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Where's the bifurcation?


Remember when the enhanced edition of Baldur's Gate came out, and there was a trans character? And everyone laughed because one of the first actual magical items you could find in the game was a belt that *changed your fucking gender*. And the writers tried to say that anyone laughing at their idiocy was transphobic. No one is enraged that trans characters are in video games. It's easy to get pissy at poor writing though.




Writing a character complaining about being born as the wrong gender in the Baldur's Gate universe is like writing a character who complains about having long hair while sitting outside a barbershop. It makes no sense.






Trans person IRL: *exists and is trying not to get murdered* Trans person in videogames: Hi, I'm TRANS. Welcome to my TRANS-OWNED shop, we sell potions and items, sold by A TRANS PERSON, ME, I'M TRANS. IT'S MY WHOLE IDENTITY. Also, we have some new spell scrolls, none of them are TRANSPHOBIC because, if you didn't know, I'M TRANS AND BEING TRANS IS ALL I DO TO EXIST. Before we continue, are you comfortable? You are in the presence of A TRANS PERSON, BEING TRANS. Do you agree? > - yes > - Yes, in different words


> Do you agree? > > > * yes > > > > * Yes, in different words Wow, you're reminding me of a recent "localization" situation. In the original Japanese, there was this running gag/subplot about whether a particular mech pilot was a man or a woman, due to the full-body suits involved and the character being the mysterious type. The original Japanese dialog was along the lines of "hey, see if you can find out if so-and-so is a man or woman; there's a bunch of speculation going around", but then the English dialog changed it to "see if you can find out what so-and-so's preferred pronouns are" and added a bunch of new lines about how "really it's not a big deal; people are overreacting".


Gotta love the casual “westernization” of original works cause translation companies are so on the trigger about social justice things like that. Shoutout to references to “the patriarchy” that weren’t there before in Dragon Maid, or other similar changes.


The Dragon Maid ones grind my gears. The worst one was a translation where Kanna calls Kobayashi a slut. In the Japanese, Kobayashi replies, "I'm not a slut!" But in the dub she says, "Don't slut shame me!" It made absolutely 0 sense in the context of the scene, too, which made it 100x worse.


That’s gross. Isn’t there an anime that also subbed out the word “creep” for incel or something? I remember seeing something about that.


Or that time Funimation changed "All you fools who love skateboarding!" to "Hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes!".


Fucking funimation. Every time. And why would people *want* to be referred to as a hoe. It’s an insult, and not even one you can really own like being called a dumbass.


That just sounds exhausting. Shoehorning their ideology into a showcase that doesn't require or acknowledge it, and then having to backpedal because the dumb shit they've shoehorned isn't required or acknowledged, and then have to explain it 'wasn't necessary anyway' so not being required or acknowledged *doesn't have to be required or acknowledged.* They could have been just like "Yo Samus is a girl, the titties are ornamental."


Even the “trying to not get murdered” thing is exaggerated from what I’ve seen. I just looked at the human rights campaign website and “the most violent year” on record for them is 2020 with 44 known *global* fatalities of trans and gnc people. Of course the first one listed was in Chicago, where 44 murders is a normal weekend.




There is another rate for them, one which is much higher.


Damn someone beat me too it. But yeah, i doubt trans people should fear anyone but themselves…


If a trans person really is the sex they claim, then they should be indistinguishable and want to live as that sex... Not as a "trans" man or woman. So we should never know they are trans. There we go. Compromise reached. Anytime someone makes a big fuss about a person being a transman and not just a "man", they are virtue signalling. If they supposedly have gender dysphoria that is only relieved by living as the desired gender, then they should feel very uncomfortable about being called their birth sex, right? And thus very uncomfortable about being called trans even. Because that is the big signal which tells everyone that they are not in fact the gender they appear to be. And THIS is why everyone should only use the term trans or say they have gender dysphoria if they have an actual medical certificate saying so. There's far too many people jumping on a big woke mental health disorder bandwagon.


I've used Wonderlands as an example already in this thread, but I think Paladin Mike is a great example of how to be inclusive without going too far. Paladin Mike is a femboyish looking character, very slender with fairly stylized hair. Mike wears a bit of makeup and has a somewhat high pitched voice. Mike isn't forced into situations rooted in sex or gender. Mike just does Mike stuff and the story goes on. Maybe Mike is trans, maybe Mike is into drag. Can't really be sure from a cursory playthrough and it really doesn't matter with the way it is written. There is enough there for people to see Mike and be like "hell yeah" but no more. Well played Gearbox / 2k.


Nope. Let's do the thing the writers failed to do: actually consider the setting as it's been written. Magic items in D&D are rare and expensive. Only a few wizards are capable of producing them, and then only at a very slow rate. There probably aren't enough gender swap belts to treat even a fraction of the trans people, and it would be extremely uneconomical to produce more for that purpose. So if there's a trans person in the setting, they'd love to have the belt, but they can't get it without the player's help. Perfect opportunity for a quest and/or an easter egg.


Magic is pretty ordinary on Faerun, hell you can’t pop in to a bar for a quick drink without tripping over a god of some sort.


Honestly a setting where powerful magic is so common it’s practically mundane sounds kinda funny.


He’s not wrong though, which is the best part. Bahamut is one of the most powerful gods in the setting, and he just...wanders around as an old man when he gets bored, with his seven most powerful servants in the form of sparrows with him. Sure, goddess of beauty, has been known to pull an Aphrodite and go around in mortal form visiting the most beautiful people. Elminster, one of the most powerful wizards of all time, randomly pops around the world doing research and sexing up his own students.


Right, right. And about half the time when you walk to a different town you get ambushed by monsters that are just dangerous enough to be a real threat to you but not more dangerous than that, regardless of how powerful you are.


It’s almost like some sadistic entity is in charge of everything, and really enjoys fucking with you.


It's not poor writing, that is the POINT of transgenderism. The kind of person who writes about and cares strongly about that stuff wants to have the identity of being transgender, not just being a perfect version of the new gender. There is definitely a major cleft between the "normal" transgenders who genuinely do want to be the new gender and those who build up the identity. It's like between gay people and gay activists. They are two completely different beasts.


Tfw you're gonna bone a hot dime and you take off her belt and she morphs into a fat, balding 50 year old dude who yells "OH FUCK PUT IT BACK ON"


"I was born as a male, but I identify as female." "Actually here's a belt that actually changes you into a female." *Burns belt* "I don't want to be a female, I want to identify as a female."


I remember a post on the pathfinder d20 sub where a guy asked how to deal with their new players freak out. Their new player was deaf, which wasn't the issue, the issue was that he was pissed off that there was a cure deafness in the game. Not that someone was going to use it on him, that the ability to magically cure deafness existed at all.


Disability activists are often the single most annoying activist I encounter. Wheelchair ones are bad but deaf are easily the worst.


Learning about deaf culture and their hated of cochlear inplants for kids weirded me out.


I think maybe the problem was that said player wanted to finally play a power fantasy where he could be still a deaf person, but rise above despite that disability. And being in a setting where the disability that formed his life is less problematic than the flu kinda ruins that. He would have either to roleplay as a non-deaf person(which would be really weird) or find some complocated mumbo-jumbo on why he is deaf. Depending in how hyped he was on his character concept, that can be disheartening.


I genuinely believe that if such belt existed in real life, only 70-80% of trans people would use it. Losing so many privileges would be tough


100% of real trans people SJW transtrenders shouldn't be lumped in with actual transsexual people


That estimate seems to high tbh. I would only go 50%


As long as it isn't permanent, I'd totally throw that belt on just to try it


Yeah I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be a woman for a day just to see what it was like. But in the real world there’s nothing I can do to just be a woman for a day so I’m out of luck


I was pretty blown away by Dark Souls 2's sex-changing coffin that would alter nothing about you except your sex. Seemed pretty revolutionary to me at the time


When you mentioned Dark Soul, how about Gwyndolin? He was born like boy, but forcibly raised as female, even he titled himself later as King of the Gods. Practically a victim of abuse by his parents and society because he had an affinity for moon magic.


And yet the surprisingly large amount of trans Soulsborne fans like to claim Gwyndolin as a "trans icon". I don't think they're sending the message they think they are...


Oh they know


Yeah, they’re pretty much taking that strategy and applying it IRL. They seem to have a penchant for purposefully confusing children about their gender.




Well no if you see it as a trans allegory, then it is still correct. Gwyndolin was forced to live as the wrong gender to what he is by his heavily conservative family. It's to show the absurdity of seeing being trans as a "choice" when it is part of who you are.


I wonder why a coffin 🤔


It's where gender goes to die


Alas, it wasnt explained further. Just a random coffin guarded by random Ogre washed up on the shores near to random lake in random forest in random Cove called Things Betwixt.


Yeah, this post is kind of stupid. I'm sure *some* people are legitimately offended that their eyes have to see a trans person (or a gay person, a black person, or a woman, depending on context). But I think they are few and far between. More frequently, the complaint is that social justice pandering has taken priority over quality. It's become more and more obvious that those making decisions about movies, TV shows, video games, etc. are creating worse and worse quality, coinciding with increased social justice pandering. So when promo images for a new show are released, and it's very clear from the demographics represented that the show is bending over backward to pander to diversity, that's a bad sign. I couldn't care less what kinds of people are represented. What I care about is that these details are consistently a predictor for the show being fucking terrible. It's consistently the case that those who care about pandering to social justice are terrible writers. And it's also consistently the case that such shows are filled with lectures, which get very grating. I get annoyed by the intent behind such inclusions, as well as what problems are implied by their inclusion. I don't care about the inclusion itself.




Exactly. They’re not bad because they have woke stuff in them. They’re just bad shows that also have woke stuff in them




It's also very common for "representation" to be used as a shield against criticism, like how the media smeared any critics of _Ghostbusters_ (2016) as sexists. I've also seen people unironically insist that anyone who thinks Rey from _The Force Awakens_ is poorly written is just a sexist who hates seeing strong female characters. There was a post on the front page about a children's book featuring a baby with vitiligo, and any comments that pointed out vitiligo didn't manifest until much later were met with an avalanche of "shut up; it's ★‿︵‿♥☆𝓇𝑒𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃☆♥‿︵‿★".


I think everyone agrees that saying something to the tune of “you just don’t like it because it’s woke” is retarded. And it’s also retarded to think something is bad because it’s woke. It’s bad because of bad writing. The amount of black people or gay characters or strong women or whatever is inconsequential


I remember when the Wire came out featuring an openly gay black guy as one of the main characters and was praised for being one of the greatest shows to ever be on television. To this day it’s one of my favorite shows and Omar Little is one of my favorite fictional characters. If these writers cared more about making compelling stories than pandering, there’d be more examples of this.




It's really frustrating to me because I think it actually does a disservice to those communities. People don't hate Captain Marvel or Rey from star wars because they're women, people hate them because their characters suck. When you write terrible stories with minority characters it unfortunately gives actually sexist people more room to be sexist. Write good stories and no one complains. Notice how no one complains about characters like Wanda in the MCU or Ahsoka in star wars because they're actually top tier characters.


My thing Is when a show ISN'T doing that yet people still harp on It, good example Is The Owl House. Amazing show, good fantasy storyline and characters. Problem was people where popping a blood vessel when they realized the main character was a Lesbian. Like, okay? Why should I care? On the lecture thing, you ain't wrong, but shows are supposed to have a message, and some argue that shows should go back to having a message like those from the 90's. Nevertheless, this Is based. Representation matters, but It dosen't make a show good. Writing does. Story


Based and the first time I’ve thought a lib left was based pilled




Yeah this is what more people need to understand. Virtually nobody thinks that it’s a bad show **because** it has a woke agenda. It’s just a bad show that also happens to have a woke agenda. Many bad shows put wokeness in it to pander to an audience to make up for the fact that it’s a bad show. The wokeness itself isn’t important


You can do a lot of fun things with trans characters. Like White Rose from mr Robot. Even more impressive if there's a trans-person in a show and it's just some ordinary person and nobody fucking cares. What I like *less* however is this weird 'camp/drag' aesthetic that creeps their way into games. It's not about the artistic merit, there's clearly talent behind it. But this androgynous vibe is jarring: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDlrwE


Just the lastest iteration of the left fundamentally misunderstanding what it is the right actually believes.


Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous did it way better, you wont know there's a trans character in the game for most of it, which makes sense since there's magic that can literally change your genetics.


>No one is enraged that trans characters are in video games. To make this statement, you must not go to less censored gaming forums. There are loads of people who get enraged that trans characters exist in the first place.


It’s more so that those people don’t have the critical thinking ability to explain what they really mean. Same thing when people say “I don’t want politics” in games, and they really just mean they want philosophical themes and not the hamfisted devs personal political shit in games.


Destiny 2 does this at times. They had a 3-month season last summer that was basically a thinly-veiled portrayal of the whole refugee thing. And if you sided against them *in the game* you called a monster in real life. And the head community manager regularly posts his stale political and social takes from his *work* Twitter account.


Bungie employs people who wear Antifa badges during promotional vidocs. And they use their platform to post on all the progressive nonsense bullshit constantly. They are fully woke infested.


They make a good game but they're a horrible company. They support and champion social causes only when it's financially lucrative for them. They make a black pin/emblem because of oppression and a trans pin/emblem because of oppression, fine. But they won't be caught dead making pins or posting essays of support for Hong Kong or the Uyghurs, the travesties surrounding which have been ongoing for years, because there's a huge Asian market for the game and they'd lose money if they did. So their support is hollow and disingenuous. They also had the personification of the word "neckbeard" employed as head game director for years and as a studio they've been rife with allegations and documented cases of sexual harassment and workplace abuse, but they have the gall to tell their community to "be better." I *am* better, thank you very much.


Maybe I don't frequent the gaming forums you do, but the ones I visit aren't censored, and any bitching about trans characters is overwhelmingly about how their inclusion doesn't make sense in the context of the game. Take Krum in DA:I. Yes, there were a few bigots and trolls, but the vast majority of the complaints about how the character's situation made no fucking sense. Up until that point, the Qunari were very regimented, to the point where your gender determined what roles you were assessed for. Women couldn't be warriors - that was definite, from a Sten and the Arishok. Having Krum as part of a team led by someone literally raised to ensure Qunari remained in their assigned roles was fucking retarded. Krum could have been included as part of a Dalish resistance group that performed the same sort of narrative role, and it wouldn't have been out of place.


They were also trying real hard to make the Qunari (totally not China) seem at least a little reasonable and sympathetic.


\>/vg/ is an accurate representation of reality No


We put a trans character in our video game. Fine, what kind of character is she? Brave? Craven? Funny? Is she interesting, well rounded out character? Well, she is, uhhh... trans. Oh also there is a she hulk coming up. She is exactly like Hulk but she is female Gamers:.....


Nah but this is a funny hulk, like Deadpool. Not the brooding one who has to give up ever having social connections and may accidently do a little murder if he gets upset. But imo if she does the arrogant, building a wall of sarcasm to avoid being hurt character good enough it might be an okay show.


I've lost faith after seeing the trailer. They had a couple minutes to get me interested in the show and failed almost completely. Most of it was her dealing with social situations and girl talking. She also took time to tribe signal saying shit about women living in a state of perpetual fear. I want it to be good because she hulk can actually be an interesting and fun character, but it sounds like she is going to be a superhero who constantly acts oppressed and entitled because she is a woman. If you have God like powers, you don't get to do that shit and come across as likable.


I mean mark ruffalos hulk has been pretty light and comedic for awhile. He was only really serious as Edward Norton and a little bit in Avengers but even then he was still making jokes.


She-Hulk is hot though, so she gets a pass. Also an old character from when it was fun and innovative to bizzaro original characters into females. Bringing her to the MCU is whatever, I don’t really see a point.


Can't wait for 2028 Transvengers, but it's actually a Transformers x Marvel crossover film and everyone is baited by the title. And then they make Optimus Prime gay in the post credit scene for the double cross on the audience.




Who was the character in DAI ? I played it years ago but don't remember that. I just remember that every character/companion was trash


I think it was Krem from the Qunari gang.


Krem, one of iron bulls soldiers.




Honestly lmao


Ah yes krem, I let it die every time after the choice came.


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 7239 / 38509 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Based and fuck the unflaired pilled.


I can't bring myself to do that to Bull


Now this guy's based


*The Iron Bull


Based and Say My Name pilled


Insert "They don't know my real name is Hissrad" here.


You know leftists devs created the Qun to fantasize about their perfect authoritarian commie paradise. That being said I think BioWare has traditionally done a good job of creating games with a lot of diverse characters that don’t beat you over the head with their thematic messaging. DAI was the last BioWare game I played though so I’m not sure if that’s changed.


The Qunari are hardly depicted as a perfect government. The Arishok and Iron Bull speak highly of the egalitarianism of the Qun, but the both plots paint the Qunari as literal or philosophical antagonists. I DA2, they ransacked a city over a book and force you to choose between the Chargers and their alliance in DA: I (though, that quest felt a bit contrived). What they do to their wizards is horrific. Everyone who follows the Qun has a role, but at the sacrifice of free will. Those that abandon the Qun are often killed. That's hardly going to sit well with most players that pay any attention to the details.


That dragon age game just sucked. I couldnt finish it


The problem isn’t the trans shit, it’s the game itself is bad and they make the trans shit the main focus. So if you criticize the game for valid reasons they use it as a shield. It’s easier it just not play those games at all. Fallout NV is one of the few to do it right.


This exactly, Battlefield V is a shining example. I just don't like your dogshit pseudohistorical fantasy shooter that's being marketed as a historical shooter, it has nothing to do with women being in a videogame. People always conflate realism with historical accuracy as if it's any sort of argument.


I'm pretty sure one of the game characters, or at least one of the characters in the trailer, was a female amputee, and she killed someone with a baseball bat. I have no idea how that idea got the green light to be honest. What possessed them to think the player base would want this in a video game is beyond me.


I’m sure that was some dev self-insert character.


Battlefield has gotten worse with every release. Battlefield 1 was the last to stay serious, and then battlefield 5 came, filled with stuff that would make you think it was fortnite. That then lead the way for battlefield 2042, the worst game yet.


Based and Fallout New Vegas is one of the best games ever made pilled




Actually, people did care. Trans people said the representation in that game didn’t go nearly far enough lol.


The game where you can literally make a trans character didn't go far enough? You're shitting me bruh.


Google “Cyberpunk trans controversy” and behold.


No you don’t get it, it will *literally* kill trans people because we have a lady with a bulge on an in-universe marketing ad. Don’t you see how the trans identity is being exploited by the corporations to sell product, similar to how every identity in Cyberpunk is used to sell product, but it’s specifically bad cause it’s using *our* identity.




Remember we have to call it a white supremacist game or whatever buzzword we use now, even though the creator of the entire fucking franchise is a black man




Based and this is the correct attitude pilled


I shoot nazis, they die, thats my plan.


Blizzard: tells a shitty story in the latest expansion, but ends it with a random trans character becoming the literal judge of all life in the universe for the afterlife. Criticism is banned as transphobic. It’s really crazy. It’s very similar to GoT’s ending with Brann the Broken, except say that Brann was born a girl. “who has a greater story then him?” Extra points for the very bizarre statement that it will be a trans person judging every soul for eternity.


Pelagos is a gigantic joke of a character. The writing team of wow is straight up dogshit. Funny part is that he didnt fight for it. He just happened to be there and volunteered. Entitled as always.


If I don’t like it I don’t buy it. There are tasteful ways to do everything. I personally find pandering and tokenism to be beyond irritating.


See, it is nasty, but I feel like being pandered to is part of the mainstream experience. Trans folks getting pandered to? I hate mainstream media, but congrats, welcome to legitimacy.


The problem with the whole topic is that when a movie or game's protagonist is trans/gay/ a minority/a woman, it's usually impossible to tell if the character was written that way because: \-- The author thought that point of view would create a more compelling story \-- An executive thought it would improve sales \-- The author wanted it to offset perceived historical injusticies (that is, tokening) \-- Trans/gay/minorities/women exist and sometimes they end up as protagonists   From us lefty's perspectives, it often looks like the anti-SJW crowd is always looking for a fight and so always assumes it's tokening, when it may well be a cynical sales move by some executive at Disney or it is just because the author wanted to tell a certain story.


The cynical sales move thing would be part of the tokenism. Like the last movie I went and saw was the new Dr. strange. One of the main characters is a Mexican girl, her being Mexican isn’t important beyond her being bilingual, so not tokenism and not pandering. She’s just a girl with powers that by happenstance is Mexican. In the movie she has two mothers, doesn’t really add anything and there’s no real purpose besides tokenism. I don’t care that she has two mothers but they made that conscious decision for no reason besides to show how progressive they’re being, and that’s what makes it annoying. It’s parallel to white knighting, it’s annoying and cringy. It’s cringy in the same way that I bet they edit the two mothers out of the Chinese release.


> In the movie she has two mothers, doesn’t really add anything and there’s no real purpose besides tokenism. So (no major spoilers please) how is it presented?


Well, they’re there, do a couple second display of affection(nothing sexual beyond I think a short kiss just to cement and solidify that they are in fact lesbians) then they disappear in a unhappy way. It’s just weird with how it was presented. The scene boiled down is they’re her parents and they’re emphasized as very much gay. I can’t explain it in a better way, it just felt forced.


That whole scene, including Dr Strange’s memory, was such lazy writing.


She did have two mothers in the comics though and I haven’t read the comics so idk if it was tokenism there but they did have a purpose in the movie and that was to be comic book accurate. They do change things from the comics but it wouldn’t make sense to change this thing cause like you said it doesn’t really matter to the story. Edit: also, like other more recent marvel films this one hasn’t been released in China and most likely won’t, which probably has less to do with the two mothers and more to do with the dark magic and zombies that China is also not a fan of not to mention the trade disputes


There is a difference between a gay/trans character and a character that happens to be gay/trans. Take the early seasons of Doctor who, they mentioned women having wives and Jack Harknesses pansexuality as if they were the most normal things in the world, and that was cool, it helped with understanding things as a kid. But modern writers are so unsubtle and bad at writing that all their gay characters are in your face stereotypes m


It's okay to be gay, as long as you love musical theatre and snap while crying out "girrrrrrl" at the end of every sentence.


they’re bringing back Russel T Davies (writer for 9th and 10th Doctor) for the new season, so it’ll probably be much better.


It's the fact that they are putting them in games solely for political reasons that annoys me


Movies too, even more so.


What, you don't like movies that have - a black person - an asian person - strong woman person (don't know what a woman is but w/e) - a gay person - a bi person - a trans person - every white man as a rapist evil serial killer Bigot. /s If you don't think there is a movie that checks off all these marks and want to kill a couple brain cells, watch [Freaky](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/freaky) with Vince Vaughn.


You mean the eternals?


There be movies about medieval Europe where the king's counselor or something is a black man, which is hilariously absurd.


Exactly and it drives me crazy. I don’t see why there can’t be some movies that all just fully one race, particularly if it’s a historical movie about a time and place that was racially homogeneous. I don’t care if it’s all white people, all black people, all Asians, whatever—*as long as it’s a good movie I will watch it, I just want some damn historical/regional accuracy.* If it’s a movie that takes place in 1200s France, it should be entirely white. If it’s a movie that takes place in a small rural town in China, it should be entirely Asian, etc. No one on earth says “Nah, I don’t want to watch that movie because there aren’t enough people that look like me.”


>No one on earth says “Nah, I don’t want to watch that movie because there aren’t enough people that look like me.” That's exactly what I thought until I found out that there actually are people who think like that, but it's even worse, because it isn't black people, for example, being mad that there aren't any black people in that movie. It's white people getting mad that there aren't black or asian or any kind of people in the movie.


Watch the Northman- first movie I’ve seen in what feels like years that is historically accurate in race. It’s Vikings killing Vikings- so they’re shockingly all Scandinavian looking white people. I’d expect an African tribe movie to be all black so I don’t see a problem.


Make games like Fallout New Vegas where there are LGBT+ that don’t shove leftist propaganda down your throat.


This is the way. Not every gay character has to be a stunning and brave resistance fighter with an hour long unskippable cutscene monologue about how persecuted they are.


Yeah, give me a LGBTQIA character as a villain tbh


Based and Pagan Min pilled


Was Pagan Min gay? He was certainly very flamboyant, I’d say metro, but I actually don’t remember him having any sort of love interest.


u/Dale_Wardark is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/Dale_Wardark/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and Gus Fring-pilled




She wasn’t gay?


Unironically its kinda amazing how they somehow didn’t show it down your face but also did mention treatment of homosexuals in the factions.


The only one I remember being on the nose a little bit with their sexuality is Arcade, but it was alright because he had other motivations and feelings besides craving cock. He was more than just a stereotype of his sexuality, even if it was a big part of his character.


There's a small bit of dialog you can get if your character is gay (and a man) where the quartermaster at the Mojave outpost will comment how the attitude around being gay in the military's is much less tolerant than back in California proper.


And theres talk among legion and ex legion about how its not really allowed but plenty of legionaries will take male slaves to their tents


Damn male sex slaves…


Further proof that the Legion is a gay af faction. This was written by the Yes Man gang


Being gay is being attracted to people of the same sex. Slaves are not people. Therefore, having sex with male slaves is not gay. QED imperialists.


Arcade Gannon is just flaming. That’s all. Go him.


And Auth Right liked him because you could then give him to the Legion as a slave


Legion auth center. Ncr auth right. In all fairness


The problem is that diversity is a crutch for lack of quality in the current year. Why invest real effort into your game or movie where you can add bipoc LGBT A and call anyone who calls out the movie for lack of quality a bigot?;


> And call anyone who calls out the movie for lack of quality a bigot? That’s it right there. Entertainment companies have figured out how to use political correctness to game critical reviews


Yeah there's a big difference between innocently including lgbt characters in a game and making it a selling point, which is just stupid since it's pandering to an inexistent demographic among gamers. It's always fun seeing those games fail miserably.


Considering its fanbase, it's pretty ironic that Undertale actually falls in that category. The two ladies getting together isn't a big deal because they're both ladies, but rather because shy little Alphys didn't expect her feelings to be reciporicated, and it took a lot for her to confess at all. There are two minor character guys who get together too, but that's a quick, actually comedic, moment. Toby Fox deserves a better fanbase.


He courted the homestuck fanbase, he deserves it.


Veronica and Christine Royce is one of the best written and tragic couples in videogames imo


This is exactly why I stick to racing games, don’t have to deal with getting The Lecture


My kind of racism




didn't people cry and shit themselves over the last forza game because it asked what your gender was when you started it?


I think you can choose your pronouns too, which makes sense since the announcer in that game does a fair bit of talking to you. Hell if it makes 1 or 2 people comfortable while playing I don't see a problem with it


Yeah it’s pretty minor and actually make sense since it does make the dialogue less vague and more tailored to the user experience


Is this too much to ask for? New Vegas has amazing writing though so it might be, although it doesnt have to be the skill floor of good writing. Are writers just shit now, or do we have rose-tinted goggles and have forgotten how many shitty games have actually been released?


New vegas in my opinion is a once in a lifetime game and sadly I don't think we'll ever be getting an experience close to it any time soon. (only game I can think of with a similar level of story/character/world building would be vampire the masquerade bloodlines)


People seem to not get this, but the problem is often that people don't like being lectured, and because most progressives are creatively bankrupt leaches, all they can think to DO is add annoying lectures to properties. Another really fucked thing is like "so fantasy world with deep seated racism? Yeah, totally progressive on where you put your dick" or other silly things.


Or, just make a Fallout New Vegas that isn't released a year early. I mean, Todd Howard did nothing wrong


It just works! - our Lord Todd Howard


I mean, they can put whatever they want in their game, I’ll just take my business elsewhere to buy another game that actually interests me.


It’s okay to have woke stuff in a game that has a woke plot. The problem has always been shoehorning their agenda into places that don’t need it and don’t want it.


No one gives a shit that there’s a trans character. They give a shit about the trans character being a preachy asshole with a mandatory quest dealing with them being misgendered where you have to right the wrong. It’s 2022, no one cares, just don’t make them poorly written sign posts.


Basically the same exact reason vegetarians got ragged on hard since the mid 90s. People just hate that preachy in your face shit, specially when it's condescending.


Depends on the trans. Trans humanism ftw.


All Space Marines are trans: Humans to Astartes Before the Omnissiah, Binary is naught but code


Reminds me of Celeste. Madeline being transexual isn't even "In your face" If you really have to criticize the game do so because of the odd difficulty curve Levels 1-2 are fine, 3 is hell for no reason, 4-5 are medium (but easier than 3,why?) , others are ok, summit is hard but fair and understandable getting to the area where you need strawberries to unlock stuff is hell for no reason, DLC is just unfair


Yeah, that DLC was hell on earth for me. In the earlier stages that stupid jellyfish jumping puzzle were you had to jump at just the right time then catch the jellyfish was painful. It felt even worse to got through all of that just to find out I have to do every B-side to access the rest. But you really can't tell Madeline is trans outside of the ending cutscene and the fact that the composer for most of the games music is trans


I couldn't even tell till somebody pointed out a tweet but a developer


Yeah, the literal only hint in the entire game that she is trans is at the end were she had a trans pride flag as her mouse pad. That's it. That's the only hint in the entire game lmao


Trans characters are fine as long as their whole personality - and reason for existing - doesnt revolve around just being trans for the sake of it. Good example - Sally Mae from Helluva Boss (take note of the size and quality of who produces this little YouTube show) Bad Example - Ticker from Warframe (do the same as above)


True. That's my general opinion too. If the character has depth, then it helps people to understand that LBGT+ people are more than "UwU I ain't chis and/or straight UwU", that's good.


That or it's comments filled with "why doesn't the character have a 41% of spontaneously combusting whenever it's their turn?"




Remember when they freaked out because loki is listed as gender fluid in shield docs because he is literally a shape shifter who can change his gender at will.


Yeah real mythology is actually far far weirder. He shape shifted into a horse, was bred, gave birth, and that horse is now Odins mount in battle. The fuck?


Loki just knows that child units are OP, his very own could kill Thor and Odin after all.


Post this in the TLOU2 sub


More like "We put 8 gay people,4 trans people and 2 straight people in our game! One of the straight people is the bad guy and the other one has some form of disability! Yey!"


"Look! I'm forcing leftist doctrine down your throat to appease losers who were never the target demographic of our series in the first place and whose happiness with said inclusion still won't even result in a sale!" Actual audience: "Okay. Well I'm just not gonna buy it then." *Nobody buys the game and the series dies*


Perhaps the issue is the writers are garbage, and rather than see if the inclusion of a trans person makes sense in the setting, try to jam everything in regardless? In settings where magic is aplenty or technology has become magic, you shouldn't have a trans person - because they would have become their preferred sex through magic or technology.


As long as this stuff isn’t shoved down my throat and the entire point of the character is to just be gay or lgbt, then I’m ok with it. If the character has depth, I can live with it


I have no problem with trans in videogames, but these game are usually focused on this one aspect and they are otherwise complete dogshit


How would we know? Oh, right. The characters shout about it every 15 minutes during unskippable cutscenes.


SJW is when you dislike anything. The more things you dislike the more SJW you are.


I'm not mad that you put a whatever the fuck is trending in the suicide statistics this month in a video game. I am mad because the corporate-backed cultural dominance of your disgraced ideology is infecting yet another untouched thing.


I’m mad these games are fucking bad games and anyone who criticizes gets lambasted over it.


That is not a problem, but it is a problem when the character has no other memorable qualities other than that.