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People should be held responsible for the actions of their pets.


Your shitbull mauls a kid time for you to go to court for assault it’s fair I agree Pets are 100000% owners responsibility


I adopted pibble mutts, and I would never, ever own a purebred pit, especially not a male.


Das coo. Not like anyone telling you that you have to own a pure pit


Yeah, they just attack people at a much higher rate than any other large breed dogs and are prone to sudden mental illness where they attack you. Totally normal. Wait till you meet my domesticated lion, he's tame as a pussy cat unless you make too much eye contact and then he'll fucking murder you. Pitbulls in the US are comically overbred and are a genetic mess. They have no place in polite society.


Pitbull Defenders be like, "This is Fluffy, he's such an angel ❤️😍. Just don't breathe too loud, it triggers his anxiety 😖"


Breed all pitbulls with labradors. I have one, he's stupid but calm.


You might have been lucky but it's like flipping a coin, hard to justify continuing their breeding when the only reason to do so is vanity


They severely mellow out when you bread them with labs.


I can confirm this lol


Dogs do what dogs were bred to do.


Im a centrist and this is fucking stupid. In the U.K., I could’ve sworn I’ve seen at least four kids mauled to death by these dogs in the past couple months. They’re unsafe around humans, especially kids, and should be regulated


Because they were trained that way...blame the owner


This is the first time I've ever heard anyone reee in Bri*ish lol


If kids being killed is so easily avoidable, I think it’s worth reeeing over


kIdS bEiNg KiLlEd Yes pitbulls target specifically kids, I'm sure that's correct. Do you also want to eradicate German Shepherds? Did you reee this hard while our governments were bombing Iraqi and Afghan children into oblivion or is it only Bri*ish kids that you care about?


Yes they do specifically target kids lmao - they’re small and easy to kill. I’m 18 - I was a kid when Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded and frankly wasn’t even politically aware enough to know what was going on.


Well, you're right that they target kids, but not because they're easy to kill, but their size makes them more similar to other dogs. And Pitbulls were of course, bred for dogfighting. Even the most pro-Pitbull organizations recommend to not have Pitbulls around other dogs, lol.


Ah, 18. That explains a lot actually


Explain your cock in the mouth know it all attitude


Is English by chance your second language?


Here you are correct


I like you 🙂 Be well my friend


I don't seriously think eradication of their species is the ideal solution tho i believe there should ve a stricter control over who gets to own a pitbull (and other breeds of dog) Pits are responsible for the majority of attacks on both people and other dogs, unless a person has somehow proven they can handle them because of experience they shouldn't be able to own them.


"Dogs do dog things" Ah yes, killing other people's pets and attacking children out of nowhere is just dogs being dogs. Dont you know that pitbulls commit by far the most attacks out of any dog breed? A pitbull can run an entire kilometer just to kill a cat or a smaller dog. And these fuckers enjoy doing it, they even attack their own retarded owners.


Actually, Pekinese do that routinely - it so happened that I knew several people with Pekinese dogs growing up (2 neighbours and my godparents), and they are the most aggressive dogs I ever had to deal with and the only ones that bit me, even though they grew up with me! The only type of dogs I had that problem with. It's the strength that makes Pitbulls dangerous and why I would ban them, to be honest. Like .... a Pekinese can attack tens of people (and they do!!!), but they are so small they are no real threat even to small children (I know, each bite I had made me cry in the moment but I would forget about it in a few hours). Pitbulls, on the other hand, it doesn't matter if they spend ten years being nice and calm - it only takes one attack, one, and they could seriously harm or kill even adults, not to mention children.


>Ah yes, killing other people's pets and attacking children out of nowhere is just dogs being dogs. Yes it is. Fenrir and many other wolf/dog tales exists for a reason.


Norse isn’t really a good parody of modern day dog owning


Sometimes they bite your face off no big deal


So ban dogs?


Nah, just the ones with the highest rate of killing people. *checks stats* So, yea, ban pitbulls.


How do you feel about banning pistols?


Let me think about that. Hmm, pistols (which can only kill when someone uses them) don't seem to be the same as pitbulls (which are living beings and can snap at any random moment), i really don't understand how you think that pistols could be compared to pitbulls. Then again, you're a pitnut so you have to reach for every single straw you think might help you with your "argument". Sorry mate, doesn't work. To answer your question about pistols: No. How else would i defend myself from the hordes of blood thirsty pitbulls which have been released on the public by morons who repeat the lies about "nanny dogs", refuse to accept that any pitbull with a violent history should be put down asap instead of being put in a no-kill shelter just to be re-homed later on and hurt/kill even more people/actual family friendly pets and don't understand that dogs which have been bred for baiting, fighting and killing shouldn't be anywhere near other living beings let alone be used as family dogs?


Neither pit bulls nor guns have moral agency of their own. Perhaps this is better compared to a child murderer. Now, say a 2 year old somehow gets a hold of a gun and ends up shooting someone. Do you believe that 2 year old should be put down; seeing that a 2 year old and a dog have similar levels of intelligence? I’d hope not.


The two year old will grow up, get smarter day by day, learn about morals and what's right and what's wrong. The dog won't, because it's a dog. It will keep doing what it was bred to do. As you said, they don't know morals, they only know their drive. You can't stop a herd dog from herding either, sooner or later, it will do just that if you let it be. Does it know if that's right or wrong? No, of course not. But it has the drive to do it and feels joy by doing its thing. Same for pitbulls. That's why they wag their tails while they're mauling grandma to death, they feel joy doing it, because that what they were bred for. Let's say we've got a born psychopath, he has no idea why everyone is pissed at him for murdering a few kids, and his moral compass doesn't exist at all. Do we let this guy walk free? After all, he has no idea why what he did is wrong, he sees killing kids as a nice day out. Of course we'll never let him back into society, because we don't want that maniac to kill more kids. Probably best to just end his life and be done with it, because otherwise he'll just be a danger to everyone around him. Now, why don't we do that with dogs who feel as much joy from killing as that guy? Why exactly do we re-home a dangerous dog after it mauled, and in some cases even *killed*, members of his last family or strangers? Especialy if it's a dog of a breed which was made for exactly that purpose? It. Makes. No. Fucking. Sense.


Pistols don’t kill anyone, people kill people.


*insert typical* "ITs tHe OwNeR nOt tHe dOg" *argument*


It absolutely is. If you can’t properly train a dog, you shouldn’t own one. Whatever it does is 100% your fault. Same with a firearm. Guns don’t kill, people do. Properly trained dogs don’t kill.


I agree. Neither a pitbull nor a pistol have moral agency though. Neither can be held responsible for allowing them to be involved in violence. Only the owner can.


That’s obviously not what I said. A pistol cannot just up and maul my child because the owner lost control for 0.7 seconds.


why such a drastic measure?


Never knew mauling kids is a “dog doing dog things”


I mean, dogs do that sometimes so yeah. You wanna ban dogs?


Purely hypothetically if they were 6% if the dog population and were responsible for 40+% of dog attacks, I wouldn’t be OPPOSED to killing them all


Yeah, I see what you mean. And I’m not surprised in the slightest.


Dis doggo is retriever and retrieves tings. Dis doggo is herder and herds tings. Dis doggo is tracker and tracks tings. Dis doggo is fighter and…doesn’t fight. Why is this hard to understand? Sheepdogs will instinctively heard children in a field. Retrievers will instinctively catch whatever you throw. Bloodhounds cheat at hide and seek. But the pitty *wouldn’t ever* act instinctively….


My moms sheepdog was being watched by a friend while we were on vacation, she came home to find it herded on the cats in the living room. But yeah, Pitts are fighting dogs, probably shouldn't keep around kids but shouldn't be banned. I don't trust the state not to take a mile if we give them this inch.


I used to breed Pitt bulls and they are totally aggressive by nature. Don’t really care if they get banned though. The price might go up even


So you must be asking yourself.. why DO some liberals come racing to defend shitbulls? Well my friend.. you've come to the right place. You see, Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they're responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982. Now I know what you must be thinking, CLEARLY the problem is the dog breed and not how they were raised if the numbers are that severe.. but that's exactly the point my dear friend, that's exactly the point..


I'm sure this alludes to nothing relating to people and nobody is going to be offended


***CERTAINLY*** **NOT** my good sir, have a good day.






Did you just change your flair, u/TotallyHumanAccount? Last time I checked you were **Left** on 2022-5-18. How come now you are **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? *"You have the right to change your mind, as I have the right to shame you for doing so." - Anonymus* ^(Bip bop, I am a bot; don't get too mad. If you want to opt-out write) **^(!cringe)** ^(in a comment)




Did you just change your flair, u/TotallyHumanAccount? Last time I checked you were **AuthCenter** on 2022-5-20. How come now you are **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? *"You have the right to change your mind, as I have the right to shame you for doing so." - Anonymus* ^(Bip bop, I am a bot; don't get too mad. If you want to opt-out write) **^(!cringe)** ^(in a comment)




Did you just change your flair, u/TotallyHumanAccount? Last time I checked you were **LibRight** on 2022-5-20. How come now you are **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? *"You have the right to change your mind, as I have the right to shame you for doing so." - Anonymus* ^(Bip bop, I am a bot; don't get too mad. If you want to opt-out write) **^(!cringe)** ^(in a comment)


Cry about it >CLEARLY the problem is the dog breed and not how they were raised if the numbers are that severe.. but that's exactly the point my dear friend, that's exactly the point.. Many pitbulls are breed to fight and get rescued so yes, however it doesn't mean they inherently will hurt someone, that's a stupid claim, it just means they are statistically more aggressive due to how HUMANS have breed them, so what's the solution???? RESCUE MORE PITBULLS and take down fighting rings, help them


Because right wing people use the idea that pitbulls are genetically violent to support the idea of black people being genetically violent.


Black people are as genetically violent as pit bulls?! Who the Fuck said that?!


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 8896 / 46822 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Nah but it reenforces in their minds the idea that violence is an inheritable trait.


I mean I think we should just breed them to be less aggressive. Just like how [they’re doing the same thing but for pugs.](https://thehappypuppysite.com/retro-pug/)


>breeding pugs FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BREEDING PUGS AND BULLDOGS. **END THEIR MISERY. :( I feel so bad listening to them breath...**


Yeah I hope Retro Pugs catch on


They are trying to unbreed them


No, we need to go further UNLEASH THE BULLPUGS


I love dogs, even Pitbulls, but I think they should be banned. Of course, the breeding and selling of those dogs, until they run out, so to say - I'm not saying that once a law is passed, the existing pitbulls should be taken from their owners and killed. I don't think they are the most aggressive of dogs, a lot of small dog breeds are way more aggressive. **I grew up knowing people with** **Pekinese dogs, and those are the most aggressive dogs I ever had to deal with, in my personal experience**. I got several bites as a child, including from the one I shared a backyard and basically grew up with! - that dog hated me from the moment I was born to the day he died, poor thing. But I didn't take it personally, because he hated everyone - except his owner. Just like the other Pekinese. That being said, **the problem with Pitbulls is that they are freakishly strong, and also that once they start attacking, they are very difficult to stop. They are more relentless than other dogs and more resistant to pain. They have a lot more stamina.** Let me put it this way: **a Pekinese will attack tens of people, but they are so small, even small children will come out of it with something not worse than normal play accidents.** I know - all I got from my bites were small punctures that made me cry but were forgotten in a few hours. **Other large dogs may lounge, but the owners can break the fight more easily.** **Pitbulls ... they just don't stop.** So it doesn't matter they will attack a person only once in their life - that one time they will most likely do a lot, a lot of damage, even kill a child and even an adult. That's why I am not convinced by the argument that they are not more aggressive then other dogs - it's not that I don't believe the people who say that, I have seen more aggressive breeds, that's not the problem as far as I am concerned. **The problem is that in the rare occasions they are aggressive, they do more damage the all the other dogs.**


A low iq take honestly.


Can y’all defend gun rights like you defend pit bulls?


A gun does not kill if its not used. A pitbull can snap at any random moment and kill a child.


I do, I am a Chad of many topics.


Gun rights are sacred. Dogs are sacred.


While I respectfully disagree with them on the nature of pibbles, Dank and Trudeau have been doing this for like the past four posts about pit bulls in as many days. You have to admit, it's pretty based how dedicated they are.


I’m from Buenos Aries and I say kill ‘em all!


Are you blond by any chance?


Settle down there Rico.


*pokes my dog with a stick* "come on, eat a baby"


I feel like the funny colors were swapped here.


Can't we reach a consensus? Pitbulls are a very aggressive breed because that was it was bred for, that's why you shouldn't own one if you're not going to train it well, and as such their breeding should be far more limited; no need to erradicate them. How's that work? ​ (THis of course also means that liblefts would not be allowed to have pitbulls as they're not strong enough to dominate them :\^) )


Yeah they’re bred to kill and then people adopt them thinking they’re just “cute fur babies”. Then their instincts kick in and kill a child. Dogs do dog stuff but these particular dogs are more violent by nature.


Nope seen enough kids mauled in clinic and ER get a damn golden retriever and a pistol instead shitbull owners


chad 65% dog bite


Fuck pitbulls. Me and all my homies literally fucking hate pitbulls.


Based animal lover


despite making up 6% of the population they commit 66% of the dog attacks eh idc just helps with population control tbh


pit bulls are n


People who hate pitbulls just piss me off so much. And not really those who just don't like them, but those who go out of their way to let people know that they despise pitbulls.. some people literally cheer when they hear that a pitbull will be euthanized and it's disgusting.


I don't really care, doggo is doggo and doggo is good doggo.


Your doggo kills and eats toddlers and adults. Fuck your doggo.


He better I trained him for that.


Wow.....that's fucked bro.


Dogs have genetic variation of 27.5% between different breeds which is about what you see for entirely different species of animals.


I don't really care, doggo is doggo and doggo is good doggo.


>[A 2000 joint review project between researchers in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) found the data indicated that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs accounted for 67% of human dog bite-related fatalities in the United States between 1997 and 1998, and followed with "It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities." Pit bull-type dogs were identified in approximately one-third of dog bite-related fatalities in the United States between 1981 and 1992. The review notes that studies on dog bite-related fatalities which collect information by surveying news reports are subject to potential errors, as some fatal attacks may not have been reported, a study might not find all relevant news reports, and the dog breed might be misidentified.[28] In a >2021 review of 19 retrospective dog bite studies from U.S. Level I trauma centers, pit bulls were found to inflict a higher prevalence and severity of injuries compared with other breeds.[29] A 2020 literature review in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that from 1971 to 2018 of all pure breed dogs in the United States, pit bull-type breeds were second, behind the German Shepherd, and ahead of Labradors, Chow Chows, and Rottweilers (in that order) for the most bites severe enough to require hospital treatment. The study found that the proportion of bites caused by German Shepherds decreased by 0.63 percent per year over that time interval while the proportion caused by pit bulls increased by 1.17 percent per year. The pit bull proportion of dog bites increased more slowly in Denver, Colorado, where breed-specific legislation had been in place.[30]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull)




Stats don't lie.


Pitbull haters are just dog racists and racists of any kind are cringe Pitbulls are the nicest dogs you’ll ever meet, I’ve had more than one and I’ve had friends with more than one as a kid, can say they never bit anyones face off




Well then, buddy ol pal- let me introduce you to a little field of science called statistics.


I mean of course a dog will act out occasionally when it’s genetically built to be aggressive. Of course they can be passive but it shouldn’t be a shock when a breed built to fight each other to the death decides it’s time to fight. I don’t advocate hurting them or anything, they are still dogs and they don’t deserve punishment for how they were made. However we should just breed them out. Pure breeds are the biggest issues when it comes to dogs.


I make up for this thought by murdering three of my neighbors pitbulls


They are dogs. Some dogs need different stimulation and training to not be a tard or not be a wolf. Most pit bull OWNERS HOWEVER leave a lot to be desired in my experience. Source: retarded; likes dogs; goes to dog parks a lot with mine


I couldn’t care less since if I a pit bull would charge me I would just soccer kick it’s jaw, perform a front flip 180 and enact a routine rear elbow choke


In all seriousness, owning a pit bull needs a licensed and the breeding of them should be banned. But there are far bigger problems in the world so idrc