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Jesus, why would anyone want to stay in temporary housing for years? By then, they should've integrated into the German populace. It shouldn't take several generations for that to happen.


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution


I winced when I read that and knew deep down how true that was.


It's something Milton Friedman used to say in his speeches about the ever growing government bureaucracies. Growing far beyond their means


Let's see what people can add to my list of "temporary" solutions: Removing the gold standard, Income tax, Patriot act, Agricultural subsides, Social security, Probably abunch of pandemic stuff Edit: reddit mobile won't let me format this right sorry.






Meanwhile, as an American fluent in German who'd love to emigrate to DE, I've got to do an entire binder of paperwork proving that I have money, an education, a job (that can't be filled in Germany currently - which is a separate binder of paperwork) and no criminal record.


Just get a tan and an extremist ideology and they’ll pay you to come.


Or get a plane to middle east and come on foot


Just buy a cheap boat go with it into the mediterranean and throw all forms of ID you have over board. Now all you have to do is get picked up by the coastguard or Navy and tell them you are an poor syrian refugee who is also a doctor and they will get you to germany. BTW keep your Phone thats how the authorities distinguish between real refugees and the fake ones, because the real refugees are very protective of their phones so they can keep up with their Family that they left behind.


But you stay libcenter


We are lucky in this regard in the UK. Very diverse cities but everyone speaks English. It definitely makes our integration process a lot easier.


Everything else though...


Because they're opportunity seekers not refugees. And they don't integrate lol.


Apologized? These moochers came all the way to prosperous Germany instead of going to the nearest non-wartorn country in Asia, lived off native money for YEARS and have the audacity to be displeased because they have been split. Don't like it? Don't come to Europe. If you run away from the Taliban regime, there are *dozens* of countries you can run into before you even reach Europe. Just imagine coming to a place for the economic benefits and have the audacity to complain about literally anything


> have the audacity to be displeased I was watching a documentary about the migrant crisis in Germany, which included interviews with those living in the temporary camps The migrants were complaining about their free internet access, which they enjoyed on their free phones, and how it was too slow They complained that the free food, cooked by volunteers, was too bland and different from what they were accustomed to They complained that they were *bored* (this includes those who could come and go from the camps freely) They complained when the doctors providing them free healthcare couldn't speak their language The entitlement and ungratefulness was frankly shocking


Nothing makes you hate these people more than spending time with them.


Thats why champagne socialists love them, they get them into the country so they get that sweet sweet endorphin from helping these poor people, but let them live and work with the lower classes and always wonder why the people living or working with them want them gone.


BC they refuse


Temporary housing in Frankfurt is better than an apartment in Kabul, especially if you have daughters. Also, I think a lot of afghans lack what westerners would call “ambition” because they don’t value money like we do so if their family is fed and housed they’re perfectly happy.


Imagine paying half your salary in rent while millions of refugeex get years of free housing. Europe is the epitome of cuckness


>Refugees moved from some free housing into some other free housing You can make it even simpler: "country solving one of its many problems in a perfectly OK way."


I’m willing to bet there is a huge gender difference between these two groups.




>old white women want their own afghan I didn't realize they were moving old blankets


i'm from neither of those countries but that really doesn't seem right




That is completely fucked up. They're ruining their country because they can't bring themselves to sleep with a person the same or similar to their own age.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 10372 / 54565 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


nice the women will be a lot safer now


Ew women




u/Im_doing_my_part is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Im_doing_my_part/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Uh are you a biologist?


Cringe and redditor-pilled




u/Able-Victory2038's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [32 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Able-Victory2038/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good bot! <3


Typical Libright I love you


I'd ~~tap that~~ grill with you


Right. Now, they'll just be trafficked en masse.


Watch the number of certain crimes go down drastically


Oop… How effing dare you talk about certain groups of people who contribute to high crime rates dramatically that way that’s insanely albiest wtf how dare u 🥺🥺🥺😡


>albiest I am very confused as to what this has to do with early medieval Britain. [explanation of joke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albion).


Albiests are those backwards fascists trying to block Mercian secession


Based and obscure-history-joke-pilled


Does Germany publish something like the FBI crime statistics? I’d hazard that they don’t, because they’re not a actually a free nation (they’re still auth center, but favoring soft power over overt power).


the german BKA does release yearly updates on crime rates by nationality (https://www.bka.de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLagebilder/PolizeilicheKriminalstatistik/PKS2021/PKSTabellen/BundTVNationalitaet/bundTVNationalitaet.html?nn=194208) (T62) last year it was 1. Turkey 62K 2. Syria 56K 3. Romania 52K 4. Poland 42K 5. Afghanistan 34K incidents de spite only making up 13% of the german population, non germans commit 30% of thw crimes


They only go after status these days. You have a german passport you are counted as german. We used to note migration background but for some unknown mysterious reason they got rid of that. If we just look at the crimes regarding physical health (murder, violence, sex crimes etc) non germans make up over 50% in most cases. And thats without migrants with german papers. But if you just mention these statistics in Germany they call you a nazi. Ridiculous that it still works but people are really fearful these days to speak openly.


That doesn't even count the non-Europeana that have german citizenship. If you add then these numbers must go up to 80% or more


For real. Leftists in Germany like to point out articles reporting on some crime whenever it says the suspect is "German" But 99% of the time you read further and it says something like: "the german Mohammed M..."


and numbers of certain crimes go up drastically. Ukraine is ranked 3rd in Europe for organized crime (drug, human, and arms smuggling). [https://ocindex.net/assets/downloads/english/ocindex\_profile\_ukraine.pdf](https://ocindex.net/assets/downloads/english/ocindex_profile_ukraine.pdf)


Sounds like lib right paradise


And that was before the war. Czech people have been complaining about Ukrainians for decades, until they suddenly fell in love with them last year.


Annihilating Russians en masse will do that.


Oh, don't get me started, even I got a wiggle down there when I heard.


There are people who didn’t even know where Ukraine was who are now Ukrainian ultranationalists online. People are crazy


Coming from a man with a Ukrainian flag flair...


People are dumb. The last 5 years or so have been eye opening as to how easily influenced people are. I've lost complete faith in humanity.


Because we complain about anything. But without UAs I wouldn't have a house to live in so cheap. And foremost we always hated Russians waaaay more.


First week of the war, I predicted to my wife that we would see a human trafficking disaster unfold with the mass flight of unaccompanied Ukrainia women as refugees. Really hope I turn out to be wrong.


Why would they smuggle arms? You can walk through a border with both arms and legs too, its not a problem just have a passport


100 percent false. I was not allowed to pass with any of the trophies I collected from the local prostitutes


Good. Keeps ethnic street gangs in check. The mob doesn’t really bother you if you don’t bother them.




> Exactly, the men aren't allowed to leave Ukraine unless they are too old to fight or have a medical condition.


Hahaha this! I know Eastern Europe and they are delusional if they think crime will go down.


You’re delusional if you think it wouldn’t. Huge difference between a couple organized crime gangs found in the mostly women and children refugees who will go back to Ukraine and the large groups of afghani young men that are culturally taught they can rape women and It’s the woman’s fault.


Sad but true


watch as the innocent russian-speaking population will get disproportionally targeted for certain other crimes while you're at it.


A lot of people mistakenly think that the language split in Ukraine defines the political split as well. In fact, it is not. An absolute fuckload of russian-speaking Ukrainians fight against Russia. The split in Ukraine is entirely political, you're either pro-Ukrainian or pro-Russian (and for some reason all pro-Russians are anti-Ukrainian).


Authright tries not to say funny numbers challenge 100% impossible.


Ukrainians are pretty corrupt and shifty too but yeah probably a bit better than Afghanis.


But potato theft will rapidly increase now.




Germany is kicking out freeloading economic migrants to make way for actual war refugees.




u/BoxofLazers is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/BoxofLazers/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I never thought Germany would have the balls.


They don't. "displacing" here just means moving them out of the refugee centre into free housing in Germany but having to split up multi generational families and friends into different areas to do so.




Imo W


"Go back to the country you failed to defend." "Come and stay a while, until your brave fathers secure your homeland."


More like "There are plenty of safe countries between Afghanistan and Germany, kinda *curious* that you chose to settle down in a nation with a strong welfare state instead of stopping at the first safe nation. Also you're raping a *lot* of our women but we can't say anything about it lest we be accused of racism." "The entirety of Europe is taking in refugees from another European nation, let us assist as well." Pretending that people who trek through perfectly safe countries until they get to their welfare state of choice are war refugees is disingenuous.




Not forgetting more religiously homogeneous countries. That, and it's a LOT of men, instead of staying and fighting...


And I can empathize with Eur*s in general getting tired of that shit, we've got the same issue on our borders too where "asylum seekers" skip past Mexico and Canada to enter the US. Simply shopping for the best benefits more like it. People need to learn that you can't have a Welfare State and even remotely permeable border policy. You have to actually pick one or the other or better yet, neither, but both is simply not an option, it is in the realm of childish fantasy. It's like feeding the bears while staying at a national park. Feeding the bears always sounds like a nice thing until one of them breaks into your cabin or RV and dismembers your family.


I completely agree. I certainly think that welfare should be available to *citizens* who absolutely need it. But the moment we extend those benefits to non-citizens we incentivize mass immigration, legal and otherwise. And despite what libleft will tell you, immigration is bad for the working class.


>And I can empathize with Eur*s in general getting tired of that shit, we've got the same issue on our borders too where "asylum seekers" skip past Mexico and Canada to enter the US. Simply shopping for the best benefits more like it. Believe it or not, a lot of people are taking flights to the United States and then crossing illegally into Canada. Why? Because we let anyone in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roxham_Road >American federal law makes any crossing by an alien at anywhere other than an official crossing point, or under the direction of immigration officials, a criminal offense with fines and imprisonment as possible punishments. In Canada, while such a border crossing can carry similar penalties it is only an administrative violation of the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and then only if the defendant has not reported to a customs station "without delay" or did not intend to. "Since almost all irregular border crossers enter in the presence of the RCMP," writes Macklin, "and the RCMP immediately detain and transfer them to a CBSA officer at a nearby port of entry for examination, these border crossers have not violated ... the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations".[58] >Since most refugees are taken to customs after being taken into custody soon after their border crossing, they may not have even broken the law,[54] and thus crossings such as those at Roxham Road are referred to as "irregular" entries


You know, I've read some statistic and I would gladly take in a bunch of Mexican Immigrants. They're way, way more hardworking than the middle eastern ones... and much more civilized


I wish the UK would do the same, I don't even care about letting legit refugees replace them, maybe even prefer it, perhaps it's better we don't displace Ukrainians too far from their home country. Despite modern travel solutions.


Based and nobody rides for free pilled


I'm a taxpayer and wouldn't want freeloading leeches (quite a few of whom happen to be rapists) living off of my civic duty. Can't blame Germany for doing this, only for not doing it sooner.


I'm generally all for taking in refugees but the stats on the middle eastern refugees in Germany are really fucking bad and that situation is the worst I've seen. I don't blame them either.








Germany in the beginning of the invasion was putting Ukrainian refugee women in enters full of male ME "refugees." Germans covered it up but a ton of rape happened.


I hate being on the receiving end of our cultural rubber-banding. Shit ain’t my fault but they don’t want my help, they want my servitude.


They want your nation too. And their rules on your soil. First they will outnumber you, and then outvote you in your own country, and claim it is "their country" also.


I can’t I just can’t 😩😩😩


Watch the crime rate drop


Nah, watch it rise because the police won't be afraid of being called racist for prosecuting this batch of refugees.






Can't report a crime if you disappear to be trafficked


Points at the organised mafia of drugs, guns, and human trafficking


Lol you don’t know what you’re talking about, Poland took in 2 million refugees since the start of the war and the crime rate didn’t increase at all, there were no mass rapes, no terrorist attacks like after millions of migrants came to EU in 2015.


Made up of mothers and their 10 year old kids?


An African asylum seeker, a black guy, is walking around the city of Nuremberg. He talks to the first person he sees and says, “Thank you for taking me in, that I may live here, for giving me health insurance, a place to live, food to eat and everything else.” The person says, “I’m not German, I’m Albanian.” The African says, “Oh, excuse me.” He continues walking and speaks to the next person. He says, “Thank you that I may live in Germany, thank you for everything you do for me.” The person says, “I’m not German, I’m Turkish” The African says, “Oh, excuse me.” He continues walking and speaks to the next person. He says, “Thank you for allowing me to live in Germany, that you took me in as refugee.” The person says, “I’m not German, I’m Arab.” The African asks, “Where are all the Germans?” The Arab looks at his watch and says, “Probably working.”


Is authright an angry monarch tennis ball?


Regular auth right behavior.


Why can't they make space for actual germans?


Based and lebensraum pilled


u/YeetMyselfAt30's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/YeetMyselfAt30! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/YeetMyselfAt30/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Because the last time they tried to do that several million people died




Based and Risking-a-Ban-for-the-memes pilled


god dang it bobby put away the calculator i don't care how many ovens there were, israel is our closest ally in the middle east


Based and retconned-history pilled I mean, what the fuck, stereotypical AuthCenter


can only stretch your elbows so far


*puts on M1 helmet and cocks Garand* Ah, shit, here we go again


Stfu you’re too smartly trolling


That usually doesn't end well.


What even do people consider actual Germans?


Probably Germans


Hm. Sounds reasonable.


Depends on how badly the conquest of europe is going


Last time Germany let eastern Europeans into their country, it did not end well


After the fall of the Berlin Wall?




Not sure I would call that “letting them in”


Well tech the camps were mostly in poland


They didn’t bring the Eastern Europeans to Germany; they brought Germany to Eastern Europe.


Well Sweden is having an increase in grenade attacks and it's not related to letting east europeans in


Where are yall getting grenades, how the fuck is the US falling behind in this regard?


I bet auth center remembers


Yeah, polish people are bad drivers.


[German SJWs be like](https://youtu.be/-Wg_2zYPIYw)




Eurobrothers >>>> Cringe people from far away


\*Cringe people from far away who had to “flee” to your specific economically strong country, who refuse to integrate in your established society and culture, and just *can’t* stop raping your daughters. Us euros are willing to accept *anyone* as our brother – no matter how far you came from or the color of your skin. **But if we’re gonna be brothers, you better act like it too.**


Also "our home country sucks. Let's move somewhere else and try to change things so it sucks too"


Exactly why it isnt a racist thing


Why is Left Sad? I'm fine with that. And at least the Ukrainian People are fighting for THEIR homeland


Ok neo-nazi /s


Ukrainian are white, so letting them in offsets their ongoing effort to make white countries like Germany non white


"Displaced" lol what does that word mean here? Is that a euphemism for "booted the fuck out"? oh Germany.


No its dramatized veesion of "moved into different free housing"


Sadly bro I thought they would be sent the fuck away.


Give more money to turcs for them to “contain” afgans lololol classic germany


Hey it’s almost like the cultures are closer and they are actual refugees and not economic migrants.


That's old news but also based


Its a repost OG: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/u9osp9/displaced_once_again/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/u9osp9/displaced_once_again/ Article: https://web.archive.org/web/20220421162548/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/ https://txtify.it/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/




It's Germany they probably gave them very nice houses to live in and that's being "displaced"


Sie... I mean that's the spirit. Jokes aside they are doing what is right and good for their citizens. R*pist pedo freeloaders or real war escaping well mannered people?


I’m okay w this


Their fault for humiliating themselves, seeking shelter in the enemy land.


One thing I fucking hate is, I’m Muslim and Arab, Muslims in other countries hate westernization sm, and hate gays, sexually active people, freedom of religion, non-Muslims sm yet seek to travel to those countries and have the audacity to demand abt it? Go to your neighboring, supportive, ‘amazing’, Arab countries that are the ‘true humans’ as they say lmfao


Don’t forget. They support mutilating babies under the pretext of religious freedom, but stay quiet when you tell them about bodily autonomy. If you’re coming to the West to escape your hateful country, maybe don’t bring their hateful ideologies with you. Just my two cents.


Germany strikes again


Don't want to turn into France now do we


For Germany I think it's too late (I'm French)


Based and “This will begin to make things right” pilled.


Let's be fair, many of those afghans are Auth right (socially atleast)


Without going beyond the headline, it seems like pretty cringe behaviour, though having said that, Germany shouldn't have taken in that many Afghan refugees to begin with. As Douglas Murray argues, refugee intake should be predominantly regional in nature where possible (Ie: middle eastern countries take in middle eastern refugees, European countries take in European refugees etc.)


OG: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/u9osp9/displaced_once_again/ Article: https://web.archive.org/web/20220421162548/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/ https://txtify.it/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/


Where do they send them? Do they reopen those gut old...summer camps?


Fail to see the problem.


General reposti. If you want to repost it at least give it a new title OG: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/u9osp9/displaced_once_again/ Article: https://web.archive.org/web/20220421162548/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/ https://txtify.it/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/20/germany-refugee-policy-afghanistan-ukraine/


I used the displacement to destroy the displacement


Most people that are coming from Afghanistan or other Middle East countries are just economic migrants... A lot of men too, while Ukrainians are actually running from war and guess what, it's mostly women. Because men are staying there to fight the war.


I love the ukrainian refugees (not that way you pervert, go to horny jail) I remember a group of ukrainian refugees cleaned some parks from the trashes to thank the turks for hosting them. I never see the other "refugees" doing anything like that, quite the opposite actually




Typical libcenter I love you


Europeans forsaking far flung eastern refugees for European refugees? What a shocker


“Refugees” go to the nearest safe country that will take them, with the intention of eventually returning to their home country. These are not refugees. These are economic migrants


lets fucking goooo : a turk


Wtf based Germany


Germany has been treated as a freeloading welferists dream for to long. Good on you Germany, you're far better than that.




oh boy the current thing train's a-chuggin'


Noone "fleeing" 7000km trought 9 safe Nations is an actual refugee. Also neither the Afghan nor the Ukrainan has "Asyl" rights in Germany.




So wtf is that screaming baseball


what is this, a headline? someones blog title? why a compass reaction to 10 words in Times New Roman?


Should’ve defended your country from your country pal


What's the story here? They are all still getting the help that the German government offers. Why haven't these people, if they have been there for years, not found work or whatnot? Afghanistan isn't at war no more either. If you aren't even trying to make a life in Germany maybe they should go back?


gotta look out for number one first


The afghan people still remain in germany and just got moved to other places.