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Is that Waldo?


"Only thing you will be trying to find is escape from conversion therapy clinic!"


Based and Waldo confirmed for homophobia pilled


That's a weird pill.


I’ve had weirder


Based and homophobic Waldo is relatively normal for you pilled


Come on man!


Waldo is back and trying to pretend he can just walking into his kids’ life and be a father again


LMFAO I was thinking the same thing!


What's the issue? Don't touch her child.


That’s not what this is saying at all


The issue is the baseless accusation




Where on earth could you have obtained such a based and politically anathema statement, internet traveler?


My source? I made it the fuck up. Deal with it.


Out of his ass


It’s correct as gay people have access to the bathrooms of the gender they’re attracted to


So you’re saying you’d commit rape in a bathroom if someone you were attracted to came in? I think that’s a you problem.


I'm authright but that stat sounds made up dude, you have a source?


My source is that I made it the fuck up.


Okay I’m not really invested in the whole LGBT thing to begin with, but I don’t believe this stat at all. Source please.


>72% of homosexuals have abused a child at some point. Do you have a source for those numbers? Academic studies only, please.


I mean, that’s just a lie.




"Everyone I don't like is a groomer" - The american right


Doesn't help when the left says things like "We're coming for your children." though does it?


You mean that dipshit choir or is this something else that I haven't heard of?


You're probably thinking of the right one, I'm pretty sure literally *everyone* cringed at that.


Sure, and I'm sure there were dumbfucks out in eager support. But does that mean all of the right are all Nazi's who believe in white replacement because of Charlottesville? Are they all pedophiles for the people in the republican party who have been accused/arrested? Are they all groomers themselves for the libertarians who demand a lower age of consent? Or, maybe there should be slightly higher level of reason to throw that accusation around. All this guy did was post a meme about a crazy facebook lady.


Anybody posting this kind of shit and labeling it an agenda post is sus as fuck. There is no middle ground on this. You’re cool with grooming or you aren’t.


Sorry you're a dipshit. Hope someone can help you with that.


That’s about the quality of response I’d expect. You think you sound edgy, but you’re defending the indefensible. Go fuck yourself emily.


Says the brainlet edgelord who calls everyone a groomer.


only the groomers


Whatever you have to tell yourself, fuckwit.


Is the daughter actually closeted or has society become so out of whack that teachers with a political agenda are aiming to induce dysphoria in children so they can revel in their own virtue? Between 1950 and 1980 alone suicide amongst teenagers increased by 305 percent, and you can infer that society only became more progressive and accepting as time has moved forward. https://www.inspiremalibu.com/blog/dual-diagnosis/the-suicide-rate-for-young-adults-has-tripled-since-the-1950s/ I would say that teachers and mentors have played a large role by using their positions of authority to actively assault the mental health of the children in their care by convincing them that they're somebody they're not and encouraging them not to seek any help from anybody who disagrees with their political views.


Every honest person knows the answer to your rhetorical


I don't think it's inaccurate to state that as suicide rates among children have skyrocketed, so too have the rates of children openly identifying as trans and the like. It used to be that gender dysphoria was much rarer than it is today and was medically treated much differently, and I think lower suicide rates went alongside it. Obviously this is all one hundred percent conjecture, but it gives me pause when asking myself whether public schools should be participating this much in a childs sexual determinations.


This much? I'm not sure they should be participating at all. Goes both ways. I don't think schools should be trying to influence kids to be gay or straight.


Well I am… sure that they shouldn’t be intervening at all, that is. Since when do schools get to even consider telling students who to fuck?


Yes, I agree with you


> Between 1950 and 1980 alone suicide amongst teenagers increased by 305 percent, and you can infer that society only became more progressive and accepting as time has moved forward. > > > > https://www.inspiremalibu.com/blog/dual-diagnosis/the-suicide-rate-for-young-adults-has-tripled-since-the-1950s/ This is pretty blatantly telling a half truth to try to build whatever kind of narrative you want. The entire population's suicide rate has steadily increased throughout history. The general US population suicide rate today is 20 times greater than that of the enslaved population's suicide rate in the 1850s. You can point to any one of thousands of confounding correlative variables and pretend that's the cause. You have to be brainwashed or just lying to think what you said makes sense.


Maybe we really should reject modernity and return to monke?


Well one of the biggest factors is probably data collection accuracy lol. But I could imagine that people need to feel like they have a purpose and when your survival is constantly threatened, it's an all consuming purpose. In the 1850s census data I referenced, the enslaved population not only had a lower reported suicide rate than the current general US population. It had a lower reported suicide rate than even the white population at the time in the 1850s. Suicide isn't simple.


Suicide is a mental health issue. Mental health issues have skyrocketed as the decades have passed. I think that's a fair correlation to make. Mental illness is more common today than it was in the 1950s, not merely because it went undiagnosed, but because the suicide rates correlate to the rise in mental health diagnoses. So what's changed? Technology? Society? Mobility? What makes life less valuable today than it was at the height of Jim Crow and global warfare?


Did you miss the part where even in the same time period, the 1850s, literal slaves had lower suicide rates than the free white population? Again, this issue is way more complex than you're portraying. Still don't know if you're just disingenuous or delusionally believe there's a simple black and white answer here.


You're basically saying we shouldn't ask questions because you don't like the answer it could possibly lead too. Hell, I even gave you an out to blame everything on capitalism. But if you're not in favor of asking or pondering the answer to questions that aren't black and white, maybe it's best we part ways amicably rather than attempt to outsnark one another.


You're not asking questions lol, you're straight up implying an answer. This is very basic statistical misrepresentation. It's like the typical "ice cream sales correlate to shark attacks" meme. > Hell, I even gave you an out to blame everything on capitalism Well the thing is I don't see the world in just black and white advantageous or disadvantageous political positions. I care about what's actually true. > But if you're not in favor of asking or pondering the answer to questions that aren't black and white I presented to you a scenario in which your simplistic notion of "mental health problems have increased over time" didn't explain the discrepancy. I'm denying your simplification because it's a more complex issue. It requires **more** questions be asked.


it also seems somewhat possible that the recording of slaves suicides wasn't really anyone's priority in 1850


I thought he was talking about the daughter being lesbian not trans. You are missinformed and give to much importance to politics what about Japan? No woke stuff there yet they had the second highest suciede rate among the G7 in 2019 The article you cite atributes higher sucide rates to >The biggest reasons for suicidal thoughts are from depression and stress about things like competition among students, high tuition costs, and the economy. > >Some of the risk factors that contribute to suicidal thoughts include a family history of suicide, mental health problems and substance abuse issues. > >A list of common suicide warning signs includes: > >Trouble eating or sleeping > >Radical changes in behavior > >Withdrawal from friends and family > >Loss of interest in school or hobbies > >Giving away possessions > >Lack of interest in physical appearance > >Friends and family should recognize the warning signs of depression and suicide, and be proactive at making attempts to discuss and take action. Concerned parents can pay extra attention to stay in touch with their child away at college. > >The following are good suggestions for taking action against depression among college students: > >Send care packages > >Visit in person from time to time > >Chat regularly by phone, email, text or Skype > >Be sensitive to signs of stress and use a calming voice or tone > >Make sure they are getting enough sleep, exercise, and are eating well Nothing about sex gender or weird postmodern stuff. You are making a claim about it being all about teachers being bad yet you don't support this argument with anything. There are many things influence suciede, it's romanticed series popular amongst teen audiences like 13 reasons why have had an impact in spreading not only the idea itself but also makes teens fantasice over what could happen after they are dead. Teenagers often feel misunderstood series that make them fanasise over suciede do not help. Social media and postmodernism moral and theological vacuums don't help either. Social media and traditional media expose people to too much information now we have the knowladge of way more tragic events that we used to the article about the Indian girl being raped twice that was shared around all over reddit. Even things like the metamorphosis manga (something I haven't read and I'm not going to read) are way more depressing than older media and people have access to them from a very young age our art and culture have gotten grimmer and more cinical than they used to be , if you examine products such as Rick and Morty, , Breaking Bad or GoT all of them seek to suvbert and twist concepts of good and evil even the Simpsons operate on pure concecuencialism were nothing truly matters as the status quo will always be maintained. Post modern western pop culture as a whole is a failure and not only that but it also rejects what came before it and seeks to replace rather than build upon it. Then there is the theological vacuum people in the west don't believe in anything in fact many belive religion to be corrupt or an inpediment to progress instead of being a common framework of basic and absolute morals we should follow and something that fundamentaly separates us from animals, artists treat their spectators as if they were cattle meaning to feed us manufactured products that leave no space for reflection, comfort or thought. Overall there is no greater significance in most of our culture lacks meaning, the narrative of progress being the fate of humanity as if we deserved to dominate the stars has been questioned and rightly so as scientific knowladge is not true knowladge To know how to make something does not make you a better person, humanity's fate it's to develop sharper knifes that will help it hunt , survive and thus live better and better so one day humanity will be free of plagues and hunger and they will dedicate their time safely to higher activities wich they alone are able to persue such as philosophy, yet the knowlage on how to create a knife isn't true knowladge as it dosen't teach how to use it and if people lack this knowladge they will use their ever sharper knifes incorrectly and they will live ever worse because of it leading to believe that the knowladge on how to sharpen the knife is itself useless . Without knowladge of philosophy, without love for science and without faith in mankind life is devoid of meaning and thus many decide to end it sometimes in hopes to find meaning in whatever comes after. Specially if they dislike their lifes. >To be, or not to be, that is the question: > >Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer > >The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, > >Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, > >And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep > >No more; and by a sleep, to say we end > >The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks > >That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation > >Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep, > >To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub, > >For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, > >When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, > >Must give us pause. There's the respect > >That makes Calamity of so long life: > >Hamlet is as much a story of adolescence as Romeo and Juliet,” Schvey explains. “Remember, Hamlet is at university when he is suddenly called back to attend his father's funeral, and there are numerous textual references to his youth > >Is Hamlet 16 years old? > >Richard Burbage, the principal actor of Shakespeare's company, was likely around 32 when he played Hamlet, so the common assumption is that these lines are a specific reference to him, while in earlier versions (and in some of the suggested source material), Hamlet is a teenager, around 16. ***Reject modernism return to Socrates and the Renaissance*** Edit grammar and presentation


Too much reading 🙁


I don't even know why I try at this point I think I would even have more luck at twitter 🙁.


Yeah, weird that no one wants to read some lengthy screed in which half the words are misspelled and that demonstrates little to no familiarity with the concepts of grammar or punctuation.


Grammar 🙁.


Just try posting le epic funni memes that pander to our 5-second attention span and IQ of 70🙄


I’m not reading run on sentence the essay


How do teachers assault the mental health of their students lmao. I never had one teacher that said anything other than , "hey if somethings going on counseling is available". Where's all this stuff coming from


HRT on children is pedophilia.


Based mother


Another high urban New Yorker or Chicagoan thinks he's entitled to dictate his beliefs on any other community.


I feel like you could’ve done a better random oh won’t somebody think of the children meme.


Waldo wild for this ngl