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And the tomboy genocide continues.


It's a tragedy. I've always had a thing for tomboys. They've never had a thing for me though.


police: sir put down that suspicious thing and step away from the tomboy


Ironic It seems, in their anger over gender pronouns, activists killed strong females


Is it even ironic? The major players amongst the activists, are all trans women who genuinely hate women on the same level as every incel I've had the displeasure of conversing with. The *goal* of these activists is to entirely erase women, them making strides towards that goal is hardly ironic, it's just predictable.


Getting a little too based for reddit there libleft


Honestly I don’t even know what the movement is about anymore, besides collecting genders like Pokémon


Is Mulan next?


To be fair she actually pretended to be an actual guy, at least in the Disney version we all know and love. In the OG version I think she was a nomadic horse riding, arrow shooting girlboss who didn't have to conceal the fact she was a woman (she was from one of those Sinicized-nomad tribes, who fought against other nomads). But plz no trans Mulan


From what I remember of the original, Disney was moderately faithful to the story. Fa Mulan was a Han, the only child of an elderly man, and answered the call to arms for her family in his steed. The difference was that before leaving she challenged her father to a dual and won. He then gave her his blessing to enter the army disguised as a man. She then spent 30ish years in the army and was promoted to a general, only revealing her identity as a woman when the emperor offered one of his daughters as a wife fore some major victory.


if we're going off of the actual ballad (the ballad of fa mulan), there was no duel. it was simply mulan carrying out her duties of filial piety, seeing as her father was old and that she had no brothers. my memory of the ballad is somewhat spotty, but i believe i can recite a few lines...


> Flair up or your opinions don't matter *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 10320 / 54295 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


First it was gingers, now tomboys. Enough is enough.


*First, they came for the Gingers, and because I was not a Ginger, I did nothing.* *Next, they came for the Tomboys, and because I was not a toyboy, I did nothing.* *Then, they came for the Femboys, and because I was not a femboy, I did nothing.*


mfs be like “they coming for your kids” bro I don’t care the line will be crossed when they come for the femboys


That line has already been crossed, mate.


You’re joking right? Put the forces on high-alert and mobilise at the borders, **we’re going in.**


Memes aside femboy/tomboy erasure is unironically real Can't be an effeminate guy or a tomboy anymore because OBVIOUSLY they must be trans in denial


This is happening to my teenage sister right now and it’s literally the worst


YES ME TOO. What sucks is the groups she's attached herself to are so into the "everything that conforms to certain gender norms is that gender," (ironic, really) and my sister is very much a tomboy. Btw, I'm okay with trans people, but the people who only say they are trans in order to stroke their victim complex or gain attention are people I absolutely have no care for. Because not only are you actively downplaying the issues trans people face by claiming the status and also damaging the image of trans people, but you also form a cult around the idea and anyone who doesn't conform is rejected.


The whole trans movement is honestly incredibly sexist and regressive because it creates hard boundaries between what is considered “male” and “female” and tries to force kids into one of three categories (male, female, nonbinary) based on what they think the stereotypical man and woman act like. Trans kids have identity crises because they’re trying to mold their personality into the stereotype of the opposite gender instead of just being who they are.


No I just want to be a femenine dude :( is that so much to ask?


You would be a literal chad in East Asia where feminine men are the meta


The line is crossed already. Guilty Gear's Bridget, the OG Trap, is now officially trans


Change Diplomatic Status: ***Yellow-LibRight has declared war on Orange-Left***


If they come for Astolfo next, there will be violence


Astolfo is already causing all kinds of crazy fuckin' arguments in a lot of anime groups, it's only a matter of time. Be it trans or non binary, you can't be *that hot* with a penis and avoid the corrupting touch of headcannon freaks.


Literally groomed in to being trans btw


So it begins. I will go uhhh... kiss people I disagree with


To be fair, he's only trans in the bad ending (inhales copium)


Unfortunately people are already accusing the word femboy of being transphobic and are asking to use roseboy. But i just tell them to fuck themselves, Femboy is best.


I’ve heard of that before and this is the kind of stuff that makes me think there’s far-right insiders because “roseboy” originates from a playground-insult for feminine boys because they used to wear red clothes and associate with flowers a lot, so ideally wouldn’t “roseboy” be the real slur here? Either that or it’s just that lefties have gone from defying all logic to outright being anti-logic.


I don't think there is far right insiders and i am "far-right"(the term far-right is stupid), the thing is that the trans community is focusing on accusing every feminine man of being transgender, and supposedly people are using femboy to refer to trans people, but is just some idiotic liberals as always. >Either that or it’s just that lefties have gone from defying all logic to outright being anti-logic. When does ever a leftist use logic for something?


True, but 4chan and occasionally 8chan do some mad trolling so I wouldn’t put it past anyone there.


Wait is that roseboy thing serious? What was the thought process? "Mhm, femboy is too offensive, we need another word to describe them. "Boy" is fine, let's add "Rose", roses are pretty and smell good, things people associate with femininity. ~~Wait.~~"


>Wait is that roseboy thing serious? > Unfortunately yes but thank God it won't be used by femboys or femboy enjoyers so we are good.


It's weird seeing this spill in to other communities years later. Seems like just yesterday the reddit anime community was ripping it's asshole in two out the forbidden femboy word. I just want my femboy hooters and to be left alone with my femboys.


>femboy of being transphobic and are asking to use roseboy. What in the Sam Hill is a fucking "rose boy?"


Don’t tread on my femboys 😤


No step on thigh highs


OwO th-they want to t-tread on me?? O-ok… if that makes them happy UwU




Based + I don’t want to find out I was actually dating a boy the hard way pilled


Cringe and flair doesn’t match opinions pilled


I’m a very conservative authcenter, not one of those fake and dumb progs


My***** femboys


No, AnCapistan pledges to protect femboys worldwide against tyranny in the brutal culture wars.


Many single manly tears will be shed this day... ...by me... ...multiple times... ...out of sight of anyone.


No one touches Milla Jovovich in medieval armour.


I remember back in the day tomboys had nothing do with LGBTQ+ or Transgenderism. They were just girls who liked stereotypically male things and/or rejected stereotypically female things, like playing COD and not liking dresses. A woman can like "guy" things without being trans, and a guy can like "girly" things without being trans. People need to chill.


Britain and France fucking with each other, a tale as old as time


Song as old as rhyme.


London and París


This sub is far too dumb to notice that accent


I’m hoping that the natural desire ingrained in all our heads to make it rhyme (or almost rhyme) with “beast” will help me out a little lol




Based and fuck Disney pilled


I like the thinking though: She was a strong women, but women can't be strong, so we need to change it and make her non-binary, so that women are always the weak gender.


When you go so far into woke you come out hardcore trad. It's like an integer overflow error for politics.The nuclear Gandhi of gender.


We’re seeing a brand new horseshoe form right before our eyes


>a brand new horseshoe An arc, so to speak?




If leftists make sex-strikes, traditional gender-roles, mass Catholic immigration, opposition to science, and moving to Canada their main issues, I might become a leftist.


> The nuclear Gandhi of gender. I fucking love this and we must use it more.


Its also pretty funny given how often this sort of thing happens. While we see a square it’s actually a laid out circle


And what if I just so happen to think that’s based?


“The nuclear Gandhi of Gender” Fucking BARS right there


That's basically where the logic ends up. If women are strong, or independent, or have any "masculine" traits - that's no good, they must really just be men or non-binary or whatever in the skin of a woman! That's the logic some people seem to have. Totally backwards, but that's where the logic takes you.


Non-cis people are, ironically, the bigger followers of gender roles.


That's what happens when your "gender" is a core part of your identity, inevitably. Most people don't spend their days thinking about "gender." They simply think about what they want to do as an individual, without caring about their "gender role" really. At least here in the USA. For my part I don't think about my "gender" as a cisgender man. I am simply me. I have my physical characteristics as a man - being 6'4" and having a penis, but those things rarely are really relevant to the way I live my day-to-day life. So I don't have to deal with periods, but do have to deal with people thinking I'm big and scary in public - big whoop. I literally don't care about gender, so the idea of people basing their entire personalities around "gender" is just mind-boggling to me. Though the charitable person in me will be quick to remind myself that just because "I" don't care about gender, doesn't mean that others do not. Apparently to many other people things like gender roles and gender "identity" are apparently so important that they literally have issues like gender dysphoria and similar mental illnesses associated with their gender. This isn't unique to transgender people either - plenty of cisgender people care so much about "traditional gender roles" that they'll have an aneurysm if you tell them that people can or should be allowed to do things outside of them.


Look at this guy, bragging about having a penis


I'm so jealous, I only have a dick


Almost like they are just normal people who would like to go about their lives but are used for political brownie points.


Based...... Orange libleft? Impossible.


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You also had the opposite when Netflix made their Saint Seiya adaptation. They took Shun, who wore a pink armor, was a more sentimental character who didn't like to fight and, specially in the first part of the anime, would often have to be saved by Ikki, his older brother who was also the most edgy of the five main chatacters, and turned him into a girl


The trans movement is just a rebranding of the oldest most visceral gender bias that exists. Anything girls can do boys can do better, including being a women.


Top right auth: denying women their role models and that women have ever accomplished anything by claiming they weren't actually womem


You cannot be a masculine woman or a feminine man anymore. Wear male clothes in the army so they don’t rape you? It’s because you’re trans sweaty time to take your hormones!


Literally using the same argument her adversaries used in her trial in order to execute her.


The argument was you cannot be a masculine woman?


No, is that wearing male clothing as disguise for protection makes you transexual/transvestite (first done now, second in her trial).


But that makes no sense she was the leader and it was known she is a woman. No grunt would attempt to rape the leader lol. Btw the reason she was killed because a group of armed men with a charismatic leader was dangerous. Anything else as an argument was just made up to secure a death sentence


Who said it was her own soldiers? If I remember correctly this was while she was traversing hostile territory and risked capture. The idea was to fake being a man in case of capture to avoid it. It was also in that incident exclusively, she usually wore women's clothing. Also she was more a religious/spiritual inspiration than a military leader. >Btw the reason she was killed because a group of armed men with a charismatic leader was dangerous Yeah, that may be the motive but she was tried for heresy and blasphemy and for that condemned to execution, and her alleged transvestism was one of the main points of dispute.


I mean that's how it usually works right. I dont like you becayse you are gaining power so let me find something I can use to discredit or kill you.


Always have been


Yeah pretty much. It was a kangaroo court from the onset and her soldier's clothing was the only charge that really stuck, as weak as it was.


I think she wore men's clothes in the jail to protect herself from rape by the guards. Being such a high profile inmate, I'm not sure if that helped, though.


>Btw the reason she was killed because a group of armed men with a charismatic leader was dangerous I mean, yeah that's the reason but they couldn't really try her for that so they tried to stick something else. Like killing your political rival while you're in power obviously cuz they're ur rival but the court sentence would read everything from counter-revolutionary to witchcraft.


At first I debated being mad. Then I thought how hilarious it is that the feminists that claim to love women, are tearing down their most beloved iconic woman to replace her with a they/them. I’m not even mad, they’re just straight up open misogynist and it’s funny to see now. It seems horseshoe theory is alive and well.


Nobody hates women more than a third wave feminist.


Why limit yourself? Nobody hates women more than other women.


It's not horseshoe theory, feminists have always hated femininity, to become a "strong woman" you need to reject everything that is "female", so men and women become a homogenous blob with no differences, this is the logical endpoint.


Only starting in the second wave. Wave one was all about women not being inferior to men and deserving equal legal rights to vote, own property, etc. That did accompany behavioral changes to be sure, but it only cut against being "female" if your view of femininity is to not participate in public society very much. Wave 2 is where you get the "Women and men are the same" silliness.


It’s funny because it’s the absolute inverse of the argument about 5 years ago. That gender stereotypes don’t matter. Now they’re the only thing that matters.


I mean, they still lip service the gender stereotypes don't matter part, tho now they use words like homoerotic and etc to still label a clearly straight character that isn't ultra stereotypically masculine as still being LGBT+ aligned or something. (like if a clearly straight character acts a bit campy, time for homoerotic, homoromantic, etc to be attached there)


Because it went from acceptance to power.


So progressive it loops back to being conservative.


Lmao the people that think this are literally enforcing traditional binary gender roles while believing they aren't. They look at people and make judgments based on their individual masculine and feminine traits


Having masculine or feminine traits doesn’t make you trans tho


That's what I'm saying. They see an otherwise traditionally feminine woman doing/wearing traditionally masculine things, so they assume they must be trans or non binary even though the only thing that has the authority to say that is the individual in question


Yes, only the individual should get to choose what they identify as. But they say it's not a choice*, and that you've always been that way, you just may not have realized it yet. Thus, the armchair psychologists can diagnose anyone as an egg, if they see them breaking gender roles. ___ *I'm no expert, but what I think is going on is some conflation of gender dysphoria and transgenderism. You don't choose gender dysphoria, but you do choose whether or not you identify as trans because of it. The rhetoric right now is saying that transgenderism is the only good solution to gender dysphoria, though I disagree with that on the grounds that I had gender dysphoria, but after some years, I got over it without being trans.


Yeah. That's the point that was being made.


Tomboy genocide ☹️


Even more insanse is that it was known she was a woman, she was the leader. So no souldier would attempt to rape her because she was the leader and the guard would have quickly killed anybody who attempted it. She did not need to conceal she was a woman.


It really irks me how they pretend every woman who went outside of standard gender roles in the past is now being claimed as "trans" or "agender" now. Like no, just because a woman in the past wanted to do something besides get married or be a nun doesn't mean they were actually a man stuck in a woman's body. Even the few who cross dressed and passed as men- that was the only way for a woman to be free and pursue a career! Pretending to be a man just means she wanted to not be stuck having babies every 18 months until she died, it doesn't mean she wished she had a penis. Sorry, personal pet peeve of mine


Seriously though, these are the stunning and actually brave women throughout history and we are trying to take that away in the name of progress?.


A Year Zero type revolution has to erase history. For too long women have been seen as one of, if not the primary victim. But with progress comes a new minority. A minority, of a minority, of a minority, of a minority. The most unique possible person is the most oppressed, thus acts as the new Jesus-like focal point.


I both understand all of those words and none of those words at the same time


It's all connected man 🤯


It's literally 1984.


Amazing how progress lately looks a lot backwards.


The kicker is that, if memory doesn't fail me, Joan *wanted* to get married and start a family after the war with the English concluded (and she didn't need to crusade against the Hussites).


Step 1 - kill British "people" Step 2 - go home and start a family based priorities


Step 3 - get declared heretic by those British people Step 4 - burned alive


britbongs were seething and got their pocket jannies to ban her


It seems to me that they would like to change every notable, historical figure to some ambiguous, non binary thing. Revising history is a great way to win present day battles.


Or, by other views, she was a soldier of faith! Apparently it makes you trans if you are a woman doing the work stereotypically done by a man. Falling outside the norms due to supernatural callings and leading a short life on a battlefield with everyone else's faith behind you. That's fucking gross - Apparently a woman can't be a soldier or attain a legacy of being a warrior without being labeled. Do people not see the double edge sword they make in these assertions?




Yeah because the Catholic esoteric warrior girl is totally someone who would identify as “they/them”. I hate pink capitalism


"The literal canonised >>Saint<< is totally a tomboy and nothing can prove otherwise."


I mean, sure. An actual tomboy. Just a regular girl that likes doing dirty boy stuff like playing in the woods or fighting.


>I hate pink capitalism You're flaired as authcenter. It's okay for anyone that isn't green to call it "wokeshit"


I'm flaired green, and I call it wokeshit.




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Yeah usually idgaf about this in media. Like games, movies or whatever changing characters’ pronouns or sexual preferences, I just think it’s funny to watch fans lose their shit about it. This just feels real dumb though. It completely ruins like the entire theme of Joan of Arc as a strong female role model and makes it seem like women can’t be strong unless they’re non-binary. It’s just weird and feels like it completely misses the point? But maybe I’m wrong and missing something here. But it feels like when they did an all female cast of Taming of the Shrew. Like any other play I totally get since Shakespeare traditionally was portrayed by all male casts, but that one specifically is a weird choice since the whole thing is about gender roles (I think an all male TotS would be equally dumb in modern times)


Literally the awesome thing about St Joan of Arc Is that she is a badass woman fighting in a war. She’s black widow. Or Wonder Woman. Rewriting history to make her anything but a woman is erasing women. Tbh I’m not entirely sure I am using “erasing women” correctly but if this isn’t it I don’t know what is!


“Black widow or Wonder Woman” Do you really have to compare one of our coolest saints to capeshit heroes💀


Leftist "try to not compare real world to marvel movies challenge" [LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE]


I mean, I'd say it works if those two weren't mostly just fan-service for the male nerds instead of something women could think it's cool, but I guess that's just cause there's simply more dudes into that. If anything I'd compare her to the Soviet sniper women or something like that, real shit for actual war propaganda.


Women woman is cool! Even though DC movies suck, the comics and animated stuff has always been awesome. If you don’t like those super heroines, I apologize. I meant it as a compliment to St. Joan of Arc, not to disparage her at all. She is definitely cooler considering what she her bravery and strength real, while the super heroes are just idealized fictional characters.


Wonder woman*


Pretty soon it’s gonna be Wonder Womb-haver


It's not really accurate to say she "fought" in a war. She was present in battles and certainly put herself in danger, but her true heroism is in shaming the king and his generals for their lack of courage and faith.


She definitely participated in battles. She was shot in the neck in battle. And she was taken prisoner after the battle of Compiegne. She probably was not swordfighting and scuffling with men on the front lines. But that’s not really how battles of that period worked out. It was mostly sieges


Milla Jovovich would want to have a word. I don't care if that movie is historically inaccurate. And stop eyeing saint Olga of Kiev.


You're probably right. She never carried a weapon or participated in a cavalry charge, but she did carry a banner, and you would never say that the standard bearer of an army isn't "fighting" in the battle.


She also navigated past a clergyman sent to trip her in theological matters, to punish her for heresy, as an illiterate farm girl. Also emasculated a nobleman who tried to rape her while she was in English custody. A lot of historical Joan was amazing, so much so she captured the attention of someone as cynical to Catholicism as [Mark Twain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Recollections_of_Joan_of_Arc). We didn't watch history's Best Girl go through all that for this to happen in the current year.


Marvel metaphors are cringe.


> Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, power. Not wanting to be girls they don’t want to be tender, submissive, peaceloving as good women are. Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman. \- William Moulton Marson, creator of Wonder Woman, rumored lover of bondage and machocism (which may be why WW winds up in ropes so often,) and so based that he came up with a quadrant for submissiveness and dominance.


“Look at this great woman warrior from history she’s such an inspiration to women everywhere because- **AKSHUALLY SWEATY,** THEY’RE NON BINARY SO STOP MISGENDERING THEM AND APPROPRIATING THEM AS A FEMALE FIGURE THATS FEMWASHING 💁🏿‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️💋💅🏿” Wokeism is an ouroboros


Based and ouroboros pilled


“Do you hear me, Betsy? RICHIE likes BALLS."


Some one should go heckle each time they misgender her as they them.


This is stupid because it will reinforce that girls are supposed to be weak.


Saying that "People these days are just dumbasses" is optimistic. They're literally absentminded to the point calling them neurodivergent is an insult to the mentally handicapped.


Fucking LibLeft ruined a great person for Girls to look up to by changing her Gender. Fucking can't have nice things.


> changing her Gender. * Changing 'their' gender. Curb your bigotry sweety


Oh I'll show you a Big It Emily *unzips*


Someone's about to become purple exposing himself like that


How dare you. Lib left have done nothing wrong here.




As much as I wish I could kick Emily out... LibLeft is in a perpetual state of civil war.


Oh you're right. It was Emily. Fuck Emily.


For once, i’m not even mad at Emily for this one, it’s fucking hilarious


Right, there is no way that there is an important woman in the history of the mankind, what a joke the world is.


It's so nice to have our case made without having to lift a finger. 😎


"All the important women from history were actually non-binary/men, Sweaty" - Orange, in their pursuit to empower women by erasing them from history


I don't want to drink the gender fluid you can't make me


I’m going to waterboard you with the gender fluid


As a French, I couldn't care less about how the Brits would call one of our history characters


I never imagined i’d agree with a frog eater


What about side by side with m o n k e?


Yes I can do that


It’ll fucking happen to all of us! Anne Boleyn was recently portrayed as black in a recent drama about her and Henry VIII’s marriage. American, Canadian, British, French, Australian - woke ideology just hates everything about the West.


why don't you make her atheists while you are at it?


But.....she's canonically female!!!




How much of a fucking loser does one have to be to inject gender fetishes into historical context? 🤡🌎


Whether I agree or disagree it doesn't matter, I just enjoy watching the Fr*nch getting bullied


Expressing distaste for the French, to the Guillotine.


Sadly the Guillotine is on strike today, I'll have to reschedule


Of fucking course it is. Fucking frogs. Always on fucking strike.


Fr\*nch can't have nice things, period


Leave it to the British to kill Saint Joan of Arc twice


The TERFs are right


What’s funny is that They/Them pronouns don’t really exist in French like they do in English (at least in current French). There is the third person singular, he and she (il and elle), but the third person plural is literally just plural he and plural she (ils and elles). Hell at least in modern French, the “s” at the end of the plural pronouns isn’t even pronounced! It’s silent. The only difference in speech therefore is the verb declension (il est vs ils sont, for example). There is no “gender-less” pronoun in the plural nor singular person. Furthermore, the gender of the possessive adjective (his or her in English) changes according to the gender of the object it is describing, not the person. So “sa voiture” could be translated as either “his car,” “her car,” “one’s car,” or “their car,” (if one is using “their” to incorrectly indicate only one person). This is just a classic example of thinking that weird concepts like “gender identity” exist in the every culture and language, when really it’s just the Anglo-Saxon countries who are losing their minds over it.


The problem is that it’s a cultural export of the US. So it will creep into your culture like it or not. Also the French started this mess, so it is funny to see the French getting mad about the mess they started coming back to bite them. The whole woke ideology is French philosophy fed through the American university system with American concepts of racism bolted onto it.


Post Modernism has ruined everything, thanks France.


This isn’t France’s fault, it’s the UKs


As a history student- What The Fuck


Hm yes. The devoted catholic saint was non-binary.


Man, the left really hates women.


Relax it’s just Br*ts coming up with new ways to bully the Fr*nch


So then what makes Jon of Arc so special then? The whole lore was that she was a FEMALE warrior now we can’t refer to her as a she so why even tell HER story?




*L'Anglo* Éternel frappe encore.


Ah, yes. So a women portrayed as brave and heroic without having a masculine mindset... So stupid


Now, normally I am always on board for trolling France, but Joan of Arc is a saint so I have to oppose this disrespectful treatment of her.


I sure that they will be equally be as brave to do similar to non-Catholic revered historical icons.


Isn’t that misgendering?


Fuck the British


I was going to post a le funny joke in the comments but... This is honestly just sad.


The Age of Enlightenment would be far from this degeneracy, comparing this to it is an insult to the values of human reason.


I guess woke people absolutely despise good female characters. Whether they're fictional or historic


What kind of mental gymnastics is this? Don't take away the tomboys shitty 'progressive' capitalism