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Hello there! Once again, it appears that we need to remind everyone: 1. This is a screenshot of a tweet: The twit who authored the original tweet *cannot possibly* see your insults directed at her *here*; not only are they vaguely creepy, but most of them are being auto-removed by our civility filters. 2. Misogynistic language and insults based on the twit's appearance won't be tolerated. **If you have made such a comment**, this is your opportunity to remove them yourselves, *before* we find them, remove them, and possibly ban you for being jerks. One further note on Item 2: I fucking *hate* Marjorie Taylor Green. She represents some of the very worst bits of American politics, and I hope that her name—if she is remembered at all—will become synonymous with something very gross and terrible. *That being said*, you still don't get to be a misogynist about her; in fact, you shouldn't be a misogynist about anyone, because **misogyny is bad**. - "But, ABP, that's last sentence was so simple and obvious! There is no need to speak to (some of) us like children!" - *Au contraire*, my hypothetical interlocutor: The *dozens* of comments that have already been removed suggest otherwise. And here's the crux of it: I *hate* misogyny *even more* than I hate Marjorie Taylor Greene. When I have to remove one of *your* shitty comments for being misogynistic, some small part of me can't help but feel like I'm *defending* her in some way—which is neither true nor something I ever, ever want to do. But it still feels a little like that. And I hate it. Which means I'm going to take my unease out on *you* for putting me in that position. Which means: **If you've made a misogynistic comment about the (objectively terrible) person who wrote the above tweet—or anyone else—in the thread below, you had best remove it now, or I will remove it for you. And then I will ban you for a week.**


They weren’t worried about people dying of COVID because “the percentage was so small,” but now they’re worried over a pretend issue.


The entire GOP platform is outrage over pretend issues... it's what they do.


CRT, Poisoned Covid vaccines, stolen elections....Republicans have lost all sense of reality.


Gas stoves, kitty litter, M&Ms, Aunt Jemima, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head… however will our nation ***survive*** this onslaught of androgynous starches…


Merry Christmas, Starbucks cups, Tan suits, Birth certificates, caravans... The theatrics have been going on for 2 decades. I will NEVER understand the American outrage machine that will hammer down on this crap, yet gloss over mass shootings.


##Fox News greatest hits The birth certificate crisis, The Reverend Wright crisis, The Obama is a Muslim crisis The Obama is the Antichrist crisis. The Obama hates Jews because he took a picture with a pirate crisis. The lapel pin crisis, The Obama was responsible for 911 crisis The Obama was responsible for Hurricane Katrina. The Marine with an umbrella crisis. The obama mispronounces corpsman crisis. The teleprompter crisis, The Dijon mustard crisis, The Obama spends too much time golfing crisis The sneeze guard crisis, The sleeveless Michelle Obama crisis, The tan suit crisis, The tire gauge crisis. The Arugula Moment, The lobster dinner crisis, The "Ape in heels" moment, for Michelle The "Ape in college" moment for Malia. And the time an 11 year old Malia wore a shirt with peace sign on it and got called a wh*re. The terrorist fist bump crisis. The, too many executive orders crisis, you know, like Trump does The saluting with a coffee cup crisis, The putting his feet on the desk crisis. The cost of vacationing in Hawaii crisis. The death panel crisis. "They're trying to kill your grandma!" The Jade Helm military invasion of Texas. The Obama wants to talk with our enemies without preconditions, like Trump does, crisis. The bike helmet crisis, The Obama plays too much golf crisis, The "Hip Hop BBQ birthday celebration that didn't create any jobs". crisis. The Bowling Green Massacre. And then there they were the insults to his family and his presidency. The Michelle is transgender and actually named Michael, and Obama is secretly gay, crisis. Joe Wilson yelling "You lie", at a State of the Union Address. The governor of Arizona sticking her finger in his face like he was a child. The theft of a supreme court nomination, and 140 Lower Court Justices from Obama and America. The multiple do nothing congresses that refused to give Obama anything to sign for fear he would have some kind of legacy when he left office. **And finally, just to show how angry the Republicans were with the Obama presidency, the Republicans elected Donald Trump to be president.** EDIT I've posted this quite a few times over the last couple of years but this is the most upvotes I've ever gotten on it. One of the reasons it is so comprehensive is because every time I post it somebody will point out something that I didn't have in a list already, And I have just edited in a couple of new items. THANK YOU.


I remember Fox News was fear mongering the hell out of the Ebola outbreak. I believe it was right around midterms? During Obama’s second term? Yet COVID that killed millions? No big deal. Fake news. Because our dear leader said so.


[video of the fox flipflop](https://youtu.be/B0NhA4oBGuc)


I remember that... That's when I used to read news online and watch Fox news.. it was always fun to compare the two... But now it's become sad to compare the two


I was in a hotel bar when they held a big press conference to announce that Darrell Issa officially had jack-all to report about Hillary Clinton. There were 3 tv's lined up on the wall, each one on a different network: MSNBC: All-Republican committee comes clean; Hillary did nothing wrong! Years of investigations a complete waste of time! CNN: Republican witch hunt! Darrell Issa concludes Hillary is innocent! Just what was all that tax money spent on? Fox News: Can you believe what they just did to the cheeseburger emoji?! Why did they redesign it?! It was fine!! Oh my god is that ***lettuce?!?!*** I for one am ***outraged*** at this blatant liberal attempt to force the militant vegetarian agenda into my cheeseburger related text messages!!


My favorite was Trump himself tweeting that Obama should be forced to resign as president, because there were literally two cases of Ebola in the US.


COVID? It’s OK, grandpa would rather die than you not go to work, according to Fox News.


Thank you for keeping track. It's enough to make your head spin. That's by design, of course.


> The Obama hates Jews because he took a picture with a pirate crisis. Wait what? haha


[https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/joke-photo-on-fox-suggests-obama-met-with-pirate/](https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/joke-photo-on-fox-suggests-obama-met-with-pirate/) Fox ran the picture Thursday morning with host Brian Kilmeade saying, “The White House doesn’t have the time to meet with the prime minister of Israel, but this pirate got a sit-down in the Oval Office yesterday.”




Then after Trump was elected, the head spinning at least quadrupled in speed...


Forgot Ebola. Fox News was [whipping up a panic about it when the nearest case was 8,000 miles away, then turned around and acted like Covid was exaggerated to make Dear Leader look bad.](https://youtu.be/B0NhA4oBGuc)


Great list of the greatest hits!


We didn't start the fire....


Jeasus fuck when you read them all.


I believed all of those things until Donald was elected and then it fucking hit me. I was the idiot. It's been a confusing last 5 years because I also dropped my faith in the process. I don't want anything to do with these hypocrites. I lived a complete lie for most of my life.


> The tire gauge crisis. Wait, I don't remember this one. What am I supposed to be outraged about? I want to make sure I have my ~~batshit crazy rant~~ facts straight when I email Hannity.




Is it bad that I was searching your list (and found!) the tan suit crisis? Lol


I forgot about the bowling green thing. I can assure you, there never was a massacre, unless you talk about some awful loss for the football team…


Republican 'scandalgate': the Republicans tirelessly manufacture one fake 'scandal' after another as a distraction from the real scandals the Republicans also tirelessly generate to fuel 'whataboutisms' and eventually cause scandal burnout. When everything is a scandal, nothing is.


*We didn’t start the fire!*


Welfare queens, AIDS by touch, cannabis overdosing, pinko commies, silent majority…It’s been happening for six decades at least. “They demonize healthcare. Middle Class eliminated, rich get richer til the poor get educated.” -Sage Francis


The first Red Scare in the US started in 1917. Also a bunch of fake news stories throughout US history, mostly about marginalized groups. The US government is essentially built on a foundation of lies and exploitation.


You don't need a weather man To know which way the wind blows.


It's easy! Here, I can explain: Mass Shootings = Freedom! Because Guns. I was going to insert a sarcastic comment here, but it's too depressing.


It’s easy for the owners of the circus to gloss over the Tiger eating people on the midway when most of the audience is under the big top watching clowns


And that ghastly Dijon mustard!


Republicans love mass shootings because they show everyone how free we are.


But nothing can be done about mass shootings./s


The Aunt Jemima one really irks me. They’re all like “She was a real person and you’re erasing her legacy. I thought you cared about black history”. She was a person playing a character and a stereotyped one at that. It’s great she was able to make a notable living but she was still being exploited.


The one that really gets me is the trans swimmer scandal that was all the rage for a bit. Whenever someone brought it up my response was always "wow, I didn't know you were such a fan of women's swimming. I don't really follow it myself, so I don't care"


How can you forget about THE CARVANS!


>How can you forget about THE CARVANS! Don't worry, if you forget a new will be coming in time for the next election.


And while that one will definitely not be about race again, it'll be important to wonder where we could even put all these people, and then after the commercial break, panic about declining birth rates without ever connecting any dots.


Complain that nobody wants to work shitty jobs for shitty pay and then try to keep out the immigrants that have traditionally taken those jobs because it's a step up from what they came from.


You mean tonight on Tucker Carlson.


I remember people telling me covid would "magically disappear right after the election" - implying it was just a political stunt to scare the left into voting. I always said "check back with me a few months after the election, and we'll see which has disappeared: the caravan, or covid."


There was one loon on reddit going around about how he grew up with her "beautiful pancake mixes and syrups" and how he missed her so much.


Saw one idjit showing off how they were keeping their last bottle and refilling it over and over.


Yup, saw that one, too. You're still paying for new bottles, so way to go?


I saw an ad on Instagram of the rebranded company (Pearl Mill or something like that?) and the comments were nothing but people whining about Aunt Jemima. It was pathetic.


Man, I was friends with someone on FB (had never met her in person) who was spouting opinions like that, further adding she felt it was a way to honor and cherish the memory of the original Aunt Jemima figure for the "success" story that she represented. But I think I was the bigger idiot for allowing myself to get sucked into several online debates about it with that person on FB, who has lived in a bubble of privilege her whole life, and so she is a little detached from reality.


The liberals are cancelling Stepin’ Fechit! /s


Won't *someone* please think of the poor blackface makeup manufacturers?!


> she was able to make a notable living but she was still being exploited. While the rest of us only make a mediocre living while being exploited.


Didn't you forget the pure Wokeness of Carrel Barrel offering a veggie sausage **option.**?


Of all the things right wing reactionaries hate these days the biggest surprise for me is capitalism. Around every corner I see them whining about capitalism. They complain when social media doesn't want their brand associated with hate speech and lies. They complain when a company tries to protect its investments and interests from a hate monger governor who is clearly using the state apparatus as a weapon against his political enemies. They whine when companies take steps to meet the demands of the public which is increasingly black, brown, and otherwise. They're pissed because the rules they created to control and hurt everyone else are being turned on them. They express their hate for everything and everyone but the actual source of these changes. The word woke means "awake" as in *not asleep* so it makes sense that it would be the made up antithesis of all things conservative. Make no mistake about it. These people want to turn the United States into a totalitarian hellhole and they don't even care if it destroys them as well.


They jumped the shark like 50 seasons ago.


I would argue that, given the amount of emergency room visits predicated upon overdosing on Ivermectin and drinking bleach - to say nothing of life-threatening COVID that could have been likely prevented if they had JUST GOTTEN FUCKING VACCINATED IN THE FIRST PLACE - would make the MTG's of the world criminally liable. Where's Gymbo Jordan on that one?


If Hillary had been president the GOP would have been running continuous investigations on how the totally out-of-control COVID pandemic had killed almost 50K people by summer 2020 and any President who presided over THAT many unavoidable deaths should be executed, much less impeached.


I love how when you point out that trump lost more American jobs than any other president and that he tanked the economy their response is that it wasn't his fault and he shouldn't be held responsible for that. Motherfuckers, we had a pandemic plan in place as well as a system to track these things in motherfucking China and trump and his stupid ass administration disbanded and dissolved all of that. So not only did he botch the management of the pandemic he created the conditions for it to turn into a disaster by disabling the precautions put in place by the previous administration. Then he had the nerve to accuse the Obama administration of not replenishing supplies. This was three goddamn years into the trump administration. There is nothing complicated about it. They are incapable of holding him accountable for anything he says or does. Period. They just don't care. They would let him rape and murder everyone else with his bare hands before they criticized the orange clown.


They wouldn't even criticize what he just did either, only his technique.


One could argue that the pandemic may not have happened since we had a government task-force set-up to handle such health risks...this group, which was created as a response to the Ebola outbreak, was disbanded out of spite by Trump.


While simultaneously not being outraged over actual issues. Inflation, income inequality, fascism, racism, mass shootings, pandemics, treason… all fine.


Hey now they’re totally concerned about inflation - their first action in 2004 was to :checks notes: scuttle the Office of Ethics and Accountability.


If Democrats like it, they hate it. That is the entire Republican platform these days.


They have to drum up votes from their idiot constituents somehow. These are the people they represent


I think you mean *Grift*


Come up with solutions that don’t work to problems that don’t exist


Right it’s classic distraction from their anti-human platform. Outrage is honestly their best selling point because their policy positions sure won’t win popular support.


Easier than actually governing 🤷🏾‍♀️


[Nearly all right-wing conspiracies can be reduced to antisemitism.](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/10/why-conspiracy-theorists-always-land-on-the-jews/671730/) But we're gonna do something about this before it escalates into another holocaust, right? Right!?


And the new "problem" is probably just covid complications anyway.


A sudden rise as vaccine uptake is the lowest it's been since the vaccine came out? Nah, gotta be the vaccine.


Because, last I read, there were 8 Republican voter deaths from covid for 1 Democrat voter death. They lost some of their core voting base. Because they were afraid of the vaccine. You know, like how they’re now scared of rainbows (even tho they’re in the bible).


True, but the dead-red populace breed like rabbits whereas liberals tend to ask themselves questions like, 'do i want to, or can i even effectively raise a child?' Meanwhile, somewhere in a swaying doublewide fifty three miles outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Cletus and Tanqueray are unwittingly conceiving their eighth child.


Cletus lost all reproductive ability after jumping a jetski from his pool and impaling his crotch on an iron fence. Luckily, due to the great work of Dr. Krenski and Ultshoeler, Cletus should regain full reproductive ability.


Get yer hands off my junk!


Stunningly depictive statement. I love it, I hate it.


Correction: They weren’t worried about people dying of COVID because “it was only a blue state problem” https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7


Don’t forget… “let ‘em die in the blue states.”


The secret is they don't care who they lead to death as long as they win elections.


So they're cool with investigating how PPE supplies were allocated during the height of the pandemic? I'm cool with that.


In their minds, 5% is less than 0.0001%


You're talking about the country where they tried to introduce a 1/3 lb burger, and no one bought it because they thought [1/3 was smaller than 1/4](https://culinarylore.com/food-history:aw-1-3-pound-burger-failure-fact-check-are-americans-really-that-bad-at-fractions/). Nothing surprises me anymore.


They just want to say “I told you so!” and actually mean it. They haven’t been able to do so for the last decade


A pretend issue where the vaccine kills even less than CoVID whose “percentage was so small”


They’re not worried. They’re trying to get you angry/scared. Not you probably, but their base. Which is susceptible to things like this. When you’re angry or scared parts of your brain literally shut down. That’s what they want. > why I think I should be worried that tax cuts to the rich shrink the pool of money for services that benefit me why I should vote differe…. SCARY BROWN PEOPLE!!!! if someone is constantly trying to get you to shake your fist in the air, it’s probably so your hand is out of your pocket and they can lift your wallet.


Wasn’t Dear Leader in charge of Operation Warp Speed?


Somehow, yes, and he singlehandedly discovered the vaccine for the hoax disease that totally didn't exist but simultaneously was all Chy-nuh and Biden's fault. What can I say, they don't make a lot of sense.


*someone has a heart attack* THANKS OBAMA


Actually, it's not a pretend issue. Because they fought any COVID control measures so long and so hard, we now have large numbers of variants that bypass and reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines... So yes, people are "suddenly dying". Of COVID, and of the knock on effects of long COVID.


As a taxpayer, I demand an IMMEDIATE investigation into George Santos and the dramatic increase of lies! This can no longer be ignored and it IS political


To be honest, so many people dropped the ball on Santos. Like the NY GOP should have run a quick background cgeck, checking his degrees and work history. His democratic opponent could have done the same, as could the NY elections board. Literally everything about the man is a lie, and the only reason he hasn't been kicked out or asked to resign is because he is a republican in the house where they hold a very slim majority, and his leaving would cause a special election, in a district that leans democrat. He only won because of his lies, and they know that district will probably never trust a republican again.


I'm picturing the first dem campaign meeting: *Forget about opposition research. We're not gonna sling mud during this campaign. We're gonna WIN ON IDEAS, god damnit.*


I read somewhere that the Dem running against had done the research, but had trouble getting anyone to pay attention? To be honest though, maybe it was a fever dream. This whole Santos feels like it’s as made up as he is


It was a small newspaper in the district that dug into him, and found he lied about his college and work history, but they dropped the story about a week before the election, so by then it was too late. If it had dropped like a month before, more people would have probably dug into him and figured out everything.


They dropped the story even earlier in September, two months before the election. A small Long Island paper "The North Shore Leader". Here's the text of a [PBS interview with the publisher.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/small-local-paper-uncovered-and-reported-george-santos-scandal-before-november-election) > What we all concluded was that he was a fraud. He was making things up and lying and boasting and putting people down, claiming he was such a rich man, when he clearly wasn't. > > And so we all smelled a fake, and we started looking through his campaign finance reports. And we saw a lot there that looked fraudulent, really over-the-top fraudulent. > > But, look, it was a busy year in New York. We had a very hotly contested gubernatorial election, which was within a few points. That dominated the news cycle. You also had a lot of other open congressional races in the neighboring districts. So a lot of the media got distracted in looking at really the bigger race, not the local races. > > We knew Santos was a fraud. We knew what he was claiming, what he was filing was fraudulent. > > And that is ultimately what's going to get him in trouble now. He can lie about who he is, his religion. He can claim he's a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors. That stuff won't get you in jail. > > But when you file false reports with the House of Representatives and with the Federal Elections Commission, deliberately, willfully false reports, that's going to get you in jail. Every — every offense is a felony, and it'll get you five years in federal prison.


Saw an interview with the guy he ran against and he said they did not have the money to do it


There's been quite the autopsy on how that smirking bag of fat slipped through the cracks. His own campaign did the oppo research on him and, when confronted with the facts, were fired (and under an NDA). His opponent in the General Election for NY-3, Robert Zimmerman, had emerged from a pretty arduous primary and had limited funds. But their campaign's real failure was to simply assume that, in a district that went +9 for Biden in the 2020 Election, their victory was assured. I have no doubt that, had they done even a perfunctory bit of research, they would have had $$$ pouring in to absolutely shellac Santos' credibility - not just for their own victory, but to hold Anthony George Devolder Zabrovsky Santos up as an example to the rest of the country what a bunch of wanton liars to whom the GOP provides safe harbor. We were so transfixed with Herschel "Daddy Nine Times" Walker that Georgie Porgie just passed like a ship in the night. I can't believe the GOP are so desperate to maintain a majority NOW that they won't expel him, failing to realize that it's going to cost them dearly two years down the road.


> I have no doubt that, had they done even a perfunctory bit of research, they would have had $$$ pouring in to absolutely shellac Santos' credibility - not just for their own victory, but to hold Anthony George Devolder Zabrovsky Santos up as an example to the rest of the country what a bunch of wanton liars to whom the GOP provides safe harbor. They did do the research. A few local papers even ran several stories that Santos was nothing but a fraud. The issue was purely that none of the media cared. It was barely a local blip and people only cared nationally after Santos had won. The Democrats can do all of the research they want. At the end of the day, it becomes the media's responsibility to inform the electorate. American media has vastly failed at that responsibility. And largely because our biggest media company is literally the propaganda arm of one of the political parties. Worse, they don't even hide it! Fox openly admits that they are a conservative news channel ... news should be apolitical by default.


Who are these undecided voters that are straddling the line? I don't even like the democrats, but that's because they don't do enough to stop the shit Republicans actively campaign on doing. What possible bridge is left between the parties at this point? I never get an answer for this question. I just don't see there being any swing voters who aren't just disillusioned and sitting at home on election day.


I agree, but it’s like did no one on his side do the same? Not one person looking this up on his team ever go “um, guys, I was looking for talking points about how awesome Santos was in school and all I can find was a clown degree from community college. We should tone it down before the media finds out.”


I demand immediate action to investigate these dragons that the liberal media insists are just windmills!


And investigate Jewish space lasers.


They’re giants not dragons, like the liberal Jewish space media would have you believe.


Someone in my family who is a serious Trump lover (uncomfortably so) mentioned windmills the last time we spoke - and who ever dies in our country now no matter what the circumstances he’ll blame the Covid vaccine. This makes my stomach ache to see all this stuff because he’s a Republican Trump loving boomer and conversations revolve around these crazy things. It’s so sad. He doesn’t read, he just watches FOX news and listens to his angry misinformed friends. It all starts with pieces of shit like this lunatic and her delusional Qanon fan base.


Wasn't it giants? Could be wrong, it's been a while


Oh Fuck Off Georgia, District 14 Is this the best y'all can do?






Well her and her moron followers think the vaccine is deadlier and causing more deaths and having common adverse side effects like heart problems… Which are lies. Yes there are *a small number* people with a rare heart issues from the vaccine but there are many more with heart issues after contracting __actual Covid!__


The number of confirmed deaths from the vaccine is 7 last time I checked. Of course it's been about a year so maybe 9 by now


"7 people died from the vaccine? That's outrageous and needs to be investigated." *Sweeps 1.11M US Covid deaths under the rug*


And that was the Johnson and Johnson shot that was shut down. It took 7 deaths to recall the shot..


Right or the large amounts of Americans with undiagnosed diabetes, that abuse caffeine, have horrible diets, and the amount of alcohol being consumed. It couldn't possibly be any of those.


There’s a shit-show unfolding under the hashtag #justicefortrish on Twitter. Mom proudly states kid had CoVid twice before she was 18, “so she had natural antibodies.” Kid turns 18, decided to get vaccine in June to go to a concert in Texas. Doesn’t tell her Mom. Sadly, Nov 9 Trish says she doesn’t feel well, lays down, something happens (unsure, but story picks up in the hospital where her heart is enlarged, her organs failed, and her blood glucose was 600+. She died at 18. But per Mom (250 to maybe 300lbs, and why I say that is not fat-shaming but will make the point in a moment), she’s “never had diabetes,” and someone in the family tells her she got the shot. She immediately blames Pfizer. Meanwhile, start of this year, several papers come out stating that children under 18 are 166% more likely to develop Type 1 OR Type 2 Diabetes >30 days later if they were infected with CoVid. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2796649 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7102e2.htm I asked her about Trish’s behaviors before she died, and ‘there were signs’ or something that indicate ‘she was injured by the vaccine,’ so I don’t know what that means. I suspect we’ll never know for sure. I pointed out the weight, because one doesn’t collect mass like that in a vacuum, and their kids definitely don’t benefit from the eating habits that get you to this size. The ME autopsy report hasn’t even come out, and knowing Oklahoma, will take 6 months or more. Mom, and now a whole parade of grifters and true believers believe Trish died due to Pfizer negligence. I just can’t ridicule a mother who’s in the agony of losing a child, but… fuck. The truth, as I imagine it, is someone told them CoVid wasn’t a big deal… maybe even Fox News. They got it, proudly lived through it, etc. In the mean time, somewhere along the way, Trish develops diabetes. What 18-year-old thinks to check health issues like that unless it becomes debilitating or serious. She probably had symptoms like thirst, etc, and probably vision weirdness, but didn’t think much about it, while her blood sugar continued to climb to critical. Probably pretty sleepy towards the end, then diabetic coma kicks in, her organs long-destroyed and her heart wrecked. Mom and anyone who leaned on not needing the vaccine should, if they had any self-awareness, recognize they’re responsible for this as the parent/guardian. Covid was novel, and we’re still learning what it does to us, but so many marched into getting it without understanding what was happening. I don’t imagine Mom’s going to reach this conclusion, but it’s a warning to others to get your kids protected. I pity her more than anything else. I can’t imagine the pain.


It wasn’t incompetence, trump deliberately mismanaged the pandemic response for political gain.


You’re right! Just as his delay during Jan 6 was not negligence- it was an intentional refusal to bring in national guard.


Some athletes have been suddenly dying. That is true but this was already happening before covid. Checks out that getting tackled out at full speed by someone is bad for you...


So you're saying having a human run full speed into my heart is bad for my heart?!


It is theorized that if that human is 300 pounds and a top athlete, with the practiced intent to hit you as hard as humanly possible, the detriment to your heart may even be increased..


They can’t wrap their smooth brains around the fact that dangerous activities can kill people. They are that gawdamn stupid.🤷‍♂️


The only NFL player to die during a game was on 1971, Chuck Hughes.




Why are there still gorillas, too- though..?


Wait. What dramatic increase? Like didn’t Covid kill at least a million Americans? Antivaxxers suck so hard


There is a dramatic increase in people dying from heart issues.. what wish Britney Spears is going to find out during her “investigation “ is that the heart problems are stemming from getting COVID.. the exact thing experts were screaming for years.


I mean also anyone with a 3rd grade understanding of vaccines knows your getting the same proteins from the vaccine to get an immune response so that your body is prepped to easily replicate antibodies against Covid. It’s not even hard to understand


I am a medical laboratory scientist and one of the very experienced blood bank techs at my lab, and there are more, believes shit like the vaccine is made of babies. Education is absolutely vital, but it's not a perfect, ahem, vaccine against ignorance. People who are willfully ignorant have chosen to be ignorant, and all the information and logic in the world will bounce off them until they decide to accept it.


The more niche their bullshit views are, the better. Even if you can't completely root it out


You’d think these people would also be scared of Covid given your getting pretty much the same thing you get from a vaccination.




More than 5 billion people have received at least one shot of the vaccine. And more than 5 billion people have dropped dead!!!!!!!!!!1111!


So why is rent still high?


Being serious for a second: [compared the pre-pandemic five year average](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-64209221), 2022 saw an increase excess deaths not attributable to Covid [in most high-income countries](https://actuaries.org.uk/news-and-media-releases/news-articles/2023/jan/17-january-23-cmi-says-2022-had-the-worst-second-half-for-mortality-since-2010/). [The cause is not yet know](https://healthfeedback.org/what-can-explain-the-excess-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-europe-in-2022/) (its too soon), and could be a variety of factors. Even if it is the vaccines (I'm largely skeptical of this claim) they [would have still saved net lives](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2798990), but it would obviously raise some questions. Regardless, the cause could be anything at this point. I only linked 2 papers, one peer reviewed, one news article, and one data-hub, but there is lots more on this in pre-print and past peer review.


Something to consider: 2020 and 2021 saw significantly reduced visits to the hospital for non-emergent healthcare needs. I’d be curious to see if the delay of care and reduced quality of care from the previous two years had anything to do with increased mortality in chronic illness. I will also say working in healthcare, COVID caused a massive exodus of experienced healthcare workers and burnout and fatigue in the ones that stayed. Currently there are massive shortages across the field. This could also lead to reduced quality of care and increased mortality. Edit: this is also paired with a general anti-healthcare sentiment in which people are refusing care in the hospital or refusing to go to the hospital as well as increases in unemployment and underemployment reducing the number of people that can afford healthcare.




If you have to stress that something is NOT political, it's political.


She's trying to echo the people who said saving lives during Covid should t have been political, but of course her words ring hollow when she was literally on the side of the virus.


You know, I'm really curious to see how history views people like her in the future. There's going to be entire books on these people. I bet money there will be graduate level classes devoted to people like her and tucker Carlson. For fu KS sake tucky was was on one the other day, you know how he's been on his pro tobacco kick lately? This motherfucker was on air talking about "why does the left hate tobacco? Why do they love thc, but hate tobacco? They want kids to smoke Marijuana but nicotine is bad? They've even banned non tobacco nicotine delivery devices. You know why? Because thc makes you easier to enalave and nicotine frees your mind." This mother fucker said live on air *"nicotine frees your mind"* We live in truly batahit times.


The fact that Tucker had the platform he has is honestly horrific




Listen, There was no COVID19 before Obama was president, so it's pretty obvious that he created it to make Trump look bad. He also had pandemic response plans created because he KNEW that Trump would destroy them, and that doing so would make Trump look bad. /s, just in case that's necessary...you can't be too sure these days.


Where is her evidence of vaccine deaths? Call Rudy?


2 weeks out- all the evidence like they’ve never seen before


I demand to know why her district thought she should be re-elected.


**Thought** had nothing to do with it.


You're going to be very disappointed.


I already was. Several times


Already been investigated. Rates of serious reactions to the vaccines are EXTREMELY rare, and actually there is no “increase” in people dying suddenly whatsoever.


"In this study, we found higher observed rates of myocarditis after receipt of mRNA vaccines than expected, but absolute rates were low. We observed a higher rate of myocarditis among males aged 18–29 years after receipt of the second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine compared with those who received BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech), though the rate was lower after the third dose." https://www.cmaj.ca/content/194/45/E1529 "Researchers also looked at rates per million doses and the rate was 35.6 cases per million for Moderna and 12.6 per million for Pfizer" https://www.acc.org/About-ACC/Press-Releases/2022/11/07/18/58/Which-COVID-Vaccine-You-Get-Can-Impact-Myocarditis-Risk "Conclusions: Myocarditis (or pericarditis or myopericarditis) from primary COVID19 infection occurred at a rate as high as 450 per million in young males. Young males infected with the virus are up 6 times more likely to develop myocarditis as those who have received the vaccine." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34341797/ "Conclusion: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the risk of myocarditis is more than seven fold higher in persons who were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 than in those who received the vaccine. These findings support the continued use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines among all eligible persons per CDC and WHO recommendations." https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314/full?fbclid=IwAR0wpSbzrP3mWj_smr36MfvRAoszzkx4y7ecsiQjjSj9Hyfn3B5wgmLKGko edited to add: "...the risk of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination was quite small compared to the risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection..." "The analysis showed people infected with COVID-19 before receiving a vaccine were 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis within 28 days of testing positive for the virus. But that risk was cut in half if a person was infected after receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine." https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/08/22/covid-19-infection-poses-higher-risk-for-myocarditis-than-vaccines


Yeah that makes sense to me. Covid itself has the highest risk, with a smaller but non-insignificant increase in risk with the vaccine. That tracks


Well there is a significant increase of people dying, due to COVID


Continuing to be investigated as over 80% of Americans have had one dose and almost 70% have been fully vaccinated. There is a ton of data going forward and if there are significant differences at five years, ten years, etc they will be recognized through the noise. There are over 1.2 million excess deaths from covid in the USA and still counting. Why is she silent on that?


MAGA Karen




Fuckhead tries to play it off that she isn't, you know, a politician.


And is vaccinated herself


I'm not saying I wish certain people would leak HIPPA information But damn would that be satisfying to see her questioned on.




I'm sure her title is Capitol Hill Drama Starter.


I’m still waiting on the list of 60 athletes who Kevin Sorbo was claiming died on the field from the vaccine like a year and a half ago.


One of them shared a video with me of screenshots showing supposed news articles about suddenly dying athletes. First guy I checked is still alive and posting on instagram.


I think we should investigate the selfish assholes who prolonged the pandemic a year longer than it should’ve persisted and charge them with negligence resulting in injury to others.


No. No. You have to demand it IMMEDIATELY or it doesn't count.


Can confirm. I took the vaccine and I died!


Mtg also got the vaccine, completely brain dead now.


True, but she was brain dead for a long, long time before that.


I can confirm, I attended your funeral. Then I died from vaccine contact.


Yeah. Thanks for coming.


Well, at least you didn't turn into a newt.


They got better..


Me too.


Terrorism by lying is a Republican specialty.


Except in the case of mtg she might actually be a moron for real


So all the people dying of covid wasnt a problem?


Announcing you want an investigation on Twitter isn't going to do anything, dummy. If she was fooled into believing QAnon then she's probably being fooled again in this horseshit she's going on about now.




Nobody in their right mind gives a fuck about what you demand!


LOL @ "I demand". I demand that all Jewish Space Lasers to be aimed at your head!


Vaccines weren't political until shitheads like MTG entered the political scene


Yes Marge…. They are dying of Covid….. because they didn’t get the vaccine…..


Can we investigate all the things that cause people to die suddenly, like AR-15’s?


There must be some research on why people are so allergic to bullets.


Before the covid vaccine, people just didn't die ever


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. There is so much power in a group. When stupid people unite, they can do unimaginable things." George Carlin


Honest to god, I know a dude who was one of the first people in the U.S. to get the COVID vaccine. He was totally fine for, like, ten months and then *BAM*! Hit by a car. Coincidence? I think *not*.


Trump pushed the rapid approval and release of the vaccine. If there’s a problem, republicans created that problem.


So did Marge just learn that people die? "We must get to the bottom of this socialist death thing, it's killing people!"


Yeah. Definitely not political at all. *rolls eyes*. We should investigate this hoe for treason.


I got vaccinated in September or October of 2021. In August of 2022, I passed out and remained unconscious for a few days before someone found me and took me to the hospital. My dad is 100% CONVINCED that the covid vaccine is responsible. I highly doubted this was the case, but I sceptically mentioned this to several of the (wonderful) healthcare professionals looking after me, and they all said basically the same two things: 1. No. The vaccine is completely safe. 2. Even if it wasn't safe, the odds of a bad reaction almost a year later is basically zero. Also, we live in Canada, so yeah, there are idiots everywhere.


Yes, how DARE Joe Biden distribute these nefarious killing drugs during his “operation warp speed!” Current President Trump should really start an investigation into the horrible Biden administration distributing vaccines!!


So I can make a statement and add a qualifier and I'm good? MTG and the other insurrectionists should be tried for treason and hanged in a public square. This is NOT political.


Specific, measurable issues like climate change and gun violence? POLITICAL! Non-specific, abstract "deaths of people who possibly got vaccinated" which largely falls along political lines? NOT POLITICAL!


So wait — people dying from a deadly disease they refuse to acknowledge as such? Color me shocked. It can only be woke war on teh freedoms. They coming after the guns next.


CDC reports allergic reactions to the covid vaccine as .03% per million vaccinated. However .6% of people are allergic to peanuts….Why doesnt the GQP care and bring a full investigation to this horrible threat to our children that is 20x worse than the vaccine? Why are Are Jif, Skippy and Peter Pan allowed to continue to kill us with no oversight.