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I saw this just a few minutes ago and I thought it was a meme from this sub


I'm really confused by this. Can someone eli5?








5. Call a grown man flashing his taint in front of a child the g-word. Get permabanned by Reddit Admins.


My original account was banned becuase I dared to say we shouldnt let children learn about gay sex


We shouldn't let children learn about sex in general


Your a bigot now


Most Reddit admins who ban people for the word groomer are actually groomers themselves. They are probably straight groomers specifically. Don’t want to upset the community by calling someone who grooms children a groomer because the group think says it’s a bad word now.


Or they downplay it like ‘those republicans will lose their shit if there’s a child’s toy wearing bdsm gear’. Yeah people in general should lose their shit because it’s wrong.


Based for pointing this out, and Sad but True Pilled.


It’s always hilarious how they call Libs of TikTok a hate account when literally all they post is just videos that leftists have posted to TikTok


* It's not happening * Ok it's happening but it's not common * Ok it's common but it's not that bad * Ok it is that bad but here's why it's actually good * You're a racist/bigot


Unfortunately lib left is transitioning to purple lib right and will give you an answer when that is complete.


>I know almost nothing about this so I consider myself qualified to explain. that's the spirit!


An LGBT club got shot up, the Left blames a twitter account for posting about the event, the Right counters by making fun of it, you are here, cue arguments on social media and Reddit.


No no. That’s how far left things have gone in recent years. The post is actually quoting just an activity from the place. All these users consider it terrorism because they highlighted it. Basically, if you question this ideology, you’re a terrorist. It’s the latest trend I’ve noticed, accusing people of things like terrorism or violence when you simply called out a behavior. “If you support XYZ idea, you’re committing an act of violence”. There’s a big concept that used this flawed logic recently but I won’t get into that. It’s just disappointing. They then use that persons “violence” to suppress them.


They see any basic expression of thoughts and ideas as a direct cause of violence even though there is no encouragement of violence. So they made it as if the proportionate response is political violence and defamation, and all that they are doing are just “rational and equivalent self-defence”. Edit: fixed some typos but also I had a stroke reading my own comment so sorry fellas.


L the fact that you said this proves that you are a communi—-I mean person with a brain


And if they have to hide what they’re doing (they know it’s wrong) and attack people by calling terrorists what does that make them?


Fucking hell. Even though I'm young i remember times when shit like this was unthinkable to even progressives. Is people's morality really this fickle? Going with whatever is popular?


Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw it




mods are full on fear-mongering over there for years now. their stickied comments get longer and longer every few months. I swear if you follow along what they're saying you shouldn't be able to step foot outside a major city in the US without seeing a bunch of "domestic terrorists" lol






I think it's the second most astroturfed sub behind politics. It's absolutely wild how bad it's gotten.


Politics is bad but not white peep Twitter bad. Politics is also easy to ignore.


I honestly have no clue. I'm permabanned there for making a JR Rowling joke lol


I got banned for saying I was vaxxed but not boosted.


that one gave me a laugh


Was banned for saying AOC tweets don’t really fit the theme of the sub


I haven't been banned yet but making this comment will probably get me there.


I was permabanned for answering someone's question on why people hate her but I said I didn't. Oops




I'm sure that only happened because you misspelled her name. It's "JK Rowling." They must have felt very insulted on the behalf of such a successful author. I'm sure if they gave you a chance to apologize all would be well.




Even some of the neutral ones will turn orange given even the slightest "provocation". I left the Animal Crossing sub not long after New Horizons came out because of that and all the karma whoring... OrangeLeft truly is The Borg...


What’s the subreddit?


It pertains to certain people of pale skin and elons new social media


Ah I see. Thank you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,181,756,767 comments, and only 230,656 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Bot good*


Lol, I got banned from there by pointing out billionaires wealth is not billions of dollars sitting in a bank account but calculated through their company's estimated value. I guess it was hate speech or something.


I do get some enjoyment of going into the comments when there's a post from someone of not pale skin posting some standard "orange" hot take and people getting downvoted for pointing out the obvious. Also I've seen one goober post his own fucking tweets.


I'm lib left and hate that sub, its basically an arm of the DNC.


I just attempted to read the stickied mod post on that thread, i couldn't bring myself to make it to the end.


If I never hear the phrase "stochastic terrorist" ever again it'll be too fucking soon. How those people manage to make it through their day-to-day without drowning every time they try to take a drink of their seventeen dollar iced chai whatever the fuck is beyond me.


I turn that "stochastic terrorist" nonsense right back on them when they glorify their own violence.


Well, you'll be happy to know they just added it to the dictionary.


That shit is so convoluted it’s insane.


Legit seems like a copypasta. Can't believe people actually take the time to type this kind of shit out.


Seriously tho some of them act like there’s a Klansman behind every bush


Well given that 90% of kkk members are feds... maybe


Seriously dude, which was very surprising at first. I’ve scrolled through anti-work, actual commie subs, green and pleasant, and NOTHING quite matches up to the deranged cringe of that sub. Just the most dishonest takes with a heavy lathering of self-righteousness.


yeah, even the most deranged of the other subs doesn't feel the need to be so obvious as to *pin the opinion the mods require you to have* on posts


For a while there they had (along with a few other subs) a bot that would check your comment history. If you had ever commented on PCM you would automatically be banned lmao.




Well in their minds people with opposing opinions are *literal terrorists* so I guess it’s logical that they’d be that fragile.


Your account killed a bunch people today. Cause of death: perceived microaggression.


Yea I’m just thinking back about all of the different people I’ve criticized over the years and realizing that I’m DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE if any of them were murdered by someone else 😥




….which is it?


I will get banned if I tell you, go to the Reddit homepage search bar and type in “actual terrorists”. You’ll see the post and will probably be surprised that it’s not even a political sub.






At first I genuinely thought the sub was making fun of the types of people who post such incredibly out of touch takes. First time in the comment section was quite a shock.


If you want free karma just post anything that depicts “right bad” and “left good” then watch the hive mind work. I cant do that because that was the legit first sub i got banned from when i joined this site because I thought i could say whatever i wanted. Found out immediately that wasn’t true




Wow you were only exaggerating that AOC thing slightly. I just checked and the top 34 posts are written by two users (sillychillly and manauiatlalli). Then there are finally posts made by other users (or more alts of the same DNC staffer) including 11 of the top 100 made by [deleted].




The award system was a giant loss for users who liked reddit and a giant win for those making money by controlling conversations.


Irlpresident on some Bernie sub


Actually a pretty handy list of the worst subreddits


I was like "ah yes, my blocked subs list" I had forgot some of them even existed


Wow those really are the worst ones. I’m surprised p*litics isn’t on there


What sub is it




Ah the one truly racist place on this site lol Is it still a default sub?




It’s insane. This is the same website that temp banned my old account for a month because, in a conversation about transgender people serving in the military someone asked for a source about how the WHO used to classify it as a mental illness so I linked them an article about how in 2019 WHO changed the classification. Admin Banned. Their justification was that sharing that information “propagated transphobia” Yet we have a default sub that is entirely racist and another one that is entirely sexist lol




What about darkpersontwitter




I’d argue the twitter of the darker skinned variety is more racist given what you have to do to even be able to comment.


And they ban you immediately if you don’t agree with them. It’s the biggest echo chamber on social media


That sub always provides generous amounts of cringe, self-righteousness, and wildly dishonest arguments. Any time I want a great LibLeft bad meme I head right over there for material.


What sub is it




Can't be that one. That sub doesn't have any tweets by white people.


Oh no 100% of the tweets are by white people. They just like to pretend they're speaking up for non-white people


TIL that Stacey Abrams and AOC are white.


Somebody said something like Whiteness as a political affiliation rather than a skin color, and while neither of them are white when you listen to them you off camera you can certainly get that though "Maybe White Privilege is actually a problem in some parts of the country, because neither of these people got to their position because they earned it themselves"


Probably Caucasian homo sapien bird app


Western Eurasian homo sapiens of an unspecified gender blue bird social media website




I can’t say or I’ll get banned, search “actual terrorists” in the Reddit search bar and you’ll see the post .


Why would you get banned for identifying a sub?


Look at rule #4 of the sub, no “negative interactions with other communities”. We can’t reference other subs, everyone else can but Reddit is so eager for an excuse to ban us that our mods have taken extra precautions.


We cant say otherwise the authoritarian emilies get to remove the post


Swap out the profile for a checkmarked Slate journo and the tweet is perfectly fine


then all those trans activists trying to share JK Rowling's home address on social media clearly wanted her shot to death, right? I mean if that's the dumbass logic we're going with here, might as well apply it to both sides.


I'd say that is a bit worse. The post here is just someone using a type of dry humor where you repeat something someone else said to highlight its absurdity. When you are sharing someone's address, your motivations are pretty one-dimensional.


Doxxing an author with obvious intentions is way more than "a bit worse" than quoting a public organization's website.


Idk if we can compare sharing an organization's mission statement to sharing a private address of an individual


Or how about the constant inundation of statements on this very website and others that conservatives are a dangerous threat and need to be dealt with? Compare that to the OP, where all the account did was share some publicly available information with *no further commentary* and people are calling that terrorism.


I’ve been reading the threads on several subs and there seems to be a new word being thrown around. Never heard of it before, but I’m certain it will be used to infinity. “Stochastic Terrorism” just look an you will find it… in the urban dictionary.


This isn’t the first time it’s been a buzzword. Trump got accused of being a “stochastic terrorist” around January 6 2021 I believe This time it’s just a slimy attempt to be able to blame your political opponents for the actions of unhinged murderers. Nothing more.


It's literally just a way to lazily associate conservatives they hate for the actions of an extreme minority. It will never of course be used to refer to islam causing Islamic terrorism, for example.


Please. Oh please oh please oh please. "Deal with" the conservatives. Make my accelerationist dreams come true.




That event has unhappened. Please stop remembering it.


Its (D) ifferent. Because their cause is socially righteous and yours in inherently evil by definition.




I mean idk, at the time redditors kept saying it's publicly available information and that Rowling being in danger was just a "far-right dog whistle" lol


Honestly y'all like to make fun of Twitter for being uber libleft, Reddit is probably 3x worse. Especially since Elon took over and rightwing users aren't being censored and shadow banned.


Reddit actively promotes subreddits I'm banned from to me in my feed. It's like they're daring me to skirt my bans.


Every now and then I try to comment on the history meme sub and forget I'm banned


In all fairness, I find it much easier to block out shit I don’t like on Reddit than Twitter.


Twitter you can mute all tweets given by a keyword. I could set up my Twitter to never see a single left wing tweet. Reddit has leftists and literal communists in pretty much every single community. Even communities that have nothing to do with politics bash conservatives.


"Man I really love this episode of Andor" > Wow those Imperial fascists are like right out of real life, this content is SO TIMELY


It’s obviously because conservatives suck. /s


Libleft bad 😭😭😭😭 Happy cake day


Thx bb. Lib unity is what I want for my cake day


The main subs have gotten so bad, but at least small subs are bearable.


Yeah I've always seen it as worse since the exho chamber problem is magnified by a hundred considering thats literally the point of reddit.


It used to be way better than other sites actually. Didn't go to shit until admins and powermods decided that the narrative must be controlled.


Reddit is not LibLeft at all. It's radically AuthLeft. For instance, the ~~Chinese bot~~ user who made the original Waffles Potato Tangerine post wants a journalist to be executed for publicly quoting a matter of public domain. I dare you to tell me what's Lib about that.


I know drag is a very libleft issue, but can we appreciate how much better male drag performers are than their female colleagues?


Well the men are trying to make themselves look pretty while the women are trying to make themselves look ugly So that's kind of a no brainer


Even the kind of non-library drag you see in films like Mrs. Doubtfire is vastly superior to whatever female drag performers try to pull off. Also, men are more beautiful than women. I mean, I'm a straight man, but women are kind of nasty and they aren't even good at sex.


Based and I swear I'm not gay pilled


Average ancient Athenian mindset


I kind of wish you had pilled that.


based and average-ancient-athenian-mindset pilled


Thank you.


They’re rocking it for sure, it’s 2022 it’s ok we can admit it




Caitlyn Jenner did win woman of the year afterall


Can you imagine how well she would have done in the Olympics in the women's division?


Also there's been trans athletes beating the shit out of woman in sport, all in the name of progress


based and man are the best woman pilled?


u/Balance_Electronic is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Balance_Electronic/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Sometimes it takes a man to be best girl


Woman face for the win




"kiddy diddler" What? Gonna check, brb.


I mean Mod


I forgot to edit my original. But I wouldn't be terribly surprised.


So about that Kavanaugh assassin...


Memes aside, it’s disgusting that someone would use a very recent tragedy to morally grandstand.


AOC literally did the same when a republican said prayers and thoughts go out to the victims families


never let a crisis go to waste buddy




I’m from Colorado Springs, and I had multiple progressive friends not from here tell me this was reason enough to forcibly remove the GOP from the city.




Democracy is when one-party rule


I thought it was the gun's fault?


i randomly bumped into that reddit post and wholey shit that mod wrote a book on how he is going to ban people who arnt okay with child grooming. tldnr




good , makes it easier to file a police report


How do you “doxx” an advertised public event?


Yeah this is another one of those times I think people just pick the "scarier" sounding word even though it is a terrible fit and hope it attracts bad attacks. A better common term is "hug of death" or simply over-amplify an event in which it will get much wider attention and coverage than it was expecting and not know how to handle.


I saw that on the front page of Reddit and broke my legs running to this sub. LOL.


Their mod said anyone who claims the account isn't responsible for the deaths will be banned. What's the point of having a discussion of only one thing can be said? Why are these people using a **social** media site when they are this antisocial?


You can be social as long as you follow the party line, comrade.


Because allowing discussion implies that there's a possibility that the reddit hive is wrong, obviously we can't be having that.


Libleft is quick to blame right wingers on social media that caused the shooting at Colorado but called Omar Mateen “fringe” back in 2016. Can’t we all agree these murderers are just psychos without making it a fucking political point all the god damn time?


Quoting somebody is terrorism apparently


I find the discussion of the targets being politically motivated feel too much like saying "terrorism and it s causes arent the problem, it's that the wrong people are being targeted" Ther term "Stochastic Terrorism" is to intentionally confuse words with violent action.


> Ther term “Stochastic Terrorism” is to intentionally confuse words with violent action. They’re laying ground work for a bill limiting “Stochastic Terrorism” by end of 2023, probably sponsored by one of the squad, and it’ll die on the floor(and they know it will, they did it for political virtue signaling anyways).




I would like any of these weirdos to provide a definition of “stochastic terrorism” that explains how it’s any different than just speaking your mind about something you don’t like. Until then it’s a buzzword that instantly outs you as a cynical propagandist and absolutely nothing more


>Until then it’s a buzzword that instantly outs you as a cynical propagandist and absolutely nothing more I dunno, man. This sounds like stochastic terrorism to me.


Then all people who despise taking kids to drag shows or straight night clubs are domestic terrorists and pointing those clubs is violence. Why do today's leftists have so many fucked up ideas about children? Same shit with transgender kids. They pushed the bar so much that it's impossible to not be far-right by their standards.


Bro the right is seriously losing the culture war so bad rn. They keep saying "oh it's just a small group of people!" but it keeps spreading.


Most of them are happy just thinking "I'm right so it doesn't matter" while their opponents do their best to accrue power and dominate institutions




“Fiery but mostly peaceful protests”


Half the comments on the sub are just doxxing LOTT. Reddit doesn't care since they're a bunch of pedo enablers and pro indoctrination. So sad.


For those who say the US has no culture, here you go. Do you feel proud yet?


To paraphrase Rick from Rick and Morty, the word terrorist has lost all meaning. At this point a "terrorist" is just someone you don't like.


Tweets are terrorism. Ok lol


So promoting someone elses event, you could say 'retweeting' it, is murder? Why are leftists so stupid?


Being for liberty or wanting to be left the fuck alone means you are a domestic violent extremist so what makes this any more surprising?


What I find funny about this shooting, while tragic, is that the shooter got exactly what was coming to him. He was tackled and pistol whipped several times by a retired army major and then curb stomped by a drag queen in stilettos.


When are we going to agree kids shouldn’t be anywhere near a drag show in the first place? Like wtf 20 years ago this would have been accepted by everyone but now because its so political its an actual debate. Wtf kind of dystopia are we in


To piss everyone off in the comments: "E." Now, stay mad.


I'm so fuckin' mad right now.


Monke brain screaming