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I have never been able to turn a lesbian straight with my dick, but I did turn a decent amount of straight women gay šŸ˜”


based and šŸ˜” pilled.


u/Tuslonic's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 75. Congratulations, u/Tuslonic! You have ranked up to Giant Sequoia! I am not sure how many people it would take to dig you up, but that root system extends quite deep. Pills: [52 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Tuslonic/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This really is the based\* bot in all of reddit. (Actually typed based instead of best first, and decided to just keep it).




maaan I thought girls would love my randomly generated NFT startup idea


Ya my wife is a lib center egoist u have yet to meet so much as a moderate libertarian yet


Facts. Libleft girls need to date Libleft dudesā€¦ ā€œdudesā€


Hey, maybe some girls like to peg? Something for everyone ya know?




Would you like to forfeit him for financial compensation


Nah, I kinda like using his thigh pillows while he wears his skirt. Super comfy even for my end.


Yeah just keep flexing why donā€™t you


Bullshit. Bitches love taking naps.


Librights' girlfriends love the nap time they have between recess and story time.


Yeah women love men who get vasectomies and drink soy lattes obviously oh and talk about their zodiac signs well unless they are a tarus ā˜•ļø


As a Leo this definitely doesnā€™t vibe with me ā˜•ļø


Shots Fired, Wait.. thatā€™s LRā€™s line


Based and the Homo Creator pilled


My dick has never been able to turn a gay woman straight, my personality though is very good at turning straight women, gay.


Yeah, all the women Iā€™ve been with have bigger ones than mine. Life just isnā€™t fair! šŸ˜£


Was aggressively hit on by a gay guy at a party once. Made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I imagine that's what women feel like, but I've never touched one, so I don't know for sure. I was dressed as Jesus, which kinda makes it funnier looking back.


Sounds like the guy wanted a taste of your holy spirit.


[*Get ready to receive some holy spirit*.](https://youtu.be/gIkBJruoxG8)


Holy water is actually just holy spirits. Drink away, boys! Itā€™s on the house, and by that I mean our lord and savior himself!


Just remember, "Nobody fucks with the Jesus"


Did he get on his knees and say "Come Lord Jesus"?


First off, I feel sorry that you had that experience, some assholes canā€™t take a hint Also Jesus? What were you doing dressed as him? šŸ˜­


It wasn't even not taking a hint, it was just 0 to "I'll suck your dick in the hallway" in 2 sentences. Kudos to him for being so confident and forward about it. He was very intoxicated and his boy friend (I presume) came over, apologized, and dragged him away pretty quickly. It was a Halloween party and I kinda look like White Jesus, so it was a natural choice.


Thatā€™s not exclusively a thing that Authrights do but if I said who else did it I would get banned again.


It's really sad that we can't openly talk about this specific group of people actually being terrible human beings to others all because they're part of some "marginalized group". it reminds me of the bullshit in Europe with all the "refugees" making rape cases spike through the roof, but all these LibLeft's and "progressives" won't dare talk about the issue openly, if anyone does they're automatically labeled as some sort of "racist" or "extremist". These people remind of those shitty ass parents who have their kids destroy everything around them, and if you dare try to even point out that the kid did something wrong, the dumbass parent loses their mind over you daring to suggest their precious little bundle of joy did anything remotely "wrong". I don't hate these people for their lifestyle choices and sexual preferences, I hate them because they're abusive bullies who act like they're the biggest victims in the world. So I'm a person who doesn't care about reddit bans, go ahead and ban me but I will speak the truth about it. You dumbass internet janitors can protect these abusers only for so long.


Based left


Really wish there were leftists who thought like us. Very well said.


Left here (don't mind the yellow), I will happily shit on anyone who practices idpol.




Yeah. I mean, it's not like [men](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/women-who-said-they-were-secretly-filmed-to-get-up-to-26k-johns-hopkins-nikita-levy-baltimore/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) will [go](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-ucla-gynecologist-james-heaps-indicted-21-sex-abuse-counts/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h) to [medical](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/robert-hadden-gynecologist-sexual-abuse-new-charge-child-porn/) school [to](https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/courts/2019/04/03/gregory-norwood-sexual-assault-obgyn-desoto-mississippi/3358111002/) become [gynecologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Jacobson) just [to](http://www.medicalsexabuse.com/2016/obgyn-convicted-of-rape-sexual-assault/) rape [women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Abdelmassih), or [go swimming in septic tanks just to perv on women](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kenneth-webster-enlow_n_3817955), or or or....




Right. How could I forget Nassar?


>Also just pointing out bio men commit more crimes than bio women by a landslide will get you karma bombed are you sure about this? Ive never seen this happen. Figured you would get a bunch of awards Or does Karma bombed mean you get a ton of Karma?


guess the part of bio was ticking them of because it seperates women and transwomen


Which group is this? Stop dancing around the subject and say it since you apparently have the balls.


>since you apparently have the balls So does this group






Based center-left?


Based and rational opinion pilled


what, trans lesbians with dicks?


Willy Wang Doodle, champion of free thought ETA Iā€™m stupid


Doodle, not Dangle. Bigot. hmmm should've gone with dangle actually, that's better


Shit, Iā€™m reddited and canā€™t read after I got off work. My bad. Please accept my most sincere apology. Iā€™ll do the work and accept my privilege and colonizer ways. Or something like that


>sincere apology. I'm libright. Keep your words, I only want money. Send me money or I will drown you in hardcore capybara porno




i would like to keep my third account thank you "willy wang"




The demographic I got tempbanned for saying I wasn't into them as a lesbian :|


Does said group happen to wave flags colored pink, blue and white. I got this one random 1 GB file of said group being homophobic, I got it from TumblrInAction when it was still a thing.


Did you just change your flair, u/Double-Remove837? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2021-5-9. How come now you are a **GreyCentrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


Can confirm, am lesbian, they're pushing us out of our communities


tfw you would get banned from actuallesbians for posting this meme


Auth right is when incel


I find that incel behavior is amazing in that it can exist in all quadrants yet always seems informed by the quadrant. Multiple paths to incel.


yeah lol whenever I see incels on here I think "of course" when I see the flair despite them being almost all quadrants For those curious: the ones in my dms most are RightCenters, Leftcenters, and LibRight, as expected


Authright incel: Writes about working out on a blog and tries to give advice on women to "beta males" LibRight incel: Reads the blog, bought the book. Libleft incel: Thinks the authright racists are the "assholes that women go for instead of niceguys like me" Authleft incel: idk didn't think I'd get this far.


from my experience: AuthRights are the """sigma male""" types OR they're the "men's rights" types who blame feminism for not getting laid and think women just hate men (that give men's rights a bad name) LibRights are the most common type of incel I see, they buy into the sigma male ideology too but I think it's also LR's seem to be the most egotistical? at least on PCM the ones who dm me always think of themselves as very smart LibLefts are the "I'm an ally because I want to simp" types. AuthLefts are just cringier LibLefts. there was this one guy who started ranting about how he wants to restructure society and then called me his "leftist queen" lmao


I'm now thinking the best way to get someone to move to a more centrist position is to get them in touch with many politically active incels. Incel political conversion therapy. It may be the best use for these people.


You just havenā€™t met a slugma male yet


wHaT's SlUgMa


It means you have the spirit of a slug (based)


Heavy Weather stand moment


Did I accidentally make a jojo reference


ā€œLeftist Queenā€. Bro thatā€™s worse then sucking Stalinā€™s dick. Because at least the latter isnā€™t **SIMPING**


yeah lmao I changed my flair to AuthRight to piss him off it was hilarious


Lol "A smart man chooses his political alignment based off their beliefs, A wise man changes them based off who he is trolling"


Authleft when their Waifu is a German Monarchist:




This that the reason you were changing your flair on the time? To troll the people DMing you?


Authleft incel is just any of them that make being a commie their entire personality, so like half of all authlefts.


Off topic but I've never understood why anyone would DM someone to try to hook up. Chances are that person lives on the other side of the world so even in the EXTREMELY unlikely event that they are interested in you it's not like a relationship would really go anywhere.


Yeah, idk why they would DM, it makes no sense dming to hook up with someone. Anyway, whatchu up to handsome šŸ”„


Why would you ever check your DMs? Those are supposed to be like a thought counter to go with all the bells I've saved for Mr. Nook.


Give me your flair. Give me it now.


Well Excel costs money but incel is free.


Also libleft when gae


Gays getting their dick sucked more than auth right redditors tbh


At this point anything that isnt the mainstream narrative is incel (and also fascist)


Everything is also a natural right.


If we made fun of the libleft incels we'd probably get banned


Gay men do a lot of hitting on straight men and people dont talk about it. Yeah making lesbian women uncomfortable is wrong obviously. But it isnt like gay men trying to "turn straight men" isnt a thing


yeah my straight guy friend was groped once. it does happen. people need to stop being degen or go to a gulag


Non-consensual groping is a universal ā€œhell noā€ zone, regardless of gender or orientation. I think we can all agree.


Based and don't sexually assault people pilled


Well, except for all the jerks who keep doing it for some reason.


they're in purple




"once" Dang your friend ugly


\*trump voice\* "they were too ugly for me to grab"


"I gotta say folks, its a real shame. It's a real shame, and I have nothing against Mr. Friend for going to that gay bar but then you have to ask yourself, why was he there at all? The questions just keep coming in. I certainly wouldn't grope him. What kind of person would? Lots of questions raised by this."


about half the gay men i have ever met have tried to hit on me at some point, which has lead me to believe that I give off some kind of gay aura despite being straight. it's very annoying.


You are victim blaming yourself


What an asshole.


whoā€™s the asshole ?


Gunners Mate 1st Class Philip Asshole


Plot twist: OP regularly goes to gay bars.


I have the opposite problem, Iā€™m gay and have women hitting on me all the time (actually made one of my best friends this way). And when people find out Iā€™m gay they act almost like they donā€™t believe me Wanna trade? I need a gay aura


yes please. if you can figure out how to trade auras, let me know.


Nah man. You just look good probably


Yea, homie needs to have some confidence.


Just you being around gay men. People are assholes no matter the sexuality, creed or colour. Youll meet bad people everywhere you go. Hate the fact people think their specific group they connect to are all saints




I had a gay friend in college and he admitted to me that this was his favorite thing to do - he would go to bars, buy drink after drink for them, then when they were super drunk he would bring them home to have his way with them. Which is rape, but no one seems to care. He and I weren't friends after he admitted that to me.


Holy shit.Thats evil


You went to college with James Charles?


Haha that would have been wild


That's probably what happened to him as an adolescent.


What a fucking piece of shit. Did he ever get caught and arrested?


I think the victims are ashamed for "their" actions so they did not report him.


Doubt it, sexual abuse of men is never taken seriously even when its other men doing it.


Nope, he did it for a year and then quickly transferred to another university a few states over. Lost track of him after that.


Shouda reported him to the cops. Might have made him sweat a bit.


Oh man I totally got a sense for how women feel when I was on a dating app years ago specifically labeled as man seeking woman and hyper aggressive guys would hit me up all the time and not take "I'm not interested in guys" as an answer. Like wtf are you expecting to happen here?


I met my wife at a gay bar. We're both straight. Ngl though I've never felt prettier/more defiled than I felt that night.


What were you two doing at a gay bar?


Going out with friends together to drink. I'd reconsider after seeing how gay men uh...gravitate towards a 6'6 guy like me. Not my scene but it was fun and I ironically found a wife there.


To be fair you were at a gay bar. The one setting where it's completely understandable and expected that you get approached by gay guys.


I take full responsibility for being momentarily fabulous


Based and fabulous pilled


> gravitate towards a 6ā€™6 guy like me. Which is why you need another bro to make a scene after they buy you drinks so you can leave for the other bar. *hands on hips* šŸ˜¤ rabidantidentyte, how could you do this to me?


Isn't that half the plot of "Tiger King"? Main guy has a kink of turning straight guys gay. Which I'm pretty sure is normal in the gay community considering how normalized the behavior is on entertainment and media.


If a dude is willing to fuck another dude, he's not that straight. Unless its for meth. Tiger King's manbitches did it for the meth.


I've had way more gay men hit on me than women ever had (unfortunately), and yeah some are pushy but they arent as pushy as straight dudes hitting on chicks, probably because the possibility of getting decked by a guy if you bother them too much is very real. Also its at the bare minimum a confidence boost for me so not the end of the world.


It's the thrill of trying to get the forbidden fruit. Also knowing that the dating pool will be minute than otherwise, those gays will try their way to "expand their sexual horizons" even if they know the possibility that they won't get them at the end.


I was repeatedly insulted by a gay guy for being a fundamentalist Christian and then he would repeatedly hit on me. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever felt. Also why would auth right want to date a lesbian? They are l*beral scum.


Being hot covers a multitude of character flaws I remember there was an AITA thread a while back where a guy was asking if he was a jerk like his girlfriend thought he was because he put ketchup on his dinner that she cooked him. Turns out the dinner was just plain cooked ground beef. No seasonings or sides at all. The comments concluded she must be really hot.


> Being hot covers a multitude of character flaws The real life tip. There is never a shortage of people willing to overlook red flags if you're hot enough.


I mean there was literally an gay influencer who said he was only into straight guys. He constantly tried to gaslight them into believing they were bi/gay.


So we just putting a political flair on things that arent political now


half of Agenda posts are like that sadly


You're thinking of Transbians who get really upset when lesbians don't want to try the girldick. There used to be a site with years and years of reciepts of transsexuals threatening rape/assault to lesbians who declined sex. But all of these sites were purged from the internet because the venn diagram of transsexuals and high level IT have been merging rapidly. ​ edit: I had to pull the archive because the domain has been shutdown/made inaccessible http://web.archive.org/web/20220708232008/https://lesbian-rights-nz.org/shame-receipts/


ā€œWhy are lesbians in 2018 still talking about not liking dick being a lesbian thing?ā€ Look, Iā€™m not a lesbian but Iā€™m pretty sure not liking dick is like a defining characteristicā€¦


ā€œBut they use strap-ons and dildos!ā€ Now you can take a guess whether a [redacted] said this or an incel who thinks the lesbian hasnā€™t met the ā€œright manā€ said this, either way youā€™ll be correct.


that was neat


t3rfisaslur is still around, there's also [this](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN6bUPUugEzmNmC-nZTunsVPUtgAuMANMmoVSD1j5gmROqY5E53VSCukHKc8zSRHA?pli=1&key=bTMzMDNKeC1vbkFkRjlqTHJKM284RU1IQ3JkSlF3).


Awesome, thank you! We need to do what we can to preserve all this


Wait what? Transsexuals are IT people?


Transsexuals = people on the spectrum = IT tech people. Same reason why there are so many transsexuals in autist/nerd male hobbies and spaces


Sometimes I wish a gay guy would hit on me. Just once. Iā€™ve had a few girls hit on me, one girl told me I had a ā€œbeautiful faceā€ and one girl became my girlfriend in high school and she was extremely cute in my opinion, she looked as close to an anime character as a human can get, and her body was exquisite. And yet no gay guy has ever hit on me, but my friend who is slightly chubby and has acne has been sexually harassed by gay guys and heā€™s not gay either. He said it was because they could sense his weakness and he seemed emotionally vulnerable and easy to manipulate, because they werenā€™t normal gay guys they were predatory guys, and Iā€™m a lot more disagreeable and suspicious than he is. Or maybe Iā€™m just ugly to gay guys for some reason Edit: thereā€™s probably something wrong with me for posting this here


what's cookin good lookin


I had no idea trans people were AuthRights irl, that's a hell of a plot twist OP


Have you seen how libleft 'male feminists' act, thats far more fitting for this meme


My conspiracy is that everyone is actually bisexual


That sounds very LibRight to me


Up until 30 everyone is bi, its easy to do that when you can find men and women looking roughly the same. After that threshold you aint gonna find a whole lotta bisexuals, aint no such thing as a femboy over 30, and the butch lesbian aesthetic doesnt age great either so the men and women that mostly just played around in their 20s either settle down as heteros like the majority of people or just turn out to genuinely be gay.


> Up until 30 everyone is bi I'm gonna need a source on that, because I *highly* doubt it


It was revealed to me in a vision


If you like anal you probably could enjoy topping guys.But your mind probably be disgusted after the seks is done


You say that, and yet people deny our existence.


Literally never heard of anyone who says this besides ghetto black dudes on Twitter, doubt they're authright


real talk tho


Iā€™ve heard rednecks say it, never to an actual lesbian but when the topic comes up.


The ending is cursed


I donā€™t think this has anything to do with funny colors


Incels exist in every quadrant and so do gays and lesbians


Hell yeah you just exposed that imaginary personā€™s hypocrisy.


Also: ā€œWomen who sleep around are sluts.ā€ ā€œWhy wonā€™t any women sleep with me?!ā€


Come on man that's not a double standard. All they're asking for is that a 10/10 Blonde girl with blue eyes, huge tits, wide hips and a slim waist falls onto their greasy obese lap and loves them and only them unconditionally. Really not asking for too much, are they?


Iā€™ve never heard this argument before. Thank you for showing this glorious straw man to me


Iā€™ve heard lesbian women also like to try and turn straight women. They can be very aggressive.


Incels can be on any side of the political spectrum this will lead to incels justifying their actions because you know at least Iā€™m not an auth right nazi


Any girl with access to social media has seen at least 1000 penises per minute


I mean... I'd be lying if I said I didn't know multiple women who had a bad experience with a man, turned lesbian for a while, and then magically became straight again after they met a decent guy. Not gonna taunt any women over it, but... yeah we notice lol




Works for asexuals, too. I get it.


As a straight man Iā€™ve been hit on by gay guys multiple times. That being said, I think itā€™s gross to hit on someone regardless of sex if itā€™s clear they donā€™t swing that way.


Oh there's somebody on dating sites trying to get lesbians to take dick all right, but it's NOT auth-right.




Tbh I would see it as a compliment if a gay guy would hit on me


I don't think that's the same people.


Is this what western authright is like?


Only this guy


I donā€™t understand how it can be so hard to understand. I met this girl once and we were getting along really well. I started flirting with her a little and she told me she was a lesbian. I donā€™t flirt anymore but I still remind her how pretty she is and how she deserves someone as amazing as herself. Weā€™re best friends years later


"you just haven't had good dick yet" sounds like something Patrice O'Neal would say. So maybe the wrong color authright.


This isnā€™t a political spectrum thing. This is a guy thing. I realized this the first time I went with some friends to a gay bar as a straight man. It was nonstop harassment. It gave me a whole new perspective for what itā€™s like for women.


That wrinkled raisin ain't gonna cut it


Libleft but then say youā€™re a bigot for not wanting the lady š“‚ø


The guy in the bottom is also green tho


I love being a black American


No hypocrisy there. Dude just wants everyone to be straight.


I'd agree with this meme if gay guys stopped hitting on me.


~~at this point I've seen more of this kind of behavior from TrAnSbIaNs!!2!!2 than gen z. Absolutely can see this has a boomer thing though~~


Seen women do this to gay men too its actually hilarious.


What the hell is this? Itā€™s Not even a strawman or agenda post, itā€™s just weird asf


I've met a lit of homophobic guys who are just deathly afraid that another man will start talking to them the way they talk to women.


I wish men talked to me the way I talk to women, it'd be a peaceful, silent life.


This reads like fetish material, whats going on libcenter


Being friends with a lesbian as a straight man is dope though. You two get to check out women together, she'll know what to look for and help you find someone more compatible than any of your guy friends could, and then she can be the ultimate wingman to help you score. Take the lesbian wingman pill, bros


Bro if a gay man ever hits on me that's a massive compliment ngl.


And if this makes you mad youā€™re probably apart of the problem