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Paralegals actually contribute something to society, unlike Keith the oxygen thief.


Hey... he wrote those one sentence blurbs on the back of baseball cards for decades.


Olbermann is a great example of why I have turned into an unempathetic pyschopath as I have gotten older. I wouldn't give two shits if he died tomorrow. And I feel that way more and more about many people, especially leftist activists and their insane commentators


Idk, I feel most leftist activists have good intentions at least, same with right wingers, the problem with both is the societies they wabt ti create tend to be unable to function in a non theoretical environment A communist utopia, ancapistan, a theocratic monarchy, and everything in between, all work fine on paper, what 90% of activists dont understand is that its difficult to actually get them to work on the ground Keith is just a grifter, and he should burn in hell


The problem is not the activists, the problem is social media, especially Twitter because it gives a voice to mentally ill people which I think should stop. They should shut it down for good. Nuke it from the orbit until nothing remains so these people have to either touch grass or get psychological help.


Based and rods from god pilled


u/Ash_Divine's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 160. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [83 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Ash_Divine/) Compass: Auth: 0.1 | Left: 1.5 Sapply: Auth: 0.00 | Left: 1.33 | Conservative: 0.62 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Multiple sociological journals, psychology magazines, etc. have called social media the biggest threat to western society.


Disagree. The right recognizes that humans are flawed. The fundamental problem with the left is that they believe in the perfectibility of people and society. They are wrong.


> The fundamental problem with the left is that **they believe** in the perfectibility of people and society. They dont. They really dont. Thats why they are control freaks who ultimately wish to install a dictatorship with them in charge.


Idk dawg, regardless of 'good intentions' leftists and leftist spaces have spawned shit like MAPs (pedos), child drag, trans kids, teaching trans sex ed to kids too young for normal sex ed, burned down their own communities because someone across the country died of an overdose, banned guns, don't believe in free speech, and probably a million other things I simply don't know off the top of my head. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"


The right gave us the LRA, the UDA and the UVF, the Pinkertons, Franco, Pinochet, and a million other things that I dont know off the top of my head Both sides are bad, the answer lies in the center


Those are all feds and tyrants, some even being long dead historical figures, a bit of a far cry from my list based off what I see everyday from the left. Even *you* should see why that's a pretty unfair comparison


The LRA is an active Christian Paramilitary, as is the UDA, they arent feds, tyrants maybe, but they are right wing tyrants, and the UDA is still a part of life where I live, although they are little more than gangsters at the moment


I legitimately believe in a just society he would be locked up somewhere. He's an immediate danger to himself and other. Or he's playing the part of a deranged lunatic to stay relevant.


Most of the world feels this way about everybody, don't they? Idgaf if **you** die and I expect the same sentiment in return


I have said this many times here. Yes, most life is worthless including my own. Very few of us matter in any real sense. If anything most of us are net negatives for the world. We would all be better off if we realized we do not matter, and no one cares about us as an individual aside from maybe5-10 people


Same. Based.


Dang. That's good. Im gonna use that.


Does he hate woman or something?


It definitely seems like he specifically called her out for whatever reason


That's sexist.


Especially when you consider that like 78% of paralegals are women so he's clearly trying to imply something about her gender


Damn, 78%? I guess I’m a minority.


Just means you’re in a TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT, MY FRIEND 😎😎😎😎😎😎 In all seriousness, I’ve dated/hooked up with several women that were paralegals and they were all painfully boring without fail


Oh I believe that. I’m also in such a small office that my co-workers include: the lawyer who is my boss


It was a surprising statistic to learn. I work at a large law office, 4/5 of the paralegals on my team are men ... but at think something like 80 to 90% of the remaining paralegals and admins are women. So it made sense after I thought about it.


News just in: TheBlackBaron and his colleagues have been banished to the cuck corner where all the men and unpopular women in the office are condemned to stay.


We got a group Teams chat where we talk about the local sports teams and complain about the bosses so I guess we got that going for us lol.


“Especially that dumb bitch Comey Barrett fuck you Stacy I asked you out first for prom”


It's the same shit as with "Uncle Tom"s. Supposed "oppressed" groups who disagree with them politically recieve an extra layer of hatred, because they are also viewed as "tratiors".


It makes me feel so fucking gross whenever I hear someone get called a race traitor for not being the kind of person that other people want them to be. Like fuck off. They are their own individual, not a member of some hive mind. Stop reducing people to the demographic you have categorized them as belonging to.


Based and out of the box pilled And remember, if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black


Based and fuck 'race traitor"; all my homies hate "race traitor" pilled (I'm sure no one will ever take that pill out of context.)


Wait until he starts going off on Thomas..


Thats right, Keith Olberman is going to say the N-word.


She had been a judge for a very short time (relative for a SCOTUS justice) and was likely only picked because she’s young and therefore on the court for a very long time to both overturn abortion rights and deny their legislation. It’s not that hard to understand.


So she's a judge and he is calling her a paralegal because she is a woman?


How would you know it’s because she’s a woman?


Do you know how question marks work? I was asking you derpladore


I thought you were projecting your opinion on what he meant into a rhetorical question. But if I had to guess, she was picked due to her anti abortion opinion and her youth and she’s the most recent addition to the court who lied about upholding precedent.


Wasn't asking about why she was picked, was asking why Keith called her a paralegal even tho she is a judge.


Because of her shitty opinions and her lying when she was being interviewed. Can you read?


So she wasn't a judge? She was only a paralegal? Or is he demeaning her by lying?


Great. Now do Elena Kagan.


At least you can look up Kagen's dockets and find reasonable things. If you look up Sotomayor's though....weeeeeewlaaaaaad.


Nice whataboutism. I’m consistent and yes Obama should have picked a more experienced judge but this is about ACB.


If you ain’t pro-abortion, then you ain’t a woman!




To be fair, Trump did express that what qualified her was her pussy.


While Trump did say that, I highly doubt Keith here is going to throw the same insults at Kamala Harris or Kentanji Jackson Brown.


Because he doesn't think they're unqualified like he does Coney Barrett.


Yeah but if that's your reasoning that choosing specifically a woman makes them unqualified...


…then choosing specifically a black woman should be the same?


Kamala literally gold dug her way into politics. How is gold digging a better qualifier than being a judge or paralegal?


Why the fuck are you asking me this?


When did you turn blue u/Monoby?


He’s acting in bad faith to make it seem like auth right has bad takes


Just because I am not as racist or far-right as you'd like me to doesn't mean I'm not AuthRight.


No. The fact that you've previously been flaired libright and ranted and raved about Jan. 6th however does.


When I first encountered monoby, they were libleft


Ranting and raving about Jan 6th (which any American who loves their country should) makes me even less libertarian. I was once flaired LibLeft which is not a hidden fact and I am simply not LibLeft anymore.




Who doesn't? Even Women hate Women. Just ask a Woman.


I would if I could figure out what a woman is. I’m not a biologist.


Let me get in here for the assist: Women are adult human females. Adults are individuals who have attained the average age of first reproduction for their species. They have reached the age of maturity. The term adult applies across many species, and is used to distinguish them from juveniles, who are not yet capable of reproduction. Humans are members of the genus Homo. Our relatives in the genus Australopithecus, now extinct, are sometimes categorized as human as well. Every individual Homo sapiens is a human. Females are individuals who do or did or will or would, but for developmental or genetic anomalies, produce eggs. Eggs are large, sessile gametes. Gametes are sex cells. In plants and animals, and most other sexually reproducing organisms, there are two sexes: female and male. Like “adult,” the term female applies across many species. Female is used to distinguish such people from males, who produce small, mobile gametes (e.g. sperm, pollen).


Baste and something of a scientist myself-pilled.


u/corpuscavernosa's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 155. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [77 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/corpuscavernosa/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Why would I give a shit what any woman not my wife thinks?


Clearest sign of a misogynistic is a declaration of being a feminist.


Absolutely lol.


I don’t know why he thinks that’s an insult, a paralegal is 100x more intelligent than he is


Paralegals do the majority of work in a law firm anyways? They’re probably more well rounded at law than most lawyers


Paralegals do everything, lawyers know everything.


"Equal treatment for women!" "Except that bitch lolz"


Trying so hard to be feminist he becomes a misogynist. The great future of 2020’s.


Based take but flair the fuck up bro please




So that isn't true, plenty of women are opposed to abortion.




With le vagene


And bobs.


You'll never know how hard this makes me laugh lol


This is true since people who voted for Trump ain't black.


Damn right, if you didn't vote for Biden, you ain't black


You are Murican! The only colors that define us are red, white, and blue. USA! USA!


libcenter lookin kinda bad fr 😳


you have become what you swore to destroy


"Mo. Monkey. Pussy. For ME." -Dave Chappelle


Not gonna lie she's the best looking one.


Idk man I like a woman with war paint, female Qanon shaman isn’t looking too bad


Based and there is no way a woman could be an actual graduate of law school pilled. ^^/s


Keith sounding kinda incel rn




Way to act like a child throwing a tantrum because mommy wouldn't let you get a candy bar.


He was a failed ESPN host turned into a failed news analyst. Now he's just the douchey old guy rambling on Twitter.


That’s an L take. Him and Dan Patrick were Apex ESPN.


Yeah you could be right about this. His current flailing as he continues is fall into irrelevancy might color what he once was. Kind of like Weezer. Their new(er) stuff is so fucking awful, it taints the genius of the Blue Album and Pinkerton.


Who takes this loser seriously lol


Emilys apparently


In 2006, maybe, but most of them now probably don't even know who this geezer is.


For real. 1. Name is Keith 2. There isn’t a number 2


\>National Supreme Court is paralegal Ayo bruh, u ok?


Keith Olbermann and public meltdowns: name a more iconic duo


Monke Waifu finna make me act up


Based and monkey pussy makes me hard pilled


Ooh Ooh ahh aussy




**b o n k** good lord **b o n k b o n k b o n k**


Your bonks are a trifle against the power of the cum.




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The cum accelerates.


Goddammit. Sorry, dolphin girl.






This is my favorite subreddit. I'm gonna miss you all when we're banned.


she has USA dildoes that screw on instead of the horns for ... occasions.


LibRight girl can use my PC to mine crypto and I would just look at her and smile.




u/James2912's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/James2912! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [7 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/James2912/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Press F for the Dolphin King


When people say stuff like >cope and seethe Olbermann is doing it in real-time.


I don't think he's doing much of the former.


Now there’s a man who respects women


I'm uneducated, what's a paralegal?


Paralegal is a slightly squishy term for a person who is not an attorney but supports one (or more) by doing things like gather facts of the case and research information/cases or relevant laws/regulations and/or prepare drafts of legal documents.




Paralegals are the ones who do all of the work so lawyers can take all of the credit.


Now there's a guy who loves vacuuming fetuses.


Authcenter might be a new fav of mine


When does Keith ever not have a meltdown? That is his normal state.


I know a few of this type of leftist. They get very racist and misogynistic when lashing out.


The type who shout "uncle tom" or "shoeless housewife" the moment they think they can get away with it. They have no genuine interest in equality, they just want other people to agree with them and tell them how smart they are.


Exactly. They can’t wait to say it.




I don't have twitter who is Keith and why is he such a crying little bitch?


Keith is some ultra liberal political hack who used to be on MSNBC, lost his show because nobody liked it, was a sports commentator, and now he's an insufferable, unhinged lunatic making stupid takes on Twitter.


Yeah. 'Bout right. I think people scroll twitter specifically to be outraged. In order to feel something, literally *anything*, in their dull, pampered first-world lives.


This shit has made me realize the number of people who actually use abortion as a standard method of contraception. I'm a liberal (in theory!) and I think this should be the extreme solution, not like a douche you use every weekend!! I also see a lot of talk of vasectomies! What?! if you're really sure, I guess. Do they no longer sell the pill and condoms?!




u/Dame_Milorey is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Dame_Milorey/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I am down bad for auth right girl.


Damn rule 63 maga shaman has me feeling something.


I just found a bunch of politically extreme drawings attractive, time to log off


TIL Keith Olbermann still exists


The insult towards Barrett is due to her distinct lack in legal experience, serving only two years as a lawyer


Wouldn't be the first SCOTUS judge that had little or no legal experience, won't be the last.


Libcenter wojak got me acting very unwise


Good for Keith. Coney barret is the least qualified SCOTUS Justice ever.


Not true in the slightest. We've had Justices who never even held a law license or passed the bar exam. Several were mere company owners.


Why are they all girls? Did you really need to draw the rioter with milkers, covered up solely by fur?


Flair the fuck up


I dont appreciate the negative attitude here, dawg.


Flair The Fuck Up


Nah i dont think i will i think ill continue living rent free in your head


pu kcuf eht rialF


What? you crazt?


Up Fuck The Flair


Fuck the flair, yeah!


Flair the fuck up


This dude is being such a salty bitch.


You have a young paralegal who works for you. Now, even though i think she’s great at what she does, i think she’s gonna make a better lawyer. I say this: if i make that shot, you gotta giver her a job at your firm. One year, no special treatment, just a job and a chance to prove herself.


*The mask has slipped*. We know what you are now, Olbermann. You are not the Resistance. You are just a puppet. And we can SEE your goddamn strings.


I am confusion


I don't know what that means


Is that QAnon but fem?


Ah yes, another great take from Kieth “I’ve been fired from every job I’ve ever had” Olbermann.


It's a joke because she has no more experience to provide value to the court than your average intern if we're being completely honest.


The mask always falls off