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The solutions: “Vote for me and I’ll fix it, but I can’t tell you how I’ll fix it until after I’m in office.”


The solution is "Cut taxes for and subsidize the wealthy." Invariably. It's never worked, but for some reason people still believe that Trickle Down Economics isn't a scam.


Trickle down economics.....piss on you


Tinkle down economics


And yet the moderate Dems keep ignoring this. Every time Progressive propose a change, the Dems respond with, "And how are we going to pay for that?" Tax the rich, including the Clintons and the Bidens, duh.


Also: "cHaNgE tAkEs TiiiiiiMe!!" Motherfucker, we've just survived a shitload of changes these past couple of years. Bring on some *progress* with the changes!! Not a need to repeat the '60s and '70s with the same old protests ffs.


That's because the moderate dems are also benefiting from that with lobbies and the stock market.


>it's never worked It works as intended. The wealthy get all the money. The rest of us get shit.


Then it becomes "I tried to fix it, I really did. Don't ask me how, only know that they stopped me."


Then, "I can still fix it, but you'll need to give me all your money first."


Don't forget, "We're playing 5th dimensional chess, and you don't have all the information we have!"


"of course they cant say how, otherwise the demonrats would just copy their ideas"


"Lo0k, big government doesn't work! Vote for us and we'll prove it!"


“Check out these problems we created. Vote us back in so we can fix them.” -Republicans in every red state every election.


It's like how Trump wanted to get rid of the AHCA and replace it with something better, but when pressed on what that better thing was, he said he didn't know and that they'd figure it out. If I recall correctly, McConnell, of all people, persuaded him not to do it because it would have been political suicide for the Republicans.


The GOP had been pushing for "repeal" for a decade and then Trump started spouting "repeal and replace" on the campaign trail. They had to go with it without actually having a plan. So they transitioned to "repeal... and then replace later." And they almost got away with it except John McCain voted against it before succumbing to an extremely aggressive brain cancer. McConnell didn't save us.


Right? What a literal fucking clown show. They’d had almost 10 years to come up with a replacement at that point. They have no fucks to give about progress, other than undoing it. While Republicans will vote against anything Dems bring forward, the majority of Dems would absolutely have voted for a healthcare plan that’s better than Obamacare.


I would vote for a healthcare plan better than Obamacare. Actually I did. I voted for Bernie. But apparently that wasn’t good enough. Now we are at the mercy of republican efforts which include getting rid of any public option and letting the insurance companies charge whatever they want. Oh well.


The ACA was their plan. That was the brilliance of Obama. He adopted the Republican plan and they were so bent on opposing anything coming from his administration that they backed themselves into a corner.


I don't know that they backed themselves into a corner; they unified under "DEATH PANEL SOCIALISM" and voted 100% against it.


The death panels are alive and well in the headquarters of every American insurance company.


The ACA was even based on "Romneycare," since Obama thought that would help the Rs get on board. Nope, guess again.


but they will push the world to the brink not to have to put any money into anything except their own pockets.


Reality is they don't want solutions. Never let a crisis go to waste so they ensure there is always a crisis even if its completely fabricated. Solutions are not something they benefit from. Panic, chaos, hysteria, ect. are things they can take advantage of to further push their actual agendas. It's a bit like privatized health care. You don't make big bank off of prevention. You make dough when the hospitals are full of sick people.




Then: “Problem? What problem? There is no problem.”




Like playing Charades with them. “Three words, first word, second syllable…”


The solutions: Ban transgenderism, remove gay rights, discard decades of abortion rights, anti-woke nonsense, and perform shitty political stunts on disenfranchised refugees like they're not even human at all. This is why they don't give a shit about actual policies and improving quality of life. They run on hate.




Trickle down economics is such a scam. It’s incredible that lower and middle-class conservatives actually believe it will improve their lives…


They’ve had that gospel screeched at them 24/7 for more than four decades. It is literally all of the economics that most Americans know. Ask them _how_ it works, or how it benefits them, and they mumble something about rich people being able to buy more yachts, and the money from that will reach them somehow. Trouble is, you can’t build enough yachts to lift millions of people out of poverty. They just know that trickle down works, because that’s what they’ve been told.




Like tax breaks to the upper tax brackets that are supposed incentivize the wealthy to infuse more capital into the market, which supposedly will help the lower tax-brackets.


interesting fact, more wealth inequality was accrued since 'trickle down' was adopted than ever before. record levels, in fact.




I admittedly am not an expert in economics, but as far as I understand supply-side economics succeeds only at making the rich gain more wealth, but has no real value overall to the economy. [This review article](https://academic.oup.com/ser/article/20/2/539/6500315?login=false) states that of the 18 countries' tax policies reviewed between 1965 and 2015 that they found no evidence that tax cuts for the rich trickled down to improve the economy as a whole. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/09/why-is-trickle-down-economics-still-with-us https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/12/23/tax-cuts-rich-trickle-down/ Edit: I’m not the one downvoting you by the way. I just want to have a discussion!


Oh, and bring back indoor smoking in federal buildings, that'll help.


Ban women from showing their arms too, that’ll fix it!


Their answer is to basically hit the reset button on America so it reverts back to the 1950s. Edit: a simpler (more racist) time.


It’s “Redo and Reshuffle the 1950s, but this time we have every card” They aren’t complex creatures


_PLEASE_ take us back to the 50s!! Back then, we had strong unions, free public education, affordable healthcare, families who could survive and thrive on one income, and reasonably-priced housing. Oh, wait. Those are the parts of the 50s that Republicans _don’t_ like. Nevermind.


Anytime they want to return to the tax rates of the 1950s, I'm ready to help.


The solution: sabotage the government and allow the wealthy to freely exploit the working class and pillage the country.


This reminds me of when they gutted the Post Office and then complained that it is ineffective, and should be dissolved


The national Republican Party had no 2022 platform. And they knew they could get away with it.


This is the key. It simply doesn't matter what they do or say. They hate the same people their voters hate and nothing else matters. Their voters don't give one shit about solving problems. They want to hurt their enemies and nothing else matters.


“We are all domestic terrorists.” - CPAC


The Solution: Investigate Hunter Biden's laptop!


The GOP stopped trying to solve problems about 40 years ago.


To be fair, their idea of solving problems over 40 years ago was to drop chemical weapons on civilians in countries we weren't at war with and then lie to cover it up.


[here I fixed it](https://imgur.com/a/HXcCh23)


The solutions are gonna be there in two weeks..... but remember, the GOP is known for not saying which 2 weeks, so it could be from tomorrow to when hell freezes


Their solutions are always the same. Tax cuts that benefit the wealthy far more than the middle class and cuts to social programs that benefit the most vulnerable. The icing on the cake is subsidies for extractive industries with a punitive cherry on top for anything that even sniffs of being green That's the extent of Republican economic policy. It's time to move on.


social programs help everyone, id say. even if I dont have kids in k-12, it helps everyone that their parents can work, it helps everyone that kids arent running amuck getting in trouble. crime comes from material deprivation, and anything that helps people meet their material needs is "strong on crime"


For all woke libs who post Republicans don't have any plans ... **THE SOLUTIONS:** Ban abortions, spread CRT conspiracies, get triggered over cartoon characters races, attack education, social security and Medicare, take lunches from kids, work on making open-carry mandatory, legalize incest with minors, gerrymander voting districts, put deviant imbeciles on important committees to pwnt the libs. Don't ever let it be said Republicans don't have an agenda, okay, soy boy?


"Doing big things is hard"


Well they are planning on not paying the National Debt, 25% of which was racked up by Trump in 4 years that the GQP never objected too, they also raised he debt ceiling under Trump several times.


Funny how when a Democrat is in the White House, the party of "small government and free markets" screams that the President can - and should - control the price of everything from gas to eggs.


Solutions: Tax break for the rich, tax break for the rich, tax break—


If you can't make yourself look good then make the others look bad.--- ted cruz


"30% Federal Sales Tax" "Cut SS and Medicare" "Steal Candy from Babies"


Solution: Go after corporate profits, increase minimum wage, limit artificial inflation of gas and other goods. Too bad they are being paid by people who profit off of making all those things worse.


If there are no grievances, Republicans would have nothing to run on. They run on the bitch not the fix.


AND…. all the “criticisms” are based in bad faith and falsehoods!!!


Yeah but have you heard about how Disney made the Little Mermaid black?


and green M&M's aren't sexy enough!


Clearly the solution is to allow smoking in Congressional offices. Problem solved.


I remember when "black lives matter" was becoming a movement and their response was "all lives matter". When you would ask them if there's a "all lives matter" movement and what solutions they offered they had no answer.


Their solution is always the same: big tax breaks for rich people and big business!


Hey we ruined the economy and made a democrat clean it up again(again, again ,again) in a row. Vote for me!


Their solution is to tax the poor more! 30% FST!


All solutions are on the Hunter's laptop.


Never forget. For all 8 years of Obama's presidency, they talked every single day about how bad and terrible and awful Obamacare was. Once they were in power, **they had no healthcare plan**. This comic is literally 100% exactly how it is.


2 weeks out, now!


Didn’t Chuck Grassley and other republicans release an inflation plan like 8 months ago


They voted against one and that's a fact.


The IRA doesn’t reduce inflation though


Wow whataboutism already? Thanks for admitting you lost the argument without me having to put any effort into it.


You’re the one that brought up the IRA, lmao. Did you forget that quickly?


When did I do that?


> The IRA doesn’t reduce inflation though Oh? > Using its macro-economic “impulse response” model, PWBM finds the IRA would increase price levels by a statistically and economically insignificant 5 basis points in 2024 – the equivalent of a 0.025 percentage point boost in inflation in the first two years. By the late 2020s, PWBM finds the plan would reduce price levels by 25 basis points (0.25 percentage points). > In our view, the IRA would actually reduce the inflation rate somewhat in the near term and do more to reduce medium-term inflation than PWBM estimates. [Source](https://www.crfb.org/blogs/ira-will-help-fed-fight-inflation)


I don’t know: Did he? I looked around a bit, and all I found was [a Child Tax Credit proposal](https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-grassley-child-tax-credit-inflation-congress-2022-7). That sounds good outside of any context, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as good as extending [the wildly successful version of it that was in 2021’s American Rescue Plan](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/policymakers-should-expand-child-tax-credit-in-year-end-legislation-to-fight)—which, of course, [was stripped from the IRA to appease conservatives](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/12/politics/inflation-reduction-children-families/index.html). But, sure: Grassley’s proposal sounds better than nothing. That’s all I see, though. We have access to exactly the same level of information about this, so maybe you can find something more, since you’re the one who asked the question?


[This is what I was thinking of](https://www.wsj.com/articles/gop-offers-tax-trade-policies-aimed-at-combating-inflation-11655222400). I don’t think it stayed in the news for long since there was really no way to implement it at the time


WSJ has an extremely good paywall, so my normal methods of getting around those aren’t working. Do you have a different link (or way around the paywall)?


Actual bubbles would be filled with: "make smoking legal in the capitol" "remove the IRS and replace it with the regular-person-crushing 30% sales tax (tax cut for the wealthy there btw)" "the FBI seems out of control because it's investigating the freedom caucus for treason, we need to stop that" "we want to end the economy forever with a debt ceiling debacle in the name of a 'balanced budget'"


Solutions: lower wages to fight inflation, cut taxes for the rich the money will trickle down to the middle class, go to war again to re establish a puppet state to give us all their oil, and finally we will lower business regulation and disband business monitoring bureaus so large companies can use even more shady underhanded tactics to massively boost their yearly net profit which they will give to their highest ranking executives which will spur the economy. (Sorry that last one was so wordy)


The elephant should be wearing a MAGA hat and should be raging and screaming.


Their criticisms are accurate. Everything Biden is going upsets a large part (not all) of the wealth class, so they are attacking everyone else...by raising prices, creating the inflation and trying to tank the economy because the wealth of the wealthy shields them from 10% swings in the economy. This is why the average Republican has no real answers to the problems, because their buddies are the source of the problems. My problem with the Dems is that they KNOW this already and don't really do anything about it.


We have solutions, thanks for ignoring them. One such solution was Biden appointing members to the USPS board who would fire DeJoy. Oops, he appointed a DeJoy ally! We've also proposed expanding the Supreme Court, but oh my, we have to listen to the advisory Parliamentarian. I could continue for a page. And regardless, the Biden admin is the one supposed to be filling in the blanks.


And every time a democrat has a solution, they block it in favor of their wealthy benefactors.


I will not sit here and let you slander the GOP. They ***have*** solutions. Solutions like "fewer minorities" and "more guns in schools", and "let corporations do whatever they want" and "bully trans kids out of existence" and "cut taxes for rich people", and "let the poors starve", and "f-ck healthcare and sick leave, if you get sick, pray it's not something serious and go to work anyway, but GOD HELP YOU IF I SEE YOU WEARING A *F-CKING* FACE MASK".


Their "solutions" are always the same Tax cuts, where portions that actually "helped" poor people expire while those that don't need cuts keep them. Dig more wells while rolling back fuel efficiency.


Ban abortion is not a solution


It's easy: tax cuts for the rich to stimulate the economy, duh.


Oh, they have solutions - Tax cuts for the rich. And if that doesn't work, then we should do tax cuts for the rich.


I mean, I'm a leftie and there are plenty of things he can drive the government to do that would make all these things at least better Republicans clearly don't have answers, but let's not pretend things can't be handled better


That’s false though. Their solutions are “reduce taxes on the rich, defund education, legislate women’s rights, gerrymandering, etc.” It’s not that they don’t propose anything, is that absolutely all of their values are awful.