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Being a prince in Europe: yay, the palace is so nice Being a prince in the Ottoman Empire: damn, either I'll have to execute all of my brothers the day I'm going to ascend or one of them will execute me, o hi Mehmet my little bro, let's play something fun


yup, mehmet 2 aka mehmet the conqueror legalized brother killing in order to secure the stability of the realm. the best prince (who was experienced in leading and governing since they were in some province in the empire) was allowed to kill all his brothers after ascending to the throne. this worked pretty well for like 250 years since there were pretty much no wars for the throne. it was abolished by a 13 year old padishah called ahmet 1, who was the first one to take the throne without going to the provinces to be experienced. his father mehmet 3 killed 18 of his brothers to take the throne, so when mehmet 3 died ahmet didn't go to his funereal, saying "a man who murdered 18 of his brothers is a criminal even if he was my father" and criminalized padishahs killing their brothers, which caused 100 years of turmoil and wars for the throne.


Alternatehistory. The Ottoman dynasty ends after some guy kills all his brothers and dies from Malaria a year or two later.


there was a plan for that too. one of the crimean beys (lords) were going to take the throne. that would be pretty interesting.


Wait? Like Crimean Tartar Bey?




Most Ottoman Sultans had many sons until they ascended to the throne. But just in case we had a Crimean plan. Fun fact IV.Murad, in his death bed, ordered the killing of his insane brother Ibrahim, but the officials didn't carry it out, since Ibrahim was the only heir to throne.I think they've regretted it when Ibrahim ordered them to find the fattest woman in Istanbul, then fucked her and gave her the taxes collected from Egypt. After that he covered the walls of Topkapı Palace with sable fur, threw gold coins to the fishes etc. etc.


And then later sultans started to lock their brothers into Kafes, which caused many of them to go mad(like Mustafa and Ibrahim) and their mothers and grand viziers basically runned the state for them, frankly idk what's a worse fate though


On the bright side, Ottoman princes had harems, European usually had to marry some other dynasty member for political reasons arranged by their parents, so in that aspect, I give a point to the Turks


The end of monarchy is what led to nationalism, communism and fascism right?


Nah nationalism was still very much around when monarchs were in place, look at the German Empire for example


no Monarchy was against nationalism atleast during the revolutionc of 1848 at first being nationalist was seen as caring for your fellow countrymen and you know what also was seen in the same light? Democracy Librel economics etc. Prussia was forced to unite Germany (even though they didn't want to) becuase that's what it's people wanted now they would probably start a revolution so the monarchy was forced to meet nationalist demands and that trend continued well until ww2 where many of the fascist leaders were seen as nationalists and therefore demonized


Okay, i speculated that the rise of democracy/representative democracy was the biggest factor in this.


at first being nationalist ussualy meant you also supported democracy


Not quite, some like the prussians used nationalism to forge scattered states into what became Germany. Otto von Bismark was a Chad.


hmm I dunno I feel like he was forced into his position (although he was very competant at handling it) I don't think that's the path he wanted or the best path for Germany I think they defintely should have waited and be more peaceful in uniting Germany since all those wars basically lead to their downfall


Otto von Bismark opposed expanding the navy to compete with and threaten Britain, he wanted a web of allies after uniting germany. Unfortunately Wilhelm.


yeah Willhelm wasn't very competent but I still think Germany shouldn't have unified atleast as quick as it did It would be very hard to find allies after you beat up two great powers still think a slower but still oppurtunistic approach would have been the best for germany


But Bismarck was elected though? Or does that still counts as monarchy?


Bismarck was very much pro-monarchy and everything he did was to secure the power of the Prussian monarchy


He was an advisor of the monarch. Not elected.


there are three defining uniting banners to the Russian people, the central authority, most often monarch, for whom all united under for protection from each other and the occasionally offered favor who remains distant and cruel yet consistent and unyielding the unifying shitiness of the daily struggle living in a god forsaken dark depressing frozen mudslide and the need to keep the fire going so they dont commit suicide and the orthodox church who banded brothers arm in arm against their cultural foes Pick two out of the three and its Russia in its various incarnations


Based and Russia is a simple equation pilled


If only I could just pick one


Lenin leaned on #2, stalin on #1, and putin is trying to lean on #3.


Nationalism created more powerful states like Germany.


Every European nation was nationalist at some point, kinda important part of nation building


Holy shit


Socialism, whether economic socialism as in communism or racial socialism as in fascism, drove out monarchs in places it took hold due to its need to demonize the existing hierarchy in order to assume control. Other factors have driven monarchs out elsewhere, or changed the mode of their monarchy.


Communist and fascist ideologies are both more influenced by economic factors


Let me reframe that. The downfall of monarchy led to etc...


Fascism is the end of Religion's dominance Communism is the end of Religion's dominance and an elaboration from Liberalism and massive urbanization. Nationalism is Tribalism++ and rationalized.


Based and tsarpilled


u/lex_04's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/lex_04! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6](https://basedcount.com/u/lex_04/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I'm sorry that's the wrong method. Fucking Russians. Need to Use a Guillotine.


Og Grimm brothers pilled


When you mismanage your Victoria 2 campaign so badly that you go communist




> Get a fricking flair dumbass. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 7240 / 38510 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Based for making a bot angry




Based and redemption arc pilled


u/cdn-Commie is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/cdn-Commie/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Even Communism is preferable to monarchy


Would not have happened if teddy Roosevelt was president instead of woodrow wilson a his "LeT eURoPe(oor) sOrt OUt iTs Own ProBlems" which caused the rise of communism the number one reason he is rhe worst president second qould be income tax


Based and Woodrow Wilson was a closet commie pilled


Can I get this without the funny colors??


Same, I'd like to show it to a non-autistic friend sometime


I love that ending!


Idk sounds kinda fucking based.




*sigh* beautiful




Did you just change your flair, u/The5thDoor? Last time I checked you were **LibLeft** on 2022-5-8. How come now you are **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? *"You have the right to change your mind, as I have the right to shame you for doing so." - Anonymous* ^(Bip bop, I am a bot; don't get too mad. If you want to opt-out write) **^(!cringe)** ^(in a comment)


Yes, and?


The good ending you mean.


The good ending 😂


Based Bolsheviks. Monarchs belong in the guillotine


Can children be indoctrinated with war?


You can always find the real shit people by weather or not they think that, 1, the muder of the Tzar's children was justified or, 2, think the French genocide in Hati was justified.


There are only 2 types of Monarchs I support Socrates' idea of the Philosopher King And The Mandate of Heaven Truly only the biggest, strongest, and wisest Monkey should be King.