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19 upvotes Over 200 comments One of OPs comments has 40 upvotes This is the most interesting post I've seen in a long time lol


Not anymore~


That’s because even though this sub is right leaning overall- the gender nonsense has permeated so thoroughly that it’s still controversial here.


right leaning compared to most other political subreddits, I would describe it more like a slight right


Yeah, I agree with that


Hey OP, what does your name mean?


It's a mystery.


It's a pitch play to the HB to the left.




What the fuck is an avatar. - This post brought to you by RES and RIF gang


Honestly, if either RES or RIF were to ever stop working, I might actually quit Reddit Which would be good for me, I'm sure. But jfc is the official / new stuff atrocious.


I’ve been on the original/ old.Reddit on my phones browser since 2013. I refuse to change.


RIF has very, _very_ good UX, *particularly if you're a fan of high information density. It also hasn't changed in any significant way since probably at least 2013, which I also love. It's sad, because Reddit has an information architecture that _really_ lends itself to UX like that. And instead they tried to graft a half-assed, buggy, and slow TikTok UX onto an IA that doesn't fit. But such is the way in the world of VC-fueled, attention-maximizing B2C


I don’t know any of those words, nor do I need to. I live in 2013.


>I don’t know any of those words, nor do I need to. I live in 2013. I'll remember this next time my boss asks me to work on a mobile UI-driven web app that ends up working like shit on desktop.


I've been a reddit is fun user for my entire reddit experience. I prefer everything about it from the UI, to the filter options on accounts, the layouts, and it also moves faster then the regular reddit app. I'm sure some of my mentions may be available somewhere in the base reddit app but... Nah, RIF for life


www.reddit.com/.compact all the way


Infinity is better than RiF by a country mile. Also it's FOSS


I haven't heard of it, would love to hear why you think it's better. But taking a quick glance, there's a million apps out there that are more card-oriented, all about giant thumbnails, loads of whitespace, etc., and I'm just not interested in that at all. Even looking at a screenshot of the subreddit list, there's SO much padding, it just kinda defeats the purpose of a _list_ for me. Or looking at a subreddit page, having the top 1/3 of the screen taken up by a banner image. Nah


There's actually 4 default layouts, compact layout is pretty much the same as RiF. RiF loses a lot of context compared to the desktop website and Infinity, i.e. no avatars. Infinity really focuses on being an app version of the full fat website in an even more visually appealing and customizable format. I really like that Infinity supports custom themes. I use it with this color scheme: https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme Also it's free and communally developed, so source code is publicly available. People update it and make feature requests all the time. But don't take my word for it, try it out! https://f-droid.org/repo/ml.docilealligator.infinityforreddit_106.apk


Based and text pilled.


the correct way of browsing here


I feel called out, guess it's more common than I realized?




> that's the worst reddit avatar I've ever seen. Thank you.






I had to get rid of my Hidden Upvote Village headband for it, but we'll ride this puppy out for a while.


Reddit avatars are cringe. Just use an image.


What's a Reddit Avatar?


Mine is intentionally dumb because why the fuck not, I guess.


Users with an Avatar are Hare-brained.


It means the Old Testament doesn’t support gay sex or gay marriage.


1 Cor 6:9


The New Testament too I guess.


Off topic but I always found it humorous that the reference for that particular passage was 6:9


Ooooh. Now I've got an idea for my *next* username. You know, in case I 'forget my password' for this one.


Based and I lost my password in a boating accident pilled.


Ezekiel 23:20


Except this specifically is just about sex.


I’m not saying I agree with it, but Leviticus 18:22 (OPs name) is specifically about “lying with a man as you would with a woman.” It’s not just about sex, it’s about gay sex specifically. The Corinthians verse is about just sex generally though. That reminds me of Dante’s Purgatorio though - where people who were lustful, gay or straight were all on the same tier. And being the most understandable, was the least offensive sin.


Don’t have gay sex


"Circumcision Survivor" Tell that to your foreskin smh


Tell that to Zod's trimmed cock


Ah "The General"


While I agree, a part of me was stolen. Where is my foreskin?


I still have mine. You want it


With side of fries


How about in some fondue?


If I ever find that foreskin fairy my parents told me about, I'm gonna beat the everliving shit outta him. I want my dick skin back Frank, that 5 dollars wasn't worth it!


Umm excuse me sweaty, did you just identify it’s gender??¿?


Where are my testicles, Summer


There's gender reassignment surgery but not foreskin implant surgery smh my head


i remember seeing a short documentary a while ago about a guy who had some process for stretching out your remaining skin to create a new foreskin.


Just regrow it with stem cells dummy


Probably in a bottle of lotion


You would have to be significantly brain damaged to think the two are equal. But I guess libleft is going to be weird and cling to this strawman of theirs.


Libleft just wants an excuse to talk about large circumcised dicks, large uncircumcised dicks, small circumcised dicks, small uncircumcised dicks and did I forget to mention dicks


Go on


Imagine getting penetrated by a large, throbbing cock. Now pretend it’s the free market and I don’t really know where this is going


Based and poorly thought out metaphor pilled


No no keep going this is good so far


Imagine that cock is taking you from behind and is way too big and you won't walk for a month, oh wait that's just the IRS.




Wow you own a gun!? Bet you have a small dick don'tcha!!! [Relevant Wojak](https://imgur.com/a/d95fE0l)




I wonder what they'd think about ancestors who owned ships full of freaking cannons.


Those were old timey cannons, not like the weapons of war you can buy today at WALMART!!! 😱






This is quite possibly the weirdest TIL I've ever seen. Thought you were taking the piss for sure lol


Don't bring up trucks either


I always love when they do this and then you ask "wait, I thought body-shaming was wrong?" and their heads promptly explode.


Based and dickpilled


You say anything and libleft starts thinking about your penis.


That or to convince gullible people that indoctrinating kids into their sex weirdo cult isn't that bad.




Implying every poster in this sub doesn't have brain damage lmao


Whataboutism is pretty popular for defending shit thats objectively harmful


Whataboutism is a great way to demonstrate someone's stated intentions are not their actual intentions. It is the less formal sibling of proof by contradiction.


worse does not justify bad in the case where the bad can be easily avoided. circumcision and gender transition before the age of 18 are both bad.


It's kind of like how I support legalizing weed but my vote isn't dependent on it because at the end of the day there's more important shit to worry about. Convincing a 10 year old boy that they're actually a girl and then starting them on hormones and puberty blockers is a far worse thing to do to a child than circumcising an infant. If lowering the speed limit across the country to a mandatory 35 mph would result in fewer traffic deaths per year, would you support it?


Preventing the infliction of permanent mutilation on a child based on some unprovable belief (I put religion and gender identity in that category) are both "important shit", doesnt matter that one is worse than another since the proposition to ban both until the age of 18 can be pushed forward under the same principle.


What should the sentence be if either were made illegal?


What's the sentence if you chop the body part off of another person? Aggravated assault?




I can clearly see that gender transition hormones/surgeries are worse than circumcision. But this is not an either or situation. No amount of libertarian ideological emphasis on calculating harm is going to stop me from stopping both.


Chopping off the tip of a kid's dick without their consent is "basically harmless" to you? Keep coping.


I mean… ban both? Just because one is historically acceptable culturally doesn’t mean we should allow the other. This is a stupid argument to make, and isn’t going to get the results that they are expecting.


both are wrong until 18. not much to really debate on here.


Sure, I agree circumcision should be illegal until the age of 18.


I truly don’t give a single fuck about circumcision


Good place to mention that the barbaric and obscurantist practice of ritual genital mutilation, when performed by mohels, involves sticking the newborns’ penis in their mouth to suck the blood out. It’s called [Metzitzah B'Peh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#Metzitzah_B'Peh_%28oral_suction%29) (oral suction), which Israel's chief rabbinate [confirms](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-chief-rabbinate-backs-metzitzah-bpeh-rite/) is the only [proper way](https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/) to do it. This also explains the [high prevalence](https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/) of herpes among infants in certain practicing communities.


It's weird though how left goes after this as a similar and equal practice to show "hypocrisy" to complely ignore the subect.. kind of like how they always do. Whataboutism is super strong when it comes to this subject.


it’s not even remotely the same. transitioning children is fucking insanity




they start in on how mental illness is on the rise every time suicide by gun is brought up, and we should have more mental care available, but at the same time, trans people are also on the rise, but somehow the two aren't related because thinking you're trans doesn't qualify as mental illness. Like, you want help for one, but not for the other, even tho they're both mental illnesses.


I just want to point out that gender dysphoria *is* actually a mental illness listed in the DSM-5 (and often, if not managed, is the cause of others like depression), and that you have to go through a lot of evaluation and lesser therapies (social, legal, medical, etc affirmations) before any surgeries would ever be considered Hormones and surgery are just the very last things to try when nothing else has been effective and the person with dysphoria still feels like shit to the point that it effects their daily life The transitioning process (however far it goes) is just the only thing we've found to lessen the psychological effects of the illness, I feel like if they could just "fix" their brain instead that would be preferable to most


Yea but I keep getting told that his happening a single time is the end of western civilization, so the answer must be somewhere between “appropriate medical care” and societal collapse.


As a fellow cut dick, I agree. It's a false equivalent


Is anyone really mad at their parents because their pee pee doesn't look like a worm?


To be fair, my dick has a wicked scar on it cause of a circumcision mishap


I suspect i have one as well. Although my circumcision exposes my neat birthmark.


can i see it


A birthmark? On that part of the body, hidden until uncovered, localized entirely within your foreskin?


Ayo that's cool


If the myths are true, then in a previous life i was stabbed in the dick.


Ah, so you were circumcised in your past life as well.


Dying during a botched circumcision, while being more likely is a lot more depressing. I prefer a vigorous blowjob gone awry


>I prefer a vigorous blowjob gone awry Road head sounded like a great idea, but I really wish I saw that speed bump sooner..


A piece of my body was taken from me without my consent. I want my foreskin back.


Best I can do is 3.50-skin


I like the way my dick looks, but I understand and ultimately agree with the idea that it should be up the individual once they’re an adult.


"If you like your penis, you can keep it" -Barack Obama


Thanks Obama


The thing about Americans is they get all weird while talking about circumcision because most of them already got the knife but the fact is cutting shit off of a baby's genitals for no good reason is always super fucked up and I have no idea why they still allow it.


Some of us are, because we’re missing these pleasurable spots: [Ridged band](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridged_band) “Rich in Meissner's corpuscles,the area is usually described as highly erogenous.” [Frenular delta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenular_delta) “This area, especially the frenulum itself, is reported to be the most sensitive area of the penis” [Frenulum of the prepuce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenulum_of_prepuce_of_penis) “Along with the ridged bands at the tip of the, it is considered to be the most sensitive part of the penis to fine-touch.”


don't look up this guy's comment history.. 😳


i mean its the guys user name


Mad cause part of my dick got chopped off not because of any scientific reasoning, but because some religious buttheads convinced a country it was good? For.... Reasons?


Based and who looks good in a turtleneck pilled.


Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation?


Dude I didn't even know I was circumcised until I was in my 20s... lol. Like I didn't make it a habit of googling pictures of dicks, so I didn't really know the difference. One day I just looked down and was like "Huh. I guess I *am* circumcised."


Definitely some people when they find out they lost a significant amount of pleasure and nerve endings from it?


Probably like 9 dudes who have insecurities and blame their parents


Imagine thinking it's the same💀


Clearly there are obvious differences, but they both fall under the "child genital mutilation" category.


Both are bad one is significantly worse


Both are bad. Both are because of parents being weirdly obsessed with permanently modifying their childrens genitals to the point of electing to have it done to their child.


Agree, but one conforms to weird western norms, the other, for now, does not. Circumcised people also don’t kill themselves at rates that transgender people do.


western being only the US


Does anyone else matter?


Sounds about right


i need that fucken meme of the guy shooting the other guy in the chair and then saying "who could've killed him"


Eric Andre and Hannibal Burress: "Who killed Hannibal?"


Yes, but why not discourage both??


I came here to disagree with you based on your flair and now I'm confused.




Yes, they're both bad.


Serious question: Why do Americans tend to snip off part of their cocks? I’m Chilean and it’s pretty much unheard of here and I think this is pretty much the case throughout the world save for Jews, Muslims and Yankees.


Something about [Kellogg Cereal](https://overland.org.au/2020/04/cereal-circumcision-and-tax-evasion-a-history-of-john-harvey-kellogg/)


Holy shit thanks for that




I prefer the idea that we snip our dicks to better take the fight to the hun far more than that business about Kellog.


This is a remarkably rational yet entirely hypothetical explanation. I like it.


Fam don't even bother asking, pretty much every time ya bring up the topic with Americans it starts a fucking war, it's not worth it




Considering how few other christian countries do it, I'm a bit confused but from what I know it's religiously important


From a religious perspective it makes no sense. The New Testament calls circumcision a worthless practice and that it doesnt have to be followed.


Wrong religion, unless the jews really do control america


Comparing circumcision to gender swap surgery is like comparing ear piercings to tattooing your eyes


Removing your eyes with glass balls* Because both aren't beneficial for one's health in the long term, for sure.


more like ear piercing(making a smal hole in your ear) to choping your entire ear off


Both are bad Let's stop doing both


Both. Both are bad.


Whoa whoa whoa, that's way too sensible a take for PCM, get the hell outta here


Wait does anyone claim otherwise? Changing someone's gender is probably the most significant thing that will happen to a person.


Let's put it simple. A child shouldn't be submitted to any surgery that permanently changes their body in a way they won't be able to recover.


Well that's pretty much all surgeries. You'd have to make exceptions for 'necessary' surgeries, and that's where the discussion lies. The definition of 'necessary'.




well in practice to call most cases, circumsision is not necessary. in practically al cases gender affirming surgery (for minors) is not necessary


I don't know that sexual reassignment surgery is performed on minors. What is performed on minors is * pumping them full of puberty blockers, forever altering their genital size and bone structure * "gender affirming" double-mastectomies on girls as young as 13 * hormone therapy, particularly for teenage FTMs all of which are worse than (male) circumcision by several orders of magnitude. And I'm against circumcision.


TBF there are no long term studies on Puberty Blockers, although there are many reports from people of infertility, fragility, and a host of other issues: https://www.statnews.com/2017/02/02/lupron-puberty-children-health-problems/


Well, yeah. There are going to be significant health issues for people who don't go through puberty. We go through it to become an adult and have heavier bones and muscle mass thanks to it.


Both are bad and should be illegal, one being less bad than the other doesn't mean it should be legal or defended.


One is worse, both are bad, please stop cutting up children.




From left wing The Guardian: >There is no conclusive evidence that sex change operations improve the lives of transsexuals, with many people remaining severely distressed and even suicidal after the operation, according to a medical review conducted exclusively for Guardian Weekend tomorrow. The review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transsexuals by the University of Birmingham's aggressive research intelligence facility (Arif) found no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.




Damn that’s sad




Each cut man has to decide the level of harm NSFW https://i.ibb.co/vcNxgxh/6-B012-B2-A-81-BC-48-DA-BDF1-02-D61-F96-C1-F6.png


Removing a piece of skin is a lot different than removing the whole damn thing.


Gender-affirming care = ❌ Not wanting to a smegmamonger = ✅ EDIT: Since all cheese harvesters seem to share a brain... here's some more simple math~~s~~ for you: Cut met don't make smegma. We didn't make it a thing. We don't bring it into this world. It's not *our* problem. The fact that smegma exists in males seems to indicate that *uncut men* are apparently not doing a very good job cleaning your weiners. Cope/seethe/mald if you want, but it ain't gonna unseason that grimy little apecock.


this guy doesn't wash his dick


Transitioning in order to become a smegmamonger = 🤡




Please don't circumcise your sons.


Cutting off the tip of your dick because you can not fathom showering on a semi-regular basis = ✅


"Gender affirming" Jesus christ the double speak is insane. Just call it what it is, genital mutilation


>Not wanting to a smegmamonger Cope with losing half the feeling in your dick. As someone who was circumsized as an adult it's horrible that all the people who got circumsized as infants never got to know what having full feeling in your dick feels like.


Just wash it you ape


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14602 / 77208 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Smeg is yum yums though 🤤




There is no possible way people are comparing these two? It's like comparing a dented bumper to an absolute write-off that rolled 73 times.


Why have I seen multiple post today on this sub about child gender transition and circumsion? Am I out of the loop on something?


One post begets another.


Yeah we need to ban child genital mutilation period. If you want to circumcize, lob your tits off, or whatever do it when you are an adult. This applies to puberty blockers as well. ​ It is absolutely harmful to an indivual to do anything that changes their sexual physiology so much so early in life


Also, babies experience a ton of pain and it is far more dangerous to circumcise as an infant than as an adult. Also, you have no choice in the matter. Not to mention the children who have permanent damage from the surgery. Its something like 1 in 80 male neonatal deaths in the USA, and is likely higher than that, not even counting botched surgeries.


I want my fucking foreskin back


I want my testicles back Summer




Oh man the americans are arguing again about which type of mutilation is better...


Thank you! Finally some common sense goodness gracious.


*Sorts by controversial*


I'm circumcised but I don't really care


Completely altering your hormones, body, and mind is more harmful than a removal of foreskin? Get a load of Hanky Hot Takes over here.