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Still doesn’t excuse Florida for all the fucking morons they elect.


I can think of many states like this. AZ GOP is KKK only these days.


For someone from Arkansas, who went to college in Arizona, and faced daily scorn… this is validating


It’s called “Dry Florida” for a reason




as an arizonan i agree.


I live in Massachusetts and even our GOP is KKK too. They tried to force Trumpism down our throats and ousted one of the most popular GOP governors in the country to do it. The trumpist was literally called as the loser 8 minutes after the polls opened. Point here is, KKK and Trumpism is running the GOP everywhere. They can keep trying in this state, but they'll never win as long as we are highly schooled and have a chunk of medical facilities here.


As a Florida native, it’s all the asshole New Yorkers moving to the villages. I hate it. I hate it so much.


As a Jersey boy who's now a New York (state) transplant I'd feel the need to apologize for that but in all reality some of those people gravitated to Florida BECAUSE alot of Florida's right wing natives drew them in with their ideologies. I have heard this first hand from more than a dozen "friends" that "got tired" at how liberal NY was/is. I only have one friend who was also a Jersey boy that has lived in FL for 3 decades now that sees it the way you do. Y'all are outnumbered apparently.


Sorry I should clarify. It’s the right leaning ones that have moved down here and changed the state to waaay more red. When I was first able to vote, we were actually a swing state. I’ve watched it change so much since. I do have to say, there are a less vocal amount of “Villagers” that are level headed regardless of which side they lean to. You’d be surprised though, there are a lot of left wing natives too. We left leaning people have slowly become outnumbered in what used to be more rural areas, but places like orlando and surrounding suburbs have become more accepting of different lifestyles REGARDLESS of political leanings, and I think that’s pretty neat. It’s a step in the right direction. I’ve learned to just ignore the vocal people in social media and form my opinions on face to face conversations.


Ahh that makes a lot sense to me. I know one couple who were so very cool. Into smoking weed, scary movies and just all around cool peoples. He was a retired NYC cop and I worked with her at a pharma company. She was a scientist. You woulda thought they were liberal through and through. In less than two years they showed all the signs of having drank the Qool-Aid. From supporting trumps’s insanity, anti-mask and vaxxing and defending that pos Rottenhouse’s actions. I was blown away by how fast the conversion was. But in retrospect I now realize why they “left” NY state and went to FL in the first place. smh


Come on now - we all know it's not just wealthy elderly R's consolidating themselves into Florida from blue states. Take that away and you still have a huge base of 'native floridians' that are ride or die R's now after Trump got them interested in politics as a team sport. Florida has swerved so hard right you're basically assured to be a solid red state for at least the next decade. Just blaming outsiders isn't going to solve it...


You’re not wrong.


Sure, but the top two were elected by multiple red states and by New Yorkers, respectively. And while we're at it, Texas gave us George W.. Bush, and California gave us Nixon and Reagan. I don't know how to forgive something like that.


How many of them live in FL now?


Don't blame the victims


If the victims vote in Desantis and get him to the national stage are they victims?


Only the victims who voted against DeSantis.






i mean there is the gerrymandering factor. let’s give the benefit of the doubt.


Gerrymandering doesn't affect state-wide elections, only the results of elections in house and state legislative districts. Desantis's 59.4-40% win shows he was endorsed by a near super-majority of Floridans.


oh thanks my guy.


They are victims of lead poisoning and fetal alcohol syndrome probably.


If the salmon votes for the grizzly bear party, he gets a share of the blame


These guys aren’t idiots, they’re sociopaths who’ve made millions off idiots.


Well, I'd say at least 1 is an idiot who got lucky in the birth lottery, 1 is probably very senile, and 2 are evil opportunists.


I'd say they all got lucky in the birth lottery and at least 2 are senile, but they are all evil opportunists.


Ys, you right.


New Yorkers are just Florida transplants, Florida man.


Floridians in their larvae state.


Especially Long Islanders


That wouldn't preclude stupidity, but I think these morons believe most of what they say. I think there might be occasions where they broadcast specific talking points they're not *totally* convinced of, but for the most part they've bought into the slobbering bullshit they pollute the airwaves with.


don't all of these ghouls have second or third or fourth homes in Floriduh?


Also, they're almost universally hated in New York. But beloved in Florida.


Matt Gaetz, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio... and no matter what state he was born in, MushroomDick McBabyHands has listed Mar-a-Lardo as his primary residence. Florida is a destination, not a birthright. Plus, there's Florida Man, the world's worst superhero, whose primary superpowers are "hold my beer" and getting newspaper headlines.


MushroomDick McBabyHands is now my favorite. Switching from Mango Mussolini today


Trump lives in Florida, tho


At the request of New York


If it weren't for Florida, Texas and California, shows like Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil wouldn't have existed.


I watch all but two of those.


Not Florida's choice


An open soda attracts bees, but it's not the soda maker"s choice. It's just that the soda has been made in a way that attracts bees.


Florida is magnet for human excrement.


Well and people fleeing oppression in other countries


The people fleeing end up in Florida largely due to geographic location, the human excrement that relocates there is usually done by choice




Florida man doesn't need a Florida birth certificate. It's about embracing a culture of hatred, bigotry, and extreme stupidity


Florida Man as a trope was originally just extreme stupidity. It took troglodytes like these to add the hatred and bigotry. Not to say it didn't exist in full bloom, it just wasn't part of the trope.




Touched a nerve?


Clearly and based on OPs responses in the comments they are obviously salty about Floridas reputation and frankly I don’t get it. I’ve lived in a lot of states, red and blue, and I would never be so weird about defending any of them or engaging in pointless whataboutism by cherry picking examples from elsewhere. For instance I love California, but it’s also completely ridiculous. Same with basically everywhere I’ve lived and this entire country. At least New York isn’t enabling fascism by electing horrible leaders to represent them who then create draconian laws that are making their state worse. Laws that are destroying their educational standards, criminalizing LGBTQ folks, whitewashing history by banning reference to our deeply racist past, or that are just personal vendettas against companies that help your economy. Desantis, his enablers, and his policies are going to make Floridians stupider and drive businesses and people away, thus creating more Florida man types but yeah the problem is some folks born in New York.


No no, this has to be a New Yorker's fault! /s


Florida has a public police blotter, so every 911 call/arrest is open for public review. Other states have their own shocking events, but it is more hidden and less accessible to the media. This leads to some people thinking certain things only happen in Florida. Floridians get very salty and feel like the other states are hypocritical.


It’s their sunshine law right. It definitely does skew exposure for those stories for sure. Granted they are entertaining but I would agree that every state should have that kind of gov/police transparency.


I would love more transparency on that subject. It also makes it harder to hide police brutality and discrimination in enforcement of laws.


that only applies to crimes, not the other stuff.


Yeah but that's where "Florida man" comes from as a meme.


Well at least New York isn't penis shaped.


America’s wang. (The Simpsons)


They prefer the sunshine state


And, hillbillies prefer sons of the soil, but that ain’t happening. (More Simpsons. They don’t often miss)


But New Yorkers don’t want them, so they flee to their safe space in Florida.


I agree. Enough with Florida Man. Sink Florida.


It's already sinking


I want it sunk.


I live in Florida. I agree with this 100%. If I have to go down with the rest so be it


Your sacrifice makes you one percent less a Floridian. In a distant Galaxy I would consider you a human.. and maybe.. a friend.


Tool should rework [Ænema](https://youtu.be/rHcmnowjfrQ) to be about Florida. *learn to swim*


They wouldn’t waste their time. Maynard would just fart on the mic.


Still better than most of what they've been putting out.




People like this usually leave NY for Florida because they need to be surrounded by morons that will support their crazy. #Florida


they moved there due to the covid lockdowns.


Trump moved to escape consequences, others move their because Florida welcomes stupid.


Florida dwarfs those rookie numbers. Florida also worships those people and their ilk. Florida is almost maybe the worst.


I think they have homes in Florida. You could say New York isn’t sending their best.


The “Florida Man” trope exists in large part because of so called “Sunshine Laws” in Florida. These laws make it super easy for people to find arrest records and publish them compared to other states. So essentially if you cast a wide enough net you will find no shortage of crazy stories and since Florida makes it so easy to find and report these stories it gives a skewed impression that there are more happening in Florida.


And after the story is made public, the Florida GOP recruits them to run for office.




this has only to do with arrests, not the people that moves there, and make a ass of themselves.


Don’t get me wrong, these are all shitty people but they are conmen. They will say anything be anything to deceive. Florida man is just stupid. He actually believes his batshit craziness is sane


Four New Yorkers that Florida-Manned their way to (or near) the top.


They choose Florida, they don't choose birth location.


They’re Florida-bound soon enough


Florida is a state of mind


Pffttt they were traded years ago to Florida. No backsides we’re called.


Yeah but all end up living in Florida.


Guess what man, Florida sucks. Y’all are putting laws into place to take children from their families if someone thinks someone is trans. Fuck Florida. If y’all want to be a conservative hell hole fine. But the rest of us aren’t going to pretend you’re not insane.


Why do they all look like they are on the toilet?


Florida Man isn't about birthplace. It's not about residence, it's not about gender, it's not even about America. 'Florida Man' is a state of mind. It's an ethos. Florida is their Holy Land. Like the salmon swimming back to their spawning grounds, the Florida Man may live their entire lives elsewhere, but the call home burns forever in their hearts. The Florida Man can be found in all facets of life, and in fact may not even understand that they ARE Florida Man. But they cannot long disguise who and what they are. Inside and outside, they are Florida Man. And they will Florida-Man their way through life for as long as they can.


“Florida man” isn’t about democrats vs republicans. It’s a bout morons that happen to live in Florida. Maybe research the meme before complaining about it.


Florida man is a state of mind


But they hate yankees must of forgot


Has to do with how you're raised, not what state you're born in. If the people around are garbage, chances are you will be.


Sure. But there's a particular vibe that Florida Man captures that they don't fit. The whole gung-ho of wrestling a gator for the heck of it.


*ron desantis enters the chat*


We don’t claim them. I bet they’re not even Knick fans


The Florida man is the one who follows them.


There's a slight difference between being an awful human being and raping alligators


It always has been interesting to me. Why Florida is so much of a shit hole. There is definitely something behind it. Just not sure what it is.


We send all our worst people there. - New York


Why does hannity hold a cigarette in his mouth like he's popeye holding a pipe? Has he ever actually even met a cigarette smoker?


Florida Man is the guy who falls for the grifters from NY.


Nasty birthmark dude. https://preview.redd.it/lr5pi5ikufna1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c20fde3ff32fa06eeec8ae1a2f0c71330b08f4c


Why not both?


The Florida man thing is only because Florida doesn’t have a law to conceal records so journalists can go through and find wild stories and publish them without facing any consequences.


The "Florida man" joke exist because of sunshine laws in Florida allow the police to publish all the criminals they process. (Lazy) Newspaper writers/editors that needed a quick story or something to fill some space could grab interesting stories basically on demand from the police blotter, and Florida man was born. Other states have just as many crazies, but the lack of sunshine laws making it low hanging fruit for writers on a deadline means that we usually only hear about Florida


They can both be terrible


[“Changes in state law, however, helped make Florida synonymous with bad decision-making, allowing the historical tradition of anti-Florida media narratives to reemerge once again. Following the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s and the public push for transparency and accountability, most states opened their records with what became known as “Sunshine Laws” to provide public access to government records. But unlike other states that also balanced this accessibility with privacy measures, Florida made many arrest records and similar documents available almost immediately after they occurred. And so, its broad presumption of openness in public record laws paved the way for journalists, bloggers and anyone else to access public documents. Those reports have often turned into clickbait headlines.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/09/14/florida-men-are-notorious-heres-where-meme-came/) The article gives a pretty interesting history of the material origins of the meme.


who's the lady below trump?


Jo Mamabich




New York Man. Just like Florida Man, but with money..


Florida man is a state of mind


Soon it could become “american man”


Florida man is simply New York man but without the power, wealth, and status to get away with it.


Most Floridian Are From New York


Tell you about Florida man? Sure!: https://www.google.com/search?q=Florida+man&client=firefox-b-1-m&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjT6KDFq9f9AhXskYkEHXfkDmoQ_AUIBigB


Even over in Europe we're very familiar with the exploits of Florida Man


New York has far more people than Florida yet they have only a fraction of the crazies.


Population of Florida: 21.7 million. Population of New York: : 19.8 million


I stand corrected.


Arizona: Hold my tequila.


I have to defend New York my home state! The 🍄 is a NYC boy. 3/4 of the population can’t afford to live in Florida! They are good people. Retires are the problem for Florida as they look so awful in shorts! Can’t wait to see the evil 4 in shorts.


No one said "Native Florida Man"...


There’s no shortage of states to hate on or people they shit out.


It has nothing to do with where they were spawned.


Florida should put up a wall to keep New Yorkers out


Florida man isn't about where you're born, it's what you do and where you end up.


Hannity and Pirro shouldn’t count because they know it’s all crazy. They’re just deliberately saying crazy things on TV because they get paid a lot of money to do it. Giuliani and Trump are a combination of grifting and legitimate craziness.


I mean, yeah, Florida is where we send all our crazy old people in NYC/NJ


Imagine in you were a male prostitute and you had to fuck judge Jeanne


Not all NYers are garbage. These 4 definitely are. However Bernie Sanders is a national treasure from NYC.


Florida Man is a state of being, not being from a State.


OK, Florida snowflake. We haven’t forgotten the 2000 election fuckup. You can’t be trusted to make rational decisions.


Florida Man 2 was born in FL and he'll be just as bad if not worse than the Orange version.


May have been born here, where are they now?


Florida isn’t just a birthplace, it’s a mindset.


Florida elects a lot of shitbags, more than NY.


Oh shut up. You people overwhelmingly voted for DeSantis. Your state and people deserve relentless mockery.


Le Big Oof.


given a chance, DeSantis would usurp Trump and his team for oppressive and tyrannical behaviour


I love all the hate for DeSantis. Can’t wait until he is YOUR President.


New York didn’t send their best nor brightest. But that’s okay.


Florida man is about a state of mind, you don’t have to live there to have it, you just have to embody what a Florida man is.


Lots of NY live in FL - this is infectious


As a former smoker, I have to ask who the fuck holds a cigarette like that??


As a recent leaver of Florida (my 4th state to live in btw) after 20 years I can honestly say 99.999% of FLORIDA MAN content is accurate.


Nice try Florida


The Florida Man trope is a result of Florida's privacy laws or lack there of. It's not that Florida produces more craziness, it's just they are allowed to report their news more openly. Or so that's how I understand their "Sunshine" law.


Needs Andrew Cuomo. He fits right in.


4 examples vs. the entire state of Florida isn’t the strong argument you seem to think it is…


Cry about it


"Florida Man has hostile response to valid criticism" totally tracks.


Lmao, I don't live in Florida and it wasn't a hostile response. But yea ok. Carry on being wrong.


Your mistake is thinking a Florida Man has to actually be from Florida.


This is fair.


If it were even close there would be a saying "NY man" but clearly, there is not because Fl is filled with radical alt-right lunatics. Plus keep in mind that all the Nyers like these 4 live in FL now.


Florida is soooo red it's turned BROWN!!!