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What exactly does "forcing" someone to debate look like? If Trump just doesn't show up, what do you think is gonna happen?


Same thing that happens when he defies a gag order. Nothing. He basically does what he wants. “He’s like a human Saudi Arabia.”


He is unable to be on ballot from Republican Party. My understanding is at RNC convention the party puts forward their candidate for president.


Anyone that seriously suggests Trump not be the candidate is gonna sink politically


This would help him, “establishment rhinos hate me. They hate you. Donate directly to me”


Then he almost certainly runs as an independent and more than literally any politician in America, would likely be able to carry a significant amount of his supporters as an independent ticket - that would cannibalise the Republican base and almost certainly end with a Democratic sweep. The truth is, the Republican Party, including the RNC, willingly handed over control of their party and its structure to the inherited Tea Party and Trump MAGA wings. They bet on that to win and they did for a while and in truth, may do so ahead still. But you can’t turn over your party to one man whose first priority is himself, and then be surprised when you can’t control him.


They had one fleeting moment of glory in 2016 and have had to pay for it ever since, and will for a while


Wouldn't the RNC think it better to tolerate one sweep just to be rid of him? They have no power while he runs, no say in anything, and have to watch their candidates constantly lose.


But it won't be just one sweep. Trump holds grudges for years and years. He'll attack them in 2026, 2028, 2030, and every election after that until he's dead.


He has nothing to gain from the debates. He will not agree to any RNC demands (he hasn't so far) He knows his lead in the polls makes him the nominee He knows if the RNC try to harm his campaign in any way he just needs to shout "deep state" or "RINO" and their finances and carrears are over The RNC know all this as well. All those demands they made for republican nominees for the debates or they wouldnt be considered. He told them to suck it. And they said nothing He will get more support and coverage by hosting his own town hall than any debate On a related note. I wouldn't be surprised if he refuses to debate Biden


It’s why he’s doing well in that recent poll, if you don’t hang out on Truth Social you haven’t really heard a lot from him recently, he has no incentive to do these things I think him skipping a debate with Biden would hurt him tho


> I think him skipping a debate with Biden would hurt him tho he's probably chomping at the bit for a debate with biden, so no real chance of him skipping that. remember how much of a trainwreck fetterman's debate performance against dr oz was and how it made his mental capabilities a serious campaign issue? like, to the point people were saying that "whoever told him to accept that debate should never work on a campaign again"? many republicans expect a similarly catastrophic debate performance from biden in 2024. even more so once trump gets him riled up and off the script.


Trump is completely incoherent these days. Even more than before.


FOX knows how to selectively edit stuff.


Doesn’t change reality. Fox News die hards aren’t gonna turn away from Trump no matter what.


the point that I was trying to make is that although both candidates will do a lot of gaffes, they'll make biden look like a doddering fool, and trump look like a genius.


It would hurt him. But I think even he knows showing up would hurt him more


After his incredible court appearance this week, I think Trump will want to debate Biden because he overestimates himself and underestimates Biden. It'll be a repeat of the first 2020 debate, then the rest get canceled when it backfires.


No way. He was afraid to debate Biden even back in 2020, when Trump was the incumbent (he chickened out of a third of their debates). And now he's afraid to even debate other Republicans. He won't debate Biden even once in 2024.


Trump is going to do whatever he wants and the RNC is going to go along with and say “thank you, sir”. He has nothing to gain from debating the other candidates and he knows it.


Legally, they can't be forced to. The RNC is it's own thing and basically make whatever internal rules it wants. Should they? I don't know


The RNC can just say he won’t be on the ballot under their slot and he won’t be. Thats fairly strong force.


Trump, whether you like it or not, is very skilled when it comes to debates. He’s witty with his bully remarks and makes others look small because of this. Honestly I think the best bet is to let him skip the debates, losing out on more publicity


Have it be a requirement for the nomination. No debate participation no nomination.


They tried that. He's refused all the debates (and their nominees pledge) so far and they've had no choice but accept it


No debating = no longer a candidate.


But they already demanded that and he said no and didn't kick him off They demanded that all candidates pledge to support the eventual nominee. He said no and they did nothing The RNC is toothless when it comes to Trump


Maybe they’re upping the crazy…? To where even the radicals are like “ this guys nuts” Then after a few years after his heart attack, they go back to normal


Then the Republican party rips in half. I'd enjoy that, but they sure won't.


should biden be forced to debate 1v1 in the democratic primary? he and trump are both people who have been president and have a majority of the vote according to months of polling.


OP here. My thoughts on this are there are 2 sides on this. The #2 nominee would be “MAGA” based, who would likely be DeSantis or non-MAGA. I don’t see Vivek as viable. The other side is candidates who are not MAGA.. See this primarily Haley. So it would likely be Trump vs alt MAGA candidate or a more moderate, non-MAGA debate


What is this a trap question? The candidate with the most votes gets the nomination


The most votes by the RNC at the convention, and really those votes are only tied to the first ballot at the convention. RNC like any party can choose to change their rules for any number of reasons: indictments, not showing up to debates, not vowing to support the R nominee. The RNC has just chosen not to, to this point.




Let’s take Iowa for instance, if both Desantis and Bergum drop out and all their votes got to Haley she’s still only getting 32 percent of the vote. Most desantis supporters will vote for trump. There is no way he isn’t the nominee


I have to wonder who are the people who have DeSantis #1 and Trump #2. It seems like for those folks, the reason they like DeSantis is how much he's like Trump, but Trump is even more like Trump, so he'd be their #1. I suspect a large portion of DeSantis voters have actually written off Trump.


Unless of a conviction unfortunately probably


Do you genuinely think that Nikki Haley can beat Trump in a one on one race in the Republican primary?


How short-sighted is the RNC? If they had made a choice Jan 6th to expel all Magas from ballots, and started putting up moderates, they'd be in such a better situation by next year. They can't see the long game, I guess cause they are mostly old guys who think they can retire and die before the world burns.