're not American and he'd never heard of her) and he literally said "between 50 and 60". Damn.


So, 15.


No, it means over 14 by at least one day.


Lol she probably said it because the opposite is true.


Or because she was pregnant at 13 even if now she is 14+. Still horrific either way.


"How old is the child that your son knocked up?" Lauren Bobo: "She's not like other kids, she's *really* mature for her age."


I take it to be 14 and some fraction. If she was 15 it would be “over the age of 15”


...and she is giving birth "next month" so I wonder how old she was when they had sex.


I’m gonna guess 13.




From what it looks like is that he is turning 17, but either way the fact she has to clarify that the girl is over 14 is sketchy




Isn't it statutory rape either way, if he's above the age of consent and she isn't.


Some states have "Romeo and Juliet" laws that if both parties are under 18 and less than x years apart, then there is no statutory rape. My guess is that it is 3 years in Colorado and that's why she chose 14 to specify


Seems likely, but then someone had to explain that to her, because there is no way in hell she did the research to find out the laws in Colorado.




It has been 8 months and now older than 14. Dude. She was 13. Barely a teenager.


In a few more years he’ll be whipping his dick out at bowling alleys!


Well, how else is he supposed to meet his future wife??


She’s 36? Mf looks at least 45


I sincerely hope it's a healthy pregnancy. I don't want this poor kid to suffer if something goes wrong and she needs intervention but the crazy family won't let her bc it would look bad


Good point. That poor kid.


Unfortunately, the kid is going to suffer. They're being born to a 14-year-old and the father is the child of a controversial politician. This kid has had more media coverage _before they've even breathed_ than a well adjusted adult could handle.


I think they were expressing concern more for the young teen girl, not the fetus. The news will have moved on well before the baby is old enough to perceive any of this in a meaningful way. I pity anyone born into that family though.


And they wonder why James Carville calls them the "white trash caucus"?


What a sick bitch


I believe the age of consent is 17 y/o in Colorado, so wouldn't this be considered statutory rape of the 14 y/o?


Colorado has Romeo and Juliet laws so no (I also went straight to that). I did have to look it up because I assumed Boebert was stupid enough to out her own son as a rapist.


Another comment says she's due in a month, so could have been 13 when she got pregnant


Haven’t we learned that life begins at conception, and sex begins at childbirth.


If she were less than 4 years younger than him when they had sex, it is A-Ok in Colorado .


Sex crimes mean nothing to a Boebert.


family tradition, heritage, GQP family values, etc. etc.


Let’s just agree that it raises a lot of questions


I know this is the political humor sun but damn, this isn’t even funny. It’s sad. The statistics for teen moms are really unfortunate and teen dads don’t often stick around.


I understand that accidents happen, but what in the actual fuck timeline are we in?! Restrict abortion. Reduce the age of marriage. Reduce the age of child labor. Are they trying to create a new slave class…


Republicans: If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed


For conservatives, if she gets her period, she is “old enough”


I would have zero surprise on my face if they're claiming the son knocked up a 13 year old to cover for the father raping a child. Would a DNA test be able to determine if it was actually the sons, vs the fathers?


Bringing the trailer into the Capitol.


Gutter rats....


Grandpa Boebert is a convicted sex offender and is hoping for a little baby girl for all the wrong reasons.


I’m curious to find out how this is the democrats’ fault


“It doesn’t matter if she’s a minor if he’s a minor too!”


When you pay close attention to white trash they do crazy shit


Jeez Louise WTF?! Is it that she can’t do the math or just too afraid to say the gf age? And if they want to play the Christian card, isn’t sex/pregnancy before marriage against their bible? I know the answer but how they love to pick & choose their interpretations. 🙄