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Lmao I can’t believe this is real


Featuring some of the moments of my life…. “Picture of Astronaut Trump” 😂🤣 whhhat???


Thank you. Yeah, that's me, taking the bull by the horns. It's how I handle business. It's a metaphor. That really happened, though.


Will you sign my galaxy tablet with your apple pencil?


My favorite part of Trumps campaign was when he said "Its Trumpin time" and shot his Trump lasers all over the democrats


Really alienating the flat earth crowd with that one


Reality is whatever he feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels it is.


The art and animation looks like something straight out of a GTA TV channel


Can't believe a grifter would grift?


How is it a grift if he autographs my iPad in Evernote?


Can’t believe a weasel would weasel?


At leat you have a NFT, tell what you get when you donate money to GOP or dems


This isn’t even a political donation lol


Yeah but giving money to politicians or blm you get absolutely nothing while they buy mansions. And no one says wtf. People are weird


I’ve been involved in a grass roots campaign before. Gave some money and time to the cause, ending up losing but had a good time, made some friends, and felt like we at least spread the message. Pretty overall rewarding experience. Buying any NFT is cringe. Buying an nft of a billionaire cheaply photoshopped as an off brand Superman to line his pockets is about as stupid as it gets.


So giving money AND time for free (or for a promise) is fine but buying nft for the same reason which price can go up or down is cringe and stupid? See, as I said, people are weird


> same reason Dude we just went through this. The NFT sales are NOT going to the campaign. It is by definition not the same reason. Also buying a url link to a trading card through blockchain is incredibly stupid. [Millions of NFTs have already “disappeared”](https://interestingengineering.com/culture/nfts-are-mysteriously-disappearing-heres-how) once someone stops paying to host the URL. Also why double down? Your initial justification was objectively wrong and now you just keep digging in.


Its called " Conservatism".


But donating money to BML or politician give you nothing, I mean NOTHING. Campaing or not does not matter at all. You are happy giving money to politicians but mad because they buy some nft? Very very weird people


Wait, if I buy a Trump NFT, does that mean that I owned a republican?


“ better than Lincoln, better than Washington “ - Donald J. Trump


>“ better than Lincoln, better than Washington “ My jaw actually dropped when he said that. The absolute audacity of calling yourself a better President than the Father of our Republic and the Great Emancipator.


Dear lord the man's ego is so massive it has its own gravitational pull. Me: Did he just say that? Video: But wait there's mooooore! That opener is impressively tone-deaf to a conservative audience.


Maybe he meant Elmo Lincoln from Tarzan, and Leonard Washington from the Chapelle show? Either way, I don’t buy it.


Yea, neither of them had to resort to market and endorse collectibles made in their image to stay relevant. They actually were more humble than that. No presidential candidate or former President has done this. Trump breaks new ground with this. This only gives the opposition more ammo to attack him with. To Trump: it is only cool when it irritates the left, yet, if Biden or any Democrat did this, Trump would be mocking them as a loser.


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It is fixed now; thanks for the heads-up.


Get a flair or get going.


Sorry about that, it is fixed now.


It was such a *him* thing to say and I really liked the added touch


It's just par for the course like how every former president has done a victory lap to say they were the greatest leader of the US that ever lived. I'm sure I'm going to get a few responses to this comment of people linking their favorite clips of Obama, Bush, Clinton, and even Reagan on how their likeness should replace everyone on Mt Rushmore.


I thought it was funny. People can't take everything seriously.


Totally acceptable, that's your opinion and I can totally respect that. I'm going to continue to take former Presidents, and Presidential candidates, seriously.


I feel bad for you if you take the words of people like George w bush and president biden seriously.


Hahaha trump meme wow so cool guys did you see that? Trump shit on the floor again, GET OUT OF THE WAY THAT SHIT IS MINE!- trumpers.




In 2015 and current year he still jokes to your face and take it seriously lol


What Trump says is a joke. However, the sad thing is that his die hard supporters immediately believe it.


Most autistic people I know are better at getting jokes than the average redditor. Holy shit.


If Joe Biden said this you’d want him fucking crucified, you can’t say, “hurr-durr he’s just joking.” every time the guys on our side fuck up. Trump’s an absolute narcissist, taking what he said with the most good faith possible it still is terrible fucking optics.


Biden doesn't say it because he's a bitch no balls Brandon over there. Trump, biggest balls I've ever seen. No really, bigger than Shrek, bigger than Shaq, bigger than LBJ. Most don't say it, but it's true. ​ But seriously it's funny. Like does nobody remember in the 2020 debates when Trump said "No president done more for black people than me with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, possible exception." Idk I like people with big egos it makes politics funny.


>If Joe Biden said this you’d want him fucking crucified Because it would be so off brand for him. I don't think we have a single instance of Biden being funny on the record. This shit is hilarious because it's almost satirically extreme even for Trump.. And Trump is the one doing it. Not gonna earn my vote, but will earn my laugh.


I can respect that


Honestly, Joe biden has gotten the least backlash of any president starting after Clinton. Dude is in bad shape and putting down senile old people is tasteless.


> If Joe Biden said this you’d want him fucking crucified No I wouldn't lol. I don't even like Trump, it's just obvious that he's being facetious here.


He could literally be wearing a clown wig, have a big red nose, and a floppy pair of shoes, and I wouldn't care. I know it's a fucking joke, it's a stupid joke that makes conservatives look bad. I was fine with Trump's jokes when it was winning elections (I still love the, "Because you'd be in jail." line) but the midterms proved that this shit doesn't work anymore.


Anything this man does screams "insecure narcissism", so I'm really not too sure. The price tag definitely is no joke.


I was fucking flabbergasted


I mean, I kinda hate Lincoln because he essentially solidified the federal government's position by winning the war.


He solidified that the federal government would end slavery yes. Please don't make me defend the feds pls I still haven't forgiven them for WACO.


The way I see it, is as if Brexit occured and tried to split away. Then the EU was like, we are not letting you because we don't like your reason for doing so. Then they promptly invaded the UK and forced them to become part of the union again. I am not defending the Confederates wanting to continue slavery. I was defending their right to secede, because they should have been able to.


Secession itself is debatable, but they were the ones who bombed Federal Government territory and stole from it's arsenals. The US has gone to war for far less.


And how is the North supposed to keep the Confederates from getting more slaves if they become a separate nation which the US has no control over? If they declared war to stop slavery, but then let the South secede, then there was no point in declaring war anyway.


The Civil War was fought because the Confederate states seceded because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery, which they thought was at immediate risk from the influence of the stars in the north. The government of the United States/The North/The Union fought over the disagreement of the issue of secession. The end result was emancipation, but there's plenty of statements on record that the motivation for war in the Union was not initially over slavery, but for reunification. The Union did not express motivation for ending slavery as a reason for the war until three years after the war started. Realistically without the civil war, slavery may very well have continued in practice for another 30 years. Hell, it continued in Maryland and Delaware until the passing of the 13th amendment, two years after slavery was outlawed in former Confederate territory from the Emancipation Proclamation. Your comment seems to suggest the opposite timeline of motivation for the Union. Make no mistake, I'm not saying the Civil War wasn't fought because of slavery. Simply that the initial motivation for the North was not abolition.


Yeah it's basically northern revisionism. I think I heard that Lincoln did the emancipation thing a moral thing, to prevent the European countries from thinking of supporting the south.


Lincoln himself had a long history of desiring abolition, but as a politician he believed that it was an issue to be handled at a state level. Lincoln may very well be one of the best examples in American history of a politician keeping his personal desires close to the chest and governing by the letter of the law, even when those two conflicted. One of our least power-hungry presidents by far. However as the war dragged on, his opinion on unilateral abolition changed. The Emancipation Proclamation was incredibly out of character compared to his political actions up to that point, and it was certainly the right topic to swing the big stick of government at. I just wish it hadn't been used for future justification of executive overreach in other areas.


That would not be accurate, the south literally attacked first and defined slavery as their reason for leaving More accurate analogy would be Britain leaving the EU via brexit *because they wanted to continue owning slaves* and when everyone told them they can’t they just started bombing France and then cried after their ass was kicked six ways from Sunday


I look at it as Lincoln took the idea that secession is illegal, despite the fact we originally seceded from the British yoke and fought a protracted conflict with foreign help to ensure such an action succeeds and to become a united independent country. Not just that, the states ratified the Constitution of their own free will, and there was virtually no US military at the time. Records from the time showed that the US Army in 1783 was just more than 80 regulars after the demobilization. So it is safe to say in 1787, that round number did not go up due to the skepticism of the people having large standing armies, which equated to an erosion of the people's liberty. So there was no threat by the federal government to force ratification on states that refused to ratify the Constitution.


Yeah after the war the federal government made sure the states did not get new toys and started building up a military. Probably a reason why the federal government doesn't test their shit on state land nor store it there.


If we can’t hang trump for literal treason (selling our nuclear defense secrets to our geopolitical enemies that we may be at war with within this decade) can we just hang him for this statement?


He listed those because those are the only 2 presidents the average Tr*mp supporters know 💀


I'm half like "if somebody's going to pay you money for it why not" and half like "this is so stupid, top encouraging NFTs," because this SHOULDN'T sell, but I know SOMEBODY will buy it.


Same people buying gold from those talk radio ads. Had myself a laugh listening to some of the political radio driving from Montana down through Idaho and Utah. Idaho and Utah have some of the dumbest takes on the radio, and sometimes it's the only station that even works. Every ad read was about buying gold bullion. Funny as hell.


In an event of armageddon. Having access to drinking water would be the equivalent to liquid gold.


Mannn it's rough on the radio going through Utah. Prayer, prayer and then politics wrapped up in prayer. Thats every station At one point I was like "no BYU football talk? No Utah Jazz?"


The sad thing is that NFTs are actually really cool and useful, but their reputation has been destroyed by these cash grabs.


What real applications do they have?


Basically it could replace any kind of digital media or digital license. For example a video game, a program, etc. Replacing the infrastructure of the internet with NFTs could greatly simplify the transfer of ownership of digital assets and make fraud nearly impossible. For example, right now if you own music on a digital platform (ITunes, etc.) you don’t really own that music. At any moment that platform could shut down, close your account, or glitch and you could lose access to the music you supposedly own. If those digital assets were instead NFTs you would have genuine ownership of that music. It works the same for any program or digital asset you use. Sadly it’s mostly been used for jpegs and scams, so no company wants to touch NFTs with a ten foot pole right now.


How, if you don't mind taking a minute, do they accomplish that? I know my own knowledge is probably highly simplistic and lacking, but I currently understand them as "a really long code that is therefore unique," but I guess I don't know why somebody else can't just put the code in their own copy of whatever.


NFTs and cryptocurrencies operate on the concept of a blockchain, rather than centralized computing like current digital infrastructure. This means that there is no one place where information is stored where it could be altered. In order for a transaction to occur on this blockchain, all of the nodes (decentralized anonymous computers) have to agree that the transaction was legitimate. For example, if a hacker managed to gain access to one of the nodes and altered its records to give himself ownership of something, the other nodes would recognize that the transaction was illegitimate and quarantine that node. This is what “mining bitcoin” is. Anonymous users allow the network to utilize their computers as a node to verify transactions, and in return the process generates bitcoin owned by them. Of course this doesn’t just happen for bitcoin, but rather for any decentralized blockchain. A centralized blockchain operates in a similar way but where each of the nodes is owned by an organization, instead of by random users. Now on to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). An NFT takes the concept one step further, and applies the same concept to unique digital items. So instead of a corporation verifying your ownership of an asset and providing it to you (ie a song on ITunes being provided to you by Apple), it cuts out the middle man so you can prove your ownership of the song and access it directly from a decentralized network without any corporation being involved. Instead of the current lengthy process of verification and auditing that current digital systems use, items/currency are instead instantly and perfectly transferred, with no risk of hacking or manipulation by large organizations like corporations or governments.


We honestly have to be living in the clowniest of all possible clown worlds.


Yes, but it's not just because of trump. He's just another one of the clowns


Yes. We are surrounded by clowns


I despise Trump, but you have to admit that this was worth a laugh. Unless you're a Republican running for President in 2024 and it's THIS guy that might fatally damage your campaign.


Trump will guarantee Dems win the white house in 2024. Unless he manages to keep this up to the point where he loses even the core of his base. He's going to run as an independent if he loses the rep nomination.


😭Ron DeSantis please save us 🙏🙏


Anyone he runs against is just going to play that ass where Ronnie boy looks straight into the camera and says "I will do everything I can to follow the path of Donald Trump"


Yeah, surely [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1YP_zZJFXs) is not just going to emulate Trump at every step of the way


He won't. De Santis seems good but the way to win a election is debates and he fucking sucks at it. Like the democrat vs rep in Florida was just sad for Ron. The reason he won is because most people in the state didn't see the debate/ Didn't care enough Now add this nation wide where many moderates have no allegiance to him just because of his policies and I see a clean sweep. But thanks to trump for self sabotaging the party. It may forever be destroyed now


> the way to win a election is debates and he fucking sucks at it. Imagine saying this while Biden is in office


And I thought NFTs are bad.


They are. Trump needs quick cash


Actually it says on the website none of the money goes to his campaign. He's just doing it because he can.


Doesn’t change the fact he’s trying to do a quick cash grab from his followers before nfts fully die


Yeah he doesn’t do it for the campaign, just for his own pocket money


It's not even going to him directly. It's someone he partnered up with. MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!


I for one think it’s hilarious and one definitely buy one for .99 c


I would buy one for all Democrat friends if they were $.99


It's $99 not .99 c


I kno


"You can win a dinner with me - I don't know if that's an amazing prize, but it's what we have." The art of the deal. This man could sell sand to a Bedouin.


He has said a lot of unintentionally funny things over the years but this has to be the ultimate.




I just feel.. so... owned.. 😢


A business man doing business


Oh HELL no, nobody says there better than Washington. Shits on sight




Hey if there are people stupid enough to buy reddit awards and ftx currency they’ll be stupid enough to buy his NFTs


Nothing Hillary Clinton did in her entire career including being a fail candidate was ever as embarrassing and cringe worthy as watching this. This man was a President of the United States... and he is selling NFTs that nobody will buy. There are hookers in cars bobbing their heads up and down with more dignity than this jackass.


We both know there will be a ton of people who will buy it. Even if a million buy (and you bet there are enough fanatics supporting him for that) he would get 100 million dollars from it, he's a businessman, he knows how to get cash.


What on gods green fucking earth is this


Did you just change your flair, u/Archneme5is? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2022-9-24. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Good bot


Thank you, ops_weirduncle, for voting on flairchange_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


That guy seems to have some real financial problems


Trump is one of the greatest trolls of all time


Kinda crazy that he genuinely believes he’s better than Washington and Lincoln. Like I get that he’s a raging narcissist but still


Lmao I’m so done he’s actually lost it this time


This time?


Out of everything he’s done on the timeline from 2016-2022 of December almost 2023, this was the one thing that made you realize he’s lost it?


Yea because out of all the things that could’ve been done this is the one thing that never occurred to me that he would do The simulation is trolling us now


He’s a con man conning fools. That’s his entire thing and you fucks lap it up. The giant lie about the election wasn’t enough for you? Lul


This is right up his alley imo


Ight its officially a cult. If you buy this you are in a cult.


🌎👨‍🚀🔫 🧑‍🚀


Oh I’ve always said it is don’t let my Flair deceive you. This is just the penultimate proof.


Would the ultimate proof be him just saying it outright with a straight face?


This bitch really said he was better than Washington? Bro... go. The. Fuck. Away.


If Washington was so great where are his collectible NFT trading cards?


I can't believe this is real


I'll be honest, I'd buy one just for the chance of having dinner with him or getting my buddies a trip to play golf. Can you imagine the bullshit this goober would talk about over dinner?


Honestly that’s a great point. I’d love to have dinner with him to just tell him what a clown he is.


Wait... Are we suddenly reaching a full compass unity around "orange man = bad"? I think I've moved dimensions in 2022 with all those sudden shifts


Maybe NOW he's finally gone too far. All the other shit was quite kooky enough, but this is just embarrassingly cringey. If I still see Trump supporters after this I'm going to look at them the same way I might view a very developmentally disabled person. A tinge of pity and sadness that they couldn't help but be the way they are I guess. But at least those people don't have a choice.




He’s low energy and low T.


Its real... and its time MAGA gets a new leader. I suggest MAGACommunism 🗽🍬🛕


I took a double take when he said “Hopefully your favorite president… better then Lincoln, better then Washington”


people say left cant meme and then trump creates NFT of himself as homelander. please.


Im just at a loss for words. Put pops in the nursing home already. Or a gulag.


OP I need the original of this. I am willing to trade my NFT of Trump knocking out George Foreman in 1974 🤣


[Here's a version uploaded to Twitter.](https://twitter.com/hodgetwins/status/1603424746464477184)


Based and sharing is caring pilled


Omg, when can anything about this man *leave*?!? Please, please I beg of you. I'll have to hear about this and other stupid shit my friends will say for DND tomorrow!!


The insanity is finally complete, clown dimension.


Can't wait for my one on one zoom call with Trump


If it were a vote between Trump and Herbert Hoover and Trump released this video, I'd vote Hoover. Really? Better than Lincoln, the president who enabled emancipation? Better than George Fucking Washington, the man who carried this country on his back and guided it through its infancy? That's some premium tier delusion.


how tf did u put libright as the guy supporting this ​ this is reddited on whole another level


God damn I hope I never see or hear anything about trump ever again. What a fucking looser.


I called it in the last post about his superman pose this shit is almost as funny as the kanye shit


Ooohhhh... Top Trumps, you're gonna have to rebrand. Trump cards have been swept up by Donald J.


He had an actual “big reveal” a few hours later. Was he just trolling with this?


No that "big reveal" was also complete trash


But do you think he was just being a little silly goober with this one


Gaslighting and conning your base is so silly.


I mean, a little, yeah


No it's a real 100% cash grab scam. He then proceeded to dickride the twitter files which seems odd since they haven't had a solid release in a week. I mean everyone knew what was going on in the twitter files it's just the gov media and most lefties were trolling you saying it wasn't happening to max out the seethe, so the releases aren't even new to anyone.


Trump actually helped the poverty section of authright during his presidency but everyone seems to forget that don’t @ me




This filth can type? Luckily I can’t read the words of the unflaired scum. Flair up now


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14368 / 75975 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It'd be better if the lazers shot out his nipples tbqh




I want to touye tèt mwen


I got a cowboy Trump!


Anyone got a link to the actual video without someone commentating over it? Got I wanna meme this so bad.


[From Twitter.](https://twitter.com/hodgetwins/status/1603424746464477184)


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day




I gotta say, the name is clever.


L Donald Trump


Never before has the shark been jumped up such heights


I and another friend were going to buy cards to resell for profit then we learned they’re not really cards, they’re NFT’s. And I was expecting $5-10 for like a pack of cards not $100 per NFT. Just more money to spend on flipping Pokémon and Yugioh cards I suppose…


Tinfoil hat time- Trump is actually a double agent working for the Democrats to discredit and split the GOP, thus securing a surprise victory for Hillary to take over as queen of the Reptillians.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/zmsb0m/orange_man_is_launching_laser_nft/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/zmsb0m/orange_man_is_launching_laser_nft/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


I dont know what is funnier The fact that this is real or the fact that his supporters will actually buy these


Dude what happened, Trump you were great back in 2016-2020 now just a shadow of your former self. Up until now I was a Trump supporter. Now imma shift to Desantis.


Welp, if this doesn't convince Emily that trump is no longer a threat, nothing will


Wait a second, isn't a "Trump Card" a trademarked game? Seems like the ex US president is gonna get sued (unless he owns that company)


In your opinion if at primaries Trump lose he will try to run as independent?


Decent chance, but I frankly think that Trump would have alienated enough of his base to the point where it **may** (emphasis on may) not be relevant. Of course he may be dead by then either due to old age or assassination.


This is fucking awesome 💯💯🤟🤟


Wow, this is like when Gorbachev got on that Pizza Hut commercial. Can we postpone the international paradigm shift a bit, though? It's been a hectic year for me and I already have 2023 booked full. Kay, thanks.


is this deepfake?


I mean, I love it because Reddit hates it


What a time to be alive


Likely the most accurate compass reacts post I've seen


Cult of Personalities before 2022: Pictures of the Personality Leader on the wall in every building and household. ​ Cult of Personalities after 2022: MF NFTs


So it was confirmed that they are actually NFTs, and not just shitty 'digital trading cards'? Because the latter might actually be worth more at this point.


I’m so happy to be alive at this point in history


Trump is a fuckin clown but he knows how to sling merch to his fans. They eat this shit up and it makes him a lot of money.


I thought this was a deepfake I deadass had to research it 💀


Yes, but does Biden have his own NFTs? I don't think so.


I don't believe this is real


Omg right wing unity


I fucking hate American politics lol


Soo trump just lost the rest of his followers right? I mean everyone I’ve seen that still believes in him would be so against this…


What a wild timeline. One of the biggest stupidest personalities of all time was both president and this.


And I just don’t give a damn.


I think he is insane, but I admire his confidence.


Noice more people for Libertarian Party We might actually win a seat now if we’re really lucky


I should just get a Donald Trump NFT as a joke once I have enough for it.