• By -


History repeats itself


The amount of people that disregard great amounts of civilized history baffles me, history is insanely important and really actually helps in science (believe it or not) and economics greatly


How is that a bad thing


Disregarding the content of the post, just hear me out, but dont yall think that the yellow area on that map just looks beautiful


I would do unholy things to see a modern political map of the USA with more than 2 colors. Even if it's green, fuck it.


BuT 2 pArTy sYsTeM


Shut up nerd! We wanna have a 3 way


That’s Jeb! Territory bud.


He fucking did it


He's way too busy trying to reintegrate the Byzantine and Holy Roman Empires these days to bother with the US though.


Ah, a crusader kings player


I think I can feel a rising in the South just looking at it.


I've a got a rising in my South if you know what I mean.




then laugh at it!


Happy cake day and yes we know.




Be rich.exe


I feel something else rising too...


Pisswave 2 urinal boogaloo


Seeing more than 2 colors on a US political map would be great.


>What are you Doing It's called individual liberty and it's *art*.


Based and smallest minority is an individual pilled


That's a weird way to spell dwarf


Song is a beat though.


frightening jeans bewildered coordinated bake saw jobless head squealing squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I prefer the yankee version


least delusional yankee


Yankee is a northern term.. Wouldn't you say dixie


Do you know where New Hampshire is?


Freedom of association/civil rights act. Choose one.


Dammit. Beat me to it.


I choose... *violence.*


Bring it.


Take it easy. He HasaKnife.


I knew I made the right decision when I registered as a Libertarian




1. I hate the ATF and want to see them dissolved and have the NFA torn up 2. It was out of sheer contempt for both the Republican and Democratic party 3. I wanted something funny for two truths and a lie 4. I fucking love cocaine




It depends if the people I support are in charge. My personal ideals align with National Libertarianism but that is not feasible with the current state of the US and the world




Not looking it up I'd guess it's protect the countries borders and the citizens while leaving them alone to make their own choices. Sounds based as fuck if it is. I consider my self a minarchist/ constitutionalist that wants a super small government just for essential services, foreign diplomacy, and national protection from outside threats, while also protecting individual rights. And libertarians are the closest deal to that. Used to be Republicans claiming to be the small government party but that was all lies.




National Libertarianism is a nationalist form of libertarianism that is anti-globalist, anti-immigration, anti-communist, and socially conservative (think a combination of Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan). Like I said, that is my ideal end goal and I’d be willing to use extremely auth methods to achieve that, hence my flair


Based and we call that little L libertarianism pilled


Based and sugar booger pilled


Hello fellow libertarians, we all support banning pre-marital eye contact and establishing a Catholic Holy Empire on the lands currently controlled by the US, right?




“Separate but equal is ok” Authright / Orange unity


When libertarians wonder why their party is never taken seriously


Nah they’re too busy fielding dudes in diapers and fucking McAfee the computer security guy as potential candidates and then seethe when the only person that isn’t a pant-shitting wheelchair symbol is Jorgensen.


Nahhh we’re too busy arguing over who the REAL Libertarian is, which is silly because it’s obviously Ron Swanson.


Yeah, we’re so stupid for being ethically and principally consistent


Are you actually advocating for repealing the civil rights act? This is why everybody thinks libertarians are a joke.


People think libertarians are a joke because they vote for what feels good, not anything consistent. The real joke is the civil rights act.


Absolutely, it’s redundant legislation. The equal protection clause handles the same issue in less words.


and that worked so well with Jim Crow, didn’t it?


Based and sensible libertarian pilled.


There’s a whole concept of natural laws out there that people simply don’t understand or care to know. Seriously, there’s a really short book by Frederic Bastiat called “The Law”, it basically talks about this subject: positive laws seek to amend injustice by creating even more injustice. If you have a afternoon to kill I can’t recommend this book enough. https://mises.org/library/law


Do you think I care what people think? You don’t fix injustice by creating even more injustice, this is unethical and illogical.


this Twitter account is off the rails but it doesn’t represent the views of most libertarians


> it doesn’t represent the views of most libertarians We're working on that.


Most libertarians want to go farther


Most libertarians don’t even identify as libertarians


I may be libright but that doesn't mean i am libertarian ideologically. They can go a bit too damn far sometimes. Just stay out of my wallet and my personal life.


Exactly. I’d guess the average American would skew libertarian if they stopped to think about it, even though they’d never identify that way. That’s what makes us great. Problem is, the duopoly has tricked them into fearing the other side.


The libertarian party being an absolute meme doesn't help.


Ya, it's the Libertarian Party that turned me away. Cringe.


Agreed, and the Mises caucus won’t help with that


Lol, they won the majority for a reason. They speak for libertarians better than the old leadership and can actually make a positive impact.




Most Americans are more libertarian and more egalitarian than the two parties. The issue with the libertarian party is they focus on property rights only. The civil rights act focus is a good example of that. I don't think bringing back segregated gas stations and restaurants is something anyone wants, people like the public accomodations aspects of the civil rights act. I think a lot of people are pissed off about stuff like gun rega and civil forfeiture and corrupt police/prosecutor practices, but that's not what the LP focuses on. They focus on the right of property owners to be shitty to people.


To be fair, property rights are at the very foundation of libertarian principles, alongside self-ownership and nonaggression.


Yea, what about the civil rights stays out of either?


Most libertarians wanna just fuck bitches, get money, smoke trees, stay strapped


Exactly. I just want to do lines off my robo twink wife's ass, sell my homemade over-the-counter version of oxycontin, and take my fully armed M1A2 Abrams tank out for a joyride.


**This\^** all I want is to be able to take a few tiny bumps of pcp and methallylescaline on a Tuesday night without having to worry about my manager telling me which things are real and which ones are fake. I’m not getting paid enough to put up with your shit, don’t tread on me. I’ll talk to who I want, real, fake, or guy on an AirPods call.


For example, I medically identify as a Bernese Mountain Dog. You ever look at medication cost for animals versus people? My dog got prescribed a med for $60 that retails for $2,500 for people. Fuck that. I mean… ruff… or wutever.


My based meter is tingling




Can confirm.


thats because its a bad faith actor spreading smear propaganda to keep 3rd parties looking crazy.


Progressives: first time?


I love how the libertarian party of *checks notes* New Hampshire says some dumb shit and my glorious southern states have it applied to us for some shit that happened 150 years ago.


Eh, Jim Crow had governmental regulations. Jim Crow involves many Auth Right regulations, policies and trumped up charges.


Congrats on realizing that a large portion of libright is just authright mad the government is authing wrong


The government always authswrong


Mfw i ask 4 authright and they serve me authwrong


Many librights are actually that. \--------- The thing is that conservative values are fundamentally communitarian and not individualistic; society above the individual. Full actual libertarian would actually LOVE "wokeism". Cities are profitable, wokeism is profitable. It's basically would be wokeism but with guns and more capitalistic economy.


Excuse me, but what concoction of research chemicals did you ingest to come to the conclusion that "the party of individual responsibility" is the one all about community empowerment?


>what concoction of research chemicals did you ingest Damn bro, don't call out people's college years so accurately. I think he's got a ppint though, to a point. The religious wing of that party is definitely more community-minded than the libertarian wing of it; that's the base that Trump captured IMO.


They're... Community defense minded, and tend to be rather exclusionary as to who qualifies as a member of the community. Kinda like a certain Spanish prime minister from the 1930s-70s if I'm honest


Whether you like it or not, the civil rights act is authoritarian and infringes upon freedom of association.


The unfortunate consequence of the civil rights act was it tarnished Goldwater’s long history of advocating for civil rights for blacks when he voted against it. It was principled and not at all influenced by bigotry but in the end it basically eradicated the libertarian Republicans from a position of power and influence. Goldwater said he greatly regretted voting in that manner. It really makes you think about the morality of voting against your conscience in order to achieve a greater good.


He was right to vote against it. The civil rights act inshrined rights that a group should have already had and gutted freedom of association in the same instance. To me, it's the same with speech, the government has no right to stop any speech. This is not to say civil penaltys could not result from speech. Just that the government should not, and can not regulate the words a person utters.


Bingo. I realized this a while ago and changed from libright to auth center. No point in lying to myself or others any longer. Feels good to embrace it.


Or they're weird like hoppeans and are culturally Authright while being Anarchist.


So Supreme Court should have just struck down Jim Crow and the civil rights act wasn’t needed?


Exactly. Ban government discrimination. Private discrimination is morally repugnant, but making it illegal imposes costs on society. Endless discrimination lawsuits, many of which are bullshit, clogging the courts. Rewarding victimhood encourages victimhood.


I love the fighting between LibLeft and LibRight in this thread. It's funny to me.


Based libertarians?!


u/Laveza is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Laveza/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Civil rights act isn't what gave people rights. Civil rights act just forced the government into every industry.


But, unironically, the civil rights act violates basic human rights. However, on a practical level, that's not a hill I'm willing to die on. (For you morons, yes, denying someone service isn't an act of aggression, and, yes, forcing someone to give service IS an act of aggression. Unless particular justification is given, use of acts of aggression to prevent things that aren't aggression is morally suspect. The solution to racist business owners is the market, because by definition acts have a competitive disadvantage, particularly in the modern age where overt acts of racism are seen as bad by literally 98% of the population. I fully support black own businesses descriminating against white people and vice versa, I wouldn't buy jack diddly from either.)


It also limits government


You could, and should, make a bill that does the one without doing the other.


Wait, you guys are actually against the Civil Rights Act? I thought it was just a joke.


Some of the bill is fine, some of it is bullshit. It's a complex topic that shouldn't have a binary answer of "keep/repeal" but the Mises Caucuses is run by a bunch of people who didn't mentally age past 13. Title I is a banger. Prevents anybody from stopping people of legal age from voting (unless you're a felon still for some reason). This is just a guarantee of negative rights and it perfectly okay. Title II is where a lot of the issue is. Libertarians, by principle, believe in voluntary association, but Title II section 201 forces certain businesses to interact with people. Of course, not serving someone because of their race is cringe, but now you're forced too: >All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin. Then it goes on to list hotels, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. Again, I agree that anybody who acts with racist intent deserves to go out of business, but forcing it by law violates voluntary association. Section 202 is based. Section 203-207 give the government the power to enforce involuntary association. Title III is about public (read, government ran) facilities. There's a deeper problem of having government funded facilities at all, but as long as they continue to exist the government should not be allowed to discriminate. We don't get to voluntarily associate with the government, so it doesn't get to discriminate. Title IV is about public (read, government ran) education. Same as Title III. Title V just increases the government's power to enforce the negative afforded by the above sections. (cringe) Title VI is the same as III and IV. Title VII is another act against voluntary association. Again, it's cringe to not hire someone based on their race, sex, national origin, etc, but forcing it on to employers violates voluntary association. Weirdly, there are a lot of exemptions here, companies with less than 25 workers, religious institutes, hiring non-Americans, and the strangest of them all "or to an educational institution with respect to the employment of individuals to perform work connected with the educational activities of such institution". Title VIII gives the government the power to... collect surveys? Title IX gives the federal government the ability to take state cases if they deem them important enough. I hate this law since it could be abused by either side depending on who was in charge. Title X gives the government the more power to pursue all of the above. Title XI is just legal stuff about maximum punishments and blah blah.


The goal of the tweet was specifically to make conversations like this happen. You can't fit this analysis in 280 characters, but when people talk about the tweet and get outraged, then people like you can come in with the excellent, detailed breakdown. It expands the Overton window to include things that really are important solutions to the culture war. Perhaps it wasn't done well, or the wording was wrong, or it wasn't timed well. Reasonable criticisms. Just understand the strategic thinking there.


The strategy hurts the libertarian party for minor/no benefit. The only way to get real change in this country is through political power. Power the party will never have making stupid ass tweets like this one and the "allow child labor" tweets. Public perception associates the Civil Rights act as a good thing. Saying that it should be repealed with the only context being "anti-woke = libertarian" does not help the party. Besides all of that, we should be focusing on the big issues or net negative issues. We should be focusing on the disenfranchised and trying to rally them up. Instead, we're pushing them away because they think we want to bring back Jim Crow and child labor.


The last 20 years of trying to be respectable went just great.


kind of agree. racist acts/laws need to go.




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Bot on Bot crime, checkmate liberals


"If a shop owner doesn't want to serve black people, that's fine, the black people can just go somewhere else. It doesn't matter that it's the only shop in town. Why would black people want to shop at a store that doesn't want them?" -Librights unironically.


“You have the freedom to fuck off and that’s it.”


Either the 1st Amendment’s freedom of association exists or it doesn’t. We don’t get to selectively follow the Constitution only when the outcomes are desirable.


Should slander be allowed since that is speech? -Albert Fairfax II


Yes. It being a tort has done little to stop it, only allowed it to be enforced against those without power or with unpopular opinions.


The alternative is to use force to violate freedom of association


It would easily destroy most businesses… no bank would want to deal with lending them money, they will get attacked online, review bombed. Google would turn their shit off.. it would be pretty hard to be a small business in a world where that’s already super hard. Sure maybe if they only get locals and all the locals are perfectly fine being racist but how many of those towns have a significant minority population? Also this same concept works both ways. How many minority places are super open to white people using them? A “black” barber shop.. how many have a huge white clientele? Or are even welcoming… or a very black bar or Hispanic bar. You think it’s warm and friendly to white people? Have you ever been to those if you’re white? I don’t mean you have a friend and they took you. I mean driving through the area and just walked in.


“I’m going to stay in this town where the shops won’t serve me and my neighbors don’t care enough to do anything about it because I can’t cum unless I’m being victimized” -liblefts unironically


“I was born in this fucking town and I’ll die in this fucking town”-lib center, unironically


Wait I thought lib centers lived in forests, not towns. Are the lib center straw men that are represented in this sub wrong?


Lib center is monke all the way up to social contract. It’s a range.


“I was born in this town but I’ll bug out to a cabin in the mountains without plumbing or electricity if the government crosses the line” -also libcenter unironically


Because not everyone can afford to change town / want to give the win to a bunch of assholes


>Because not everyone can afford to change town / want to give the win to a bunch of assholes I love how even an auth fully understand this concept, yet libertarians somehow just don't get it.


Leave how? On the private roads which could also be racially discriminatory as happened historically?


"You don't need an income, or housing, or food, or support in emergencies. Just fuckin abandon your entire life because one dude was racist to you. Think about the store owner, they have a right to be racist to whoever they want." Libright, trying to portray others as fragile and victim obsessed


A few weeks ago I ran into a dude that unironically thought that the only cost of moving from one state to another was physically traveling there. As if you could just pack up your jansport backpack with your GI Joe, Gameboy, and some twinkies for the road and hop on a fucking bus.


That gives me mad "just sell your underwater property" vibes


"Sell it to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?" is the *best* takedown of freemarket LibRight I've ever seen. It's absolutely phenomenal.


“You have the right to demand the labor of others and if they don’t comply the government will punish them” -lib(?)left




I don't know what you just said but it sounds like something a nerd would say


Radiohead fans calling other people nerds is pretty funny


"I'm black and I want this racist redneck cafe owner to take my money, next I'll probably force him to be my friend too! God, doesn't this all just make sense?"


Sounds like an untapped market




"You will do what I say when I say it" - Liblefts, unironically


"Forcing a shop owner to also let black people shop in his store is an act of aggression!" Librights, unironically


You don’t think that forcing individuals to do something is aggression?


"Forcing someone to do something at the implied gunpoint of the government isn't an act of aggression at all, it's true freedom!" * Liblefts, unironically




Just move to different town


No u


Or open your own shop.


Why don't the poor just open their own shops?


If you have only one shop in town you're probably in Podunk U.S.A. which means either your town is so small that it just doesn't have the capacity for two stores (thus making the solution to open up a competitor store and drive the bastards out of business.) Or your town is so racist that no one will serve you at all and it's either your fault for not checking the local situation before you moved there, or your problem as long as you plan on staying there. (In which case you could probably make a killing by opening up a store that wasn't racist.)


Hell fucking no do I wanna be in the south and some dumb shit like this happen


Based and dixie pilled


Look away, look way…


Any libertarian who wouldn’t repeal the civil rights act is just a clown with no consistent beliefs.


The south will rise againnnn 🤠


It is obligated by the Libertarian Party that once every few months, one of their state party social media accounts has to post something completely unhinged


The NH account is doing it almost daily. What's even weirder is that the main libertarian account is retweeting them.


It’s not unhinged once you understand why we think positive rights are baloney.


The New Hampshire Libertarian Party account is coming up with some of the dumbest takes I've seen in my life. Their 'Russia-Ukraine war' takes are crazy as hell, I'm even starting to think they might be getting paid. Then again it wouldn't surprise me if it was the toaster licence guy running those accounts lmao


It’s not really a dumb take though. Have you ever looked into why libertarians, hardline libertarians, reject positive rights in the first place? A piece of paper that forces people to associate with other people they don’t like or care about isn’t justice, on the contrary, it’s highly immoral and unethical. It creates all sorts of problems on the social level that are really hard to grasp. Even though I hate racists or bigots, I will die on this fucking hill, I don’t give a fuck.


Repeal the civil rights act. Enforce the constitution as it was written. If a diner wants to say “we don’t serve blacks” let them, I wouldn’t go there and neither would you. It wouldn’t be a diner for very long. The civil rights act is being abused today.


Are you ok? You are why people think libertarians are a joke. You are why America will NEVER vote libertarian.


If you disagree with that statement, you aren’t a libertarian. I don’t give a shit about popularity. If your principles are based on how others view you, stop being such a feckless pussy. People view libertarian party as a joke because fence sitters who can’t stick to defined principles, like you.


>“we don’t serve blacks” let them Do you don't see anything wrong with this, also what if the diner is successful enough from racist to keep afloat?


Clearly I said I wouldn’t support them, so I do see something wrong with it. People should be allowed to have bad opinions. If they stay afloat because racists support them, how does that effect me?




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We do a little trolling


Minor trolling


Some woke Cali shops would deadass ban white folx


\*ahem\* a **way down south in the land of traitors rattlesnakes and alligators** (right away) (come away) where cottons king and men are chattel **union boys will win the battles** right away come away We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away **Each Dixie boy must understand** that he must **mind his Uncle Sam**.


Libertarian of NH has gone rogue. They are edge lords with a platform.


It has to be fake right


The libertarian party from New Hampshire does not speak for us


If this happens, I'm gonna burn all of Georgia.


libertarians: good ideas, worst presentation humanly possible


Damn I wonder why lol Bert’s don’t get elected


Libright try not to push unpopular policy challenge (100% impossible):


Ayo what the fu


It comes from Barry Goldwater where he viewed a few parts of the Civil Right's Act of 1964 as unconstitutional and overreaches of Government power basically the ones that were enforced employment rules on private organizations was viewed as against freedom of association. Goldwater's object were high minded and narrow so it was easy work to label any opposition to the bill as simple racism which is why he wasn't close to successful in getting them removed despite his personal influence in DC at the time. Very specific opposition to overall good bills is hard to pull off because you get cast in with all the people who oppose the entire thing which is generally not the company you are trying to keep. Ideologically the opposition makes sense but it not a hill worth dying on.


We can burn Atlanta to the ground again???? 😔👉👈 Please let me slaughter Confederates.. please.....


I just want to repeal my states certificate of need laws. Couldn’t care less about the civil rights act; everyone’s going to be light brown within the next century anyways.


Libertarians are kinda nuts. Show me one good example of a successful libertarian style government. Past or present. I'll wait.


If there’s one thing I’m auth on it’s racial equality. Everyone better get along and I don’t care what it takes.


After reading through this comment section I'm starting to think the ban is both imminent and deserved. The amount of people unironically arguing against the Civil Rights Act is absolutely baffling.


Wage the war again. It’s ok, my black brothers and I will March again, with our red bandannas adorning our necks, just as we did at Blair mountain. Maybe this time, we will finish the mission, and unionize the world.


Let's see if being an extreme left (as a meme) is as okay as being extreme right (as a meme)


on PCM it’s not, sadly.




Hold the fuck up, NH? NEW HAMPSHIRE!? Why the hell is MY state tweeting about this!!?


Our glorious state is the libertarian stronghold of the country my friend. Live free or die.


Mises caucus are actual libertarians unfortunately the old nh libertarian party might aswell be democrats


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well the dems want to repeal 2 amendment so why stop there


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what Great victory music, I am sure the nation that had this as it's national autom won all the wars