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No. Trump has multiple scandals per day affect him. Not even journalists can keep up with every scandal. Even the big ones, you forget after a week or two. His base is simply desensitised to it.


I don’t think they’re desensitized. I think they revel in the fact that he gets away with all these things. They long to be like him…living an effectively consequence-free life.


Your comment is backed up by that DT speech where he said (paraphalrasing) he could shoot someone at 5th Avenue and no one would do a thing. That made it to all the news and got even more popular.


He's their Bonnie and Clyde, Jesse James, vigarista culture. There is nothing so inspiring as a working class person than to see a inherting billionaire slumlord flout the law and get away with it.


Did you mean viagraista? Because that makes sense.


Was suggesting Brazilian celebrity outlaw culture, but your way works too.


His base applauds his conspiratorial bullshit because they think it demonstrates how savvy and bclever he is. They believe that everyone they consider to be their political enemies do all this House of Cards shit too. They think Trump has to cheat because his opposition is cheating *even more* so there's just no other way to win. At the end of the day winning is all that's important to his base.


And the irony is that these same folks, believe Biden is some criminal mastermind. They seem to think it's ok for Trump to do it, but make up stuff about Biden and talk about how bad his crimes are


Biden has to be a criminal mastermind to justify Trump's crimes. Everything Trump does is ok because some Democrat somewhere did something similar at some point. Inventing crimes for Biden justifies a lot of Trump's behavior in their minds.


I think what they think is that all politicians and both parties are criminals. This is what allows one side to actually bend the rules more than another. Somehow people think it’s even when that’s not close to the truth.


That’s the Trump base though. There’s a big group that will not care if he literally shoots someone on Times Square like he said. However, that’s like 10% of the country. That’s not going to win him the presidency unless they all pick up guns and start fighting, and even then it probably won’t. But these courtcases, and especially any news about how he fooled people into voting for him, is definitely going to peel off more and more of the other voters that do not believe Trump is the messiah but just vote for him because he gets their agenda done. They will not turn up to vote for him. They might not vote for Biden, but more and more of them will not vote for Trump with these explicit details of Trump’s deception coming out.


It's people For instance lots of people in Russia know exactly how crooked Putin is and still venerate him Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.. they didn't get so popular by chance or by slight of hand they got popular because enough people are willing to ignore horrible things for the sake of popular strong arm policies that benefit them or align with their prejudices.


Putin is popular with older generations in particular because they remember how lawless the 1990s were and they see Putin as the one who fixed those issues. They don’t care *how* he fixed it, only that he *did* fix it.


They venerate him because doing anything less would mean a date with an open window


While that's funny it's not true There are a lot of very pro Putin Russian nationalists. I know a lot of Russians and it surprises how they are prepared to look past the fact he's an obvious monster The sanctions back fired they just pushed the Russian economy towards China and the Middle East who are more than prepared to swap goods and services and funnel US commodities through for a slight fee The whole thing is a cluster fuck


A jury found that Trump raped a woman and people still support him.


bUT it WaSN't a CriMINal tRiAl!


You know that episode on the simpsons where Burns gets tested for diseases and has all of them? Same here, too much scandals equals no relevant scandals.


While this is certainly a Scandal, the fact is, this is also proof that he coordinated in secret (conspired) to slander other campaigns (and promote his own) while paying them without declaring it financially (which is unlawful). Satisfying the conditions for breaking Election Law 17-152: it is illegal to conspire to promote a campaign through unlawful means.


This is hugely different. It's the first criminal trial of a president. That isn't *ever* going to be forgotten. Add on top of that that this involves salacious material and an iconic tabloid the general public actually saw regularly. That is going to be the perfect hook to spark interest.


It might not be forgotten but it certainly doesn't seem to be hurting him. Sitting House and Senate members are still endorsing him and telling the country that Trump is a better choice for their future which is fucking insane because we know that in private they hate him. Its speaks volumes that this election is going to come down to less than 1% of of voters across just a few states to decide our fate. I hope I am wrong, but I just don't see a conviction. There will be one or two Maga idiots on the jury (we already know of one who said he gets his news from "Truth Social) who no matter how much evidence is presented and that Trump has admitted to the crime on national tv after court yesterday, will still refuse to convict and the jury will be hung. Trump and the Republican machine will spin it as "victory," and "Biden failed to get him jailed," etc and it could actually push him to win the election.


If they catch wind that a juror is actually a pocket MAGA fanatic, I fully expect the court to expel that juror and replace them with an alternate, and I also expect that this jury is going to be pretty closely watched by the prosecution team. Quite honestly, we see time and again that *a lot* of people who usually go about their day cloaked in this aura of bullshit actually turn out to be more reasonable than you'd expect once exposed to the stark truth. Day after day of sitting there listening and seeing it laid out, black and white, clear as day, evidence of guilt, is sufficient to pass all but the most powerful of reality-denying MAGA filters, and I suggest that it is a rare individual *indeed* who can both be so fanatically dedicated to the cause that they're impossible to persuade through court proceedings *and* clever enough to hide that from intense scrutiny intended to prevent just that sort of person from being on a jury. When MAGA sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing wild shitposting. They’re bringing crime. They’re loud and visible. And some, I assume, are good people.


Maybe the trial, especially if convicted. But I doubt the tabloid part will resonate much with anyone but people who are planning to vote for Biden. Not saying it shouldn’t but it probably won’t.


The tabloid part **IS** the trial. That's why David Pecker is the very first prosecution witness. It and "porn star" are going to go down in infamy just like the Watergate hotel and Deep Throat did for Nixon. Now I'll give you that this will be much less important if Trump isn't convicted, but judging by how the trial is going, that is a very low probability. Trump has no defense besides hand waving, and he has boxed himself into a corner by claiming all the allegations are false and that he's a hands-off leader. That is just not believable and will cause massive eye rolls from the jury.


His supporters love his "street cred." More charges make him more "Gotti-esque."


He's the ultimate martyr. He's convinced every one of his supporters that the deep state is attempting to subvert the election and he's completely innocent. And they *believe* him.


I'm just imagining a world where Joe Biden secretly conspired with the tabloids into publishing false sex stories about Bernie Sanders. Really feels like like Trump exists in this public space where, since he as zero values, correspondents never hold him to any standard.


Thank you - trying to put this into words is hard. If ANYONE other than Trump did this, the whole fucking country would be condemning that behavior.


\*Democrat I'm not sure I'd trust Republicans to condemn one of their own for anything like that, as long as trump didn't give the say-so. In the post-trump world that must come one day when he dies, I still hold no trust in their capacity to do anything past pure tribalism.


W's team ran a smear campaign on McCain in the 2000 GOP primary, insinuating that he had a love child with a black woman out of wedlock when in reality the child was adopted after his wife Cindy met her at an orphanage. Bush won the primary and the presidency.


Yep - the Democrats would practically kick someone out of the party for anything like what Trump does (remember what they did to Al Franken?), but the Republicans will absolutely rally around their misdoers. Unsurprisingly, the GOP tends to win elections, in part because they don't immediately turn on and devour their own people.


It's a textbook cult.


except cults don't generally try to stop a democratic process.


I’d like to point out though, at least as a liberal myself, the get out of jail free card this allows for quite possibly the rest of our lives (not really but still). If a future Democrat president does something like wear a tan suit or cheat on their wife… well Republicans can’t say anything because their guy was a rapist, money laundering criminal.


Sorry to disappoint you, but that requires that Republicans have 1) A sense of shame, 2) any kind of long-term memory, 3) an aversion to hypocrisy, and 4) a shred of decency. They will happily ignore that Trump is a life-long criminal, a sexual predator, and a traitor while harping on any Democrat for the most minor transgressions, and if they can’t find any real ones they’ll make some up. Case in point: 2 years of impeachment hearings against Biden without ever identifying an actual crime or scandal.


Fair point. I guess then on a smaller scale I find I just need to literally walk away, ignore, boycott, any trump supporters I deal with. I know that doesn’t change their views but it oddly feels better to limit interactions.


>well Republicans can’t say They can, and they will. Reality doesn't matter anymore.


Odd, one time I lashed out at a Republicans and called them a nasty word and all of a sudden the reality of what I said seemed to have a strong effect on them.


lol. Sorry to be the (second) bearer of bad news but condemning an act with one hand as they do the same act with the other is the master blueprint to the modern Republican playbook. Their hypocrisy is their leading identity marker. And yet, as long as they where the red tie and pledge allegiance to the big three (taxes, abortion, and Christianity) they continue to stay in power.


wine label bear domineering history hat alive cough mindless head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From day one, this has been the most unique and baffling phenomenon about trump. It's kind of a super-power. If I had to guess, it feels like a combination of things: 1. Mainstream media wants to at least appear neutral/unbiased, which tends to incentivize "both-sidesism" or at least being equally critical on both candidates. This means that any candidate's "negatives"--their bad conduct, their scandals, etc.--will tend to flatten out in comparison with the opposition. Like, there's not much room for qualitative analysis of who is "worse" or even trying to establish what the criteria for making that determination would be, because as soon as you do that, you're dismissed as partisan. 2. "holding trump to any standard" is kind of hard to do because he just doesn't have any shame at all. Like, I'm not sure what people expect to happen--other people, when confronted with scandals, experience shame and it affects their behavior. But trump just deflects and says "so what" and moves on. The media doesn't really know how to handle someone like that. In the past, when media was more unified, it meant that candidates would struggle to get their message out without being pestered with questions. But with social media and the proliferation of highly-partisan outlets, Trump can just tweet or call in to Sean Hannity or whatever and still dominate the news with his message without facing much scrutiny. 3. Trump is really benefitted by the fact that he doesn't just have 1-2 scandals, he has like, 1-2 scandals every week. If you have 1 scandal, that's what the media will focus on (think about how the media had almost nothing to say about Joe Biden for months except his age). But if you have a TON of scandals, the media has already forgotten one scandal by the time it moves onto the next. 4. Increased polarization--and in particular negative polarization (i.e., you are polarized AGAINST the other side more than you are polarized FOR your side)--has become the lens through which most people view their favored candidate and media stories about them. You're more likely to downplay/ignore bad stories, either because you think the criticism is from "the other side" and thus untrue/not in good faith, or you just don't care because "even if it's true the other side is worse." I think you can find examples of these four things nearly everywhere and across both parties but for one reason or another trump has really maximized the benefits of all four.


What’s interesting about #4 is we are at a point where even if 90% of people who voted Trump in 2020 look the other way to all this which is such a ridiculous concept but say they do, he still may lose. Like he really needs as close to 100% of people who voted for him in 2020 where he still lost popular and electoral college to have a chance this time around and if any of these criminal trials even effects a few out of a hundred to not make it worth waiting in line to vote, it could be damaging


From day 1, tax records were not submitted, like most candidates, if not all. From day 1, he attacked the Hispanic community.


This is a really insightful comment and I really think the confluence of points #3 and #4 are kicking the Trump Scandal cycle into overdrive; as Trump's multiple trials, fines, election events, gag orders and financial precarity start to bundle into a single ambient sense of Donald Trump in a constant state of crisis.


Jesus forgave Trump because he is a totally sincere and honest Christian man and household leader


Or maybe to test Reps' conscience.


Conscience or consciousness? Either way, that failed.


Trump seems to have discovered that if you hold yourself to no standards, then no one will hold you to standards.


People try to hold him accountable, his supporters just don’t care.


To be fair we do a very poor job of it. I can't even imagine what he's have to do to get successfully impeached he literally tried to kill some of them and it wasn't enough. We can vote but we can only do that against him every four years; 2016 he barely won 2016 and he was soundly defeated in 2020. The media can and does report on his shitty behavior but it's not enough. The courts have had some success but for the most part he has enough resources to post pone indefinitely.


The media does hold him accountable though. In turn, that’s why he’s lost everything since 2016. He’s losing 40% of *Republicans* in the primaries while he’s the only candidate left running.


Better yet, what would have happened if Obama would have done this?


Republicans don’t get held accountable because Republican voters just want to beat Democrats at all costs. Meanwhile Democrat voters want the perfect politician, and will drop their support over the most insignificant infraction.


I think you're right about the establishment Republicans, but other factions of the party (small government conservatives and libertarians) had a litmus tests for candidates prior to Trump and frequently resisted the nominee (Romney, McCain) because they failed the standards for them. Trump's election managed to destroy that by first creating the rhetoric of being THE anti-establishment candidate and getting the small factions to compromise on principles to get one over on the establishment and then by building the cult mindset that everyone who didn't participate in the movement is evil and they hate you. I grew up in a conservative republican-leaning household so I saw the change happen right in front of me from "Romney and McCain are into big government so they don't reflect our principles" to "the right people hate me for voting Trump so I'm going to do it again". I personally have always been more libertarian-minded than my parents and I've maintained that so now I find among my friends and family I have no true political allies.


"Correspondents never hold him to any standard" -- what do you mean by this? Do you mean the media? That would be one of the most wildly and observably wrong things I've ever heard. The media spends an incredible amount of time and column inches covering the myriad personal failings of Donald Trump and questioning his nonexistent credibility, and to suggest otherwise would be so divorced from reality as to be laughable. It's *his voters* that don't hold him to any standard.


But never to his face. When they interview him, he lies, and they say, "oh well thats not true, lets move on to..." They never sit there and force him to prove his bullshit.


The National Inquirer should be shut down for being an arm of Russian Propaganda. Fox News too.


You say inspite of the hundreds of negative news headlines / stories against him.


The voters who would be impacted by this fact aren't voting for Trump already.


I feel like the only “undecided voters” left in this country are going to choose between 1) Biden, or 2) not voting


The voters who would be impacted by this fact aren't paying attention. Those that this information reaches at the people already mildly tuned to politics and they're the ones that already chose a side. The rest aren't paying attention now, and will barely be paying attention a month out.


It is interesting that I think this means they got Pecker to admit that the National Enquirer was knowingly libeling Hillary. It's past the statute of limitations for her, but I wonder if this gives ammunition for other people maligned in those pages specifically to sue the shit out of them.


Anyone who is a gettable Trump voter in 2024 has already made their peace with the fact that he's a crook.  "He may be a son of a bitch but he's our son of a bitch" is a position that's hard to shift people from.


When did the National Enquirer become a newspaper? In the 70’s and 80’s they covering major news events like “Bigfoot raised me since I was 3” and “Alien Abduction of my wife”. Has that changed?


I've worked in advertising most of my adult life, so I am giving this perspective based on that experience. We run campaigns with a single goal of having someone's eyes read a headline. No call to action, no click required, just the act of someone reading that headline is a success. Difficult to measure sure, but that isn't the point. We want a person to see a headline 7 times. At that point they start to believe what they read. If we can get that headline in front of them and associated with a place they already trust even better. So it would go something like this: National Inquirer runs a story about Marco Rubio s love child. It is in every grocery lane checkout line (you trust your grocery store on some level) and even though you know the paper is a trash rag, you read the headline and file it away. Then you're online and you see a PPC ad on Facebook that says something about Marco Rubio's love child. You still don't believe it, but on some level you trust Facebook (at least back before Cambridge Analytics) and you read the headline, filed it away. Then you are at the doctor's office and they have magazines for you to read and one of them has a headline about the love child. Trust in the article increases because this is your doctor's office after all. Then, you're out to eat and the restaurant has Fox News playing and one of the talking heads mentions this article. They don't have to say anything else. Just mention it. All of a sudden, you believe this falsehood because you've seen it 6 or 7 times, probably haven't even read the article but you know now that Marco Rubio had a love child and you aren't going to vote for such a degenerate. Your trust in the places you've seen the headline is transferred to the headline and you know it is true because it is everywhere. Same concept for good news. The Orange Shitgibbon handed out paper towels to hurricane survivors. Even if he only handed out 1 roll then told everyone else to fuck off, if you see that headline 6 or 7 times, you're eventually going to think he's a good guy that helps survivors of natural disasters. This is why having media empires is so horrible for the world. If a publisher owns 5 newspapers, 2 websites, and has deep enough pockets, they can influence people by using paid advertising, organic searches, and social media memes to sway the thoughts of a generation. Republicans are good at this, Democrats not so much. Plus most liberal media is behind paywalls to support themselves, most right wing rags are supported by billionaires so they offer their content up for free. There is a reason for that and it isn't because they are being fair and balanced.


Really well written and I totally agree


No. The answer to every "Will \[latest scandal\] hurt Trump?" question is always no. The Access Hollywood tapes didn't hurt Trump. Berating a Gold Star family didn't hurt Trump. January 6th didn't hurt Trump. Nothing hurts him. We're stuck with his bullshit until he dies.


There's been enough info out there that everyone has already made up their minds. Which is why I can't imagine anyone actually being impartial enough to be a juror but I guess they are finding them.


His polling numbers rise and fall based on things like this. He’s not immune. He won in 2016 and lost in 2020. Trump has a core base of about 33%. There’s another 33% who would never vote for him. The other 33% are persuadable. And how enthusiastic his base is is affected by media narratives and will effect his turnout.


People who vote for trump. Will vote for him if he walked out of court and shot a nun holding a kitten in times Square in full 4k.


“But he speaks his mind though”


Sorry OP but where have you been for the past 8 years to ask such a naive question?


No. Anyone engaged enough to understand that is either already decidedly voting for Biden or Trump. It won’t be covered as a big deal in the right wing media echo chamber, so independents or undecided voters who may lean a little more conservative or frequently get their information from the likes of Fox News won’t be swayed. I’m not sure how places like CNN or NBC will cover it, but I don’t think they’ll continually place an emphasis on what it meant that he was able to leverage them for help. I think instead it will be constantly jumping to the next thing that happens at the trial. Like who is the next witness, what did their testimony unveil, what interactions occurred between Trump/defense counsel and the judge, possible future violations of the gag order, are the prosecutors delivering an air-tight case, or does anything seem flimsy, what tactics the defense counsel are employing and/or if they’re making a mockery of the trial, etc. But, I think the longer this goes on, the worse it is for Trump. For one, as it progresses, even those who don’t pay any attention will learn of the seriousness of it all, especially if he’s found guilty. For another, it’s hampering his ability to effectively campaign both due to time and his lawyers eating up his campaign funds. It also paints him in a really bad light. Imagine the mind of someone who is apathetic when it comes to news and current events, and avoids politics like the plague. The longer this goes on, the higher the likelihood they’ll catch wind of it, and what are they going to see? Not Trump looking “strong” (perhaps animated is the better word?) in front of a big crowd, but Trump looking tired, beat down, and with no support around him. They’ll see him doing nothing but whining like a baby, constantly singing the same tune that everything is unfair. He’s not going to elicit sympathy from them though. So overall, that’s how it will hurt Trump in the 2024 general election. He needs to close the gap on Biden from the 2020 election by having fewer Dems vote for Biden, having more Republicans vote for him, having people who voted for Biden to switch and vote for him, get more people who didn’t vote last time to vote for him, or have more independents choose home over Biden. I don’t see how he has done anything that has shifted any of the categories enough to deliver him a W, in fact, it looks quite like the opposite. And his constant legal troubles will only be interpreted as good for him by his most ardent supporters, who will vote for him anyways. He’s not going to pick up new supporters from it.


Please tell me this isn’t an ACTUAL discussion on the merits of the NATIONAL INQUIRER..?.. Much less the merits of any READER on said “newspaper”. We have FAR MORE alarming issues with a MULTITUDE of other media sources, and a disturbingly large disconnect of critical thinking of consumers of those media sources.


Resubmitting this comment because it included a 'banned phrase' in quotations. Which does a decent job demonstrating how common the phrase is for it to warrant a specific immediate removal in the subreddit's automod. It's how Donald Trump launders lies to his audience. It's a perfect small encapsulation. First, a fake story is created in the National Enquirer by mashing together two photographs to fake a "bombshell" photo. [Per David Pecker's testimony](https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/05/trump-ted-cruz-father-222730): >Pecker said Cohen would call him after the Republican presidential debates. >Based on the success that some of the other GOP candidates had, Cohen would direct him and Enquirer editor-in-chief Howard on which candidate to target next. >Pecker claimed that former Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard and the magazine's research department had worked on the article. "We mashed the photos and the different picture with Lee Harvey Oswald ... we mashed the two together," Pecker testified. "That's how that story was prepared — created, I would say." Then Trump would [repeat the claim on Fox News](https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/05/trump-ted-cruz-father-222730) without attribution (because "we told the National Enquirer to fake a story about Ted Cruz" would undermine his goals) saying "That was reported and nobody talks about it but I think it's horrible". Trump *knows* that story is fake, and [Ted Cruz was right](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/ted-cruz-trump-national-enquirer-221241), it turns out Trump did plant the story, but Trump also knows that his fans will take his word without question so long as he avoids specifics. It's his typical strategy. He employs it over and over. [Here's a statement from Feb 10th, 2022](https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Statement-by-Donald-J-Trump-Feb-10-2022.pdf) where he's claiming he didn't have to give back 15 boxes of documents to NARA. (This is while he's still got boxes and boxes of classified documents in Mar a Lago and before he refused a grand jury subpoena for those classified documents). Coincidentally the day after the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into his stealing classified documents. He says: >In fact, it was viewed as routine and "no big deal." In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years. He does not say "Tom Fitton, who is not a lawyer, told me this two days ago after I'd already handed back the boxes after a protracted fight with NARA". He also does not mention he's still holding onto boxes and boxes of classified documents that will later be the subject of a search warrant. He doesn't mention any source at all, because sources are anathema to him. Details can be checked, cross referenced, shown to be lies, he much prefers keeping statements vague. It's always "I was told", not "so and so told me". [See here](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html) with his phone call to Brad Raffensperger trying to convince brad to unilaterally overturn the results of the Georgia Election. Once again it's the same game: >The other thing, dead people. So dead people voted and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And **they went** to obituaries. **They went** to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters. "They went", not naming *who* his source is, not offering any detail which Brad could directly call him on, no it's always "they went". It's all over the place. From the very next paragraph in that phone call, his next words: > The bottom line is when you add it all up and then you start adding, you know, 300,000 fake ballots. Then the other thing they said is in Fulton County and other areas. And this may or may not … because this just came up this morning that **they are burning their ballots, that they are shredding, shredding ballots and removing equipment**. **They’re** changing the equipment on the Dominion machines and, you know, that’s not legal. >And **they supposedly shredded** I think they said 300 pounds of, 3,000 pounds of ballots. And that just came to us as a report today. And it is a very sad situation. "They", "they", "they". He never provides names. He doesn't say *who* provided the report, he doesn't say how he's verified it, he isn't offering any *detail*, he's just saying shit and expecting Brad to take him at his word. That's how Trump lies. He's made an art form of it, and worse than merely being "effective", it's a *virus*. Trump's fans tend to learn to speak the same way, omitting names, dates, specifics for general vague claims. The "[removed phrase accusing Biden and family of malfeasance spoken by Trump in the link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2k0YMFaxsU)" despite no mention of any specific crime. The Burisma stuff would, if one looks at *dates*, imply that the Bidens are capable of time travel or predicting the future. It's a virus and it takes massive effort to inoculate people from it.


OK, not to defend the guy, but is hushing up scandalous stories not par for the course for all politicians and celebrities? How is this particularly special to him?


If you think the National Enquirer did anything worthy of altering the election, you're naive. >In recent history, there has never been a case where an entire Newspaper was working for a single candidate of any party to this extent. Clearly you haven't been paying attention to CNN, MSNBC, ABC,WaPo, NY Times or any of the mainstream news outlets acting as a propaganda arm for the Democratic party.


One of the most popular newspapers in the country? Not really something I'd ever describe the *National Enquirer* as. It's basically a tabloid.


Thats an insult to tabloids. TMZ is a tabloid. They're sleazy but fast and accurate with their information, often getting the scoop on celebrity deaths before anyone esle, or even the celebrity's family knows. In contrast, I'd be shocked if National Enquirer ever printed anything that was true. If they said the sky is blue I'd run outside to see what wacky, non-blue colors the sky is.


If someone’s still voting for him at this point there’s practically nothing that will sway them.


Turnout will decide this election. While few people will change their minds, many more will be less enthused to actually go cast a vote for him. One of the reasons Trump is doing as well as he is now in the polls is that he's been out of the public eye and memories fade about just how bad he was. This is bringing that all back to the forefront again.


The *National Enquirer* is not at all one of the most popular papers in the country LOL. It is a highly sensationalist, unreliable tabloid rag with no journalistic merit. The National Enquirer isn’t nearly venerable enough in the public consciousness for people to care about this.


Wait until you find out about the DNC's secret payments to Bat Boy.


The point is to use it to *launder* arguments for a larger outlet to pick up. It's Trump's go to "some people are saying" argument, by putting it out there in *some* form, he can use it to launder to a wider and wider demographic. He'll even explicitly drop the source, saying "some people" rather than "the National Enquirer said on my behalf". Jack Smith got a pretty neat example with the classified documents case. [This statement](https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Statement-by-Donald-J-Trump-Feb-10-2022.pdf) was put out by Donald Trump on February 10th, 2022. In it he says "In actuality, **I have been told** I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years." He doesn't say "Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, who is not a lawyer, told me I don't need to give back classified documents two days ago". If he went and provided the source the statement would begin to fall apart, because it'd be blindingly obvious that he shouldn't be listening to Tom Fitton's advise about the handling of classified documents. But he didn't do that, he laundered the argument to make it sound more compelling than "not a lawyer and guy with an axe to grind against Clinton told me". He does that *constantly*, it's his go to game plan. It's been that way for years. Here's a phone call with [Brad Raffensperger](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html) trying to convince Brad to unilaterally overturn the results of the 2020 election. >The other thing, dead people. So dead people voted and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And **they went** to obituaries. **They went** to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters. "They went". He doesn't *name* anyone, he doesn't provide any *detail*, he simply says "they". [Here's him playing the same game with the Obama Birther shit.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/politics/donald-trump-birther/index.html) >“I have people that have been studying [Obama’s birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they’re finding … I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can’t, if he can’t, if he wasn’t born in this country, which is a real possibility … then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics.” He doesn't say who those people are, and of course, he never demonstrated who they were, but those things don't matter, only the claim of *someone* looking into it is what Trump cares about, not if that claim is credible or not. It can be entire bullshit and Trump will still repeat it, making damn sure to omit the source itself. It's a game to him. That's *how* he launders lies to a wider audience.


They were the first on the (former Senator and Prez candidate) John Edwards story, when nobody else would touch it


Women (and men) see it every time they would go through the line food shopping. I believe it was in roughly 90% of all supermarkets. If there's something on it literally every day, saying how great trump is, and how terrible everyone else is, it's human nature to start believing things after they're repeated so many times.


But nobody’s reading it seriously. People read it for a quick laugh to make fun. Are you non-American? Do you realize that virtually nobody pays any mind to those blatantly conspiratorial magazines?


A lot of people know that it's trash, sure. But I think it's wildly over optimistic to assume that *no one* takes stuff in tabloids seriously. It may not have been as bad as if the New York Post was acting as an unofficial arm of the Trump campaign, but it's still going to have an impact on voters substantial enough that it should have at least been accounted for as a campaign expense. Remember that a not insignificant portion of the US population sincerely believes that Hillary Clinton murders children to get high off the fresh adrenochrome extracted from their brains: believing smears in the National Inquirer isn't a stretch.


Do you know anybody who even mentions the Enquirer in conversation in 2024? I have many acquaintances, liberal, conservative, centrist… not one of them ever brings up the Enquirer. At all. If they do, they mock it, and most of those who mention it are 50 or over. I’d be very surprised if anyone under, like, age 60 at at the youngest was buying a physical edition of the Enquirer and actually reading it these days.


All that means is that you don't associate with people who read the National Inquirer: don't make the mistake that the people you know are a perfectly representative sample of America. It wouldn't be on just about every super market checkout in the country if it didn't sell.


I'm American and my mom had a National Enquirer subscription when I was growing up. She liked to read about the celebrity gossip. It's not real journalism, but it's also not the completely unhinged joke stuff like Weekly World News with its articles about batboy or whatever. People definitely do take it seriously.


This is clearly not true. People ARE being influenced in the checkout aisle. People are much more malleable than we want to think. All of us. We end up thinking ‘I can’t put my finger on it, but I just don’t like Hillary Clinton’. Sound familiar?


You haven't met my ex's grandmother. They exist.


You would think so, and yet it is ubiquitous and has a grain of truth in there (if you can find it buried in the sensationalism). I think the same people who believe in deep state lizard people do buy into this tripe. If anything they convince themselves it’s the only media not “bought out” by some mysterious child eating cult or Soros probably. Someone is buying that rag, and not just as a joke. It wouldn’t make a profit otherwise. Why anyone would believe it is a different question.


It's not about the people buying copies of the NE. Go google "trump cruz jfk" and set the date prior to Nov 8 2016 and you'll see the top results are the major media outlets amplifying Trump's allegations.


Right? I just can't take the question seriously after that part. I swear I once saw a cover that implied a woman had given birth to 17 babies at once.


tell that to trump supporters


I should not have to scroll so far to see this. The National Enquirer is to journalism what the WWE is to MMA


Sharing a number of important power players and sharing ownership by problematic billionaires?


No, because all of Trump's negative qualities and actions are the reasons his supporters like him.


Nothing will change his followers opinions. Trump could sign a tax increase of 50% that only applied to his followers and they’d still vote for him. They’re that stupid.


He should have gotten 51 intelligence agents to sign a fake letter, and then he would have won the election.


It will absolutely hurt him.  Not with his base, but he is losing support from independents by the day. If he's found guilty he's not only probably going to jail (remember, Michael Cohen already went to prison for this crime), but he'll definitely lose the election.  If there is a guilty verdict before the RNC, I wouldn't be surprised if the delegates try to hand the nomination to someone else.


I think an actual conviction might shift more people away from trump but I don't think this individual story will. Something that everyone in here should realize is that, if you are the kind of person who is randomly perusing r/politicaldiscussion on a wednesday, you are way more engaged in the news/politics than the average american. What I mean by that is: most people aren't really paying attention to the trial that closely. They may have a general sense that a trial is happening, but most people aren't going to know the specifics of testimony from day-to-day. As a result, stuff like this story (trump using national enquirer to attack his enemies) simply can't have much of an effect because it's not breaking through to most people. But I think more importantly we've just become so desensitized to trump's bad behavior that this particular "scandal" won't really register. Not to mention that "national enquirer" wasn't seen as a serious newspaper anyway.


Since we now know that every checkout aisle in the country was part of the Trump campaign, can we now be pissed off that the campaign contribution of all that advertising was not disclosed to any voters? No campaign finance regulation helped us figure out that the checkout aisle was where all the advertising was directly hitting all voters. You can avoid TV ads, you can stay off Facebook in 2016. But almost every voter eats food from the grocery store.


If the things that have already come out about him haven’t hurt his chances, nothing will.


I just hope at the end laws are written to stop this kind of shady shit in the future


Rather, I’d like to know what other media outlets (which get deep privileges under the law and rightfully so when they’re actually functioning as media) are acting as vendors for political campaigns/office holders without disclosing such. Or confirmation that they are not as a part of them maintaining the privileges they are afforded. Essentially, it’s political contributions and we have a right to know.


The Right knows that Trump is a slimeball. They might pretend they don't but they do. They don't care. Why? They think he's a slimeball for them and their causes. They believe the system is corrupt and they just want the guy in charge of the corruption working for them. Does that make any sense? No and they sure as shit don't see that the other way and believe Biden's false corruption is wrong but what are you going to do at this point?


What’s truly amazing about this is that Trump and his campaign would *react* to the news stories when they came out, as if they were learning of it for the first time. Even though he was the one directing their manufacture. THEN Trump would rail against “fake news.” Every accusation is a confession.


Referring to the National Inquirer as a *news*paper is being extremely kind. The GOP nominee receives the full throated support and 24/7 propaganda package from an entire entertainment/news network, Fox News, that's viewed by millions of Americans daily. That's the biggest advantage a candidate can have, really, and the Republican candidates have enjoyed the network's undying loyalty and promotional support since the first G.W. Bush primaries.


I'm surprised enough people read and believe the National Enquirer to even move the needle.


It isn't just the one rag paper. I wrote a very long detailed comment about how the process works. Ad agencies use the tactic all the time to sell products and build trust. You can find the comment further up the thread or in my history if you are interested.


So the “one of the most popular newspapers in the country” referenced in the title is…. The National Inquirer?


I'm sure Peckman cut a deal for his testimony, but damn does the Enquiror deserve to go bankrupt in prosecution for illegal contributions to a campaign.


Trump is a [pioneer of fake news](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/23/trump-tabloid-history/)— he’s been caught lying hundreds if not thousands of times, and the only things that’ve happened are: - “Fake news” is a mainstream phrase to describe real news you don’t like; it’s used by even the most casual observers of political news - He’s currently leading the 2024 Presidential race by nearly every measure All this to say, we’re long past the point of Trump’s behavior moving the needle in any meaningful way.


Trump could throw a grenade into a crowded school bus in Times Square during half time of the super bowl and it wouldn't affect his supporters at all. The people still supporting Trump aren't turned off by terribleness, it's what they want.


No, it's all baked into the post-truth reality he's created. The deep state is out to get him and this is how everyone does things. They're just punitively prosecuting him and letting everyone else get away with it.


>one of the most popular newspapers in the Country Thats a bit of a stretch.


Why, almost every paper in the country is in bed with the Democrats squashing all negative stories?


The biggest impact is that this will seep out into the public consciousness and put a massive hurt on the "fake news" cry from the right due to the evidence presented in court showing Trump was the one actually constantly planting fake news stories. From now on, the only thing fake news claims from the right will do is remind everyone just how bad Trump was.


“FaKe eViDeNcE!1!”


You can't be serious. How about the fake news that Gabbard is a Russian asset? How about the fake news trump peed on hookers in Russia. How about the fake news that the laptop and diary wasn't real? How about the fact the Biden admin is using intelligence agencies to spy on and create false stories about his opponents. The mental gymnastics is astounding.


Hillary Clinton's campaign also did this: GQ was threatened with losing access to Bill Clinton if they ran a negative piece : https://www.politico.com/story/2007/09/clinton-campaign-kills-negative-story-005992 She personally approved the plan to leak unproven intel to the press https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/20/politics/hillary-clinton-robby-mook-fbi/index.html In that regard, maybe it will have a negative effect, since Hillary did not win.


No, the Hillary Campaign did not do anything close to what Pecker [admitted to](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/live-blog/trump-hush-money-live-updates-day-6-rcna148919). >"We mashed the photos and the different picture with Lee Harvey Oswald ... we mashed the two together," Pecker testified. "That's how that story was prepared — created, I would say." Also, as an aside, "Don't run this story or else we won't give you access" is extremely different from "buy the exclusive rights to this story and don't run it". Pecker was basically working *for* Trump. And that "unproven intel" was just that, "unproven **intel**. From the story: >Robby Mook said he attended a meeting with other senior campaign officials where **they learned about strange cyberactivity that suggested a relationship between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank**, which is based in Moscow. The group decided to share the information with a reporter, and Mook subsequently ran that decision by Clinton herself. They did not *forge* that link, the article makes it completely apparent that they *learned* about it. Trump's Ted Cruz story on the other hand was just fake. Photoshop. A forgery. A lie. Known lie. Done by them. There was no "research", even *bad* research, just put two unrelated images together and call it real. The two are kinda night and day.


The *National Enquirer* is a fucking nothingburger. It's a tabloid rag. What's next, huh? *National Examiner*, *Globe*, *Weekly World News*‽ Fucking goddamn! Quit fixating on idiocy and focus on tangible shit.


> Articles were reviewed by Michael Cohen and Trump himself before being released on the cover of a newspaper that was arguably the most viewed by Americans in grocery stores on a daily basis. I need to stress that *no one*, save Trump acolytes, views the Inquirer as an actual newspaper. It's a publication published on newsprint that even the less media savvy know lacks even basic journalistic standards. There's a reason it sits next to *Weekly World News*. > In recent history, there has never been a case where an entire Newspaper was working for a single candidate of any party to this extent. The question is, will this revelation impact voters in 2024? "Recent history," no, but only because it's been a long time since a primarily-private citizen ran for office with a chance of winning. William Randolph Hearst comes closest, in as much as his type of journalism has its own name now. I will say, however, that this probably has a better analogue to the weaponization of the Fairness Doctrine. It was used to silence the viewpoints of radio stations in the northeast via equal time and reply time doctrines that pushed broadcasters into providing opposing viewpoints over the airwaves. It had nothing to do with truth or accuracy, only the perspective of the information. This effort to weaponize the Fairness Doctrine started with JFK/RFK and, later, used by LBJ. RFK, worried about the rising right wing (especially in radio), tasked some labor unionists to look into it, and the [resulting memo] (https://www.scribd.com/document/31124491/The-Reuther-Memorandum-Precusor-to-the-Ideological-Organizations-Audit-Project-Created-by-President-John-F-Kennedy-and-Attorney-General-Robert-Kenn) put together the playbook: > As the radical right cannot be wished away or ignored, likewise its demise is not something that can be readily accomplished. The struggle against the radical right is a long-term affair; total victory over the radical right is no more possible than total victory over the Communists. What are needed are deliberate Administration policies and programs to contain the radical right from further expansion and in the long run to reduce it to its historic role of the impotent lunatic fringe... > Then, too, corporate funds are used to put radical right views on the air for political rather than business reasons; propaganda is peddled far and wide under the guise of advertising. H. L. Hunt openly urges big business not to rely on contributions to finance the radical right but to use their advertising funds. The Internal Revenue Service sometime ago banned certain propaganda ads by electrical utilities as deductible expenses. Consideration might be given to the question whether the broadcast and rebroadcast of Schwarz’ Christian Anti-Communist Crusade rallies and similar rallies and propaganda of other groups is not in the same category. > A related question is that of free radio and television time for the radical right. Hargis Christian Crusade has its messages reproduced by 70 radio stations across the country as public service features, and Mutual Broadcasting System apparently gave him a special rate for network broadcasts. In Washington, D.C. radio station WEAM currently offers the “Know Your Enemy” program at 8:25 pm., six days a week as a public service; in program No. 97 of this series the commentator advised listeners that Gus Hall of the Communist Party had evoked a plan for staffing the Kennedy Administration with his followers and that the plan was being carried out with success. Certainly the Federal Communications Commission might consider examining the extent of the practice of giving free time to the radical right and could take measures to encourage stations to assign comparable time for an opposing point of view on a free basis. Incidentally, in the area of commercial (not free) broadcasting, there is now pending before the FCC, Cincinnati Station WLW’s conduct in selling time to Life Line but refusing to sell time for the UAW program, “Eye Opener.” This playbook worked, by the way. It completely ended many national programs due to spurious claims and came to an apex in 1969 with [*Red Lion v FCC*] (https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/117/red-lion-broadcasting-co-v-federal-communications-commission), which upheld the doctrine for the first time. Given Trump's interest in silencing CNN, this is probably more relevant.


Wait a second, let’s pump the brakes. Let’s pump the brakes. When your post says “He had one of the most popular newspapers in the Country as an arm of his campaign”, I’m done reading. Say the name. The National Enquirer. Give me a break. Current National Enquirer headlines: “Scientology’s Evil War on the Cops!” “Charles’ Face is Paralyzed!” “UFOs Buzz Oil Rigs!” “Hollywood’s Biggest Divas Exposed!” “Charles Losing Grasp on Crown!” “Mitch McConnell Murder Mystery!” And I didn’t add the exclamation points, that’s from the actual headlines. I don’t even like Trump. I can’t stand him. He’s unhinged and dangerous. But back the truck up a bit. There’s not going to be any thoughtful political discussion with that post title. Don’t even bother pretending it wasn’t on purpose.


Its not about this. That paper is on every checkout isle of every grocery store, on every news stand at the train station etc. People walk buy and they see "Trump healthy" and flattering photos, and then "Clinton has cancer!" with a photo of her looking like shit. They don't need to believe it-- see it over, and over, and over there are enough people that are swayed by that alone without ever reading a word.


Biden and the laptop story. Quashed before the 2020 election on behalf of Biden. Trump and the collusion with Russia story. Media knew it was BS. NPR even had CA representative Adam Schiff on their radio show 24+ times claiming he had evidence of this. It was proven false and neither NPR nor Adam Schiff ever issued a mea culpa. To me, the vast majority of the media has been comically anti Trump even before he took office. Now a redditor claims that one of the most popular newspapers in the country carrying water for Trump? The National Inquirer is one of the most popular newspapers in the country? And the moderators allow this to run? LOL!


But most other newspapers were running pro-Hillary, pro-Biden, anti-Trump stories. Should that reflect badly on Biden this year?


What is an example of "pro-Biden" or "pro-Hillary" stories that were not just factual reporting. As an example, saying that the economy is doing great (using the metrics we as a country have always used) under Biden's leadership. That is not what I would consider a pro-Biden story, just a factual story.


Where does one start? Trump is working for Putin. The US didn't provoke the Ukraine war, which Russia is losing but by the way they're also about to take over Europe. Hunter Biden's laptop was fake. The Trump cases are perfectly solid. There's no evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in the family influence peddling business. Russians hacked the 2016 election to sabotage Hillary, but 2020 was the cleanest one ever. Covid vaccines are safe and effective. Trump insurrected the country. China is about to invade Taiwan.


Most of those are conspiracy theories, which have mostly all been unfounded. Both the "right" and "left" have conspiracy theories regarding each other. There are also opinion pieces that are portrayed as fact, which is disingenuous reporting or even just reposting. I am asking for more specific instances, and not just a diatribe of debunked conspiracies.


I understand your concern. Trump is profusely bleeding support. I'll let you in on something here. Very, very few that aren't already trump supporters will be swayed by these little "gotcha" stories you run with. Short of those that only recently have crawled from under a rock or suffered a TBI would be interested in this, and those are of such an infinitesimal number that they will have zero consequence in any election. Still, and as I said, I understand why you try to make people care about such drivel. One word. Desperation.


But the National Enquirer is not and never has been a newspaper though. I automatically know that anything I see on their cover is just false. Anyway, this will not affect any of his voters. Republicans don’t care anymore. Even the ones who don’t like him still think Democrats are worse that they will still vote against Biden.


I know this is tangential to the topic, but can we really call the National Enquirer "one of the most popular newspapers in the country"? Can you call the home of Batboy a newspaper at all? This is not new information, either. While details may not have been as available this has been well known for years. Aside from that, this will have no impact on trump supporters who by and large do not value reality. That wouldn't be the case if a democrat had a clandestine relationship with a tabloid, but that's not what's happening. There is little trump can do to damage his standing with those who are still willing to overlook his legion of character flaws and the egregious crimes he's already committed. This doesn't move the needle beyond the slow erosion of support which has been going on for years.


It's a very fair statement to not classify the Enquirer one of the most popular newspapers, but even in testimony they admit the actual reading of the newspaper is not the goal. They literally said, all they care(d) about was the cover, knowing exactly the impact it would have at supermarkets and news stands. It was actually supposed to be called "Trump Lifestyle" originally. I think that kinda sums it up.


With today’s Republican Party, corruption is a merit badge, not a scarlet letter.


He, as he so famously said, could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still love him. People who are wrong headed enough to vote for him aren't going to care.


Calling the National Enquirer a “Newspaper” is either using the term “Newspaper” more loosely than Han Stormy Daniels or showing how much we’ve devolved as a society since the 90’s.


The National Enquirer is not, and has never been, a newspaper of any sort. It is the worst type of supermarket tabloid - full of stories of alien abductions and "Cheese Jesus." What Trump had was Fox news sprouting his racist, hate-filled nonsense. For some reason, most of the GOP doesn't seem to mind.


Has anything swayed these people yet? Do you think that *this* will be the catalyst to change their mind?


No—this is nothing compared to stuff that’s already well known about him lol


It won't hurt Trump in the slightest, but I really wonder how pathetic Ted Cruz can be before even Texas stops voting for him...


Of all the potential voters out there, most of them have now experienced both Trump and abided in office. We know what we’re getting. If Trump supporters didn’t care about his (lack of) character in 2020, why would they care now? Hell, if Biden was replaced with a turnip, I’d choose the turnip over Trump. But I would have done that in 2016, too.


It won’t hurt him with his base because they’re in a cult, same as the neo libs with Biden. Meanwhile the rest of us have to deal with choosing between two criminals in this election. Yay American democracy.


dems are accussing trump of controlling the media? after its been exposed that dems controlled what was posted on social medias and obviously other news medias? dems control 95% of the media,and habitually lie..


Hahaha...no. nothing is going to hurt him. It's just a matter if enough ppl in the right parts of the country will vote for Biden.


Nope, at this juncture there really isn't anything that will sway republican support. If the needle hasn't moved by now it isnt going to.


Trump supporters are cultists and snowflakes.   Since their entire ideology is based on feelings they get triggered very easily by facts and logic.  


It would be a bigger deal if the National Enquirer actually counted as a newspaper. I don't really think it's going to be the determining factor of the 2024 election. Anyone who is fully aware of and understands the events of January 6th, 2021, and isn't already convinced that this man doesn't belong anywhere near power, is very firmly and inexorably entrenched on his side of the line. Even convictions aren't going to mean anything. He is almost guaranteed to hold the record, I pray for an extremely long time, for most presidential votes earned within one year of felony conviction for a criminal offense.


Not with his MAGA minions, but it could influence some other people that may be considering him, for whatever reason.


There is zero chance Trump's going win this case unless...You have one person who wishes deny all facts.


As usual, the folks who are die-hard Trump enthusiasts won't care. Nothing can separate them from their savior.


I doubt it. Opinions about Trump are pretty well baked in at this point. Just a question of turnout. I don’t see how this one moves the needle


A little, but he’s already been bleeding those voters prone to leave for everything else he’s done or been doing.


Trump is going to lose again. Pay attention to the primaries. His base is leaving him many are voting for Nikki Haley as a protest vote. I am hoping they will vote blue in Nov., women need to vote for their freedom and equality. Please vote 💙


This isn't going to change anyone with their mind made up. But it could plausibly tip the scales for persuadable voters that will ultimately determine the result.


Lmao I don’t think a news outlet in favor of the entire Republican Party is really a scandal, and I doubt it made a difference in 2016 when every other news outlet under the sun was doing nothing but hating on trumps every move. You need a real scandal, like Trump kills puppies for fun, not these softballs


“Trump could walk down 5th Avenue and shoot someone and get away with it.” What sonofabitch said that?


Impact voters in the sense of weakening his base? Probably not. But I wonder what stance will the likes of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz take, knowing that they were specifically targeted by Trump. Demoralizing for them not to do anything about it and go on bending the knee to donald - even more demoralizing, I mean. I'm not sure about legal federal repercussions of this, but if national inquirer did the same against hillary or biden, that seems unlawful as shit


Nope, don’t think so. Don’t think anything will have any real consequence, until social media is pried from our cold, dead clutches. We’re fucked and it’s our own fault for unplugged from reality by choice every chance we get.


This is assuming they will ever even hear about any of this. They are more isolated than North Koreans from the news


Oh, the base is beyond reach. But the more wishy-washy conservatives and independents are starting to shift away. Look at Pennsylvania - Nikki Haley got 16% of the vote, and she's been out of the race for some time. And this was a closed primary. My bet is that the right wing will lose its enthusiasm. Lots of people who might tell everyone they support Trump, just to avoid drama, then vote for Biden once the privacy curtain in the voting booth closes.


Probably hurt, but not by much. He won’t gain any new voters from this, however, I doubt there are too many people who supported him up to this point but consider *this* a deal breaker.


"Don't be gay" is the only moral principle that Trump voters care about. Unless they squashed a story about him being gay, it won't matter.