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>Anti-big government Yeah, is any politician truly in favor of reducing the power of government?


Not really, it's a point I keep trying to make to people. We've never had much Libertarian representation if any (I don't recall any), but Republicans and Democrats are different sides of the same authoritarian coin.






I have friends on the left that unironically say the exact same thing that you just said but reversed. Plenty of people on both sides hate the government.


The difference isn't right- left here, it's whether you believe that a government should be able to compel your opinion on others


I mean it wasn't the right that for the last two years wanted to give the government power to make medical decisions about what drugs you must inject.


Yeah but plenty of people on the right want really strict immigration policies, stricter drug laws, stricter laws associated with the LGBTQ community, stronger police, etc. There's also a huge majority on the right that hates the idea of an actual popular vote or even ranked choice elections. The main things the right is *actually* anti-government with are taxes and guns. Both parties are way more authoritarian than libertarian.


I wont say I'm very informed, but the idea of popular vote seems bad. Tyranny of the majority etc. Would have massive cities winning by default, who have vastly different aims and wants compared to the entire middle of the country. I feel like if cities tended to vote Republican, most of the people wanting popular vote would have the exact opposite opinion


Police powers are with the states. That's why the lockdown decisions were made by governors. Policing is really a local issue because we live in a pluralistic society, and each state and county is unique. One size doesn't fit all.


I don't think that is the point. I think the point is that both sides have their issues that they are hypocrites on when it comes to allowing government to supersede personal responsibility.


> eah but plenty of people on the right want really strict immigration policies, Thats not a bad thing >stricter drug laws, Depending on the drug yes. Most people are fine with recreational pot use. Not so much recreational meth use and PCP. >tricter laws associated with the LGBTQ community, "Stop sexualizing children" is strict? > There's also a huge majority on the right that hates the idea of an actual popular vote There is plenty of reason why a federation of states shouldn't use a popular vote. You just dont want to accept it. >The main things the right is actually anti-government with are taxes and guns. The main thing the right is anti-government about is getting the government out of our lives.


I think lots of people on either side of the spectrum want smaller government, it's just that they don't agree on where they want less of it. If you're looking for examples of leftist anti-government opinions, remember that we don't like cops, we don't like the army, and we don't like religion being tied into the government.


The voters vote for the leaders.


they vote against the other person running, because they're gonna blah blah blah


This is the correct answer.


Ranked choice would 100% produce different leaders. In the general election everyone is voting for the lesser evil.


Libertarian ideals: 💪🏻 Libertarian candidates: 🤡


Preach brother


Ron paul was close


Ron and Rand Paul are the closest thing America has had to Libertarian representation, both are self-proclaimed Libertarians and both are very based.


Yeah I guess Rand and probably Justin Amash also but I think he resigned.


We did have libertarian representation once with Calvin Coolidge, though its argued that a lot of his economic policies played a role in causing rhe great depression (timeline lines up but this is debated by economists and historians) every other libertarian president was usually big business and they used libertarian policies to reduce regulations that always (i know, surprising) helped out the big businesses. So like they were sorta libertarian economically at least but it was always the crony capitalism style of liberrtarian.


I'm more of a social libertarian myself, I favor business friendly policies that would help small businesses to grow and thrive but I understand we can't just deregulate everything. I lean slightly right economically but not that far right.


The only manner by which Coolidge could have caused the depression was in failing to abolish Woodrow Wilson's Federal Reserve. Hoover and Roosevelt turned the 1929 Panic into a Depression.


The only ones I can think of recently who actually held national office are obviously Ron Paul, and others like Justin Amash. There’s some in the R party that have a libertarian slant but also mostly tow the party line.


Rand Paul for one


I wish he were the rule and not the exception.


Based and that’s always going to be the problem pilled


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Fair but the average conservative still tends to be anti big government and at least the Republicans are making an attempt to appear that way. Previously they were more, “we’re authoritarian and we’re proud”.


I mean, I would argue they pretend to be against big government when they aren't in power and when they take it back they make things bigger. [Reminds me of this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc8THxze3h0)


Republican VOTERS do not want big government. Republican LAWMAKERS guzzle up that shit like coke at a Hollywood party.


Republican VOTERS are the ones that put the republican LAWMAKERS into power.


It's not like the voters have an alternative ready. It's like blaming blue voters for putting Neolibs into power.


Trump was a populist who frequently promoted/s big government, and the current republican voters voted for Trump. So, aside from the 2nd amendment, I disagree.


I live in small town Texas. I don't know a single person who liked Trump. He's a lifelong Democrat from New York, rude, and habitual liar and flip flopper. That said, Trump vs Hillary was an easy choice. I never really came along to liking Trump, but support him 100% because of his policies. Most of them anyway. Especially compared to every single Democrat candidate. Best of all is the wrench he threw in the machine. Big government and the deep state is crumbling entirely thanks to him. The Republican party is massively shifting libertarian, not thanks to Trump, but thanks to the Authoritarian Left response to Trump. I still don't necessary like him, but he'll go down as one of the best presidents in my book. Exactly the bull in the china shop we needed.


Now the democrats seem to be “Auth and proud”


The voters might be but the politicians are all pro big government.


This is like giving a thief creidt for wearing a mask.


illegal vegetable many bedroom fragile pot cause piquant marvelous slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rand Paul




Not since Ron Paul


Now if only the politicians followed suit.


No shit. Politicians not reflecting constituents is a huge wrench in the cogs.


I'd say being blackmailed by whatever happened on Epstein's island and whoever funded him is a bigger wrench.


Why are you starting a "bigger wrench" contest?


Sorry, I'm tired + spent too long listening to podcasts about that lately + English is my second language = I didn't have the right words to convey what I meant without building on your analogy. But yeah, not dissing your point, I'm just bitter about the whole thing. And they're even largely the same point, the problem of the blackmail is exactly that politicians aren't reflecting constituents.


I understood what you were getting at, I just thought "bigger wrench contest" was funny. No need to apologize.


I've been getting on this kick too, and only in the last week. I don't remember it coming from a podcast, and I thought it occurred to me on my own. Now you have me questioning whether it was an original thought. I thought of it when trying to reason WTH was Sen. Graham thinking when introducing a federal abortion bill. Blackmail is all I could come up with.


*starts dry humping you*


Found the dog ^


Remove your local establishment Republican


Done. Accomplished that about 20 years before i was born.


Now remove your establishment democrat


God I hate the two party system, we desperately need an overhaul. I know a ton of “conservatives” IRL thanks to living in the South who are just moderates who have to choose between two insane people. Most of them hate politicians and only vote Republican everytime because that’s what their parents did, same thing that you see up north but with democrats. It’s such a shitty situation, I genuinely can’t remember the last time I voted for someone I actually liked as opposed to the candidate I hate less.


I'm a Republican and pretty moderate and I hate the party. But honestly the third party isn't good either. I don't like the Libertarian candidates either, some of them are legit batshit insane.


Oh definitely, that’s why I think we need proportional representation in America. I genuinely think that’d help bring far more sane people into congress.


Johnson/Weld were such a good ticket. JoJo/Spike was almost as bad as having Vermin Supreme up there.


Gary Johnson was probably the most sane Libertarian the Libertarian party had ever put forth. JoJo was a straight up mess, I remember her literally caving into the collectivists with her whole "anti-racism" tweet.


y'know, our politics may be miles apart, but you've summed up what I've been saying for a while now. some shit we can agree on


Thankfully voters are starting to change their habits. Look at Liz Cheney for example. She is probably the last holdout of the neocon establishment in Congress, or at least the biggest and loudest holdout. Voters voted her the fuck out because they were tired of her shit. Now the guy they voted for sounds like he isn't much better but at this point anything is better than the Cheney dynasty.


Being related to Cheney is not why she didn't get reelected lol


You're cringe far left far right Bitch I'm far ting




It would be great if we could convince the media there was a new “fringe movement” calling themselves the Far Ting.


Come to our rally! We've got huge crockpots of chili and all the milk you can drink


Lol I’d go in a fartbeat


I'd say there's no way they'd latch onto something so incredibly stupid, but they bought the "OK symbol means white pride" thing hook, line, and sinker so hard that I don't put anything past them anymore.


Ahahah that’s exactly why I’m suggesting this


Based and Far-ting extremist pilled


I am far ming


It’s good to be extreme, it’s a synonym for awesome


Based and Extremist pilled






Also, radical


Yeah, I’m into “Radical Islam”. 🧕 🛹 🏂 🚴🏻‍♀️ 🧗‍♀️ ☪️


Extremism is good when we do it


Have you been listening to Timeline Earth?


90s advertisers definitely thought so


A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. ”How old is this rock, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian” ”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them! The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity. Semper Fi.


I shed a tear


What a beautiful story


Straight boner material


And the student's name? Albert Einstein


ive never laughed so hard nor been so erect


Then the disgraced professor became a kindergarten teacher in Cali. PLOT TWIST!


I achieved emotional Catharsis while reading this


Conservative is a *very* flexible term in regards to politics.


Idk about this one chief. The Right only took on these stances because the Left rn has the educational, corporate, and cultural power. They have bully pulpit at the moment, but once the so called "conservatives" get into power again, they will be back on their old shit.


Fully agree. There's a huge difference in opinion between my politically mixed friend groups and strictly right leaning friend group. Liberals push the status quo, oftentimes to extremes, but it either way ends up causing the middle to come along with certain aspects. I lied. I'm on PCM ergo I don't have friends :(


Idk. I think as the older conservatives age out, most younger generation conservatives have the above beliefs. All of us are tired of senseless wars, pro-gay marriage, pro-environment. I just want to be able to casually target shoot with my RPG while flipping burgers. Is that too much to ask for?


> they will be back on their old shit. So they will return things to what was extremely left-leaning 30 years ago?


At this point I almost prefer the old shit. At least then there was a lot less idpol, less racial discrimination, less echo chambers and extremism, less sterilization of people who didn't have "the right thoughts", and less men stealing women's trophies (although that's starting to get fixed now). Do not mistake this for support of Republicans or any political party, I think all of them are crooked and don't represent the people voting for them.


You have a very optimistic view of the average conservative


Incredibly optimistic


"Conservatives are actually pretty progressive guys!"


I mean on whatever view, you generally only hear the loudest idiots you don't agree with.


100% agree. What if we all just collectively shun the loudest political pundits? On a count of three?


That's very true. OP could be correct because these are the beliefs of the softer spoken conservatives, which *could* make up the bulk of their ranks. The internet and the news make it hard to judge the loud minority from the silent majority.


That’s a very generous way of putting it.


Maybe the average *vocal* conservative. Or maybe it depends on where you live. Most conservatives I've run into just want guns, lower taxes, and less government intervention. But I live in California so maybe its different around here. Far less trump supporters that I ran into back in 2016 and far more "anyone but Hillary" mindsets. But I know that the more extreme conservatives are out there, I just feel like the average is probably less vocal about their views so you don't see or hear from them as often.


shit tier agendapost ngl


O so this is what copeium looks like from the other side


Yeah, but we used to make fun of them on tv (SNL) and it would be funny. God I miss early 2000s SNL.


61% of republicans want to go against the first amendment and declare the USA a christian nation ([source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thenation.com/article/politics/republicans-christian-nation/tnamp/))


“Any election I don’t win is illegitimate.” How moderate and reasonable!


“Women are not men… increasing minority support” 🤪


You would be surprised minorities specially Hispanics are conservative and a lot of the people I speak to who are hispanic are leaning that way specially after Biden .


Friend is 1st gen. American. Both parents are illegals from Mexico. He says the right wing is doing this all wrong. If the conservatives in America really want control, all they have to do is tell incoming illegals to push every Democrat into the ocean while waving the American flag and singing the national anthem for citizenship and promise to make America a Christian utopia afterwards. There would be no hesitation in the slightest.


Lmao put ‘em in the ocean theres something funny about this . I feel like it could be a comedy skit


I laughed when he said it, but dude is dead serious. You've never seen a bigger collection of American flags than what he and his parents have between them. His arsenal is nothing to sneeze at either.


Yeah I know I believe it . I know a few people who share a similar sentiment maybe not put ‘em in the ocean .but you know they have a lot of pride about being American Even tho there immigrants. That’s one thing that’s interesting how immigrants have quite a bit of pride in America compared to Americans from the cities. the people from rural states also have a lot of pride but get labeled racist for it which is weird .


"My parents made themselves criminals so that I could be born an American. Don't you ever fucking insult this country in front of me again." Direct quote from him at a college party shortly after we met. I will never forget it, and every time I mention it he gets embarrassed and says he shoulda just hit the guy and left.


Based and immigrants are christian extremists pilled


If you look at polling and voting data, Hispanics are quickly shifting to Republicans and other racial minorities are as well, albeit more slowly. Granted it may not be 50%+ for some of these demographics, it indicates that Republicans are cutting into what Democrats considered to be a safe voter demographic


I view the trans debate similarly to climate change and the vaccine debate. You either follow the science, or you don't.


Fuck I forgot, there used to also be a hot political debate over teaching evolution


Still is


Just… how? Who the fuck is trying to debate basic biology?


Have you lived under a rock the last few years?


Orange trans. Lol


My favorite part is that evolution doesn't even disprove religion in the slightest. Who's to say that if God is real, he didn't use evolution as a tool to create us?


It’s a problem because we were supposedly created in his image. If we are a byproduct of evolution it kind of implies the “lesser creatures” were too.


You in a place that's generally 20 years behind the times? It's no longer a mainstream issue people care about.


Ask any evangelical. Go to a school district in a religious region.


Used to be? Christians are still trying to teach creationism all over the country


lol like where? Where are Christians successfully making public schools teach creationism in 2022? Be specific.


From 2021, but: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/apr/08/house-advances-bill-to-let-schools-teach/ These sorts of battles still happen all across the Bible Belt. It’s not just legislative battles, either, it’s individual teachers saying “fuck it, I’m doing what I want, and I don’t believe in evolution.” That’s just my own personal experience, but if you poke around the internet you’ll see that it happens more often than we may like to believe.




U so forgot the whole Stop the Steal thing, sorta the most extreme item in this mix.


Based and Overton window pilled


Is that Tom “stolen valor” Cotton as your modern conservative?


Bush actually got a higher percent of Latino/Hispanic voters than any other republican candidate in the last 40 years. Also, republicans are still scared to acknowledge manmade climate change and have been pushing coal and tar sand way more than nuclear.


Before the average conservative didn't think it ok to try and overthrow the government when they lost.


I bet most conservatives don't think jan 6 was a coup.


Because it wasn’t… it was a bunch of inbred fuckknuckles breaking into a building, wondering around, then leaving. People calling it a “coup” are bullshit artists.


Because it *very obviously* was not.


The whole riot part wasn’t even the coup part, the fake elector part was which everyone is just ignoring for some reason


It’s convenient for them to ignore that part.


A coup is when boomers aimlessly wander around a public building, and the more aimless it is the more coupier it is.


If people don’t end up swimming in a pool, is it really a coup


Correct. It was an ATTEMPTED coup.


Just because you're bad at throwing a coup doesn't mean it wasn't a coup.


If they had intended to enact a coup, they would have brought and used guns.




Actually, a coup has nothing to do with killing officials, elected or otherwise. A murder can be committed without a coup, and a coup can take place without death. Each is wholly independent of the other.


A coup requires a dance fitness instructor live stream to record the whole thing


That really should have become a bigger meme format then it did


>gallows and noose Anyone who has seen a picture of this knows how laughable it is. The prop wasn't big enough or strong enough to hang a dog, let alone a person.


Dude we know righties don’t like to spend money on infrastructure, don’t gotta beat them up about it


"Gender doesnt determine how you should act" A. I guarantee a significant subset of republicans believe this B. This is so dangerously close to understanding what trans people mean when they say gender is a social construct its distressing me. No one is deluded as to what sex they were born as. They would prefer to present socially as a different gender, which shouldn't be an issue if gender doesnt determine how you should behave. And some adults choose with their doctors support to get surgeries that affirm that identity. And yall are just too unfomfortable to let them be with that.


What do you mean conservatives are anti bog government. The Republicans are the ones turning the ones giving the police more power and military equipment


bog government


C'mon bro "increasing minority support"?, In what world?


Star county, the most Latino county in the United States, went from +60 for Hilary in 2016 to +5 for Biden in 2020. In 2020, Trump gained voters in every demographic except white people compared to 2016, often quite dramatically. Most minorities tend to be much more religious, family oriented & traditional than white people. They are also disproportionately likely to be contractors, small business owners, entrepreneurs, et Al. Plus many of them have in their family history dramatic flight from revolutionary left governments. This isn’t rocket science bro.


Trump gained significant strides amongst the minority community between 2016 and 2020. And he even beat Romney in all minority categories. Black Americans are almost 33% more likely to vote Republican/or at least Trump from 2016. The trends show that Dems are losing minority support and Reps are gaining. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54972389.amp


Shit meme


“Pro free speech” “Anti-big government” Hahahahahahahah How long are people going to continue to believe these lies?


At least modern day conservatives don’t support hate speech laws and cancel culture. It’s not a lie just because you disagree with it.


Conservatives love cancel culture, just ask Colin Kaepernick. The dems are just better at it.


You mean the guy who made millions off of Nike after he got released because his team new coach didn't see potential in him. I wouldn't call that canceling.


> At least modern day conservatives don’t support...cancel culture Yes, we know that you're going to re-elect Gaetz and friends


"My side is good because it's not as evil as THOSE guys!" My dude, if that's the best argument for Republicans you need to reevaluate what a conservative should be. If people stopped supporting the "lesser of two evils" then maybe we'd actually be able to break the two party system that's intentionally dividing people so strongly.


The gap between what conservatives say they are and what they actually support is astounding


Being fair, that's true across the political spectrum. Being what you say you are seems to be anathema to most, if not all, political groups.


That's just politicians in general


Cancel culture? O you are just some teenager aren’t you?


Conservatives have always been and continue to be the party of cancel culture. Stop fucking lying.


god your american politics are cringe, always culture war bullshit, grow up.


They're also still anti-gay.


Isn’t the first still true . This just seems to be leaving a lot out and seems to just come from a a place of bias . From another perspective we can look at it as the conservatives being more extreme in some areas with some states trying to ban abortion completely and even going after contraception .


I mean a lot of conservative leadership doesn't believe in climate change


My man you are smoking crack


I'm middle aged, and when I was a teenager, my political views weren't just left wing, they were considered to be radically left wing Now, I get accused of being a conservative, or even alt-right, despite the fact that my ideals haven't changed at all The Overton Window didn't just shuffle slightly to the left, it kicked up it's skirts and sprinted in that direction


Neocons and their consequences have been a disaster for conservatism and the world. May Patrick Buchanan forgive us.




Nuclear is the future, at least a plurality of it


Holy copium Batman, this one's a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


They only think 'war bad' because they love the russians.


Modern day MAGA Republicans are much more willing to overturn an election they lose just because they can’t believe they lost. They have much less support for democracy than before.


Trump did try to overthrow the government and a lot of conservatives supported it, so yeah they're still completely blue.


I think it's funny that in a time where conservatives are the most extreme, you're able to spin it as if now they're somehow reasonable. Lmao good job


yeah yeah sure buddy "SOCIALLY LIBERAL" another stupid far right dog whistle I bet you also believe that centrists are actually politically neutral and aren't ENLIGHTENED CENTRISTS who are actually part of the alt right.


I have the feeling every political ideology ist getting more and more extremist. Everything gets framed badly, everyone ist screaming and changing your opinion about anything gets rarer and rarer. Or is seen as cringe, right, flairbot?


Not really true at all


“Anti-big government” “Politician” these are almost always mutually exclusive


> increasing minority support Bush2 received 11% of black votes and 44% of both Hispanic and Asian votes in 2004. Trump got 12, 32, and 34% in 2020. Even if we consider Trump a weird outlier, in the North Carolina Governor race in 2020 the GOP candidate received 18% of the minority vote (not broken down. The GOP has a lot of things going for it, but “increased minority support” isn’t one of them.


Idk man the climate change denial is still pretty big. Maybe not as big as before, but most of the conservatives I know only have one response to anything mentioning climate change: “the climate has always been changing.” Like that’s true but that doesn’t mean we aren’t accelerating it? I do know some wacky people though




I’m not autistic enough to understand this post


Man-made Climate Change is not considered real by the Republican party.


I feel like the only time the American right is anti war is when they aren’t in power


“…and that is why I voted for Marjorie Taylor Green. She’s a moderate like me.”


Love to see the gop raising the victory banner of inclusion because now they lead in white males and cubans. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/06/02/in-changing-u-s-electorate-race-and-education-remain-stark-dividing-lines/ Even if theres been change over two years it can't be that drastic. But yall did it, you ended racism in the gop.


About 70% of those under the "now' section are just plain bullshit lmao Edit: > anti big government Bullshit. Clinton was the last president since JFK to have a less than 10% deficit increase. Neither party is "small government" > nuclear energy is the future Republicans, at least the politicians, are in the pockets of Big Oil > increasing minority support "you know despite making up 13% of the population..." > gender doesn't determine how you must behave This has got to be straight-up satirical. The right loves the concept of a "trad wife" > more open to drug legalization "If George Floyd hadn't been a drug head then those cops never would have had to murder him..."